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RESEARCH ARTICLE p-ISSN: 2580-0825 (Print) e-ISSN: 2599-1116 (Online)



Fatimmah Denalian1, Besral2

Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Indonesia
Mimbar Ilmiah Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak
(Maternal And Neonatal Health Journal)

Article History ABSTRACT

Received: One issue in marriage is domestic violence. Based on data
Accepted: from the National Commission on Violence Against Women in
Published Online: 2023 (Komnas Perempuan), gender-based violence that occurred
during 2022 experienced the most significant increase over the past
* Corresponding Author: 10 years, namely 339,782 cases. The report also states that gender-
Fatimmah Denalian, Reproductive based violence is dominated by sexual and physical violence,
Health Departement, Universitas namely 38. 21% of sexual violence and 35.72% of physical
Indonesia, Jalan Lingkar, Pondok violence.
Cina, Depok, Indonesia, Marital rape is sexual violence that occurs in a marital
E-mail:, relationship. Based on data from the National Commission on
Phone: +62 895421886346
Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan), there were 422
cases of sexual violence committed by husbands against their wives
throughout 2022. In every type of violence, it does not escape the
detrimental impact on the victim. The impact of violence is
physical, psychological, sexual, economic, social, and legal..
The purpose of this study was to explore community
perceptions of the incidence of marital rape in the Jetis Health
Center working area, Yogyakarta City. This research uses a
qualitative research method with a descriptive analysis approach.
Data collection was carried out using in-depth interviews.
Participants totaled 11 people who were selected through purposive
sampling and snowball methods.
The results of this study describe how people's perceptions of
marital rape include perceptions of the definition of marital rape,
the impact, and perceptions of how domestic violence is handled in
the area where they live.

Keywords: Domestic Violence, Marital Rape, Gender-Based


© This Journal is an open-access

under the CC-BY-SA License

Publisher: Ocean Learning Center (OLC), 9

Law Number 1 of 1974 Chapter 1 Article 1 states that marriage is an inner bond
between a man and a woman as husband and wife to form a happy and eternal family
(household) based on the Almighty God. One of the problems that can occur in marriage is
domestic violence. Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the elimination of domestic violence
states the definition of domestic violence is any act against a person, especially women, which
results in physical, sexual, psychological, and or domestic neglect, including threats to
commit acts, coercion, or unlawful deprivation of independence within the scope of the
household. KOMNAS Perempuan (2019) states that the perpetrators of domestic violence and
violence come from the closest people such as husbands, fathers, uncles, and grandfathers.
Violence against women committed by unmarried couples is also the most prevalent problem
in Indonesia.
Based on World Bank data (2022), 30% of women in the world experience violence
committed by their partners. The two regions with the highest cases of violence occur in
Africa - Sub Sahara as many as 33% of cases, and South Asia as many as 35% of cases. In
Indonesia itself, according to Komnas Perempuan (2023) in the annual record (catahu) in
2022, in Indonesia alone the incidence of violence against women occurred as many as 3,772
cases throughout 2022. Cases were dominated by psychological violence as much as 40%,
sexual violence as 29% of cases, followed by physical violence as much as 19 cases, and
economic violence as much as 12%. The highest cases occurred in West Java Province with a
total of 594 cases, followed by East Java Province, Central Java, and DKI Jakarta.
Meanwhile, Yogyakarta Province is ranked 18th in the most cases of violence in Indonesia.
Based on data from Bappeda Yogyakarta Province in 2021, the highest number of domestic
violence cases occurred in Bantul Regency with 112 cases, followed by Yogyakarta City with
94 cases, Sleman Regency with 76 cases, Kulon Progo Regency with 42 cases, and Gunung
Kidul Regency with 13 cases.
Cases of sexual violence in marriage or marital rape in 2017 amounted to 172 cases, in
2018 as many as 195 cases, while in 2020 the number decreased to only 57 reported cases.
According to Komnas Perempuan, this happened as a result of the COVID - 19 pandemic
which caused limited victim services. Based on Komnas Perempunan's annual records in
2023, there were 403 cases of rape and 632 cases of sexual harassment committed by
husbands throughout 2022.
Domestic violence and forced sexual intercourse that occurs in marriage (Marital Rape)
do not get good and adequate handling, this is due to the lack of access to

Publisher: Ocean Learning Center (OLC), 9

information from victims to the authorities and health service units, the victim's fear of
domestic neglect, the victim feels embarrassed if she bears the social status of a widow, the
victim tries to maintain the good name of the family, and avoid children from the
psychological impact of divorce (Bhima, et all 2018). The impact felt is very detrimental to
the victim's life in the present and future. The impact of marital rape is depression, including
antenatal and postnatal depression, post - traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and anxiety
disorders (Agarwal, et all 2022). The physical impacts are bruising, bleeding, injuries to
reproductive organs, impaired reproductive function, and contracting sexually transmitted
diseases (Komnas Perempuan, 2023).
The community needs to understand the importance of preventing marital rape
considering the many adverse effects caused. So the researcher is interested in how the
general public perceives marital rape and conducts research with the title Perception of
Marital Rape which focuses on the work area of the Jetis Health Center, Yogyakarta City.

This research method uses a type of qualitative research. The approach used in this
research is a descriptive qualitative approach which is an approach that aims to build meaning
according to the perceptions of participants presented through writing and images. The
number of participants in this study amounted to 13 people in the age range of 27 to 40 years,
with a composition of 9 female participants, and 4 male participants. 9 people are people who
live in the working area of Puskesmas Jetis, 2 people are married couples who are victims and
perpetrators of marital rape, and 2 people are professional health workers, psychologists, and
staff who work at Puskesmas Jetis.

Publisher: Ocean Learning Center (OLC), 9

Table 1 : Characteristics Of Participants
Participants Age Gender Length of Marriage
R1 24 Female Health Workers
R2 27 Female 7 Years
R3 26 Female 6 Years
R4 31 Female Health Workers
R5 35 Female 12 Years
R6 38 Female 13 Years
R7 39 Female 14 Years
R8 40 Female 8 Years
R9 40 Female 13 Years
R10 34 Male 9 Years
R11 35 Male 1 Years
R12 36 Male 10 Years
R13 40 Male 7 Years

This research was conducted in Padukuhan Jogoyudan, Gowongan Village, Jetis

District, Yogyakarta City. The variables in this study are community perceptions of marital
rape, perceptions of victims and perpetrators of marital rape, and how health services
provided by the Jetis Health Center for victims of domestic violence, especially marital rape.
The instrument in this study used an interview guide. Data analysis in this study uses the
Miles and Huberman method which consists of 3 steps, namely data reduction, data
presentation, and conclusion drawing.

The results of this study show that the majority of participants stated that marital rape is
an act of forced sexual intercourse that is prohibited in marriage. Although the term marital
rape was very unfamiliar to them, participants were able to express their opinions about
marital rape after the research translated the word marital rape into Indonesian. Participants
were also able to express their opinions about the impact of marital rape. Majority of
participants stated that the impact of Marital Rape is trauma to having sexual intercourse with
her husband, in addition to the impact caused by depression, stress, and suicidal thoughts,
while physical impacts such as vaginal wounds, bruises on the body, and miscarriages.

Publisher: Ocean Learning Center (OLC), 9

Table 2 : The summary of in-depth interviews on community perceptions of marital

Theme Result
Perception of marital rape The majority of participants believed that marital
rape is an act of forced sexual intercourse within
marriage and is prohibited violence.
"In my opinion, the relationship between
husband and wife is forced, mba, not of their
own free will, it is forced, mba, for example, the
wife is forced by the husband, maybe that's how I
see it". (Male, 34 years old)
“(marital rape) is an act that is not allowed,
if you are married, you can't do something like
that. being forced is not allowed, mba, without
any consent” (Women, 35 years old)
Perception impact of marital rape The majority of participants thought that marital
rape hurts the victim. The impacts are
psychological impacts such as depression, stress,
trauma and suicide. While physical impacts such
as vaginal wounds, sexually transmitted
diseases, miscarriages, and bruises.
“Of course there are (negative effects of marital
rape), because it must be painful and there must
be abrasions (vaginal) or something like that,
then psychological disorders, for example,
women who are victims, for example when they
are close to (husband), they are afraid”
(Women, 27 years old)
“Maybe you can be traumatized if you are
forced to do it. And afraid to do it (sexual
intercourse) too, that's all, I think” (Women, 35

Publisher: Ocean Learning Center (OLC), 9

years old)
Perceptions of the law and health Most people know that domestic violence, which
services and assistance for victims of includes marital rape, is a violation of the law,
domestic violence but participants do not know how to handle
domestic violence because they have never been
exposed to health education about handling to
help victims of domestic violence. The handling
of domestic violence is usually done in a family
manner and rarely involves the legal process.
Participants also expressed reluctance to get too
involved in other people's household problems.
“I know there is a law (domestic violence law),
but I don't know which law it is. If you have to
report it, maybe to the neighborhood head, but
I'm afraid to interfere, because it (marital rape)
is someone else's household problem” (Women,
26 years old)
“If there is a law, but I've never seen it on TV or
in the newspaper, if you report it, it's usually to
the head of the neighborhood, reconciled to the
head of the neighborhood, then if for example
the mother or victim is injured, they are usually
treated by a midwife or orderly" (Male, 40 years
Marital rape victim perception The participant was a victim of marital rape at
the beginning of her marriage and suffered a
miscarriage as a result of the act. The impact felt
by the victim besides the miscarriage was pain in
the vaginal area, the victim stated that she was
afraid that her husband would be angry if she
refused to have sex. However, after the
miscarriage, the participant said that her husband
did not commit marital rape again.

Publisher: Ocean Learning Center (OLC), 9

“Yes, it hurts (marital rape), then I want to tell
my husband directly but I'm still afraid, afraid,
meaning that my husband will get angry.
(marital rape) happened early in the marriage.
after that I miscarried, after miscarrying my first
child my husband never forced me again (sexual
intercource)” (Women, 27 Years old)
Perceptions of perpetrators of marital The participant as the perpetrator felt regret
rape after committing marital rape on his wife. The
participant said that the reason he committed
marital rape was because his ego wanted to
always be served by his wife.
“(The cause) is probably more about ego, more
according to personal desires, that's all. I did my
coercion after that I felt regretful, but because I
regretted it, I felt that I loved my wife more and
felt more responsible because I felt that my wife
really obeyed my wishes, if the negative side that
I felt was that I felt regretful, then it was also
possible that my wife felt depressed”(Male, 40
years old)
Health workers' perception of marital Participants of the health workers of Puskesmas
rape Jetis Yogyakarta stated that the role carried out
was assistance to victims of domestic violence,
in addition to providing health services,
Puskesmas also provided assistance services to
related legal institutions. However, the obstacle
faced is that the handling of domestic violence at
the Puskesmas is not optimal because it still
focuses on handling non-communicable diseases
“For that we don't have a program for health
education about domestic violence, because so
far we are still focusing on health education

Publisher: Ocean Learning Center (OLC), 9

about NCDs, stunting, and immunization
because that is our main focus, maybe in the
future a program like that can be made, because
cases like this are rarely discussed, hopefully we
can work with institutions that focus on working
in this field (Domestic Violence)” (Health worker
staff, 31 years old)

The results of this study showed that all participants considered that marital rape is an
act of coercion of sexual intercourse in marriage and is an act that is not allowed. However,
this study also found that most of the community had never been exposed to health education
about domestic violence, participants stated that most cases of domestic violence were only
resolved in a family manner with the help of the neighbourhood head (Ketua RT). Participants
also stated that they did not know the reporting flow in seeking legal assistance or health care
assistance for victims of domestic violence. In addition, participants stated that they were
reluctant to get involved in handling domestic violence because they were afraid of being
considered interfering in other people's problems and they considered domestic violence a
disgrace. This finding is supported by the results of a study which stated that there are two
obstacle factors in the law enforcement process of cases of violence against women and
children, namely the absence of community reports related to domestic violence incidents
(Unreported Cases), and handling that does not shoot (Unsolved Cases) which raises public
distrust of legal institutions (Sari et al, 2019).
Based on the results of research by Fatmawati et all (2018) revealed that good health
education for the community and family is very influential on increasing the knowledge and
perceptions of the community and family towards domestic violence, so that it is hoped that
the community will be able to take preventive action against domestic violence besides that
health education about domestic violence can also increase public awareness of the
importance of protecting victims, A good understanding can also reduce the stigma that exists
in the community that can prevent victims from seeking legal and health assistance, and
effectively be used as a reference for policy development in decision making so that the
government can take firm steps to protect victims of domestic violence.
From the results of interviews that have been conducted, participants stated that the
impact of marital rape is divided into two, namely physical impact and psychological impact.

Publisher: Ocean Learning Center (OLC), 9

Physical impacts include vaginal wounds, physical injuries, contracting venereal diseases
such as HIV, lazy sexual intercourse, and miscarriage. This is supported by research
conducted in Jambi City which states that the psychological impact of domestic violence is a
feeling of anxiety, fear, depression, always alert, often daydreaming, moody, crying easily,
difficulty sleeping, nightmares, loss of self-confidence, loss of interest in self-care, decreased
concentration, low self-esteem, silence, loss of courage to argue, confusion and forgetfulness,
frequent self-harm, suicide attempts, aggression, and temperament Maisah & Yenti (2016).
The results of this study are also supported by research conducted (Sutrisminah 2015)
which states that there are harmful effects arising from acts of violence against women. These
impacts include reproductive health disorders, namely menorrhagia, hypomenorrhagia, early
menopause, decreased libido, inability to have an orgasm, miscarriage, immature labor or
fetal death in the womb, loss of uterine contractions, prolonged labor, contracting venereal
diseases, and vaginal injuries due to forced sexual intercourse.
The inequality of sexual relations between husband and wife will be very detrimental to
the woman as a wife. Participants stated that marital rape is an act of human rights violation.
Participants argue that marital rape is a violation of human rights because the victim as a
human being has the right to refuse not to have sexual intercourse, marital rape is also an act
of violation that will have a negative impact on the victim, marital rape is an act of violence,
and marital rape is an act that does not respect the victim as a human being. The results of this
study are supported by research conducted by Azzahra (2017) which states that all forms of
physical and mental violence and torture, especially domestic violence, are a form of violation
of human rights (HAM).
The study mentioned the factors that cause domestic violence in Bantul Regency
Yogyakarta which stated that gender injustice, economy, family environment, alcohol
consumption, low intellectual and emotional levels, and underage marriage are factors that
contribute to the occurrence of domestic violence (Eskawati et al, 2017). However, the lack of
knowledge and still consider marital rape a taboo, making people reluctant to help victims. A
study that discusses that the factors that make it difficult to handle domestic violence cases are
the lack of opportunities for women to access the law, this is reflected in the lack of the
Criminal Code discussing the rights and obligations of a wife, another reason is that the
victim revokes the report in order to maintain the integrity of the household, cultural reasons
or community norms that consider domestic violence a taboo, and lack of evidence (Alimi &
Nurwati, 2021). In addition, the lack of reporting of marital rape cases is due to the victim
not knowing that she is a victim of sexual violence by her husband. This is in line

Publisher: Ocean Learning Center (OLC), 9

with research conducted by Azzahra (2017) which also states that the non-disclosure of cases
of domestic violence is usually caused by victims who consider that the events they
experience are commonplace and victims do not know that the events they experience are
categorized as criminal acts. And also supported by the culture of blaming victims of violence
that often occurs in society is one of the reasons women are reluctant to report the violence
they experience. This culture usually labels victims with a demeaning impression, and blames
wives who cannot serve their husbands properly (Yoewono, et al 2023).
From the results of this study, the obstacles to health services for victims of domestic
violence are caused by the lack of attention of the government and health service workers to
the importance of health education to the community about domestic violence, especially
marital rape. Whereas acts of domestic violence, especially marital rape, can be prevented if
the community is well educated about the importance of protecting victims of domestic
violence. This is in line with research on factors that cause women victims of domestic
violence to be reluctant to report the violence they experience is because people tend to think
that domestic violence is trivial and is a common problem in the household, domestic
violence is a disgrace that should be covered up, and the belief of the community that women
must always obey their husbands (Tamaris, 2021).

The conclusion of this research is an overview of public perceptions of marital rape.
The majority believed that marital rape is an act of forced sexual intercourse within marriage
and is a crime that has a negative impact on victims such as physical and psychological
impacts on victims. This is in line with the confession of the victim in this study who suffered
a miscarriage after being a victim of marital rape. The participants also stated that marital rape
is an act of human rights violation, but unfortunately the community does not know how to
handle victims of domestic violence. In addition to never being exposed to health education
about domestic violence, participants in this study also still consider domestic violence a
disgrace that should not be known to others. This is partly because the nearest health service
unit has not focused on educating the community about the importance of protecting victims
of domestic violence. The health services provided are still limited to physical and
psychological recovery for victims, and have not touched the level of community education
Komnas Perempuan : Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan

Publisher: Ocean Learning Center (OLC), 9

KDRT : Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga
KUHP : Kitab Undang – Undang Hukum Perdata
PTM : Penyakit Tidak Menular

Authors declare that we have no known competing financial interest or personal
relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper

Corresponding author conceptualized, designed, prepared the initial draft and
framework also interpreted the data. The second author interprets the data and also making
sure that the research stayson the track and based on the data that have been collected.

The authors would like to thank the Department of Reproductive Health at the
University of Indonesia, Puskesmas Jetis Yogyakarta, and all those who helped and
contributed to this research.

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Publisher: Ocean Learning Center (OLC), 9

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