Script Pageant

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Rostom: True beauty resides within.

Richelle: Beauty is not just about the face, but the way you carry yourself.

Rostom: To formally start the program, let us all rise for the Doxology and please remain standing for the singing of
the Nationalistic Song via multimedia presentation.

Richelle: Please be seated! Tonight, witness, as 24 lovely and dashing candidates present their very best and vie for
the covetous crowns right here at this stage.

Rostom: As the night fills with veer excitement, we will soon find out who will be the worthy title holders

I’m Rostom J. Lubang

Richelle: and I’m Richelle D. Losdo

Both: and this is Search for Mr. and Ms. Pili National High School 2024.

Richelle: Good evening Rostom

Rostom: Good evening ma’am Richelle, you are so stunning tonight. It’s a privilege for me to be here beside you

Richelle: Thank you so much sir Rostom. You look wonderful tonight also. Coco Martin is that you?

Indeed, this is the most awaited night for our candidates.

Rostom: That’s right ma’am Richelle. That is why to formally welcome us tonight here, let us all give the stage to our
motherly and confidently beautiful with a heart SSLG Adviser Mrs. Angelita C. Cervantes. Let us give her a round of

Richelle: Thank you so much ma’am for that warmth welcome. Tonight we are looking forward to an exciting evening
which will culminate with the announcement of the newest Mr. & Ms. Pili NHS 2024.

Rostom: As they will serve as the role models for the students, they should be well-spoken, talented, beautiful and of
course intelligent.

Richelle: It sure is a tough fight between our 24 beautiful and handsome candidates. Tonight, it will be a parade of
talent, poise, grace, and beauty. After all, it’s beauty that captures your attention but it’s the personality that captures
your heart.

Rostom: Yes that’s right. Now, this wouldn’t be a competition if there were no one to judge to introduce us our panel
of judges for tonight’s competition may I call on Ms. Maribeth M. Dominais, Grade 10 Titanium adviser. Let’s give
her a round of applause.

Richelle: Thank you very much ma’am Maribeth. I know our panel of judges will be having a tough time. The
outcome of tonights competition rests upon their hands.

Richelle: Alright, since we have already presented our panel of judges let us lend our ears and listen to ma’am Cherxl
Amoncio, as she present and read the criteria for judging. A round of applause for her please.

Rostom: Thank you ma’am Amoncio. Wohh! I can really feel the tension building up.

(Ask audience): Are you all getting excited?

Richelle: But, of course, sir Rostom, aside from the judges, the audience, will also have a big participation in tonight’s
competition. I am sure they will shout their voices, and they will cheer for their bets.

Rostom: Let us hear it from Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12,
Richelle: Yes, I am sure the audience is as tensed as our candidates backstage.

Rostom: I think they are now all ready.

Both: Ladies and gentlemen, let us welcome our lovely and dashing candidates of Mr. & Ms. Pili National High
School 2024 in their production number.

Rostom: There you have it our lovely and handsome candidates.

Richelle: They are absolutely captivating isn’t it?

Rostom: I definitely agree. At this point, we will have the awarding of Special Awards starting off with


Rostom: Congratulations winners of Special Awards.

Richelle: At this juncture let us be entertained by an intermission number coming from our talented students who won
1st place in the Interpretive Dance. Let us give a round of applause to Grade _________________________

Rostom: Thank you dear students. I know everyone is eagerly waiting to see our candidates once again.

Let us welcome once again our 24 lovely and handsome candidates in their Sports Wear attire.

Richelle: A round of applause for them please.

Richelle: I can’t believe they have just done it. They are absolutely charming and good-looking.

Rostom: For all we know they are our simplest and shy students but tonight they set aside that kind of personality to
prove that they can also do that things. Congratulations to you our dear candidates.

Richelle: At this juncture, we will be entertained by an intermission number coming from the winner of Contemporary
Dance Contest, let us welcome Grade __________________

Rostom: Thank you very much dearest students for that performance.

Richelle: While our candidates are getting ready for their next exposure, we would like to thank the followings
generous sponsors for our Special Awards _______________________

Rostom: I believe that everybody is talented because everybody who is human has something to express and offer.

Rostom: Last Monday, afternoon, we conducted a Preliminary Round for the Talent Showdown and the judges choose
top 3 for the male and female candidates to perform tonight.

Richelle: Without further ado, let us once again welcome our top 3 beautiful and handsome candidates in their Talent
Showdown. Let us start with candidate number _________________________

Rostom: That’s what you call talent. Once again let us give our top 3 a round of applause for their extraordinary talent.

Rostom: Ma’am Richelle what is your favorite Bisaya song?

Richelle: my favorite Bisaya song is Kung Siya Man by TJ Monterde I just love the lyrics and tagos sa puso ang
message nang song. How about you?

Rostom: __________________________

Richelle: Tonight we will witness a “kilig moment” as we will be entertained an intermission number coming from the
Grade ________________ who won 1st Place on “Pasayawa Ko Day Bisaya song Contest.
Let’s give them a round of applause.

Rostom: As Giorgio Armani said, Elegance is not standing out, but being remembered.

Richelle: At this juncture, ladies and gentlemen we have come to the most awaited wear of tonight’s competition. The
candidates will make an on-stage statement of the compelling charm, presence and personality.

Rostom: Furthermore, their beauty, sense of style, composure and allure must be projected across the spotlights. It
should complement both the candidate’s individual style and personality.

Both: in their last, but surely not the least attire for tonight’s competition, let us welcome the 24 lovely and dashing
candidates in their Formal attire and Evening Gown.

Rostom: Let’s give them a thunderous round of applause.

Richelle: There you have it ladies and gentlemen our 24 lovely and dashing candidates’ ramp on their formal attire
and evening gown.

Rostom: so mesmerizing, isn’t it?

Richelle: Yes definitely I must say they had really shown their inner grace and sophistication.

Rostom: At this point, we will be entertained by an intermission number coming from the winner of the Nationalistic
Song Contest during the Literary Musical Contest just this afternoon. Let’s give them a blasting round of applause.

Richelle: Thank you so much students for that powerful performance. Tonight’s event has proved that the students of
Pili National High School are all talented not only in sports, but also in literary and musical. According to Henri
Frederic Amiel Doing easily what others find difficult is talent, doing what is impossible with talent is genius. That’s
why our dearest students of Pili National High School just keep doing what is impossible because that will make you

Rostom: Very well said ma’am Richelle. Filipinos are known to be among the best pageant fans in the world from
cheering for their candidates, voting online and creating incredible fan art.

Richelle: It’s true sir Rostom

At this point, we have come to the much-awaited part of this event – the question and answer portion in which many
people look forward to any pageant

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