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Current Medical Imaging

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A Review on Imaging Techniques and Artificial Intelligence Models for

Osteoporosis Prediction
S.Arun Inigo1,*, R. Tamilselvi1 and M.Parisa Beham1
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sethu Institute of Technology, Pulloor, Kariyapatti, India

Osteoporosis causes harmful influences on both men and women of all races. Bone mass, also referred to as “bone density,” is frequently used to
assess the health of bone. Humans frequently experience bone fractures as a result of trauma, accidents, metabolic bone diseases, and disorders of
bone strength, which are typically led by changes in mineral composition and result in conditions like osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, osteopenia, etc.
Artificial intelligence holds a lot of promise for the healthcare system. Data collection and preprocessing seem to be more essential for analysis, so
bone images from different modalities, such as X-ray, Computed Tomography (CT), and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), are taken into
consideration that help to recognize, classify, and evaluate the patterns in clinical images. This research presents a comprehensive overview of the
performance of various image processing techniques and deep learning approaches used to predict osteoporosis through image segmentation,
classification, and fault detection. This survey outlined the proposed domain-based deep learning model for image classification in addition to the
initial findings. The outcome identifies the flaws in the existing literature's methodology and lays the way for future work in the deep learning-
based image analysis model.

Keywords: Medical image, Bone mineral density (BMD), Image processing, Artificial intelligence, Dataset quality, Deep learning (DL).

Article History Received: March 16, 2023 Revised: April 29, 2023 Accepted: May 12, 2023

1. INTRODUCTION one than men. Bone density tends to increase when humans
seem to be young adults, typically between the ages of 25 and
A skeletal illness characterized as osteoporosis is defined
30 (Fig. 1). After then, our bones gradually lose density as we
by the loss of bone mass and microstructural degradation of
age. However, there are methods to stop this natural loss of
bone tissue. Osteoporosis, which means “porous bone,” makes
bones more brittle and fracture-prone. Low-energy fractures bone mass, including the use of vitamins, minerals, drugs like
are linked to increased mortality and morbidity rates. Some hormonal therapy, and weight-bearing workouts [1].
patients lose height as a result of it. Osteoporosis generally Worldwide, one in three women over the age of 50 will
causes a stooped or slumped posture when it affects vertebrae suffer an osteoporotic fracture. For men, this percentage drops,
or the bones of the spine. Mobility issues brought on by with one in five people in the same age range reportedly
osteoporosis can result in feelings of loneliness or melancholy. suffering from an osteoporosis-related fracture [2].
With early diagnosis of the bone risk factor, life expectancy
Artificial intelligence is the art of “teaching” machines to
and its quality can be increased. Human fractures pose a
act as they think and appear intelligent. Technically speaking,
substantial health concern and frequently result in significant
artificial intelligence (AI) refers to a large class of algorithmic
short- and long-term discomfort for those who sustain them.
technologies designed to imitate human reasoning. Artificial
Bones go through a cycle of renewal continuously. Remodeling
intelligence's machine learning (ML) field uses statistical
is the process when older bone tissue is replaced by freshly
techniques to spot empirical patterns in data. The data is
generated bone tissue. The primary causes of fractures are age,
smoking, drinking, osteoporosis, diabetes, and gender. One in especially used by ML as examples to guide the learning
two women over the age of 50 will get a fracture over her process towards a particular destination. Deep learning (DL), a
lifetime, making women significantly more likely to experience subset of machine learning, provides multilayered (“deep”)
model architectures that can manage complex non-linear
* Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Electronics and interactions between the input and output variables [3].
Communication Engineering, Sethu Institute of Technology, Pulloor, Kariyapatti,
India; E-mail: AI—which has the capacity to make machines that

DOI: 10.2174/1573405620666230608091911, 2024, 20, e080623217779

2 Current Medical Imaging, 2024, Volume 20 Inigo et al.

replicate human behavior—is poised to transform the The doctor can identify the broken bone using the X-ray
profession of medicine. AI is a complementary technology that image. The manual method for identifying fractures is time-
is intended to improve the human abilities of nurses, doctors, consuming and prone to error. Therefore, it is essential to
and researchers in the medical field. AI in medicine is not create an automated system to recognize the broken bone. Deep
meant to replace doctors; rather, it is meant to enhance their
Neural Networks are commonly used for power device
skills. Recently, it has become clear that machine learning,
particularly deep learning with artificial neural networks, holds
simulation (DNN). Recently, a deep neural network model was
great promise for achieving human- or nearly human-level developed to distinguish between broken and healthy bones. A
performance in various difficult-to-automate highly complex classifier of the deep learning model is produced by a little data
perceptual tasks, such as image classification and natural set. In order to increase data gathering, methodologies for data
language processing. augmentation have been designed [4].

Fig. (1). Information on bone mass at various ages [2].

Fig. (2). Osteoporosis or low hip bone mass in women and men over 50 years of age: projected prevalence [5].
Artificial Intelligence Models for Osteoporosis Prediction Current Medical Imaging, 2024, Volume 20 3

Fig. (3). X-ray images of normal bone and osteoporosis bone.

The National Center for Health Statistics, a division of the A lack of calcium. Minerals are constantly lost and
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, conducts the replaced in the bones.
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey A sedentary way of life.
(NHANES). A sample of Americans that were nationally Four clinical covariate types, namely, age, gender, BMI
representative was used for this poll. In the United States, (Body mass index), and history of hip fracture, were chosen
14,646 men and women over 20 years old had their hip bone from the clinical factors of patients with osteoporosis in the
mineral density assessed as part of the NHANES from 1988 to study. The BMI was calculated by dividing the weight in
1994. The percentage of those over 50 who had osteoporosis kilograms by the square of the height in meters (kg/m2). The
and poor bone mass was calculated by comparing these height and weight were measured at the same time as the
numbers to the WHO definitions. These percentages were then BMD. A history of hip fracture was also chosen as a patient
put on the whole population of men and women over the age of factor because hip fractures affect secondary fractures in
50 to identify the exact number of males and females in the osteoporotic fractures [6].
United States with osteoporosis and poor bone mass.
Projections for 2010 and 2020 were based on population 1.2. Bone Mineral Density (BMD)
predictions for those years; they are much higher than the
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines
current values because of both the anticipated ageing of the
osteoporosis as having a BMD criterion of less than -2.5,
population in Fig. (2) and the anticipated rise in the overall
normal BMD T-score between 0 to -1, and osteopenia between
population. Normal and osteoporosis X-ray images of the knee
T-scores -1 and -2.5 (Fig. 4) [7]. The benchmark test for
and Spine are presented (Fig. 3) [5]. For further procedures like
osteoporosis is dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in the
improvement, test/training, segmentation, and classification,
proximal femur, lumbar spine, and, in some scenarios, the
the dataset needs to be created. Clinical observation and patient
forearm. The BMD score for spine bone density (L2-L4) using
history are crucial components in determining the future
DEXA is given in Fig. (5). Here, the age and T-score are
prospects for osteoporosis in its early stages.
considered to find osteoporosis [8]. Hsieh et al. focused on
1.1. Clinical Observations and Side Effects BMD thresholds with a positive predictive value (PPV) of 95%
for classifying and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 95%
Osteoporosis is the most common bone disease in humans, for excluding osteoporosis. Overall, the hip cohort had an
and it is a major public health concern. It is more common in excellent PPV or NPV for osteoporosis, with 88.2% of the
women and the elderly. Similar to how hypertension raises the predicted values, and the spine cohort had an excellent PPV or
risk of stroke, osteoporosis does the same for fractures. NPV of 70.4%. In real-world tests, the actual rate of
Osteoporosis affects millions of people of all ages and cultures, radiographs that could be evaluated for BMD and fracture risk
and its prevalence will rise as the population ages. It is a silent is around 80% [9, 10].
disease until fractures occur, at which point it causes serious
secondary health issues and even death [5]. Fathima et al.emphasized the assessment of BMD using
several benchmark image processing methods, such as image
The 3 Most Common Causes of Osteoporosis are enhancement, segmentation, and texture analysis on X-ray and
DEXA pictures for osteoporosis detection. DEXA's superior
Estrogen deficiencies in women. During menopause, qualities open the door for new medical applications and
women typically experience estrogen deficiency. research [11].
4 Current Medical Imaging, 2024, Volume 20 Inigo et al.

Fig. (4). BMD score range.

Fig. (5). Example BMD Score analysis using DEXA [8].

The rest of the paper is structured as follows: In Sections 2 standard technique for the diagnosis of osteoporosis, DEXA, is
and 3, existing survey works and research motivation are accurate and highly precise, it has certain limitations, such as
discussed. Details on image acquisition and various image the high cost and low availability of DEXA in the low
processing methods for classification and segmentation details economy. Diagnosis of osteoporosis by analysis of radiographs
are given in Section 4. Discussion on different deep learning can be a cost-effective alternative to DEXA. Since BMD
models for segmentation, classification of bone fracture risk measures the bone quantity and not the bone structure, it is
and osteoporosis detection is elaborated in Section 5. Section 6 insufficient to predict the risk of fragility fractures [13].
highlights the study findings of this comprehensive survey.
Various medical image segmentation models using deep
Finally, Section 7 concludes and highlights the anticipated
learning are discussed, i.e., CNN, FCNN, Unet, GAN, SegAN,
improvements. etc. Increasingly new methods are used to improve the
accuracy and robustness of segmentation continuously.
Diagnosing various diseases through artificial intelligence
Only a few numbers of reviews have been carried out in realizes the idea of sustainable medical treatment. It has
the last 2 decades with an emphasis on model architecture and become a powerful tool for clinicians. But it is still an open
performance in the domain of osteoporosis image analysis. The problem to expect a series of innovations and research results.
majority of the survey's questions rely on various features to This article presents a direct review of the current literature on
represent anomaly patterns and classification classifiers. This the use of artificial intelligence in the identification of groups
article is focused on recently published reviews in the fields of at risk of osteoporosis or fractures resulting from this disease.
medical image analysis and osteoporosis image analysis The application of artificial intelligence has shown to be
adequate for the prognosis of the disease or fracture since there
Kavita et al. reviewed a study on CAD-system vision
is no need to provide a diagnostic rule to identify it [14].
based on automatic detection and diagnosis of osteoporosis,
including the survey on X-rays, DEXA scans, MRIs, and CT- The X-ray image of the bone structure was measurably
scan of vertebrae. The channel to detect osteoporosis includes prepared and deliberately changed to remove unfair factual
the acquisition of the image, pre-processing, segmenting with highlights of various requests. These bone features were
respect to ROI, extracting features, and lastly, classifiers using analyzed through machine learning algorithms to categorize
machine learning techniques [12]. Even though the gold them into two groups, one with osteoporosis and the other one
Artificial Intelligence Models for Osteoporosis Prediction Current Medical Imaging, 2024, Volume 20 5

as a healthy subject. The classifiers used for feature extraction random samples from all patient categories [17]. This survey
used in this study were artificial neural networks, Support also covers works of general medical image analysis literature
vector machines, K-nearest neighbor (KNN), and Naive Bayes to get further knowledge and insight and infer more specific
[15]. In the fast-moving world of genomics, including the field data about the use of deep learning models (Table 1).
of osteoporosis, hundreds of genetic markers have been
identified as associated with complex traits. As discussed 3. RESEARCH MOTIVATION
above, the GWAS findings have aided the discovery of several The development of new methods for automatically
novel osteoporosis drug targets. However, there is still an segmenting and classifying images will be very helpful to
overwhelming number of significant associations for which the rheumatologists and radiologists. Caution should be exercised
underlying biological mechanisms remain unknown, as the when comparing studies and reporting performance indicators
functional characterization of the discovered genetic variants because they may also be assessed in distinct ways in addition
has lagged far behind [16]. The use of AI-based systems in the to utilizing different datasets for evaluation. Increased data and
detection of osteoporosis requires additional validation through model sharing will take the field even more and increase the
more prospective research in multicenter scenarios with larger research's reliability.

Table 1. Existing Review Articles on Bone Fracture Risk and Osteoporosis Image Analysis in the Aspects of BMD (Bone
Mineral Density), IPT (Image Processing Techniques), ML/DMA (Machine Learning/Deep Model Architecture), DQ (Dataset
Quality), and DKDM (Domain Knowledge Inclusion in Deep Models).

References Description BMD IPT DQ DKDM
[35] A Review of Deep-Learning-Based Medical Image Segmentation Methods -
9 - - -
[58] Osteoporosis Prediction in Trabecular Bone Using Machine Learning: A Review
9 9 - - -
[12] Deep Neural Networks for Diagnosis of Osteoporosis: A Review
9 - 9 - -
[13] A comparative study on the detection of osteoporosis using deep learning methods: A review -
9 9 - -
[14] Current and Emerging Diagnostic Imaging-Based
Techniques for Assessment of Osteoporosis and
Fracture Risk
9 9 - - -

[15] Computer-aided diagnosis systems for osteoporosis detection:, a comprehensive survey

9 9 - - -
[16] Artificial intelligence on the identification of risk groups for osteoporosis, a general review - -
9 9 -
[17] The genetic architecture of osteoporosis and fracture risk
9 -
- - -
[65] Current Concepts Review - The Assessment of Fracture Risk
9 9 - - -
Survey on Bone Fracture Identification
Techniques using Quantitative and Learning Based Algorithms 9 9 9 - -

[3] Machine Learning Solutions for Osteoporosis—A Review -

9 9 9 -
This survey Imaging Techniques and Artificial Intelligence Models for Osteoporosis Prediction
9 9 9 - 9

Fig. (6). Flow chart for model development.

6 Current Medical Imaging, 2024, Volume 20 Inigo et al.

This work is focused on an organized assessment of the testing sets. The training set is used to train the deep learning
literature on osteoporotic fracture risk image analysis using model, while the validation set is used to evaluate the
Deep Learning Models and Image Processing techniques, performance of the model during training. The testing set is
leading to the formulation of several research topics. Numerous used to evaluate the final performance of the model.
studies have been done over the past decades on osteoporosis
image analysis that takes into account custom feature analysis 3.3. Model Selection
methods. As a result, this survey has been narrowed to Select an appropriate deep learning architecture, such as
concentrate on the most recent five years (2016-2022) of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) or recurrent neural
published studies using deep learning and image processing networks (RNNs), for the task at hand.
techniques in the field of osteoporosis and bone fracture risk
with the help of image analysis. By providing answers to the 3.4. Training Model
following questions, the targeted study sets the path for
Train the model using the training data and appropriate
formulating the problem statements.
optimization techniques, such as stochastic gradient descent
P1: How the image processing techniques are supported in (SGD) or Adam optimizer.
data set preparation?
3.5. Hyperparameter Tuning
Motivation: The aim is to improve dataset quality so that
deep models can utilize it for greater accuracy. Adjust the hyperparameters of the model, such as learning
P2: What other options are there for image processing to rate, number of layers, and batch size, to optimize the model's
improve the dataset quality? performance on the validation set.

Motivation: To gain a deeper understanding of the 3.6. Evaluate the Model

currently used imaging methods and propose strategies for the
improvement of training datasets in the future. Evaluate the performance of the model on the testing set.
This involves calculating metrics, such as accuracy, sensitivity,
P3: Is using supervised deep models to train or learn specificity, and area under the curve (AUC).
features if the datasets involved in the existing deep learning
study sufficient? 3.7. Interpretation and Visualization
Motivation: To obtain an in-depth knowledge of the
Interpret the results of the model and visualize the
present supervised learning system, it is suggested to employ
performance using techniques, such as confusion matrix and
semi-supervised learning or unsupervised learning, which uses
ROC curves.
training data that is unlabeled.
P4: How to improve model performance by incorporating 3.8. Deployment and Integration
domain information into deep learning models?
Once the model is trained and validated, deploy the model
Motivation: The necessity of domain or expert knowledge for real-world use. This may involve integrating the model into
should be incorporated into the deep models to get improved an existing clinical workflow or developing a new application
performance. for medical image analysis.
P5: Which method learning from scratch or transfer
learning, can be used? 4. REVIEW ON SEVERAL IMAGE PROCESSING
Motivation: Either create a new model or use existing
models for transfer learning. Image processing is a branch of computer science. It uses
computing techniques to convert the captured data of an
P6: How many self-explanatory deep models are created to
imaging process into meaningful information (Fig. 7). Image
increase model credibility?
processing techniques are used to process digital images, such
Motivation: Create a clear and easy-to-use model to grasp as for medical imaging or for computer vision. Techniques
the fundamentals of the model's decision-making process and include burning, bleaching, fixing, and resizing images to
adjust the model for better performance. The process for model varying levels of quality. For medical images, preprocessing is
development mentioned in Fig. (6) is explained below: an important step in the image processing pipeline. Medical
images are highly sensitive to noise and can benefit from
3.1. Collect and Preprocess Medical Images
filtering to improve overall image quality. In order to diagnose
Collect medical images from various sources and and represent anatomical features in humans, such as bone, X-
preprocess them to remove any artifacts and enhance the image ray imaging technology is used. The image that is obtained is
quality. This may involve resizing, normalization, and filtering. then processed using various image processing techniques,
Annotate the images with relevant labels, such as the region of such as Computer-Aided Diagnosis, image enhancement,
interest, segmentation masks, or disease diagnosis. filtering techniques, Edge Detection, and segmentation, which
are favorable for technicians. In a patient who is in pain, it
3.2. Split the Data into Training, Validation, and Testing might be challenging and time-consuming to pinpoint the
Sets fracture. Medical imaging modalities are now crucial to
Split the annotated data into training, validation, and research and diagnosis [18].
Artificial Intelligence Models for Osteoporosis Prediction Current Medical Imaging, 2024, Volume 20 7

Fig. (7). Flow of image processing model [18].

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. (8). (a) Normal Bone, (b) Osteoporosis image, (c) Fracture bone.

4.1. Image Acquisition process the gray scale image, the morphological opening
procedure with a 21 X 21 kernel is used Fig. (9). The major
Image acquisition is the process of collecting an image
region can be seen, while the isolated noise in the image can be
from many imaging modalities that may be used in image
processing and computer vision. These hardware systems often
removed by the opening operation. Here, the area
include cameras, X-ray, CT, and MRI scanners, sensors, and encompassing all bones and fractures is referred to as the
cameras. Since an image is necessary for the system to perform image's primary areas [19].
any meaningful processing, it serves as both the first and most The total variation (TV) noise reduction technique has
crucial stage in the workflow sequence. Typically, the been designed and studied, as Kanghyen Seo et al. revealed.
technology captures an entirely unprocessed image. In all This study's goal was to examine and compare the image
research efforts, data preparation is essential. For bone quality using simulations to determine the normalized noise
pictures, we should create a dataset. Currently, digital photos power spectrum (NNPS) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR).
are predominated. They could go through computer-assisted The results showed that the TV noise-reducing methodology is
preprocessing before analysis. the best way to guarantee accurate noise removal in X-ray
imaging systems [20]. A new approach, termed SACEN
4.2. Image Preprocessing (Simultaneous Automatic Contrast adjustment, Edge
Pre-processing is generally used on data to guarantee that Enhancement, and Noise Removal) algorithm, is put forth by
the image quality is increased so that it will learn and analyze Mahendran et al. It can simultaneously modify the contrast,
more effectively. Data modifications, such as normalization, enhance edges, and remove noise from X-ray images [21].
image reshaping, pixel brightness, transformation/brightness In this published study, Kirti et al. discussed using a
correction, geometric transformation, image filtering and modified Harris corner point detector to identify noisy pixels
segmentation, Fourier transform, and image restoration, are all and responsive median filtering the spatial domain to reduce
included in preprocessing. Gray-scaling is the technique of Poisson noise in X-ray images. This technique is a quick, clear
transforming a continuous-tone image into an editable image way to forecast noise [22]. An enhanced self-adaptive filtering
by a computer. The process of turning a gray-scale image into a technique is provided by Zhu et al., in which the filtering
black-and-white one is known as image binarization (Fig. 8).
coefficient is generated using a linear decay function. Then, the
The existence of noise and the dark background of images X-ray medical image preprocessing system based on the
are the two topics that Bin Guan et al. examined. For these two improved self-adaptive filter is built and constructed using a
concerns, we must undertake image preparation. Then, to field programmable gate array (FPGA) and other peripherals
8 Current Medical Imaging, 2024, Volume 20 Inigo et al.

[23]. In the study conducted by Bekkanti et al., the system Features of an image are extracted using the proposed Harris
receives an X-ray image as input, which is preprocessed first. It corner technique [24].
is necessary to filter the images since the PSNR values of a few To remove the noise included in the original image, filters
sample X-ray images are evaluated at the beginning. The are applied by blurring or masking the image. This is the same
PSNR value varies between being higher for some photos and as a mean filter that exhibits a bell-shaped hump with a
lower for others. As a result, a filtering strategy is used, and different kernel. In two dimensions, Gaussian filters are very
M3 filtering provides a higher PSNR value, making it a better often symmetric. For edge detection, employ Gaussian filters
filtering technique for the system that has been proposed. for unsharp masking (Fig. 10), i.e., edge detection [24].

(a)Original Image

(b)Preprocessed Image

Fig. (9). Image Enhancement by 21 X 21 kernels.

(a) (b)
Fig. (10). (a) Original Image, (b) M3 filtering Image [24].
Artificial Intelligence Models for Osteoporosis Prediction Current Medical Imaging, 2024, Volume 20 9

In preparation for further processing, filtering changes the [25]. Modern computer-aided fracture detection systems help
quality of an image by changing the pixel values. Applying orthopedic doctors and radiologists by giving prompt, accurate
filters can produce a number of effects, including boosting results. Automated X-ray picture classification should be the
contrast and adding a range of distinctive effects to first step in order to detect fractures automatically. As a result,
photographs. Median, Gaussian, mean, and Weiner filters are an effort has been made. In this study, a system is presented
the most frequently used filters in image processing. By that uses five image processing phases, including statistical
replacing the center value with the median of all pixel values, feature extraction, enhancement using adaptive histogram
median filtering keeps crisp edges. The image noise is reduced equalization, and denoising using a high boost filter [26].
using a Wiener and Gaussian filter. The average of all pixel Rohini et al. proposed a framework for the classification of X-
values is substituted for the center value via a mean filter. ray images to classify the automated explanation to provide
Segmentation algorithms will become more effective as a result efficient and effective results to physicians and radiologists for
of this transformation of data attributes. decision-making. This methodology entails images being
preprocessed using the M3 filter for denoising, segmentation
4.3. Image Segmentation & Feature Extraction by K-means clustering, followed by statistical feature
Image segmentation is a pixel identification problem that extraction [27].
divides an image into equivalent sections. Segmentation is used Bharodiya et al.proposed a much better algorithm for
in medical image analysis to determine the outline of an organ segmenting human X-ray images based on a Gaussian filter
or anatomical structure in images. It is a vital and challenging and adaptive thresholding classification technique. This
step in the processing of images. It is currently a prominent algorithm is known as adaptive thresholding classification
topic in the study of images. (ATC) segmentation. This algorithm's attained accuracy and
The following phases can be used to categorize the precision are 98.014% and 95.122%, respectively [28]. Hrosik
segmentation of medical images: et al. proposed a method for brain image segmentation with the
aim of detecting different primary tumors. Brain images are
1. Obtain a data set for medical imaging that typically segmented by the firefly algorithm combined with the k-means
consists of a training set, validation set, and test set. clustering method in order to emphasize anomalies like glioma,
2. Resize and remove noise in the image metastatic adenocarcinoma, metastatic bronchogenic
carcinoma, and sarcoma [29].
3. Employ the proper medical image segmentation
technique Finding the ROI (Region of Interest) is the initial step in
locating the image's edges. Prewitt, Sobel, and Canny are three
4. Performance review of estimates.
edge detection methods that are used in this situation. When
According to Isinkaye et al. discussed various image compared to the other two edge detection strategies, the canny
segmentation techniques for bone X-ray images to determine edge detection methodology performs the best. For feature
which were most effective for prompt medical diagnosis. The extraction, the Harris corner detection technique is used. The
X-ray bone segmentation results showed that, compared to most important required features of an image are extracted
previous medical image segmentation techniques, the active using the proposed Harris corner technique (Fig. 11). To
contour model utilizing the snake model performed the best at identify the corners in an image, Harris corner detection is
identifying the boundaries and contours of regions of interest used, which acts as an operator [24].

Fig. (11). Canny edge detection and harris corner [24].

10 Current Medical Imaging, 2024, Volume 20 Inigo et al.

The experimental findings were backed by Peruri et al., the right hand and the image of a hairline bone fracture were
who noted that Canny Edge Detection is regarded as the best segmented using simple thresholding, multiple thresholding,
edge detection operator available. Even in raucous images, it and optimal thresholding methods, and then the results were
effectively recognizes faint edges in addition and shows road compared to determine which method was the most effective
features. First, the image is smoothed out using a mathematical for threshold image segmentation [31]. In addition, SIFT and
filter before the clever edge detection algorithm begins to improved Haar Wavelet Transform both significantly enhanced
discover a good variety of edges in the image [30]. the quality of the X-ray image. In addition, in this work, “Bag
The threshold segmentation method was employed by of Words” approaches based on k-means clustering were
Sahu et al. to assess the improved image and identify bone utilized to extract enhanced features from SIFT. This method's
fractures in medical X-ray images. In this study, the image was classification phase includes a traditional back propagation
used as the input, and after noise removal, the x-ray image of neural network with 1024 neurons and three layers [32].

Table 2. Summary of the fields of image preprocessing, image segmentation, and classification related to bone image analysis.

Image Image Segmentation

References Fracture Bone Name Pre-Processing Methods /Classification Methods Remarks
Used Used
[19] Arm fracture detection X-rays 21 × 21 kernel Noise removal • To remove isolated noise in the
• Enhanced for a larger dataset with
higher-quality images
[20] Noise reduction in X-rays Total variation (TV) noise Noise removal • Guaranteed accurate noise removal
radio-magnetic bone reduction technique in the X-ray image
• Using NNPS frequency ranges and
CNR value
[24] General fracture bone X-ray M3 Filters are used, PSNR, Canny Edge Detection, ROI • Harris corner detection, along with
SNR and Harris corner detection M3 filtering, gives better accuracy.
technique are used.
[25] Segmentation of X-rays, Various Filters are used Active contour model • Active contour model utilizing the
medical bone image CT, MRI snake model to detect smooth shapes
in the image
• Thresholding, Edge-based, Region-
based techniques will solve simple
medical bone image segmentation
[24] Longer fracture bone X-ray Various Filters are used Edge Detection • Shorter bone fracture detection has
to improve further
[30] Bone image X-rays, Various Filters are used Threshold Image • Identifying the regions of interest.
segmentation CT, MRI Segmentation
[31] General fracture bone X-ray, CT, Haar Wavelet Transforms, k-means clustering, Back • Enhancement and feature
MRI Scale-Invariant Feature propagation neural network Extraction are done with X-ray
Transform (SIFT) images.
• More datasets can be used to
improve the accuracy
[32] Fractured bone X-ray Gaussian Filters Canny Edge Detection and • Harris Corner method performs
Harris corner detection better recognition rate and has to
technique check with real-time datasets
[62] Image segmentation X-rays, Harris Hawks Optimization K-means and the Fuzzy • Results in terms of quality,
CT, MRI IterAg consistency and accuracy

Table 3. Comparison of six imaging systems [34].

Imaging System Imaging Method Imaging Basis Advantage

CT Mathematics reconstruction Absorption coefficient High-density resolution
MRI Mathematics reconstruction A variety of parameters Multiple functions
US Mathematics reconstruction Acoustic impedance interface Safe, dynamic, and repetitive
OCT Mathematics reconstruction Based on the interferometer principle High resolution
PET Mathematics reconstruction Using positron radionuclide labeling Accurate location and high clinical value
X-Ray Transmission projection Density and thickness Strong penetrability
Artificial Intelligence Models for Osteoporosis Prediction Current Medical Imaging, 2024, Volume 20 11

Fig. (12). Neural-network model architecture that ensembles image data and clinical covariates [6].

For improving medical images, various image processing manifested. Due to the quick growth of AI technology, the
methods are investigated (Table 2), and some key factors, such application of AI technology to mine clinical data has emerged
as quality, consistency, and accuracy, are inferred. The as a major trend in the medical industry. In order to address
application of computer-aided diagnosis to medical images has clinical problems, medical image analysis is performed by
been significantly hampered by this issue, a well-known fitting examining the images obtained by medical imaging systems
problem in image processing techniques because of the lack of (Table 3). The objective is to increase the quality of clinical
datasets. It is possible to find a solution to the clustering issue diagnosis and extract useful information [34].
with more data, which would enhance the classification
In Image, the deep learning method operates directly on
performance. Another active field of research at the moment is
raw pixels and learns features by itself. Image preprocessing is
automation for medical image diagnosis or prediction. Recent
the steps taken to format images before they are used for model
AI-based techniques can be used to segment and classify
training and inference. DL has some special libraries for
medical images for computer-aided diagnosis.
preprocessing the image.
5. MACHINE LEARNING AND DEEP LEARNING Deep learning libraries like Keras, Tensor Flow, numpy,
TECHNIQUES FOR BONE IMAGE ANALYSIS scipy, and matplotlib can be used for better results. Medical
Artificial Intelligence is a technology that uses algorithms images are different from natural images. There are differences
to assist humans in tasks previously thought to be impossible. between different medical images. This difference also affects
The technology is currently being used for recognition and the adaptability of the deep learning model during
analysis of medical images. AI-based image processing helps segmentation. The noise and artifacts of medical images are
in reducing the number of errors and improving the accuracy of also a major problem in data preprocessing [35].
image processing. Modern approaches to medical image The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a classic
processing often require multiple steps that span a wide range model produced by the combination of deep learning and
of scales. This is due to the non-linear nature and the diversity image processing technologies. As one of the most
of numeric feature space. Deep learning, in particular, has representative neural networks in the field of deep learning
significant potential for solving complex problems involving technology, it has made many breakthroughs in the field of
both image pixel manipulation and data transformation. image analysis and processing [35]. Even though a pre-trained
As per statistics, 20% of men and 50% of women over 50 model minimizes the training time and the quantity of images
will sustain an osteoporosis-related fracture, with hip fractures needed to produce an effective classifier, all CNNs were
being the most serious due to the associated mortality, employed for transfer learning with fine-tuning [36]. The
disability, and societal and personal costs. Dual-energy X-ray Python package PyTorch was used to carry out the DL process
absorptiometry (DEXA) is the gold standard for determining [6]. Pickhardt et al. proposed a comparison of an older feature-
bone mineral density (BMD) in the proximal femur and lumbar based image processing tool and a new deep learning technique
spine in order to diagnose osteoporosis [33]. Early detection of assessed for bone mineral density on heterogeneous CT
osteoporosis is crucial for the prevention of osteoporotic images. It was compared with manual reference standard to
fractures since therapeutic medication therapies are more design, test, and validate a deep learning (DL) tool that
successful when administered before fractures have upgrades a prior bone mineral density (BMD) technique for
12 Current Medical Imaging, 2024, Volume 20 Inigo et al.

processing feature-based CT images. It was concluded that the The following performance metrics were used to assess the
new DL BMD tool gets a higher success rate than the older CNN models' performance in modality-specific transfer
feature-based image processing tool, and its outputs can be learning with fine-tuning and ensemble learning: (1) accuracy,
targeted for higher specificity or sensitivity for osteoporosis (2) precision (positive predictive value (PPV), (3) recall
assessment [37]. (sensitivity), (4) specificity, (5) negative predictive value
The effectiveness of the ResNet18 [38], ResNet34 [39], (NPV), (6) F1 score, and (7) AUC score [9].
GoogleNet [40], EfficientNet b3 [41], and EfficientNet b4 is Although deep learning-based models only had limited
known [41]. Among them, ResNet and GoogleNet were datasets to validate them on, they offered a stronger correlation
previous champions of the ImageNet Large Scale Visual between predicted and reference values [9, 47, 48]. An
Recognition Challenge, a contest between computer-based accuracy of 82% was attained for the detection of osteoporosis
image recognition models. Here it is applied in the latest CNN in bigger research examining the performance of simulated T-
model with EfficientNet (Fig. 12), which is smaller and faster scores on a larger dataset of 1843 CT-DXA sets [49]. This
than the other CNN models [42]. The fracture risk that people method assessed individuals for osteoporosis at no additional
with diabetes and osteoporosis encounter has not been further cost, time, or radiation exposure by using radiographs that had
researched, according to Chen et al. The fracture risk of
already “been taken” for other therapeutic indications. For
patients with diabetes and osteoporosis is predicted using a
instance, a number of research used metrics based on computed
hybrid model that combines XGBoost and deep neural
tomography (CT) to calculate bone mineral density (BMD)
networks. Additionally, the impact of the patient's
[48], classify osteoporosis, simulate DXA T-scores [49], and
physiological parameters on fracture risk was examined [43].
forecast fracture outcomes [50].
U-net, one of CNN's most significant semantic segmentation
frameworks, is crucial to the study of medical images [44, 45]. The general object detection algorithm serves as an
Upsampling and downsampling make up the majority of the U- inspiration for deep learning techniques for fracture
net network. The U-net network's large number of feature identification and detection. Both single-stage and two-stage
channels in the upsampling phase, which enables the network detectors have recently helped to popularize generic object
to convey contextual information to higher resolution layers, is detection. R-CNN was the first to introduce two-stage
a large asset. detectors, and as Fast R-CNN [51] and Faster R-CNN [52]
Prior to feeding the grayscale DXA images as input for the evolved, they furthered the improvements. In order to increase
convolutional neural network, they are preprocessed and the effectiveness of detectors and enable end-to-end training of
automatically cropped to 150 X 150 pixels. Convolutional the detectors, the faster R-CNN developed a region proposal
layers (conv1–conv4) with pooling layers (pool1–pool4) network. Numerous techniques to improve Faster R-CNN from
gradually reduce the size of the feature maps by extracting many angles were introduced following this major moment.
features at various degrees of abstraction. A fully linked layer For instance, FPN [53] used the architecture of a multiscale
sends the retrieved characteristics to classification for further feature pyramid to minimize the scale variance. Faster R-CNN
processing. A single neuron in the network's output layer was expanded to a multistage detector by Cascade R-CNN
produces the categorization output value, which ranges from 0 [54]. The most effective general object detection technique to
to 1. Below each layer, the number of kernels is displayed, date has been two-stage detectors, which have been widely
along with the size of the resulting feature map (Fig. 13) [46]. utilized in many fields.

Fig. (13). CNN architecture [9].

Artificial Intelligence Models for Osteoporosis Prediction Current Medical Imaging, 2024, Volume 20 13

Fig. (14). Hip Osteoporosis prediction [58].

A framework for semi-supervised LA segmentation from Dagan et al. developed CT-based prediction tools that
3D MRIs was proposed by Zhao et al. using Context-aware automatically calculated fracture risk scores based on data from
Network (CA-Net). To learn the contextual information from chest or abdomen CT scans. The tool was created by
the 3D MRIs, the proposed framework incorporates integrating three bone imaging biomarkers generated by deep
Transformers into the V-Net. Then modifies CNN's output to learning algorithms and adding CT metadata of patient age and
ensure that Transformers and the original V-Net encoder are sex. These three prediction tools (CT-based, FRAXnb, and
effectively integrated into a new encoder because both the FRAXnb-CT) were compared for the two outcomes assessed
input and output of V-Net are 3D images. The proposed CA- by the FRAXnb tool: hip fractures and major osteoporotic
Net produces segmentation results with dice scores of 88.14. fractures [50]. In addition, the fracture risk of patients with
diabetes and osteoporosis has not been further studied. In this
Backbone networks are used in the majority of object
paper, a hybrid model combining XGBoost with a deep neural
detection techniques to extract feature maps from the raw network was used to predict the fracture risk of patients with
images. Guan et al. developed a unique backbone network diabetes and osteoporosis and investigate the effect of patients’
based on deep residual networks and dilated convolution to physiological factors on fracture risk [43].
extract thigh fracture information [55].
Based on the U-Net, our pure dilated residual U-Net
For radiologists, rib fracture detection is a time-consuming (PDRU-Net) has a decoder path for merging the extracted
and hard task. This study sought to introduce a unique deep global and local information and an encoder path for extracting
learning-based rib fracture detection method that can assist the information needed to produce dense predictions. Our
radiologists in quickly and accurately diagnosing rib fractures network's DC, which stands at 97.3%, is much higher than
in chest computer tomography (CT) images. The training set, those of the U-Net and FusionNet, which are, respectively,
the validation set, and the testing set each received 1507, 100, 91.8% and 94.4%. Anam et al. discussed that trabecular bone
and 100 patients, respectively, according to the examination holds the utmost importance for early bone loss. Diseases like
time. The sensitivity and false positives of the deep learning osteoporosis greatly affect the structure of the trabecular bone,
system were assessed using a Free Response ROC analysis. To which results in different outcomes like a high risk of fracture
assess the diagnostic effectiveness of this system against [58].
radiologists, precision, recall, F1-score, negative predictive
value (NPV), and detection and diagnosis were used as As an emerging biomedical image processing technology,
medical image segmentation has made great contributions to
evaluation criteria [56].
sustainable medical care. Now it has become an important
Jang et al. discussed VGG16 equipped with a nonlocal research direction in the field of computer vision. With the
neural network and developed a deep neural network (DNN) rapid development of deep learning, medical image processing
model. The confusion matrix was calculated, and the accuracy, based on deep convolutional neural networks has become a
sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and research hotspot [35]. Automatic segmentation of brain images
negative predictive value (NPV) were evaluated (Fig. 14). is a prerequisite for quantitative assessment of the brain in
DNN model that could predict osteoporosis only from a single patients of all ages. An important step in brain image
hip radiograph with>80% accuracy and>90% sensitivity with preprocessing involves removing nonbrain regions, such as the
near 70% specificity based on VGG16 equipped with a skull [59]. There are outstanding segmentation networks, such
nonlocal neural network (NLNN) model was proposed by Jang as U-Net, Mask R-CNN, Refine Net, and sDeconvNet, which
R et al. [57]. have a strong advantage in processing fine edges [35].
14 Current Medical Imaging, 2024, Volume 20 Inigo et al.

Fig. (15). U-net Architecture for biomedical image segmentation [36].

U-Net architecture (Fig. 15) for biomedical images was problem, so we can expect a series of innovations and research
widely used in medical image segmentation. Due to its results in the next few years. Improved deep learning method
excellent performance, U-Net and its variants have been widely has strong potential application in real clinical environments.
used in various subfields of computer vision (CV) [36]. Jial et Data-driven feature representations, especially in an
al. stated multiorgan segmentation aims to segment more than unsupervised manner, have helped to enhance accuracy, and it
one organ simultaneously, which is widely used for abdominal would be desirable to devise a new methodological architecture
organ segmentation. The segmentation results of each pixel involving domain-specific knowledge. The segmentation
were fused with the results of other FCNs to generate the final accuracy is not high, the number of medical images in the data
segmentation output. The technique produced higher accuracy set is small, and the resolution is low. The inaccurate
for big organs, such as the liver (Dice value of 0.937) but segmentation results are unable to meet the actual clinical
yielded lower accuracy while dealing with smaller organs, for requirements. Among technological advancements that can
instance, the pancreas (Dice value of 0.553). FCN has also alleviate the high demands on high-quality, large-scale datasets
been used for multiorgan segmentation from 3D images [60]. could be one of the future developments in this area. For
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) learning with medical image segmentation, deep learning has performed very
VGGSegNet and VGG-Unet models was applied to a USCT well. Many new methods are used to improve the accuracy and
image dataset in order to achieve an automatic segmentation of robustness of segmentation continuously. It is necessary to
the region. Thus, we improved the Variable Structure Model of develop an algorithmic technique to efficiently handle images
neurons (VSMN) and applied it to medical images to get a acquired with different scanning protocols so that it would not
significant increase in data, given the problem of the be necessary to train modality-specific deep models. A plan
unavailability of USCT images [61]. must be put forth that has the capacity to preprocess and resize
Using AI for image augmentation helps to increase the the images to effectively disseminate the normal and abnormal
efficiency of anomaly detection. The segmentation procedure is bone in different modality images. Workload and time taken
essential for making predictions. It currently stands as an for diagnosis can also be considered. After carefully analyzing
important subject that needs more research in the field of the review process (Fig. 16), it is observed that,
computer vision. Prediction of osteoporosis in multiple bones,
including the rib, spine, knee, femur, and hip, was done using For performance analysis, a benchmark dataset and
inferred knowledge from a variety of existing models, evaluation criteria should be constructed. It is
including CNN, FRAX, DNN, U-net, GoogleNet, AlexNet, and challenging to compare the deep models focused on
Resnet. The ROI from bone X-Ray pictures can be determined image analysis based on the accuracy determination
with the aid of ground truth and mask images, summarized in perspective in many of the proposals.
Table 4. Manual annotation of images is a tedious and costly
process that causes problems with labelled dataset
6. DISCUSSION AND SCOPE OF POSSIBILITIES acquisition. Additionally, it offers a new line of
Diagnosing various diseases through artificial intelligence research into semi-supervised and unsupervised deep
realizes the idea of sustainable medical treatment. It has learning models for medical image processing.
become a powerful tool for clinicians. But it is still an open Semi-supervised deep models use co-training, self-
Artificial Intelligence Models for Osteoporosis Prediction Current Medical Imaging, 2024, Volume 20 15

labeling, ensemble approaches, consistency-based deep model. For instance, in addition to CNN's general
methods, and generative methods to analyze medical features, customized features like color, texture, and
image data. These techniques may be employed to geometric features can be used for anomaly
analyze X-ray images and both labelled and unlabeled identification.
datasets for training. Attention-guided learning and the incorporation of
Using expert knowledge in deep decision-making expert knowledge into the deep model for the decision-
models is significant. This expert knowledge can be making process, so the deep learning models enhance
encoded in such a way that it can be used to train a the explainability.

Fig. (16). Referred paper for analysis.

Table 4. Outline approaches of deep learning in the fields of image segmentation and classification.

Image Remarks
References Objective Model Used Data Sets Used
[6] Hip DEXA, X-ray CNN, Resnet, Custom Data set-1131 images • Adding clinical covariates improved the
Effi sensitivity and AUC score for osteoporosis.
cient Net b3
[2] General fracture X-ray CNN, SoftMax Around 100 images of normal and • Image quality can be increased.
bone Layer fractured images are compared • Train large datasets for accuracy.
[19] Arm bone X-ray Nearly 4000 arm fracture X-ray • MURA datasets are used, and images are in
fracture CNN, R-CNN, radiographs collected from MURA low quality.
FPN, Res-Net dataset • Trained using the ground-truth bounding-box
annotated images.
[46] Lumbar spine, DEXA Kuopio -2949 images • This model classifies lumbar scoliosis and
Hip, BMD BMD risk factor.
[9] Spine, Hip DEXA, Custom Dataset- 5164 and 18175 • BMD Evaluation is done based on these
CNN, Relu,
FRAX BMD Images parameters sensitivity, specificity, positive
VGG16, Resnet
predictive value, and negative predictive value.
[55] Thigh bone X-Ray Dataset including 3842 thigh • Dilated bottleneck blocks are used to predict
fracture X-ray radiographs fracture risk.
DCFPN, Res-net
collected from Linyi People’s
[56] Rib CT A total of 1707 patients were • Time of radiologist assisted with this
U- net, Dense
included in this study from a single detection system was reduced by 65.3 s.
net, CNN
[57] Femur, Hip DEXA Custom Datast-1012 Images • External Validation is done for real-time
DNN, CNN, datasets.
VGG-16 • Confusion Matrix was also calculated for
better accuracy.
[63] Spine, Femur, DEXA Custom Datasets-600 Images • CAOD model increases the preciseness and
Hip accuracy of BMD measurements.
16 Current Medical Imaging, 2024, Volume 20 Inigo et al.

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18 Current Medical Imaging, 2024, Volume 20 Inigo et al.

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