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Campus 17 PRESCHOOL 5
I.VOCABULARY (10 marks)

Part 1: Unscreamble the letters to make the correct words. (5 marks)

0. breH: Herb
1. kichT: __________________ 6. ellB: _______________________
2. kcloC: __________________ 7. aWll: _______________________
3. Rkco: __________________ 8. llSeh: _______________________
4. Mlla: __________________ 9. almlS: _______________________
5. llirG: __________________ 10. creaS: _______________________

Part 2: Gap filling. (5 marks)

Ø Choose the words in the box to fill the gaps. (5 marks)

wear scare hare hair pair peel
0. She______peels____pear.
1. My___________is too long. I need to have it cut.
2. I saw a __________________runs into the forest.
3. It is cold_________________some warm clothes!
4. If you_________someone, they might scream.
5. I went to buy a new__________of shoes.

II.GRAMMAR (30 marks)

Part 1: Gap filling. (25 marks)

Ø Fill in blank with could,were or would. (5 marks)

0. If I could buy anything to eat, I would pick Spakati.
1. She would buy a new house If she __________rich.
2. If I _____________visit any country, I _______________pick Swizerland.
3. She ______________passed the exam If I ______________study hard.
4. If I ______________have a pet, I ______________pick a Prisian cat.
5. If I _______________visit any where, I ____________pick Angkor wat.
6. If I _______________buy any car, I ____________pick a BMW.
7. I ____________study hard, If I were you.
8. If you _____________me, You ____________understand my feeling.
9. If I ________________have a lot of money, I ________buy a new bike.
10. If I ________________visit any country, I ___________pick England.
Ø Add -ing to the following words. (5 marks)
0. Walk:_____walking______
1. Study: ______________ 6. Lie: __________________
2. Dance: ______________ 7. Stay: __________________

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Campus 17 PRESCHOOL 5
3. Stop: ________________ 8. Swim: __________________
4. Die: ________________ 9. Tie: __________________
5. Run: _________________ 10. Move: __________________
Ø Put am / is / are into the gaps. (5 marks)
0. She_____is___a student.
a. am b. is c. are
1. Mary___________a beautiful girl in the class.
a. am b. is c. are
2. They___________working in the garden.

a. am b. is c. are

3. He_____________talking about his homework.

a. am b. is c. are
4. They_______________sleeping at home.
a. am b. is c. are
5. I___________walking to school with my brother.
a. am b. is c. are

Ø Put have / had / has into the gaps. (5 marks)

0. She_____had___a baby yesterday.
a. have b. had c. has
1. This peacock___________green wings.
a. have b. had c. has
2. We____________seen the picture already.
a. have b. had c. has
3. Do you ____________a balloon?
a. have b. had c. has
4. Dory_____________a cute pet dog.
a. have b. had c. has
5. We__________a family party last weekend.
a. have b. had c. has

Ø Complete the sentences using Present Continuous. (5 marks)

0. They _______are listening______to the teacher. (listen)
1. He_____________about her. (think)
2. They______________a shower. (take)
3. We_______________________TV. (not watch)
4. Where_______she______________? (go)
5. Why____________you____________so fast? (run)

Part 2: Multiple choices. (5 marks)

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Campus 17 PRESCHOOL 5
Ø Circle the right words of Past form. (5 marks)
0. speak speaked spoke speakied
1. study studied studies studyed
2. talk tell talked told
3. run runed ran runned
4. say sayed said saied
5. play played plaied playyed
6. fly flow flew flyed
7. cry cried cryed cryied
8. tell telled told tellied
9. go want goed went
10. sell selled sold salled

III. DICTATION (10 marks)

Part 1: Listen and write what you hear. (5 marks)

1. _________________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________________________

Part 2: Match the words with their meaning. (5 marks)

Words Meaning Answer

0. Click a. to pressing or touching something. 0 a
1. Tell b. hair that is grown on body of animal or bird. 1
2. Pill c. a very large store. 2
3. Nightmare d. to make something full or become full. 3
4. Fur e. in a good way. 4
5. Fill f. problem,worry or difficulty. 5
6. Secret g. something that knew only few people not told to others. 6
7. Well h. a bad dream. 7
8.Truth i. to say something to someone. 8
9.Trouble j. the true or fact. 9
10.Mall k. a small medicine or vitamin. 10
IV. READING (15 marks)


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Campus 17 PRESCHOOL 5
Some people use computers for fun. You can play games and talk in chat rooms. You can also listen to music and watch

movies. Some people use computers to shop. You can buy airplane tickets, clocks, jars of food, and skirt to wear. Some people
use computer to surf the Internet. They look at all the websites to find new information. Some people use computers to write
emails. Other people even use the computer to make call. If you are sick, they can’t make you feel well. And if you are hungry,
they can’t make a snack for you. Also, computers can’t help us to grow flowers or trees. We can’t use computers.

Part 1: True / False Statement. (5 marks)

Ø Read the text again. Write T for (True) or F for (False).

0. You can use computer to listen to music.
1. Some people use computers to write emails.
2. Computer can’s make you feel well.
3. Computer can make a snack for you.
4. You can’t use computers to play game and talk in chat rooms.
5. Other people even use the computer to make call.

Write your answer here

0 1 2 3 4 5
Part 2: Gap Filling. (4 marks)

Ø Read the text again and then fill the gaps with correct words.
0. Some people use______computers____for fun.
1. They use computer to ______________the internet.
2. You can buy jars of food and_____________to wear.
3. _____________________can’t help us to grow flowers.
4. Some people look at all the _____________________to find new information.

Part 3: Comprehension questions. (6 marks)

Ø Answer the following questions.

1. Who uses computer to shop?
2. Can you play games on computer?
3. Can computer help us grow the tree?

V. LISTENING (15 marks)

Part 1: Listen and then circle the correct words you hear. (15 marks)

1. They share/sell socks in the shopping mall/wall.

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2. Jill’s cat licks/locks its fur on the window sill/shell.

3. Jack tucks/ticks in his shirt and wears/sacks socks.

4. Nell fills/falls up a small/smell jug.

5. The wall is sick/thick , the man is sick/thick.

6. Mark can smell/smack barbecued pork on the drill/grill.

7. You will fall/call if you don’t sit still on the swing.

8. The man rings the bell/bill every hour.

9. Can you tell/spell us a story?

10. Nell’s cat sits on the window cell/sill

11. When you are ill/well, you take pills.

12. The cake swells/smell so good!

VI. WRITING (20 marks)

Part 1: Sentence building. (10 marks)

Ø Make your own sentences by using “ If……..,I would pick……..”.(5 marks)

0. If I could visit any bookstore, I would pick fairy tail.
1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________________

Ø Unscramble the words to make sentences. (5 marks)

1. yell / all / time / My / the / brother


2. truck / and / Jack / picks / his / up / socks


3. put / sack / a / rock / in / Rick / the


4. first / was / My / a / pet / pony

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Campus 17 PRESCHOOL 5
5. sport / Playing / is / for / good / you


Part 2: Write a short paragraph. (10 marks)

Ø Choose one topic to write a short paragraph.

1. Describe about your Daily routine.

2. How to be a good student.
3. Descibe about your Happy trip.
Goodluck all my beloved student…!

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