Practica 2 Electr Potencia

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TecNM - Lázaro Cárdenas Departamento de

ELECTRÓNICA DE POTENCIA Practica 2 SCR en corriente alterna
Nombre: _____________________________________ No. Ctrl: ________ Fecha: ___________

STAGE I: In the Figure 1 below, it show a SCR on a direct current circuit. Implement the circuit and fill
all the blank field and answer it right.

Equipment and Materials:

1 DC Power Supply
1 Resistor of 25kΩ
1 Indicator 12 volts Paste here your picture of the circuit
1 SCR MCR100
1 Switch
1 Protoboard
1 Electric transformer 120:24
1 American Plug to 120VCA
A lot of wire for connections

Figure 1.- SCR on a CA circuit.

ETAPA II: Describe the phenomenon when the switch opens after being energized and then the SCR
turns off as if reverse biased.

STAGE III: Explain in your own words the learning that this practice left you. Feel free to add oscilloscope
plots from the simulate/practice (for example an instant to turn on the switch “E” and the current through
the indicator in that exactly instant).


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