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8r|ef b|ography of nazrat ousuf Sah|b Shar|f Sah|b nyderabad

PazraL ?ousuf Sahlb and Sharlf Sahlb were greaL Sufl salnLs and Sufl MasLers
of Lhelr Llme as Lhey flnlshed Lhelr personallLles for Lhe sake of Allah 1hey
spenL Lhelr whole llves as per orders and commandmenLs of Allah and for Lhe of
preachlng and propagaLlon work of lslam ln Lhe forelgn lands
PazraL ?ousuf Saheb was born ln LgypL and spenL some parL of hls llfe Lhere and
Sharlf Sahlb was born ln Lhe vlllage of kanan ln alesLlne whlch ls Lhe home land
of propheL ?ousuf (peace be upon hlm ) and oLhers lsraell propheLs and Lhls
place was once a greaL cenLer of lslamlc preachlng and propagaLlon work uue Lo
Lhelr preachlng and propagaLlon work of lslam boLh of Lhem were became
popular and famous among Lhe general people Lhere uue Lo Lhelr hard
endeavors and work Lhey broughL back Lhe persons who were away from Lhe
rlghL paLh of Allah
PazraL ?ousuf Sahlb and Sharlf Sahlb flrsL meL ln Makkah and become close
frlends and llke Lrue broLhers and for Lhls reason ln Pyderabad and LhroughouL
lndla and ln oLher counLrles everybody Lhlnk Lhem as Lhe real broLhers AL LhaL
Llme PazraL kaleem ullah who was a greaL Sufl salnLs and Sufl MasLer from uelhl
was also presenL ln Makkah Lo perform Lhe ha[[ 1hese Lwo greaL personallLles
(?ousuf Sahlb and Sharlf Sahlb) were also ln Makkah for Lhe vlslL of holy Makkah
and Lhey were looklng some area for Lhe preachlng and propagaLlon work of lslam
and ln Lhls way Lhey were searchlng some place Lo go and Lhe commence Lhelr
acLlvlLles Lo brlng Lhe persons on Lhe rlghL paLh Lowards Allah So upon meeLlng
wlLh Shelkh kallm ullah Lhey could able Lo flnd Lhelr flnal place of desLlnaLlon ln
lndla lor Lhls purpose Shalkh kallm ullah enllghLen Lhelr souls due Lo hls splrlLual
powers so LhaL Lhey should declde and proceed Lowards lndla for Lhe propagaLlon
and preachlng work of lslam Lhere
AfLer Lhe ha[[ Shelkh kallm ullah came back Lo lndla and dled Lhere and he was
burled ln Lhe cemeLery of kakl and Sulalman ln uelhl uue Lo blesslngs of Shelkh
kallm ullah Lhe people of uelhl were much beneflLLed Lhere Pe was noL only a
greaL Sufl MasLer buL he was also a greaL auLhor of many famous books and hls
famous book of Lxegesls of Curan (1afslr al Curan ) ln Arablc ls recognlzed as a
greaL book ln Arablc language
uue Lo Lhe suggesLlons of Shelkh kallm ullah of uelhl PazraL ?ousuf broLhers
declded Lo proceed lndla for Lhe of propagaLlon and preachlng work of lslam
Lhere and Lheylanded ln lndla ln Lhe relgn of Mughal Lmperor Aurangzalb
nazrat ousuf brothers arr|va| |n Ind|a
upon reachlng lndla lmmedlaLely Lhey proceed Lowards Pyderabad and seLLled
down Lhere Llke oLher greaL Sufl MasLers Lhey dld noL llked Lo llve ln Lhe shrlne
houslng for Lhe worshlp and propagaLlon and preachlng work of lslam buL Lhey
have preferred Lo geL Lhelr llvellhood by adopLlng some work and so Lhey goL
appolnLmenL ln Lhe Mughal Army of Aurangzalb Alamglr AL LhaL Llme lL was
compulsory for Lhe army personnel Lo possess horse for Lhe requlremenL of [ob
and also lL was musL for Lhe army men for Lhe wars and mlllLary expedlLlons
ln Lhe army of Aurangzalb Alamglr Lhere were no problems and dlfflculLles and
ln lL Lhere was compleLe peace and order was avallable and Lhere were also
lslamlc rules and regulaLlons were ln full pracLlce ln Lhe army 8oLh of Lhem noL
felL any modesLy for Lhelr mlllLary [ob of army men ln Lhe Mughal Army as ln Lhe
army [ob Lhe faclllLles whlch are Lhe requlremenL of u:t``:m uud `ty
~ uvu`!u|! tl. Tl` :ut ~u: u _ut :`_u o `_lt utl
to~ud: |u tutl) uud uu|!`u_ tl _uu! o! to o!!o~
tl !`_`ou o T:!um :o tlut tly uu od to~ud: `_lt utl
o ^!!ul . botl o tlm ~ `u tl :v` o umy ~`u_ o
^uuu_:| ^!um_`#s son bludu Slul . Du`u_ ~u: uud xd`t`ou:
|otl o tlm ~ u:d to :ut mo:t o tl` t`m `u tl ~o:l`
uud md`tut`ou: o ^!!ul uud |otl o tlm ~ oud o ud`u_
lo!y |ook Ouuu ut vy uy. Tt ~u: uotd tlut lo!y |ook's
ud`u_ ~u: u!~uy: tl` mo:t `ut:td uud `motuut ~ok uud u:
~!! u: tl` u`m o tl` !`v:. lo tl`: u:ou tly ~`!!
ommu tl |o!y |ook's ud`u_ `u tl u`_lt: uud `t ~`!! |
u:uu!!y udd `u tl mou`u_ t`m.
Du`u_ ou u`_lt tl umy ~`u_ o buludu Slul ~
uouutd ~`tl luvy :tom uud ~`ud:. So o tl`: u:ou tl
m`!`tuy mu ~ u`u_ muuy o|!m: uud lud:l`:. Tl oyu!
tut: ~ dumu_d uud :uttd du to luvy :tom uud ~`ud:.
Tl ~ uo !`_lt: uvu`!u|! `u tl umy um uud :o o tl`:
u:ou umy mu uouutd muuy d``u!t`: uud o|!m:. but
tl tut o |otl o tlm ~u: :u uud :ud uud vu tl !um
~u: uut`ou`u_ tl uomu!!y uud tl ~u: uo t o luvy
:tom uud ~`ud: `u:`d tl tut o |u:ut You:u`uu |otl: .but
out:`d o tl` tut tl ~ muuy dumu_: uud d`:tu|uu: o
tl :tom uud ~`ud: `u tl m`!`tuy um uu o ^uuu_:u`|
^!um_` . but `u:`d tl tut tl ~u: u uud uomu! !` ~u:
tl uud |otl o tlm ~ |u:y `u tl ud`u_ o tl lo!y |ook
Ouuu. Tl` !um 's !um ~u: uomu! u: tl luvy :tom uud ~`ud:
ou!d uot :to tl` !um: !`_lt.
"lu tl umy mu uud bludu Slul o|:vd tl` tut's poslLlon
uud ~ :u`:d uou ~utl`u_ tl` _ut m`u! du`u_ tl
luvy :tom uud ~`ud:.
lo tl ouu:t o 0o!oudu ot `t `: ~!! kuo~u l`:to`u!
ut tlut tl uduvo: uud :``tuu! o~: o |u:ut You:`uu
|otl: u `u!udd uud ` tly ~ uot t`d `u tl`: mutt
tlu ^uuu_:| ^!um_` ou!d uot u|! to ouu tl _ut ot
o 0o!oudu.
^uuu_:| ^!um_` udotd tl ouut`ou o tl oy`:t to
uu tl !`v!`lood |y ~`t`u_ tl lo!y Ouuu uud :!!`u_ `t `u
tl mukt. So l ~u: u:d to ~`t :om ot`ou o `t ou tl
du`!y |u:`:.
Tl u`m uud uo: o !` o ^uuu_u:|` ^!um_` uud |u:ut
You:u`uu |otl: ~u: to !ov uud :t tl lo!y Ouuu :o
tly ~ u!~uy: u:d to ud `t duy uud u`_lt ou tl _u!u
Ou ^u_uu_:| ^!um_` ~u: o|:vd tlut l`: t~o umy mu
~ u!~uy: u:d to ud tl lo!y Ouuu ou _u!u |u:`: :o l
d`dd to u:k tlm o tl` l! o tl ouu:t o 0o!oudu
ot. So l u:td tlm u: o!!o~: uud u:kd tlm o tl`
k`ud l! `u tl`: mutt.
D:`t o my _ut umy o~ tl `: uo :u:: o tl
ouu:t o 0o!oudu ot uud T tl`uk tl `: :omtl`u_ o :om
o~ ~l`l `: uu:`u_ o|:tu!: o my o~ uud o my
|ou ^uuu_:u`| ^!um_`'s muuy u:t: tly luv ~`ttu :om
!`u: ou tl :mu!! ot:ld uud u:kd l`m to _`v `t to ou
o||! ~lo `: :`tt`u_ uu tl mu`u _ut o 0o!oudu ot uud ~lo
~`!! l! l`m `u tl`: mutt. So ^uuu_:u`| ^u!m_` `mmd`ut!y
u:ld to tlut !u ou l`: lo: |uk uud _uv l`m tl :mu!!
ot:ld . Tl o||! ud tl m::u_ ou tl ot:ld uud uou
ud`u_ tl m::u_ tl o||! luv ~ot :om !`u: ou tl |uk
:`d o `t uud `u:tutd l`m to _`v |uk to |u:ut You:uu`u
|otl:. So ^uuu_:u`| ^!um_` om |uk om tl uud :utd
tl ot:ld to tlm uud uou ud`u_ tl m::u_ tly luv
`uomd ^uuu_:u`| ^!um_` tlut tl` uduvo: ou!d uot |
:u::u! `u tl`: mutt u: tl `: :om :``tuu! o~ `:
o|:tu! `u tl`: mutt. So o tl`: u:ou ^uuu_:u`| ^!um_`
u:td tlm to ty u_u`u `u tl`: mutt :o tlut tl` uduvo:
~ou!d |om :u::u!.
"lu tl :oud t`m tl o||! ud tl m::u_ ou tl
ot:ld uud !t tl !u ~l`! tuk`u_ u!! l`: |!ou_`u_ uud l
to!d tlut \o~ tl :u`ty uud v`toy o tl 0o!oudu !`: `u
tl luud: mo ^uuu_:u`| ^!mu_`.`
^tuu!!y tl o||! ~u: uot tl u! o||! |ut l ~u: tl
Outu| l`_l:t ud `u :``tuu! `vot) o l`: t`m uud l ~u:
_uud`u_ tl ot o 0o!oudu uud l kuo~: ~!! tl :``tuu!
:tutu: uud o~: o |u:ut You:u`uu |otl: :o l ou!d uot
d`:o|yd tl` od: uud o tl`: u:ou l !t tl !u o
0o!oudu ot uud ~ut u~uy to :om uukuo~u !u ~l`!
tuu:`u_ tl :ou:`|`!`ty o :u`ty o tl 0o!oudu ot
to~ud: ^!!ul.
\xt mou`u_ ~lu ^uuu_:u`| ^!um_` ~u: udy to ommu
tl ud`u_ o tl lo!y |ook o Ouuu uud lud tl :ouud: o
dum: uud ktt! dum: uud u:kd tl u:ou o `t ~`tl l`:
:vuut uud tl :vuut !`d l`m tlut l`u Hou:um o!!td
tl ky: o 0o!oudu ot om ^|u! |u:uu Tuuu Slu uud tl ot
o 0o!oudu luv u!udy |u utud.
Tu tl`: mutt tl `: ou ~!! kuo~u l`:to`u! ut ~l`l
`: uvu`!u|! `u tl |ook: o l`:toy tlut l`u_ ^|du!!ul Outu|
Slul o 0o!oudu ot lud t~o :ou `u !u~: uud tl` dtu`!: u
u: o!!o~:.
1.l`u Hou:um bludu Slul :ou o ^uuu_:u`| ^!um_`.
?. ^|u! |u:uu Tuuu Slul.
Tl ~u: uu u_mut |t~u l`u_ ^|du!!ul Outu| Slul o
0o!oudu ot uud tl lmo ^uuu_:u`| ^!um_` o Hu_lu!
dyuuu:ty o D!l` tlut tl uxt u! o 0o!oudu ~`!! | Hou:um
bludu Slul u: l`u_ ^|du!!ul Outu| Slul o 0o!oudu lud uo :ou:
uud |ut lud ou!y duu_lt: . but tl k`u_ ^|du!!ul Outu| Slul o
0o!oudu ot ou!d uot u!`!!d l`: u_mut ~l`l l
u!udy :`_ud uud utd . So u tl |ul o tl u|ov
u_mut tl lmo ^uuu_:u`| ^!um_` ouud tl ot o
0o!oudu uud uu`:ld l`m `u tl`: mutt.
Tl lmo ^uuu_:u`| ^!um_` ~u: u `ou: uud k`ud lutd
u! o tl Hu_lu! Dyuu:ty ~lo u:d to ~utl tl ~o!d!y
mutt: om tl uu_! o !`_`ou. So o tl`: u:ou ^uuu_:u`|
^!um_` ouud tl 0o!oudu ot uud l`: ouu:t o 0o!oudu
ot ~u: uot o l`: m`!`tuy uud mut`u! _u`u: |ut `t ~u: l`:
_ut uduvo to uu`:l tl u!: :ou uud to :t tl ~ou_
tl`u_ `u tl `_lt od.
Tu tl`: mutt tl `: ou ~!! kuo~u l`:to`u! ut ~l`l
`: uvu`!u|! `u tl |ook: o l`:toy tlut o tl ouu:t o
0o!oudu ot u!! tl d`t: _o: to tl :``tuu! uduvo: uud
o~: o |u:ut You:u`uu |otl:.
T`m ~`!! om ~lu ^!!ul 's vy :vuut ~`!! `u`:l l`: !`
m`::`ou uud tuu |uk to uuotl ~o!d. So |u:ut You:u`uu
|otl: u!:o om!td tl` m`::`ou o _u`duu uud `u:tut`ou:
to tl lumuu |`u_: o tl `_lt utl to~ud: ^!!ul `u tl mo:t
:u::u! ~uy uud !t tl`: ~o!d.
l`:t |u:ut You:u Sul| !t tl`: ~o!d uud |o l`:
dutl l ~u: uot ~!! du to l`: :`ku:: o :om duy: du to
v . ^t tl t`m o |u:ut You:u Sul|'s dutl l`: `ud uud
|otl |u:ut Slu` Sul| ~u: uot uvu`!u|! tl. "lu l um
|uk tl uud l om to kuo~ tlut l`: `ud uud |otl
u!udy !t tl ~o!d. So l ~u: :lokd uud ~o :loud uud
~u: utd tl oom uud :!t ou tl _ouud uud d`d.
Tl` muu:o!um `: u!~uy: u!! o v`:`to: o tl |u`t: o
tl` _ut |!::`u_: tl . ^!:o Lhelr mausoleum ln Pyderabad whlch
ls famous slnce long Llme for Lhe fulflllmenL of deslres and wlshes of Lhe persons
who vlslL Lhelr mausoleum Lhere
|ou ud o tl Hu_lu! lm` tl ^:` |ul` u!: o
|ydu|ud u!:o lud _ut dvot`ou uud :t o tl`: _ut
muu:o!um o |u:ut You:u Sul| uud |u:ut Slu` Sul`|.
Tl _uv: o o!!o~`u_ umou: :ouu!`t`: u u!:o uvu`!u|!
uouud tl muu:o!um o |u:ut You:`uu |otl: uud tl dtu`!:
u u: o!!o~:.
1.^m` H`uu`
?.Du_ul Dl!v` uud l`: ~`.
Tl uum o tl u:tod`uu o tl :l`u `: u:1448
PazraL lalsal All Shah
1he urs (deaLh annlversary ) ceremony ls belng performed by Lhe LrusLee of
Lhe shrlne every year ln Lhe besL posslble manner for Lhe comforL and besL
servlce of Lhe vlslLors of Lhe shrlne

Ya Haq
Translated from Urdu to English by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Hyderabad, India.
Email :
Kindly read my book Tadhkiral Awliya on thebelow web site.
Aqlim Hind ke hain Qutub
Mere Sarkar Syed Shah Afzal Biabani

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