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1- Down syndrome with pedigree…then

asked about geotype of fetus ?

2-diplopia, red tarry stool, and give u
pressure supine and standing up"I
remember that thre was not that great
differnce" ad then asked what pituitary
hormoe dysfunction ???? this is the most
wiered q I met I the exam !!!
3-neutronasmitter movement from axon
to nerve terminal, hats repsonsiple for
movemet ? kinin or dynin
4-guy who is sprinter …and a prient with
HTN, whats In common btw them ?
Hypertrophy or pulse rate
5-long q,,hiking,rash on palms ad sole,not
sure about sex habit but I maby without
condoms lymphadenopathy wahts DX
?syphlis or caosaxcivirus or lyme
6-immigrant from india, productive
couph, hematuria, urine culture was
negative , MO ? A: TB
7-15 year with painful mouth ulcer ,this is
the same as ? A:pemphigus vulgaris
B:inflammatory bowel disease ..i picked
8-profuse water diahhry unreposive for
loperamide ,,,given labs there was
hypokalema,,,whats responsible ?A;VIP
9-threre was pic of acid fastess positive
MO, couph…..? A:aspergillus B:nocardia is
the answer bcz there was filamentous MO
9-whats act on smooth muscle cell to
move food from stomach down ?A:CCK B:
10-there was a histogram and asked from
u to calculate median…I was have no time
so picked randomly
11-200 pt splitted into 2 half group …thre
was 15 pt got acute chest syn and 35 got
chest syn in the second group…what
number needed to treat ..?
There was no 26 I the choices the chice
were 20 and 40 and others
12-distend neck vien, blilateral edema the
pulse was 100 and BP was about 135
Arrows about GFR, ANP , and other things
be aware that this is not pericardial
effusion this is mainly pure HF bcz the
answer will markedly differ if though its
pericardial effusuion !!
13-not smoker , very obese , hip surgery
something about the liklelhood or pretest
odd of PE idont remebr ? A:10, B:40 , C:
50 I have o idea !!
14-typical myotonic dystrophy with
pedigree, wahts dfect ?
a-dytrophica myo protein "sth"
15-pt say smoking make me ralxed so I
bleive it will length my life whats defense
mechanisim ?
A; rationalization, B; deial .

16-did experiment and added mannose

and then phosphorylate it,,,will stuff will
accumulate ?a : lysosome
17-there was also aother q about
inclusion cells disaease
18- question about ldl endosome,,,wahts
involved ?
18- drug casue 50% reduction in
something ….did similar drug that have
type 1 error is 0.05m and type 2 error and
then asked what's the chance to bethere
true 50% reduction? A : I picked 95
19-there was 2 question with ecg and I
both of them I choose pericarditis ..its not
logical and wiered !!maybeI did mistake
but both of them strongly going with
20-44 year women with spleeplessnes and
fatige irritibilaty … give TSH ad it was
normal…the wome said I don’t why I get
this I have great job and wast have this
problem before ….DX ?
A:subclical hypothryodisim
B; perimeopuase
C; depression disorder
21-man about his age 55 don’t remember
exactly sleep in line or crowd something
like this since specific time , BMi is high, 3
month hx of sob and bilateral edema,clear
vascular markings of the lung DX?
a-osbtructive sleep apnea b:familaial
pulmonary HTN or primary I don’t
remmebr exactly what it was
22-guy who is just sleep for 20-30 min and
feeling refreshed then,, whats the finding
in the sleep study ?
A:enter REM after 10 mins of the oset of
23- player hitte I his back, PE: flaccid
paralysis on lower limbs and decreased
pinprick sesastion and vibration bilaterly
from umbilicus down ….given 5 cross
sections of spinal cord like FA and ask u to
choose one
24-hard question of cross section of
medulla obligate …man with decreased
sesation in left side of the body and right
side of the face …he aslo has deviated
uvula and not sure but some problem In
tongue movement and this info will make
u confused so be aware…the pics were
very percisily delinated
25- q about that study that depend on size
of pt and duration of disease ..this study
try to find ? A: prevalence , B:PPV….
-increased prevalence of diease how the
test sesitivuty will be affected ?
A: no chage
26-2 quiestion about type of the
study…?case control and chohort
27-advise to pt reduce TGA ?
28-pt with chronic pancreatitis …what to
give ?
A;panlipase """something eded by lipase
30-hypertelorisim , and many symptoms
,,,the Dr suspect a disease that’s casued
by three genes in RAS signal, the test for
this disease need to look for this 3 genes
…why is that ?
A: a mutation In the same locus casues
diferrent phenotypes
B:a mutaion needed in sequence of this
RAS sigal to give the disease
31-40 year women with father who died
from colon ca, colonscopy of this girl
revealed 3 polyps that seem malignant
..her mother is doing fine, where is the
mutation ?
A:APC B:mismatch repair "I choose this
bcz they are just few polyps"
32-given gross section of pedunclated
polyp…whats the type of this polyp ?
A:villous ""don’t choose this bcz its
usually flat or sessile
33-abdomial pain many times in
women,,blue nodule near appendix and
in peritoum ,,,,whats bx reveal ?
A;srotoinin b:endometrial tissue c:
34-groos section of struvite …whats
compisotio ? A: magisium-phospate
35-15 year with pustules In face and
black keratin center, oily and then asked
about MO,or ttt I dot remmebr ?
36-wilms tumor wahts the affected
tissue ?A; metaephric
37-cyandie toxicity…almond breath
whats is affected ? : HB affinity B:
cytochrome ECT "aswer"
38-hepatomegaly, cardiomegaly given
maby with hypoglycimia
Bx of liver with H&E wahts the
accumulated subtace ?
39-after 3 days in desert ..who heat lost
40-not sure but a case of folliculitis ans
asked about MO
41-blastomycosis ttt !!!?
42-many question about dialysis
ifections like ttt and MO !!u should
know wahts the most common MO bxz
the q willt give u eough info to know
whats the MO
43-wome went to afriqa and brought
mosquito spray and net,,,,,whats this
will protect here from ?A:wucherira
44-exteranal hemmorhides,,,and ulcer in
the rectum that’s fungating and bleed
what LN u might mets go to it ?
A:IMA LN B:superfacial LN
I picked IMA LN …although he didn’t say
where is the ulcer locate is it bleow or
above detate line ?
45-woemn has wrist pain every time she
left her baby,there is pain over styloid
process ,what tedon is affected ?
A:extensor long tenden b:
46-RA pt made correction for the had
deformity…after time there was still
flextion In the finger …what tedon must
be legnethed ?
A:flexor digitorum superfacialis
47-toxoplasma gondii in pregnant , how
she got it ?
A:undercooked meat
48-protien vaccine vs peptide vaccine
that’s conjugated…both produce
AB…then asked why its failed in the
challenge !!although they didn’t say
which chaalllnge !!!?
A;:bcz must be conguagted to
B; there was AB againt the cougated
C:differet epitope
49-pulmonary fibrosis, whats is the
responsible ?
50-early HIV binds to ? A;chemokine c r5
51-edocardial cushion defect will casue
A:secundim ASD
B:membranous VDS
52-why there is pain ? A;bradykini
53-whats repsosibile for pus or
neutrophills something like this ? A;
paltelt activating factor
54-first dose kinetics drug graph…then
asked why the pt didt get beinifit from
this drug ?
A:need many doses
B; need loading dose
C; high toxicity first dose
54-pt took pseadoephedrine and
another drug …wahts will be seen I this
pt ?
55-pt is taking salbutamol …but the
ashma isn’t controlled ..the dr decided
to add aother drug that wok on
thanother type of G protie coupled
receptor wahts this drug ? A: tiotropium
B: albuterol

56-asthamtic pt took may drugs but no

benefit..the dr tested him for the
aeroallergen then decided to give him a
that need to be given subquatanous
vevery 2-4 weeks and under medical
supervision wahts the MOA ?
A: binds IGE this is the aswer bcz this
drug is omalizumab
57-pt took many drugs to treat
chemotherapy vomiting..but o benift
what are u gonna give him ?
A:dronabinol b:other things ..
58-pt has stent ,,and take a drug that
casued him to has thrombocytopenia
whats this drugs ?A:abciximab B:aspirin
59-ttt of opitate withdrwal ?
60-peripheral nerve pain , wahts
embryo origion ? A:neural crest
61-cath in neonate where is is pass ?
A:ductus venossu
62-gastrodoudenal artery bleeding they
give structured 3d CT ad asked to
localize where is it come from ?

63-thoracotomy to repair TEF near left

side of carina …they shifted esophagus
to right…what will be damaged ?A; left
recurrent laryngeal erve B:left phrenic
c:rt phrenic
64-takausu arteritis there was rt vocal
cord parylsys where is the anurysim ?
A:subclavian artery
B; coronary
65-oral diabetic drug that increase
insulin dependent glucose ?
A:pramilintide. Blglipizide C:exenatide
or liraglutide
I got wrong I picked pramilintide

66-drug to treat osteoporosis …which

drug can benefit without increase the
risk of thrombosis ?
67-pt with osteoporosis ,,,given
tamoxifin for breast ca ….they found
improved osteoporosis why ?
68-the most rich area in of pyer patches
A:illium, B:doudeum C:jejuum
69-2years with twisted itestines …have
ecrosis in most of his intestines whats
the casue ?
A:failure of omphalomesentric duct
closure B:intussupection

70-pt with chroic pacreatitis,,the dr

asked the pt about alcohol..he said
drinks occaisioly what to do ?
A:ask more q
B:measure AST o Alt
71-artery injury ..first thing happen ?
A:vasoconstriction B:platlet
72-warafrin use lead to skin necrosis
why ?
A:factor V muttion B:protie C deficiency
73-loose thrombus in ventricles, whats
the main component ? A: paltelts
74-19 year old male with sickle cells
disease , what will be seen in his spleen
A: cyst B:hyperplasia C:atrophy ad
something D:congestion and something

75-subarticular osteoporosis what will be

seen ?
76-gap cell junction and another protein
the asked what about what will be found
77-most imp risk factor for mets for this
dark nevus ? A:border irregularity B:
78-ttt of psudotimor cerbri ?
79-pt took succinylcholine,,what the
Mechaisim behind malignant
hypertherimia ?
80-55 year old man previously heathy, has
1 week history of confusion and
delusions..he was excersing for his first
marathon 2 weeks ago ad was obcessed
with hydration….what investigation to do
A:head CT B:cbc d:electrolyte panel

81-women had a affair 1 year ago came to

dr many times due to abdominal pain ad
she always afraid that she got an STD
wahts DX? A:illness anxiety dis
B:somatic symtopm dis
82-women was having nasue and the dr
gave her prednisone ad another drug that
she forget whats the name of this
drug….now came complaing from tremor ,
whats this drug ? A: prochlorperazine
83-site of adosteroe action ?A:principal
B; PCT c: cortical something
There was no DCT option
84-pt with paraumbilical vein distention
and given edoscope of esophagus that
shows dilated viens …whcich viens explain
thsese findings? A:left gastri-omental vien
B:left gastric vien
I picked A bcz they asked about which
explain all these findings although I never
heard of this vien ever…but it seems I did
a mistake

85-glans penis repairing ad then nerve

injured wahts is this nerve ?
86-4 grade episiotomy ,what injury will be
affected ? A;anterior labial nerve
b:pudedal nerve c:posterior labial nerve
87-external hemmmoroides sensation by
which nerve ?A:iferior rectal nerve
88-straddle injury and lower abdominal
pain discoloration , scrotum hematoma ,
which ijury associated ? A:penile urethra
B;prostatic urethra
89-sickle cell pt takes ibuprofen for
headache …came with hematuria whats
DX? A:acute iterstial nephritis
B:renal papillary necrosis
I dot remmebr other details and cat
remmebr if its gross hematuria or not
Or if there is rash or not bcz there was
also aother question about acute interstial
90-wahts increased in ACE compared to
ARBs ?
the question doesn’t make sense but I
answered it C

91-pt took retinoid deriviate , where

mutation will occur ? A:hox gene
92-pt with patu , where is the muttion
93-clft palate and cleft lip ,
94-fasiculate area derivate of ?
95-edema due to lymphtic congetial
abnormality…wajts the origion of
lymphatics ? A: mesoderm
96-femlae pregnant with twins, boy and
female ,,,wahts US will show ?
A;dichorion and diamion
97-testis barrier damage due to
antibodies that lead decreased
spermatogesiswaht cells damaged ?
A:sertoli cells
98-choose HCG graph i this full term
pregnancy ….they put many
graph…choose the oe that u see gradual
increasing in hcg and the gradual
decreasing in it
99-cartoon of lung cells and u should
choose type II cells
100-casue of right shift ?a:hypercapnea
b:low 2,3dpg
101-which is responsible for ROS in
lysosomes ?
A:SOD b :catalase c: nadh oxidase
There was no MPO in choices for sure
101-pt take many drug wahts responsible
for edema ? a: amlodipine
102-neurotrasmiter released periglandul
cells leads to sweat ? A; Ach

103- girl drink container of his father art

ad craft container …came with vomiting
dx ?this q I saw it I guees in trust file u
should study ist mercury or something

103-there was q answered wrongly in

the trust file its easy just read q
104-they give blood vessel rich in cells
and or thickened I don’t remmebr ad
asked what is responsible ?
105-pt with atrial flutter given drug that
relaives it for short time wahts the drug
? A; adesoine b:
106-multiple bilateral nodules in the
lung , bx show dark cells I don’t
remember if their color is black or
yellow brown whats dx?
A:melanoma mets B:large
euroendocrine multi"someting"
107-graph with low ca ad high pth whats
the casue ? A:osteomalcia

108-immigrant to USA , has typical

hypothrodisim ,,,whats the casue ?
A: ab to peroxidase b :there was no
iodine isuffecincy
109-eye opthalomoplegia, tremor,
fatigue, loss of concentration, dx ?
A:ab to TSH receptor
110-boy with polyp that bleed since a
time, what cbc whil show ?
111-sarciodosis icrease calcitriol
112-left shift, labs revealed 2,3DPG
what happend ?
A mutation in 2,3 phosohoglycerate
113-women x liked issue , had
previously a diseased boy …now came
to dr asked to a way to not get a
diseased child , she is against killing
embryo ,what to advise her ? A:egg
doatio b:intrauterine semination
c:itracytoplasmic injuetion
D: aother thing I forgot
114-typical signs of subacute
nuerodegenaration ,whats deficient ?
A:Vit E ,,,there was no Vit b12
115-drug to be given in p.aerogiosa ?
a-amoxiccillin with clavulainc acid
116-given pic of
cryptoccosus.neofromas and then put
arrow and asked whats the component
117-not sure but might be there was a
case of dengu ad u should now the dx ad
then asked the way of transmission or
whats the vector?
118-infant with perivanetricular
calcification and jaundice the give the
Ab of the mother and the infant of both
CMV ad toxoplasma ,,wahts the dx,,the
question was very hard bxz the Ab of
igm and igg were very weird in both the
mother ad the infant ?
a)reubela b)toxoplasma c) CMV
I answered C due to the perivetriucular
calcification although as I remeber that
the Ab was not strongly indicate that !!!
119-pt was with cancer …he is taking
prednisone and vincristine ad aother
one …and got bacterial infection there
were more hints but I forgot them ?
A:decreased neutrophil

b : lymphocytosis
120-we give ab for Ab for self antigens
in the thymocytes of mice fetus what
will happen ?
a-something related to egative
b-something related to autoimmuity
c-something about apoptosis
121-1 questions about stress
incontinence –another question that
will confuse u about mixed incontince
vs stress icontice

123-give head Ct scan of a man after

trauma …there was periorbital
edemea and swelling ….whats injured
A:ethmoidal sinus B:maxillary sinus

123-whats this ligament ?

A:scaphio-lunteal ligament

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