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Kyle: Welcome back to another segment of Alternate Truth, where we’ll interview brainless moron who

love to disrupt the status quo and today’s laughing stock is Galileo, he’s here to promote his new book
“Dialogue on the two chief systems of the world”. Let’s welcome the moron himself, Galileo

*Audience booing*

Nathan: Hello everyone

Kyle: So what gives you the right to sprout such blasphemy, saying that our Earth centred system is

Nathan: I was just using science to prove a theory

Kyle: OOOH! OOH! OHH! So what I’m hearing is that you don’t believe in God, cause in the BIBLE, it
makes references to an Earth Centred System, sooo, make it make sense

Nathan: My observations doesn’t contradict the bible, I completely belief in God, he was the one that
gave me the ability to observe nature and I’m in awe of how science plays a role in God’s creation

Kyle: Mmmhm, so how did you come to this conclusion

Nathan: As you know, the sun centred system or the heliocentric theory was originally discovered by
Copernicus and I completely support this. So I tried to find ways to prove Copernicus’s theory. By using
the telescope I created that has the magnification power of about 20’. I found that Venus went through
phases, just like our Moon. But, the nature of these phases could only be explained by Venus going
around the Sun, not the Earth. Also the discoveries I made about the Moon, Jupiter’s moons and
sunspots supported the idea the Sun was the centre of the Solar System and not the Earth.

Kyle: *laughing* Could you believe the man, saying that the Earth moves around the sun. Well if your
theory is correct and we're moving, wouldn't we be able to feel the movement, wouldn't everything be
falling down, birds wouldn't be able to keep up and the clouds would be disappearing over the left and
right but their not so the Sun centred System is just ridiculous. Does anybody in the audience have an
opinion on this theory.


Kyle: Well that's our show, Hope

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