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Godawari-11, Lalitpur
Mid-Term Exam- 2080
Bachelor/Humanities/BCA- V F.M. 60
Introduction of management P.M. 30

Introduction of management
Group 'B'
Attempt any SIX questions. 6*5=30
1. What is management? Explain the feature of management.
2. Managers need to adopt contingency theory. Explain.
3. What is planning? Explain the process of planning.
4. Define communication. What are the barriers of effective communication in
any organization? Explain.
5. What is leadership? Explain various qualities of leadership.
6. Explain the two factor theory of motivation.
7. Explain various problems of effective control.

Group 'C'
Attempt any two questions. 2*10=20
8. Decision making is very important managerial function. With the statement;
discuss the meaning and process of decision making. Also explain the process
of decision making.
9. What do you mean by managerial skills? What type of skills are essential for a
successful manager. Explain.
10. What do you mean by organizational change? Why do employees resist
to change in an organization?
Godawari-11, Lalitpur
Mid-Term Exam- 2080
Bachelor/Humanities/BCA- V Name :- ______________________
Introduction of management Roll No :- ____________________
Group 'A'
All the questions are compulsory. [1*10=10]
1. The first function of management is ………………
a. Planning
b. organizing
c. directing
d. controlling
2) Hygiene Theory of Motivation is developed by ………………..
a. F.W. Taylor b. Abraham Maslow c. Frederic Herzberg d. Adam Smith
3) Benchmarking is the process of …………………
a. planning b. Controlling c. TQM d. Motivation
4) Who was the father of scientific management?
a. F.W .Taylor
b. A.V. Daisy
c. Henry Fayol
d. Max weber
5) The administrative theory of management was developed by ……………….
a. Max weber b. Henry Fayol c. F.W. Taylor d. Mary Parker
6) Which is the first step of communication process?
a. Massage b. Sender c. Receiver d. Encoding
7) Need hierarchy theory of motivation is developed by …………….
a. F.W. Taylor b. Abraham Maslow c. Frederic Herzberg d. Ram Nath Kovind
8) Outsourcing means ……..
a. Hiring employee from outside when needed c. Firing employee when needed
b. Improve employee's performance d. Improve productivity of organization
9) The first step of decision making is called …
a. Taking correct decision c. identifying alternatives
b. selection of alternatives d. problem identifying
10) Which is the first step of planning process?
a. Evaluating the alternative b. selection of alternative
c. planning d. Establishes goals

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