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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

To the good people, may Allah protect them and take care of them and direct their steps.

Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you. Greetings and after /

I raise my appeal to Allah Almighty, then to your honorable position, in which we seek from Allah and
then from you generosity and humanity, and that is what we know about you and your generous human
attitudes, from which you seek the satisfaction of Allah Almighty, so I ask Allah to make it in The balance
of your good deeds, and charity on behalf of you, your parents, your living and your dead, and this is
what I heard about you of your love to help all those in need and to do good deeds, and for this reason I
present my request to the people of good and I hope that you will consider it with an eye of
compassion, and offer me a hand of help and assistance Were it not for the circumstances that
compelled me to do that speech, what is hidden from you of the difficult matters of life, the harsh
conditions and the necessities of living, which I am not able to provide and I do not have enough income
to cover them, and I do not have the wreckage of the world except for the face of Allah Almighty. And
that is why I was forced to write this letter and extend a helping hand from you, and we know that your
hands participate in goodness and giving to the children of this country, and to everyone who takes
refuge in you from the Islamic nation, and we know that you are keen to provide assistance to the
needy, so I appeal to you by Allah and ask you for mercy and mercy The humane and paternal gesture,
to provide assistance to me for the sake of Allah Almighty, and I ask Allah to grant you gardens of bliss,
may Allah protect you and protect you with His care.

I have been struggling financially for four to five years now and i have tried several options for financial
help. However i have been unsuccessful and therefore I am wiring this letter. There are many reasons
why I am in this situation. some of them I am a married man having two kids, I stay with my mother
who's old and together with two sisters, two young brothers and four children that are orphans. During
rain season and hit of cyclone Freddy our family house collapsed and i can not manage to rebuild our
house again because of finance problem.

My monthly income is not even enough to take care of my family for monthly basics need

I would like very much appreciate your help in any way you can, wether it is your zakat, sadaqah or lillah
and you can contact me directly on the contact written below

+265 995016276

+265 882795825

Thank you for taking the time to consider my situation and I look forward to hearing from you soon
Your sincerely

Abdul rasheed alee arabi


Abdul rasheidi alee alabie

National bank of malawi

A/c 1006236018


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