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Date of issue: Centre

Sup. Sign. Seat No.


Second Year M. B. B. S. Examination

January - 2022
Pathology : Paper-I
(CBME New Course)

Time: 20 Minutes] Total Marks 200

Instruction :

Seat No.:
Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination

Second Year M. B. B. S.
Name ofthe Subject

Pathology: Paper-
Section No. (1,2,.)1
Subject Code No. Student's Signature
210 60 0 0 1 0 2 0 10 10 1

1 Multiple choice questions. ("no negative markings) 2

Instruction- Encircle the correct answer
(1) Thromboxane Az plays a role in inflammation by
(a) Transmigration of leucocytes
(b) Vasoconstriction
C) Opsonization
(d) Chemotaxis
(2) Which of the following does not have Chemotaxis
(a) C50 b) Prostaglandins
c) IL-8 d) Leulcotriene B 4

NC-2106000102010101-01 1 [ Contd...
(3) helpful for molecular
Which investigation is most
analysis to identify gene alteration:
(a) Immunohistochemistry
(b) Florescence in situ hybridization
(c) Flow cytometry
(d) Tumor markers

(4) Edema of nephrotic syndrome is due to:

(a) Increased hydrostatic pressure
(b) Decreased plasma osmotic pressure
() Lymphatic obstruction
(d) Increased plasma osmotic pressure

(5) The process of wound repair shows the following

a) Neovascularization
(b) Necrosis
Synthesis of extracellular matrix

(6) A ten years old boy presented with tenderness in right

iliac fossa for the last 2 days, with fever.The predominant
cells infiltrating his excised appendix will be:
(a) Neutrophils (b) Eosinophils
(c)Macrophages (d) Plasma cells

(7) Caisson disease is due to:

(a) Fat embolism
b) Thromboembolism
c) Air embolism
(d) Amniotic fluid embolism

(8) Anticoagulant suitable for storing blood for transfusion

(a) Heparin, dextrose and citrate
(b) Phosphate, dextrose and citrate
(C) EDTA, dextrose and saline
(d) Oxalate, phosphate and glucose

NC-2106000102010101-0] 2 I Contd..
(9) An adolescent girl gives history of repeated painful
pustules on face with exudation of pus. 'The pathogenesis
of disease is:
(a) Acute inllammation (b) Chronic inflammation
(c) Sunburn (d) Cosmetics allergy

(10) All of the following are responsible for a low value of

glucose: CSP Except:
(a) Leucocytes (b) Bacteria
(c) Neoplastic cells (d) Herpes virus

(11) Pleural effusion rich in protein concentration occurs in :

(a) Cardiac failure (b) Myxedema
(c) Lung Carcinoma (d) Pulmonary Infarction

(12) Labile cells include the following Except:

(a) Hemopoietic cells
b) Surface epithelial cells of skin
(c) Cells of lymph nodes
(d) Parenchymal cells of liver

(13) Pulmonary edema is encountered in:

(a) Right ventricular failure
b) Left ventricular failure
d) High fever

(14) Apoptosis occurs in the following Except:

(a) Embryogenesis b) Aging
Menstrual cycle (d) Hyperplasia

(15) Metastatic calcification occurs in which of the following

(a) Hyperparathyroidism
(b) Tuberculous lymphadenitis
Nodular Goitre
(d) Atherosclerosis

NC-2106000102010101-0] [ Contd..
(16) Nut meg liver is seen in.:
(a) Cirrhosis of liver
(b) Chronic passive congestion of liver
(c) Hepatoma
(d) F'atty liver

(17) Which of the following blood components has
shortest shelf life:
(a) Red Blood cells (b) Platelets

c) Fresh frozen Plasma (d) Cryoprecipitate

(18) Helper function is a feature of:

(a) Ti lymphocytes (b)Ts lymphocytes
cMacrophages (d) Natural killer cells

(19) Amyloidosis in long term hemodialysis is due to:

(a) Transthyretin
b) B2 microglobulin
C)Amyloid associated protein
(d) B amyloid protein

(20) The major compatibility test before blood transfusion

of cross-matching of:
(a) Donor's red cells and recipients serum

(b) Donor's serum and recipients red cells

(c) Donor's serum and recipients serum

(d) Donor's red cells and recipients red cells

NC-2106000102010101-01 A 850
Second Year M. B. B. S. Examination
January - 2022

Pathology: Paper-
(CBME New Course)

Tne 2 Hrs. 40 Minutes] ITotal Marks: 80


Seat No.:
Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer b0ok.
Name of the Examination:
Second Year M. B. B. S.
Name ofthe Subject:

Pathology : Paper
Section No. (1,2,.)2
Subject Code No.: Student's Signature
2 1 0_6 0 0 0 102 0 101 0

SECTION- II (40 marks)

long Essay Questions: 20+10+10

1. Compulsory to answer. Write 2 out of emaining 3)

(1) 65-year-old female presented with black discoloration 20

of foot and numbness in lower leg. She was known case
of type 2 diabetes mellitus and on oral hypoglycemic
drug since 2 years. On examination there was ulcer
on foot and blackish discoloration of skin with sharp
line of demarcation between the normal and affected
part of the limb. Limb Pulasations were not palpable.
Blood report showed leucocytos and RBS was 280 mg/
) Give the most probable diagnosis.
i) Write etiology & pathogenesis of this condition. 5

ii) Write morphologicalchanges in this condition. 5

(iv) Describe different types of tissue necrosis. 5

(v) Which other tests you will advise to this 3

patient to support your diagnosis?

NC-2106000102010101] [ Contd...
Long essay questions: (Attempt any 2 out of 3) (10+ 10) 20

(2) Define and classify shock. Describe pathogenesis 3+3+4

&morphological changes in various organs in septic
(3) Define and classify neoplasia. Write about various 3+3+4
routes of metastasis and their molecular mechanisms.
(4) Define granuloma & write classification of 2+2+6
granulomatous condition, Discuss etiology, pathogenesis
& sequel of primary pulmonary tuberculosis.

SECTION 3 (40 Marks)

3 Write short notes. (Attempt 8 out of 10) (5 marks each)

(1) Para neoplastic syndrome
(2) What is Membrane attack complex (MAC)?
(3) Types of infarct.
(4) Turner's syndrome.
(5) Exfoliative cytology.
(6) Metaplasia.
(7) Factors affecting granulation tissue formation in wound
(8) Opportunistic infection in AIDS
(9) Blood component therapy.
(10) Coomb's test.

NC-2106000102010101] 2 850
Second Year M. B. B. S. Examination
December - 2021

Pathology : Paper-[I
(CBME New Course)

Time 2 Hrs 40 Minutes] ITotal Marks 80


Fillup strictly the details of

Seat No.:
signs on your answer book.
Nameof the Examination
Second Year M. B. B. S.
Name of the Subject:

Pathology : Paper-lI
Subject Code No. Section No. (1,2,.): Nil|
Student's Signature
2 1 0 6 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 10 1 0 2


II (40 Marks)
2 Long Essay Questions
(1 Compulsory to answer. Write 2 out of
remaining 3)
(1) A 30 years female, pure vegetarian since
birth, having
children, presented with easy fatigability,
exertion for last one and half months dyspnea

along with
tingling & numbness in feet & moderate fever since
20 days. On examination
tongue was bald With loss
of papiila.
) What is your diagnosis?
i) What is etiology&
condition ?
of this 6

(ii) Enumerate various clinical features 2

(iv) Describe peripheral smear & bone marrow
findings. 6
(v) Enumerate the salient biochemical
tests useful 4
for the diagnosis of this disease.

NC-2106000102010102] 1
Long essay questions: (Attempt any 2 out of 3) (10+10) 20

Define Rheumatic heart diseases (RHD). Write 2+2+3+3

etiology, pathogenesis & morphology of major cardiac
3 ) &Classify Chronic obstructive Pulmonary 2+2+3+3
Diseases. Discuss etio- pathogenesis & morphology of
(4) Classify Glomerular diseases of kidney and write 4+6
in detail about pathogenesis of glomerular injury.

SECTION - III (40 Marks)

3 Write short notes. (Attempt 8 out of 10) (5 marks each)

(1) Morphology of lobar Pneumonia.
(2) Serological markers of hepatitis-B
3) Lab diagnosis of Thrombocytopenia 2
4)Morphologic features of Teratoma
5) Helicobacter pyloria
6) Lab diagnosis of Chronic myeloid leukemia
(7) Causes of Splenomegaly
(8) Classification of Hodgkin's Lymphoma
(9 Enumerate occupational lung disease and their causative

(10) Define & classify Aneurysm

NC-2106000102010102] 850 1
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~up. Sign . Sl'll, ,'f o . : I

Second Yea r M. B. B. S. Exa mill at io n
J :unwry - 2022
Pa t h ology : Paper-JI
(CBME New Course)
Tim e : 20 i'vlinu tes l [TotaJ ,\fa rh 20
Ins t r uc tion :
:- , -..-.1- ... ~-:-n-- --...
q -«- , Seal I, 0
Fl llup Mric-tly the d•lallA o f ,r- 5j9 n1 on yeur an!)w,:i, book □□□□□□
01 000
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Name cf lhc Subject .

.-1P::.1boloip' : P aper -LI I

~ SuDject Code No
~ ~cllcoNo. ( 1. 2, ,Gii]
Slucert!', 51Qnatura
'- J2 I O 6 0 0 0 I 0 2 0 I O I o 21 ~


Yluluplc choice questions . (*no negati\'e rnarkm gs)

l ns lrucu on- Encircle the c orrec1 answer

(l ) :-\ 35, years old male pres ent hto bleed.tng. w1th
penpheral smear shows leucoc~·to:-1s pla telet coun1
50,000/mm3, blas t 28°0, and band form , myelocyte &
metamyeJocyLP 1s seen. t(8:2 l) is posrnve. WhaL 1s Lile
(H) CLL (b) CML
(c) A.ML (d) \ IDS

P:1 i1ent having his to ry of s moking, abnormal permanent

r•11l nr ge111t•111. of th r alvcob COll!!h & 1fr:;1rnea :,uggt•:,I
/n) l'nc-11111 0111 ::i tL) ,\.:,thma
(1·1 f ' h ru n1c l11·onch 111;. (rl) Enl)i lH ~r m 11

'1 I' 2 1llfiOOO I0 20 IO 111:!-1) I I c·o111(J

A 16 Year ~ old h
cb1lh~od ~lea O_v cc..,n;pl:. 1L
· ~ P:lln :u:d ,!
,••, :-: I '< f _,...
1 1,.1
1:xami nat1on n_,, P:1h,cJ illl\'1111 ..
from : l II' i.-- pr,,l1. 1hh :-111·,·, 1·i"!·

(a) Sicklc cell anemi:i

(<' l
Si d1:robl as Lic .-\nc-m1 n (cl) Irun rf,.fi r iency rJ111:m1;,

(-1-) l'aedia u:ic pati ent:- havrng rn111i111al c.: hangt· tli s Pa s 1·
commo nly presen ts as promin ent pr-n orbJtaJ r dcma
\\l1ich of the followi ng ur.l llalysis test finding:-; 1s most
likely Lo have been consist ently prPs~nl in Lhes<'
subjec ts'?
ta) Hemat uria wiLh > 10 RBC/hp f
(b) Protei nuna >3.5 gm/24 hours
<c) Calciu m oxalate Cl'ys tsls
ld) Renal tubula r epithel ial cells and cas rs

(5) 1'ree bark appear ance of intima l s urface of .-u·ch of

.-\orta with nodul ar lesion on slrin likely cause
(a) Syphil is (b) Athero sclerosis
1c) ?v[arfans s yndrom e (d) Cystic medial nPCro£1s

/Gl 55 yea r female patit!nl havin~ ga.~ln r carCllloma

d1aen o,-cd as signet n ng cell can:i nom :L Psuent
de,·elopPd metas tasis lo ovanes , wl11ch tn>e of tumor
de\'elop 1n ovaries ?
t a) :'vi uCJ nous ,;ystatle n oma
(b) Serous cyst.nde oonrn
tc) Kruke nberg tumor
1J ) ca rcinoid

1 :- , Whu:h of th e fo llow111g ll•:,l..,. 1,.. tbrc gold :,l:mda nl 10

J1agnu :.e a case of Paroxy smal :,Joe l ur n:d
11 aemo~lubtnen11 11 WN 11 )
(n) 11 1\J\IS tes1 <h l S uero:,"' h•:,111,• 1, •~1
!,:) 1-'l11w c y 1o m c- 1 r y (di llo ue m n rro"
-.:c '.!10fi00 010'.!UI UI02-OI ., I ( o ntd ...
1?-e cha racteristi c d:a on ":J - - •.
dis tre ss s,..,., .J.
. uuroru e 1~" u~ 1.: ;:u,...._, s:-: 1.~ -~, :t,~ , · :..:·· :, ::
{a) Ac cum ulation o:· :.:ri,· -" . ..
al\"eoli · ·······" L,. , ..•·,.-.. --- -
.-. .._ •.i:r.u:
(b) Hyaline me mbran e l.i:un!:
11::.: ah·eol u;.· .. ~!.!
En lar gem ent of air spa ces
Dif fus e mte rsti tia l fi bro sis
(9) All are cau ses of
con h·ac ted kidnE;!y e:--cep
(a) t
Be nig n oep h.r oscleroSll'
(b) Ch ron ic pye loneph riti s
(c) Am ylo ido sis
(d)Ch ron ic glo me rul oneph riti s
(10) Ma xim un1 fre que ncy as out com
e of hep ati ru B mfe cuon
occ urs as :
(a) Vir al hep ati tis
(b) H epa toc ellu lar carCU1oma
(c) S ubc lin ical cas e
(d) Cir rhosis
( 11) Th e mo st com mo n sou
rce of pul mo nar y emboi ism is:
(a) Am nio tic flui d embolism
(b ) Re nal art ery embolism
(c) La rge vei ns of low er lim
(d) Car dio tho rac ic sur ger y
(l2 ) Th e mo s t com mo n non -Ho
dgk in's lym ph om a m l ncb a ts
(a) Bu l'ki tt's lym pho ma
(b) Diffuse lar ge B cell lym pho
(c) Ma ntl e cell lym pho ma
(d) Ma rgi nal zon e lym pho ma
( 13) Ba rre t's esopha!;Usis cha rac
ten zed by all Exc ept :
(a) Lower eso pha gus is lin ed by
col um nar epi the lium
(b) Ca use d by hel ico bac ter pyl
(c) Pre dis position to adenocarcino
(d) Pat ien t com pla ins of refl
( 1-t ) \'Co st com moo tum or
of ma jor salivai-y gla nds is
(a) Wanh i.n':s tum or
!.b) Pleom orp hic ade oom a
(c) :\lu coe pidenn oid car crn om a
i rl ) Ad enoid cys tic caJ·r.w

N ( ·. 210 6000 I 020 IO 102-01

I C'o n tcl ...
05) ln wlucb of the f0 II ow1·nl:! ·, egeta trnn arela r~:c-. ::. ,.cal.l:,
v·dv e.-,.
fnab le at1rl eastl y iletachablf' from thP chld1::r·
(a) Non Bacterial thro mbo tic
(b) Rheumatic
(c) Libm an-S ar.ks
(d) I nfec tive
( 16) Reti culo cyte s are stain ed with
(a) Bril lian t cres yl blu e
(b) Sud an black
(c) W artb in starry
(d) Hem otox s tain
rbita l
(17) 30-y ear-old fema le \\ complain of fever & perio
edem a Find ings : protein: ++. l\llicr oscop ic findings:
to 40 RBC s per hi gh pow er field alon g with RBC
Wh at is t h e diagnosis?
(a) Be nign Nep hroscler osis
(b) Nep hrot ic synd rome
(c) Nep h ritic synd rome
(d) MuJt1ple myel oma
oate cl
( 18) Rena l cell caro .nom a has been more comm ooly asso
witb whic h of the foll owin g disor ders .,
(a) Down synd rome
(b) Von Ripp el Lind au disease
(c) W1lha ms synd rome
(d) Mul nple endocrine o eoplasia ty-pe- 2
(19) Which of the follow111 ~ is not seen in DJ C ?

(a) P rolon ged P TIAP TT

(b ) Th romb ocyto peru a w1 th schis tocnes m pe n p 11 1:r:1 l
blood ·

(cJ Hig h IP,·el s of FDP /0-di mer

(d ) I nc rcase d fibrin oge n level s
(:!0) 1'111, lt1111mom •:,1 h1s Lo\o.,.,~aJ lyp~ of . .
.,. . "" cai cinon1:1 l " ~' t i , 1...
(al 'I'••r:.ito 111:1
I ....

(h) y 0 Lk , . . tu 111 0 •
:<,l\: 1
kl ~, ·111ino 111 :1 ( rl ) ('h on i: ◄ " i rr 1
• no n1 a

-.: c •:!l UliOOU I0 :!1111110:! 111

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