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1Jervell lange syndrome- mentioned about the defect in delayed rectifier potassium channel

in the question .what does the patient have? SNHL

2A question on chi square test- categories HTN and no HTN

3Bell's curve .what lies above 1 SD?16%

4A child has cancer. There is a new clinical trial going on . You want the child to participate in
it. What is needed ? consent from mother and accent from child

5You want low false negative .what should specifity and sensitivity be? 80 n 85;;; 70 n 90 ;;;60
n 99 etc

6Child with recurrent b. cepaci and staph infection. What does the child have? NADPH oxidase
deficiency (or MPO deficiency

7Changes in HDL LDL and total cholesterol on taking trans fat

8Retinitis pigmentosa c/v .status of grandparents and mother unknown and father affected
and son is also affected. –AD inheritance

9What is the abnormality in bullima nervosa ? Hypoglycemia hypocalcemia hypokalemia

10Pain mediated by PGE2

11Fever mediated by PGE2

12C/v of bipolar disorder

13History of diarrhea in truk driver .Loperamide n ors given.What do u do next? Wait and
watch stool culture for ova and cyst

14Breathin by mouth .What happens to

Prevention of >10 mic particle from reachin deonward –dec

Impaction of 5-10mic particle- inc

Cough reflex- inc

15Di George syndrome c/v.

16Jersey fenger injury. Which nerve? Ulnar

17Polycythermia vera-aquagenic pruritis Jak stat pathway mutation

18Histology of cavernous hemangioma

19Itching after surgery-morphine

20Pic of mycoides fungoides. In c/v given is the term" cerebreform nuclei"

21Patient intubated ,good chance of recovery .Has DNR 10 yrs back . what to do
next?---'''extubate immediately"" coz DNR once given is valid life long .

22Tenofovir –is a amp analogue or –is absorbed unchanged(confused)

23Countertransference c/v. patient reminds a medical student of his dead father.

24C/V on transference

25C/V of von gierke disease . hypoglycemia hypertriglyceridemia etc.

26MSM , bloody diarrhea . in colonoscopy ulcers and erythrma present : t/t Metron

27Typical c/v of toxoplasmosis: intracranial calcification hydrocephalus chorioretinitis? How

could it be prevented? Avoiding undercooked meat

28PBS of plasmodium falciparum. Coz multiple rings in single rbc

29Test to be done before cetuximab

30Aplastic anemia cv.Mentioned about the southern blot. What is the mutation in
ribonucleoprotein ? telomerase

31Patent on statin ezetimibe . what to add next? Cholestyramine

32Mentioned was tender thyroid . Had to choose the ongoing reaction in thyroid? Granuloma

33Wegners clinical vignette- antibody against cytoplasm of neutrophil

34 2Pressure volume loop. Was confusing to me.

35Clinical vignette of herpes simplex .Asked was moa of acyclovir

36Pt on ribavirin and inferferon alpha , which hepatitis ? HCV

37c/v on brocas area. Had to identify the area on brain

38Diver. Accidently used the other gas- Nitrogen or helium toxicity.

39Changes with use of ace inhibitor ? rennin angiotensin I and II

40 Why rocuronium better than vecuronium? Faster onset

41 Difference between physo and neostigmine? Bbb crossing stuff

42Hyperkalemia ECG of CKD patient

43Only one HS. Normal heart sound.

44Thyroid hormone receptor- Intra nuclear

45AIDS patient . CNS findings with cd 21 positive cells . which virus? EBV. Primary CNS

46Factitious disorder by proxy. Insulin related stuff

47Fibroid . Given is the gross n microscopy. Chance of progression to malignancy

48CTS in jwellery worker. Pain in flexion of wrist

49FAS-smooth philtrum n all

50Female brought with chest pain and mild SOB. H/o dm HTN etc.-vitals were normal –aortic
aneurysm pneumothorax pericarditis and all .

51Malocclusion of teeth. I chose early falling of deciduous teeth but other option was
recurrent dental caries too

52Problem in nuclear envelop. Nuclear laminin defect

53c/v of peripheral neuropathy in pt taking INH. Features as dementia and ataxia were
present too.b6 b12 deficiency

54Omeprozole C/V . Blocks H plus K plus ATPase

55What to monitor in patent on clozapine ? HBa1c

56Keloid.Drug to target TGF beta

57AD drug- donepezil

58Basal insulin control with which drug? Glargine

59X ray showing air filled stomach . only single bubble. Esophageal atresia / duo atresia/ anal
atresia. Chose esophageal atresia taking in account TEF association

60Indirect inguinal hernia in a child

61Meningomyelocele, child does not move leg on skin prick- defect in neurulation

62CT scan . given was white densities. Which virus- JC

63Gross brain stem . Had to identify vagus nerve

64Features s/o CN v1 cn3 defect lesion where? Cavernous sinus. Other options were brain
stem cerebellopontine angle

65c/v of GAD, pt doesnot want dependence and withdrawl as side effect which drug to give?

66victim of sexual abuse. When asked says this happens or sth like that- isolation of affect

67CV of MDD
68Accessory spleen derived from? Dorsal mesentery

69ITP in HIV patient

70c/v of ascitis raised liver enzymes jaundice. Mentioned was the term" periportal fibrosis" .

71sth released from endothelium inhibiting coagulation. Thrombomodulin

72How to strengthen supraspinatous? Abduction

73Comparision between synovial fluid of septic arthritis and synovial effusion in marathon
runner. What is dec in septic arthritis synovial fluid- glucose

74Coronory vessel shown. f/s/o mi . Reperfusion done .What has increased in the specimen-
calcium all other were incompatible options as cytochrome pyrophosphate etc

75Gout CV ,what is the cause of pain and swelling? Direct injury by the needle shaped crystals
(chose this) lysosomal enzyme release from the neutrophil

76Population having HBS ab positive , study done to know the epidemiology and natural
history of hepatitis B virus- I chose case control

77R=0.2 n p=0.02 weakly correlated and stastistically significant

78ADHD, Your response- ADHD is associated with learning difficulty

79B12 deficiency defect in DNA formation ( chose this) defect in homocysteine formation

80Retinoblastoma picture in child. What does the defective gene do. Binds E2F

81Woman with fragile x syndrome features, Now has premature ovarian failure – what will u
do next – FSH

82Mutation on cftr gene- chlorid content of gi secretion dec and viscosity inc

83Coronal section of mamillary haemorrhage + ataxia and so on ;deficiency

of vit B1

84AIDS patient punched out ulcer in cv and histo of eosinophilic inclusions in cytoplasm- cmv
(HSV was not given)

85 H?O Staph infection , Now features of sepsis,Now back pain . Numbness of foot
present .what to do next MRI spine

86TB patient what to give? HRZE regimen

87Pt with osteoarthritis anti DNA positive RF positive anti CCP negative . cause?

88Dec T regs

89PSGN cv finding? Dec c3

90pt with small pox vaccine . Years later still has antibody due to – Not given about the
memory B cell but mentioned sth about the germinal follicles where memory B cell localizes.
Other options—Memory cd4 t cell .long lived plasma cell and cd8 t cells

91Cv of pku not relieved by diet restriction. Whats the defect? Recycling of BH4

92Patient with repaired aortic aneurysm- both staph and salmonella given but mentioned was
gram negative rod

93DNA virus that doesnot integrate into the host DNA – adeno

94Red feet occupation? Swimming pool

95 2 pic of histoplasma. Same pic asked was the dx in both of them

96Ulcer near the eye . mentioned was inc calcium and non caseating granuloma- sarcoidosis

97Amyloidosis in multiple myeloma. What is excreted in urine- kappa light chain

98Inc alp in new born. Calcium and phosphate low but no bone abnormality .source – placenta
chose this/bone

99Another same qn alp raised and other liver enzymes deranged –pathology in the bile duct

100Given was vd and clearace . time taken for steady state conc- 5x t1/2

101Graph showing inc HR and INC AV conduction no effect on ventricular contractibility-

which drug – antimuscarinic

102Statin inhibits- cyp 3a4

103Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency . emphysema in 40 years –gene pimz

104 2 question on serum sickness 1 after infliximab another after rabies vaccine

105Inc serum creatinine which drug? Cyclosporine

106Patient on vanco develop flushing mechanism? Histamine release form the mast cells

107Ecthyema gangrenosum picture. The first step of rxn by macrophage mediated by cd14

108Experimental qn . substance which inhibit necrosis inhibit- autophagy or membrane pump

109Mentioned in the cv was the nuclear fragmentation and cellular shrinkage. Apoptosis

110Restrictive lung disease with normal dlco- Neuromuscular dysfunction

111Moa of letrozole . dec estrogen formation from androgen

112NBME pic of hydronephosis

113Pyelonephritis cv with ct of parenchymal striation, wheres the defect ? renal parenchyma

114Gross of RCC- what is the additional features evident? Inc epo

115Inc urinary ph with recurrent infection which stone is most likely to be present? Struvite

116v2 to v6 ma ST segment elevation. Which artery is involved ? LAD

117ECG of premature atrial contration .From where does the premature beat arise- atria

118 30 yr old man with features of systolic crescendo decrescendo murmur. What is present in
him? Bicuspid aortic valve

119In cv mentioned is the defect in development of meckels cartilage . The pt has defect in
development of which muscle- tensor veli palatine

120Mid systolic click mentioned in the cv – pointing to mvp

121Calcification present on ? anterior mediastinum- Had to identify from ap and lateral view
of x ray

122Which muscle raise thumb from table – epl

123Trendelenburg sign pic- superior gluteral nerve injury of left side

124Corticosteroid dec all arachnoid acid lt pgs,(arrow qn)

125IN liver cirrhosis what infiltrates the hepatocytes. Lymphocytes

126Brachial plexus blockade between anterior and middle scalene muscle

127Osteomalacia. Pth given changes in calcium phosphorus and 24 hydroxy vit d normal or
dec (confused)

128Cv of hypothyroidism. Weight gain hair fall dry skin and so on

129Psgn cv which organism cause this- gabhs

130Pic of oral thrush in a patient taking ics for asthma- candida albicans

131Painless indurated ulcer on glans penis . dgm shows corkscrew motility – t/t penicillin

132Pt takin g diphenhydramine has urinary retention and constipation what is the cause –
antagonism of muscarinic receptor

133Cv of migratory superficial thrombophlebitis – pancreatic carcinoma

134Group x and y . group x heavily trained . muscle biopsy ma increased cross sectional areal
and weight but not in y . what is the cause ? hypertrophy

135Graph showing v hcg and tsh in pregnancy with dec in tsh as hcg inc whats the cause?
Structural similarity with tsh

136Pheo cg hematocrit inc glucose inc insulin dec

137Addisons cv decient hormone act through which receptor- nuclear receptor

138Memvranous vsd repair which structure injured av bundle or tricuspid valve

139Peripartum woman with s3 and dcm features – dcm

140Teen age girl ask for ocp and asks not to tell her mother- ask what she knows about safe

141Cv of autoimmune gastritis. Antibody against intrinsic factor

142A lady with frequent bulky stool . sudan stain shows inc fat content folate dec but b12
normal dx – celiac diasease

143Malaria cv monocyte shows black pigment –what is the pigment composed of hb

144Rodenticide poisoning what is affected – gamma carboxylation of glutamic acid reissue

145obess man says ' could u prescribe a diet plan I have looked in the net about it too '

146Inv of choice in a young female with mi- tox scan

147A nurse with mass on biopsy suggestive of malignancy . doc informed her but she still
continues to talk about the cough- denial

148Scabies pic had to dx

149Middle medullary syndrome cv. Had to identify the area in the coronal section

150Mi . u are in the rural hospital what to prescribe- tenecteplase

151Cv of inc direct bilirubin in 6 month old child? Defect asked in bile duct( biliary atresia)

152Refractory hiccup. Surgery done which nerve to be resected phrenic

153Features of rhf and lhf present. But given was a picture of tip of fingers asked the
diagnosis – scleroderma

154Neural tube formation occur in which week 4 th week

155Calculation of rrr

156 rta patient .vaccines given to prevent- sepsis

157 pt with osteomalacia. What to check for after treatment with vit d?urine calcium or
serum 25 hydroxy cholecalciferol

158Stroke volume and preload is dec which drug ? nitroglycerine

159Km is increased and vmax is almost same. What type of drug is it? Competitive
160 a mayeor of city wants toprevent asthma attack in children what to do? Replace with
diesel engine vehicles and electrical one

16115 month old child stand with support and says mama baba- reassure mother aor assess for
developmental delay

162A proton in cytosol what would you do to secrete it ? add gene to 5 end of the protein

163Isotretinion role in acne-dec sebum production

164Panic attak cv with tetany what happens to free calcium total calcium pth

165Ganglia in dorsum of hand which nerve involved ? radial nerve

166Nephrogenic di ko graph . Both adh and serum osmolarity increases

167Woman with pcos . what happens in day 21 – dec progesterone

168Coiled glands present in endometrium . had to identify the phase in the menstrual cycle

169 cv of perioral papules with picture not relieved by steroid.dx folliculitis

170 pbs of all . and clinical vignette with pt of age 8

171 pbs of iron deficiency anaemia

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