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A laboratory manual is a type of instructional material which contains a series of activities or

experiments to supplement the lecture portion of a particular course.

Contents of a Laboratory Manual

1. Preliminaries
a. Title page - title and author(s)
b. Preface - quick view of the purpose, nature and scope of the laboratory manual.
c. About the author – author’s name, qualification and/or experience.
d. Acknowledgement/Dedication(optional) – assistance from and/or special
contributions of various individuals, organizations, and agencies/institutions.
e. Table of Contents - list of chapter titles and sub-titles and corresponding page number
2. Introduction/Background - theoretical information regarding the information concept to be
3. Objectives - clearly state what the student is expected to accomplish.
4. Materials - listing of materials to be used in the exercises/experiments.
5. Procedure - method in conducting the exercises/experiments.
6. Questions/Critical Thinking - test constructed at the end of each exercise/experiment.
7. Answer Sheets - pages to write answers/explanations to questions asked.

1. Objectives 1 2 3 4 5
1.1. Objectives are clearly stated.
1.2. Objectives are achievable and measurable.
1.3. Objectives are consistent with the approved syllabus.
1.4. Objectives include cognitive domains.
1.5. Objectives include affective domains.
1.6. Objectives include psychomotor domains.
1.7. Objectives are consistent with the institutional VMGO.
1. Contents and Mechanics 1 2 3 4 5
1.1. Content meets the stated objectives of the course.
1.2. The exercises/experiments should complement the outline of the
1.3. Procedures are clear and easy to execute.
1.4. Procedures should be up-to date.
1.5. Materials needed for each exercise are explicitly listed down.
1.6. Questions at the end of each exercise/experiment are challenging to
develop critical thinking.
1.7. Each activity contains theoretical or background information regarding
the concepts to be learned.
1.8. Writing style is appealing to the student.
1.9. Procedures are complete and can be accomplished either inside or
outside the classroom.
1.10. Questions are well constructed.
1.11. At least five (5) references or supplementary reading materials
are listed down at the end of each activity.

2. Physical Features 1 2 3 4 5
2.1. Figures and instructions are provided as guide in performing the
2.2. Illustrations are clear and captions are well written.
2.3. The cover of the manual is attractive.
2.4. Printing is clear, legible, and free of typographical error.
2.5. Page layout is appealing.

Rating score: 5 – Excellent/4 – Above Average/3 – Average/2 – Below Average/1 – Poor


A module is a set of learning opportunities organized around a well-defined topic which
contains the elements of instruction, specific objectives, teaching and learning activities and
evaluation using criteria-referenced measures. (Bhagwani, 2003)

A module may be used as part of a course, as a complete course, or as a curriculum design.

Content of a Module

1. Preliminaries
a. Title Page – title and author (s)
b. Preface – quick view of the purpose, nature, and scope of the workbook.
c. About the Author – author’s name, qualification and/or experiences
d. Acknowledgements/Dedication (optional) – assistance from and /or special
contributions of various individuals, organizations, and agencies/institutions.
e. Table of Contents – list of chapter titles and subtitles and corresponding page number
2. Objectives – formulated in terms of student’s specific and measurable performance.
3. Instructions to the Learner – worded following the qualities like clarity, brevity, simplicity, and
4. Pre-test Feedback – key to correction.
5. Learning Activities – the heart of the module which include various lessons, study sheet assignments,
tests, and even suggested projects.
6. Post-Test – finds out how far the learner learned from the module.
7. Post-Test Feedback – key to correction.

1. Objectives 1 2 3 4 5
1.1. Objectives are clearly stated.
1.2. Objectives are achievable and measurable.
1.3. Objectives are consistent with the approved syllabus.
1.4. Objectives include cognitive domains.
1.5. Objectives include affective domains.
1.6. Objectives include psychomotor domains.
1.7. Objectives are consistent with the institutional VMGO.
1. Contents and Mechanics 1 2 3 4 5
1.1. Content meets the stated objectives of the course.
1.2. Learning activities provide strong and worthwhile learning experiences that
add to understanding of the topic.
1.3. The suggested readings support, complement or enhance the student’s
understanding of the topic.
1.4. The follow-up exercise/assignments are appropriate to the topic and are
useful in the course.
1.5. All information is current and up-to date.
1.6. The activity or assignment directions are clear and easy to understand.
1.7. The terms used are easy to understand.
1.8. Content covers the competencies required.
1.9. Content is within comprehension and experience level of the target group.
1.10. Content is sufficient within the time allotted.
1.11. Unit/topic titles and subheadings are concrete and, meaningful, and
1.12. Writing style is appealing to the students.
1.13. Activities are thought-provoking and challenging.
1.14. Questions in the pre-test and post-test cover all the topics and
learning objectives under consideration.
1.15. The module is developed in a logical and organized manner.
1.16. Organization is flexible, permitting various in sequence.
1.17. New concepts are explicitly linked to the student’s prior knowledge
or experience.
1.18. The module introduces abstract concepts by accompanying them
with practical examples/applications.

2. Physical Features 1 2 3 4 5
2.1. Illustrations and drawings are relevant to the content of the text.
2.2. Pictures are clear and of good quality.
2.3. Captions for illustrations are well-written and appropriate.
2.4. Illustrations are appropriately placed within the text.
2.5. Module cover is attractive.
2.6. Printed module is clear, legible, and free of typographical errors.
2.7. Page layout is appealing.

Rating score: 5 – Excellent/4 – Above Average/3 – Average/2 – Below Average/1 - Poor

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