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1. What quotation marks can Python language use?

- Single Quotes
- Double quotes

2. Tensorflow is a symbolic math library based on

- Both dataflow & differentiable programming

3. What is the subject of artificial intelligence?

- Comprehensive multidisciplinary and marginal disciplines

4. Pandas is an open-source _______ Library?

- Python

5. In dataset loading, the variables of data are called its?

- Features
6. Who first defined AI in 1950 and proposed a machine intelligence test
- Alan Mathison Turing

7. What is wrong description of the Python module?

- Python modules can define functions classes and variables but the module
does not contain executable code
8. What is the incorrect relationship between neural networks and deep
- Single later neural networks are also a type of deep learning

9. To automate task, which of the following can work together to ensure the
authenticity of data, verify identities and enable secure multiparty
- Artificial intelligence
- Blockchain

10. Blockchains have single controlling entity or company where fraud,

corruption, damage, hacking, or government shutdown could occur
- False

11. The following is the correct difference between machine learning

algorithms and traditional rule-based methods?
- The mapping relationship of the model in machine learning is automatically
- Traditional rule-based methods, in which the rules can be explicitly clarified
- Traditional rule-based methods use explicit programming to solve problems
12. What des factors that promote the development of artificial intelligence not
- Block chain

13. What are the barriers to some company’s adaption of 3D printing?

- Lack of current expertise in the company to fully exploit the technology
- Printers are too slow
- Inability to print with multiple materials

14. Which of the following is not the difference between Python 2 and Python
- Import

15. Which of the following are the definitions of blockchain?

- All choices

16. The blockchain can help make insurance business more efficient
- True

17. Theano works a way ________ on Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) rather
than on CPU.
- More faster

18. Which of the following are the advantages of PyTorch?

- It is easy to debug and understand the code
- It includes many layers as Torch
- It includes lot of loss functions

19. What are the scenarios or industries that are suitabl for using Python?
- Artificial intelligence
- Game development
- We development

20. Which disciplines adopted the idea that humans and animals can be
considered information processing machines?
- Psychologists

21. If and when 3D is widely adopted, what will be the effect on manufacturing?
- Threat to intellectual property
- Increased competition to find talent for 3D printing initiatives
- Restructured supply chains
- Changed relationship with customers/ end-users

22. Artificial intelligence at this stage is still in the weak artificial intelligence
- True
23. The Python dictionary is widely identified by “{}”. And the internal data
consists of the key and its corresponding value
- True

24. Which of the following is not a specific technology of artificial intelligence?

- Rieman geometry

25. Computer vision is the study of how to make computers “see”.

- True

26. A collection of data is called?

- Dataset

27. Driving digital transformation does not imply replacing old business assets
and capabilities. But, like any significant building addition, doing it well
requires modifying the existing structure.
- True

28. SciPy stands for?

- Scientific python

29. What is the category of artificial intelligence?

- Action
- Perception
- Cognition

30. The for loop statement in the Python language can iterate through the
items in an sequence
- true

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