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Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled.

They say that the only way to

increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement. To what extent do you think laws
are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?

As environmental issues are more awared of, and people starting not to turn a blind eye to it, more
solutions are made. Recycling is a well-known ideas to reduce pollution around the globe. However, not
every waste from households is reused, and for some people, a law about making recycling complusory
should be implemented. I don't think any laws should be enforced, as there are many ways to encourage
reuse consumption.

First of all, should recycling be required? We are all consicous of how much damage we made to our
planet, and a resolution should be immediately applied. Laws could be seen effective, as almost all
citizens in a country obey to their rules. This could temporarily lessen the overall contamination,
however this is a double-edged sword. Some may take it is the government is amplifying things, and
commence to litter more than they used to, as an objection.

In my opinion, one way to enhance people's responsibility to recycle is to give them a reward. Most
human-beings like to be complimented and praised whether they do something. If we create enjoyment
for people, then they can feel motivated to reuse their refuse at home. We should have recycling in
student's curriculum, more celebrities raising awareness about our situation, more opposition to
industrial factories which dumps their garbage to the sea. But the most sigificant factor is each person's
dignity. Whether a person wants to litter, to throw the plastic bottles away, that person should think
before they leave and have a sense of what they are about to do.

To sum up, recycling is by far the most partical answer to our longlasting question about how to save the
earth. In order to make every dwellers at our mutual home reuse their waste, educational and rewarding
resolution should be put into practice, instead of enforcing a rule.

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