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5 Information technology 1

< -----A Information systems collect. organize, store. process. retrieve and display information in different
(") formats (text. video, and voice). Information technology allows very fast. automated
tr manipulation of digital data and their transformation from and to analogue.
T\\'o basic technologies have been responsible for the den!lopmcnt of the necessary hardware:
integrated circuits and digital communications. Parallel advances have been made in software,
particularly easy-to-use software products to create. maintain. manipulate. and query files and
::0 record.,. \!any of these soft\\'are programs arc designed for use both by computer professionals
0 and enthusiastic amateurs. Another important factor is the development of computer net\\orks
UI ,- 6).
B As technology develops. new models and types of computer appear. At the heart of all computers
> is the lumlll'nre. However. without soflll'are. computers arc just dumb boxes. unable to perform
(") any cakulations or operations.
< \fodels and types of computer
m desktop • laptop • mainframe • notebook • server • terminal • workstation

Computer hardware
CPU (central processing unit) • dot matrix printer • expansion card • inkJet printer
keyboard • laser printer • monitor • mouse • RAM (random access memory)
scanner • screen • storage devices

applet • application software • browser • database software • email software
graphics software • operating system • search engine • spreadsheet
word processing

----�� Many words in the field of IT come from American English. So you may see the following
British English American English
programme program
analogue analog

The area of IT is developing very quickly: and the language to describe hardware. software and
applicalions is also ernh ing at a high speed. t\s a result new noun + noun combinations often
change to single nouns
noun+ noun single noun
lap top laptop
note book notebook
work station workstation
desk top desktop

Label the diagram.
monitor screen
l CPU mouse
laser printer laptop <
scanner O

'\ o
[ J fi)
desktop o
I I z
Combine one word from A and one word ITomB and match it with the appropriate definition (')
inC. <
A B C m
create --... products a monitor will do this on a computer screen
central information this describes the format of O and 1 in which
information is stored
j software \ processing unit these enable a computer to perform word
processing, to create databases, and to manipulate
numerical data

display when two or more components are combined and
then incorporated into a single package
digital ca"
files to make new programs, utilities or documents
expansion network a group of electronic machines connected by cables
J or other means which can exchange information and
share equipment (such as printers and disk drives)
integrated data the principal microchip that the computer is built
computer circuits you plug this into a slot to add features such as
video, sound, modem and networking

Complete each gap in the following text with a phrase from the table above.
J display information in different
1 The computer monitor willformats so you can see it on screen.
2 Information is stored on a computer as files, text. video, and voice

3 Spreadsheet and graphic software are examples of particularly easy-to-use software products to create.
4 Digital communications and integrated circuits have allowed developments in
hardware to be made.
5 In order to organise data you should Information systems where you can store data.
6 When several computers are linked together you have a expansion data
7 The part of the computer which interprets and carries out instructions is the
software processing unit

8 An- can be inserted in your computer to give your computer extra

capabilities. 15
17 Electronics 1
< A Electronics is a branch of engineering and physics. ft deals with the emission, behaviour. and
C') effects of electrons for the generation. transmission, reception, and storage of information. This
C" information can be audio signals in a radio. images (video signals) on a television screen. or
C numbers and other data in a computer. Electronic systems are important in communication.
D) entertainment. and control systems .
Electronic circuits consist of interconnections of electronic components , at the heart of which
0 are semiconductors. Transistors. which are made of silicon or germanium, are made from
:s: semiconductors. Commercial products range from ceUular radiotelephone systems and video
-a cassette recorders to high-performance supercomputers and sophisticated weapons systems. In
z industry, electronic devices have led to dramatic improvements in productivity and quality. For
-a example. computer-aided design tools facilitate the design of complex parts, such as aircraft
0 wings. or intricate structures, such as integrated circuits.
B The development of microelectronics has had a major impact on the electronics industry.
Electronic components are expected to deliver ever higher performance, while electronic circuits
continue to benefit from miniaturization.
Function of electronic circuits
amplification • demodulation • electronic processing • generation
information extraction • modulation • radio wave • recovery (of audio signal)

Electronic components
absorb • active • battery • capacitor • diode • energy • generator • inductor
passive • resistor • transducer • transistor • vacuum tube (AmE) • valve (BrE)

device size • digitization • fidelity • high speed • increased reliability
manufacturing cost • storage capacity • storage system • ultrahigh image definition

C One way of increasing your vocabulary is to learn the associated words from a key word.
Look at the word table below. which shows words related to the key words presented above:

Noun Verb Adjective

activation activate active
amplification amplify amplified
emission emit emitted
entertainment entertain entertaining
extraction extract extracted
generation generate generative
integration integrate integrated/integrative
reception receive receptive
recovery recover recovered
reliability rely reliable
storage store stored
transmission transmit transmittable/transmissible
1 Choose the correct word in the following sentences.
1 Transistors/inductors are the key component in electronics.
2 They consist of three layers of silicon semiconductor/superconductor. <
3 All electronic/electrical systems consist of input, a processor and output, and usually memory. 0
4 The input receives/resists and converts information while the output converts and supplies D)
electronically processed information. C
5 The memory may not be present in simple systems. but its function is the D)
storage/transmission of information for the processor.
6 Continual developments in elech·onics give us increased reliability/recovery in electronic 0
devices. :i:

7 Electronic equipment controls microprocessors/microwaves in, for example. weapons systems. )>
cellular radiotelephone systems and domestic appliances. -<

8 Electronic devices have improved our lives by providing hig,h quality �
communication/combination and entertainment. "Tl
2 Use the word in brackets to form a word which fits in the sentence.
1 The weak audio signal entering a radio is amplified by the amplification thus making iL
audible. (amplify)
2 Computer games are just one example of electronic systems being used for entertainment
3 Due to developments in mobile telecommunications systems. a new generation of mobile
phone is now available. (generate)
4 IC stands for integrated/integrative circuit. (integrate)
5 Computer software is reliable if it does what the manual says it should. (rely)
6 One area of electronics is concerned witb the store of information. (store)
7 The transmission of signals to satellites is made by microwaves. (transmit)
8 A computer chip is capable of holding vast amounts of store information. (store)
9 transmission of speech was first carried out through modulate of the amplitude of a radio
signal. (transmit, modulate)

10 In a laser, energy is released in the form of emission light. (emit)

3 Complete the text about electronics by choosing a word from the box.
diodes • semiconductor • electrons • devices • germanium • transistors
integrated circuits • capacitors • silicon • integrated • resistors

om basic components. Electronic circuits are built f can be charged and. discharged. The two most
(a) RESISTORES are the most common capacitors are ceramic and electrolytic.
important Most electronic devices use (f) integrated circuits
components. They can be used to amplify the (IC) or microchips. Inside an IC is a very small
strength of a signal by converting a weak signal piece of (g) INTEGRATED with circuits built in.
into a stronger one or to switch other circuits on Today, semiconductors are usually made of (h)
or off. (b) ELECTRONS reduce the flow of SILICON which is cheaper and easier to manufacture
(c)resistors through the circuit, adding than (i) germanium. Researchers are constantly
resistance to that circuit. (d) diodo trying to reduce the size of transistors in order to
function as electronic valves allowing current to reduce the size of
flow in only one direction. (e) capacitors store U) DEVICES 39
electricity in order to smooth the flow. They

3 Past tenses
Q Last year we began a study of airbags on our four wheel drive vehicles. First we analysed the
Q) results of the tests that we had carried out. After the results had be en compiled. we used
3 modelling software to evaluate the performance of the airbags. This showed how well they had
3 performed under different conditions. While we were evaluating the physical performance.
... another study was assessing the materials that we were using. All the results were then recorded
e into a database.
u- ~- m Form
Past simple and Past continuous
Positive Negative Question
Past simple Last year we began a new We didn't develop the software Where did you record
active study. ourselves. the results?
Past simple The performance of the air The results weren't recorded. Where were the fíndings
passive bags was assessed. published?
Past continuous Whíle the analyst was carrying ... the other technicians What were you doing
active out the test... were not recording the results. during the test phase?
Past continuo us While the test was being ... the results were not being Why were the findings
passive carried out ... recorded. being written down?

Past perfect
Positive Negative Question

Past perfect After we had compi/ed the Because they had not Had they carried out all
simple active resu Its... recorded the data... the tests?

Past perfect ... after the results had ... beca use the data had Had all the tests been
simple passive been compi/ed. not been recorded. carried out?

Past perfect The analyst had been We had not been evaluating How long had you be en
continuous checking the walls yesterday ... the physical characteristics ... working on the project?

Note: the past perfect contÍnuous actÍve is quite unusual and the past perfect contÍ nuo us passÍve is very rare

rL --- Uses
Allthe past tensesare used to express activities at a definite time in the past.
The past simple describes:
an activity at a definite time in the past
The study of airbags was started last year.
The past continuous describes:
an activity which is a time frame for another activity
WhiIe we were studying the airbags. we made a significant discovery.
WhiIe our team was studying performance. another team was looking at the characteristics.
The past perfect describes:
an activity that happened earlier than another activity in the past
Our studies showed how weII the equipment had performed.
We use the past tenseswith these expressions:
yesterday yesterday morninglafternoon,!evening
last last nightlweeklmonthlyear
68 ago onehourltwo weekslthreemonthslfour years ago
, in in 20051the 1990'slthe 19th cer¡tury
1 Six of the following sentences contain mistakes. Find the mistakes and correct them.
l Sydney Harbour Bridge was building BUILT in 1932.
2 While they were carrying out tests in the laboratories. researchers were analysing past
3 The f1rst real road builders in Britain was WERE the Romans. 3
4 The Romans built roads of WITH layers of broken stones of various sizes and were covering them 3
with flat stones. D)

5 The system didn't WASN'T working because the loudspeaker had been wrongly connected. C
6 Before factories were told to stop polluting the environment , waste was being dumped in CD
rivers and in the sea. (/)

7 Louis Pasteur was discovering DISCOVECED the action of germs while he was studying fermentation in
8 The production process had already been shut down when the leak in the fuel tank was
9 Nuclear energy began to be used from the mid-1950s.

10 In the second half of the 20th century, the electronics industry transforming WAS TRANSFORMED the way
we work in factories.

2 Make past tense questions and answers using the words given.
I: W11e11 were fibre optics first devel,oped?
1 When/ be/ fibre optics/ first/ develop?
2 The boxes/ break/ because they/ make/ of low quality materials. The boxes broke because they were made of
low quality materials
3 The power supply/ cut off / because/ cables/ come down/ during the storm. The power supply cut off because
the cables came down during the storm
4 They/ not complete/ the foundations/ by the time the building materials/ arrive. They didn't complete the
foundations by the time the building materials arrived.
5 When / they / install/ the solar panels? When did they
6 be/ this/ the first hydroelectric scheme/ in Scotland? was this the first hydroelectric scheme in Scotland
7 They/ not use/ wood chip/ for heating/ when the engineer/ visit/ the factory. They didn't use wood chip for
heating when the engineer visited the factory
8 How I they/ produce / gas / before they/ discover/ North Sea gas? How did they produce gas before they
discovered North sea gas ?
9 be I the oil pollution along the coastline/ cause/ by an oil tanker spillage? Was the oil pollution along the
coastline caused by an oil tanker spillage?

10 How/ they prepare access to thits mine? How will they prepare access to this mine ?

Complete the following report of an ;accident which happened in a factory with the correct form of the verbs in

Was found
was lying
was checking was breathing
was taken recovered
found out

became became
was working

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