Combatting Terrorism Articles With Key Points Pakistan Observer VZ CSS PMS Books and Notes 03468134627

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Tuesday 10, October, 2023 Dawn, Daily Times & Tribune Newspaper, Daily MCQs, National Magazine, CSS

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Articles of the Day VZ CSS PMS Notes and Books

Combating terrorism: A multi-level approach for lasting peace

by Dr Abdullah Fazi Pakistan Observer
THE recent wave of terrorism in Pakistan has once again shaken the nation to its
core, leaving behind a trail of devastation, loss and fear. This grim reality demands
a united front, unwavering resolve and a comprehensive strategy to confront this
menace head-on.

Terrorism is an insidious threat that knows no borders and Pakistan has been
grappling with it for decades. The recent surge in attacks nationwide underscores
the urgency of addressing this issue comprehensively and effectively. To combat
terrorism, we must first understand its root causes and acknowledge that it is not a
problem that can be solved overnight.

One of the primary causes of terrorism in Pakistan is the presence of extremist ideologies that
continue to thrive in certain pockets of the country. These ideologies are often fuelled by political,
economic and social grievances that must be addressed. The government, civil society and
religious leaders must work together to counter these ideologies with messages of peace,
tolerance and inclusivity.

Moreover, the issue of terrorism cannot be divorced from the larger regional and
global context. Pakistan’s geographic location places it at the crossroads of various
regional conflicts, making it susceptible to spill-over effects. Diplomatic efforts,
regional cooperation and intelligence sharing with neighbouring countries are
essential to a comprehensive counter-terrorism strategy.

The role of law enforcement and intelligence agencies in Pakistan is pivotal in the
fight against terrorism. They must be adequately equipped, trained and supported
in their efforts to dismantle terrorist networks. At the same time, it is imperative that
these agencies operate within the framework of the rule of law and respect for
human rights. Counter-terrorism measures should not come at the cost of individual
liberties and due process.

Furthermore, the media plays a significant role in shaping public opinion and
perception. Journalists and media organizations must exercise responsible
reporting, avoiding sensationalism and fear-mongering. Balanced and objective
reporting can help counter the propaganda and recruitment efforts of terrorist

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Tuesday 10, October, 2023 Dawn, Daily Times & Tribune Newspaper, Daily MCQs, National Magazine, CSS Books,
Notes, Past Paper WhatsApp 03468134627
In addition to addressing the root causes and enhancing security measures,
Pakistan must also focus on rehabilitating and reintegrating individuals who have
been radicalized or involved in terrorist activities. Rehabilitation programs can offer
a chance for individuals to disengage from extremism and reintegrate into society
as productive citizens.

Lastly, the government must engage in open and honest dialogue with various
stakeholders, including minority communities, to foster a sense of inclusion and
belonging. Inclusivity and social cohesion are critical in countering the divisive
tactics employed by terrorist groups.

We must understand that terrorism is an ongoing battle that requires collective

efforts and unwavering determination. Pakistan has made significant strides in its
fight against terrorism, but much work remains. It is a battle that cannot be won
through military means alone; it requires a multi-pronged approach that addresses
the root causes, enhances security measures and promotes tolerance and

In these trying times, the people of Pakistan must stand united against the forces of
terrorism. We must reject divisiveness and work together to build our nation’s safer
and more prosperous future. Only through unity, resolve and a comprehensive
strategy can we hope to overcome the scourge of terrorism and pave the way for a
brighter tomorrow.

—The writer is a law lecturer at Curtin University.

The key points from the article on countering terrorism in Pakistan are:

1. Terrorism is a persistent and serious threat to Pakistan that requires a united front,
resolve, and a comprehensive strategy to address effectively.

2. Extremist ideologies are a primary cause of terrorism in Pakistan, often fueled by

political, economic, and social grievances. Government, civil society, and religious
leaders must work together to counter these ideologies with messages of peace and

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Tuesday 10, October, 2023 Dawn, Daily Times & Tribune Newspaper, Daily MCQs, National Magazine, CSS Books,
Notes, Past Paper WhatsApp 03468134627
3. Pakistan's geographic location exposes it to regional conflicts, necessitating
diplomatic efforts, regional cooperation, and intelligence sharing with neighboring
countries as part of a comprehensive counter-terrorism strategy.

4. Law enforcement and intelligence agencies play a pivotal role in fighting terrorism
and should be adequately equipped and trained. However, they must operate
within the rule of law and respect human rights.

5. Responsible reporting by the media is crucial in countering terrorist propaganda and

recruitment efforts. Balanced and objective reporting is essential.

6. Rehabilitation and reintegration programs for individuals who have been radicalized
or involved in terrorism are necessary to help them disengage from extremism and
become productive members of society.

7. Open and honest dialogue with various stakeholders, including minority

communities, is essential to foster inclusivity and social cohesion, countering the
divisive tactics used by terrorist groups.

8. Countering terrorism requires collective efforts, including addressing root causes,

enhancing security measures, and promoting tolerance and inclusivity. It cannot be
solely achieved through military means.

9. The people of Pakistan must stand united against terrorism, reject divisiveness, and
work together for a safer and more prosperous future through a comprehensive

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