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his radio at © on O of O in © (2) sas. ~He speaks to people Aytoud] goue (2) glaeas He would have seen me if -he____ been there had CE has CE) have ©) having CE (2) gba ~ How _______ people can ?you see outside Far much many O0O00 often (2) gjldaai ?Can | have ____ tea 20 the O ary O some C) (2) gia She knows that she .to pay now had CQ neednt C should CE ought © (2) sues Can you tellme___—sthe ?station is who © what ©) when C where C) (2) glass It is difficult to understand him because he speaks quickly such CQ many OC so O like CE (2) gles It is a very good room. It is room in the hotel the best CE gooder C) better CE the good C) (2) skka ~—. It is time to anew car buy © bought C) buying C by O (2) sha ‘I'm too tired to walk home. | think ...... a taxi I'm taking I take I'll take OO00 | have taken bla 3 Mr. Wong : Im donating two thousand dollars to the orphanage. Miss Lee : Thank you so much | To express pity To express relief To express appreciation To express condolence bia 3 Jenny : Should | take part in the contest ? Chris : Of course you should. To encourage To remind To suggest To appeal O70-O 70 OO000 bla 3 Sarah : | hope we will make it to the finals this year. Sue : We'll all try our best. To promise To hope To console To compromise bai 3 Girl : I think I'll enter the beauty contest. O O O O Sister : Are you sure ? You're rather young. to suggest to advise to discourage to ask O0O000 bw 3 Mother : Hello ! Had a good day in school ? Son : Really a Black Monday ! Our teachers were short tempered. our class was like a pig sty and no food was served in the tuckshoy to discourage O to scold O to disapprove O to complain O bw 3 Daughter : I can't see why I can’t go to the party. Everyone is going ! What a bore ! Mother : Don't you dare talk to me like that ! to demand O to request CE to condemn O to question O bla 3 Fay : I don't really feel like going. George : Oh come on ! We're all going. It'll be lots of fun. to suggest O to persuade O to beg O to invite CQ bla 3 Son : We'll be camping overnight on the beach in P.D. Mother : It may be a good idea to bring along a blanket, then. Don't you think so ? to direct O to suggest O to appeal CE) to urge O bla 3 Girl 1 : | don't think it's going to rain. Do you ? Girl 2 : Well, if | were you, 'd take an umbrella with me, ai to offer CE tourge CE toadvise CE to threaten CE bla 3 [Boy : | was totally wrong. I'l never do such a thing again ! 'm so sorry. | feel terrible about this. |Girl: Don't worry. | understand completely. to advise O to express sympathy O to console O to forgive O (2) labs Man: Can |help you, ma'am? Woman: | want my car checked. What do you charge? How long will it take? O What tools are necessary? O Which parts of the car will be O checked? How much will it cost? O (2) glee Woman:Are you still studying7It is two o'clock in the morning. Man:| know.! just cannot seem to get caught up. Q: What does the man mean? He should go to bed. O He did not know the time. O He is trying to bring his work up to O date. He is not sleepy yet. O (2) seas Woman: | would like to buy a car. Man: Here is a sharp one right here. Third person: What is he saying about the car? She might cut herself on it. O It looks very good. O It is very expensive. O She should have it repaired. O (2) gldaai ‘Woman: I'm pretty sure that the deadline for applications has passed. Man: Why don't you let me look into it for you? Q What does the man mean? The woman has missed the Oo deadline. He will investigate the situation. O The deadline has been canceled. O An exception might be possible. oO (2) glass Man: I need a book for English two-twenty-one. ‘Woman: Alll of the textbooks are on the shelves in the back of the store. & What will the man probably do? Buy a textbook. Come back later. Go to the bookstore. OO 0 © Drop his English class. (2) sizes Man: It’s your turn to call the names on the list if you want to. Woman: | think I'll pass this time. @: What is the woman going to do? Let someone else call the names. Spend some time with the man. Make a list of the names. Pass out the names. Oo oo (2) ot ‘Woman: How are you going o get ready for an oral final? ‘Man: The professor said we should study alone, but John said to get into a study group ‘and quiz each other. (What did John suggest the students do? Take the professor's advice. O Study together. O Review the quizzes. O Prepare for an oral final. O (2) glass ‘Woman: The club had a meeting last night. Man: I know. I was present. Q: What did the man say? He received a present at the O meeting. He was the speaker. O He attended the meeting. O He enjoyed the meeting. O (2) glee ‘Man: I'm really enjoying Professor Jensen's class. Woman: me too. ‘Man: Have you taken any other classes with him? Woman: OK, enough about school. You can stop beating around the bush. Q: what does the woman mean? Don't hit that tree. CE Let's go inside. © Get right to the point. O Don't push me around. O (2) slaeas ‘Man: [ have something to tell you, but I don’t know how to begin. ‘Woman: Well, What is it? Cat got your tongue? Q: what does the woman imply? The man finds it hard to speak. O The man is worried about his cat's O tongue. The man should stop talking to his O cat. The man's tongue hurts. © nature to fest on anything containing bod. Like @ shark inthe water or a wan the woods, leas are idealy equipped todo hat they do, making them very difiut to defeat. The bodes ofthese iy parasites are extremely hardy and wellsuted fr their |b A flea has avery hard exoskeleton, which means the body is covered by a ough tetke plate called a sent Because ofthese plats, Neas are almost Impossible to squish. The exoskeletons of fleas ae also waterproof and shock resistant, and therefore fleas ae highly resistant tothe sprays and chemicals used toll them, Lite spines ee attached to this plat. The spines le fat against the eas tin, narow body asthe lea scuries ‘through an animal's furin serch of food. Howeve.f anything (ike fingers ora -sellrooming pet) res to pull Nea oft ‘though the har cost, these spines wil extend and stick the fur ike Velo Fleas are some ofthe best jumpers inthe natural ‘word. Ale can jump seven inches, © 150 times its own length, eter vertically or horizontally An equivalent ump for @ person would be 555 feet, the height ofthe Washington Monument Fleas can jump 20000 tes in a ow without stopping and ‘they are abe to accelerate through the ar at ‘an incredibly high rate~a rate which is over ‘ten tmes what humans can withstand in an airplane, Fleas have very long rear legs wth ge thigh muscles and mutipe joins, When they get ready o jump, they fod ther long legs up and erouch ike aunner ona staring block. Several of thelr oitscontaln ‘protein called resin, whic helps ctapult Meas into the ar as they jump, similar tothe aya rubberband provides momentum to ‘2 slingchot. Outward facing claws onthe bottom oftheir legs arp anything they touch when they land. The adutfrale fea ‘mates after he fst blood meal and begine producing e998 in just 1102 days. One les ‘can lay upto 50 eggs in one day and over 2000 inher fete, Flea eggs ean be seen th the nae eye but they are about the size of agrain of elt. Shorty ater being laid the eggs begin to transform into cocoons. nthe cocoon sate, eas ar uly oveloped adits, and wil hatch Immediately if conditions ar favorable Fleas can detect warmth, movement, and carbon diosde in exhaled breath, and these ‘vee factors stimulate them to emerge as new adults. the fea doesnot detect appropriate conditions can remain dormant in the cocoon state for extended periods. Under ideal condtons, the entire life cycle may ony take 3 weeks, s0 inno time at al pets and homes can become Infested, Because of those characteristics, fies ae itimidting opponents. The best way to cont fleas, therefore, so take steps to prevent an infestation from ever occuring bw3 The primary purpose of the (1 passage is to A. educate the reader about the O physical characteristics of fleas B. compare fleas to other members of the animal kingdom C. relate the problems that can result from a flea infestation D. explain why a flea infestation is hard to get rid of O 0 O bis 3 The author's tone in the (2 passage is best described as A. concerned B. passionate C. informative D. opinionated OO000 4&3 According to the passage, (3 fleas are resistant to sprays and chemicals because they A. have waterproof sclerites O B. are excellent jumpers oO C. reproduce very rapidly O D. can stick to fur like Velcro O bu3 Fleas are difficult to squish (4 because they have |. sclerites Il. tough spines Ill. resilin in their joints A. | only O B. | and II only O C. Iland Ill only © D.1,1l,and Ill © bi83 According to the passage, (5 which of the following ?statements is true A. Fleas extend their little spines if O threatened. B. Fleas have the ability to jump O higher than humans. C. Humans can jump higher if they oO consume foods containing resilin. D. The resilin found in fleas is used O to make rubber bands. bis3 According to the passage, (6 fleas are able to jump |. with a high rate of acceleration Il. up and down and from side to side Ill. because the blood they eat contains resilin A. lonly a B. Land Il only oO C. land Illonly CE D.1,t,and i! ©) 4&3 Based on information in the (7 passage, the reader can understand that A. fleas will die without access to Oo blood B. fleas survive at a higher rate in outdoor habitats 2,000 eggs D. newly hatched fleas are the size C. fleas will die after they produce O of a grain of salt O bis 3 The author mentions the (8 Washington Monument in order to A. estimate the extreme distance that a flea is able to jump B. illustrate a comparison made between fleas and humans C. clarify a point made regarding fleas and acceleration D. demonstrate the superiority of fleas over humans © © 9 © bw3 It can be inferred that fleas (9 will emerge from eggs as adults A. when they outgrow the cocoon O B. after a period of 3 weeks C) C. when they sense there is access O to blood D. if there is too much carbon O dioxide in the cocoon bts 3 Using the information in the (10 passage as a guide, it can be concluded that A. humans do not possess the physical characteristics of the flea O because they have no use for them OC B. humans do not pay much attention to fleas because they do O not pose a serious threat C. fleas have many physical advantages, although these are O outweighed by their many disadvantages O D. fleas are designed in such a way as to give them unique physical O advantages in life Tiga! gro

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