Dgca CPL Met March 2022

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DGCA CPL: MARCH 2022 Attempt

1. Landing Forecast appended to METAR is Valid for

2 hr.
2. Break in Monsoon occurs when AMT is along
Foot hills of Himalayas
3. Which Statement is True
Activity of Radiation fog Inc. after passage of WD over N India
4. Low Temp and Low Humidity is Characteristics of
5. Cyclonic Storm cross Tamil Nadu Coast in
6. TRS occurs at
7. For Mountain Waves to form there should be ____ air below the ridge
8. Warm airmass overtakes cold airmass, it is called
Warm Front
9. In a stationery front wind flows
Parallel to the front
10. Dia of Microbust is
Less than 4 km
11. Necessary conditions for formation of Thunderstorms
Steep Lapse Rate,Adequate supply of moisture and trigger action
12. Norwesters affect
13. Severest Activity of TS is for about
30-45 min
14. Max ice formation in clouds with max water concentration is expected at about
-15° C
15. Glazed Ice is formed by freezing ____ supercooled water droplets
16. The clouds whose tops don’t extend above freezing level are
Warm Clouds
17. Vis reduced between 5000m and 1000m, RH almost 100%
18. Coriolis Force max at
19. Humidity Mixing Ration ______ when air is lifted adiabatically
Remains Constant
20. Wavelength of most intense radiation Is inversely proportional to its
Absolute Temp
21. Snow Surface reflects about _____% of solar radiation
22. 24,000 ft height in ISA corresponds to
23. What kind of barometer is an altimeter
24. Atmosphere upto 80km has nearly uniform composition called homosphere. Uniform
composition is due to
Gravitation of Earth
25. Heavy aircraft crosses you from west to east at same level. What would you do to avoid
Wake Turbulence
a) dec speed to Va and maintain same altitude
b) Increase altitude
c) Cross by decreasing your altitude

26. Drizzle is associated with which cloud

27. Tricky Question: A TAF was given in which immediate height of SCT cloud was asked, it had
Becoming and different times and different heights given but it concerned “SCT020”
Options were all in meters. ( I marked 600m as converted to ft it would be roughly 2000ft,
not sure what the right answer is)
a) 2000m
b) 6000m
c) 600m

28. An altimeter is underreading, what is the cause

Increase in temperature
29. For given temp and pressure moist air has ___ density
30. Vertical wind shear is measured in
Kts/100 ft
31. A big detailed and confusing attempt at explaining Cold Occlusion Front
Cold Occlusion Front

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