SP-5.13130.2009 - en

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SP 5.13130.2009
Sys!"s #$ $%&! '&#!(%#)
D!s%)%) -) &!/-%#)s &/!s
The goals and principles of standardization of the Russian Federation are set forth by the Federal
Law No. 184-F as of !ece"ber #$% #&&# '(n technical regulation)% while application rules for the
code of practices
practices * by the !ecree
!ecree of the +o,ern"
+o,ern"entent of the Russian
Russian Federati
on No. 88 as of
No,e"ber 1% #&&8 '(n the procedures for de,elop"ent and appro,al of codes of practices).
!ata on the code of practices
1 !/0/L(/
!/0/L(/! ! by Federal 2tate /nterprise
/nterprise 3ll-Russian
3ll-Russian Research
Research nstitute
nstitute for Fire rotection
5F+6 0N(7 of the inistry of /"ergency 2ituations of Russia
# NTR(!69/! by the Technical
Technical 9o""ittee for 2tandardization atters T9 #$4 'Fire 2afety)
: 3R
/! 3N! NTR NTR(!(!69
/! NTNT( 39T
39T(N(N by the
the !ecr
ee of the
the ini
y of
/"ergency 2ituations of Russia No. 1$ as of arch #% #&&
4 R/+2T/R/! by the Federal 3gency for Technical
Technical Regulation and etrology
 FR2T NTR(!69T(N

Information on changes hereto is published in annual reference

reference index “National Standards” and
the text
text of chan
gess and
and amen
ts is publ
d in mont
hlyy refer
ce inde
xess “Nat
Standards”. In the case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this code of practices the
notification will be published in the monthly reference indexes “National Standards” accordingly.
elevant information! notification and texts are posted in the public information system " on the
official website
website of the developer (#ederal State $nterprise
$nterprise %ll&ussian
%ll&ussian esearch
esearch Institute
Institute for #ire
'rotection (# *NII'+)
*NII'+) of the ,inistry of $mergency Situations
Situations of ussia) on the Internet.
n No.
No. 1 appr
ed and
and put
put into
into effec
effectt by the
the orde
orderr of the
the ini
ry of /"er
2ituations of Russia as of &1.&;.#&11
&1.&;.#&11 No. #$4

1 A''%(-%#) #"-%)
2 R!$!&!)(! (#!s -) s-)-&s
3 T!&"s -) !$%)%%#)s
 G!)!&- '&#%s%#)s
5 -!& -) $#-" $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s
.1 +eneral pro,isions
.# 2prin<ler syste"s
.: !rencher syste"s
.4 Finely sprayed water fire-fighting syste"
. 2prin<ler 3F2 with forced launch
.; 2prin<ler-drencher 3F2s
.$ 2yste"s= pipelines
.8 9ontrol units
. >ater
>ater supply of syste"s and preparation of foa" solution
.1& u"ping stations
 H%4*!6'-)s%#) $#-" $%&!*$%4%)
$%&!*$%4%) sys!"s
;.1 3pplication do"ain
;.# 2yste"s classification
;.: !e,elop"ent
7 R#8#%! $%&! (#"'!6
$.1 +eneral pro,isions
$.# Re?uire"ents to the RF9 fire alar" syste"
: G-s $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s
8.1 3pplication do"ain
8.# 2yste"s classification and co"position
8.: Fire-fighting agents
8.4 +eneral re?uire"ents
8. 0olu"etric
0olu"etric fire-fighting syste"s
8.; The ?uantity of gas fire-fighting
fire-f ighting substance
8.$ Ti"ing data
8.8 0essels
0essels for gas fire-fighting substance
s ubstance
8. ipelines
8.1& ncenti,e syste"s
8.11 @ead pieces
8.1# Fire-fighting stations
8.1: Local start de,ices
8.14 Re?uire"ents to the protected pre"ises
8.1 Local-,olu"etric fire-fighting syste"s
8.1; 2afety re?uire"ents
9 P#;!& $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s #$ "#/-& y'!
.1 3pplication do"ain
.# !esigning
.: Re?uire"ents to the protected pre"ises
.4 2afety re?uire"ents
10 A!&#s# $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s
1&.1 3pplication do"ain
1&.# !esigning
1&.: Re?uire"ents to the protected pre"ises
1&.4 2afety re?uire"ents
11 S!$*(#)-%)! $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s
12 F%&!*$%4%) sys!"s (#)&# !</%'"!)
1#.1 +eneral re?uire"ents to fire-fighting syste"s control e?uip"ent
1#.# +eneral re?uire"ents to alar"s
1#.: >ater and foa" fire-fighting syste"s. Re?uire"ents to control e?uip"ent. Re?uire"ents to
1 A''%(-%#) #"-%)
2 R!$!&!)(! (#!s -) s-)-&s
3 T!&"s -) !$%)%%#)s
 G!)!&- '&#%s%#)s
5 -!& -) $#-" $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s
.1 +eneral pro,isions
.# 2prin<ler syste"s
.: !rencher syste"s
.4 Finely sprayed water fire-fighting syste"
. 2prin<ler 3F2 with forced launch
.; 2prin<ler-drencher 3F2s
.$ 2yste"s= pipelines
.8 9ontrol units
. >ater
>ater supply of syste"s and preparation of foa" solution
.1& u"ping stations
 H%4*!6'-)s%#) $#-" $%&!*$%4%)
$%&!*$%4%) sys!"s
;.1 3pplication do"ain
;.# 2yste"s classification
;.: !e,elop"ent
7 R#8#%! $%&! (#"'!6
$.1 +eneral pro,isions
$.# Re?uire"ents to the RF9 fire alar" syste"
: G-s $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s
8.1 3pplication do"ain
8.# 2yste"s classification and co"position
8.: Fire-fighting agents
8.4 +eneral re?uire"ents
8. 0olu"etric
0olu"etric fire-fighting syste"s
8.; The ?uantity of gas fire-fighting
fire-f ighting substance
8.$ Ti"ing data
8.8 0essels
0essels for gas fire-fighting substance
s ubstance
8. ipelines
8.1& ncenti,e syste"s
8.11 @ead pieces
8.1# Fire-fighting stations
8.1: Local start de,ices
8.14 Re?uire"ents to the protected pre"ises
8.1 Local-,olu"etric fire-fighting syste"s
8.1; 2afety re?uire"ents
9 P#;!& $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s #$ "#/-& y'!
.1 3pplication do"ain
.# !esigning
.: Re?uire"ents to the protected pre"ises
.4 2afety re?uire"ents
10 A!&#s# $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s
1&.1 3pplication do"ain
1&.# !esigning
1&.: Re?uire"ents to the protected pre"ises
1&.4 2afety re?uire"ents
11 S!$*(#)-%)! $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s
12 F%&!*$%4%) sys!"s (#)&# !</%'"!)
1#.1 +eneral re?uire"ents to fire-fighting syste"s control e?uip"ent
1#.# +eneral re?uire"ents to alar"s
1#.: >ater and foa" fire-fighting syste"s. Re?uire"ents to control e?uip"ent. Re?uire"ents to

Sys!"s #$ $%&! '&#!(%#).

D!s%)%) -) &!/-%#)s &/!s

E$$!(%! -s #$ 2009*05*01
1 A''%(-%#) #"-%)
1.1 This code of practices has been de,eloped in accordance with articles 4#% 4% 4;% 4% 8:% 84%
1% 1&:% 1&4% 111-11; of the Federal Law No. 1#:-F as of Auly ##% #&&8 'Technical regulation for
fire safety re?uire"ents)B it is a regulatory docu"ent for fire safety in ,oluntary standardization
do"ain and establishes standards and rules for designing of auto"atic fire-eCtinguishing and alar"
1.# This code of practices co,ers designing of auto"atic fire-eCtinguishing and alar" syste"s
for buildings and constructions of different designation% including buildings and structures located
in areas with special cli"atic and en,iron"ental conditions. 3pplication of fire-eCtinguishing and
alar" syste"s shall be deter"ined subDect to 3nneC E% standards% codes of practices and other
docu"ents appro,ed in accordance with the specified procedure.
1.: This code of practices does not co,er designing of auto"atic fire-eCtinguishing and alar"
syste"s for
- buildings and structures designed subDect to special standardsB
- processing syste"s for outside installationB
- buildings of warehouses with "obile rac<sB
- buildings of warehouses designed for storage of aerosol productsB
- buildings of warehouse with height of goods warehousing of o,er . ".
1.4 This code of practices does not co,er designing of fire-eCtinguishing e?uip"ent for
eCtinguishing of fires of class ! 5according to +(2T #$::17% as well as che"ically acti,e
substances and "aterials% including substances and "aterials
- reacting with fire-fighting agents causing eCplosion 5organoalu"inu"% al<ali "aterials7B
- deco"posing in case of reaction with fire-fighting agents causing e"ission of co"bustible
gases 5organoalu"inu"% lead azide% alu"inu" hydrates% zinc% "agnesiu"7B
- reacting with fire-fighting agents causing powerful eCother"ic effect 5sulphuric acid% titaniu"
chloride% ter"ite7B
- self-igniting substances 5sodiu" hydrosulphite and etc.7.
1. This code of practices "ay be used for de,elop"ent of special technical specifications for
auto"atic fire-fighting and alar" e?uip"ent.
2 R!$!&!)(! (#!s -) s-)-&s
The following codes and standards are referenced in this code of practices
+(2T R &88-: Foa"ing agents for fire eCtinguishing. +eneral technical re?uire"ents and
test "ethods
+(2T R &;8&-4 3uto"atic water fire fighting syste"s. +eneral technical re?uire"ents.
ethods of tests
+(2T R &8&&- 3uto"atic fire-fighting foa" syste"s. +eneral technical re?uire"ents. Test
+(2T R &;-; 3uto"atic gas fire eCtinguishing syste"s. +eneral technical re?uire"ents.
Test "ethods
+(2T R 1&4:-#&&# 3uto"atic water and foa" fire fighting syste"s. 2prin<lers. +eneral
technical re?uire"ents. Test "ethods
+(2T R 1&4;-$ Fire engineering. +enerators of eCtinguishing aerosol. Types and basic

+(2T R 1&4-#&&8 Fire e?uip"ent. ressure fire hoses. +eneral technical re?uire"ents. Test
+(2T R 1&#-#&&# 3uto"atic water and foa" fire eCtinguishing installations. >et and dry
syste" alar" stations. +eneral technical re?uire"ents. Test "ethods
+(2T R 1&$-#&&1 Fire fighting e?uip"ent. ortable fire eCtinguishers. +eneral technical
re?uire"ents. Test "ethods
+(2T 1&1-$ 3uto"atic dry che"ical fire-fighting syste"s. Types and basic para"eters
+(2T R 111-$ Fire e?uip"ent. Fire turntable co"bined "onitors. +eneral technical
re?uire"ents. Test "ethods
+(2T R 1$:$-#&&1 3uto"atic water and foa" fire fighting syste"s. 2ectional tubing
couplings. +eneral technical re?uire"ents. ethods of tests
+(2T R 1844-#&& Fire e?uip"ent. Fire-fighting cabinets. +eneral technical re?uire"ents.
Test "ethods.
+(2T R :#$8-#&& Fire e?uip"ent. Fire ,al,es. +eneral technical re?uire"ents. Test "ethods
+(2T R :#$-#&& Fire connecting heads for fire e?uip"ent. Types% "ain para"eters and
+(2T R :#8&.: 3uto"atic fire eCtinguishing syste"s. Fire eCtinguishing "edia. art :.
+aseous eCtinguishing "edia. Test "ethods
+(2T R :#8&.4-#&& 3uto"atic fire eCtinguishing syste"s. /Ctinguishing "ediu". art 4.
!ry fire eCtinguishing powders. +eneral technical re?uire"ents. Test "ethods
+(2T R :#81-#&& 3uto"atic gas fire eCtinguishing syste"s. 9ylinders and cylinder ban<s.
+eneral technical re?uire"ents. Test "ethods
+(2T R :#84-#&& Fire engineering. +enerators of eCtinguishing aerosol. +eneral technical
re?uire"ents. Test "ethods
+(2T R ::1-#&& 9able products. Re?uire"ents of fire safety. Test "ethods
+(2T R ::#-#&& Fire techni?ues. eans of fire auto"atics. +eneral technical re?uire"ents.
Test "ethods
+(2T R :::1-#&& Fire-fighting e?uip"ent. @and nozzles. +eneral technical re?uire"ents.
ethods of testing
+(2T R ::#-#&& Robotized water and foa" fire-fighting e?uip"ent. +eneral technical
re?uire"ents. Test "ethods
+(2T #.;&1- 6nified syste" for design docu"entation. /Cploitati,e docu"ents
+(2T .&:#-$4 6nified syste" of corrosion and ageing protection. 9oatings of lac?uers and
paints. +roups% technical re?uire"ents and designations
+(2T 1#.&.&&1-8# (ccupational safety standards syste". Gasic rules
+(2T 1#.&.&&4-& (ccupational safety standards syste". (rganization of training for labor
safety. +eneral rules
+(2T 1#.1.&&4-1 Fire safety. +eneral re?uire"ents
+(2T 1#.1.&&-88 (ccupational safety standards syste". +eneral sanitary re?uire"ents for
wor<ing zone air
+(2T 1#.1.&1-$ (ccupational safety standards syste". /lectric safety. +eneral re?uire"ents
and no"enclature of <inds of protection
+(2T 1#.1.&:&-81 (ccupational safety standards syste". /lectric safety. rotecti,e conducti,e
earth% neutralling
+(2T 1#.1.&::-81 (ccupational safety standards syste". Fire safety. Ter"s and definitions
+(2T 1#.1.&44-8 (ccupational safety standards syste". Fire and eCplosion hazard of
substances and "aterials. No"enclature of indices and "ethods of their deter"ination
+(2T 1#.#.&&:-1 (ccupational safety standards syste". ndustrial e?uip"ent. +eneral safety
+(2T 1#.#.&&$.&-$ (ccupational safety standards syste". /lectrical e?uip"ent. +eneral safety
+(2T 1#.#.&4$-8; (ccupational safety standards syste". Fire engineering. Ter"s and

+(2T 1#.#.&$#-8 ndustrial robots. Robotized technological syste"s. 2afety re?uire"ents and
testing "ethods
+(2T 1#.:.&4;-1 (ccupational safety standards syste". 3uto"atic fire fighting syste"s.
+eneral technical re?uire"ents
+(2T 1#.4.&&-8: (ccupational safety standards syste". Fire-fighting e?uip"ent for protection
of units. Gasic types. Location and "aintenance
+(2T R 1#.4.&#;-#&&1 (ccupational safety standards syste". 2afety colors% safety signs and
signal "ar<ing. urpose and rules of application. +eneral technical re?uire"ents and
characteristics. ethods of tests
+(2T :#;#-$ >ater-supply and gas-supply steel pipes. 2pecifications
+(2T 8$:#-$8 2ea"less hot-defor"ed steel pipes. Range of sizes
+(2T 8$:4-$ 2ea"less steel tubes cold defor"ed. Range
+(2T 1&$&4-1 /lectrically welded steel line-weld tubes. Range
+(2T 14#&#-; ipe-lines of industrial plants. dentification coloring% safety signs and "ar<ing
+(2T 14#4-; !egrees of protection pro,ided by enclosures
+(2T 11&-; achines% instru"ents and other industrial products. odifications for different
cli"atic regions. 9ategories% operating% storage and transportation conditions as to en,iron"ent
cli"atic aspects influence
+(2T #11:&-$ /lectrical ite"s. /arth ter"inals and earth signs. !esign and di"ensions
+(2T #:11-$ an-"ade noise fro" do"estic electrical appliances connected to the electrical
"ains of dwelling-houses. Li"it and "easuring "ethods
+(2T #$::1-8$ Fire engineering. 9lassification of fires
+(2T #81:&-8 Fire engineering. Fire eCtinguishers% fire eCtinguishing syste"s and fire alar"
syste"s. +raphical con,entional signs
+(2T #8::8-8H Tube connections and fitting. 9on,entional passages 5no"inal sizes7. 2eries
3 T!&"s -) !$%)%%#)s
The following ter"s with proper definitions are used in this code of practices
:.1 A/#"-%( s-& #$ $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s "eans start of syste"s initiated by their technical
"eans without hu"an participation.
:.# A/#"-%( $%&!*$%4%) sys!" =AFS> is a fire-fighting syste" triggered auto"atically in
case of eCcess of the established threshold ,alues by the controlled factor 5factors7 in the protected
:.: A/#"-%( ;-!& $!!!& is a water feeder auto"atically "aintaining in pipelines the
pressure needed for acti,ation of control stations.
:.4 A/#"-%( $%&! !!(#& is a fire detector reacting to factors acco"panying fires.
:. S!$*(#)-%)! $%&!*$%4%) sys!" is a fire-fighting syste" auto"atically perfor"ing
detection and fire-fighting functions regardless of eCternal power sources and control syste"s.
:.; S!$*(#)-%)! $%&! !!(#& is a fire detector reacting to a deter"ined concentration le,el of
aerosol co"bustion 5pyrolysis7 products and "aterials and possibly other fire factorsB its body
structurally co"bines a self-contained power source and all co"ponents needed for fire detection
and direct warning.
:.$ M#/-& $%&!*$%4%) sys!" is a fire-fighting syste"% where technical "eans of fire
detection% technical "eans for fire-fighting agent storage% supply and transportation are structurally
independent units "ounted directly at the facility subDect to protection.
:.8 A&!ss-8! $%&! !!(#& is a fire detector that transfers the code of its address together
with warning of fire to a specific control and indicating e?uip"ent.
:. A((!!&-#& is a de,ice assuring% in case of sprin<ler acti,ation% opening of sprin<ler air
signal ,al,e at insignificant air pressure change in the feeding pipeline.
:.1& G-s $%&!*$%4%) 8-)?s are a group of "odules of gas fire-fighting connected by co""on
collector and "anual startup installation.

:.11 @&-)(4 #$ %s&%8/%#) '%'!%)! is a section of a row of a distribution pipeline at one side
of the feeding pipeline.
:.1# -!&*$%! %)s--%#) is an installation% the supply% feeding% and distribution pipelines of
which are filled with water in operating "ode.
N #  ! * The installation is designed for operation in conditions of positi,e te"peratures.
:.1: -!& $!!!& is a de,ice assuring operation of 3F2 with design water flow and pressure of
water and 5or7 water solution set forth in the technical docu"entation throughout the established
:.14 A%& sys!" is a syste"% the supply pipeline of which is filled with water in operating "ode%
while the feeding and distribution pipelines are filled with air.
:.1 A/6%%-&y ;-!& $!!!& is a water feeder auto"atically "aintaining pressure in pipelines
needed for acti,ation of control stations% as well as "aintaining design flow and pressure of water
and 5or7 water solutions until the "o"ent of acti,ation of the operating "ode of the "ain water
:.1; G-s $%&! !!(#& is a fire detector reacting to gases e"itted in case of s"oldering or fire of
:.1$ G!)!&-#& #$ - $%&!*$%4%) -!&#s# =GFA> is an installation designed for production of
fire-fighting aerosol with the gi,en para"eters and for its deli,ery to the facility subDect to
:.18 Hy&-/%( -((!!&-#& is a de,ice assuring reduction of response ti"e of the drencher
alar" ,al,e with hydraulic actuator.
:.1 S-)8y "#! #$ AFS is a 3F2=s state of readiness to acti,ation.
:.#& D%(-%) %&&%-#& =s'&-y !%(!> is an irrigator 5spray de,ice7 which is located "ost
highly and 5or7 re"otely fro" the control station.
:.#1 R!"#! -(%-%#) =s-&> #$ 4! sys!" is a "anual acti,ation 5start7 of a syste" by
acti,ation ele"ents "ounted in a facility to be protected or close to it% in a dispatch or in a fire
station% by the facility or e?uip"ent to be protected.
:.## R!"#! (#)s# is a consol located in a control roo"% isolated or railed facility.
:.#: D%$$!&!)%- 4!- $%&! !!(#& is a fire detector for"ing warning of fire in case of eCcess of
the established rise speed of en,iron"ent te"perature.
:.#4 M!!&%) /)% is a de,ice designed for "etering of foa" for"er 5additi,es7 to water in fire-
fighting syste"s.
:.# D&!)(4!& $%&!*$%4%) sys!" is a fire-fighting syste" e?uipped by drencher irrigators or
foa" generators.
:.#; D&!)(4!& %&&%-#& =s'&-y !%(!> is an irrigator 5spray de,ice7 with open outlet.
:.#$ I#)%-%#) s"#?! !!(#& is a fire detector% the "ode of operation of which is based on
registration of changes of ionization current appearing as a result of eCposure to co"bustible
:.#8 S"#?! #'%(- $%&! !!(#& is a fire detector reacting to co"bustion products able to
i"pact on absorbing and diffusing ability of e"ission in infrared% ultra,iolet and ,isible light range.
:.# S"#?! $%&! !!(#& is a fire detector reacting to particles of solid and li?uid products of
co"bustion and 5or7 pyrolysis in the at"osphere.
:.:& S#(? #$ $%&!*$%4%) -!)s is the re?uired a"ount of fire-fighting agents stored at the
facility for refilling the design a"ount and reser,e of fire-fighting agents.
:.:1 L#(?*s-& !-& is a loc< gear installed on the ,essel 5cylinder7 and assuring supply of fire-
fighting agent fro" it.
:.:# M%)%"/" %&&%-%#) -&!- is a standard 5for sprin<ler 3F27 or rated 5for drencher 3F27
area% where standard irrigation intensity and design flow rate of fire-fighting agent are assured.
:.:: C#)&# #)! #$ - $%&!*$%4%) --&" sys!" =$%&!*$%4%) !!(#&s> is the aggregate of
areas% roo" ,olu"es of a facility% where fire factors% in case of their appearance% will be detected by
fire detectors.

:.:4 R!s'#)s! %"! #$ - $%&!*$%4%) sys!" is a ti"e fro" the "o"ent of reaching by the
controlled fire factor of the threshold of a sensor of a fire detector% sprin<ler or trigger de,ice until
the "o"ent of deli,ery of a fire-fighting agent to the protected area.
N #  ! * For fire-fighting syste"s with designed delay ti"e for deli,ery of a fire-fighting agent
en,isaged for the purposes of safe e,acuation fro" the protected facility and 5or7 for control of the
technological e?uip"ent% such ti"e shall be included into response ti"e of an 3F2.
:.: I)!)s%y #$ $%&!*$%4%) -!) s/''y is an a"ount of fire-fighting agent supplied per unit
of area 5,olu"e7 per ti"e unit.
:.:; R!-& (4-"8!& is a de,ice installed at pressure signaling line and designed for
"ini"ization of probability of false alar"s caused by opening of sprin<ler signal ,al,es resulting
fro" acute pressure fluctuations of a water supply source.
:.:$ C#"8%)! $%&!*$%4%) !!(#& is a fire-fighting detector reacting to two or "ore fire
:.:8 L#(- (#)&# '-)! is a control panel located in close proCi"ity to the controlled technical
"eans of an 3F2.
:.: L%)!-& $%&!*$%4%) !!(#& =s"#?!, 4!-> is a fire-fighting detector reacting to fire
factors in an elongated% linear zone.
:.4& M-%) '%'!%)! is a pipeline connecting distribution de,ices of gas fire-fighting syste"s
with distribution pipelines.
:.41 S/'&!"! %$$!&!)%- 4!- $%&!*$%4%) !!(#& is a fire-fighting detector co"bining
functions of supre"e and differential heat fire-fighting detectors.
:.4# S/'&!"! 4!- $%&!*$%4%) !!(#&s is a fire-fighting detector for"ing warning of fire in
case of eCcess of the threshold ,alue of the en,iron"ent te"perature% i.e. of detector actuation
:.4: L#(- -(/-%#) =s-&> #$ - sys!" is an actuation 5start7 of a syste" by actuation ele"ents
installed in roo"s of a pu"p station or of fire-fighting station% as well as by actuation ele"ents
installed on fire-fighting "odules.
:.44 M%)%"/" %&&%-%#) -&!- is the "ini"u" area that is subDect to i"pact of fire-fighting
agent at irrigation intensity not less than the standard intensity in case of acti,ation of an 3F2.
:.4 F%&!*$%4%) "#/! is an installation that co"bines in its body functions of storage and
supply of fire-fighting agent in case of i"pact of acti,ation i"pulse on "odule actuator.
:.4; M#/-& '/"' %)s--%#) is a pu"p installation% the technical "eans of which are
"ounted on a single fra"e.
:.4$ M#/-& $%&!*$%4%) sys!" is a fire-fighting syste" consisting of one or se,eral "odules
connected by single fire detection syste" and actuation syste" able to independently carry out fire-
fighting functionsB such "odules are located in protected facility or close to it.
:.48 F%&!*$%4%) "#/! is a de,ice% the body of which incorporates functions of fire-fighting
agent storage and supply under i"pact of the start i"pulse on "odule actuator.
:.4 I"'/s! $%&!*$%4%) "#/! is a fire-fighting "odule with duration of fire-fighting agent
supply of up to 1 s.
:.& H!- '%!(! is a de,ice "eant for outlet and distribution of gaseous fire-fighting agent or
fire-fighting powder.
:.1 I)%(-! =)#"%)-> '&!ss/&! is the "aCi"u" eCcessi,e wor<ing pressure at te"perature
of the wor<ing en,iron"ent of #&I9B the design life ti"e of pipeline connections and fittings of
particular sizes deter"ined by stress calculations at the selected "aterials and stress characteristics
at #&I9 te"perature are "aintained at such pressure.
:.# N#"%)- =%)!&)-> %-"!!& is a para"eter used for pipeline syste"s as characteristics of
connected parts% for eCa"ple% pipeline connections% fittings and ar"atures.
:.: S-)-& %)!)s%y #$ $%&!*$%4%) -!) s/''y is an intensity of fire-fighting agent
supply deter"ined by the regulatory docu"ents.
:.4 S-)-& $%&!*$%4%) (#)(!)&-%#) is a fire-fighting concentration deter"ined by the
applicable regulatory docu"ents.

:. F%&!*$%4%) -!&#s# is a product of co"bustion of aerosol-for"ing co"position ha,ing
fire-fighting i"pact on the fire seat.
:.; F%&!*$%4%) s/8s-)(! is a substance with physical and che"ical properties allowing
for"ation of en,iron"ent needed for blowout.
:.$ F%&!*$%4%) (#)(!)&-%#) is a concentration of fire-fighting agent in the ,olu"e needed
to for" the en,iron"ent not supporting co"bustion.
:.8 I&&%-#& is a de,ice designed for fire-fighting% localization and bloc<ing of fire by spraying
of water and 5or7 water solutions.
:. I&&%-#& ;%4 s-! (#)&# is a sprin<ler assuring pro,ision of a signal of actuation of a
ther"al loc< of the irrigator to the control syste" of an 3F2 and 5or7 to dispatch station.
:.;& S'&%)?!& ;%4 (#)&#! -(/-#& is a sprin<ler shut-off de,ice of an outletB it opens in
case of control i"pulse 5electrical% hydraulic% pneu"atic and pyrotechnic or co"bined7.
:.;1 M-%) ;-!& $!!!& is a water feeder assuring operation of a fire-eCtinguishing syste" at a
design flow and pressure of water and 5or7 water solution within the rated ti"e.
:.;# R##" !-? '-&-"!!& is a ,alue that nu"erically characterizes lea<age of the facility to be
protectedB it is defined as a ratio of the total area of constantly open doorways to the ,olu"e of the
facility to be protected.
:.;: F!!%) '%'!%)! is a pipeline connecting the control unit and distribution pipelines.
:.;4 I)(!)%! sys!"s is a pipeline filled with water% water solution% co"pressed air% or a cable
with heat loc<s designed for auto"atic and re"ote acti,ation of water and foa" drencher fire-
fighting syste"s% as well as of gas or powder fire eCtinguishing.
:.; S/''y '%'!%)! is a pipeline connecting the source of fire-fighting agent with control units.
:.;; F%&! s4/*#$$ !%(! is a de,ice designed for feeding% regulation and shutting of fire-
fighting agent flow.
:.;$ F%&! !!(#& 5F!7 is a de,ice designed for detection of fire factors and for for"ing of fire
warning or of a notification of ,alues of fire factors.
:.;8 F%&! $-"! !!(#& is an instru"ent that reacts to electro"agnetic radiation of fla"e or
:.; F%&! s-%#) is a special roo" in a facility with twenty-four-hour presence of duty personnel
e?uipped with de,ices of state "onitoring and control of auto"atic fire-fighting syste"s.
:.$& F%&! --&" is a de,ice used for for"ation of a signal of acti,ation of fire-fighting syste"s
and 5or7 shut-off de,ices.
:.$1 H!-%y &-$$%(?! $-(%%%!s include roo"s and foyers of theaters% cine"as% "eeting roo"s%
wor<shops% lecture halls% restaurants% lobbies% tic<et halls% industrial buildings and other pre"ises of
& " # and with a nu"ber of people staying there per"anently or te"porary 5other than e"ergency
situations7 of "ore than 1 per 1 " #.
:.$# F%&! C#)&# D!%(! is a de,ice designed for for"ation of control signals for auto"atic
fire-fighting agents% s"o<e protection% alar" and other fire protection de,ices% as well as for
"onitoring of their condition and co""unication lines.
:.$: F%&! (#)&# -) %)%(-%) !</%'"!) 5F9/7 is a de,ice designed to recei,e signals
fro" fire detectors% to pro,ide power to acti,e 5current consu"ing7 fire detectors% to trans"it
infor"ation to light and sound alar"s of the duty personnel and to centralized "onitoring consoles%
as well as to for" the trigger i"pulse acti,ating a fire control de,ice.
:.$4 F%&! (#)&# -) %)%(-%) !</%'"!) % fire and "anage"ent% is a de,ice co"bining the
functions of fire control and indicating e?uip"ent and fire control de,ice.
:.$ O'!&-%) "#! #$ -) AFS "eans perfor"ance by an 3F2 of its functionality upon
:.$; I&&%-#& is a sprayer designed to spray water or water solutions 5with a,erage dia"eter of
droplets in the sprayed flow eCceeding 1& J"7.
N #  ! * Ter" 'sprayer) is allowed instead of ter" 'irrigator).

:.$$ D%s&%8/%#) !%(! is a shut-off de,ice installed on the pipeline and assuring supply of gas
fire-fighting agent in a certain "ain pipeline.

:.$8 D%s&%8/%#) '%'!%)! is a pipeline% whereon irrigators% nozzles or heads are installed.
:.$ S'&-y!& is an irrigator designed for spraying of water or water solutions 5with a,erage
dia"eter of droplets in the sprayed flow of 1& J" or less7.
:.8& S'&-y! $#; #$ $%&!*$%4%) -!) is a flow of li?uid fire-fighting agent with "ean
arith"etic dia"eter of droplets of o,er 1& J".
:.81 F%)!y s'&-y! s&!-" #$ $%&!*$%4%) -!) is a droplet-dispersed flow of fire-fighting
agent with a,erage arith"etic dia"eter of droplets of 1& J" or less.
:.8# Es%"-! </-)%y #$ $%&!*$%4%) -!) is a ?uantity of fire-fighting agent deter"ined in
accordance with the re?uire"ent
re?uire"entss of regulatory
regulatory docu"ents and ready for i""ediate
i""ediate use in case of
:.8: R!s!&! #$ $%&!*$%4%) -!) is the re?uired ?uantity of fire-fighting agent% ready for
i""ediate use in case of repeated fla"e for"ation or failure of the fire-fighting syste".
:.84 R#8#%! $%&!*$%4%) sys!" =RFS> is a fiCed auto"atic de,ice "ounted on a stationary
base consisting of a fire-hose barrelB it has se,eral "obility degrees and it is e?uipped with a dri,e
syste"% as well as a progra"-controlled unitB the syste" is designed for fire-fighting and fire
contain"ent or for cooling of technological e?uip"ent and building structures.
:.8 R#8#%! $%&!*$%4%) (#"'!6 =RFC> is a co"bination of se,eral robotized fire-fighting
syste"s united by a co""on fire control and detection syste".
:.8; M-)/- $%&! !!(#& is a de,ice designed for "anual acti,ation of fire alar" in fire alar"
and fire-fighting syste"s.
:.8$ R#; #$ - %s&%8/%#) '%'!%)! is a set of two branches of a distribution pipeline located on
the sa"e line at both sides of the feeding pipeline.
:.88 S!(%#) #$ $%&!*$%4%) sys!" is a co"ponent of a fire-fighting syste"% which is the
aggregate of feeding and distribution pipelines% control unit and technical "eans located abo,e it
and designed for supply of fire-fighting agent to the protected obDect.
:.8 P&!ss/&! =PA> is a fire alar" designed for receipt of a co""anding hydraulic
P&!ss/&! --&" =PA>
i"pulse trans"itted by the control unit and for its con,erting into a logical co""anding pulse.
:.& L%</% $#; --&" =LFA> is a fire alar" designed for con,erting of a certain ,alue of li?uid
flow rate in a pipeline into a logical co""anding i"pulse.
:.1 A-&" -! is a shut-off
shut-off de,ice% nor"ally
nor"ally closed% designed for issuing of a co""anding
i"pulse and for deli,ery of fire-fighting agent% in e,ent of acti,ation of an irrigator or a fire
:.# F%&! --&" sys!" is a set of fire alar"s "ounted
"ounted within one facility and controlled
controlled fro"
the co""on fire station.
:.: C#))!(%#) %)!s include wired and wireless co""unication lines pro,iding connection
between auto"atic fire-fighting syste"s.
:.4 S'&%)?!& AFS ;%4 $#&(! -/)(4 is a sprin<ler 3F2 e?uipped with sprin<ler irrigators
with controlled actuator.
:. L%4 --&" is a technical "eans 5ele"ent7 with a source of light percei,ed by hu"an eye
at any ti"e of the day.
:.; S'&%)?!& ;-!&*$%! $%&!*$%4%) sys!" is a sprin<ler fire-fighting syste"% all pipelines
;-!&*$%! $%&!*$%4%)
of which are filled with water 5water solution7.
:.$ S'&%)?!& -%& $%&!*$%4%) sys!" is a sprin<ler fire-fighting syste"% the supply pipeline of
which is filled with water 5water solution7% while the pipelines located abo,e the control unit are
filled with air under pressure.
:.8 S'&%)?!&
S'&%)?!& $%&!*$%
$%&!*$%4%) sys!" is an auto
4%) sys!" auto"a
ticc fire-
g syste
" e?ui
ed with
:. S'&%)?!&*&!)(4!& AFS =SD AFS> is a syste"% where drencher control unit and appliance
of its acti,ation are used and fire-fighting agent is supplied to protected zone only upon triggering
according to the logical '3N!) circuit of fire sprin<ler and appliance of control unit acti,ation.

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

:.1&& S'&%)?!& %&&%-#& =s'&-y!&> is an irrigator 5sprayer7 e?uipped with a ther"al loc<.
:.1&11 F%&!*$%4%) s-%#) includes fire-fighting ,essels and e?uip"ent located in a special
:.1&## D!&!
D!&!!! #$ &##" !-? is the percenta
&##" !-? percentage
ge ratio
ratio of the total
total area of per"an
ly open
doorways to the total surface area of the roo".
:.1&: T4!&"- #(? is a loc<ing heat-sensiti,e ele"ent opening at a certain te"perature.
:.1&4 T4!&"- $%&! !!(#& is a fire detector reacting to a certain te"perature and 5or7 to the
rate of its growth.
:.1& F%)!y s'&-y! s&!-" #$ $%&!*$%4%) -!) is droplet-dispersed flow of fire-fighting
agent with a,erage arith"etic dia"eter of droplets of 1& J" or less.
:.1&; A%& s-"'%) #(-%#) =#'!)%) $#& -%& s-"'%)> is a hole in a special air pipeB the
whole is used for air suction fro" the facility subDect to protection.
:.1&$ P#%) $%&! !!(#& =s"#?!, 4!-> is a fire detector reacting to fire factors in a co"pact
:.1&8 S'!(%$%( $#; &-! #$ ;-!& (/&-%) is a flow rate per one linear "eter of curtain width per
ti"e unit.
:.1& C#)&# /)% is the aggregate of technical "eans of water and foa" 3F2 5pipelines%
,al,es% shut-off
shut-off and warning de,ices% accelerators%
accelerators% retarders% de,ices reducing
reducing probability
probability of false
acti,ations% "easuring instru"ents and other de,ices7 that are located between the feeding and the
supply pipelines of sprin<ler and drencher syste"s of water and foa" fire-fighting% and designed for
"onitoring of the condition and for perfor"ance ,alidation of the na"ed de,ices in the course of
operation% as well as for deli,ery of fire-fighting agent% signaling for for"ation of co""anding
i"pulses needed for "anage"ent of ele"ents of auto"atic fire-fighting syste"s 5fire pu"ps% alar"
syste"% ,entilation% process e?uip"ent% and others7.
:.11& L#(- $%&!*$%4%) sys!" ;%4 &!$!&!)(! # #/"! is a syste" of ,olu"etric fire-
fighting affecting the space of a roo" and 5or7 a certain technological unit.
:.111 L#(- $%&!*$%4%) sys!" ;%4 &!$!&!)(! # s/&$-(! is a syste" of surface fire-fighting
affecting a part of the space of a roo" and 5or7 a certain technological unit.
:.11# Sys!"
Sys!" #$ #/"!&%
#/"!&%(( $%&!*$% 4%) is a fire-f
$%&!*$%4%) fire-fig
g syste
" desi
ed to creat
createe an
en,iron"ent not supporting co"bustion in the ,olu"e of a facility 5building7 to be protected.
:.11: Sys!" #$ s/&$-(! $%&!*$%4%) is a fire-fighting syste" affecting surface on fire.
.114 F%&!
F%&! --&" sys!" is the
--&" sys!" the aggr
atee of tech
cal "ean
"eanss need
ed for
for fire
fire dete
processing% representation of fire warning% special infor"ation in the gi,en for" and 5or7 issuing of
co""ands for acti,ation of auto"atic fire-fighting syste"s and technical "eans.
:.11 F%&!*$%4%)
F%&!*$%4%) sys!" is the aggregate of stationary technical "eans used for fire-fighting
on account of distribution of fire-fighting agent.
:.11; N#! is one of openings of a sprayer.
:.11$ C!)&-%! -s $%&!*$%4%) sys!" is a syste"% where gas cylinders are located in a
roo" of fire station.
:.118 F%&! ##' is connection lines fro" fire detectors to the distribution boC or to the receipt
and control de,ice.
:.11 A%& !6&-(#& is a de,icede,ice that
that pro,id
es% in e,ent
e,ent of sprin<
ler acti,a
n% acti,at
acceleration of the acti,ated sprin<lers of the air signaling ,al,e by "eans of acti,e relief of air
pressure fro" the feeding pipeline.
:.1#& C/&! #$ %&&%-%#) is a graphical representation
representation of irrigation intensity
intensity or of the specific
flow rate of the irrigator.
:.1#11 A/#"-%( $%&! $%4%) sys!" /?uip"ent co"bined with interconnecting lines and
ng accord
ing to the defined
defined algori
th" to perfor
perfor" " the tas<s on the on-site
on-site fire safety
=I)&#/(! -%%#)-y, R!. N#. 1>
:.1## A%& (#"'!)s-#& a de,ice with the fiCed aperture intended for "ini"izing the possibility
of the alar" ,al,e false responses due to air lea<s in the feeding andKor distribution pipelines of air
sprin<ler auto"atic fire-fighting syste"s.

=I)&#/(! -%%#)-y, R!. N#. 1>
:.1#: s'&%)?%) %)!)s%y ,olu"e of fire eCtinguishing li?uid 5water% water solution 5including
dilute solution
solution of water co"pound
co"pound in water%
water% other fire eCtinguish
ing li?uids7% per unit area in unit
=I)&#/(! -%%#)-y, R!. N#. 1>
:.1#4 "%)%"- -&!- s'&%)?! 8y -/#"-%( $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s ini"al ,alue of standard
or designed part of the protected area subDect to si"ultaneous sprin<ling by fire eCtinguishing li?uid
at the response of all sprin<lers located in that part of total protected area.
=I)&#/(! -%%#)-y, R!. N#. 1>
:.1# ther"ally acti,ated "icroencapsulated FF3 5fire-fighting agent7 5Ther"aFF37 an agent
5fire eCtinguishing li?uid or gas7 in the for" of "icroinclusions 5"icrocapsules7 contained in solid
plastic or loose "aterials% e,ol,ed at the te"perature rise up to defined 5specific7 ,alues.
=I)&#/(! -%%#)-y, R!. N#. 1>

 G!)!&- '&#%s%#)s
4.1 3uto"atic fire-fighting syste"s 5hereinafter referred to as syste"s or 3F27 shall be designed
ta<ing into account the applicable nationwide% regional and depart"ental regulations in the do"ain%
as well as construction specifics of facilities% roo"s and structures to be protected% possibilities and
conditions of use of fire-fighting agents proceeding fro" the nature of the process production.
2yste"ss are design
ed for fire-fight
ing of classes
classes 3 and G in accord
ancee with
with +(2T #$::1B
#$::1 B
designing of 3F2 for fire-fighting of 9lass 9 in according to +(2T #$::1 is allowed% if for"ation
of eCplosi,e at"osphere is eCcluded.
4.# 3uto"atic e?uip"ent 5eCcept for autono"ous7 shall perfor" functions of auto"atic fire
warning at the sa"e ti"e.

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

4.: Type of fire-fighting syste"% fire-fighting "ode% type of fire-eCtinguishing agent shall be
deter"ined by the designing co"pany with consideration of fire hazard% physical and che"ical
properties of substances and "aterials "anufactured% stored and used% as well as characteristics of
the e?uip"ent to be protected.
4.4 2hould fire-fighting syste"s be arranged in buildings and structures with separate roo"s%
where only fire alar" syste" is re?uired subDect to regulations% fire-fighting syste"s are allowed
instead of the" subDect to the feasibility study and ta<ing in account 3nneC E.
E. n this case% intensity
of fire-fighting agent supply shall be accepted e?ual to standard and the flow rate shall be dictating.
4. Triggering of a fire-fighting syste" shall be followed by trans"ission of the signal for
"anage"ent 5shutoff7 of the technological e?uip"ent in a facility to be protected subDect to process
procedures and re?uire"ents of this code of practices 5until supply of fire-fighting agent% if needed7.
5 -!& -) $#-" $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s
5.1 G!)!&- '&#%s%#)s
.1.1 >ater and foa" fire-fighting syste"s shall perfor" fire-fighting and fire contain"ent
.1.# 9onfiguration of water and foa" fire-fighting syste"s shall "eet the re?uire"ents of
+(2T 1#.:.&4;%
1#.:.&4; % +(2T R &;8& and +(2T R &8&&.
&8&& .
.1.: >ater and foa" 3F2 are di,ided into sprin<ler% drencher% sprin<ler and drencher% robotized
and 3F2 with forced acti,ation.
.1.4 ara"eters of fire-fighting syste"s as per clause .1.: 5sprin<ling intensity% flow rate of
fire-fighting agents% "ini"u"
"ini"u" irrigation
irrigation area in case of acti,ation of a sprin<ler
sprin<ler 3F2% duration
duration of
water supply and "aCi"u" distance between sprin<lers7% eCcept for finely sprayed water 3F2 and
robotized fire-fighting syste"s% shall be deter"ined subDect to tables .1-
.1-.: and "andatory 3nneC

Table 5.1
2prin<ling intensity
within the area to be Flow rate17% lKs% at the aCi"u"
space of >ater supply
Roo" protected% lK5s"#7% at least distance
sprin<ler duration% "in% at
group the least between
3F217% "#% at the least
foa" foa" sprin<lers17% "
water water the least
solutions solutions
1 &.&8 - 1& - ;& :& 4
# &.1# &.&8 :& #& 1#& ;& 4
: &.#4 &.1# ;& :& 1#& ;& 4
4.1 &.: &.1 11&  18& ;& 4
4.# - &.1$ - ; 18& ;& :
 2ubDect to .# & ;& :
; M & ;& :
$ M & 51&-#7 #7 :
* For sprin<ler 3F2% 3F2 with forced acti,ation% sprin<ler-drencher 3F2.
* (peration ti"e of foa" 3F2 with foa" of low and "ediu" eCpansion in case of surface fire-fighting
shall be accepted e?ual to # "in for roo"s of group $B 1 "in * for roo"s of eCplosion and fire hazard
categories 3% G and 91B 1& "in * for roo"s of fire hazard categories 9# and 9:.

1 +roups of buildings are pro,ided in 3nneC G.
# For fire-fighting syste"s% where water with addition of a wetting agent on the basis of general-
purpose foa"ing agent is used% intensity of irrigation and flow rate shall be ta<en 1. ti"es less than
for water.
: For sprin<ler syste"s% intensity of irrigation and flow rate of water or foa"ing solution are
pro,ided for roo"s with height of up to 1& "% as well as for la"p roo"s with total area of la"ps of
no "ore that 1& of the area. @eight of the la"p roo" with area of la"ps of "ore than 1& shall
be accepted so that it co,ers la"ps. The specified para"eters of syste"s for roo"s with height fro"
1& to #& " shall be accepted according to Tables .#-.:.
4 n case if the actual protected area Sa is less than the "ini"u" area S irrigated by sprin<ler
3F2 indicated in Table .:% the actual flow rate "ay be reduced by coefficient -Sa/S.

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

 To calculate the water flow rate of a drencher 3F2% it is necessary to deter"ine the nu"ber of
sprin<lers that are located within the irrigation area of this syste" and to calculate subDect to 3nneC 9
5with sprin<ling intensity "eeting the re?uire"ents of Tables .1-.: for roo" groups as per 3nneC G7.
; ntensity of sprin<ling by general-purpose foa"ing agent is indicated in the table.
$ !uration of foa" 3F2 with low- and "ediu"-eCpansion foa" in the e,ent of surface
eCtinguishing "ethod shall be counted as 1& "in. * for pre"ises of O# and O: categories of fire
hazardB 1 "in. - for pre"ises of 3% G and 91 categories of eCplosion-fire and fire hazardB # "in. *
for pre"ises of group $.

=I)&#/(! -%%#)-y, R!. N#. 1>

8 3rrange"ent of drencher 3F2 is allowed with distances no "ore than indicated in table .1
between the" for sprin<lers% pro,ided that at the arrange"ent of drenchers standard ,alues of the
irrigation intensity of the entire protected area are pro,ided and decision "ade does not contradict
technical docu"entation re?uire"ents for this <ind of irrigators.

=I)&#/(! -%%#)-y, R!. N#. 1>

 !istance between irrigators under co,er with a slope shall be counted horizontally.

=I)&#/(! -%%#)-y, R!. N#. 1>

Table .#
Roo" groups
>arehousing  ; $
height% "
water foa"ing agent water foa"ing agent water foa"ing agent
2prin<ling intensity within the area to be protected 5according to Table .17% lK5sP"#7% at the least
1 and less &.&8 &.&4 &.1; &.&8 - &.1
Fro" 1 to #
&.1; &.&8 &.:# &.# - &.#
Fro" # to :
&.#4 &.1# &.4& &.#4 - &.:
Fro" : to 4
&.:# &.1; &.4& &.:# - &.4
Fro" 4 to .
&.4 &.:# &.& &.4& - &.4
Flow rate% lKs% at the least
1 and less 1 $. :& 1 - 18
Fro" 1 to #
:& 1 ;& :; - :;
Fro" # to :
4 ##. $ 4 - 4
Fro" : to 4
;& :& $ ;& - $
Fro" 4 to .
$ :$. & $ - $
1 Roo" groups are pro,ided in 3nneC G.
# For group ;% in case of fire of rubber% general "echanical rubber goods% lateC and resins% fire-
fighting is reco""ended to be arranged by water with a wetting agent or by low-eCtension foa".
: For warehouses with warehousing height of up to . " and with height of a facility of o,er 1&
"% flow rate and intensity of irrigation with water and foa"ing solution by groups -$ shall be
increased by 1& at each # " of height.
4 ntensity of spraying with general-type foa"ing agent are pro,ided in the table.
 !esigning of 3F2 for warehousing height of o,er . " is allowed upon perfor"ance of tests
that would confir" "ain design para"eters% and upon a,ailability of special technical re?uire"ents
applicable to each particular facility or group of si"ilar facilities de,eloped by a co"petent
Table 5.3
Facility group
Roo" 1 # : 4.1 4.#
height% " foa"ing foa"ing foa"ing foa"ing
water water water water
solution solution solution solution
2praying intensity within spraying space to be protected% lK5sP" 7% at the least
Fro" 1&
to 1# &.& &.1: &.& &.#; &.1: &.:: &.1$ &.#&

Fro" 1#
to 14 &.1 &.14 &.1 &.# &.14 &.:; &.18 &.##
Fro" 14
to 1; &.11 &.1; &.11 &.:1 &.1; &.: &.# &.#
Fro" 1;
to 18 &.1# &.1$ &.1# &.:4 &.1$ &.4# &.#1 &.#$
Fro" 18
to #& &.1: &.18 &.1: &.:; &.18 &.4 &.#: &.:&
Flow rate of fire-fighting agents% 0% lKs% at the least
Fro" 1&
to 1# 1# : # $& : 1:& ; 
Fro" 1#
to 14 14 4& :& 8 4 1 8& 11
Fro" 14
to 1; 1$ & :  & 18& & 14&
Fro" 1;
to 18 #& $ 4& 11 ;& #1 1& 1;
Fro" 18
to #& #4 ; & 1:& ; #4& 1#& 1
ini"u" irrigation area S% "#% at the least
Fro" 1&
to 1# ;; 1:# 1:# 18 #:8
Fro" 1#
to 14 $# 144 144 #1; #
Fro" 14
to 1; $8 1; 1; #:& #$;
Fro" 1;
to 18 84 1;8 1;8 ## :&:
Fro" 18
to #& & 18& 18& #$& :#
1 Roo" groups are pro,ided in 3nneC G.
# ara"eters of flow rate and intensity of irrigation are pro,ided for general-purpose water and
foa" irrigators 5as per +(2T R 1&4:7.
: ntensity of irrigation with general-purpose foa"ing solution are indicated in the table.
4 n case if the actual space Sa protected by water and foa" fire-fighting syste"s is less than the
"ini"u" irrigation space S of sprin<ler 3F2% 3F2 with forced start or sprin<ler-drencher 3F2

indicated in Table .:% the actual flow rate "ay be reduced by coefficient -Sa/S.
.1. The "aCi"u" pressure of dictating water and foa" 3F2 shall not eCceed 1 a% unless
otherwise pro,ided for the particular facility or group of si"ilar facilities to be protected by
technical specifications% de,eloped by a co"petent co"pany.
N #  ! B * For the purposes of this docu"ents% unless otherwise specified% QirrigatorQ shall be
understood as sprayer and as sprin<ler as per +(2T R 1&4:.
.1.; The "ethod of calculation of hydraulic networ<s of sprin<ler and drencher fire-fighting
with water and water solutions% "odular water "ist 3F2% 3F2 with forced acti,ation and sprin<ler-
drencher 3F2 is described in 3nneC 9.
.1.$ For areas% where there is e?uip"ent with open non-insulated li,e parts% auto"atic power
cutoff prior to supply of fire-fighting agent to the fire seat shall be arranged for water and foa" fire-
3F2 are allowed to be used for fire-fighting of e?uip"ent with open non-insulated li,e parts
upon a,ailability of technical specifications applicable to a specific facility or group of si"ilar
facilities to be protected and de,eloped by a co"petent co"pany.
.1.8 Foa" 3F2 shall "eet the re?uire"ents of +(2T R &88 and 1S.
.1. 3F2% eCcept for sprin<ler 3F2% shall be pro,ided possibility for "anual acti,ation
re"ote - fro" units located at entrances to the protected facilities and% if necessary * fro" the
fire stationB
local * fro" de,ices installed in the control unit% and 5or7 in the pu"ping station of a fire-
fighting syste".
.1.1& anual acti,ation de,ices shall be protected fro" accidental acti,ation and fro"
"echanical da"ageB they shall be outside the possible co"bustion zone.
.1.11 2prin<lers with the sa"e coefficients of heat retention 5for sprin<lers7 and of perfor"ance%
of the sa"e type and design shall be installed within a protected roo". !rencher sprayers of water
curtains with para"eters deferring fro" para"eters of sprin<lers are allowed to be used together
with sprin<lers in one roo"B in this case all drencher sprin<lers shall ha,e identical perfor"ance
coefficient% the sa"e type and design.
.1.1# rrigators shall be installed in accordance with Tables .1 and in accordance with their
technical specifications 5"ounting position% coefficient of heat retention% intensity of irrigation%
irrigation% and cur,es of irrigation and etc.7% and sprin<lers - according to their specifications
5"ounting position% coefficient of heat retention% intensity of irrigation% irrigation% and cur,es of
irrigation and etc.7 and the re?uire"ents of regulatory docu"ents of the de,eloper or "anufacturer
of sprayers.
.1.1: !istance between irrigator and the upper point of the fire load% process e?uip"ent or
building structures shall be deter"ined by ta<ing into account the range of wor<ing hydraulic
pressure and corresponding shapes of dispersed Dets.
.1.14 3F2 shall be e?uipped with a stoc< of irrigators in the a"ount of at least 1& of the
nu"ber of the "ounted ones and at least # of the a"ount of irrigators needed for testing.
.1.1 For roo"s of group 1 5 3nneC G7% hidden% recessed or discrete irrigators can be installed in
suspended horizontal ceilings.
.1.1; To identify the location of ignition% the facility to be protected "ay be conditionally
di,ided into separate zonesB tele,ision ca"eras and "atriC light sensors with indication of fire
location% address auto"atic fire detectors% alar"s of fluid flows or start-controlled sprin<lers "ay be
used as identifying de,ices.
.1.1$ n case of use of li?uid flow alar"s% shut-off ,al,es are allowed to be installed before
.1.18 Loc<ing de,ices 5,al,es% gates7 installed on input pipelines leading to fire pu"ps% on
supply and feeding pipelines shall assure ,isual and auto"atic control of the condition of its shut-
off ele"ent 5'9losed)'(pened)7.
.1.1 Re"o,al of fire-fighting agents spilled during tests or acti,ation of fire-fighting syste"

shall be arranged in facilities to be protected.
5.2 S'&%)?!& sys!"s
.#.1 2prin<ler water and foa" fire-fighting
fire-fighting syste"s shall be filled with water or air depending
on roo" te"perature in the facility.
.#.# 2prin<ler installations shall be designed for roo"s with height of up to #& "% with
eCception of installations intended to protect structural co"ponents of coatings of buildings and
onsBB to protec
protectt structu
ral ele"en
ts of coatin
gs of buildi
ngs and constru
ons%% the
para"eters of installations for buildings with height of o,er #& " shall be accepted according to
group 1 of facilities 5see Table .17.
.#.: No "ore than 8&& sprin<lers of all types shall be pro,ided for one section of a sprin<ler
installation. n case of use of li?uid flow detectors or sprin<lers with condition control% the nu"ber
of sprin<lers "ay be increased up to 1#&&.
.#.4 The ti"e fro" triggering of sprin<lers installed on an air pipeline until the "o"ent of water
supply fro" it shall not eCceed 18& s.
.#. f the design response ti"e of an air 3F2 eCceeds 18& s% accelerators or eChausters shall be
.#.; The "aCi"u" operating air pressure in the feeding and distribution pipelines of a sprin<ler
air and sprin<ler-drencher air 3F2 shall be selected proceeding fro" the re?uire"ent of ti"e delay
of no "ore than 18& s.
.#.$ Filling of a sprin<ler air or a sprin<ler-drencher air 3F2 with air until the wor<ing air
pressure is reached shall not eCceed "ore than 1 h.
.#.8 9alculation of the dia"eter of an air co"pensator shall be carried out proceeding fro" the
re?uire"ent of co"pensation of air lea<s fro" the pipeline syste" of a sprin<ler air or a sprin<ler-
drencher air section of an 3F2 at a rate of #-: ti"es lower than the flow rate of co"pressed air at
acti,ation of the dictating sprin<ler with the correspondent perfor"ance coefficient.
.#. n sprin<ler air 3F2% signal to turn off the co"pressor shall be pro,ided upon acti,ation of
an acceler
ator or upon
upon air pressu
pressurere drop
drop in the pipeline
pipeline syste"
syste" getting
getting below
below the "ini"u"
operating pressure of &.&1 a.
.#.1& Li?uid flow detectors "eant for identification of fire location shall not be necessarily
en,isaged with control signal delay% in this case li?uid flow detectors shall include only one contact
.#.11 n buildings with bea"ed ceilings 5co,erings7 of fire hazard classes U& and U1 with
protruding parts eCceeding &.: " in height% and in other cases - eCceeding &.# " in height%
lers shall
shall be locate
locatedd between
between bea"s% ribs%ribs% slabs
slabs and other
other protru
dingg ele"ents
ele"ents of the
ceiling 5co,ering7 ensuring unifor"ity of floor irrigation.
.#.1# The distance fro" the center of a heat-sensiti,e ele"ent of a ther"al loc< of a sprin<ler to
the surface of ceiling 5co,ering7 shall be within the range 5&.&8 to &.:&7 "B in eCceptional cases
nedd by ceili
ng stru
es 5for
5for eCa"
eCa"pl ple%
e% prese
ncee of prot
s7% it is allo
wed d to
increase distance up to &.4& ".
.#.1: The distance fro" the aCis of a heat-sensiti,e
heat- sensiti,e ele"ent of a ther"al loc< of a wall-"ounted
sprin<ler to the surface of ceiling shall be within &.&$-&.1 ".
.#.14 !esigning of a distribution networ< with sprin<lers for suspended ceilings shall be carried
out subDect to the re?uire"ents of technical docu"ents for this type of sprin<lers.
.#.1 n case of installation of fire-fighting syste"s in roo"s with technical e?uip"ent and
platfor"s% horizontal or inclined ducts with width or dia"eter of "ore than &.$ " that are located
at heig
ht of no less
less than
than &.$&.$ " fro"
fro" the
the floo
floorr surf
e% if they
they pre,
entt irri
on of thethe
peri"eter surface% sprin<lers or sprayers shall be additionally installed under such platfor"s%
e?uip"ent and ducts.
.#.1; n buildings with lean-to and dual slope roofing with a slope of o,er 1K:% horizontal
distance fro" sprin<lers or sprayers to the walls and fro" sprin<lers or sprayers to roofing ridge
- not eCceed 1. "% in case of roofing with fire hazard class U&B

- not eCceed &.8 " - in other cases.
.#.1$ The no"inal response te"perature of sprin<lers or sprayers shall be selected according to
+(2T R 1&4: depending on a"bient te"perature in the area of their location 5Table .47.
Table 5.4
aCi"u" allowable wor<ing te"perature of the
No"inal acti,ation te"perature% I9
en,iron"ent in the area of sprin<ler location% I9
6p to :8 inclusi,ely $
Fro" : to & inclusi,ely ;8
Fro" : to # inclusi,ely $#
Fro" : to # inclusi,ely $4
Fro" 1 to 8 inclusi,ely $
Fro" : to $& inclusi,ely :
Fro" $1 to $$ inclusi,ely 1&&
Fro" $8 to 8; inclusi,ely 1#1
Fro" $1 to 1&& inclusi,ely 141
Fro" 1&1 to 1#& inclusi,ely 1;:
Fro" 1&1 to 14& inclusi,ely 18#
Fro" 141 to 1;# inclusi,ely #&4
Fro" 141 to 18 inclusi,ely ##$
Fro" 18; to #&& inclusi,ely #4&
Fro" #&1 to ##& inclusi,ely #;&
Fro" ##1 to :&& inclusi,ely :4:
.#.18 The "aCi"u
"aCi"u" " per"is
le operati
ng te"per
re of the en,iro
nt in the area of
sprin<lers shall be accepted based on the "aCi"u" ,alue of te"perature in one of the following
- the "aCi"u" te"perature that can occur subDect to the process procedure or as a result of an
- due to heating of the co,ering of the protected facilities caused by eCposure to solar ther"al
.#.1 n case of fire loads of at least 14&& AK" # for warehouses% for facilities of o,er 1& "eters
in height and for roo"s% where the "ain fuel products are highly fla""able and fla""able li?uids%
the coefficient of heat retention of sprin<lers shall be less than 8& 5"Vs7&..
.#.#& 2prin<lers
2prin<lers or sprayers of water-filled
water-filled syste"s "ay be installed ,ertically with outlets up
or down or horizontallyB in air syste"s - only ,ertically with outlets up or horizontally.
.#.#1 n places% where there is a ris< of "echanical da"age of irrigators% they shall be protected
with special enclosing installations not i"pairing intensity and unifor"ity of irrigation.
.#.## !istance between sprin<lers and walls 5partitions7 with fire hazard classes U& and U1
shall not eCceed half of the distance between sprin<lers listed in Table .1.
The distance between sprin<lers
sprin<lers and walls 5partitions7
5partitions7 with fire hazard classes U#% U: and with
fire hazard class not subDect to rating shall not eCceed 1.# ". The distance between sprin<lers of
water fire-fighting syste"s shall not be less than 1. " 5horizontally7.
The distance between sprin<lers and walls 5partitions7 with fire hazard classes U& and U1%
between sprin<lers and walls 5partitions7 with fire hazard classes U#% U: and with fire hazard class
not subDect to rating shall be accepted according to the regulatory docu"ents of the co"pany
"anufacturing sprayers and "odular syste"s.
.#.#: n sprin<ler 3F2<% on feeding and distribution pipelines of dia"eter !N ; or o,er%
installation of fire hydrants as per #S
#S%% +(2T R 1&4%
1&4 % +(2T R 111%
111 % +(2T R 1844% :#$8%
+(2T R :#$% and +(2T R :::1% and of pri"ary fire-fighting de,ices according to special
technical conditions is allowed.
.#.#4 The pressure of fire-fighting agent by open fire hydrants shall not eCceed &.4 aB
diaphrag"s "ay be used to li"it the pressure by open fire hydrants to &.4 a.

.#.# 9alculation of the dia"eter of a diaphrag" shall be carried out according
ac cording to #S
#SBB for "ulti-
storey buildings% diaphrag"s of one standard size are allowed to be installed per :-4 floors.
.#.#; 3 section of a sprin<ler syste" with "ore than 1# fire ,al,es shall ha,e two inputs. For
sprin<ler syste"s with two or "ore sections% the second input with a ,al,e is allowed to be arranged
fro" an adDacent section. 3t the sa"e ti"e% a "anual ,al,e shall be en,isaged abo,e such control
units% a separation ,al,e shall be en,isaged between these control units% while the feeding pipeline
shall be of loop type.
.#.#$ No connection
connection of industrial%
industrial% sanitary e?uip"ent
e?uip"ent to the feeding pipelines
pipelines of fire-fightin
syste"s are allowed.
5.3 D&!)(4!& sys!"s
1.2.3 eneral re4uirements to drencher %#Ss and water curtains
.:.1.1 3uto"atic acti,ation of drencher syste"s should be perfor"ed by signals fro" one of
types of technical facilities or by aggregation of signals fro" the following technical facilities
- fire detectors of fire alar" syste"sB
- incenti,e syste"sB
- sprin<ler 3F2sB
- sensors of processing e?uip"ent.
.:.1.# The height of place"ent of drencher 3F2s= incenti,e pipeline filled with water or foa"
solution should be in co"pliance with the technical docu"entation on drencher alar" ,al,e.
.:.1.: The distance fro" the center of the incenti,e syste"=s ther"al loc< to the surface of
ceiling should be fro" &.&8 to &.:& "B in eCceptional cases subDect to ceilings= construction 5e.g. the
presence of pro"inences7% it is acceptable to increase this distance up to &.4& ".
.:.1.4 The dia"eter of the incenti,e pipeline of drencher syste" should be not less than 1 "".
.:.1. The hydraulic calculation of distribution networ<s of drencher 3F2s and water curtains is
reco""ended to perfor" in accordance with the "ethods presented in 3nneC 9. 9.
1.2.5 e4uirements
e4uirements to water curtains
.:.#.1 For se,eral functionally related drencher water curtains% it is acceptable to pro,ide one
control unit.
.:.#.# 3cti,ation of drencher curtains should be pro,ided both auto"atically and "anually
5re"otely or on-site7.
.:.#.: t is acceptable to connect drencher curtains to feeding and distribution pipelines of
sprin<ler 3F2s in order to protect door and technological ways by "eans of auto"atic or "anual
loc< gear% and to connect drencher 3F2 to supply pipelines by "eans of auto"atic loc< gear.
.:.#.4 f the width of protected technological ways% gates or doors is up to  "% the distribution
pipeline with irrigators is lined on a single-train basis.
basis . !uring the asse"bly
asse "bly on a single-train
single- train basis%
the distan
ce between
between irriga
torss of drench
er curtai
n along
along the distrib
on pipeli
ne should
should be
ated on the basis of pro,id
ing specific
specific discha
dischargrgee of 1 LK5sP"
LK5sP"77 along
along the full width
width of
.:.#. f the width of protected technological ways% gates or doors is of  " and "ore% and when
using drencher
drencher curtains
curtains instead of fire separations%
separations% the distribution
distribution pipeline with irrigators
irrigators is lined
on a two-strea" basis with specific discharge of each strea" of not less than &. LK5sP"7% strea"s
are located with the distance of &.4-&.; " between each otherB relati,e to strea"s% irrigators should
be installed in a staggered order. /Ctre"e irrigators located near the wall should be not "ore than
&. " distant fro" it.
.:.#.; f the water curtain is "eant for increasing fire resistance of walls% then two strea"s with
irrigators are used% and each of the" is asse"bled to the opposite side of the wall% with the distance
fro" the wall of not "ore than &. "B specific discharge of each strea" of not less than &. LK5sP"7.
The strea"% on which side the fire is detected% is acti,ated.
.:.#.$ 3irloc<s in fire stops should be protected by drencher curtains with specific discharge of
not less than 1 LK5sP"7. 3s a rule% curtains should be installed inside the ta"bourB ta<ing into
account specific conditions of protection obDect% they can be lined on a two-strea" basis both inside
and outside.

.:.#.8 2pecific discharge of the water curtain for"ed by sprayers is defined for different
conditions of usage by technological and nor"ati,e docu"entation of the sprayers= designer or
.:.#. !istance 5in the plan7 of the zone free of fire load should be of # " in both ways fro" the
distribution pipeline if there is one strea"% and it should be of # " in opposite ways fro" each
.:.#.1& Technical facilities of local acti,ation 5"anual fire detectors and buttons7 should be
placed right near protected openings and 5or7 at the closest section of the escape route.
5. F%)!y s'&-y! ;-!& $%&!*$%4%) sys!"
.4.1 >ater "ist fire-fighting syste"s 5hereafter referred to as >-3F27 are used for surface
and surface-local fire-fighting of fire seats of classes 3% G according to +(2T #$::1 and of hot-line
electrical installations% not afore"entioned in the T! 5technical docu"entation7 for this type of
.4.# The installation of these syste"s should be in concordance with the re?uire"ents of :S%
+(2T 1#.#.&&:% +(2T 1#.#.&:$% +(2T 1#.4.&&% +(2T R :#88 and the current 9ode of
.4.: !esigning of > syste"s should be perfor"ed subDect to architectural and planning
concepts of the protected pre"ises and engineering data of technical facilities of > syste"s%
pro,ided in technical docu"entation for sprayers and "odular > syste"s.

p. .4.4 =E6(/!, R!. N#. 1>

.4. odular syste"s of pu"p type% with boosting 5e?uipped with propellant gas tan<7 or with a
gas-generating charge can be used in >-3F2.
.4.; The construction of the gas-generating ele"ent should eCclude the possibility of ingress of
any of its frag"ents to the fire-fighting agent.
.4.$ t is forbidden to use gas-generating ele"ents as displacers of the fire-fighting agent when
protecting cultural treasures with the help of "odular >-3F2 syste"s.
.4.8 The place"ent of sprayers relati,e to protected e?uip"ent% their hydraulic and
hydrodyna"ic para"eters of the FF2 5fire-fighting substance7 supply should be in concordance
with re?uire"ents of technical docu"entation for sprayers and "odular >-3F2 syste"s.
.4. /ach sprayers should be e?uipped with a filter ele"ent with a filter cell of not less than 
ti"es s"aller than the sprayer outlet dia"eter.
.4.1& 3s for water curtains for"ed by sprayers% re?uire"ents presented in section .: of the
current 9 59ode of practices7 should be ta<en into account% eCcept for ,alues of specific discharge%
that should be specified in technical docu"entation for sprayers and "odular fire-fighting syste"s.
.4.11 n "odular 3F2s% air% carbonic acid or inert gases 5in gaseous or li?uefied aggregate state7
can be used as a propellant gas. t acceptable to use gas-generating ele"ents that underwent release
testing and are reco""ended for use in fire-fighting e?uip"ent. The construction of the gas-
generating ele"ent should eCclude the possibility of ingress of any of its frag"ents to the fire-
fighting agent or en,iron"ent.
.4.1# ipelines of water-filled installations should be "ade of gal,anized or stainless steel.
.4.1: t acceptable to use ungal,anized steel pipes according to +(2T :#;#% +(2T 8$:#%
+(2T 8$:4% and +(2T 1&$&4
- if the sprayer outlet dia"eter is 8 "" and "oreB
- if at the inlet of each branch of the distribution pipeline a filter ele"ent is installed% with a filter
cell of not less than  ti"es s"aller than the inner dia"eter of sprayers used in distribution networ<.
.4.14 @ydraulic calculation of aggregate >-3F2 syste"s is perfor"ed in accordance with
"ethods pro,ided in anneC 9.
.4.1 The initial pressure in the "odule and the pressure at the dictating sprayer% duration of the
FF2 supply% geo"etrics of distribution nets% calculation and designing of "odular >-3F2
syste"s should be appro,ed and perfor"ed in accordance with nor"ati,e and technical

docu"entation of a designer and 5or7 W "anufacturer of "odular syste"s and sprayers.
.4.1; !uration of the FF2 supply should be sufficient enough for burning out of fire load
located in 'dead) zones inaccessible for dispersible FF2 flow.
5.5 S'&%)?!& AFS ;%4 $#&(! -/)(4
..1 Re?uire"ent of the current section co,er the design of sprin<ler 3F2 with forced launch
5hereafter referred to as 3F2-FL7 for buildings% constrictions and pre"ises of ,arious purposes 5all
groups of pre"ises 1-$ according to anneC G7.
..# !esigning of 3F2-FL should be perfor"ed in accordance with technical specifications
de,eloped either for a specific protected obDect or for a group of si"ilar obDects. Technical
specifications should be wor<ed out by an organization with appropriate powers.
..: 2prin<ler irrigators e?uipped with a de,ice of auto"atic and re"ote forced acti,ation of the
ther"al loc< are used in 3F2-FL 5forced launch de,ice7.
t is acceptable to use sprin<ler irrigators with forced launch de,ice e?uipped with a response
control de,ice.
..4 "pulse to the acti,ation of sprin<ler irrigators with forced launch can be sent
auto"atically fro" li?uid flow alar"s% sprin<lers with controlled launch% fro" fire alar" syste"s or
other incenti,e actuator or by an operator fro" control panel 5if there is a cryptogra" of
arrange"ent of acti,ated and adDacent irrigators7.
.. >hen using sprin<ler irrigators with forced launch% hydraulic para"eters and duration of
the FF2 supply are ta<en according to tables .1-.:% and when using sprayers * according to
section .4.
..; @ydraulic calculation is perfor"ed in accordance with anneC 9 subDect to architectural and
planning concepts of the obDect and Doint operation of one or se,eral adDacent protected zones%
which ha,e su""arily bigger calculated area of irrigation.
5. S'&%)?!&*&!)(4!& AFSs
.;.1 Re?uire"ent of the current section co,er the design of sprin<ler-drencher 3F2-3s for
buildings% constrictions and pre"ises of ,arious purposes 5all groups of pre"ises 1-$ according to
anneC G7.
.;.# !epending on re?uire"ents to operation speed and eli"ination of false operation% the
following types of sprin<ler-drencher 3F2-3s are used
- water-filled 3F2->3B
- air 3F2-33.
.;.: The choice of the type of sprin<ler-drencher 3F2-3s is conditioned by "ini"ization of
da"age fro" conse?uences of false and unauthorized acti,ations of 3F2s
- water-filled 3F2->3 * for the pre"ises where an increased operation speed of 3F2s is needed
and negligible spill of the FF2 in case of da"age or false operation of sprin<ler irrigators is
acceptable% - in standby conditions% feeding and distribution pipelines are filled with water% and
supply of the FF2 to the protected zone is perfor"ed at the acti,ation according to the 3N! circuit
of the auto"atic fire detector and sprin<ler irrigatorB
- air 3F2-33517 * for the pre"ises with positi,e and negati,e te"peratures where the spill of
the FF2 in case of da"age or false operation of sprin<ler irrigators is undesirable% - in standby
conditions% feeding and distribution pipelines are filled with water under pressure% the filling of
these pipelines with the fire-fighting substance is perfor"ed only at the acti,ation of the auto"atic
fire detector% and supply of the FF2 to the protected zone is perfor"ed at the acti,ation according to
the 3N! circuit of the auto"atic fire detector and sprin<ler irrigatorB
- air 3F2-335#7 * for the pre"ises with positi,e and negati,e te"peratures where supply of the
FF2 to the pipeline networ< because of false operation of auto"atic fire detectors should be
eli"inated% as well as the spill of the FF2 due to da"age or false operation of sprin<ler irrigators *
in standby conditions% feeding and distribution pipelines are filled with water under pressure% the
filling of these pipelines with the fire-fighting substance and supply of the FF2 to the protected zone
is perfor"ed at the acti,ation only according to the 3N! circuit of the auto"atic fire detector and

sprin<ler irrigator.
.;.4 2prin<ler irrigators of all types of sprin<ler-drencher 3F2s operated at te"peratures of I9
and "ore can be installed in any "ounting position 5either ,ertically with outlets up or down% or
horizontally7. 2prin<ler irrigators of these syste"s operated at te"peratures of under I9 should be
installed only ,ertically with outlets up or horizontally.
.;. Reco""ended procedure of hydraulic calculation of distribution networ<s of sprin<ler-
drencher 3F2-3s is pro,ided in anneC 9.
.;.; >hen defining the ti"e of acti,ation of the 3F2- 335#7% it is i"portant to ta<e into account
the ti"e of lowering of pneu"atic pressure in the pipeline networ< 5at opening of the irrigator or the
fireplug7 to the le,el of acti,ation of used pressure control de,ices and sending of signals through
appropriate channels.
.;.$ >hen designing sprin<ler-drencher air 3F2- 33% it is i"portant to consider re?uire"ents
stated in paragraphs p. .#% .:.1.1% .:.1.:-.:.1. of the current 9ode of practices.
.;.8 n the 3F2- 33% the signal for co"pressor deacti,ation should be send at the acti,ation of
either auto"atic or "anual fire detector% or at the acti,ation of sprin<ler irrigator.
.;. n 3F2-3s% the te"perature of acti,ation and the coefficient of ther"al inertia of
auto"atic ther"al detectors should be not "ore than the te"perature of acti,ation and the
coefficient of ther"al inertia of the ther"osensiti,e ele"ent of used sprin<ler irrigatorsB other types
of auto"atic detectors should be less inertial than the inertia of the ther"osensiti,e ele"ent of used
sprin<ler irrigators.
5.7 Sys!"s '%'!%)!s
.$.1 ipelines should be "ade of steel pipes according to +(2T 1&$&4 * with welded and
flange Doints% according to +(2T :#;#% +(2T 8$:# and +(2T 8$:4 * with welded% flange and
threaded Doints% and also according to +(2T R 1$:$ * with disconnecting pipeline slee,es.
.$.# 2election of "aterials for pipes used in >-3F2 is perfor"ed on accordance with
technical specifications for a certain type of the syste".
.$.: The use of plastic% "etal-plastic and other types of pipelines and their Doints% as well as
cushions and ta"ping sealing "aterials for the"% is acceptable only if they underwent proper
testing. !esigning of such types of pipelines and their Doints should be perfor"ed in accordance
with technical specifications de,eloped either for a specific protected obDect or for a group of
si"ilar obDects. Fire-response testing "ethodology and technical specifications should be wor<ed
out by an organization with appropriate powers.
.$.4 >hen laying pipelines behind non-re"o,able suspended ceiling% in closed groo,es and in
si"ilar cases% their connection should be perfor"ed only by welding.
.$. t is acceptable to design eCternal and internal supply pipelines as dead-end for three or less
control unitsB at the sa"e ti"e% total length of eCternal and internal dead-end supply pipeline should
be not "ore than #&& ".
.$.; Loop supply pipelines 5eCternal and internal7 should be di,ided into "aintenance sectors
by loc<ing de,ices 5shutters or gates7B there should be not "ore than three control units in one
sectorB during the hydraulic calculation of pipelines% shutdown of "aintenance sectors of loop
networ<s is not ta<en into account% at the sa"e ti"e% the dia"eter of the loop pipeline should be not
less than the dia"eter of the supply pipeline to control units.
.$.$ ipelines of water fire-fighting syste"s% internal fire-fighting% "anufacturing and
household water-supply lines that goes to fire pu"ping facilities can be co""on.
.$.8 9onnection of production and sanitary facilities to supply% feeding and distribution
pipelines of fire-fighting syste"s is unacceptable.
.$. The nu"ber of irrigators or sprayers at one branch of the distribution pipeline is not
li"itedB at the sa"e ti"e% 3F2 distribution networ< should pro,ide standard eCpense and intensity
of irrigation.
.$.1& !ead-end and loop feeding pipelines of 3F2s should be e?uipped with flushing stoppers
or loc<ing de,ices with the no"inal dia"eter not less than !N &B if the dia"eter of these pipelines
is less than !N &% then the dia"eter of flushing stoppers or loc<ing de,ices should correspond to

the no"inal dia"eter of the pipeline.
.$.11 n dead-end pipelines% flushing loc<ing de,ice is installed at the end of the sector% in loop
pipelines * in the place "ost distant fro" the control unit.
.$.1# t is acceptable to asse"ble
- ,al,es in upper points of 3F2 pipelines networ< * for air dischargeB
- a ,al,e with a pressure gauge * for pressure control in front of the dictating irrigator or sprayer.
.$.1: t is not acceptable to asse"ble loc< ,al,es at feeding and distribution pipelines% eCcept
for cases specified in the current 9ode of practices.
.$.14 Feeding and distribution pipelines of drencher% sprin<ler air and sprin<ler-drencher air
3F2s should be asse"bled so that the fire-fighting substance is spontaneously re"o,ed fro" these
pipelines after the acti,ation of the fire-fighting syste" or after perfor"ing hydraulic tests% and the
drying of their inner ca,ity by heated air purging is pro,ided.
.$.1 Feeding and distribution pipelines of syste"s should be laid with a slope toward the
control unit or drain de,ices of not less than
- &.&1 for pipes with the no"inal dia"eter of less than !N &B
- &.&& for pipes with the no"inal dia"eter of !N & and "ore.
.$.1; f there are sectors% fro" which the FF2 can not be self-re"o,ed 5e.g.% bypasses of ceiling
bea"s% etc.7% in the pipeline networ<% each of such sectors should be e?uipped with a cleanout plug
- !N # * for pipes with the no"inal dia"eter of less than !N &B
- !N & * for pipes with the no"inal dia"eter of !N & and "ore.
.$.1$ The use of 3F2 pipelines as the support for other constructions in unacceptable.
.$.18 f necessary% "easures should be pro,ided in order to pre,ent an increase of pressure o,er
1 a in feeding and distribution pipelines of the syste".
.$.1 ipelines should stand test pressure for durability 6tX1%# 6wor7. "aC 5where 6wor7.max *
"aCi"u" wor<ing pressure7.
.$.#& The connection of pipelines with each other and with hydraulic fittings should pro,ide air
tightness with pressure 6at6wor7.max .
.$.#1 dentification coloring or nu"eric "ar<ing of pipelines should be in co"pliance with
+(2T R 1#.4.&#; and +(2T 14#&#
- water-filled pipelines of sprin<ler% drencher and sprin<ler-drencher 3F2s% and also water-filled
pipelines of fire plugs * green color or nu"ber Y1MB
- air pipelines of the air sprin<ler syste" and the sprin<ler-drencher 3F2- 33 * blue color or
nu"ber ':)B
- non-filled pipelines of the drencher 3F2 and 'dry pipe sprin<ler syste") * blue color or
alphanu"eric code ':s)B
- pipelines that supply only a foa"ing agent or a foa"ing agent solution% * brown color or
nu"ber ').
.$.## 2ignal coloring in sectors of connection of pipelines with loc<ing de,ices% facilities and
e?uip"ent * red color.
N #  ! - 3t the custo"er=s re?uest% it is acceptable to change the coloring of pipelines in
accordance with the interior of the pre"ises.
.$.#: 3ll 3F2 pipelines should ha,e nu"eric or alphanu"eric "ar<ing according to hydraulic
.$.#4 !istinguishing color of "ar<ing screens% which indicate the direction of the fire-fighting
substance "o,e"ent% is red. ar<ing screens and nu"eric or alphanu"eric "ar<ing of pipelines
should be applied ta<ing into consideration local conditions in "ost i"portant places of co""unication
5at the input and output of the fire pu"p% at the input and output of co""on "anifold% at branches%
near Dunction points% near loc<ing de,ices% by "eans of which the supply of water to "ain% feeding
and deli,ery pipelines is perfor"ed% in places of passage of pipelines through walls% barriers% at
building lead-ins and other places needed for identification of 3F2 pipelines7.
.$.# The distance between the pipeline and walls of building structures should be not less than
# c".

.$.#; 3ttach"ent of pipelines and e?uip"ent during their asse"bly should be perfor"ed in
accordance with re?uire"ents 4S.
.$.#$ ipelines should be attached by holders directly to the building structure% at the sa"e ti"e% it
is acceptable to use the" as the support for other constructions.
.$.#8 t is acceptable to attach pipelines to the construction of technical de,ices in building as
an eCceptional case only. 3t the sa"e ti"e% the load on constructions of technical de,ices can be not
less than double design load for holding ele"ents.
.$.# 3ttach"ent points of pipes with the no"inal dia"eter of not "ore than !N & should be
installed with the step of not "ore than 4 ". For pipes with the no"inal dia"eter of "ore than
!N&% it is acceptable to increase the length of the step between attach"ent points up to ; ".
.$.:& The distance between the holder and the last irrigator at the distribution pipeline for pipes
with the no"inal dia"eter of !N # or less should be not "ore than &. "% and of "ore than !N #
- should be not "ore than 1.# ".
.$.:1 Gends at distribution pipelines with the length o,er &. " should be attached by additional
holdersB the distance between the holder and the irrigator at the bend should
- for pipes with the no"inal dia"eter of !N # or less * &.1-&.#& "B
- for pipes with the no"inal dia"eter o,er !N # * within &.#&-&.:& ".
.$.:# n case of laying pipelines through liners and groo,es of building constructions% the
distance between "ounting points should be not "ore than ; " without additional holders.
.$.:: The passage of pipelines through enclosures should be perfor"ed as sealed in cases when
the adDacent pre"ises should not be interco""unicated with each other according to ser,ice
.$.:4 2eals should be "ade of inco"bustible "aterials% which can pro,ide specified li"it of fire
resistance of enclosures in accordance with re?uire"ents 4S.
.$.: @ydraulic resistance of plastic and "etal-plastic pipelines should be applied in accordance
with technical docu"entation of the "anufacturer% at the sa"e ti"e% it should be ta<en into
consideration that the no"inal dia"eter of plastic pipes is indicated by eCternal dia"eter.
.$.:; >hen using plastic or "etal-plastic pipelines% a fiCed bearing% hanger% brac<et or cla"p
should be installed near e,ery irrigator or sprayer with the distance of -1& c"% in order to pro,ide
fiCed orientation of the irrigator or sprayer.
.$.:$ The distance between the holder and the last irrigator at the distribution pipeline%
"aCi"u" length of bends and acceptable distance between the irrigator at the bend and the holder
are applied according to infor"ation either fro" the "anufacturer of plastic or "etal-plastic pipes%
or fro" his official representati,e office.
.$.:8 >hen si"ultaneously laying se,eral plastic and "etal-plastic pipelines of different
dia"eter% the distance between holders should be accepted by the "ini"u" dia"eter.
.$.: >hen laying se,eral plastic and "etal-plastic pipelines near heating or hot-water supply
pipes% they should be laid below the"% with the distance between the" of not less than &.1 ".
.$.4& >hen plastic and "etal-plastic pipes pass through walls and barriers% free lengthwise
"o,e"ent of the pipe should be pro,ided with the help of fire-retarding liners% the fire resistance of
which should be not less than the fire resistance of the crossed building construction.
.$.41 etal pipelines of syste"s used for protection of e?uip"ent under pressure should be
grounded. The sign and place of grounding * acc ording to +(2T 1#.1.&:& and +(2T #11:&.
5.: C#)&# /)%s
.8.1 9ontrol units of syste"s should be located in the pre"ises of pu"ping stations% fire
stations% protected roo"s% which ha,e the air te"perature of I9 and "ore and pro,ide free access
of personnel who "aintain 3F2s.
.8.# 9ontrol units located in the protected pre"ises should be separated fro" these pre"ises
with firebrea< partitions and co,ers with the le,el of fire resistance of not less than R/ 4 and
doors with the le,el of fire resistance of not less than Z :&. t is acceptable to locate separate
control units placed in special cabinets% which can be accessed only by personnel who "aintain
3F2s% in the protected pre"ises or nearby without separating the" with firebrea< partitionsB at the

sa"e ti"e% the distance between special cabinets and the fire load should be not less than # ".
.8.: 9ontrol units located out of the protected pre"ises should be separated with glass or
reticular partitions.
.8.4 9ontrol units should pro,ide
- water 5foa" solutions7 supply for fire eCtinguishingB
- filling of feeding and distribution pipelines with waterB
- water drain fro" feeding and distribution pipelinesB
- co"pensation of lea<ages fro" the 3F2 hydraulic syste"B
- signalization when the alar" ,al,e is acti,atedB
- chec<ing of signalization of the control unit acti,ationB
- pressure "easure"ent before and after the control unit.
.8. 9ertified "aCi"u" wor<ing pressure of technical facilities of control units should be not
less than the calculated ,alue.
.8.; n order to eCclude false acti,ation of the alar" ,al,e of water-filled sprin<ler syste"s% it is
acceptable to ha,e a delay cha"ber in front of the pressure alar" or to set a delay in signal sending
for :- s 5if it is pro,ided for the construction of the pressure alar"7.
.8.$ >hen using the li?uid flow alar" in the control unit instead of sprin<ler alar" ,al,e or
when using its contacts for sending a control signal for acti,ation of the fire pu"p% a delay of :-
should be pro,ided% at the sa"e ti"e% not less than # contact groups should be connected to the
N #  ! * The absence of the LF3 false acti,ation is chec<ed during the 3F2 running-in period.
nitially% "ini"al ti"e of delay is set. f false acti,ation ta<e place% the ti"e of delay will be
.8.8 Loc<ing de,ices 5shutters or gates7 in control units should be located
- in sprin<ler 3F2s before the alar" ,al,eB
- in drencher and sprin<ler-drencher 3F2s before and after the alar" ,al,e.
3sse"bly of loc<ing de,ice in sprin<ler water-filled and air 3F2 is allowed beyond the alar"
,al,e% pro,ided that auto"atic control of loc<ing de,ice condition 5'9losed) * '(pen)7 with alar"
output to the pre"ise with constant presence of duty staff is pro,ided.

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

.8. f the distance between the floor and the places of "aintenance and control of electric dri,e
and shutters 5gates7 flywheels e?uip"ent is "ore than 1.4 "% platfor"s and bridges should be
pro,ided% at the sa"e ti"e% the distance 5height7 fro" the platfor" or bridge to the places of
"aintenance and control should be not "ore than 1 ".
.8.1& /?uip"ent and fitting location under the "ounting area or operating platfor"s is
acceptable% if the distance between the floor 5or bridge7 and the botto" of protruding constructions
is not less than 1.8 ". 3t the sa"e ti"e% strip coating of platfor"s and openings should be pro,ided
under e?uip"ent and fitting.
.8.11 3F2 launch de,ices should be protected fro" rando" acti,ations.
.8.1# The asse"bly of 3F2s should pro,ide the de"ounting of "easuring de,ices for their
chec<ing without interrupting the wor<ability of the syste".
.8.1: 3F2 technical facilities 5eCcept fro" irrigators% "easuring de,ices and pipelines7 should
be painted red% according to +(2T 1#.4.&&% +(2T R 1#.4.&#;% +(2T R &;8& and +(2T R
5.9 -!& s/''y #$ sys!"s -) '&!'-&-%#) #$ $#-" s#/%#)
..1 2urface water% fire reser,oirs% or water pipelines of ,arious purposes should be used as the
source of water supply of water fire-fighting syste"s.
..# f hydraulic para"eters of the water pipeline 5pressure% consu"ption7 do not pro,ide
calculated para"eters of the syste"% then a pu"ping facility should be resent in order to increase

..: n water and air 3F2s% fire pu"ps 5as well as in a "odular build7% auto"atic and auCiliary
water feeders can be used in order to pro,ide necessary pressure and 5or7 consu"ption.
..4 n water-filled sprin<ler 3F2s% in water-filled 3F2s with forced launch and in water-filled
sprin<ler-drencher 3F2s% one of types of auto"atic water feeders without reser,ation should be
- ,essel 5,essels7 of capacity not less than 1 ":% filled with water 5&.[&.17 " : and co"pressed
- feeding pu"p 5Doc<ey pu"p7% e?uipped with an inter"ediate "e"brane container 5,essel7 of
capacity not less than 4& LB
- water pipelines of ,arious purposes with guaranteed pressure that pro,ides the acti,ation of
.. 3uCiliary water feeder is used only when the ti"e of acti,ation of the fire pu"p "ode with
auto"atic or "anual starting is o,er :& s.
..; 3uto"atic and auCiliary water feeders should shut down when the fire pu"p turns on.
..$ 3uto"atic water feeder 5a ,essel of capacity not less than 1 " :7 should be e?uipped with a
pressure gauge% pressure alar"% ,isual and re"ote le,el gauges and safety ,al,e.
..8 3uto"atic water feeder 5Doc<ey pu"p7 should be e?uipped with a pressure gauge and
pressure alar" 5or an electric-contact pressure gauge7.
.. 3uCiliary water feeder should be e?uipped with two pressure gauges% ,isual and re"ote
le,el gauges% and safety ,al,e.
..1& n buildings higher than :& "% it is reco""ended to place an auCiliary water feeder on
upper ser,ice floors.
..11 9alculated ?uantity of water for water fire-fighting syste"s is acceptable to store in
auCiliary fire reser,oirs% where de,ices that do not per"it the consu"ption of fire reser,es of water
for other purposes should be pro,ided.
..1# f the pressure in the water pipeline eCterior networ< is less than &.& a% in front of the
pu"ping facility a fire reser,oir should be installed% and its capacity should be deter"ined on the
basis of calculated consu"ption of water and the ti"e of fire eCtinguishing.
..1: >hen defining the capacity of the reser,oir for water fire-fighting syste"s% the possibility
of auto"atic water recharge of reser,oirs during the whole ti"e of fire eCtinguishing should be
..14 There should be not less than two fire reser,oirs or pools% at the sa"e ti"e% each of the"
should store & water ,olu"e for fire eCtinguishing% and the water supply to any point of fire
should be pro,ided fro" two adDacent reser,oirs or poolsB if the water ,olu"e is 1&&& " : or less% it
is acceptable to store it in one reser,oir.
..1 Near the places of location of fire reser,oirs or pools% signs should be pro,ided according
to +(2T 1#.4.&&.
..1; Fire pu"ps and co"pressors should co"ply with re?uire"ents of technical
docu"entation for used types of fire pu"ps and co"pressors.
..1$ The supply of air by a co"pressor into the networ< of pipelines% which are operated at
te"peratures under IO% should be pro,ided through drainage filters.
..18 For each sector of the air sprin<ler 3F2% air sprin<ler 3F2 with forced launch or air
sprin<ler-drencher 3F2% independent co"pressor should be used.
..1 >ater pipelines of non-drin<ing purpose should be the source of water supply for foa"
fire-fighting syste"s% in addition% the ?uality of water should co"ply with re?uire"ents of technical
docu"entation for used foa"ing agent. t is acceptable to use drin<ing-water pipeline% when there is
a de,ice that pro,ides the brea< of the strea" 5flow7 during water withdrawal% i.e. the de,ice that
can pre,ent the penetration of foa" solution into the drin<ing-water pipeline.
..#& Foa"ing agents used in 3F2s should co"ply with re?uire"ents of +(2T R &88 and
..#1 For foa" fire-fighting syste"s% a 1&& reser,e 5apart fro" calculated7 of the foa"ing
agent should be pro,ided% and it should be acti,ated auto"atically when there is no supply of the

foa"ing agent fro" the "ain dosing de,ice. The supply of reser,e foa"ing agent should be
perfor"ed fro" an independent dosing de,ice.
..## >hen defining the ,olu"e of the foa"ing agent for foa" fire-fighting syste"s% the
capacity of pipelines of foa" fire-fighting syste"s should be considered additionally.
..#: Foa" 3F2s% in co"parison with water 3F2s% should be e?uipped with additional de,ices
- for transferring the foa"ing agent fro" carrying containers into tan<s with the foa"ing agentB
- tan<s for the foa"ing agentB
- for auto"atic dosing of the foa"ing agent 5when it is stored separately7B
- for draining the foa"ing agent fro" the tan< or the foa"ing agent solution fro" pipelinesB
- for controlling the foa"ing agent le,el in the tan< with the foa"ing agentB
- for "iCing the foa"ing agent solutionB
- for supplying the foa"ing agent solution fro" portable fire e?uip"ent% that pro,ides "aCi"u"
calculated consu"ption and pressure% into dictating sections 5with indicating the necessary pressure
that the "otor fire engine should pro,ide7.
..#4 The following facilities can be used as de,ices for auto"atic dosing of the foa"ing agent
5when it is stored separately7
- dosing pu"pB
- diaphrag"-type dosing unitsB
- eDector-type dosing unitsB
- dosing tan<s.
..# n the dosing syste" there are shall be pro,ided two dosing pu"ps 5"ain and reser,e7 or
two tan<-dispensers% diaphrag" or eDector type dispensers.
9alculated and reser,e capacities of foa" generating agent are allowed to be stored in the sa"e

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

..#; !e,ices for "iCing the foa"ing agent or prepared foa"ing agent solution should
eli"inate the possibility of the presence of dead spaces and should pro,ide e,en "iCing of the
foa"ing agent or prepared foa"ing agent solution% e.g.% it is acceptable to use perforated pipeline
laid along the peri"eter of the reser,oir at the le,el of &.1 " lower than the calculated le,el.
..#$ 2torage conditions for the foa"ing agent should be in co"pliance with reco""endations
..#8 The "aCi"u" ti"e for restoring the calculated ,olu"e of the fire-fighting agent for water
and foa" fire-fighting syste"s should be applied according to S.
..# t is i"portant to pro,ide de,ices for water drainage after the acti,ation of water 3F2s% as
well as a special ,essel for collecting spilled foa" solution and 5or7 the foa" solution located in the
pipeline after the acti,ation of foa" 3F2s.
..:& The pre"ises for storage of the foa"ing agent should be in accordance with re?uire"ents
of +(2T 1#.1.&&% 1S and ;S.
5.10 P/"'%) s-%#)s
.1&.1 The choice of fire pu"ping units and ?uantity of wor<ing units should be "ade in a way
to pro,ide their Doint wor<% "aCi"u" re?uired ,alues of wor<ing consu"ption and pressure.
.1&.# !epending on re?uired consu"ption% one or se,eral "ain wor<ing pu"ping units can be
used. >ith any ?uantity of wor<ing units in the pu"ping syste"% one reser,e pu"ping unit should
be pro,ided% and it should correspond to the wor<ing unit with "aCi"u" consu"ption and pressure
of the supply. Reser,e pu"ping unit should be acti,ated auto"atically in case of e"ergency
shutdown or failure of any of "ain pu"ping units.
.1&.: n pu"ping units% open or protected electric "otors can be used% and they should be
grounded and protected fro" o,erload currents and te"perature increase. rotection fro" o,erload
currents and te"perature increase should be pro,ided only for the "ain wor<ing fire pu"p. f the
switching fro" the "ain wor<ing fire pu"p to a reser,e one ta<e place during fire eCtinguishing

because of current or te"perature o,erloads% then% in this case% protection fro" o,erloads of the
reser,e fire pu"p should not be pro,ided.
.1&.4 u"ping stations of auto"atic fire-fighting syste"s should be attributed to category  of
operation reliability and to category  of the le,el of water supply pro,ision according to S and to
category  of power supply reliability according to $S.
.1&. n case of inability due to local conditions to pro,ide pu"ping units with feeding
according to category  fro" two independent sources of power supply% it is acceptable to use one
source for such purposes subDect to connection to different lines with ,oltage of &.4 <0 and to
different transfor"ers of the two-transfor"er substation or transfor"ers of two nearest one-
transfor"er substations 5with the de,ice of auto"atic reser,e switch7.
.1&.; t is acceptable to use diesel power station as the second independent source of power
.1&.$ t is acceptable to use a pu"p with an internal-co"bustion engine dri,e as a reser,e fire
pu"p. u"ps with an internal-co"bustion engine dri,e can not be located in base"ent.
.1&.8 Ti"e for switching of fire pu"ps 5with auto"atic or "anual acti,ation7 to the operating
"ode should not be "ore than 1& "in.
.1&. u"ping stations should be located either in detached buildings or eCtensions% or in the
separate pre"ises of the building on the ground% base"ent floor or on the first underground floor.
.1&.1& u"ping stations should ha,e a separate eCit to the outside% or to a stairway enclosure
that has an eCit to the outside.
.1&.11 The pre"ises of the pu"ping station should be separated fro" other pre"ises with fire-
fighting shutters and gates with a fire resistance li"it of R/ 4 according to 8S.
.1&.1# The te"perature of air in the pre"ises of the pu"ping station should be between  to
:IO% relati,e air hu"idity * of not "ore than 8& at #IO.
.1&.1: >or<ing and e"ergency lighting should be applied according to S.
.1&.14 The pre"ises of the station should be e?uipped with telephone co""unication with the
pre"ises of the fire station.
.1&.1 Near the entrance to the pre"ises of the station% a light display 'u"ping fire-fighting
station) should be located% and it should be connected to e"ergency lighting.
.1&.1; The size of the pu"ping station and the location of its e?uip"ent should be designed in
accordance with S.
.1&.1$ >hen defining the area of the pre"ises of pu"ping stations% the width of passages
should be not less than
- between control units% between those and the wall * &. "B
- between pu"ps or electric "otors * 1 "B
- between pu"ps or electric "otors and the wall in the subsurface pre"ises * &.$ "% in others * 1
"% at the sa"e ti"e% the width of the passage fro" the side of the electric "otor should be enough
for rotor de"ountingB
- between co"pressors and air-blowers * 1. "% between those and the wall * 1 "B
- between fiCed protruding parts of the e?uip"ent * &.$ "B
- in front of the distributing electric board * # ".
1 assages around e?uip"ent regulated by the "anufacturer should be accepted according to
technical data.
# For pu"ping stations with the deli,ery nozzle dia"eter of under !N 1&& inclusi,ely% the
following is acceptable
- installation of the unit near the wall or on brac<etsB
- installation of two units at one footing with the distance between protruding parts of units not
less than &.# " and pro,iding passages of not less than &.$ " around the twined syste".
.1&.18 n order to decrease the size of the station in the plan% it is acceptable to install pu"ps
with left and right rotation of the shaft% at the sa"e ti"e% the i"peller should rotate only in one

.1&.1 n the pre"ises of the pu"ping station% pipelines with the no"inal dia"eter of not less
than !N 8& with nipples leaded to the outside at the height of 51.:[&.17 " and e?uipped with
coupling heads + 8& should be pro,ided in order to connect the fire-fighting syste" to portable
fire e?uip"ent. ipelines should pro,ide "aCi"u" calculated consu"ption of the dictating section
of the fire-fighting syste".
.1&.#& (utside the pre"ises of the pu"ping station% coupling heads should be placed in ,iew of
si"ultaneous connection of at least two fire truc<s 5i.e. there should be at least two inputs with
coupling heads7.
.1&.#1 2i"ultaneously% with the acti,ation of fire pu"ps% all pu"ps of other purposes% which
are connected to this "ain line and are not included into the 3F2% should be shut down
.1&.## The aCis "ar< or the "ar< of i""ersion of pipes should be defined% as a rule% according
to conditions of installation of pu"p cases under the bay
- in a tan< 5container% reser,oir7 * fro" the upper le,el of water 5which is defined fro" the
botto"7 of the fire ,olu"eB
- in a water inta<e well * fro" the flowing le,el of underground waters with the "aCi"u" water
- in a strea" or in a pool * fro" the "ini"u" le,el of water in the" with the "aCi"u"
pro,ision of calculated le,els of water in surface sources * 1% and with the "ini"u" * $.
.1&.#: >hen defining the aCis "ar< of the fire pu"p or the "ar< of i""ersion of the fire pu"p
in relation to the "ini"u" le,el of withdrawn water% technical docu"entation on the certain type of
pu"p should be considered.
.1&.#4 n sub"erged and se"i-sub"erged pu"ping stations% se,eral "easures should be
pro,ided against the possible flooding of units in case of an accident within the engine roo" at the
pu"p with "aCi"u" perfor"ance% and also at loc< ,al,es or pipeline% with the help of the
- electric "otors of pu"ps should be placed at the height of not less than &. " fro" the floor of
the engine roo"B
- gra,ity release of e"ergency ?uantity of water into the sewage or to the ground surfaceB
- pu"ping of water fro" the well with the help of special or "ain pu"ps of production ,alue.
.1&.# For water drainage% the floor and channels of the engine roo" should be designed with a
slope toward the collecting well. 3t the footings for pu"ps% s<irtings% channels and tubes for water
drainage should be presentB if there is no opportunity for gra,ity water drainage fro" the well% drain
pu"ps should be pro,ided.
.1&.#; n pu"ping stations with internal-co"bustion engines% it is acceptable to locate supply
containers with li?uid fuel 5gasoline * #& L% diesel fuel * && L7 in the pre"ises separated fro" the
engine roo" with inco"bustible constructions with a fire resistance li"it of not less than R/ 1#&
according to 8S.
.1&.#$ t is acceptable not to pro,ide ,ibroisolating bases and ,ibroisolating inserts in fire
.1&.#8 Fire pu"ping units and "odular pu"ping syste"s should be installed at the footing% the
"ass of which is at least 4 ti"es bigger than the "ass of pu"ping units and "odular pu"ping
.1&.# There should be at least two suction lines to the pu"ping station regardless of the
nu"ber and groups of installed pu"ps. /ach suction line should be able to pass the full calculated
consu"ption of water.
.1&.:& The place"ent of loc< ,al,es at all suction and pressure pipelines should pro,ide the
possibility of replace"ent or repair of any pu"p% in,erted ,al,es and "ain loc< ,al,es% as well as of
chec<ing the characteristics of pu"ps.
.1&.:1 3s a rule% the suction pipeline should ha,e a continuous lift to the pu"p with a slope of
at least &.&&. n places% where dia"eters of pipelines are changing% out-of-line crossings should be
.1&.:# (n a force line% each pu"p should ha,e an in,erted ,al,e% a shutter and a pressure

gauge% and on a suction line * a shutter and a pressure gauge. (n a suction line% if the pu"p is
wor<ing without a static suction head% there is no need to install a shutter there.
.1&.:: f there are any "ounting inserts% they should be placed between loc< ,al,es and the
in,erted ,al,e.
.1&.:4 Loc<ing de,ices 5shutters or gates7 "ounted at pipelines% which fill reser,oirs with the
fire-fighting agent% should be located in the pre"ises of the pu"ping station. t is acceptable to
locate the" in the pre"ises of the hydro"etric unit.
.1&.: The signal of auto"atic or re"ote launch should be sent to the fire pu"p after the
auto"atic chec< of water pressure in the syste"B with sufficient pressure in the syste"% the launch
of the fire pu"p should be auto"atically cancelled before the "o"ent of pressure lowering to the
,alue that re?uires the acti,ation of the pu"ping unit.
.1&.:; n case of auto"atic or re"ote acti,ation of fire pu"ps% a signal 5light or audio7 should
be sent si"ultaneously to the pre"ises of the fire station or to any other pre"ises with the round-
the-cloc< presence of the "aintenance personnel.
.1&.:$ n pu"ping stations% it is i"portant to pro,ide the "easure"ent of pressure in pressure
pipelines of each pu"ping unit% of te"perature of units= bearings 5if necessary7% of alar" le,el of
flooding 5the presence of water in the engine roo" at the le,el of footings of electric dri,es7.
.1&.:8 0isual le,el indicator for control of the fire-fighting agent le,el in fire reser,oirs should
be located in the pre"ises of the pu"ping station. >ith auto"atic reser,oir recharge% it is
acceptable to use only auto"atic "easuring of alar" le,els% with signalization outputs to the fire
station and to the pu"ping station.
.1&.: u"ping units and control units should be painted red according to +(2T 1#.4.&&%
+(2T R 1#.4.&#;% +(2T R &;8&% +(2T R &8&& and +(2T R 1&#.
 H%4*!6'-)s%#) $#-" $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s
.1 A''%(-%#) #"-%)
;.1.1 @igh-eCpansion foa" fire-fighting syste"s are used for ,olu"etric and local-,olu"etric
eCtinguishing of fire of classes 3#% G according to +(2T #$::1.
;.1.# Local-,olu"etric high-eCpansion foa" fire-fighting syste"s are used for fire eCtinguishing
of separate units or e?uip"ent in cases when the use of syste"s for protection of the pre"ises in
general is technically i"possible or econo"ically ineCpedient.
.2 Sys!"s (-ss%$%(-%#)
;.#.1 !epending on protected obDects% syste"s can be di,ided into
- ,olu"etric fire-fighting syste"sB
- local-,olu"etric fire-fighting syste"s.
;.#.# !epending on the construction of foa" generators% syste"s can be di,ided into
- syste"s with generators wor<ing with forced air supply 5,entilatory type% as a rule7B
- syste"s with eDection type generators.
.3 D!!#'"!)
8.2.3 eneral re4uirements
;.:.1.1 2yste"s should be in concordance with general technical re?uire"ents specified in
+(2T R &8&&.
;.:.1.# n syste"s% only specific foa"ing agents for recei,ing high-eCpansion foa" should be
;.:.1.: 2yste"s should pro,ide the filling of the protected ,olu"e with foa" up to the height%
which eCceeds the highest point of e?uip"ent for at least 1 "% during not "ore than 1& "in.
;.:.1.4 /?uip"ent% the length and dia"eter of pipelines should be chosen subDect to the
condition that the persistence of the syste" is not "ore than 18& s.
;.:.1. erfor"ance of syste"s and the ?uantity of the foa"ing agent solution are defined on the
basis of the calculated ,olu"e of the protected pre"ises according to reco""ended anneC !.
f the syste" is used in se,eral pre"ises% the roo"% for protection of which the "aCi"u"

?uantity of the foa"ing agent solution is re?uired% is accepted as a design one.
;.:.1.; >hen using local-,olu"etric fire-fighting syste"s% protected facilities or e?uip"ent are
separated with "etal gauze with the cell size of not "ore than  "". The height of the enclosure
should be 1 " "ore than the height of the protected facility or e?uip"ent and should be placed at
least &. " away fro" it.
;.:.1.$ 9alculated ,olu"e of local fire-fighting is defined on the basis of "ultiplying the base
area of the enclosure of the facility or e?uip"ent by its height.
The ti"e of filling of protected ,olu"e during local fire-fighting should be of not "ore than 18& s.
;.:.1.8 2yste"s should be e?uipped with filter ele"ents installed at feeding pipelines in front of
sprayers% the size of the filter cell should be less than the "ini"al size of the sprayer outflow
;.:.1. n one roo"% only foa" generators of one type and construction should be used.
The ?uantity of foa" generators should be calculated% but there should be at least two of the".
;.:.1.1& >hen locating foa" generators in places of their possible "echanical da"age% their
protection should be pro,ided.
;.:.1.11 n syste"s% there should be a 1&& reser,e of the foa" generator apart fro" the
calculated ?uantity.
;.:.1.1# >hen designing pu"ping stations% water supply of syste"s% pipelines% and their holders%
re?uire"ents of section  of the current 9ode of practices should be considered.
ipelines should be "ade of gal,anized steel pipes according to +(2T :#;#.
8.2.5 Systems with generators wor7ing with forced air supply
;.:.#.1 Foa" generators should be located at the pu"ping station or directly in the protected
pre"ises. n the first case% foa" is deli,ered to the protected roo" either fro" the generator
discharge nozzle% or through special channels% the dia"eter of which should be not less than the
dia"eter of the generator discharge nozzle% and their length should be not "ore than 1& ". in the
second case% the inta<e of fresh air or the use of foa" generators% that are able to produce foa" in
the en,iron"ent of co"bustion products% should be pro,ided.
;.:.#.# 9hannels for foa" supply should correspond to the U& class of fire hazard.
;.:.#.: n the top part of the protected pre"ises% air discharge during the ingress of foa" should
be pro,ided.
;.:.#.4 f the area of the protected roo" is o,er 4&& " #% then the input of foa" should be
pro,ided at least in two places situated in opposite parts of the roo".
8.2.2 Systems with e9ection type generators
;.:.:.1 The syste" can protect both the whole area of the roo" 5,olu"etric fire-fighting syste"7
and a part of the roo" or a separate technological unit 5local-,olu"etric fire-fighting syste"s7. n
the first case% generators are placed under the ceiling and are e,enly distributed across the area of
the roo" in order to pro,ide the filling with foa" of the whole area of the roo"% including its
separated sections. n the second case% generators are placed directly abo,e the protected section of
the roo" or technological unit.
7 R#8#%! $%&! (#"'!6
7.1 G!)!&- '&#%s%#)s
$.1.1 >hen designing the auto"atic robotized fire co"pleC 5RF97% re?uire"ents of +(2T
1#.#.&$#% +(2T R &;8&% +(2T R &8&& and +(2T R ::# should be considered.
$.1.# !esigning of the RF9 should be perfor"ed on the basis of technical specifications
de,eloped for each specific obDect or a group of si"ilar obDects. !e,elop"ent of technical
specifications should be perfor"ed by an organization with appropriate powers.
$.1.: The RF9 should include
- at least two stationary robotized fire syste"sB
- control syste"B
- loc<-start gear with electric dri,e.
$.1.4 The stationary robotized fire syste" 5hereafter referred to as RF27 is used for producing
and directing a thic< or sprayed strea" of the FF2 to the fire seat% or for cooling of "anufacturing

e?uip"ent and building constructions.
$.1. >ater or the foa"ing agent solution can be used as a fire-fighting substance.
$.1.; The algorith" of Doint interaction of RF2s integrated into the RF9 and the ?uantity of
RF2s si"ultaneously engaged in operating "ode 5fire-fighting substance supply "ode7% is accepted
in ,iew of architectural and planning concepts of the protected roo" and the e?uip"ent situated
$.1.$ The RF2 should pro,ide the operation in the following "odes
- auto"atic positional or contour progra" scanningB
- "anual control fro" the re"ote control console with the help of operational progra" or push-
button control of the "o,e"ent of the RF2 fire nozzle in horizontal and ,ertical planesB
- "anual push-button control of the "o,e"ent of the RF2 fire nozzle fro" the local control panelB
- "anual "echanical control directly with the help of handle situated at the RF2 fire nozzle.
$.1.8 The algorith" of detection of infla""ations% search of the fire seat and targeting the RF2
fire nozzle to it should be in accordance with technical docu"entation of the "anufacturer in ,iew
of specific conditions of protection of an obDect.
$.1. /ach point of the roo" or protected e?uip"ent should be in the action zone of at least two
$.1.1& 3rrange"ent of RF2s should eCclude eCtensi,e 'dead) zones for targeting sensors% as
well as 'dead) zones not eCposed to the FF2 action.
$.1.11 RF2 fire nozzles should be installed on special platfor"s that should pro,ide
"aintainability of RF2s.
$.1.1# >hen asse"bling the RF2 on a platfor" at a height of "ore than 1&&& "" fro" the floor%
this platfor" should be e?uipped with an enclosure in order to pro,ide the safety of "aintenance
$.1.1: The access to the RF2 e?uip"ent should be con,enient and safe.
$.1.14 The place of the RF2 location should ha,e no obstacles for rotation of its fire nozzle in
horizontal and ,ertical planes in ,iew of the nozzle length and the range of tra,el angles.
$.1.1 The "o,e"ent of the RF2 fire nozzle in search of the source of infla""ation should be
perfor"ed by a signal either fro" auto"atic fire detectors of o,erall ,iew or fro" zonal auto"atic
fire detectors.
$.1.1; ositional or contour progra" scanning with the supply of the FF2 within angular
coordinates of infla""ation should be perfor"ed either by a signal of the targeting sensor installed
at the RF2 fire nozzle% or according to the preplanned progra".
$.1.1$ 3ngular coordinates of scanning of the RF2 fire nozzle with the supply of the FF2 should
be deter"ined depending on the inaccuracy of targeting% positioning and wor<ing-out of the RF2
scan path.
$.1.18 RF9s should deter"ine total consu"ption and the pressure of supply of the fire-fighting
substance by calculation in ,iew of the ?uantity of RF2s si"ultaneously engaged in operating
"ode% hydraulic losses in the feeding pipeline% technological characteristics of an obDect% the group
of the pre"ises 5anneC G7% the nature and size of the fire load.
$.1.1 The ti"e of continuous operation in operating "ode 5fire-fighting substance supply "ode7
should be in co"pliance with the group of the pre"ises 5 anneC 37.
$.1.#& RF9 pipelines should pro,ide durability with trial pressure of 6t\1.# 6wor7.max % but not less
than 1.# a% and air-tightness with 6a&t:6wor7.max % but not less than 1 a.
$.1.#1 The RF2 fire nozzle and all control units under alternating ,oltage of ##& 0 should ha,e a
cla"p and a grounding sign. The grounding sign and the cla"p place should be in co"pliance with
re?uire"ents of +(2T 1#.1.&:& and +(2T #11:&.
$.1.## RF2 fire nozzles% their control consoles and units% loc<-start de,ises with electro-dri,e%
fire detectors of o,erall ,iew and zonal fire detectors should be painted red according to +(2T R
1#.4.&#;% +(2T R &;8& and +(2T R &8&&.
7.2 R!</%&!"!)s # 4! RFC $%&! --&" sys!"
$.#.1 /ach auto"atic zonal fire detector or a group of detectors controlling one zone should

identify only the zone controlled by the".
$.#.# f se,eral zonal fire detectors are used for control of one zone% then in order to send a
control co""and to search the fire seat by a group of RF2s% these detectors should be connected
according to the logical disDunction sche"e 5(R circuit7.
$.#.: 3cti,ation of the fire pu"p% loc<-start de,ises with electro-dri,e% dispatching of signals to
the fire station% acti,ation of audio and light fire alar"% dispatching of the signal to the fire station
5to the control roo"7 YFireM and dispatching of signals in order to control technological syste"s%
,entilation syste"s% etc. should be perfor"ed after registration of fire by an auto"atic fire detector
of targeting of the RF2 that was the first one to detect the fire.
$.#.4 n case of acti,ation of auto"atic fire detectors of o,erall ,iew or any auto"atic zonal fire
detectors% the signal Y3ttentionM should be dispatched to the fire station 5to the control roo"7.
: G-s $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s
:.1 A''%(-%#) #"-%)
8.1.1 3uto"atic gas fire-fighting syste"s 53+F27 are used for eCtinguishing of fires of E% ]% O
classes according to +(2T #$::1 and electrical e?uip"ent 5electricity generating facility under
3t the sa"e ti"e% the following "aterials should not use for fire eCtinguishing
- fibrous% friable% cellular and other co"bustible "aterials predisposed to spontaneous
infla""ation and s"oldering inside the ,olu"e of the substance 5sawdust% cotton% grass "eal% etc.7B
- che"ical agents and their "iCtures% poly"eric "aterials predisposed to s"oldering and burning
in absence of airB
- hydrides of "etals and pyrophoric substancesB
- "etal powders 5sodiu"% potassiu"% "agnesiu"% titaniu"% etc.7.
8.1.# t is forbidden to use ,olu"etric carbon-dioCide 5O^ #7 fire-fighting syste"s
a7 in the pre"ises that can not be left by people prior to acti,ation of the facilityB
b7 in the pre"ises with a big nu"ber of people 5& people and "ore7.
8.1.: 0olu"etric fire-fighting syste"s 5eCcept for nitrogen and argon fire eCtinguishing7 are used
for protection of the pre"ises 5e?uip"ent7 that ha,e stationary enclosures with the lea<age
para"eter of not "ore than ,alues specified in table /.1# anneC /.
For nitrogen and argon fire-fighting syste"s% the lea<age para"eter should be of not "ore than
&%&&1 " *1.
1 >hen di,iding the area of the protected roo" into adDacent zones 5raised floor% dropped
ceiling% etc.7% the lea<age para"eter should not eCceed the ,alue specified for each zone. The
lea<age para"eter is defined without ta<ing into consideration openings in enclosures between
adDacent zones% if si"ultaneous supply of gas fire-fighting substances 5+FF27 is pro,ided for the".
# !esigning of ,olu"etric fire-fighting syste"s for protection of the pre"ises with high ,alues
of the lea<age para"eter is perfor"ed according to additional specifications de,eloped for a
specific obDect.
:.2 Sys!"s (-ss%$%(-%#) -) (#"'#s%%#)
8.#.1 2yste"s can be classified by
- the fire-fighting "ethod ,olu"etric fire-fighting% local-,olu"etricB
- the "ethod of storage of gas fire-fighting substance centralized% "odularB
- the "ethod of acti,ation fro" the action pulse with electric% pneu"atic% "echanical start or
with their co"bination.
8.#.# For 3+F2s% the following types of acti,ation 5start7 can be pro,ided
- auto"atic 5"ain7B
- re"ote 5"anual7B
- local 5"anual7.
8.#.: The technological part of syste"s contains ,essels with +FF2% pipelines and heads.

oreo,er% incenti,e syste"s can be included into the co"position of the technological part of
:.3 F%&!*$%4%) -!)s
8.:.1 +FF2 presented in table 8.1 are used in syste"s.
Table 8.1
Li?uefied gases 9o"pressed gases
9arbon dioCide 5O^ #7 Nitrogen 5N#7
Freon #: 5OF:@7 3rgon 53r7
Freon 1# 5O #F@7 nergen
Freon #18 5O :F87 nitrogen - # 5,ol.7
Freon ##$ea 5O:F$@7 argon - 4& 5,ol.7
Freon :189 5O 4F8@7 carbon dioCide - 8 5,ol.7
2ulfur heCafluoride 52F;7 3rgonite
Freon trifluoro"ethane-18 nitrogen - & 5,ol.7
freon #: 5OF:@7 - &  5"ass7 argon - & 5,ol.7
"ethyl iodide 59@:A7 - 1&  5"ass7
Freon fluoro<etone--1-1#
Freon #1$A159:F$A7
Freon 9F:A
N #  ! * The use of other +FF2s 5including li?uefied nitrogen and argon% gaseous nitrogen-
enriched "iCtures% as well as other +FF2s not listed in table 8.17 is perfor"ed according to
additional specifications de,eloped for a specific obDect.

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

8.:.# Nitrogen% technical features of which are in co"pliance with +(2T #:% should be used
as a propellant gas. t is acceptable to use air% dew point for which should be not "ore than -4&IO.
:. G!)!&- &!</%&!"!)s
8.4.1 2yste"s should be in co"pliance with re?uire"ents of +(2T R &;. The design of
e?uip"ent included into the syste" should be in co"pliance with re?uire"ents of wor<ing
nor"ati,e docu"ent.
8.4.# !uring the de,elop"ent of the technological part proDect% the following calculations are
- the "ass of +FF2 in the fire-fighting syste" 5 anneC F7. 2ource data for "ass calculation are
pro,ided in anneC /B
- the dia"eter of syste" pipelines% type and ?uantity of heads% ti"e of +FF2 supply 5hydraulic
calculation7. The "ethodology of calculation for the carbon-dioCide syste" containing isother"al
reser,oir is presented in anneC +. For other syste"s% it is reco""ended to perfor" calculation
according to "ethods appro,ed in due orderB
- area of the opening for eCcess pressure relief in the protected roo" during the +FF2 supply
5anneC @7.
:.5 V#/"!&%( $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s
8..1 2ource data for calculation and designing.
2ource data for calculation and designing of the syste" are
- the list of the pre"ises and the presence of areas of raised floors and suspended ceilings that
should be protected by the fire-fighting syste"B

- the nu"ber of the pre"ises 5directions7 that should be si"ultaneously protected by the fire-
fighting syste"B
- geo"etrics of the roo" 5architecture of the roo"% length% width and height of enclosures% roo"
- ceiling construction and infrastructure arrange"entB
- area of per"anently open openings in enclosures and their arrange"entB
- "aCi"u" safe pressure in the protected roo" defined in ,iew of re?uire"ents of paragraph ;
of +(2T 1#.:.&4$B
- the range of te"perature% pressure and hu"idity in the protected roo" where syste"
co"ponent parts are locatedB
- the list and fire hazard ,alues of substances and "aterials% which are present in the protected
roo"% and the fire class according to +(2T #$::1 that corresponds to the"B
- type% ,alue and sche"e of the fire loadB
- the presence and description of ,entilation% air conditioning and air heating syste"sB
- description of "anufacturing e?uip"entB
- the pre"ises category according to 1&S and zone classes according to $SB
- the presence of people and their escape routes.
2ource data are included into the proDect state"ent% which should be coordinated with the
organization * de,eloper of the syste"% and are included into proDect docu"entation.
:. T4! </-)%y #$ -s $%&!*$%4%) s/8s-)(!
8.;.1 9alculated +FF2 ?uantity 5"ass7 in the syste" should be sufficient in order to pro,ide its
nor"ati,e fire-fighting concentration in any protected pre"ises or in a group of the pre"ises
si"ultaneously protected.
8.;.# 9entralized syste"s should ha,e a 1&& reser,e apart fro" the calculated +FF2 ?uantity.
t is acceptable to co-store the calculated +FF2 ?uantity and the reser,e in a ther"ally insulated
reser,oir subDect to it is e?uipped with loc<-start de,ice with a bidirectional dri,e and technical
facilities for controlling it.
8.;.: odular syste"s should ha,e a 1&& reser,e apart fro" the calculated +FF2 ?uantity. f
the obDect has se,eral "odular syste"s% the reser,e should be in a ?uantity sufficient for restoring
operability of the syste" that has been acti,ated in any protected roo" of the obDect.
The reser,e should be stored in "odules si"ilar to syste"s= "odules. odules with the reser,e
should be ready to be "ounted into the syste".
odules with the reser,e should be stored at the warehouse of the obDect or of an organization
that "aintains fire-fighting syste"s.
8.;.4 f the testing of the syste" is needed% the +FF2 reser,e for these tests is counted subDect to
the condition of protection of the pre"ises with the s"allest ,olu"e% unless there are any other
:.7 T%"%) --
8.$.1 n case of auto"atic and re"ote start% the syste" should pro,ide the delay of +FF2 release
into the protected pre"ises for a ti"e necessary for e,acuation of people fro" the pre"ises%
shutting-down of ,entilation 5conditioning% etc.7% closing of shutters 5fire ,al,es% etc.7% but not less
than 1& s fro" the "o"ent of acti,ation of e,acuation warning de,ices in the pre"ises.
The ti"e of co"plete closing of shutters 5,al,es7 in air ducts of ,entilation syste"s in the
protected pre"ises should not eCceed the ti"e of delay specified for these pre"ises.
N #  ! * !uring fire eCtinguishing% it is acceptable not to shut down ,entilation syste"s% which
pro,ide the safety of the technological process in the protected pre"ises. 3t the sa"e ti"e% syste"
calculation is perfor"ed according to special "ethods in ,iew of indi,idual characteristics of the
protected obDect.
8.$.# The syste" should pro,ide the response ti"e 5ti"e of response without ta<ing into
consideration the ti"e of +FF2 supply delay7 not "ore than 1 s.

8.$.: The syste" should pro,ide the supply of at least  +FF2 "ass re?uired for creating
nor"ati,e fire-fighting concentration in the protected pre"ises during a period of ti"e that does not
- 1& s for "odular syste"s% where li?uefied gases 5eCcept for carbon dioCide7 are used as +FF2sB
- 1 s for centralized syste"s% where li?uefied gases 5eCcept for carbon dioCide7 are used as
- ;& s for "odular and centralized syste"s% where carbon dioCide or co"pressed gases are used
as +FF2s.
The no"inal ,alue of ti"e inter,al is defined during the storage of the ,essel with +FF2 at
:.: V!ss!s $#& -s $%&!*$%4%) s/8s-)(!
8.8.1 n syste"s% the following ite"s are used
- gas fire-fighting "odulesB
- gas fire-fighting ban<B
- ther"ally insulated fire reser,oirs.
n centralized syste"s% ,essels should be located at fire-fighting stations. n "odular syste"s%
"odules can be located either in the "ost protected roo" or outside this roo" in close proCi"ity to
it. The distance between ,essels and heat sources 5heaters% etc.7 should be not less than 1 ".
!istributing de,ices should be placed in the pre"ises of the fire-fighting station.
8.8.# The place"ent of "anufacturing e?uip"ent of centralized and "odular syste"s should
pro,ide the possibility of their "aintenance.
8.8.: 0essels should be placed as close to the protected pre"ises as possible. 3t the sa"e ti"e%
,essels should not be located in places where they can be in danger of har"ful effect of fire
5eCplosion7 factors% "echanical% che"ical or any other da"age% direct action of the sunlight.
8.8.4 For syste" "odules of one di"ension-type% calculated ,alues of filling with +FF2 and
propellant gas should be the sa"e.
8.8. >hen connecting two and "ore "odules to the collector 5pipeline7% "odules of one
di"ension-type should be used
- with the sa"e +FF2 filling and propellant gas pressure% if a li?uefied gas is used as +FF2B
- with the sa"e +FF2 pressure% if a co"pressed gas is used as +FF2B
- with the sa"e +FF2 filling% if a li?uefied gas without a propellant gas is used as +FF2.
9onnection of "odules to the collector should be perfor"ed through the in,erted ,al,e.
N #  ! * f the algorith" of syste" wor< pro,ides si"ultaneous supply fro" all "odules
connected to the co""on collector% then it is acceptable not to install in,erted ,al,es for their
connection to the collector. 3t the sa"e ti"e% plugs should be pro,ided for collector her"etization
when shutting-down "odules.
8.8.; odules in the syste" should be securely fiCated in accordance with "anufacturer=s
technical docu"entation of the.
8.8.$ 0essels for reser,e storage should be connected and be in the local start "ode. The
switching of these ,essels to the re"ote or auto"atic start "ode can be pro,ided only after the
supply or failure of supply of calculated +FF2 ?uantity.
8.8.8 Technical facilities of the +FF2 and propellant gas safety control in "odules should be in
co"pliance with +(2T R :#81.
odules "eant for storage of
- +FF2-li?uefied gases used without a propellant gas 5e.g.% freon #: or O^#7 should contain
de,ices for control of "ass or +FF2 li?uid phase le,el. The control de,ice should be acti,ated
when the "odule "ass is decreasing by a ,alue that does not eCceed  of +FF2 "ass in the
- +FF2-co"pressed gases should contain a de,ice for pressure control% which pro,ides the
control of +FF2 lea<age of not "ore than  of pressure in the "odule.
- +FF2-li?uefied gases used with a propellant gas should contain a de,ice for pressure control%

which pro,ides the control of propellant gas lea<age of not "ore than 1& of pressure of propellant
gas charged into the "odule.
The "ethod of +FF2 safety control should pro,ide the control of +FF2 lea<age of not "ore than
. 3t the sa"e ti"e% +FF2 "ass safety control in "odules with a propellant gas is perfor"ed by
periodic weighing. 9ontrol fre?uency and technical facilities for control i"ple"entation are defined
by the "anufacturer of the "odule and should be specified in T! of the "odule.
:.9 P%'!%)!s
8..1 2yste"s= pipelines should be "ade of steel pipes according to +(2T 8$:# or +(2T 8$:4%
as well as of brass or stainless steel pipes. ncenti,e pipelines should be "ade of steel pipes
according to +(2T 1&$&4. For threaded connection of pipes% fittings "ade of the sa"e "aterials
should be used.
8..# ipelines connection in fire-fighting syste"s should be welded% threaded% flanged or
8..: The construction of pipelines should pro,ide the possibility of purging in order to re"o,e
water after perfor"ing hydraulic tests or draining of accu"ulated condensate.
8..4 ipelines should be safely secured. The gap between the pipeline and the wall should be of
at least # c".
8.. ipelines and their Doints should pro,ide durability with pressure of 1.# 6wor7% and air-
tightness for  "inutes with pressure of 6wor7 5where 6wor7 * the "aCi"u" pressure of +FF2 in the
,essel in ser,ice conditions7.
8..; 2yste"s= pipelines should be grounded 5neutrally grounded7. The sign and the place of
grounding should be in accordance with +(2T #11:&.
8..$ n order to connect "odule with the pipeline% it is acceptable to use fleCible connectors
5e.g.% high-pressure hoses7 or copper pipelines% the durability of which is pro,ided with pressure not
less than 1.6wor7.
8..8 3s a rule% the syste" of distribution pipelines should be sy""etrical.
8.. nternal ,olu"e of pipelines should not eCceed 8& of the ,olu"e of li?uid phase of
calculated +FF2 ?uantity at #&IO.
:.10 I)(!)%! sys!"s
8.1&.1 3rrange"ent of ther"al sensing ele"ents of incenti,e syste"s in protected should be
perfor"ed in accordance with re?uire"ents stated in section .
8.1&.# The no"inal dia"eter of incenti,e pipelines should be of 1 "".
8.1&.: ncenti,e pipelines and their Doints in syste"s should pro,ide durability with pressure of
1.#6 and air-tightness with pressure of not less than 6 5 6 * the "aCi"u" gas 5air7 pressure in the
incenti,e syste"7.
8.1&.4 Re"ote syste" start de,ices should be placed not higher than 1.$ ".
(ther re?uire"ents to re"ote start de,ices should be in concordance with re?uire"ents to
si"ilar 3+F2 facilities stated in sections 1#-1$ of the current 9ode of practices and in current
nor"ati,e docu"entation.
:.11 H!- '%!(!s
8.11.1 The choice of head pieces type is defined by their technical characteristics for a specific
8.11.# @ead pieces should be located in the protected roo" in ,iew of its geo"etrics and should
pro,ide +FF2 distribution to the whole roo" space with concentration of not lesser than nor"ati,e.
8.11.: @ead pieces installed at the pipelines arrange"ent for supply of +FF2s% which density in
nor"al conditions eCceeds the density of air% should be located not "ore than &. " away fro" the
ceiling 5ceiling% suspended ceiling% dropped ceiling7 of the protected roo".
8.11.4 The difference of +FF2 consu"ption between two eCtre"e head pieces a t one distribution
pipeline should not eCceed #&.
8.11. t is reco""ended to install filters at the input of the head piece% which indi,idual outlet

holes dia"eter does not eCceed : "".
8.11.; n one roo" 5protected space7% head pieces of only one di"ension type should be used.
8.11.$ @ead pieces durability should be pro,ided with pressure of 1.# 6wor7.
@ead pieces should be "ade of corrosion-resistant "aterials 5e.g.% brass7 or ha,e protecti,e
8.11.8 (utlet holes of head pieces should be oriented in such a way so that +FF2 strea"s are not
directed eCactly toward constantly open openings of the protected roo".
8.11. @ead pieces should be protected when they are located in places of possible "echanical
da"age or clogging.
:.12 F%&!*$%4%) s-%#)s
8.1#.1 The pre"ises of fire-fighting stations should be separated fro" other pre"ises with fire-
proof type 1 partitions and type : ceilings.
The pre"ises of the station could not be located under or abo,e pre"ises of 3 and G categories.
3s a rule% the pre"ises of fire-fighting stations should be located in the base"ent% on the
base"ent floor or on the ground floor of buildings. t is acceptable to locate the fire-fighting station
abo,e the ground floor% at the sa"e ti"e% lift-and-carry units of buildings and constructions should
pro,ide the possibility of e?uip"ent deli,ery to the syste" and of perfor"ing ser,ice chec<s. The
eCit fro" the station should lead to the outside% to the staircase that has an eCit to the outside% to the
lobby or to the corridor subDect to the distance between the station eCit and the staircase does not
eCceed # "% and there are no eCits fro" the pre"ises of 3 and G categories to this corridor.
N #  ! * t is allowed to install ther"ally insulated reser,oirs outside the station roo"% with
pro,iding a shed for protection fro" precipitations and solar radiation% and with an enclosure along
the peri"eter of the platfor". 3t the sa"e ti"e% the following should be pro,ided
- e"ergency lighting in the place of reser,oir installationB
- eCecution of "easures eli"inating an unauthorized access of people to the reser,oir% units of its
control 5acti,ation7 and distribution de,icesB
- access roads to the reser,oir.
8.1#.# The height of the pre"ises of the fire-fighting station should at least of #. " for syste"s
where "odules or batteries are used. >hen using a ther"ally insulated reser,oir% the "ini"u"
height of the roo" is defined by the height of the reser,oir in ,iew of pro,iding the distance
between it and the ceiling of not less than 1 ".
n the pre"ises of the fire-fighting station% the te"perature should be of  to :IO% relati,e air
hu"idity of not "ore than 8& at #IO% illu"ination of at least 1&& luC with fluorescent la"ps and
of at least $ luC with incandescent la"ps.
/"ergency lighting should be in concordance with r e?uire"ents S.
The pre"ises of fire-fighting stations should be e?uipped with supply-and-eChaust ,entilation
with at least twofold air eCchange% and also with telephone co""unication with a roo" of duty
personnel who are on round-the-cloc< duty.
3 light panel YFire-fighting stationM should be installed near the entrance of the station pre"ises.
The entrance door should ha,e a loc<ing de,ice on order to rule out the possibility of an
unauthorized access to the pre"ises of the fire-fighting station.
8.1#.: 3rrange"ent of facilities and e?uip"ent should pro,ide the possibility of their
:.13 L#(- s-& !%(!s
8.1:.1 9entralized syste"s should be e?uipped with local start de,ices.
8.1:.# Local start of "odular syste"s% which "odules are located in the protected pre"ises%
should be eli"inated. f starting ele"ents are present on "odules% they should be de"ounted or
bloc<ed against possible acti,ation.
8.1:.: 3s a rule% local start of "odular syste"s% which "odules are located outside the protected
pre"ises% are not pro,ided. n rele,ant cases% local start can be applied% while starting ele"ents

- be located outside the protected pre"ises in the zone protected fro" the fire factors influenceB
- ha,e an enclosure with a loc<ing de,ice that rules out the possibility of an unauthorized access to
- pro,ide si"ultaneous acti,ation of all starting ele"ents 5i.e. "odules7 of the syste".
8.1:.4 2tarting ele"ents of local start de,ices should be placed at a height of not "ore than 1.$
" fro" the floor.
8.1:. f there are se,eral directions of +FF2 supply% starting ele"ents of local start de,ices of
batteries 5"odules7 and distribution de,ices should ha,e plates with indication of the protected
pre"ises 5direction7.
:.1 R!</%&!"!)s # 4! '&#!(! '&!"%s!s
8.14.1 The lea<age para"eter of the protected pre"ises should not eCceed ,alues specified in p.
8.1.:. easures should be ta<en in order to eli"inate technologically unreasonable openings% door
closers should be installed% and cable passages should be pac<ed.
8.14.# 3 constantly open opening 5or a de,ice which opening is opened during the +FF2 supply7
for pressure relief should be pro,ided in the pre"ises% if its necessity is pro,ed by calculation
according to "ethods presented in anneC @.
8.14.: 3ir gates 5shutters or fire ,al,es7% which are auto"atically closing when fire is detected%
should be pro,ided in syste"s of air duct of general ,entilation% air heating and air conditioning of
the protected pre"ises.
0entilation units that pro,ide the safety of the technological process in the protected pre"ises are
an eCception% at the sa"e ti"e% unit calculation is perfor"ed according to additional nor"s
de,eloped for a specific obDect.
t is acceptable not to install auto"atically closing gates 5shutters7% when ,entilation openings are
considered during the designing of the unit as constantly open openings% and ,entilation flows
shutdown is perfor"ed prior to +FF2 supply.
8.14.4 +eneral ,entilation of buildings% constructions and the pre"ises should be used for
pro"pt +FF2 re"o,al after fire eCtinguishing. For this purpose% it is acceptable to pro,ide "obile
,entilation units.
:.15 L#(-*#/"!&%( $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s
8.1.1 Local-,olu"etric fire-fighting syste"s used for fire eCtinguishing of separate units or
e?uip"ent in cases when the use of ,olu"etric syste"s is technically i"possible or econo"ically
8.1.# 9alculated ,olu"e of local fire-fighting is defined on the basis of "ultiplying the height
of the facility or e?uip"ent by area of proDection to the floor surface. 3t the sa"e ti"e% all
calculated size para"eters 5length% width% and height7 of the unit should be increased up to 1 ".
8.1.: 9arbon dioCide should be used during local-,olu"etric fire-fighting.
8.1.4 2tandard "ass fire-fighting concentration during local-,olu"etric fire-fighting with
carbon dioCide is ; <gK" :.
8.1. The ti"e of +FF2 supply during local fire-fighting should not eCceed :& s.
The ti"e of +FF2 supply can be increased in order to eli"inate the hazard of re-infla""ation.
:.1 S-$!y &!</%&!"!)s
8.1;.1 !esigning of syste"s should be perfor"ed in ,iew of pro,iding the possibility of
co"pliance with safety re?uire"ents when perfor"ing the asse"bly% chec<out% appro,al and
operation of the syste"% which are stated in current technological nor"ati,e docu"entation 5TN!7
for certain type of syste"s.
8.1;.# anual syste" start de,ices should be protected fro" their accident acti,ation or fro"
"echanical da"age% and they should be sealed% eCcept for local start de,ices located in the pre"ises
of fire-fighting stations or re"ote start de,ices of fire stations.
8.1;.: 2afeguarding e?uip"ent for +FF2 5gas7 discharge should be located so that to eli"inate

personnel trau"atizing during its acti,ation.
!rainage pipelines for gas discharge to the safe zone should be connected to discharge units of
safeguarding de,ices of the ther"ally insulated reser,oir.
8.1;.4 t is reco""ended to pro,ide safeguarding de,ices for safe +FF2 discharge in syste"s at
pipeline sections where there is a possibility of for"ation of closed ca,ities for li?uefied +FF2s
between ,al,es 5e.g.% between the in,erted ,al,e of the battery and the distribution de,ice% in case
of failure of the latter7.
8.1;. 0essels used in fire-fighting syste"s should correspond to re?uire"ents :S.
8.1;.; +rounding and neutral grounding of de,ices and e?uip"ent of syste"s should be
perfor"ed according to 11S and should be in co"pliance with re?uire"ents of e?uip"ent technical
8.1;.$ 3fter the +FF2 release and fire li?uidation until the "o"ent of finishing the ,entilation% it
is per"itted to enter the pre"ises only in isolating respiratory protecti,e e?uip"ent.
8.1;.8 t is per"itted to enter the pre"ises without isolating respiratory protecti,e e?uip"ent
only after eli"ination of co"bustion products% +FF2 and its products of ther"al deco"position to
the safe ,alue 5concentration7.
8.1;. 3dditional safety re?uire"ents% which ta<e into account conditions of their usage% can be
placed on syste"s.
8.1;.1& 3s for en,iron"ental protection% syste"s should be in co"pliance with re?uire"ents of
technical docu"entation for fire-fighting substances during their operation% "aintenance% testing
and repairing.
9 P#;!& $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s #$ "#/-& y'!
9.1 A''%(-%#) #"-%)
.1.1 3uto"atic powder fire-fighting syste"s 53F27 are used for eCtinguishing of fir es of E% ]%
O classes and electrical e?uip"ent 5electricity generating facility under ,oltage7.
.1.# n the pre"ises of 3 and G categories of fire and eCplosion ris< according to 1&S and in
dangerously eCplosi,e zones according to $S% it is acceptable to use syste"s% which ha,e
corresponding certificate of e?uip"ent eCplosion proofness issued in due order% and which ha,e
necessary le,el of eCplosion proofness or le,el of protection of electrical parts of syste"s=
3t the sa"e ti"e% constructi,e arrange"ent of syste" e?uip"ent at the "o"ent of its acti,ation
should eli"inate the possibility of infla""ation of eCplosi,e "iCture% which can be located in the
protected pre"ises% and that should be pro,ed by corresponding tests according to "ethods
appro,ed in due order.
.1.: t is forbidden to use these syste"s
a7 in the pre"ises that can not be left by people prior to acti,ation of the facilityB
b7 in the pre"ises with a big nu"ber of people 5& people and "ore7.
N #  ! * t is acceptable to use syste"s for protection of the pre"ises of the F.1 functional fire
hazard class 5production purpose buildings 1#S% article :#7% as well as of storage roo"s of the F.#
functional fire hazard class in they ha,e a fire load of the ] class according to +(2T #$::1 5fuels
and lubricants warehouses% etc.7. n the proDect of the fire-fighting syste"% it should be stated that
personnel who wor< in these pre"ises should be instructed about factors hazardous for people%
which appear during the powder supply fro" fire-fighting "odules% and they should also
periodically undergo training according to paragraph 1; 1:S.
.1.4 2yste"s should not be used for fire eCtinguishing of
- co"bustible "aterials predisposed to spontaneous infla""ation and s"oldering inside the
,olu"e of the substance 5sawdust% cotton% grass "eal% etc.7B
- pyrophoric substances and "aterials predisposed to s"oldering and burning in absence of air.
.1. 2yste"s can be used for fire eCtinguishing of protected area% for local fire eCtinguishing of
a part of area or space% for fire eCtinguishing of the whole protected space 5when co"plying with
re?uire"ents of p. .#.$% .#.8% .#.1$7.

.1.; Fire-fighting powders should be in co"pliance with re?uire"ents of +(2T R :#8&.4. 3t
the sa"e ti"e% the brea<down ,oltage para"eter is not considered for i"pulse "odules of powder
.1.$ t is acceptable to use syste"s% which can only detect and eCtinguish the fire and also
dispatch the fire signal% for protection of the pre"ises with the ,olu"e of not "ore than 1&& " : with
the fire load not eCceeding 1&&& AK" #% where the speed of air flows in the fire-fighting zone does
not eCceed 1. "Ks% and which are ,isited periodically by "aintenance personnel 5when the
production need arises7% and also for protection of electric e?uip"ent cabinets% etc.
n the proDect of the fire-fighting syste"% it should be stated that personnel who periodically ,isit
these pre"ises should be instructed about factors hazardous for people% which appear during the
powder supply fro" fire-fighting "odules.
9.2 D!s%)%)
.#.1 n syste" proDect docu"entation% syste" para"eters according to +(2T R 1&1 and
operating rules should be stated.
.#.# !epending on the construction of the powder fire-fighting "odule 5in this section% hereafter
referred to as * "odules7% syste"s can be with or without the distribution pipeline.
.#.: !epending on the way of storage of the propellant gas in the "odule 5container7% syste"s
are di,ided into pu"ping% with a gas-generating ele"ent% with a co"pressed or li?uefied gas tan<.
.#.4 t is acceptable not to ha,e a local "anual start when placing "odules in the protected
.#. >hen calculating the ,olu"e of the protected pre"ises% in case when e?uip"ent and
building construction are "ade of nonco"bustible "aterials% it is acceptable to deduct their ,olu"e
fro" the calculated ,olu"e of the pre"ises.
.#.; Local protection of indi,idual "anufacturing zones% sections% units and e?uip"ent is
pro,ided in the pre"ises the speed of air flows not eCceeding 1. "Ks% or with para"eters stated in
technical docu"entation 5T!7 for powder fire-fighting "odules.
.#.$ The calculated zone of local fire-fighting is accepted as a 1& increased size of protected
area% a 1 increased size of protected ,olu"e.
.#.8 Fire eCtinguishing of the whole protected ,olu"e of the pre"ises is acceptable in the
pre"ises with the lea<age le,el of under 1.. 3s a rule% in the pre"ises with a ,olu"e of "ore
than 4&& " :% the following types of fire eCtinguishing are used * local by area 5,olu"e7 or by the
whole area.
.#. The "aCi"u" length of distribution pipelines and re?uire"ents to the" are regulated by
T! for powder fire-fighting "odules% and pipelines should be "ade of steel pipes.
.#.1& ipelines Doints in fire-fighting syste"s should be welded% flanged% or threaded.
.#.11 ipelines and their Doints in fire-fighting syste"s should pro,ide durability with the
testing pressure of 1.# 6wor7% where 6wor7 - wor<ing pressure of the "odule.
.#.1# odules and head pieces should be located in the protected zone in accordance with T!
for "odules. The protection of bodies of "odules and head pieces fro" possible da"age should be
pro,ided if necessary.
owder fire-fighting "odules should be located in ,iew of the range of operation te"peratures.
t is acceptable to locate "odules with the distribution pipeline in the protected roo" 5far fro"
supposed co"bustion zone7 or outside this roo" in close proCi"ity to it% in a special enclosure% boC.
.#.1: 9onstructions used for installation of "odules or pipelines with head pieces should stand
the effect of loading fi,e ti"es bigger than the weight of installed ele"ents% and should pro,ide
their safety and protection fro" accident da"age.
.#.14 n the proDect% "easures stated in T! for "odules should be considered in order to
eli"inate the possibility of clogging of distribution pipelines and head pieces.
.#.1 3t the protected enterprise% a 1&& reser,e of co"ponents% "odules 5non rechargeable7
and powder for replace"ent should be pro,ided in the syste" that protects the biggest roo" or
zone. f se,eral "odules of different di"ension types are used for one obDect% the reser,e should
pro,ide the restoration of operability of syste"s with e,ery "odule di"ension type. The reser,e

should be stored at the warehouse of the protected obDect or ser,ice organization. t is acceptable not
to ha,e a reser,e at the enterprise% if there is a syste" after-sales ser,ice agree"ent.
.#.1; The calculation of ?uantity of "odules re?uired for fire-fighting should be perfor"ed
subDect to pro,iding e,en filling of the protected ,olu"e with fire-fighting powder or e,en
irrigation of the area according to reco""ended anneC . 3t the sa"e ti"e% dispersion diagra"s%
stated in T! for a "odule% for the protected area 5,olu"e7 and standardized fire ran< according to
+(2T R 1&$-#&&1 corresponding to this area 5,olu"e7 are considered.
.#.1$ @ead pieces arrange"ent is perfor"ed according to T! for a "odule. f the height of the
protected roo" eCceeds the "aCi"u" height of sprayers= syste"% their arrange"ent is perfor"ed in
tiers in ,iew of dispersion diagra"s.
.#.18 >hen using the syste" 5if there is a Dustification in the proDect7% reser,ation can be used.
3t the sa"e ti"e% total ?uantity of "odules is doubled% in co"parison with calculated nu"ber% and a
two-stage launch of "odules is perfor"ed. For acti,ation of the second stage% it is acceptable to use
re"ote control in accordance with the syste" operation algorith" applied in the proDect.
9.3 R!</%&!"!)s # 4! '&#!(! '&!"%s!s
.:.1 The pre"ises e?uipped with powder fire-fighting syste"s should contain signs indicating
the presence of syste"s inside the". n front of entrances to the pre"ises 5eCcept for the pre"ises
listed in p. .1.; of the current 9ode of practices7 e?uipped with F2 5powder fire-fighting syste"s7
according to +(2T 1#.:.&4;% an alar" should be pro,ided in accordance with +(2T 1#.4.&& and
p. 1#.4.: of the current docu"ent.
.:.# The lea<age le,el of the pre"ises during ,olu"etric fire-fighting should not eCceed the
,alues stated in the "odule certificate 5the ,alue of the coefficient 7;% .:.1.1 anneC % should be
stated in the certificate as well7% in case of absence of such data% the lea<age le,el is applied in
accordance with p. .#.8% and calculation of 7; is perfor"ed according to .:.1.1 anneC .
.:.: easures for eli"ination of unreasonable openings and against self-opening of doors
should be ta<en in the pre"ises where the fire eCtinguishing of the whole protected le,el is
.:.4 3fter the finishing of syste" operation% general ,entilation should be used for re"o,al of
co"bustion products and powder% which are in the air. For this purpose% it is acceptable to use
"obile ,entilation syste"s. 2ettled powder is re"o,ed with the help of a ,acuu" cleaner or "oist
9. S-$!y &!</%&!"!)s
.4.1 !esigning of syste"s should be perfor"ed in accordance with safety re?uire"ents stated in
+(2T 1#.1.&1% +(2T 1#.:.&4;% +(2T 1#.#.&&:% +(2T 1#.4.&&% +(2T 1#.1.&&% +(2T
#81:&% :S% 11S.
.4.# anual re"ote and local syste" start de,ices should be sealed% eCcept for "anual start
de,ices located in the pre"ises of fire stations.
.4.: The syste" should pro,ide the delay of powder release for a ti"e necessary for e,acuation
of people fro" the protected pre"ises% shutting-down of ,entilation 5conditioning% etc.7% closing of
shutters 5fire ,al,es% etc.7% but not less than 1& s fro" the "o"ent of acti,ation of e,acuation
warning de,ices in the pre"ises 5eCcept for the pre"ises according to .1.$7.
10 A!&#s# $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s
10.1 A''%(-%#) #"-%)
1&.1.1 3uto"atic aerosol fire-fighting syste"s 533F27 are used for eCtinguishing 5li?uidation7
of fires of E# subclass and G class according to +(2T #$::1 using ,olu"etric "ethod in the
pre"ises with ,olu"e of under 1&%&&& " :% height of not "ore than 1& " and with the lea<age
para"eter not eCceeding the ,alue stated in table /.1# anneC /.
3t the sa"e ti"e% in such pre"ises% it is acceptable to ha,e co"bustible "aterial% the burning of
which corresponds to fires of the 31 class according to +(2T #$::1% in ?uantities% for fire
eCtinguishing of which can be perfor"ed with the help of standard "anual e?uip"ent regulated by

+(2T R 1&$-#&&1 and 1:S.
1&.1.# n the pre"ises of 3 and G categories of fire and eCplosion ris< according to 1&S and in
dangerously eCplosi,e zones according to $S% it is acceptable to use generators of a fire-fighting
aerosol 5hereafter referred to as - generators or +F37% including +F3s of re"ote aerosol supply
with corresponding pipelines and "e"branes% which ha,e a certificate of e?uip"ent eCplosion
proofness issued in due order% and which ha,e necessary le,el of eCplosion proofness or le,el of
protection of coating of generator=s electrical parts.
3t the sa"e ti"e% constructi,e arrange"ent of the +F3 at the "o"ent of its acti,ation should
eli"inate the possibility of infla""ation of eCplosi,e "iCture% which can be located in the
protected pre"ises% and that should be pro,ed by corresponding tests according to "ethods
appro,ed in due order.
1&.1.: !uring the design of syste"s% "easures should be ta<en in order to eli"inate the
possibility of occurrence of infla""ations due to +F3s used in the protected pre"ises and
dangerously eCplosi,e zones according to $S.
1&.1.4 t is acceptable to use syste"s for protection of cable constructions 5half storey% collectors%
shafts7 with ,olu"e under :&&& " : and height of not "ore than 1& "% with the ,alue of the lea<age
para"eter not eCceeding &.&&1 " -1 and subDect to the absence of auto"atic re-acti,ation de,ices in
power supply networ<s of the protected construction.
1&.1. The use of syste"s for fire eCtinguishing in the pre"ises with cables% electricity
generating units and electrical e?uip"ent under ,oltage is acceptable subDect to the ,alue of ,oltage
does not eCceed the "aCi"u" acceptable ,alue stated in technical docu"entation 5T!7 for a certain
type of +F3.
1&.1.; 0olu"etric aerosol fire-fighting syste"s do not pro,ide co"plete stopping of burning 5fire
eCtinguishing7 and should not be used for fire eCtinguishing of
a7 fibrous% friable% cellular and other co"bustible "aterials predisposed to spontaneous
infla""ation and 5or7 s"oldering inside the layer 5,olu"e7 of the substance 5sawdust% cotton% grass
"eal% etc.7B
b7 che"ical agents and their "iCtures% poly"eric "aterials predisposed to s"oldering and
burning in absence of airB
c7 hydrides of "etals and pyrophoric substancesB
d7 "etal powders 5sodiu"% potassiu"% "agnesiu"% titaniu"% etc.7.
1&.1.$ 3ccording to the decision of the 33F2 custo"er% the use of substances and "aterials
stated in 1&.1.; of the current 9ode of practices for fire localization does not eli"inate the necessity
of e?uipping of the pre"ises% where these substances are located or used% with fire-fighting syste"s
stipulated by corresponding regulations and rules% depart"ental lists% other current nor"ati,e
docu"ents appro,ed and introduced in due order.
1&.1.8 t is forbidden to these syste"s
a7 in the pre"ises that can not be left by people prior to acti,ation of the facilityB
b7 in the pre"ises with a big nu"ber of people 5& people and "ore7.
c7 in the pre"ises of buildings and constructions of the fire resistance  or lower according to
8S and 14S of syste"s using generators of a fire-fighting aerosol with te"perature of o,er 4&&IO
out of the zone 1& "" distant fro" eCterior surface of the generator and also fro" pipelines of
re"ote aerosol supply.
10.2 D!s%)%)
1&.#.1 +F3s should be located in the protected pre"ises. t is acceptable to use +F3s of re"ote
fire-fighting aerosol supply% which represent de,ices with pipelines connected to the"% as well as
with safety "e"branes 5,al,es7% in order to get and supply fire-fighting aerosol with designated
para"eters into the protected pre"ises. +F3s of re"ote supply should be in concordance with
+(2T R :#84 and can be located it the protected roo" or in close proCi"ity to it.
1&.#.# 2yste"s should ha,e auto"atic and re"ote acti,ation. +F3 acti,ation should be
perfor"ed with the help of electric start according to the algorith" defined in accordance with
anneC A. n syste"s= configuration% it is forbidden to use generators with co"bined start.

Local start of syste"s is unacceptable.
1&.#.: 33F2 includes
a7 fire detectorsB
b7 e?uip"ent and de,ices for control and operation of syste"s and their ele"entsB
c7 de,ices pro,iding power supply of syste"s and their ele"entsB
d7 fire alar" trails% as well as electric circuits of supply% "anage"ent and control of the syste"
and its ele"entsB
e7 fire-fighting aerosol generators of ,arious typesB
f7 de,ices for"ing and sending co""and i"pulses for shutting down syste"s of ,entilation%
conditioning% air heating and "anufacturing e?uip"ent in the protected pre"ises% for closing of fire
,al,es% shutters of ,entilation s<ips% etc.B
g7 de,ices for bloc<ing the auto"atic start of the syste" with indication of bloc<ing condition
when opening doors of the protected pre"isesB
h7 de,ices of audio and light alar" and alerting about syste" acti,ation and the presence of a
fire-fighting aerosol in the pre"ises.
1&.#.4 2ource data for calculation and designing of 33F2 are
- geo"etrics of the roo" 5architecture of the roo"% length% width and height of enclosures% roo"
- ceiling construction and infrastructure arrange"entB
- area of per"anently open openings in enclosures and their arrange"entB
- "aCi"u" safe pressure in the protected roo" defined in ,iew of re?uire"ents of paragraph ;
of +(2T 1#.:.&4$B
- the range of te"perature% pressure and hu"idity in the protected roo" where syste"
co"ponent parts are locatedB
- the list and fire hazard ,alues of substances and "aterials% which are present in the protected
roo"% and the fire class according to +(2T #$::1 that corresponds to the"B
- type% ,alue and sche"e of the fire loadB
- the presence and description of ,entilation% air conditioning and air heating syste"sB
- description of "anufacturing e?uip"entB
- the pre"ises category according to 1&S and zone classes according to $SB
- the presence of people and their escape routes.
a7 purpose of the pre"ises and fire resistance le,el of enclosing constructions of the building
b7 geo"etrics of the pre"ises 5,olu"e% area of enclosures% height7B
c7 the presence and area of constantly open openings and their distribution along the height of
the pre"isesB
d7 the presence and characteristics of glazingB
e7 the presence and characteristics of syste"s of ,entilation% air conditioning% air heatingB
f7 the list and fire hazard ,alues of substances and "aterials according to +(2T 1#.1.&44% which
are present or used in the protected pre"ises% and the fire class according to +(2T #$::1 that
corresponds to the"B
g7 ,alue% nature% and sche"e of distribution of the fire loadB
h7 arrange"ent and characteristics of "anufacturing e?uip"entB
i7 the pre"ises category according to 1&S and zone classes according to $SB
D7 operating te"perature% pressure and hu"idity in the protected pre"isesB
<7 the presence of people and the possibility of their e,acuation prior to syste" startB
l7 standard fire-fighting capacity of selected types of generators% including generators of re"ote
fire-fighting aerosol supply 5defined according to +(2T R :#84% the "aCi"u" ,alue of standard
fire-fighting capacity in relation to fire-hazardous substances and "aterials% which are located in the
protected pre"ises% is accepted for calculation7% other characteristics of generators 5high-
te"perature zones% response ti"e% ti"e of supply and operation ti"e7B
"7 "aCi"u" safe pressure and te"perature in the protected pre"ises 5subDect to durability of
building constructions% or e?uip"ent located in the pre"ises7 according to re?uire"ents of

paragraph ; of +(2T R 1#.:.&4$.
1&.#. ethodology of syste" calculation is presented in "andatory anneC A of the current 9ode
of practices.
1&.#.; The place"ent of generators in the protected pre"ises% as well as of generators of re"ote
aerosol supply% should eli"inate the possibility of occurrence of effects of high-te"perature zones
of each generator
a7 zones with te"perature o,er $IO * on personnel present in the protected pre"ises or ha,ing
access to this roo" 5in case of unauthorized or false acti,ation of the generator7B
b7 zones with te"perature o,er #&&IO * on co"bustible substances and "aterials that are stored
and used in the protected pre"ises% and also on co"bustible e?uip"entB
c7 zones with te"perature o,er 4&&IO * on other e?uip"ent.
!ata on areas of dangerous high-te"perature zones of generators should be ta<en fro" +F3
technical docu"entation.
1&.#.$ 9orresponding construction "easures 5protecti,e screen% enclosures% etc.7 should be
ta<en% if necessary% in order to eli"inate the possibility of contact of personnel in the pre"ises% and
also of co"bustible "aterials and e?uip"ent with dangerous high-te"perature zones of +F3s. The
construction of protecting enclosure of generators should be included into proDect docu"entation for
this syste" and should be i"ple"ented in ,iew of reco""endations of used generators=
1&.#.8 3rrange"ent of generators in the pre"ises should pro,ide specified supply intensity%
aerosol fire-fighting capacity of not less than standard% and e,en filling of the protected pre"ises
,olu"e with a fire-fighting aerosol% considering re?uire"ents stated in 1&.#.; and 1&.:.#. 3t the
sa"e ti"e% it is acceptable to locate generators in tiers.
+enerators should be arranged in such way so that to eli"inate ingress of aerosol strea" into the
fold of constantly open openings in enclosures of the pre"ises.
1&.#. The syste" should pro,ide the delay of fire-fighting aerosol release into the protected
pre"ises for a ti"e necessary for e,acuation of people after inDection of audio and light signals
about generators= acti,ation% and also for co"plete stopping of ,entilation e?uip"ent% closing of air
shutters% fire ,al,es% etc.% but not less than 1& s.
1&.#.1& +enerators% including +F3s of re"ote aerosol supply and their pipelines% should be
placed on the surface of enclosures% on bearings% colu"ns% special fra"es% etc. "ade of
inco"bustible "aterials% or special boards 5brac<ets7 "ade of inco"bustible "aterials for securing
generators and pipelines should be pro,ided in ,iew of safety re?uire"ents stated in technical
docu"entation for a certain type of generators.
1&.#.11 3rrange"ent of generators should pro,ide the possibility of ,isual control of integrity of
their body% cla"ps for connection of chains of generators= start% and the possibility of replace "ent of
defecti,e generator with a new one.
1&.#.1# ipelines of generators of re"ote fire-fighting aerosol supply should be grounded
5neutrally grounded7. The sign and the place of grounding should be in accordance with +(2T
10.3 R!</%&!"!)s # 4! '&#!(! '&!"%s!s
1&.:.1 The pre"ises e?uipped with auto"atic aerosol fire-fighting syste"s should contain signs
indicating the presence of syste"s inside the". Near the entrances to the pre"ises% an alar" should
be pro,ided in accordance with +(2T 1#.4.&&.
1&.:.# The pre"ises e?uipped with syste"s should be pressurized if possible. easures against
self-opening of doors due to eCcess pressure defined in accordance with anneC U of the current
9ode of practices.
1&.:.: 3ir gates or fire ,al,es within fire co"part"ents should be pro,ided in syste"s of air duct
of general ,entilation% air heating and air conditioning of the protected pre"ises.
1&.:.4 n case of fire% prior to syste" acti,ation% it is i"portant to pro,ide shutting-down of
syste"s of ,entilation% air heating% conditioning% s"o<e re"o,al and air pressurization in the
protected pre"ises% as well as closing of air shutters or fire ,al,es. 3t the sa"e ti"e% the ti"e of

their co"plete closure should not eCceed 1& s.
1&.:. +eneral ,entilation of buildings should be used for aerosol re"o,al after finish of syste"
operation. For this purpose% it is acceptable to use "obile ,entilation units.
10. S-$!y &!</%&!"!)s
1&.4.1 >hen designing syste"s% it is i"portant to consider and to co"ply with safety
re?uire"ents stated in technical docu"entations for generators and other ele"ents of the syste"%
+(2T #.;&1% +(2T 1#.&.&&1% $S% of the current 9ode of practices% other current NT!s appro,ed
in due order.
1&.4.# n syste"s= proDects% as well as in operational docu"ents% certain "easures should be
pro,ided in order to eli"inate accident start of fire-fighting syste"s and influence of hazardous
factors of generator operation on personnel 5fire-fighting aerosol toCicity% high te"perature of
aerosol strea"s and generator body% trau"atizing of people during their "o,e"ent in conditions of
co"plete loss of ,isibility7.
1&.4.: laces% where syste"s= tests and repair wor<s ta<e place% should be e?uipped with
warning signs with sense "eanings Y9aution_ (ther hazardsM according to +(2T 1#.4.&#; and
with a ,erbal instruction YTest are ta<ing place_M or YRepairM% and should also be e?uipped with
safety instructions and rules.
1&.4.4 3fter the fire-fighting aerosol release into the pre"ises until the "o"ent of finishing
,entilation% it is per"itted to enter the pre"ises only in isolating respiratory protecti,e e?uip"ent
specified in technical docu"entation for generators after the finish of syste" operation.
1&.4. Gefore co""issioning% the syste" should undergo the running-in for at least 1 "onth. 3t
the sa"e ti"e% all cases of acti,ation of fire alar"s or control of auto"atic syste" start should be
recorded with the help of an auto"atic registration de,ice or in a special log boo< by duty personnel
5on round-the-cloc< duty7% with further analysis of reasons. f there are no false acti,ations or other
faults during this period of ti"e% the syste" is transferred into auto"atic operation "ode. f faults
continue to appear during the stated period% the syste" should be re-adDusted and chec<ed.
1&.4.; !uring co"pleC chec<-ups% syste" operability tests should be perfor"ed by "easuring
signals ta<en fro" control points of "ain functional units of detectors and secondary de,ices
according to sche"es stated in T!. 3t the sa"e ti"e% si"ulators of fire-fighting aerosol generators%
which electrical characteristics should co"ply with characteristics of generator start de,ices% can be
used as the load at the start line.
1&.4.$ 9o""issioning of the asse"bled syste" is perfor"ed according to results of co"pleC
chec<-up and running-inB at the sa"e ti"e% the conclusion 5act7 of the co""ittee defining technical
condition% operability and the possibility of its "aintenance should be co"posed. Representati,es of
obDect=s ad"inistration% organizations% which wrote re?uire"ents specifications% i"ple"ented the
proDect% perfor"ed the asse"bly of the syste"% should be included into the co""ittee.
11 S!$*(#)-%)! $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s
11.1 2elf-contained fire-fighting syste"s are di,ided according to the type of a fire-fighting
substance 5FF27 into water% foa"% gas% powder% aerosol% and fire-fighting syste"s with Ther"a-FF2
and co"bined.

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

11.# 2elf-contained fire-fighting syste"s can be used for protection of indi,idual fire-hazardous
sectors according to paragraph 8 of anneC 3.
11.: !esigning of self-contained syste"s is perfor"ed in accordance with the design directi,e
de,eloped by the design organization for protection of standard obDects.

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

11.4 Re?uire"ents to the FF2 reser,e for a self-contained fire-fighting syste" should be in

co"pliance with re?uire"ents to the FF2 reser,e for an auto"atic fire-fighting syste" of "odular
type% eCcept for the self-contained fire-fighting syste"s with ther"ally-acti,ated "icroencapsulated

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

11. roDect docu"entation should contain infor"ation about the co"position of the self-
contained fire-fighting syste" and arrange"ent of its ele"ents% algorith" of operation% FF2 type%
calculated FF2 ,alue and reser,e% "easures for pro,iding safety of people in case of syste"
acti,ation% actions ta<en in order to re"o,e FF2 fro" the protected obDect after syste" acti,ation.
Gesides% logistics "easures pro,iding control of technical condition of the self-contained syste"
should be defined in proDect docu"entation.
11.; t is reco""ended to use self-contained fire-fighting syste"s for protection of electric
"achinery in accordance with technical specifications of electrical e?uip"ent.

=I)&#/(! -%%#)-y, R!. N#. 1>

12 F%&!*$%4%) sys!"s (#)&# !</%'"!)

12.1 G!)!&- &!</%&!"!)s # $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s (#)&# !</%'"!)
1#.1.1 Fire-fighting syste"s control e?uip"ent should pro,ide
a7 creation of a co""and for auto"atic start of the fire-fighting syste" in case of acti,ation of
two and "ore fire detectors% and as for water and foa" fire-fighting syste"% it is acceptable to
create a co""and on the basis of two pressure alar"s. The acti,ation of pressure alar"s should be
perfor"ed according to the (R circuitB
b7 auto"atic switching of power-supply circuit fro" the "ain power supply input to a reser,e
one in case of disappearance of pressure at the "ain power supply input% with subse?uent switching
to the "ain power supply input after its ,oltage reco,eryB
c7 the possibility of shutting-down and reco,ery of auto"atic syste" start "ode 5for water and
foa" fire-fighting syste"% besides * for fire pu"ps and dosing pu"ps7B
d7 auto"atic control of
Dunction lines between control and indicating e?uip"ent of the fire alar" and control de,ices
"eant for dispatching a co""and about auto"atic syste" start 5for water and foa" fire-fighting
syste"% besides * for fire pu"ps and dosing pu"ps7 concerning ruptures and short circuitsB
Dunction lines of light and audio alar"s concerning ruptures and short circuitsB
Dunction lines of re"ote start of the fire-fighting syste" concerning ruptures and short circuitsB
e7 "onitoring of light and audio signalization 5by a signal7% including alar"sB
f7 auto"atic or local shutting-down of the audio signalization% while <eeping the light
signalization acti,eB
g7 auto"atic acti,ation of the audio signalization when getting the neCt fire signal fro" the fire
alar" syste"B
h7 creation of a co""and to control "anufacturing e?uip"ent and engineering syste"s of the
obDect 5if necessary7B
i7 creation of a co""and to shut-down ,entilation 5if necessary7B
D7 creation of a co""and to acti,ate the warning syste" 5if necessary7.
1#.1.# !e,ices of shutting-down and reco,ery of auto"atic syste" start "ode should be located
in the pre"ises of the duty station or in any other roo" with duty personnel on round-the-cloc<
!e,ices of reco,ery of auto"atic syste" start can be located near the entrances to the protected
pre"ises% if there is a protection fro" unauthorized access.
12.2 G!)!&- &!</%&!"!)s # --&"s
1#.#.1 n the pre"ises of the fire station or in any other roo" with duty personnel on round-the-

cloc< duty% the following should be pro,ided
a7 light and audio alar"
- about the occurrence of fire 5with deciphering according to directions or the pre"ises in case of
using fire alar" address syste"s7B
- about the acti,ation of a de,ice 5with deciphering according to directions or the pre"ises7B
b7 light alar"
- about the presence of ,oltage at the "ain and reser,e inputs of power supplyB
- about the shutting-down of audio fire alar" 5when there is no auto"atic reco,ery of the alar"7B
- about the shutting-down of audio fault alar" 5when there is no auto"atic reco,ery of the
>hen installing fire alar" control de,ices in the pre"ises without round-the-cloc< duty%
dispatching of all re?uired signals about syste" operation 5'2tart in directions)% etc.7 should be
pro,ided in the pre"ises with round-the-cloc< duty.
1#.#.# 3udio fire signal should be of different tonality or sound character% in co"parison to the
signal about faults or syste" acti,ation.
12.3 -!& -) $#-" $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s.
R!</%&!"!)s # (#)&# !</%'"!). R!</%&!"!)s # --&"s
1#.:.1 3part fro" general re?uire"ents% water and foa" fire-fighting syste"s control e?uip"ent
should pro,ide
a7 auto"atic start of wor<ing pu"ps 5fire and dosing pu"ps7B
b7 auto"atic start of reser,e pu"ps 5fire and dosing pu"p7 in case of failure of wor<ing pu"ps
or inability to switch to acti,e "ode within specified period of ti"eB
c7 auto"atic start of electro-dri,es of loc< ,al,esB
d7 auto"atic start and shutting-down of the drain pu"p% Doc<ey-pu"pB
e7 local and re"ote% if necessary% start and shutting-down of pu"ps 5eCcept for sprin<ler
f7 auto"atic or local control of e?uip"ent of co"pensation of fire-fighting substance or
co"pressed air lea<age fro" pipelines and hydro-pneu"atic containersB
g7 auto"atic control
of Dunction lines of loc<ing de,ices with electro-dri,e concerning rupturesB
of Dunction lines of de,ices registering the acti,ation of control units% which create a co""and
for auto"atic acti,ation of fire pu"ps and dosing pu"ps% concerning ruptures and short circuitsB
h7 auto"atic control of alar" le,el in the reser,oir% in the drainage pit% in the container with
foa"ing agent if stored separatelyB
i7 auto"atic control of pressure in the hydropneu"atic tan<B
D7 ti"e delay for launching the fire-fighting syste" 5if necessary7.
1#.:.# n ,olu"etric foa" fire-fighting syste"s for the protected pre"ises with possible
presence of people% it is necessary to pro,ide de,ices of switching of auto"atic syste" start to a
re"ote one% with sending light and audio signals about the shutting-down of auto"atic start to the
pre"ises of the fire station.
1#.:.: n the pre"ises of the pu"ping station% the following de,ices should be located
of local start and stop of pu"ps 5it is acceptable to perfor" the acti,ation and stopping of fire
pu"ps the pre"ises of the duty station7B
of local start and stop of a co"pressor.
1#.:.4 n the pre"ises protected with ,olu"etric foa" fire-fighting% and near their entries% an
alar" according to +(2T 1#.4.&& and +(2T R 1#.:.&4; should be pro,ided. The adDacent
pre"ises that ha,e eCits only through the protected pre"ises should be e?uipped with si"ilar alar".
Light fire alar"s should pro,ide contrast perception in a daylight and artificial lighting% and should
be i"perceptible when switched off.
Near the entrances to the protected pre"ises% light alar"s about the auto"atic syste" start
switching-off should be pro,ided.

1#.:. n the pre"ises of the fire station or any other pre"ises with personnel on round-the-cloc<
duty% the following should be pro,ided% apart fro" general re?uire"ents
a7 light and audio alar"
about the acti,ation of pu"psB
about the start of syste" operation% specifying directions of the fire-fighting substance supply.
N #  ! * t is reco""ended to send a short-ti"e audio signal
- about the shutting-down of auto"atic pu"ps and syste" startB
- about syste" faults according to 1#.1.1% d7% 1#.:.1% g7% i7% disappearance of ,oltage at the "ain
and reser,e inputs of power supply of the syste"% about inco"plete closing of shutters of loc<ing
de,ices with electro-dri,e in the "ode of sending a co""and for their opening% failures of circuits
of loc<ing de,ices electric control% about the lowering of acceptable water le,el and air pressure
5audio signal general7B
- about the alar" le,el in the fire reser,oir% container with foa"ing agent% drainage pit 5general
b7 light alar" about the position of shutters with electro-dri,e 5Y(penedM% Y9losedM7% installed at
supply and feeding pipelines.
1#.:.; n the pre"ises of the pu"ping station% light alar" should be pro,ided
a7 about the presence of ,oltage at "ain and reser,e inputs of power supplyB
b7 about the switching-off of auto"atic start of fire pu"ps% dosing pu"ps% drain pu"psB
c7 about the faultiness of electric circuits of de,ices% which register the acti,ation of control units
and send a co""and for acti,ation of the syste" and of loc<ing de,ices 5with deciphering
according to directions7B
d7 about the faultiness of electric circuits of control of loc<ing de,ice shutters in the "ode of
sending a co""and for their opening 5with deciphering according to directions7B
e7 about the absence of co"plete opening of shutters of loc<ing de,ices with electro-dri,e in the
"ode of sending a co""and for their opening 5with deciphering according to directions7B
f7 about the alar" le,el in the fire reser,oir% container with foa"ing agent% drainage pit 5general
f electro-shutters are installed not in the pre"ises of the fire station% then signals stated in
paragraphs d7 and e7 of the current section are send according to the place of installation of electro-
1#.:.$ t is necessary to pro,ide light indicators of places for install"ent of coupling heads for
"obile fire e?uip"ent connection. These light indicators should switch on auto"atically when fire-
fighting syste"s are fire alar"s are acti,ated.
12. G-s -) '#;!& $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s. R!</%&!"!)s # (#)&# !</%'"!). R!</%&!"!)s
# --&"s
1#.4.1 3part fro" general re?uire"ents% gas and powder fire-fighting syste"s control e?uip"ent
5hereafter referred to as - syste"s7 should pro,ide
a7 re"ote syste" start 5near the entrances of the protected pre"isesB in the pre"ises of the fire
station allowed as well7B
b7 auto"atic control of
Dunction lines of control of starting de,ices and circuits of starting de,ices concerning rupturesB
pressure in starting tan<s and incenti,e pipeline for auto"atic gas fire-fighting syste"sB
c7 in case of auto"atic and re"ote start% the delay of the fire-fighting substance release 5after
sending light and audio fire alert signals7 for a ti"e necessary for e,acuation of people% shutting-
down of ,entilation e?uip"ent% closing of air shutters% fire ,al,es% etc.% but not less than 1& s. Ti"e
necessary for e,acuation fro" the protected pre"ises should be defined according to +(2T
d7 switching-off of auto"atic syste" start in case of opening of doors of the protected pre"ises%
indicating the disabled condition.
N #  ! * 3uto"atic switching-off of re"ote start should be perfor"ed under the condition of

possible uncontrolled presence of people in the protected zone.
1#.4.# Re"ote syste" start de,ices should be located near the e,acuation eCits outside the
protected pre"ises. These de,ices should be protected according to +(2T 1#.4.&&.
t is acceptable to locate de,ices of re"ote start in the pre"ises of the fire station or other
pre"ises with personnel on round-the-cloc< duty.
1#.4.: n the protected pre"ises% de,ices% which send signals for switching-off of syste"
auto"atic start% should be pro,ided for doors in case of their opening.
t is acceptable not to e?uip the pre"ises with the ,olu"e of not "ore than 1&& " :% where people
are not present constantly 5are ,isited periodically when the production need arises7 and the fire
load does not eCceed 1&&& AK" #% with de,ices of switch-off of auto"atic start of powder fire-
fighting syste"s% and also not to e?uip electric e?uip"ent cabinets% cable constructions.
3uto"atic launch reco,ery de,ices protected fro" unauthorized access can be located near the
entrance to the protected pre"ises.
f open openings 5without doors7 are present in the pre"ises% it is acceptable to switch off the
auto"atic start fro" the pre"ises with round-the-cloc< duty% or "anually using de,ices located near
the protected pre"ises.
1#.4.4 n the pre"ises protected with auto"atic gas or powder fire-fighting% and near their
entries% an alar" according to +(2T 1#.4.&& and +(2T R 1#.:.&4; should be pro,ided. The
adDacent pre"ises that ha,e eCits only through the protected pre"ises should be e?uipped with
si"ilar alar". 3t the sa"e ti"e% light fire alar"s should pro,ide contrast perception in a daylight
and artificial lighting% and should be i"perceptible when switched off.
Near the entrances to the protected pre"ises% light alar"s of the auto"atic syste" start
switching-off should be pro,ided.
1#.4. n the pre"ises of the fire station or in any other roo" with duty personnel on round-the-
cloc< duty% the following should be pro,ided
a7 light and audio alar"s about the faultiness of the syste" according to 1#.1.1% d7 and 1#.:.;% b7B
about the drop of pressure in incenti,e pipelines and starting tan<s to the "ini"u" safe ,alue stated
in technical docu"entation for 3+F2B the disappearance of ,oltage at "ain and reser,e power
supply inputs 5audio signal general7B
b7 light alar" about the switching-off of auto"atic start 5with deciphering according to the
protected directions or pre"ises7.
1#.4.; n the pre"ises of the fire-fighting station% it is necessary to pro,ide ,isual indication
about the drop of pressure in incenti,e pipelines and starting tan<s.
12.5 A!&#s# $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s.
R!</%&!"!)s # (#)&# !</%'"!). R!</%&!"!)s # --&"s
1#..1 3part fro" general re?uire"ents% aerosol fire-fighting syste"s control e?uip"ent
5hereafter referred to as - syste"s7 should pro,ide
a7 re"ote syste" start 5near the entrances of the protected pre"isesB in the pre"ises of the fire
station allowed as well7B
b7 auto"atic control of Dunction lines of control of starting de,ices and circuits of starting
de,ices concerning rupturesB
c7 in case of auto"atic and re"ote start% the delay of the fire-fighting substance release for a ti"e
necessary for e,acuation of people% shutting-down of ,entilation e?uip"ent% conditioning syste"s%
closing of air shutters% fire ,al,es% etc.% after sending light and audio fire alert signals% but not less
than 1& s. Ti"e necessary for e,acuation fro" the protected pre"ises should be defined according
to +(2T 1#.1.&&4 or other nor"ati,e docu"ents concerning fire safetyB
d7 switching-off of auto"atic syste" start in case of opening of doors of the protected pre"ises%
with indication of the disabled condition.
1#..# Re"ote syste" start de,ices should be located near the e,acuation eCits outside the
protected pre"ises. These de,ices should be protected according to +(2T 1#.4.&&.
t is acceptable to locate de,ices of re"ote start in the pre"ises of the fire station or other

pre"ises with personnel on round-the-cloc< duty.
1#..: n the protected pre"ises% de,ices% which send signals for switching-off of syste"
auto"atic start% should be pro,ided for doors in case of their opening.
!e,ices of switching-off and reco,ery of auto"atic start should be located in the pre"ises of the
fire station or other pre"ises with personnel on round-the-cloc< duty.
3uto"atic launch reco,ery de,ices protected fro" unauthorized access can be located near the
entrance to the protected pre"ises.
1#..4 n the pre"ises protected with auto"atic aerosol fire-fighting syste"s% and near their
entries% an alar" according to +(2T 1#.4.&& and +(2T R 1#.:.&4; should be pro,ided.
The adDacent pre"ises that ha,e eCits only through the protected pre"ises should be e?uipped
with si"ilar alar". Light fire alar"s should pro,ide contrast perception in a daylight and artificial
lighting% and should be i"perceptible when switched off.
Near the entrances to the protected pre"ises% light alar"s about the auto"atic syste" start
switching-off should be pro,ided.
1#.. 3part fro" general re?uire"ents% in the pre"ises of the fire station or in any other roo"
with duty personnel on round-the-cloc< duty% the following should be pro,ided
a7 light and audio alar"s about the faultiness of the syste" according to 1#.1.1% d7 and 1#.4.;% b7%
about the disappearance of ,oltage at "ain and reser,e power supply inputs 5audio signal general7B
b7 about the switching-off of auto"atic start 5with deciphering according to the protected
N #  ! * n case of using s"o<e fire detectors for obDect protection% along with auto"atic aerosol
fire-fighting syste" it is necessary to pro,ide certain "easures in order to eli"inate false acti,ation
of these detectors in the pre"ises where there is a possibility of ingress of aerosol products fro"
acti,ated fire-fighting aerosol generators.
12. F%)!y s'&-y! ;-!& $%&!*$%4%) sys!"s. C#)&# !</%'"!) &!</%&!"!)s. A-&"
1#.;.1 3part fro" general re?uire"ents% control e?uip"ent of auto"atic finely-sprayed water
fire-fighting syste"s 5hereafter - syste"s7 should pro,ide
a7 re"ote acti,ation of the syste" 5near the entrances of the protected pre"ises7B
b7 auto"atic control of Dunction lines of "anage"ent of starting de,ices and chains of starting
de,ices% what concerns disconnectionB
1#.;.# !e,ices of syste"s= re"ote acti,ation should be located near e,acuation eCits outside the
protected pre"ises. 3fore"entioned de,ices should be protected in accordance with +(2T
t is acceptable to locate de,ices of re"ote start in the pre"ises of the fire station or other
pre"ises where the personnel is on round-the-cloc< duty.
1#.;.: n the pre"ises of the fire station or other pre"ises where the personnel is on round-the-
cloc< duty% the following should be pro,ided
a7 light and audio alar" of syste" faults according to paragraphs 1#.1.1% d7 and 1#.;.1% b7 about
the disappearance of pressure at the "ain and bac<up power supply lead-ins 5audio signal is
b7 light alar" about the deacti,ation of auto"atic launch 5with deciphering according to the
protected pre"ises7.
13 F%&! --&" sys!"
13.1 G!)!&- '&#%s%#)s $#& s!!(%) y'!s #$ $%&! !!(#&s $#& 4! '&#!(! #8!(
1:.1.1 t is reco""ended to select a type of a s"o<e fire detector in accordance with its
sensiti,ity to different types of fu"es.
1:.1.# Fla"e fire detectors are to be used if it is anticipated that open fla"e or o,erheated
surfaces 5as a rule% o,er ;&&IO7 will appear in control zone at the initial stage of fire% as well as in
case of fla""eous burning when the height of the roo" eCceeds eCtre"e ,alues for application of
s"o<e or heat detectors% as well as by high rate of fire de,elop"ent% when ti"e of fire detection by

other detectors does not per"it to eCecute tas<s of people and "aterial ,alue protection.
1:.1.: 9olour response of a detector "ust correspond to the e"ission spectru" of co"bustible
"aterial fla"e located in the zone of detector control.
1:.1.4 @eat fire detectors shall be used if it is anticipated that heat release will occur at the initial
stage of fire and usage of other detectors is not possible because of the factors leading to their
acti,ation in absence of fire.
1:.1. !ifferential and "aCi"al-differential heat fire detectors shall be used for detection of fire
seat% if no te"perature gradient non-related to the fire de,elop"ent is eCpected in a control zone
which can cause acti,ation of fire detectors of these types.
aCi"al heat fire detectors are no reco""ended to be used in the roo"s where air te"perature
in the course of fire "ay not reach operation te"perature of fire detectors or will reach it in
unacceptably large ti"e.
1:.1.; >hile choosing heat fire detectors it is necessary to ta<e into consideration that operation
te"perature of "aCi"al and "aCi"al differential detectors shall eCceed "aCi"u" per"issible air
te"perature in the roo" for not less than #&IO.
1:.1.$ +as fire detectors are reco""ended to be used if it is anticipated that particular type of
gas will appear in control zone at the initial stage of fire in concentrations which can cause
acti,ation of detectors. +as fire detectors shouldn=t be used in roo"s where gases in concentrations
causing acti,ation of detectors can occur in absence of fire.
1:.1.8 f the "aDor factor of fire in the control zone is not deter"ined it is reco""ended to use a
co"bination of fire detectors reacting to different fire factors or co"bined fire detectors.
N #  ! * The "aDor factor of fire is a factor which is detected at the initial stage of fire in a
"ini"al ti"e.
1:.1. The total ,alue of ti"e for fire detection by fire detectors and esti"ated ti"e of
e,acuation shall not eCceed the "aCi"u" per"issible ,alues of the onset of the hazards factors of
1:.1.1& 2election of types of fire detectors depending on function and type of protected pre"ises
as well as fire load is reco""ended to do in accordance with 3nneC `.
1:.1.11 2"o<e detectors shall be used in accordance with re?uire"ents of this 9ode of practice%
other regulations on fire safety as well as technological docu"ents for specific types of detectors.
!esign of detectors shall ensure their safety in relation to the en,iron"ent in accordance with the
re?uire"ents $S.
Type and para"eters of detectors shall ensure their resistance to cli"atic% "echanical%
electro"agnetic% optical% radiation and other en,iron"ental factors on detectors locations.

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

1:.1.1# 2"o<e fire detectors powered by fire loop and ha,ing built-in sound alar" are
reco""ended to be applied for a pro"pt% local warning and deter"ination of fire location in the
pre"ises where the following conditions are i"ple"ented si"ultaneously
aDor factor fire is the appearance of s"o<eB
eople can be present in protected pre"ises.
These detectors should be incorporated into a single fire alar" syste" with alar" "essages
output on fire recei,ing and controlling de,ice located in the duty roo".
1 t is reco""ended to use these detectors in hotels% treat"ent facilities% eCposition "useu"
halls% art galleries% reference halls% trade pre"ises and co"putation centers.
# "ple"entation of these detectors doesn=t eCclude re?uire"ent for e?uip"ent of a building
with alar"ing syste" in accordance with 1S.
13.2 R!</%&!"!)s $#& #&-)%-%#) #$ $%&! --&" (#)&# #)!
1:.#.1 t is per"itted to e?uip a control zone with one fire loop and fire detectors 5one pipe for

air sa"pling when aspiration detector is used7 without address% if this zone includes
pre"ises located on no "ore than two interconnected floors with a total floor surface of not "ore
than :&& "#B
up to ten isolated and adDacent areas with the total space not eCceeding 1;&& "#% located on one
floor of the building with isolated areas ha,ing access to a co""on hallway% lounge% lobby% etc.B
up to twenty isolated and adDacent areas with the total space not eCceeding 1;&& "#% located on
one floor% with isolated areas ha,ing access to a co""on hallway% lounge% lobby% etc.% in presence
of re"ote light alar" warning of acti,ation of fire detectors at the entrance in controlled roo"B
Non-targeted fire loops should connect the pre"ises in accordance with their di,ision into
protection zones. n addition% fire loops should connect the pre"ises so that the ti"e re?uired to
detect fire seat by duty personnel upon se"i-auto"atic "anage"ent does not eCceed the one fifth of
ti"e% after which safe e,acuation of people and eCtinguish the fire. f the specified ti"e eCceeds the
gi,en ,alue% control should be auto"atic.
aCi"u" nu"ber of con,entional s"o<e detectors powered on fire loop should ensure
registration of all alerts specified in the applicable recei,ing and controlling de,ice.
1:.#.# aCi"u" nu"ber and area of the pre"ises protected by the sa"e address line of
addressable fire detectors or addressable de,ices is deter"ined by the technical capabilities of
recei,ing and controlling e?uip"ent% technical specifications of detectors connected into the line of
detectors and does not depend on the location of pre"ises in the building
3ddressable fire alar" loops together with addressable fire detectors "ay include addressable
inputKoutput de,ices% addressable control "odules of con,entional loops with included unaddressed
fire detectors% short circuit separators% addressable actuators. ossibility of inclusion of addressable
de,ices and their nu"ber to the addressable loop is deter"ined by the technical specifications of the
e?uip"ent listed in the "anufacturers technical docu"entation.
3ddress lines of recei,ing and controlling e?uip"ent "ay include addressable security detectors
or unaddressed security detectors through the addressable de,ices% pro,ided that necessary
operation algorith"s of fire and security syste"s are ensured.

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

1:.#.: !istance between radio channel de,ices and the recei,ing-controlling de,ice is defined in
accordance with "anufacturers data pro,ided in the technical docu"entation and confir"ed in due
13.3 A&&-)!"!) #$ $%&! !!(#&s
1:.:.1 Nu"ber of auto"atic fire detectors is deter"ined by the necessity to detect fires in a
controlled area of the pre"ises or pre"ises zones% and the a"ount of fla"e detectors * by the
controlled area of the e?uip"ent.
1:.:.# /ach protected area should be e?uipped with at least two s"o<e detectors connected in
accordance with the logic sche"e Q(RQ.
N #  ! - n the case the aspiration detector is used% unless eCpressly specified% you "ust start
with the following pro,ision one air inlet should be considered as a single point 5unaddressed7 fire
detector. 3t the sa"e ti"e the detector "ust generate a fault signal in case of de,iation of air flow
in the suction pipe for #& of its initial ,alue set as the wor<ing para"eter.
1:.:.: t is per"itted to install an auto"atic fire detector in the protected area or selected parts of
the pre"ises pro,ided that both the following conditions are fulfilled
W7 pre"ises area should not eCceed the area protected by the fir detectors specified in the
technical docu"entation on it% and should not eCceed a,erage area indicated in Tables 1:.:-1:.;B
b7 pro,ides auto"atic control of the detector perfor"ance under the i"pact of en,iron"ental
factors% confir"ing the perfor"ance of its functions% and for"s a notice of ser,iceability 5fault7 on
the recei,ing-controlling unitB
c7 identification of a faulty detector is pro,ided with a light display and the possibility of its

replace"ent by the duty personnel at the scheduled ti"e% as deter"ined in accordance with 3nneC
g7 by acti,ation of a detector a signal is not generated to control fire eCtinguishing syste"s or
fire alar" syste"s of type  in accordance with 1S% as well as other syste"s% a false operation of
which "ay lead to unacceptable losses or reduce the security of people.
1:.:.4 oint fire detectors should be installed under the ceiling.
f it is i"possible to install detectors directly on the ceiling% you can install the" on the ropes% as
well as walls% colu"ns and other load-bearing building structures.
>hen installing point detectors on the walls they should be placed at a distance of not less than
&. " fro" the corner and away fro" the ceiling in accordance with 3nneC .
The distance fro" the top of the ceiling to the detector in place of its installation% and depending
on the roo" height and shape of the ceiling can be deter"ined in accordance with 3nneC  or at
other heights% if the detection ti"e is sufficient for the tas< of fire protection in accordance with
+(2T 1#.1.&&4% which "ust be confir"ed by calculation.
>hen detectors are "ounted on the cable% it is necessary to ensure their steady position and
orientation in space.
>hen aspirating detectors are used% it is allowed to install air-inta<e snor<el% both horizontally
and ,ertically.
>hen placing fire detectors at a height of "ore than ; "% it is necessary to deter"ine a way of
access to the detectors for "aintenance and repair.
1:.:. n the roo"s with steep roofs% such as diagonal% gabled% hipped% tented% serrate% ha,ing a
slope of "ore than 1& degrees% so"e detectors are installed in the ,ertical plane of the roof ridge or
in the highest part of the building.
The area protected by a detector installed in the upper parts of the roof is increased by #&.
N #  ! - f a ceiling plane has a different slopes% the detectors are "ounted near the surfaces with
s"aller slopes.
1:.:.; lace"ent of point heat and s"o<e fire detectors should be "ade with account of air flow
in the protected roo"% caused by inlet andKor eChaust ,entilation% a distance between the detector
and the ,ent "ust be at least 1 ". f the aspirating detectors are used% distance fro" the air inta<e
snor<el with holes to the ,ent is regulated by the air flow per"issible for this type of a detector in
accordance with detector technological docu"ents.
@orizontal and ,ertical distance fro" the detectors to nearby obDects and de,ices% to electrical
la"ps in any case shall not be less than &. ". lace"ent of fire detectors shall be eCecuted in such
a way as to nearby obDects and de,ices 5pipes% ducts% e?uip"ent etc.7 do not interfere with the
affecting of fire factors on the detectors% and sources of optical radiation% electro"agnetic
interference does not affect the detector sur,i,ability.

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

1:.:.$ !istances between detectors% as well as between a wall and detectors specified in the
Tables 1:.: and 1:.% can be changed in the area ranges gi,en in the Tables 1:.: and 1:..
1:.:.8 oint s"o<e and heat fire detectors shall be installed in each ceiling co"part"ent with
width of &.$ " and "ore li"ited by engineering structures 5bea"s% girders% arris of a slab etc.7%
protruding fro" the ceiling at a distance of "ore than &.4 ".
f the engineering structures protruding fro" the ceiling at a distance of "ore than &.4 "% and
they for" co"part"ent with width less than &.$ "% the area controlled by fire detectors specified
in Tables 1:.: and 1:. shall be reduced by 4&.
2ubDect to the eCistence of protrusions on the ceiling fro" &.&8 to &.4 "% the area controlled by
fire detectors specified in Tables 1:.: and 1:. shall be reduced by #.
The "aCi"u" distance between detectors along the bea" line is deter"ined in accordance with
tables 1:.: and 1:.% ta<ing into account p.1:.:.1&.

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

1:.:. oint and linear heat and s"o<e fire detectors% as well as aspirating detectors shall be
placed in each carrel created by the piles of "aterials% rac<s% e?uip"ent and building constructions%
upper edges of which are spaced fro" the ceiling for &.; " or less.
1:.:.1& >hen installing point s"o<e detectors in the roo"s with a width less than : " or under a
raised floor or abo,e dropped ceilings and in other spaces with a height of less than 1.$ " it is
per"itted to increase distances between the detectors specified in Table 1:.: 1.-folds.
1:.:.11 >hen installing fire detectors under raised floors% abo,e dropped ceilings and in other
places inaccessible for ,iewing it is necessary to pro,ide possibility to deter"ine the location of the
acti,ated detector 5for eCa"ple% they should be targeted or addressable% that is to ha,e the de,ice
address% or to be connected to self-loops or "ust ha,e a re"ote optical indication% etc.7. The
construction of raised floors and dropped ceilings o,erlaps should pro,ide access to the fire
detectors for their "aintenance.
1:.:.1# 2"o<e detectors should be installed in accordance with the re?uire"ents of technical
docu"entation for detectors of specific types.
1:.:.1: n the places where there is a ris< of "echanical da"age to the detector it is necessary to
pro,ide protecti,e structure% not ,iolating its wor<ing capacity and effecti,eness of ignition
1:.:.14 n case of installation different types of fire detectors in a control zone% their place"ent
is done in accordance with the re?uire"ents of current standards for each type of a detector.
1:.:.1 f the pre,ailing factor of fire is not defined% it is per"issable to install a co"bined fire
detectors 5s"o<e - heat7 or a co"bination of s"o<e and heat fire detector. n that case the detectors
are placed in accordance with Table 1:..
f s"o<e is a predo"inant factor of fire% the detectors are placed in accordance with Table 1:.:
or 1:.;.
>hen deter"ining a nu"ber of detectors a co"bined detector is treated as a single detector.
1:.:.1; The detectors installed on the ceiling% can be used to protect the space below the
perforated dropped ceilings% if the following conditions are fulfilled si"ultaneously
perforation has a periodic structure and its area eCceeds 4& of the surfaceB
"ini"u" size of each perforation in any section is not less than 1& ""B
dropped ceiling thic<ness eCceeds "ini"al perforation cell size no "ore than : ti"es.
f at least one of these re?uire"ents is not fulfilled% the detectors "ust be installed on dropped
ceilings in the "ain roo"% and in case of necessity to protect the space behind the suspended
ceiling% additional detectors should be installed on the "ain ceiling.
1:.:.1$ The detectors "ust be oriented in such a way that the indicators were directed as far as
possible toward the door leading to the eCit fro" the roo".
1:.:.18 lace"ent and use of fire detectors% the usage order of which is not defined in the
present set of rules "ust be i"ple"ented in accordance with the reco""endations agreed as
13.. P#%) s"#?! $%&! !!(#&s
1:.4.1 The area controlled by one point s"o<e detector% as well as the "aCi"u" distance
between the detectors% the detector and the wall% eCcept as otherwise pro,ided in 1:.:.$% should be
deter"ined according to Table 1:.:% but not eCceeding ,alues specified in the technical
specifications and data sheets for detectors of specific types.
Table 13.3
!istance% "
@eight of protected roo"% 3,erage area controlled by one
Fro" detector
" detector% "# Getween detectors
to the wall
6p to :. 6p to 8 .& 4.
(,er :. to ;.& 6p to $& 8. 4.&

(,er ;.& to 1&.& 6p to ; 8.& 4.&
(,er1&.& to 1#.& 6p to  $. :.
13.5 L%)!-& s"#?! $%&! !!(#&s
1..1 The e"itter and recei,er 5transcei,er and reflector7 of the linear s"o<e detector should be
installed on walls% di,iders% colu"ns and other structures to ensure their rigid attach"ent% so that
their optical aCis runs at a distance of not less than &.1 " and not "ore than &.; " abo,e the ceiling.
N #  ! * t is per"issible to locate the detectors lower as &.; "eters fro" the ceiling% if the
detection ti"es is sufficient to acco"plish tas<s of fire protection% that should be confir" with a
1..# The e"itter and recei,er 5transcei,er and reflector7 of the linear s"o<e detector should be
placed so that different obDects do not fall within a detection zone of the detector by its eCploitation.
The "ini"u" and "aCi"u" distance between the trans"itter and recei,er or the detector and the
reflector is deter"ined by the technical docu"entation for specific types of detectors.
1:..: >hen the protected area is controlled by two or "ore linear s"o<e fire detectors in roo"s
with the height up to 1# "% "aCi"u" distance between the parallel optical aCes "ust be less than
.& "% and between the optical aCis and the wall - no "ore than 4. ".
1:..4 n areas with the height of o,er 1# " and up to #1 " the linear detectors should generally
be installed at two le,els in accordance with Table 1:.4% where
the first layer of detectors should be located at a distance of 1.-# " fro" the top le,el of fire
load% but not less than 4 " fro" the plane of the floorB
the second layer of the detectors should be located at a distance of not "ore than &.8 " abo,e the
Table 13.4
aCi"al distance% "
@eight of protected @eight of detector location% Fro" optical aCis
Le,el Getween optical
roo"% " " of L2F! to the
aCes of L2F!
1.-# fro" the le,el of fire
1 load% not less than 4 fro" .& 4.
3bo,e. 1#.& up to #1.& the plane of floor
No "ore than &.8 fro" the
# .& 4.

1:.. The detectors should be installed in such a way that the "ini"u" distance fro" their
optical aCes to the walls and surrounding obDects was not less than &. ".
n addition% the "ini"u" distance between their optical aCes% fro" the optical aCes to the walls
and surrounding obDects "ust be installed in accordance with the re?uire"ents of technical
docu"entation in order to a,oid "utual interference.
13. P#%) 4!- $%&! !!(#&s
1:.;.1 The area controlled by a single point heat fire detector% as well as the "aCi"u" distance
between the detectors% the detector and the wall% eCcept as otherwise pro,ided in paragraph 1:.:.$%
should be deter"ined in accordance with the Table 1:.% but not eCceeding ,alues specified in the
technical specifications and data sheets on detectors.
Table 13.5
aCi"al distance% "
3,erage area controlled by
@eight of protected roo"% " Fro" the detector to
one detector% "# Getween detectors
the wall
6p to :. 6p to # .& #.

3bo,e :. to ;.& 6p to #& 4. #.&
3bo,e ;.& to .& 6p to 1 4.& #.&
1:.;.# @eat fire detectors should be place with account of eCclusion of heat i"pacts not related
to fire.
13.7 L%)!-& 4!- $%&! !!(#&s
1:.$.1 The sensory ele"ent of linear and "ulti-point heat fire detectors is located under the
ceiling or in a direct contact with the fire load.
1:.$.# >hen installing detectors of non-cu"ulati,e action under the ceiling% the distance
between the aCes of sensory ele"ent of a detector "ust co"ply with the re?uire"ents of Table 1:..
The distance fro" the sensory ele"ent of the detector to the ceiling "ust be at least # "".
n case of rac< storage of "aterials it is per"itted to lay the sensory ele"ent on top of the le,els
and rac<s.
2ensory ele"ents of the detectors of cu"ulati,e action are placed in accordance with the
reco""endations of the "anufacturer of the detector% agreed with the authorized organization.
13.: F-"! !!(#&s
1:.8.1 Fla"e detectors should be installed on the ceilings% walls and other structures of buildings
and constructions% as well as on the process e?uip"ent. f at the initial stage of a fire s"o<e can
occur% the distance fro" the detector to the ceiling "ust be at least &.8 ".
1:.8.# Fla"e detectors should be placed with the account of eCclusion of possible effects of
optical interference.
ulse detectors should not be used if the co"bustion surface area of a fire seat "ay eCceed the
area of the zone controlled by the detector within : seconds.
1:.8.: 9ontrol zone should be controlled by at least two detectors connected into a coincidence
circuit% and the location of detectors should ensure control of the protected surface% generally fro"
opposite directions.
t is per"itted to use a single fire detector in the control zone% if the detector can si"ultaneously
control the whole zone and the conditions of 9lause 1:.:.: b7% c7 and d7 are fulfilled.
1:.8.4 3rea of the roo" or e?uip"ent controlled by the fla"e detector should be deter"ined
fro" ,iewing angle of the detector% sensiti,ity according to +(2T R ::#% as well as sensiti,ity to
the fla"e of the specific co"bustible "aterial specified in the technical docu"entation for a
13.9 A%&*s-"'%) s"#?! $%&! !!(#&s
1:..1 3ir-sa"pling s"o<e fire detectors 532F!7 should be placed in accordance with Table
1:.; depending on the sensiti,ity class.
Table 13.6
2ensiti,ity class of air-
aCi"u" distance aCi"u" distance fro"
sa"pling detector in nstallation height of air
between air inlet ducts% air inlet ducts to the wall%
accordance with +(2T inta<e snor<el% "
" "
R ::#
C-ss % standard
8 .& 4.
C-ss % increased
1 .& 4.
C-ss % high
#1 .& 4.
3ir-sa"pling detectors of 3 and G 9lasses are reco""ended for protection of large open spaces
and buildings with a ceiling height of "ore than 8 " in the atriu"s% production halls% warehouses%
sales halls% passenger ter"inals% gy"s and stadiu"s% circuses% in the eCposition halls of "useu"s%

art galleries% etc.% as well as for protection of roo"s with high concentration of electronic
e?uip"ent ser,ers% 3Gs% data processing centers.

1:..# t is per"itted to incorporate air inta<e snor<els of air-sa"pling detectors into the building
structures or finishing details of the interior% while "aintaining access to the air inlet ducts. 3ir-
sa"pling detector can be placed behind the suspended ceiling 5under raised floor7 with air inlet
through additional capillary tubes of ,ariable length% running through dropped ceiling K raised floor
with the release of the air inlet duct to the "ain space of the roo". t is per"itted to use ducts in the
snor<el 5including through the use of capillary tubes7 to "onitor the presence of s"o<e both in the
"ain and in the e"anated space 5behind suspended ceiling K raised floor7. f necessary it is
per"itted to use capillary tubes with a hole at the end to protect the hard-t&-reach places% as well as
air sa"ples fro" inside the "achines% tools% rac<s% etc.
1:..: The "aCi"u" length of the air inta<e snor<el% as well as the "aCi"u" a"ount of air inlet
ducts are defined by specifications of the air-sa"pling detector.
1:..4 >hen installing snor<els of air-sa"pling fire detectors in the roo" with a width less than
: " or under a raised floor% or abo,e dropped ceilings and in other spaces with the height less than
1.$ " distance distances between the air inta<e snor<els and the wall specified in the Table 1:.; can
be increased 1.-folds.
13.10 G-s $%&! !!(#&s
1:.1&.1 +as !etectors should be installed in accordance with Table 1:.:% and in accordance with
the instruction "anual of the detector and the "anufacturers reco""endations% agreed with the
authorized organizations 5those with per"ission for acti,ity type7.
13.11 S-)*-#)! $%&! !!(#&s
1:.11.1 >hen used in apart"ents and dor"itories stand-alone s"o<e detectors should be
installed singly in each roo" if the roo" area does not eCceed the area controlled by a fire detector
in accordance with the re?uire"ents of this 9ode of practice.
2tand-alone s"o<e detectors are usually installed on horizontal ceiling.
2tand-alone s"o<e detectors should not be installed in areas with low air eCchange 5in the
corners of roo"s and upon doorways7.
t is reco""ended to coalesce stand-alone detectors with a function of Doint acti,ation into a
networ< with an apart"ent% floor or building
13.12 F#; $%&! !!(#&s
1:.1#.1 Flow fire detectors are used for detection of fire factors as a result of analysis of the
"ediu"% spreading through the ,entilation channels of eChaust ,entilation.
The detectors should be installed in accordance with the instruction "anual and the
"anufacturers reco""endations% agreed with the authorized organizations 5those with per"ission
for acti,ity type7.
13.13 M-)/- $%&! !!(#&s
1:.1:.1 anual fire detectors should be installed on walls and structures at a height of 51% [ &%17
" fro" ground or floor le,el to the control ele"ent 5le,er% button% etc.7.
1:.1:.# anual fire detectors should be installed in places re"ote fro" the electro"agnets%
per"anent "agnets and other de,ices% the i"pact of which can cause spontaneous acti,ation of
"anual fire detector 5re?uire"ent applies to "anual fire detectors% which acti,ate upon switch of
"agnetically controlled contact7% at a distance
no "ore than & " fro" each other inside the buildingsB
no "ore than 1& " fro" each other outside of buildingsB
not less than &.$ " fro" the other control ele"ents and obDects i"peding free access to the
1:.1:.: llu"ination in the place of installation of a "anual fire detector should be not less
nor"ati,e for these types of pre"ises.

13.1 C#)&# -) %)%(-%) /)%s, (#)&# /)%s. E</%'"!) -) %s '-(!"!). D/y &##".
1:.14.1 9ontrol and indicating units% control units and other e?uip"ent should be used in
accordance with re?uire"ents of state standards and technical docu"entation with account of
cli"atic% "echanical% electro"agnetic and other i"pacts in the place of their location% as well as
upon presence of corresponding certificates.
N #  ! - 3uto"ated wor<place 53>7-based on co"puting de,ices% used as a control and
indicating andKor control unit shall "eet the re?uire"ents of section and ha,e the appropriate
1:.14.# 9ontrol and indicating units% control units and other e?uip"ent operating in the facilities
and syste"s of fire auto"atics should be resistant to electro"agnetic interference with the degree of
hardness not lower than the second according to +(2T R ::#.
1:.14.: 9ontrol and indicating units with the function of detector "anage"ent should pro,ide
auto"atic control of lines of co""unication with re"ote detectors for continuity and short circuit.
1:.14.4 nfor"ation capacity of control and indicating units designed for use with con,entional
fire detectors 5when the nu"ber of loops is 1& and "ore7 "ust be at least 1&.
1:.14. 9ontrol and indicating units and control units% as a rule% should be installed in the roo"s
with around the cloc< presence of duty personnel. n Dustified cases these de,ices are per"itted to
be installed in the roo"s without a staff on a twenty-four-hour ser,ice% ensuring separate
trans"ission of notices about the fire% "alfunction% state of facilities in the roo" with the staff on a
twenty-four-hour ser,ice% and pro,iding control of "essage trans"ission channels. n this case the
roo" where the e?uip"ent is installed shall be e?uipped with burglar and fire alar"s and protected
fro" unauthorized access.
1:.14.; 9ontrol and indicating units and control units "ust be installed on walls% partitions and
constructions "ade of nonco"bustible "aterials. This e?uip"ent can be installed on structures
"ade of co"bustible "aterials% pro,ided that they are protected with a steel plate with a "ini"u"
thic<ness of 1 "" or other non-co"bustible list "aterial with thic<ness not less than 1& "". 3t the
sa"e sheet should eCtend beyond the contour of the e?uip"ent installed for not less as &.1 ".
1:.14.$ The distance fro" the top of control and indicating unit and control unit to the ceiling
"ade of co"bustible "aterials shall not be less than 1 ".
1:.14.8 !istance between se,eral neighbouring control and indicating units and control units
should be not less than & "".
1:.14. 9ontrol and indicating units and control units should be placed so that the height fro"
floor le,el to the operational control ele"ents and e?uip"ent indication "eets the re?uire"ents of
1:.14.1& Fire post or duty roo" for personnel on twenty-four-hour ser,ice should be placed
generally on the first or ground floor. This roo" can be located abo,e the first floor% with the eCit
leading into the lobby or hallway adDacent to the stairwell with a direct eCit to the outside of the
1:.14.11 !istance fro" the door of the fire post or duty roo" to the stairwell leading outside the
building shall not eCceed% as a rule% # ".
1:.14.1# Fire post roo" or duty roo" should ha,e the following characteristics
3rea generally not less than 1 "#B
te"peratures ranging fro" -18 I 9 to # I 9 with relati,e hu"idity less than 8&B
a,ailability of natural and artificial lighting as well as e"ergency lighting% which "ust co"ply
with SB
roo" illu"inationB
under natural light not less than 1&& luCB
fro" fluorescent la"ps not less than 1& luCB
fro" incandescent la"ps not less than 1&& luCB
with e"ergency lighting not less than & luCB
presence of a natural or artificial ,entilation% according to ;S

a,ailability of telephone ser,ice with the fire depart"ent of an obDect or co""unity.
3ccu"ulator batteries of power bac< up should not be installed in these roo"s% with the
eCception of her"etically sealed batteries.
1:.14.1: n the duty roo" e"ergency lighting should be switched on auto"atically in case of
"ain light shutdown.
13.15 F%&! ##'s. I)!&(#))!(%) -) $!! %)!s #$ -/#"-%( $%&! $%4%) sys!"s
1:.1.1 Goth wire and wireless co""unication channels can be used as fire loops and
interconnecting co""unication lines.
1:.1.# >ire and wireless fire loops as well as wire and wireless interconnecting lines should
perfor"ed on the condition re?uired to ensure the reliability of infor"ation transfer and continuous
auto"ated "onitoring of proper operation on the entire length.
1:.1.: 9hoice of electric wires and cables% "ethods of their plotting in order to organize loops
and interconnecting lines of a fire alar" syste" "ust be done in accordance with the re?uire"ents
of +(2T R ::1% +(2T R ::#% $S% the re?uire"ents of this section and the technical
docu"entation for de,ices and e?uip"ent of the fire alar" syste"s.
1:.1.4 /lectrical wire fire loops and interconnecting lines "ust be done with indi,idual wires
and cables with copper conductors.
/lectrical wire fire loops% as a rule% should be done with co""unication conductors% if the
technical docu"entation for control and indicating de,ices doesn=t pro,ided for the use of special
types of wires or cables.
1:.1. t is per"issible to use leased lines in the absence of auto"atic control of fire protection
1:.1.; (ptical connectors and nonelectric 5pneu"atic% hydraulic% etc.7 lines are preferably used
in areas with significant electro"agnetic effects.
1:.1.$ Fire resistance of wires and cables connected to different co"ponents of auto"atic fire
fighting syste" should be no less than the tas<-perfor"ance ti"e by these co"ponents for the
specific place of installation.
Fire resistance of wires and cables is pro,ided by selecting the type and "ethods of their
1:.1.8 n cases if a fire alar" syste" is not designed to control the auto"atic fire eCtinguishing
units% alerting syste"s% s"o<e eChaust syste"s and other fire safety engineering syste"s%
interconnecting lines perfor"ed with telephone cables containing copper conductors of integrated
co""unication networ< can be used with to connect the fire loops of radial type with ,oltage up to
;& 0 to the control-indicating de,ices% subDect to the assign"ent of co""unication channels.
3ssigned free pairs fro" distributing fra"e to ter"ination boCes used for asse"bling fire loops
should be generally placed in groups within each ter"ination boC and should be "ar<ed in red in<.
1:.1. nterconnecting lines done with telephone and control cables "eeting the re?uire"ents
of p. 1:.1.$ should ha,e at least 1& reser,e stoc< of cable conductors and ter"inal post of
ter"ination boCes.

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

1:.1.1& Fire loops of radial type should be connected to control and indicating units with the
help of Dunction boCes and distributing fra"es. t is per"itted to connect fire loops directly to the
fire de,ices% if infor"ation capacity of these de,ices does not eCceed #& loops.
1:.1.11 Fire loops of ring type should be perfor"ed with indi,idual wires and co""unication
cables% the beginning and the end of a ring loop being connected to the corresponding ter"inal posts
of a control and indicating unit.
1:.1.1# !ia"eter of copper conductors of wires and cables should be deter"ined on the basis
of the per"issible ,oltage loss% but not less as &. "".
1:.1.1: /lectric power lines of control and indicating units and control units% as well as
interconnecting lines for auto"atic fire eCtinguishing units% s"o<e eChaust syste"s and alerting

syste"s should be perfor"ed with indi,idual wires and cables. These lines should not be installed
in transit thought eCplosion dangerous and fire dangerous roo"s 5zones7. n Dustified cases these
lines can be installed thought fire dangerous roo"s 5zones7 in the ,oid spaces of building structures
of U& class or fire-resistant wires and cables.
1:.1.14 Aoint installation of fire loops and interconnecting lines of fire alar" syste"s with
,oltage up to ;& 0 with ,oltage lines of 11& 0 or "ore in a single boC% pipe% wiring% a closed
channel of building structures or on the sa"e tray is not allowed.
Aoint installation of these lines is per"itted in different co"part"ents of boCes and trays ha,ing
solid longitudinal walls with fire-resistance rating &.# h of inco"bustible "aterial.

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

1:.1.1 n case of parallel open installation% distance between wires and cables of fire alar"
syste"s with a ,oltage of ;& 0 to power and lighting cables shall be at least &. ".
t is per"itted to install these cables and wires at a distance less than &. " to power and lighting
cables pro,ided that there is protection against electro"agnetic blasts.
!istance to cables and wires of loops and interconnecting lines of fire alar" syste"s without
protection fro" blasts to single lighting wires and control cables "ay be reduced to &.# ".

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

1:.1.1; n roo"s and zones of roo"s% where the electro"agnetic fields and interference can
cause "alfunction% electric wire loops and interconnecting lines of fire alar" syste" shall be
protected fro" interference.
1:.1.1$ f it is necessary to protect cables and interconnecting lines of fire alar" syste" fro"
electro"agnetic interference a Qtwisted pairQ% shielded or unshielded wires and cables% installed in
"etal pipes% boCes% etc should be used. 2hielding ele"ents "ust be properly grounded.
1:.1.18 /Cternal wiring of fire alar" syste"s should be% as a rule% installed in the ground or in
f this "ethod of installation is not possible% it is per"itted to install the" on the eCternal walls
of buildings% under ea,es% on the ropes or supports outside between buildings outside streets and
roads in accordance with the re?uire"ents of $S and 1;S
1:.1.1 The "ain and reser,e power cable lines of fire alar" syste"s should be installed on
different routes% eli"inating the possibility of their si"ultaneous failure in case of fire at the
controlled obDect. Laying of these lines% as a rule% should be perfor"ed on different cable
arallel installation of these lines on the walls of the pre"ises is per"itted when the distance
between the" in the light is not less than 1 ".
Aoint installation of these cables is per"itted pro,ided that at least one of these cables is installed
in a boC 5tube7 "ade of nonco"bustible "aterials with fire-resistance of &.$ hours.
1:.1.#& Fire loops are di,ided into sections with the help of Dunction boCes if necessary.
n the absence of ,isual control of the a,ailability of power on the fire detectors% included into
radial fire loop% it is reco""ended to ha,e a de,ice at the end of the loop pro,iding ,isual
"onitoring of its condition 5eg% a de,ice with a flashing light signal7.
n the absence of such control it is reasonable to pro,ide for a switching de,ice% which should be
installed in an accessible place and at an accessible height at the end of the loop for connection of
such control units.
1:.1.#1 n "anaging the auto"atic fire eCtinguishing units radio channel co""unication lines
should ensure the necessary reliability of infor"ation trans"ission.
1 I)!&&!-%#) #$ $%&! --&" sys!"s ;%4 #4!& sys!"s -) !)%)!!&%) !</%'"!)
14.1 +eneration of signals for auto"atic control of alert syste"s% s"o<e eChaust syste"s or
engineering e?uip"ent should be perfor"ed in a ti"e not eCceeding the difference between the

"ini"u" ,alue of ti"e for bloc<ing escape routes and e,acuation ti"e after the fire alar".
+eneration of signals for control of auto"atic fire eCtinguishing syste"s should be perfor"ed in
a ti"e not eCceeding the difference between the critical ti"e of fire seat de,elop"ent and delayed
action of fire eCtinguishing units% but no "ore than is necessary for the safe e,acuation.
+eneration of signals for auto"atic control of fire eCtinguishing or s"o<e eChaust syste"s% or
alert syste"s% or engineering e?uip"ent should be perfo"ed in case of acti,ation of at least two fire
detectors connected in coincidence circuit.
n that case detectors should be placed at the distance not eCceeding half of the nor"ati,e
distance defined in accordance with Tables 1:.:-1:.; respecti,ely.
N #  ! - !istance not "ore than half of the nor"ati,e distance defined in accordance with the
tables 1:.:-1:.; is ta<en between detectors located along the walls% as well as along the length or
width of the roo" 5 or 7. The distance fro" the detector to the wall is deter"ined in accordance
with the tables 1:.:-1:.; without reduction.
14.# +eneration of control signals for alert syste"s of types 1% #% :% 4 in 1S% s"o<e protection
e?uip"ent% general ,entilation and conditioning% engineering e?uip"ent ta<ing part in ensuring the
obDect as well as co""and generation for power outage of consu"ers interconnected with fire
auto"atic syste"s is per"itted upon acti,ation of one fire detector "eeting the re?uire"ents
introduced in anneC . n this case% at least two detectors connected to the logic Q(RQ circuit in the
pre"ise 5part of the pre"ise7. !etectors shall be installed at a distance of no "ore than standard.
>hen applying detectors "eeting the re?uire"ents p.1:.:.: a7% b7% c7 as well% it is allowed to
install one fire detector in the pre"ise 5part of the pre"ise7.

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

14.: To generate control co""and in accordance with 14.1 in the protected roo" or protected
zone there should be not less than
three s"o<e detectors when connected into the loops of two-threshold de,ices or in three
separate radial loops of one-threshold de,icesB
four s"o<e detectors when connected into two loops of one-threshold de,ices by two detectors
in each loopB
two s"o<e detectors co"plying to the re?uire"ent 1:.:.: 5a% b% c7 included in coincidence circuit
upon the condition of ti"ely replace"ent of a faulty detectorB
two s"o<e detectors connected in a "iC gate fashion if a higher reliability of fire alar" signal is
pro,ided to the detectors.
N #  ! * (ne-threshold de,ice is a de,ice generating a Fire signal upon acti,ation of one fire
detector in a loop. Two-threshold de,ice is a de,ice generating Fire 1 signal upon acti,ation of one
fire detector and Fire # signal upon acti,ation of the second fire detector in the sa"e loop.
14.4 n the roo" with non-stop stay of duty personnel trouble reports on inspection and control
tools installed outside of the pre"ises as well as lines of co""unication% inspection and control of
the technical "eans of fire warning and e,acuation% s"o<e protection% auto"atic fire suppression
and other installations and fire protection de,ices shall be output.
roDect docu"entation "ust define recipient of fire notification to ensure the tas< eCecution in
accordance with section 1$.
3t sites of functional danger class F 1.1 and F 4.1 fire notification shall be sent to fire-fighting
units using a duly reser,ed radio channel or other co""unication lines on an auto"atic basis
without the participation of the site staff and of any organizations that broadcast these signals. t is
reco""ended to use technical "eans resistible to the effects of electro"agnetic noise which is not
below the :rd degree of hardness according to +(2T R ::#-#&&.
n the case of absence of on-site twenty-four-hour alert personnel% fire notification "ust be
sub"itted to fire-fighting units using a duly reser,ed radio channel or other co""unication lines on
an auto"atic basis.

3t other sites% if technically possible% it is reco""ended to o,erride the fire notifications of
auto"atic fire-alar" syste" in fire-fighting units using a duly reser,ed radio channel or other
co""unication lines on an auto"atic basis.
Thereat "easures should be pro,ided to increase the reliability of the fire notification% for
eCa"ple% sending notices '9aution)% 'Fire) etc.

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

14. 2"o<e eChaust syste" should be launched fro" s"o<e or gas fire detectors% which includes
the case when sprin<ler fire eCtinguishing syste" is used at the obDect.
2"o<e eChaust syste" should be launched fro" s"o<e fire detectors
if acti,ation ti"e of auto"atic sprin<ler fire-eCtinguishing syste" eCceeds ti"e re?uired for
acti,ation of s"o<e eChaust syste" and safe e,acuationB
if the eCtinguishing agent 5water7 of auto"atic sprin<ler fire-eCtinguishing syste" i"pedes
n other cases% s"o<e eChaust syste" can be switched fro" a sprin<ler fire-eCtinguishing syste".

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

14.&; 2i"ultaneous wor< of auto"atic fire eCtinguishing syste"s 5gas% powder and aerosol7 and
s"o<e protection syste"s in protected roo"s is not per"itted.
15 E!(&%( '#;!& s/''y #$ $%&! --&" sys!"s -) $%&! !6%)/%s4%) /)%s
1.1 n ter"s of reliability of power supply fire fighting syste"s should be classified as category
 under the /lectrical nstallation Regulations% eCcept for "otor co"pressors% drainage and foa"ing
agent booster pu"ps belonging to the category  of electric power supply% as well as cases
specified in p. 1.:% 1.4.
ower supply of fire fighting syste"s of buildings of functional danger class F 1.1 with non-stop
presence of people shall be pro,ided by three independent "utually reser,ing power sources% stand-
alone generators should be used as one of the".

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

1.# ower consu"ers are powered in accordance with $S with account of re?uire"ents 1.:%
1.: f there is one source of electrical power 5at the facilities of power supply reliability of
category 7 batteries or 62 "ay be used as a bac<up power source for power consu"ers referred
to in 1.1% which should pro,ide power to these power consu"ers in the standby "ode for #4 hours
plus 1 hour of operation of fire auto"atics syste" in the alar" "ode.
N #  ! * t is per"itted to li"it ti"e of bac<up source operation in alar" "ode to 1.: of ti"e for
perfor"ance of tas<s by fire auto"atics syste".
>hen a battery is used as a power source it is necessary to pro,ide battery charging "ode.
1.4 n the absence of local conditions to eCercise power for power consu"ers referred to in 1.1
fro" two independent sources is allowed to eCercise their power fro" a single source - fro" two-
transfor"er substation transfor"ers of different or of two nearby substations one-transfor"er
connected to different feeding lines laid out by different routes with auto"atic changeo,er% usually
on the low ,oltage side.
1. The location of the auto"atic changeo,er to a centralized power consu"ers of inputs
auto"atic eCtinguishing syste"s and fire alar" syste"s or decentralized power consu"ers ha,e 
power supply reliability is deter"ined by the relati,e position and the conditions for the laying feed
lines to re"ote power consu"ers.
1.; For power consu"ers of auto"atic fire eCtinguishing syste"s of  category of power supply

with the included auto"atically Technology Reser,e 5if you ha,e one wor<ing and one standby
pu"p7% the auto"atic changeo,er is re?uired.
1.$ n the units of water and foa" fire fighting it is per"itted to use diesel power plants as a
bac<up power source.
1.8 n the case of power of power consu"ers of auto"atic fire eCtinguishing and fire alar"
syste" fro" a bac<up entry is per"itted if necessary to pro,ide power to these power consu"ers by
shutting down the facility for power consu"ers of 9ategory  and  of power supply.
1. The protection of electrical circuits% auto"atic eCtinguishing syste"s and fire alar" syste"s
"ust be perfor"ed in accordance with $S.
@eat is not allowed to de,ice "aCi"u" protection and control circuits in the auto"atic fire
eCtinguishing% off which can lead to denial supply of eCtinguishing agent to the fire.
1.1& >hen using the battery as a power source it is necessary to pro,ide battery charging "ode.
1 P&#!(%! !-&4%) -) &#/)%). S-$!y &!</%&!"!)s.
1;.1 /le"ents of electrical e?uip"ent of auto"atic fire-eCtinguishing and fire alar" syste" "ust
"eet the re?uire"ents of +(2T 1#.#.&&$.& by the "ethod of protection fro" electric shoc<.
1;.# rotecti,e earth 5grounding7 of electrical e?uip"ent of fire auto"atics should be perfor"ed
in accordance with the re?uire"ents of $S% 1;S% +(2T 1#.1.&:& and technical docu"entation of
the "anufacturer.
N #  ! * /lectrical technical "eans of fire auto"atics belonging to one syste" but located in
different buildings and constructions not belonging to the general earth loop should ha,e gal,anic
1;.: 6nits of local start-up of auto"atic eCtinguishing syste"s "ust be protected against
accidental access and sealed% eCcept for units of local start-up% installed in the pre"ises of the
station fire or fire stations.
1;.4 >hen used for protection of ,arious obDects radioisotope 2"o<e detectors should be
obser,ed radiation safety re?uire"ents set out in 18S% 1S.
17 G!)!&- '&#%s%#)s # 8! (#)s%!&! - (4##s%) !(4)%(- "!-)s #$ $%&! -/#"-%(s
1$.1 n choosing a type of fire detectors% control and indicating de,ices and control units it is
necessary to be guided by the obDecti,es% which are designed to perfor" auto"atic fire fighting
syste" as an integral part of fire safety facility in accordance with +(2T 1#.1.&&4
a7 To ensure fire safetyB
b7 to ensure fire safety of propertyB
c7 to ensure fire safety of people and property.
1$.# Technical "eans of fire detection and control signal generation should for" the control
a7 to include warning and e,acuation control - o,er ti"e% ensuring the e,acuation of persons
before the li"its of fire hazardsB
b7 to include fire-fighting e?uip"ent - for the ti"e at which fire can be eCtinguished 5or
c7 for inclusion of s"o<e protection - for the ti"e at which the passage of people to escape
routes before the li"its of fire hazardsB
g7 for control of technological de,ices in,ol,ed in the wor< of fire protection syste"s% for the
ti"e specified by the technological regulations.
1$.: eans of fire auto"atics "ust ha,e the para"eters and perfor"ance to ensure safe and
nor"al operation conditions of eCposure of their place"ent.
1$.4 eans% whose reliability is in the range of eCternal influences can not be deter"ined% should
ha,e auto"atic wor<ing capacity "onitoring.
N #  ! * Technical "eans with auto"atic wor<ing capacity control are technical "eans ha,ing
control of co"ponents constituting not less as 8& of technical "ean failure rate.

A))!6 
L%s #$ 8/%%)s, (#)s&/(%#)s, &##"s -) !</%'"!) s/8!( # '&#!(%#) ;%4 -/#"-%(
$%&! !6%)/%s4%) /)%s -) -/#"-%( $%&! --&" sys!"
G!)!&- '&#%s%#)s
E.1 This code establishes the basic re?uire"ents of fire safety% regulating the protection of
buildings% structures% pre"ises and e?uip"ent at all stages of their de,elop"ent and operation of
auto"atic fire eCtinguishing 53F/7 and auto"atic fire alar" 53F37 syste"sH.
H - @ereinafter * auto"atic units.
3long with this set of rules it is necessary to be guided by standards set by the Federal law dated
#$.1#.#&&# No. 184-F Q(n technical regulationQ and the regulations on fire safety as pro,ided in
3rticle 4 of Federal Law dated ##.&$.#&&8 No. 1#:-F QTechnical Regulations on re?uire"ents for
fire security Q and duly appro,ed.
E.# Guilding in the present set of rules "eans the whole building or part of the building 5fire
co"part"ents7% isolated by fire walls and fire floors of type 1.
Floor space ratio in section  of this 3nneC shall be understood as the area of the building or
structure detached by walling related to fire barriers with fire endurance partitions - no less than 4
/% walls and ceilings - at least R/ 4. For buildings and structures% which do not consist of parts
5pre"ises7 detached by walling with specified fire endurance% regulatory "easure of floor space in
section  of this 3nneC shall be understood as the area allocated by enclosing parts of the building
or structure.

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

2pace area in the 2ection  of this list refers to the part og building or structure% isolated with
fra"e structures% co,ered by fire barriers with a fire-resistance rating partitions - at least / 4%
walls and ceilings - at least R/ 4.
E.: Type unattended fire% a way of fighting% the type of eCtinguishing agents% the type of fire
e?uip"ent auto"ation is deter"ined by the designing organization depending on the technology%
design and space-planning features of the protected buildings and facilities to "eet the re?uire"ents
of this list. Guildings and facilities listed in paragraphs :% ;.1% $% % 1& and 1: in Table 1% paragraphs
14-1% #;-#% :#-:8 in Table :% upon application of auto"atic fire alar" syste" should be e?uipped
with s"o<e fire detectors.
E.4 n the buildings and contractures "entioned in this list "ust it is necessary be protected by
appropriate auto"atic units all pre"ises regardless of the area% apart fro" the pre"ises
- >ith wet processes 5showers% toilets% refrigerated cha"bers% roo" cleaning% etc.7B
- 0entilation cha"ber 5air inta<e and eChaust are not ser,ing the "anufacturing pre"ises of
category 3 or G7% pu"ping water% boiler roo"s and other engineering e?uip"ent for the building in
which there are no fla""able "aterialsB
- 9ategory 3 and G4 for fire hazardsB
- 2tairwells.
E.  f the area of the pre"ises% subDect to auto"atic fire eCtinguishing syste" e?uip"ent is
4& or "ore of the total area of floors a building% structure% e?uip"ent should include a building or
structure in the whole of auto"atic fire eCtinguishing syste"s% with the eCception of pre"ises listed
in paragraph 4.
E.; 9ategory of buildings and pre"ises is deter"ined in accordance with the regulations for fire
safety appro,ed in the prescribed "anner.
E.$ rotection of eCternal processing units with circulation eCplosi,e "aterials and substances
auto"atic settings fire detection and fire is deter"ined by depart"ental regulations% coordination of

/ and duly appro,ed.
E.8 Guildings% structures and pre"ises that are not included in this list shall be e?uipped with
auto"atic fire fighting installations% as well as stand-alone fire eCtinguishing syste"s in accordance
with the standards set by Federal law dated #$.1#.#&&# No. 184-F Q(n technical regulationQ and
appro,ed in the established "anner.
E. The list of buildings and pre"ises that it is reasonable to e?uip with the auto"atic fire alar"
syste" with trans"ission signal of a fire on radioteleco""unication syste" to a central site
co""unications unit responsible for fire protection facility shall be agreed in due course.
E.1& The list of buildings% structures% pre"ises and e?uip"ent to be protected by auto"atic fire
eCtinguishing and auto"atic fire alar" is presented later in this docu"ent.

I @/%%)s
Table А.1
3F/6 3F32
rotected obDect
2tandard indicator
ndependently of
1 >arehouses of G category of fire hazard with storing
area and nu"ber of
on the rac<s with the height of . " and "ore
# >arehouses of ] category of fire hazard with two or ndependently of
"ore stores 5eCcept specified in the clause 17 area
: Guildings of archi,es of uni?ue publications% reports% ndependently of
"anuscripts and other docu"ents of special ,alue area
4 Guildings and constructions for auto"obiles
4.1 +ated par<ing lots
ndependently of
4.1.1 6nderground% ground-le,el par<ing lots with two
area and nu"ber of
stores and "ore
4.1.# +round-le,el one-stored
Floor area of $&&& Floor area of less
4.1.#.1 Guildings of % %  fire-endurance ratings
s?.". and "ore than $&&& s?.".
4.1.#.# Guildings of 0 fire-endurance rating of structural Floor area of :;&& Floor area of less
fire hazard class 9& s?.". and "ore than :;&& s?.".
4.1.#.: Guildings of 0 fire-endurance rating of structural Floor area of #&&& Floor area of less
fire hazard class 91 s?.". and "ore than #&&& s?.".
4.1.#.: Guildings of 0 fire-endurance rating of structural Floor area of 1&&& Floor area of less
fire hazard class 9#% 9: s?.". and "ore than 1&&& s?.".
ndependently of
4.1.: Guildings of "echanized par<ing lots area and nu"ber of
4.# For technical "aintenance and repair n accordance with 1S
 Guildings with a height of "ore than :& "eters 5with
ndependently of
eCception of residential buildings and industrial buildings
of + and ! category of fire hazard7 17
; Residential buildings
;.1 Residential halls% specialized residential buildings for ndependently of
elderly and disabled area
ndependently of
;.# Residential halls with a height of "ore than #8 " #7
$ (ne-stored buildings fro" light "etal constructions
with poly"er co"bustible war"ers
$.1 for public use 8&& " # and "ore:7 Less than 8&& " #

$.# for ad"inistrati,e and household use 1#&& " # and "ore Less than 1#&& "#
ndependently of
8 Guildings and constructions on grain processing and
area and nu"ber of
ndependently of
 Guildings of public and ad"inistrati,e and household
area and nu"ber of
purpose 5eCcept those specified in 2ection 11% 1:7
1& Guildings of co""ercial facilities 5with eCception for
pre"ises% specified in the 2ection 4 of these Regulations%
and roo"s for storage and preparation to the sale of "eat%
fish% fruits and ,egetables 5in inco"bustible pac<age7%
plates% inco"bustible construction "aterials7
1&.1 (ne-stored 5with eCception of 2ection 1:7
1&.1.1 >hen trading hall and utility roo"s are located at
#&& "# and "ore Less than #&& "#
the ground and base"ent floor
>hen area of a >hen area of a
1&.1.# >hen trading hall and utility roo"s are located in
building eCceeds building is less than
the building superstructure
:&& "# and "ore :&& "#
1&.# Two-stored
1&.#.1 +ross floor area :&& "# and "ore Less than :&& "#
1&.#.# >hen trading hall and utility roo"s are located at ndependently of
the ground and base"ent floors trading area
ndependently of
1&.: Three stored and "ore
trading area
1&.4 Guildings of specialized trade co"panies for the
sale of fla""able and co"bustible li?uids 5eCcept for ndependently of
pac<aged goods in containers with a ,olu"e not area
eCceeding #& L7
11 Filling stations 5including container type7% as well as
3ccording to +(2T R YFilling stations.
tents% shops and stalls% the related
Fire safety re?uire"entsM
1# Religious buildings and facilities 5production%
ndependently of
warehouse and residential buildings are e?uipped with
area and nu"ber of
facilities for the re?uire"ents of the rele,ant paragraphs
of this 9ode7
1: Guilding of eChibition halls
1:.1 (ne-stored 5with eCception of section 1#7 1&&& " # and "ore Less than 1&&& "#
ndependently of
1:.# Two-stored and "ore
17 -
3long with 3F32 roo" apart"ents and dor"itories should be pro,ided with stand-alone
optical-electronic s"o<e fire detectors
#7 - Fire detectors of 3F32 are installed in the hallways of apart"ents and are used to open the
,al,e and turn the fans air o,erpressure syste"s and s"o<e. Residential acco""odation of
apart"ents in residential buildings three stores and "ore shall be e?uipped with self-contained
electro-optical s"o<e detectors.
:7 - @ere and further specified in Table 3.1 the total floor area.

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

II C#)s&/(%#)s
Table А.2
3F/6 3F32
rotected obDect
2tandard indicator
ndependently of
1 9able structures17 of power stations
# 9able structures of substations with ,oltage% <0
ndependently of
#.1 && and "ore
ndependently of
#.# Less than &&
: 9able structures of load-center substations with ,oltage
of 11& <0 and transfor"er capacity
ndependently of
:.1 ;: 03 and "ore
ndependently of
:.# Less than ;: 03
4 9able structures of industrial and public structures ore than 1&& ": 1&& ": and less
 9o"bined tunnels of industrial and public buildings
upon installation of cables and wires with ,oltage of ##&
0 and "ore a"ounting
.1 >ith ,olu"e of "ore than 1&& " : 1# ite"s and "ore fro"  to 1# units.
.# >ith ,olu"e of 1&& " and less  and "ore units.
; 9able tunnels and fully closed galleries 5including
& ": and "ore
co"bined7% installed between industrial buildings
ndependently of
$ 9ity cable galleries and tunnels 5including co"bined7
area and ,olu"e
8 9able constructions upon installation in the" oil-filled ndependently of
cables in "etal pipes area
 9apaciti,e structures 5tan<s7 for ground storage of >ith ,olu"e of
fla""able and co"bustible li?uids &&& ": and "ore
ndependently of
1& ri,ate galleries% ra"ps for transporting of ti"ber
11 2pace behind suspended ceilings and under double
floor when installation in the" ducts% pipes with
insulation "ade of "aterials of fla""ability class T1-
T4% as well as fla"e retardant cables 5wires7 ha,ing a fire
hazard R+1 code 5according to #1S7% including their
Doint installation#7
11.1 !ucts% pipes or cables 5wires7 to the ,olu"e of the
ndependently of
co"bustible "ass of cables 5wires7 $ or "ore liters per
area and ,olu"e
"eter of cable line 59L7% including their Doint installation
11.# 9ables 5wires7 of  type with total ,olu"e of ndependently of
co"bustible "ass fro" 1. to $ liters per 9L area and ,olu"e
3ccording to the nor"ati,e docu"ents of
1# otor transport tunnels
the Russian Federation% duly appro,ed
17 - 9able structures in the present 9ode of ractice refer to the tunnels% canals% cellars% "ines%
floors% double floors% galleries% cha"bers used for laying electric cables 5including cooperation with
other utilities7.

#7 - 1 cable facilities% space behind suspended ceiling and under double floors are not e?uipped
with auto"atic units 5with the eCception of   1-:7
a7 the laying of cables 5wires7 in the water-gas steel pipes or steel solid boCes with lids opened up
by the solidB
b7 the laying of pipelines and air ducts with non-co"bustible insulationB
c7 when installing single cables 5wires7-type N+ to power lighting circuits
d7 the laying of cables 5wires7 N-type with a total ,olu"e of co"bustible "ass less than 1.
liters per 1 "eter of the 9R for suspended ceilings% "ade of "aterials of fla""ability N+ and +1.
# n case if the building 5roo"7 is to be protected by 36T% space abo,e suspended ceilings and
under double flooring when laying duct pipes with insulation "ade of "aterials of fla""ability T1-
T4% or cables 5wires7 to the ,olu"e of co"bustible "atter cables 5wires7 of "ore than $ liters per 1
"eter of the 9R should be protected by the following units. oreo,er% if the height fro" floor to
ceiling or on the le,el of the subfloor to a le,el double floor does not eCceed &.4 "% 36T is not
: The ,olu"e of the co"bustible "ass insulation cables 5wires7 is deter"ined by the "ethod of
+(2T R /U ;&::#-:-##..
III P&!"%s!s
Table А.3
3F/6 3F32
rotected obDect
2tandard indicator
1 9ategories 3 and G of fire hazard 5eCcept pre"ises
located in buildings and constructions for processing and :&& "# and "ore Less than :&& "#
storage of grain7
# For storage of rubber% celluloid and its products% ndependently of
"atches% al<ali "etals% pyrotechnics area
: For storage of storage of wool% fur and articles thereofB ndependently of
photo% fil"% audio tapes on the basis of fuel area
4 9ategory ]1 of fire hazard 5eCcept those specified in
the 2ections #% : and pre"ises located in the buildings
and structures for processing and storage of grain7 when
they are located on the following stores
ndependently of
4.1 2e"ibase"ent and base"ent floors
4.# +round-le,el floors :&& " and "ore Less than :&& "#
 categories ]#-]: of ris< hazard 5eCcept those specified
in clauses #% : and pre"ises located in the buildings for
processing and storage of grain7 when there are located
on the following floors
.1 2e"ibase"ent and base"ent floors :&& "# and "ore Less than :&& "#
.# +round-le,el floors 1&&& " # and "ore Less than 1&&& "#
I)/s&%- '&!"%s!s
; 9ategories 3 and G of fire and eCplosion hazard with
circuit of fla""able and co"bustible li?uids% li?uefied
fla""able gases% co"bustible dusts and fibers 5eCcept :&& "# and "ore Less than :&& "#
those specified in clause 11 and roo"s located in
buildings for processing and storage of grain7
$ >ith al<ali "etals when located on the floors
$.1 2e"ibase"ent floor :&& "# and "ore Less than :&& "#
$.# +round-le,el floors && " # and "ore Less than && "#

8 9ategory ]1 of fire hazard 5eCcept pre"ises located in
the buildings and structures for processing and storage of
grain7 when they are located on the following stores
ndependently of
8.1 se"ibase"ent and base"ent
8.# ground-le,el floors 5eCcept those specified in clauses
:&& "# and "ore Less than :&& "#
 9ategory ]# - ]: of ris< hazard 5eCcept those specified
in sections 1&-18 pre"ises located in the buildings and
structures for processing and storage of grain7 when they
are located on the following stores
.1 2e"ibase"ent and base"ent
.1.1 >ithout eCits directly outside :&& " # and "ore Less than :&& "#
.1.# >ith eCits directly outside $&& "# and "ore Less than $&& "#
.# +round-le,el 1&&& " # and "ore Less than 1&&& "#
ndependently of
1& (il cellars
11 re"ises to prepare suspensions of alu"inu"
powder% rubber adhesi,es% based on highly infla""able
and co"bustible li?uids ,arnishes% paints% glues%
ndependently of
"astics% i"pregnating co"positionsB painting roo"s% the
poly"erization of synthetic rubber% co"pressor with
turbine engines% fire heaters oil. re"ises with generators
powered by engines operating on li?uid fuel.
1# The pre"ises of high-test halls% roo"s screened with ndependently of
co"bustible "aterials area
C#""/)%(-%#) '&!"%s!s
1: 0entilation% transfor"er pre"ises% pre"ises of
separating de,ices trans"itters with capacity 1& <>
and abo,e% recei,ing stations with the nu"ber of
recei,ers fro" #&% fiCed stations of space
ndependently of
co""unications with capacity eCceeding 1 <>%
tele,ision repeater stations with capacity of #-& <>%
networ< nodes% long distance and local telephone
stations% cable stations% ter"inal a"plifying stations and
regional co""unication centers
14 aintenance-free and "aintained without the e,ening
and night shifts technical wor<shops of ter"inal ndependently of
a"plifying stations% inter"ediate relay stations% area
trans"itting and recei,ing radio stations.
1 aintenance-free instru"ent roo"s of base stations of
cellular "obile radio syste"s and instru"ent roo"s of
#4 "# and "ore Less than #4 "#
relay stations of cellular "obile radio syste"s

1; re"ises of the "ain cash offices% pre"ises of

bureaus of translation control and zone co"putation
centers of post offices % city and regional nodes of postal
co""unication with total ,olu"e of buildings
1;.1 4& tsd. " : and "ore #4 "# and "ore Less than #4 "#
1;.# Less than 4& tsd.  :
1$ 3T2 sites% where switching e?uip"ent of ?uasi-
electronic type is installed together with /9% used as a

control co"pleC% input-output de,ices% pre"ises of
electronic switching stations% networ<s% docu"ent
electric co""unication centers with a capacity of
1$.1 1& tsd and "ore nu"bers% channels and connection ndependently of
points area
1$.# Less than 1& tsd nu"bers% channels and connection ndependently of
points area
18 solated pre"ises of control de,ices based on /9 of
auto"atic long-distance eCchange with capacity of
18.1 1& tsd. international channels and "ore #4 "# and "ore Less than #4 "#
ndependently of
18.# Less than 1& tsd. (f international channels
1 re"ises of processing% sorting% storage and deli,ery
of dispatches% correspondence% printed "edia and && "# and "ore Less than && "#
insurance correspondence
T&-)s'#& '&!"%s!s
#& Railway pre"ises /lectric% hardware% "aintenance%
coach and wheel roo"s% pre"ises of disasse"bly and
asse"bly of coaches% repair% e?uip"ent% electric coaches%
preparation of coaches% diesel% rolling stoc< "aintenance% ndependently of
container depots% "anufacturing switch products% heat area
treat"ent tan<s% heat treat"ent cha"ber wagons for
bitu"en% sleeper i"pregnation% cylinder% i"pregnated
wood deposit
#1 2urface and underground pre"ises and structures of 3ccording to the nor"ati,e docu"ents of
underground and underground high-speed tra"s the Russian Federation% duly appro,ed
## re"ises of control tower with auto"atic syste"% ndependently of
"essage co""utation center% re"ote and inner locators area
with "ar<ers
#: re"ises for disse"bling and asse"bling of aircraft ndependently of
engines% propellers% landing gear and wheels for airplanes area
and helicopters
ndependently of
#4 re"ises of aircraft and engine repairing productions
# re"ises for storage of ,ehicles placed in the
buildings of other purposes 5eCcept for single-fa"ily
ho"es7% when they are located
#.1 on base"ent and underground floors 5including ndependently of
under the bridges7 area
>hen storing : and >hen storing less
#.# on se"ibase"ent and ground-le,el floors 17
"ore ,ehicles than : ,ehicles
P/8%( '&!"%s!s
#; re"ises for storage and distribution of uni?ue
publications% reports% "anuscripts and other docu"ents ndependently of
of special ,alue 5including the archi,es of operational area
#$ re"ises and warehouses for storage of ser,ice
catalogs and in,entories in libraries and archi,es with
general fund of storage
ndependently of
#$.1 && tsd. units and "ore
#$.# less than && tsd. 6nits ndependently of

#7 #
#8 /Cposition halls 1&&& " and "ore Less than 1&&& "#
ndependently of
# re"ises for storage of "useu" ,alues #7
:& n cultural and entertaining buildings
:&.1 n cine"as and clubs with seating capacity of "ore ndependently of
than $&& places in presence of grates :7 area
:&.# n clubs with scene sizes% " 1#%$%B 1$%B ndependently of
18 and #11# with seating capacity up to $&& places :7 area
:&.: n clubs with scene sizes of 18B #11# with
seating capacity up to $&& places% with scenes of 181# ndependently of
and #11 independently of seating capacity and also in area
theaters:7% 47
:&.4 n concert and fil" and concert halls of
ndependently of
philar"onics with seating capacity of 8&& places and
:&. >arehouses for scenery% properties% carpentry
wor<shops% forage% in,entory and household storage
roo"s% pre"ises for storage production of ndependently of
ad,ertise"ents% facilities for production purposes and area
stage "aintenance% roo"s for ani"als% attic do"e space
abo,e the auditoriu".
:1 re"ises for storage of securities
:1.1 n ban<s 3ccording to #1S
ndependently of
:1.# n pawnshops
:# Fil" studio floor 1&&& " # and "ore Less than 1&&& "#
:: Roo"s for storage of hand baggage 5eCcept e?uipped
with auto"atic cells7 and storage of co"bustible
"aterials in buildings stations 5including air ter"inals7
located on the floors
ndependently of
::.1 se"ibase"ent and base"ent
::.# ground le,el :&& " and "ore Less than :&& "#
:4 re"ises for storage of fla""able "aterials or
inco"bustible "aterials in co"bustible containers when
they are located
:4.1 6nder tribunes of any capacity in the indoor sports
1&& "# and "ore Less than 1&& "#
:4.# n buildings of indoor sports facilities with a
1&& "# and "ore Less than 1&& "#
capacity of 8&& or "ore spectators
:4.: 6nder tribunes with capacity of :&&& and "ore
1&& "# and "ore Less than 1&& "#
spectators in outdoor sport facilities
: re"ises for location
:.1 (f co"puters 5/97 operating in the syste"s of
auto"atic process control syste" operating in co"pleC ndependently of
technological processes "anage"ent% the ,iolation of area
which affect the safety of people 7
:.# 9o""unication co"puters 5ser,er7% archi,es of
"agnetic and paper "ediu"% coordinate plotters% printing #4 "# and "ore Less than #4 "#
of infor"ation on paper "ediu" 5printer7 7

:.: for place"ent of personal co"puters on wor<tables ndependently of
of users area
:; Roo"s of trading co"panies% integrated and
integrated-attached to the buildings of other purpose
:;.1 Gase"ent and se"ibase"ent floors #&& "# and "ore Less than #&& "#
:;.# +round-le,el floors && " # and "ore Less than && "#
:$ re"ises of industrial and storage purposes% located in 3re e?uipped in accordance with Table
research institutions and other public buildings E.: of the present 9ode of practice
:8 re"ises of other ad"inistrati,e and public purpose% ndependently of
including integrated and attached ones area
17 >hen placing the cars in the eChibition and trade halls these pre"ises are e?uipped with
36T in accordance with #8 and :; of the table
#7 This re?uire"ent does not apply to pre"ises used for te"porary eChibitions 5lobbies%
hallways% etc.7 as well as to the pre"ises% where ,aluables are stored in "etal safes.
:7 !renchers are installed under the grate scene and bac< stage% under the lower tier of operation
galleries and interconnecting the" with the lower "o,able ra"ps% in the safes of rolled up scenery
and in all scene openings% including openings of portal% poc<ets and bac< stage% as well as a part of
hold occupied with structures of incorporated e?uip"ent for scene and lifting de,ices.
47 2prin<ler units are installed co,ering of the stage and bac< stage% all operation galleries and
catwal<s% but lower% hold 5eCcept for incorporated scene e?uip"ent7% poc<ets% scene% bac< stage% as
well as warehouses% storeroo"s% wor<shops% facilities and "achine-,olu"e sets% dust re"o,al
7 n the cases pro,ided in paragraph 8.1.1 of this 2et of practice for pre"ises re?uiring
e?uip"ent with auto"ated gas-eCtinguishing installations is not per"itted to use such e?uip"ent%
pro,ided that all electronic and electrical e?uip"ent is protected by self-contained fire-
eCtinguishing installations% and pre"ises ha,e an auto"atic fire alar".

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

IV E</%'"!)
Table А.4
3F/6 3F32
rotected obDect
2tandard indicator
ndependently of
1 aint shops with fla""able and co"bustible li?uids
ndependently of
# !rying cha"bers
: 9ollectors 5hoppers7 for collection of co"bustible ndependently of
waste type
4 (il power transfor"ers and reactors
ndependently of
4.1 with ,oltage of && <0 and "ore
#&& >3 and
4.# with ,oltage of ##&-::& <0 and "ore% with capacity
4.: with ,oltage of 11& <0 and "ore installed near
;: >3 and "ore
hydroelectric power houses with unit capacity
4.4 with ,oltage of 11& <0 and "ore installed in the ;: `>E and "ore
cha"bers of indoor substations of deep input and indoor

distribution units of power stations and substations with
capacity of
 Test stations of "obile power stations and units with
ndependently of
diesel and petrol-electric generating set asse"bled on
truc<s and trailers
; Rac<s with height of "ore than . "eters for storage
ndependently of
of co"bustible and non-co"bustible "aterials in a
co"bustible pac<
$ (il containers for hardening : ": and "ore
8 /lectrical boards and electrical cabinets 5including
distribution de,ices7 located in the pre"ises of 1.1. 17 6p to &.1 " :
functional fire hazard
The listed e?uip"ent is subDect to protection with autono"ous fire-fighting syste"s.
Notice /lectrical e?uip"ent located at the stationary ground and underground obDects of the
"etropolitan shall be protected by autono"ous fire-fighting syste"s.
=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

A))!6 @
+roups of pre"ises 5production and technological processes7 in accordance with fire hazard grade
depending on their functional purpose and fire load of fla""able "aterials
+roup of
List of typical pre"ises% production% technical processes
1 re"ises of archi,es% libraries% circuses% storage of fla""able "useu" treasures%
storage facilities% "useu"s and eChibitions% art galleries% concert halls and cine"as%
co"puter shops% buildings% offices% hotels% hospitals
# 2pecific fire load AK"# 181-14&&.
re"ises of woodwor<ing% teCtile% hosiery% teCtile haberdashery% tobacco% footwear%
leather% fur% pulp and paper and printing industriesB paint% preser,ati,es% paint% "iCture%
degreasing% conser,ation and re-entry% cleaning parts with fla""able and co"bustible
li?uids% wool production% synthetic "aterials and fil" toolsB gar"ent industry
production with the use of rubber products% co"panies ser,icing cars% garages and
par<ing spaces in the category G
: re"ises for production of rubber products
4.1 2pecific fire load 14&1-##&& AK"#.
re"ises for production of co"bustible natural and synthetic fibers% painting and
drying roo"s% areas of open painting and drying% dye-% ,arnish-% glue preparation
production with fla""able and co"bustible li?uids% pre"ises of G# category
4.# 2pecific fire load "ore than ##&& AK"#.
achine roo"s of co"pressor stations% stations of regeneration% hydration% eCtraction%
and other areas of production% processing fla""able gases% gasoline% alcohols% ethers
and other fla""able and co"bustible li?uids% pre"ises of G1 category
 >arehouses of inco"bustible "aterials in fla""able pac<ing. >arehouses of non-
fla""able "aterials
; >arehouses of solid fla""able "aterials including rubber% general "echanical rubber
goods% lateC and resin
$ >arehouses of ,arnishes% paints% fla""able and co"bustible li?uids
1 +roups of buildings are defined by their functional purpose. n the cases where it is i"possible to
pic< up si"ilar productions% the group should identify the category of the roo".
#. 9ategory of pre"ises is deter"ined depending on the specific fire load 1&S.
: ara"eters of units of water and foa" fire eCtinguishing to warehouses that are built into the
building% pre"ises of which belong to group 1% should be ta<en in the #nd group of pre"ises.
4 n the general case for the group two of pre"ises discharge and the sprin<ling intensity with water
or foa" solution should be increased as co"pared with standard ,alues gi,en in Table 1 for a group
of prre"ises #% not less than
- >ith the specific fire load of "ore than 1%4&& AK"# - 1. ti"esB
- >ith the specific fire load of "ore than #%#&& AK"# - #. ti"es.

A))!6 C
M!4#s #$ (-(/-%) AFEU %) (-s! #$ s/'!&$%(%- $%&! !6%)/%s4%) ;%4 ;-!& -) #;
!6'-)s%#) $#-"
<.3 %lgorithm of calculating %#$ parameters by superficial fire extinguishing with water and
low expansion foam
9.1.1 Type of fire eCtinguishing agent is selected depending on the class of fire 5spray or spread
water or foa" solution7.
9.1.# 3 type of fire eCtinguishing unit is sele cted with account of fire hazard and fla"e
propagation - sprin<ler or deluge% aggregate or "odular or sprin<ler-deluge% sprin<ling with a
positi,e start.
N #  ! * n this anneC% if not specified otherwise% irrigator refers to water or foa" irrigator per se
as well as a water nozzle.
9.1.: Type of sprin<ler fire eCtinguishing syste" is deter"ined depending of 3F/6 operating
te"perature 5water filled or air7.
9.1.4 No"inal acti,ation te"perature of sprin<ler irrigators in accordance with a"bient
te"perature in the zone of their place"ent.
9.1. 2prin<ling intensity% discharge of fire eCtinguishing agent% distance between irrigators and
continuation of F/3 are ta<en with account of selected group of protected obDect 5in accordance
with 3nneC G and Tables .1-.: of the present 9ode of ractice7.
9.1.; Type of sprin<ler is selected in accordance with its discharge% sprin<ling intensity and
protected area% as well as architectural and planning solutions of the protected obDect.
G.1.$ ipeline networ< routing and layout of sprin<lers is planned% for clarity% tracing of pipeline
networ< to protect the obDect is depicted in aCono"etric for" 5not necessarily to scale7.
G.1.8 !ictating protected sprin<ling area is "ar<ed on the hydraulic layout of 3F/6% where the
dictating sprin<ler is placed.
9.1. @ydraulic calculation of 3F/6 is done
- ressure re?uired for dictating sprin<ler is deter"ined by ta<ing into account the regulatory
intensity of sprin<ling and the height of the sprin<ler irrigation on the diagra" or in accordance
with passport data% and the distance between the sprin<lersB
- ipeline dia"eters are appointed for different parts of 3F/6 hydraulic networ<% with ,elocity
of the water and foa"ing solution in pressure pipelines being not "ore than 1& " K s% and the
suction - no "ore than #.8 " K s% dia"eter of the suction pipe is deter"ined by the hydraulic
calculation with due regard for suction head of an applicable fire pu"pB
- !ischarge of each sprin<ler is deter"ined% located in the adopted dictating protected area
5gi,en the fact that the discharge of sprin<lers installed in the distribution networ<% increases with
the distance fro" dictating irrigator7 and total discharge of sprin<lers protecting their irrigated areaB
- 9hec<ed is calculation of the distribution networ< of 3F/6 sprin<ler on the condition of
acti,ation of so "any irrigators% whose total discharge and sprin<ling intensity in the irrigated areas
adopted by the protected a"ount to no less than the nor"ati,e ,alues gi,en in Tables .1-.: of this
9ode of ractice. f this protected area will be less than indicated in Tables .1-.:% the calculation
"ust be repeated with larger dia"eter of distribution networ< piping. >hen using sprin<lers
sprin<ling intensity and pressure of dictating sprin<ler are appointed in accordance with nor"ati,e
and technical docu"entation de,eloped in the prescribed "annerB
- - calculated is the distribution networ< deluge 3F/6 on condition of si"ultaneous operation of
all deluge sprin<lers in the section% which pro,ides fire-eCstinguishing in the protected area with
intensity not less than standard 5Tables .1-.:of this 9ode of ractice7 >hen using sprin<lers%
sprin<ling intensity or pressure of dictating sprin<ler shall be appointed by dictating nor"ati,e and
technical docu"entation de,eloped in the prescribed "annerB
- !eter"ined is pressure in the feed pipe of i"puted area of distribution networ< that protects

adopted the irrigated areaB
- !eter"ined are hydraulic losses of hydraulic networ< fro" i"puted area of distribution
networ< to fire pu"ps% as well as local losses 5including the "anage"ent node7 in this pipeline
- 9alculated are the "ain para"eters of a pu"p with account of inlet pressure 5pressure and
- 9hosen is type and brand of fire pu"p with account for esti"ated pressure and discharge.
<.5 =istribution networ7 calculation
9.#.1 Layout of sprin<lers in the 3F/6 distribution pipeline is generally perfor"ed in
accordance with sy""etric% asy""etric% sy""etric ring or asy""etric ring sche"e 5Figure 9 .17.
9.#.# /sti"ated discharge of water 5foa"ing agents7 through dictating sprin<ler% located in
dictating irrigated area is deter"ined by the for"ula
41  1& - '%

where 43 * F/3 discharge through dictating sprin<ler% lKsB

- * 2prin<ler producti,ity ratio ta<en up in accordance with technical docu"entation for a unit%
6 * pressure before a sprin<ler% a.
9.#.: !ischarge of the dictating sprin<ler 1 is an esti"ated ,alue of 03&5 in the area >3&5 between
the first and the second sprin<lers 5Figure 9 .1% 2ection E7.
9.#.4 ipeline dia"eter in the area >3&5 is assigned by the designer or is deter"ined in accordance
with a for"ula
401 #
d1 #  1&&& %

where d3&5 * dia"eter between the first and the second sprin<ler of the pipeline% ""B
03&5 - F/3 discharge% lKsB
? * discharge ratioB
v * water flow rate% "Ks 5should not eCceed 1& "Ks7.
!ia"eter is increased to the neCt no"inal ,alue in accordance with +(2T #8::8.
9.#. ressure loss 63&5 in the area >3&5 is deter"ined by the for"ula
 01# # >1
 #
K 1&& - @ or '1
 %01# # >1
 #
K 1&&%

where 03&5 * is total F/3 discharge of the first and the second sprin<lers% lKsB
-@ * specific pipeline perfor"ance% l;Ks#B
A * specific pipeline perfor"ance depending on the dia"eter and roughness of walls% s #Kl;.
9.#.; 2pecific resistance and specific hydraulic perfor"ance of pipelines for pipes 5fro"
carbonaceous "aterials7 of different dia"eter are gi,en in Table 9.1 and 9.#.
9.#.$ @ydraulic resistance of plastic pipes is accepted in accordance with "anufacturer=s data. t
is necessary to consider that unli<e steel pipes dia"eter of plastic pipes is pro,ided by eCternal
9.#.8 ressure of sprin<ler #
9.#. !ischarge of sprin<ler # will constitute
4#  1& - '# .

E * section with sy""etrical arrange"ent of sprin<lesB G * section with asy""etrical arrange"ent
of sprin<lesB 9 * section with sy""etrical ring feeding pipelineB !- section with asy""etrical ring
feeding pipeline % %  * reeds of distribution pipelineB a% b% ...% n% " * node reference points
2che"es of distributing networ< of sprin<ler and deluge 3F/6
Figure 9.1
Table 9.1
2pecific resistance by different grades of pipe roughness
!ia"eter 2pecific resistance E% s#Kl;
No"inal !N /sti"ated% "" +reatest roughness ediu" roughness Least roughness
#& #&. # 1.;4: 1.1 &.8
# #; &.4:;$ &.:&; &.#;1
:# :4.$ &.&:8; &.&;; &.&
4& 4& &.&44: &.&:1# &.&#$$
& # &.&11&8 &.&&$8 &.&&;8
$& ;$ &.&&#8: &.&&#&# &.&&18$
8& $. &.&&11;8 &.&&&8# &.&&&$
1&& 1& &.&&&#;$4 &.&&&18$ -
1# 1:& &.&&&&8;#: &.&&&&;& -
1& 1 &.&&&&:: &.&&&&#:8 -
Table 9.#
2pecific hydraulic perfor"ance of pipelines
2pecific pipeline
No"inal /Cternal >all thic<ness%
ipeline type perfor"ance m% 1&*;
dia"eter !N dia"eter% "" ""
2teel electro-welded 1 18 #.& &.&$
5+(2T 1&$&4-17 #& # #.& &.$
# :# #.# :.44
:# 4& #.# 1:.$
4& 4 #.# #8.$
& $ #. 11.&
; $; #.8 $#
8& 8 #.8 14#
1&& 1&8 #.8 4:##
1&& 1&8 :.& 4#:1
1&& 114 #.8 8$#
1&& 114H :.&H $$
1# 1:: :.# 1::&
1# 1::H :.H 1:1&
1# 14& :.# 18&$&

1& 1# :.# #8;&
1& 1 :.# :;#&
1& 1H 4.&H :488&
#&& #1H 4.&H #&&&
#& #$:H 4.&H $11:&&
:&& :#H 4.&H 18;&&&
:& :$$H .&H 4&;#&&&
2teel suitable for gas 1 #1%: #. &.18
and water 5+(2T #& #;%8 #. &.#;
:#;#-$7 # ::% #.8 :.;
:# 4#%: #.8 1;.
4& 48 :.& :4.
& ;& :.& 1:
; $% :.# 1$
8& 88% :. 1#;#
& 1&1 :. #$#
1&& 114 4.& #&
1# 14& 4.& 1;4&
1& 1; 4.& 4:&&&
N #  ! * ipes with para"eters "ar<ed with 'H) are used in eCternal water supply networ<s.
9.#.1& eculiarities of calculating sy""etrical sche"e of dead-ended distribution networ<
9.#.1&.1 For sy""etrical sche"e 5Figure 9.1% section E7 esti"ated discharged in the seg"ent
between the second sprin<ler and point B% that is in the seg"ent #-B% e?uals to
9.#.1&.# ipeline dia"eter in the section >5"B is assigned by designer or deter"ined by a for"ula

40#  a
d #  a  1&&& .

!ia"eter is increased to the neCt ,alue specified in +(2T :#;#% +(2T 8$:#% +(2T 8$:4 or
+(2T 1&$&4.
9.#.1&.: ressure losses in the section #-B are deter"ined by water discharge 05&B
 a  0## a >#
  a K 1&&- @ or '#  a  %0## a >#
  a K 1&&.

9.#.1&.4 ressure in the point B e?uals to

9.#.1&. For left branch of reed  5Figure 9.1% section E7 it is necessary to pro,ide discharge 05&B
by pressure 6B. Right branch is sy""etrical to the left branch that is why discharge for this branch
will also be e?ual to 05&B% conse?uently% pressure in the point W will be e?ual to 6B.
9.#.1&.; 3s a result for reed  we ha,e pressure e?ual to 6B% and water discharge
9.#.1&.$ ipeline dia"eter in the section >B&b is assigned by the designer or is deter"ined by the
40a  b
d a  b  1&&& .

!ia"eter is increased to the neCt ,alue specified in +(2T #8::8.

9.#.1&.8 @ydraulic perfor"ance of reeds of e?ui,alent construction is deter"ined by generalized
perfor"ance of esti"ated section of a pipeline.
9.#.1&. +eneralized perfor"ance of the reed  is deter"ined on the basis of eCpression

D p1  0I K 'a .

9.#.1&.1& ressure losses in the section B&b for sy""etrical and asy""etric sche"es 5Figure
9.1% sections 3 and G7 are deter"ined by the for"ula
9.#.1&.11 ressure in the point b will constitute
9.#.1&.1# >ater discharge fro" the reed  is deter"ined by the for"ula
0II  D p1 'b .

9.#.1&.1: 9alculation of all subse?uent reeds up to the esti"ated 5actual7 water discharge and
corresponding pressure is perfor"ed in accordance with calculation of the reed .
9.#.11 eculiarities of calculating asy""etrical sche"e of dead-ended networ<.
9.#.11.1 Right part of the section G 5Figure 9.17 is not sy""etrical to the left part% that is why
left branch is calculated separately deter"ining 6B and 0E2&B.
9.#.11.# 9onsidering right part of :-B reed 5one sprin<ler7 separately of left 1-B 5two sprin<lers7%
pressure in the right part 6EB should be less than pressure 6B in the left part.
9.#.11.: 3s two different pressures cannot eCist in one point% the bigger ,alue 6B is ta<en and
a"ended 5redeter"ined7 discharge is deter"ined for the right branch 02"B
0:  a  0:  a 'a K 'a .

9.#.11.4 Total water discharge fro" the reed 

9.#.1# eculiarities of calculating of sy""etrical and asy""etrical ring sche"es
9.#.1#.1 2y""etrical and asy""etrical ring sche"es 5Figure 9.1% sections 9 and !7 are
calculated in the sa"e "anner as the dead-ended networ<% but with & of esti"ated water
discharge for each half-ring.
9.: 3F/6 hydraulic calculation
9.:.1 calculation of sprin<ler 3F6 is perfor"ed on the condition
where 0F * nor"ati,e discharge of sprin<ler 3F/6 in accordance with Tables .1-.: of the present
9ode of racticeB
0G * actual discharge of sprin<ler 3F/6.
9.:.# Nu"ber of sprin<les pro,ing actual discharge 0G of sprin<ler 3F/6 with intencity not less
than nor"ati,e 5with account of configuration of the sprin<ling area7 should be not less as
where n * "ini"al a"ount of sprin<ler irrigators pro,iding actual discharge 0G of all types of
sprin<ler 3F/6 with sprin<ling intensity not less than nor"ati,eB
S * "ini"al sprin<ling area in accordance with Table .1 of the present 9odeB
W - reference area protected by one sprin<ler
> * distance between sprin<lers
9.:.: The approCi"ate dia"eters of indi,idual sections of distribution lines can be selected by
the nu"ber of sprin<lers. Table G.: indicated the relationship between the dia"eter of distribution
pipelines% pressure% and the nu"ber of sprin<lers installed

Table 9.:
3pproCi"ate relation between "ost fre?uently used dia"eters of distribution reed pipelines%
pressure and nu"ber of installed sprin<ler and deluge irrigators
No"inal pipeline dia"eter% !N #& # :# 4& & $& 8& 1&& 1# 1&
Nu"ber of irrigators with ore than
1 :   18 #8 4; 8& 1&
pressure of &% a and "ore 1&
Nu"ber of irrigators with ore than
- # :  1& #& :; $ 14&
pressure up to &. a 14&
9.:.4 3s pressure of each sprin<ler is different 5dictating sprin<ler has the lowest pressure7% it is
necessary to ta<e into account discharge of each sprin<ler fro" total a"ount of sprin<lers N.
9.:. Total discharge of deluge 3F/6 is calculated on the condition of place"ent a necessary
nu"ber of sprin<ler in the protected area.
9.:.; Total water discharge of deluge 3F/6 is calculated by conse?uent su""ing of discharge
,alues of each sprin<ler located in the protected zone
0H  4 %
n 1

where 0H * esti"ated discharge of deluge 3F/6% lKsB

4n * discharge of n sprin<ler% lKsB
n * nu"ber of sprin<lers located in sprin<ling zone.
9.:.$ !ischarge 0AJ of sprin<ler 3F/6 with water curtain
where 0G * discharge of sprin<ler 3F/6B
0K * discharge of water curtain.
9.:.8 For the co"bined fire-resistant water pipes 5inner fire-resistant pipeline and auto"atic
eCtinguishing syste"s7 it is per"itted to install one group of pu"ps% on the condition that this group
pro,ides discharge % e?ual to the su" of each water supply needs
where 0AJ! 0<J< * discharges of 3F/6 and internal fire-fighting pipeline.
9.:. !ischarge of fire coc<s is accepted in accordance with #S 5tables 1-#7.
9.:.1& n general case pressure of fire pu"p is for"ed fro" the following co"ponents
where 6F * re?uired pressure of fire pu"p% aB
6L * pressure losses in the horizontal sector of a pipeline 3G% aB
6< * pressure losses in the ,ertical section of a pipeline 9!% aB
6 * pressure losses in local resistances 5for"ed parts of G and !7% aB
6OO * local resistances in control node 5alar" ,al,e% da"pers% ,al,es7% aB
6H * pressure of dictating sprin<ler% aB
P * piezo"etric pressure 5geo"etrical height of dictating sprin<ler abo,e the aCis of fire pu"p%
aB PK1&&B
'<Q * pressure at the entrance of fire pu"p% a%
'@R * re?uired pressure% 3.

1 * water feederB # - sprin<lerB : * contol nodeB 4 * supply lineB 6L * pressure losses in the
horizontal section of a pipeline 3GT '< * pressure losses in the ,ertical section of a pipeline G!B 6
* pressure losses in local resistances 5for"ed parts G and !7B 6OO * local resistances on control node
5alar" ,al,e% da"pers% ,al,es7B 6U * pressure of dictating sprin<lerB P * piezo"etric pressureB '@R *
re?uired pressure
/sti"ated sche"e of water fire eCtinguishing unit
Figure 9.#
9.:.11 Fro" point n 5Figure 9.1% sections E and G7 or fro" point m 5Figure 9.1% sections 9 and
!7 to the fire pu"p 5or other water feeder7 pressure losses in pipes are calculated along the length
with account of local resistances% including those in control nodes 5alar" ,al,es% da"pers% ,al,es7.
9.:.1# @ydraulic pressure losses in dictating feeding pipeline are deter"ined by su""ing
hydraulic losses in the separate sections of a pipeline on the for"ulas
# #
'i  0 >i K 1&&- @ or 'i  %0 >i K 1&&%

where V6i * hydraulic pressure losses in the section >i% aB

0 * F63 discharge% lKsB
-@ * specific perfor"ance of a pipeline in the section >i% l;Ks#B
A * specific resistance of a pipeline in the section >i% depending on the dia"eter and roughness of
walls% s#Kl;.
9.:.1: ressure losses in the control nodes of 6 units% " are deter"ined by for"ula
- in sprin<ler
- in deluge
where WG% WH% WYG% WYH% WK * pressure loss ratios in sprin<ler and deluge control nodes% sprin<ler
and deluge alar" ,al,es and loc<ing de,ice respecti,e 5accepted in accordance with technical
docu"entation for control node in general and for each alar" ,al,e% da"per or ,al,e indi,idually7B
X * water density% <gK":B
0 * esti"ated discharge of water of foa"ing solution through control node% " :Kh.
9.:.14 n approCi"ate calculations local resistances 5with account of losses in control node7 are
assu"ed e?ual to #& of pipeline networ< resistanceB in foa" 3F/6 with concentration of foa"er
solution up to 1& ,iscosity of a solution is not ta<en into consideration.
9.:.1 9alculation is perfor"ed in such a "anner that pressure near control node does not
eCceed 1 a% unless otherwise is specified in technical conditions.
9.:.1; >ith account of selected group of protected obDect 5 3nneC G of the present 9ode of
ractice7 duration of fire eCtinguishing agent deli,ery is assu"ed in accordance with Table .1.
9.:.1$ !uration of internal fire-fighting pipeline operation co"bined with 3F/6 should be
assu"ed e?ual to operation ti"e of 3F/6.

A))!6 D
M!4# #$ '-&-"!!& (-(/-%#) #$ $%&!*!6%)/%s4%) /)%s ;%4 4%4*!6'-)s%#) $#-"
!.1 /sti"ated ,olu"e *% ":% of protected pre"ises or local fire eCtinguishing ,olu"e is
deter"ined. /sti"ated ,olu"e of pre"ises is deter"ined as a product of floor area on foa" filling
height% eCcluding ,olu"es of solid 5i"penetrable7 construction non-co"bustible ele"ents
5colu"ns% bea"s% foundations% etc.7.
!.# 2elected is type and brand of high-eCpansion foa" generator. ts perfor"ance is defined on
the basis of foa"er solution 4% d":K"in.
!.: /sti"ated nu"ber of high-eCpansion foa" generators is deter"ined
a*  1&
n % 5!.17

where B * foa" destruction coefficientB

 * "aCi"al ti"e of filling pre"ises ,olu"e with foa"% "inB
Z * foa" eCpansion.
0alue of B coefficient is calculated by the for"ula
BZ3Z5Z2! 5!.#7
where Z3 * coefficient accounting for foa" shrin<age is assu"ed e?ual to 1.# with ceiling height
up to 4 " and 1. with ceiling height up to 1& "eters deter"ined eCperi"entally.
Z5 * accounts for foa" lea<ageB in absence of open windows is assu"ed e?ual to 1.#B in presence
of open windows is deter"ined eCperi"entallyB
Z2 * accounts for i"pact of s"o<e gases on foa" destruction% to account for i"pact of
co"bustion products of hydrocarbon li?uids is assu"ed e?ual to 1.% for other types of fire load is
deter"ined eCperi"entally. aCi"al ti"e of filling protected pre"ises with foa" is assu"ed to be
no "ore than 1& "inutes.
!.4 2yste" perfor"ance is deter"ined by the foa"er solution% " :s-1
0 . 5!.:7
;&  1&

!. 3ccording to technical docu"entation ,olu"e conception of foa"er in a solution of

deter"ined s% .
!.; /sti"ated a"ount of foa"er is deter"ined% " :
*[\Fc0]P1&-#P;&. 5.47

A))!6 E
@-(?&#/) -- $#& (-(/-%#) "-ss!s #$ -s!#/s $%&!*!6%)/%s4%) -!)s
/.1 Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing conception of gaseous nitrogen 5N #7. +as density by
6X1&1.: <a and ^X#&IO e?uals to 1.1$ <gK" :.
Table E.1
+(2T% T6% Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing
Na"e of co"bustible "aterial
(2T conception%  5,olu"e7
n-heptane +(2T #8#: :4.;
/thanol :;.&
etroleu" E-$; ::.8
3uto"obile oil #$.8
/.# Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing conception of gaseous argon 53r7. +as density by
6X1&1.: <a and ^X#&IO e?uals to 1.;; <gK" :.
Table E.2
+(2T% T6% Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing
Na"e of co"bustible "aterial
(2T conception%  5,olu"e7
n-heptane +(2T #8#: :.&
/thanol 4;.8
etroleu" E-$; 44.:
3uto"obile oil :;.1
/.: Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing conception of dioCide carbon 5O^ #7. +as density by
6X1&1.: <a and ^X#&IO e?uals to 1.88 <gK" :.
Table E.3
+(2T% T6% Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing
Na"e of co"bustible "aterial
(2T conception%  5,olu"e7
n-heptane +(2T #8#: :4.
/thyl alcohol +(2T 18:&& :.$
3cetone +(2T #$;8 ::.$
Toluol +(2T $8 :&.
sopropyl carbinol +(2T ;&1; ::.#
T6 :84&1-8-
ineral sper" oil ^-# :#.;
2ol,ent ;4; +(2T 18188 :#.1
/.4 Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing conception of sulphur heCafluoride 52F ;7. 0apour
density by 'X1&1.: <a and ^X#&IO e?uals to ;.4$4 <gK" :.
Table E.4
+(2T% T6% Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing
Na"e of co"bustible "aterial
(2T conception%  5,olu"e7
n-heptane +(2T #8#: 1&.&
/thanol +(2T 18:&& 14.4
3cetone 1&.8
Transfor"er oil $.#
/. Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing conception of freon #: 59F :@7. density by 'X1&1.:

<a and ^X#&IO e?uals to #.: <gK" :.
Table E.5
+(2T% T6% Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing
Na"e of co"bustible "aterial
(2T conception%  5,olu"e7
n-heptane +(2T #8#: 14.;
/.; Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing conception of freon 1# 59 #F@7. density by 'X1&1.:
<a and ^X#&IO e?uals to .#&8 <gK" :.
Table E.6
+(2T% T6% Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing
Na"e of co"bustible "aterial
(2T conception%  5,olu"e7
n-heptane +(2T #8#: .8
/thanol +(2T 18:&& 11.$
0acuu" oil .
/.$ Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing conception of freon #18 59 :F87. density by 'X1&1.:
<a and ^X#&IO e?uals to $.8 <gK" :.
Table E.7
+(2T% T6% Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing
Na"e of co"bustible "aterial
(2T conception%  5,olu"e7
n-heptane +(2T #8#: $.#
Toluene .4
etrileu" E-$; ;.$
2ol,ent ;4$ ;.1
/.8 Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing conception of freon ##$W 59:F$@7. density by
'X1&1.: <a and ^X#&IO e?uals to $.#8 <gK":.
Table E.8
+(2T% T6% Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing
Na"e of co"bustible "aterial
(2T conception%  5,olu"e7
n-heptane +(2T #8#: $.#
Toluene ;.&
etroleu" E-$; $.:
2ol,ent ;4$ $.:
/. Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing conception of freon :18 q 59 4F87. density by 'X1&1.:
<a and ^X#&IO e?uals to 8.4:8 <gK" :.
Table E.9
+(2T% T6% Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing
Na"e of co"bustible "aterial
(2T conception%  5,olu"e7
n-heptane +(2T #8#: $.8
/thanol +(2T 18:&& $.8
3cetone $.#
Uerosene $.#
Toluene .
/.1& Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing conception of nergen gas co"position 5nitrogen 5N #7-
# 5,olu"e7% argon 53r7-4& 5,olu"e7B carbon dioCide 5O^ #7-8 5,olu"e.77. 0apour density by
6X1&1.: <a and ^X#&IO e?uals 1.4# <gK" :.

Table E.10
+(2T% T6% Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing
Na"e of co"bustible "aterial
(2T conception%  5,olu"e7
n-heptane +(2T #8#: :;.
ethanol +(2T 18:&& :;.&
3uto"obile oil #8.:
Technical acetone +(2T #$;8 :$.#
N #  ! * Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing concentration of gaseous F/3 listed abo,e for
eCtinguishing of fire of E# class should be assu"ed e?ual to nor"ati,e fire-eCtinguishing
concentration for eCtinguishing of n-heptane.
/.11 Regulatory bul< fire eCtinguishing concentration of Freon trifluoro"ethane-18.
air density at 6 X 1&1%: <a and ^ X #& O is :.#4 <gK" :.
Table /.11

Regulatory bul< fire eCtinguishing

9o"bustible "aterial na"e +(2T% T2% 2
concentration%  5,ol.7
N-heptane +(2T #8#: .

=I)&#/(! -%%#)-y, R!. N#. 1>

/.1# Regulatory bul< fire eCtinguishing concentration of Freon 9F:9F#95(79F59F:7#.

air density at 6 X 1&1%: <a and ^ X #& O is 1:%; <gK" :.
Table /.1#

Regulatory bul< fire eCtinguishing

9o"bustible "aterial na"e +(2T% T2% 2
concentration%  5,ol.7
N-heptane +(2T #8#: 4.#

=I)&#/(! -%%#)-y, R!. N#. 1>

/.1: Regulatory bul< fire eCtinguishing concentration of Freon #1$A1 5O:F$A7.

air density at 6 X 1&1%: <a and ^ X #& O is 1#%: <gK" :.
Table /.1:

Regulatory bul< fire eCtinguishing

9o"bustible "aterial na"e +(2T% T2% 2
concentration%  5,ol.7
N-heptane +(2T #8#: #.

=I)&#/(! -%%#)-y, R!. N#. 1>

/.14 Regulatory bul< fire eCtinguishing concentration of Freon 9F:A.

air density at 6 X 1&1%: <a and ^ X #& O is 8%1; <gK" :.

Table /.14

Regulatory bul< fire eCtinguishing

9o"bustible "aterial na"e +(2T% T2% 2
concentration%  5,ol.7
N-heptane +(2T #8#: 4.;

=I)&#/(! -%%#)-y, R!. N#. 1>

/.1 Regulatory bul< fire eCtinguishing concentration of 3rgonit gas co"position 5nitrogen 5N#7
- &  5,ol.7B argon 53r7 - &  5,ol.7.
air density at 6 X 1&1%: <a and ^ X #& O is 1%4 <gK":.
Table /.1

Regulatory bul< fire eCtinguishing

9o"bustible "aterial na"e +(2T% T2% 2
concentration%  5,ol.7
N-heptane +(2T #8#: :;.8

N#! * Nor"ati,e ,olu"e fire eCtinguishing concentration of gaseous F/3 listed abo,e for
eCtinguishing of fire of E# class should be assu"ed e?ual to nor"ati,e fire-eCtinguishing
concentration for eCtinguishing of n-heptane.

=I)&#/(! -%%#)-y, R!. N#. 1>

/.1; 9orrection factor accounting for location height of protected obDect in relation to sea le,el.
Table /.1;
@eight abo,e sea le,el% " 9orrection factor Z2
fro" & to 1&&& 1.&&&
fro" 1&&& to 1&& &.88
fro" 1&& to #&&& &.8:&
fro" #&&& to #&& &.$8
fro" #&& to :&&& &.$:
fro" :&&& to :&& &.;&
fro" :&& to 4&&& &.;&
fro" 4&&& to 4&& &.;1&
ore than 4&& &.;

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

/.1$ 0alues of lea<age para"eter depending on the ,olu"e of protected obDect.

Table /.1$
Lea<age para"eter% no "ore than 0olu"e of the protected pre"ise
&.&44 "*1 6p to 1& " :
&.&:: "*1 fro" 1& to #& " :
&.&#8 "*1 fro" #& to :& " :
&.&## "*1 Fro" :& to & " :

&.&18 "*1 Fro" & to $ " :
&.&1; "*1 Fro" $ to 1&& " :
&.&14 "*1 fro" 1&& to 1& " :
&.&1# "*1 Fro" 1& to #&& " :
&.&11 "*1 fro" #&& to #& " :
&.&1& "*1 fro" #& to :&& " :
&.&& "*1 Fro" :&& to 4&& " :
&.&&8 "*1 Fro" 4&& to && " :
&.&&$ "*1 Fro" && to $& " :
&.&&; "*1 Fro" $& to 1&&& " :
&.&& "*1 Fro" 1&&& to 1&& " :
&.&&4 " *1 Fro" 1&& to #&&& " :
&.&&4& " *1 Fro" #&&& to #&& " :
&.&&:$ " *1 Fro" #&& to :&&& " :
&.&&:: " *1 Fro" :&&& to 4&&& " :
&.&&:& " *1 Fro" 4&&& to &&& " :
&.&&# " *1 Fro" &&& to $&& " :
&.&&## " *1 Fro" $&& to 1&&&& " :
&.&&1 "*1 3bo,e 1& &&& " : 5only for 3+F/67

=R!%s! !%%#), R!. N#. 1>

A))!6 F
M!4# #$ (-(/-%#) #$ -s!#/s $%&! !6%)/%s4%) -!) "-ss $#& -s!#/s $%&!*!6%)/%s4%)
/)%s 8y !6%)/%s4%) %- #/"!&%( "!4#
F.1 /sti"ated "ass of +F/3 ` % which should be stored in a unit is deter"ined by the for"ula
_LZ3`_C_@C_n% 5F.17
where _R * "ass of +F/3 intended for generation in pre"ises ,olu"e of fire-eCtinguishing
concentration in absence on artificial air ,entilation% is deter"ined by for"ulas
- for +F/3 * li?uefied gases% with eCception of carbon dioCide
, p  * p 1 1  - #  B 5F.#7
1&&  <F

- for +F/3 * co"pressed gases and carbon dioCide

, p  *p 1 1  - #  ln % 5F.:7
1&&  <F

* * esti"ated ,olu"e of protected pre"ises% " :. /sti"ated ,olu"e of the roo" includes its internal
geo"etric ,olu"e% including the ,olu"e of ,entilation% air conditioning% air heating syste"s 5up
tight ,al,es or da"pers7. The ,olu"e of e?uip"ent in the roo"% it is not subtracted fro" esti"ated
,olu"e% eCcept for the ,olu"e of solid 5i"per"eable7 building ele"ents 5colu"ns% bea"s%
foundations for e?uip"ent% etc.7B
Z3 * coefficient accounting for lea<age of gaseous fire-eCtinguishing agents fro" the ,esselsB
Z5 * coefficient accounting for losses of gaseous fire-eCtinguishing agents through windows of
the pre"isesB
3 * density of gaseous fire-eCtinguishing agent with account of protected obDect heights in
relation to sea le,el for "ini"al te"perature on the roo" ^% <gK": is deter"ined by the for"ula
1  o Z: % 5F.47

RU * ,apour density of gaseous fire-eCtinguishing agent by the te"perature of ^UX#: 5#&IO7

and pressure 1&1.: <aB
^U * "ini"al air te"perature in protected pre"ises% B
Z2 * correction factor accounting for location height of the obDect in relation to the sea le,el% the
,alues of which are gi,en in the Table /.11 of 3nneC /B
F * nor"ati,e ,olu"e concentration%  5,olu"e7.
0alues of nor"ati,e fire-eCtinguishing concentrations F are gi,en in 3nneC /.
Residue +F/6 "ass in pipelines ` m% <g% is deter"ined by the for"ula
`mX0m^v]% 5F.7
where *@R * ,olu"e of all pipeline eCtension of a unit% " :B
R^ * density of +F/6 residue under pressure in the pipeline after ter"ination of +/6 "ass
effluC _R into protected pre"isesB
_n * product of +F/6 residue in "odule _% which is accepted in accordance with T! on
"odule% <g% for the a"ount of "odules in a unit n.
N #  ! * For li?uid co"bustible agents not listed in the 3nneC /% nor"ati,e fire eCtinguishing
concentration of +F/6% all co"ponents of which are in the gaseous phase in the nor"al conditions%
can be deter"ined as a product of "ini"al ,olu"etric fire-eCtinguishing concentration and safety
coefficient e?ual to 1.# for all +/6% with eCception of carbon dioCide. 2afety coefficient for O^ #
e?uals to 1%$.

For 3F/6% which are under nor"al conditions in the li?uid phase% as well as for "iCtures of
3F/6% at least one co"ponent of which is under nor"al conditions in the li?uid phase% the
regulatory eCtinguishing concentration is deter"ined by "ultiplying the ,olu"etric fire
eCtinguishing concentration on a safety factor of 1.#.
ethods for deter"ining the "ini"u" ,olu"etric fire eCtinguishing concentration% and fire
eCtinguishing concentration are specifiedin the +(2T R :#8&.:.
F.# /?uation coefficients 5F.17 re deter"ined in the following way.
F.#.1 9oefficient accounting for lea<age of gaseous fire-eCtinguishing agent fro" the ,essels
F.#.# 9oefficient accounting for losses of gaseous fire-eCtinguishing agent through openings
- #  ' wxy % 5F.;7
where ' * para"eter accounting for location of openings along the height of the protected
pre"ises% "& s-1.
Nu"erical ,alues of the para"eter ' are chosen in the following way
'X&.; - at the location of openings both in the lower 5&-&.#7 @ and the upper zone of the roo"
5&%8-1%&7 01 or si"ultaneously on the ceiling or on the floor of the pre"ises% the area of openings in
the top and botto" being approCi"ately e?ual and constituting half of the total area of openings% 
X &.1 - with only the location of openings in the upper zone 5&%8-1%&7 @ protected pre"ises 5or
ceiling7%  X &.# - only at the location of openings in the lower zone 5& -&%#7 01 protected roo" 5or
floor7%  X &.4 - with approCi"ately unifor" distribution of the s?uare openings on the entire height
of the protected pre"ises and in all other casesB
 #F
   lea<age para"eter% "-1%
where #F * total area of openings% " #B
 * ceiling height% "B
]x * nor"ati,e ti"e of +F/3 supply into protected pre"ises% s.
F.: /Ctinguishing of fire of subclass 3 1 5eCcept s"oldering "aterials specified in 8.1.17 should
be done in the pre"ises with lea<age para"eter not "ore than &.&&1 "-1.
ass _R for fire eCtinguishing of subclass 31 is deter"ined by the for"ula
_R-;_R&L#[@! 5F.$7
where _R&L#[@ * "ass ,alue _R for nor"ati,e ,olu"etric concentration F upon eCtinguishing of
n-heptane is calculated by the for"ulas 5#7 or 5:7B
-; * coefficient accounting for a type of co"bustible "aterial.
The coefficient U4 is assu"ed to be 1.: * for eCtinguishing of paper% corrugated paper%
cardboard% cloth% etc.% in bales% rolls or foldersB #.# - for pre"ises with the sa"e "aterials% access
to which for fire"en is eCcluded after ter"ination of 3F/6 operation. For the re"aining fires of
subclass 31% eCcept those specified in 8.1.1% the ,alue of U4 is assu"ed to be 1.#.
Further% the esti"ated "ass of +F/3 is calculated by the for"ula 5F.17.
3nd it is allowed to increase the nor"ati,e ti"e for the +F/3 supply in U4 ti"es.
f the calculated a"ount of +F/3 is deter"ined using the ratio U4 X #%#% +F/3 reser,e "ay be
reduced and deter"ined by calculation using a coefficient U4 X 1.:.
ou should not open the protected area to which access is allowed% or brea< its seal in another
way within #& "inutes after acti,ation of 3F/6 5or until the arri,al of fire units7.

A))!6 G
M!4# #$ 4y&-/%( (-(/-%#) #$ (-&8#)*%#6%! $%&!*!6%)/%s4%) /)%s #$ #; '&!ss/&!
+.1 3,erage pressure during carbon dioCide supply in isother"al ,essel pm% a% is deter"ined
by the for"ula
pmj!1(p3Cp5)! 5+.17
where p3 * pressure in reser,oir with preser,ation of carbon dioCide% aB
p5 * pressure in the reser,oir at the end of release of esti"ated a"ount of carbon dioCide% a% is
deter"ined in accordance with Figure +.1.
+.# 3,erage discharge of carbon dioCide 0m% <gKs is deter"ined by the for"ula
0m  % 5+.#7

where m * esti"ated a"ount of carbon dioCide% <gB

t * nor"ati,e ti"e ofcarbon dioCide supply% s.
+.: nternal dia"eter of feeding 5"aDor7 pipeline di % "% is deter"ined in accordance with the

di  %;  1&
 :
 7 
 0m  #
l1 
% 5+.:7

where 7; * "ultiplier deter"ined by the table +.1B

l3 * length of feeding 5"aDor7 pipeline7 in accordance with the proDect% ".
Table G.1

pm% a 1.# 1.4 1.; 1.8 #.& #.4

ultiplier 7; &.;8 &.$ &.8 &.# 1.& 1.

+.4 3,erage pressure in feeding 5"aDor7 pipeline in the place of its introduction into a protected
pre"ises is calculated fro" the e?uation

 #  1&11  0m  # l# 
p:  p4   #  &%-;8 ln 1  - % #- # % 5+.47
  d i   7 4  
where l5 * e?ui,alent length of pipelines fro" isother"al reser,oir to the point where pressure is
deter"ined% "
1% #-
l#  l1  ;di  1% 5+.7
where k3 * su" of resistance coefficients of fashion parts of the pipelines.
+. 3,erage pressure constitutes
R@j!1(R2CR;)! 5+.;7
where R2 * pressure in the place of introduction of feeding 5"aDor7 pipelines into the protected
pre"ises% aB
R; * pressure at the end of feeding 5"aDor7 pipeline% a.
ressure on the nozzles should be not less than 1.& a.
+.; 3,erage discharge through a nozzle 0m% <gKs-1% is deter"ined by the for"ula

0m  4%1 1&: 7- %: eCp1%$; pm  % 5+.$7

where  - coefficient of discharge through a nozzleB
%2 * area of nozzle outlet% " #B
71 * coefficient deter"ined by the for"ula
7-  &%:  . 5+.87

1%&#-  &%- pm

+.$ Nu"ber of nozzles W3 is deter"ined by the for"ula

W30m/0m. 5+.7
+.8 nner dia"eter of distribution pipeline di% "% is calculated on the condition
d i ³ 1%4d 1 % 5+.1&7
where d * dia"eter of nozzle outlet% ".

1 - by p3X#.4 aB # - by p3X#.1 aB : - by p3X1.8 aB 4 - by p3X1.; aB  - by p3X1.4 aB ;
- by p3X1.# a
!ependence of pressure p # in isother"al reser,oir in the end of discharge of the esti"ated a"ount
of carbon dioCide " fro" the relati,e "ass of carbon dioCide " 4
Figure +.1
N #  ! * Relati,e "ass of carbon dioCide m; is deter"ined by the for"ula
m-  m
m4  % 5+.117

where m * initial "ass of carbon dioCide% <g.

A))!6 H
M!4# #$ (-(/-%#) #$ #'!)%) -&!- $#& /"' #$ !6(!ss '&!ss/&! %) 4! &##"s '&#!(! 8y
4! -s!#/s $%&!*!6%)/%s4%) /)%s
(pening area for release of eCcess pressure #c% "#% is deter"ined by the for"ula
- # -: , p 
#c ³   #%
&%$ -i [UH 1 # '  ' &%#8-$  5@.17
$  1& ' !!   1
; [R a

" 'a  

where pr - "aCi"u" pressure which is deter"ined on the condition of strength conser,ation of
structural construction of protected areas e?uip"ent located within these pre"ises% aB
a - pressure% aB
pG - air density under operating conditions of the protected pre"ises% <gK":B
U# - the safety factor% ta<en e?ual to 1.#B
U: - coefficient accounting for change in pressure when it is applied%
][UH - ti"e for +F/3 deli,ery% deter"ined fro" the hydraulic calculation% sB
F * area of per"anently open apertures 5eCcept waste opening7 in building en,elope.
0alues of ,p% -3% p3 are deter"ined in accordance with 3nneC Z .
For +F/3 * li?uefied gases coefficient -2X1.
For +F/3 * co"pressed gases -2 is ta<en e?ual to
For nitrogen * #.4B
For argon * #.;;B
For inergen co"position * #.44.
f the right part of the e?uation is less or e?uals to zero% the opening 5de,ice7 for eCcessi,e
pressure du"p is not needed.
N #  ! * (pening area is calculated without account of cooling i"pact of +F/3 co"pressed
gases which can lead to so"e reduction in the area of an opening.

A))!6 I
G!)!&- '&#%s%#) $#& (-(/-%#) #$ '#;!& $%&! !6%)/%s4%) /)%s #$ "#/-& y'!
.1 nitial data for calculation and design of the units are
- The geo"etrical di"ensions of the roo" 5size% building en,elope area% height7B
- 3rea of openings in building en,elope structuresB
- Te"perature% pressure and hu"idity in the protected areaB
- List of substances% "aterials placed in the roo"% and indicators of their fire hazard% the
corresponding class of fire in accordance with +(2T #$::1B
- Type% "agnitude and pattern of distribution of fire loadB
- resence and characteristics of ,entilation% air conditioning% air heating syste"sB
- 9haracteristics and arrange"ent of technological e?uip"entB
- 9ategory of pre"ises 1&S and classes of zones $SB
- resence of people and ways of their e,acuation.
- Technical docu"entation for the "odules.
.# The calculation of the unit includes the following
- The nu"ber of "odules designed for fire eCtinguishingB
- Ti"e of e,acuation% if anyB
- The ti"e of installationB
- 3n ade?uate supply of powder% "odules and co"ponentsB
- Type and re?uired nu"ber of detectors 5if necessary7 to ensure operation of a unit% signal
launchers% power supplies to start the installation.
.: ethods of calculating the nu"ber of "odules for the "odular powder fire-eCtinguishing
.:.1 /Ctinguishing of ,olu"e protected
.:.1.1 /Ctinguishing of total protected ,olu"e
3 nu"ber of "odules for the protection of pre"ises ,olu"e is defined by the for"ula
N  717# 7:74 % 5.17

where N * nu"ber of "odules necessary to protect a pre"ises% ite"sB

*[ * ,olu"e of protected pre"ises% " :B
*F * ,olu"e protected by one "odule of selected type% deter"ined by technical docu"entation
5hereinafter in the 3nneC * docu"entation7 for "odule% " : 5with account of spray geo"etry * shape
and sizes of the protected obDect declared by the "anufactures7B
73X1...1%# * coefficient of powder spraying irregularity. >hen nozzle is placed on the border of
"aCi"al per"issible height 5in accordance with docu"entation for a "odule7% 73X1%# or is
deter"ined in accordance with docu"entation for a "oduleB
75 * stoc< coefficient accounting for opacity of possible fire seat%
depending on relation of area% shaded by the e?uip"ent S2% to the protected area SO% ad is deter"ined
7#  1  1%:: % 5.#7

£ &%1-% 5.:7

@ere S2- opacity area - is defined as the area of the protected area% where the source of fire "ay
be for"ed% to which the "otion of the powder fro" the nozzle in a straight line is bloc<ed by

i"penetrable to the powder structural ele"ents.
$ &%1-% 5.47

t is reco""ended to install additional "odules directly in the shadow zone or in a position that
eli"inates the shading% under this condition 75 e?ual to 1B
72 - coefficient accounting for changes in the efficiency of fire eCtinguishing powder used in
relation to the co"bustible "aterial in a protected zone in co"parison with petroleu" 3-#
5second class7. !eter"ined in accordance with the Table .1. n absence of data is deter"ined
eCperi"entally by "ethods appro,ed in the prescribed "annerB
7; - coefficient accounting for degree of lea<age of the pre"ises.
7;X1k1&f% where f#F\L/#[U - the ratio of the total area of per"anent openings 5apertures% slits7
#F\L to the total surface areas #[U.
For units of i"pulse eCtinguishing coefficient 7;can be ta<en in accordance with the
docu"entation for the "odules.
.:.1.# Local fire eCtinguishing by ,olu"e.
9alculation is the sa"e as in case of fire eCtinguishing by total ,olu"e with account of .#.-
.#.$Local ,olu"e *F%% protected by one "odule is defined with the docu"entation for "odules
5including spray geo"etry - the shape and size of protected local obDect declared by the
"anufacturer7% and the protected ,olu"e *K is defined as the ,olu"e of the obDect increased by
Gy local eCtinguishing by ,olu"e 7; is assu"ed to be X 1.:% it is per"itted to ta<e other ,alues 7;
obtained fro" the results of fire tests in standard conditions and pro,ided in the docu"entation for
.:.# Fire eCtinguishing by area.
.:.#.1 /Ctinguishing by total area
Nu"ber of "odules necessary for fire eCtinguishing by area of protected obDect is deter"ined by
the for"ula
N  717# 7:74 % 5.7

where N * nu"ber of "odules% ite"sB

SO * area of protected pre"ises li"ited by en,elope structures% walls% "#B
SF * area protected by one "odule is deter"ined in accordance with the docu"entation for
"odule% " # 5with account of spray geo"etry * protected area sizes declared by the "anufacturer7.
9oefficient ,alues are deter"ined in accordance with .:.1 of the present 3nneC% 7; is assu"ed to
be e?ual to 1.#B it is per"itted to ta<e other ,alues 7; obtained fro" the results of fire tests in
standard conditions and pro,ided in the docu"entation for "odules.
.:.#.# Local fire eCtinguishing by area
The calculation is the sa"e as for fire eCtinguishing in the area with the re?uire"ents of .#.;%
.#.$. t is assu"ed SF - the local area% protected by a "odule is deter"ined by docu"entation for
the "odule 5including the geo"etry of the spray - the shape and size of local protected area
declared by the "anufacturer7% and protected area SO is defined as the area of the facility% increased
by 1&.
Gy local eCtinguishing it is assu"ed that <4 X 1.:B it is per"itted to ta<e other ,alues <4%
obtained fro" the results of fire tests in standard conditions of protected obDects and specified in the
docu"entation for a "odule.
3s the SF can be ta<en area of "aCi"al ran< in class 9% eCtinguishing of which is pro,ided by
this "odule 5as deter"ined by docu"entation in the "odule% "#7.
.:.#.: /Ctinguishing of protected area in case of fla""able li?uids split.

Nu"ber of "odules is calculated in accordance with .:.#.1% in this case as SF has to be ta<en the
focus area of "aCi"al ran< in class 9% eCtinguishing of which is pro,ided by this "odule 5as
deter"ined by docu"entation for a "odule7% and SO - a possible area of split.
N #  ! - f as a result of calculation of nu"ber of "odules a fractional final nu"ber is recei,ed%
the neCt larger whole nu"ber is assu"ed to be a final nu"ber.
>hen protecting the area% ta<ing into account structural and technological features of the
protected obDect 5with Dustification in the proDect7 it is per"itted to run "odules on algorith"s%
pro,iding zone by zone protection. n this case% a protected area is assu"ed as the area isolated by
the proDect 5tra,el% etc.7 or constructi,e 5non-co"bustible walls% partitions% etc.7 solutions. (peration
of unit should ensure non-proliferation of fire outside the protected area% which is calculated ta<ing
into account the inertia of the unit and speed of fire spreading 5for the particular type of co"bustible
Table .1 reflects the coefficients of the co"parati,e effecti,eness of fire eCtinguishing powders
<: by eCtinguishing ,arious substances. n parentheses are the ,alues of <: for units only with a
"anual start-up and units with pulse "odules.
Table I.1
owders for eCtinguishing fires owders for eCtinguishing
No. 9o"bustible agent
of E% ]% O classes fires of ]% O classes
etroleu" E-# 5second
1 1.& &.
# !iesel fuel &. &.8
: Transfor"er oil &.8 &.8
4 Genzol 1.1 1.1&
 sopropanol 1.# 1.1
; >ood 1.& 5#.&7 -
$ Rubber 1.& 51.7 -

A))!6 
M!4# #$ (-(/-%#) #$ -/#"-%( -!&#s# $%&! !6%)/%s4%)
.3 <alculation of charge mass
U.1.1 The total "ass of the aerosol co"position ` E^O% <g necessary to eli"inate 5eCtinguish7 the
fire ,ia ,olu"etric "ethod in a roo" of the gi,en size and lea<age is deter"ined by the for"ula

_A-3-5-2-;4F*% 5A.17
where * * ,olu"e of protected pre"ises% " :B
4F * nor"ati,e fire eCtinguishing capacity to the "aterial or substance located in the protected
pre"ises% for which 4F ,alue is the highest 5? { should be specified in technical docu"entation for a
generator7% <gK":B
-3 * coefficient accounting for irregularity of aerosol distribution along the height of the
-5 * coefficient accounting for lea<age i"pact of the protected pre"isesB
-2 * coefficient accounting for peculiarities of cables eCtinguishing in the e"ergency operational
-; * coefficient accounting for peculiarities of cable eCtinguishing with different orientation in
A.1.# 9oefficients of the e?uation 5A.17 are deter"ined in the following "anner.
A.1.#.1 9oefficient -3 is ta<en e?ual to
-3X1.& with ceiling height not eCceeding :.& "B
3X1.1 with ceiling height fro" :.& to .& "etersB
-3X1.# with ceiling height fro" .& to 8.& "etersB
-3X1.4 with ceiling height fro" 8.& to 1& "eters.
A.1.#.# 9oefficient U# is deter"ined by the for"ula
-53Cq]% 5A.#7
where 6q - deter"ined fro" Table A.1,alue of the relati,e flow rate of aerosol at these ,alues of
lea<age para"eter | and lea<age distribution para"eter upon height of the protected pre"ises % }-1B
] * di"ension factor% }.
] ,alue is ta<en e?ual to ; sB % ~ -1% - lea<age para"eter of the protected pre"ises% deter"ined
as relation of total area of per"anent openings # to the ,olu"e of the protected pre"ises *

 
# % 5A.:7

% % - lea<age distribution para"eter upon height of the protected pre"ises deter"ined as a

relation of per"anent opening area located in the upper part of the protected pre"ises #% to the
total area of per"anent opening
%   1&&% 5A.:7
A.1.#.: 9oefficient -2 is ta<en e?ual to
-2X1. * for cable constructionsB
-2X1.& * for other constructions.

Table J.1
Relati,e intensity of aerosol supply into the roo" H% s*1
Lea<age Gy lea<age distribution para"eter along the heights of the protected pre"ises % 
&  1& #& :& 4& & ;& $& 8& & 1&&
r % "*1
&.&& &.&& &.&& &.&& &.&& &.&& &.&& &.&& &.&& &.&& &.&&
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A.1.#.4 9oefficient -; is ta<en e?ual
-;X1.1 * at the location of the longitudinal aCis of the cable structure at an angle greater than 4
I to the horizontal 5,ertical% inclined cable sewers% tunnels% corridors and cable shafts7BB
-;X1.& * in other cases.
A.1.: n deter"ining the esti"ated ,olu"e of the protected pre"ises * is the ,olu"e of e?uip"ent
to be placed in it% is not deducted fro" the total ,olu"e
A.1.4 n presence of these full-scale tests in a protected area on eCtinguishing fla""able
"aterials by the specific types of generators% perfor"ed in accordance with the procedure agreed
upon in due course% the total "ass of the aerosol charge for protection of a gi,en ,olu"e can be
deter"ined based on the results of these tests.
.5 =etermination of total number of generators in the unit
A.#.1 Total nu"ber of generators N should be deter"ined by the following condition su" of
charge "asses of all generators included into the unit should be not less as a total charge "ass
calculated by for"ula 517

m sxWi
³ , Af % 5A.7

where mLUBi * charge "ass in one generator% <g.

A.#.# n case of presence of unifor" generators in 3F/% total nu"ber of +(3% ite"s% should be
deter"ined by for"ula
, %+<
N³ . 5A.;7

The resulting fractional ,alue of N is rounded to the nearest whole nu"ber.

U.#.: t is reco""ended to adDust total nu"ber of generators N upward with account of
probability of acti,ation of applicable generators to ensure reliability of a unit gi,en by the
-.2 =etermination of algorithm of generator start&up
U.:.1 2tart-up of generators can be perfor"ed si"ultaneously 5one group7 or to reduce eCcess
pressure in the roo" by se,eral groups without interruption in the supply of fire-eCtinguishing
The nu"ber of generators in the group n is deter"ined on the condition of co"pliance with
U.:.# and U.:.: of this 3nneC.
U.:.# !uring operation of each group of generators relati,e intensity of the aerosol deli,ery "ust
satisfy the condition
³H 5see A.1.#.1 3nneC A7%
where  * relati,e intensity of aerosol deli,ery 5relation of fire-eCtinguishing aerosol supply to
the nor"ati,e fire-eCtinguishing capacity of this type of generators% I/4F7% }-1B
I * supply intensity of eCtinguishing aerosol into the protected area 5the ratio of the total "ass of
the charge of /3 in a group of unit generators to the ti"e of its operation and scope of the
protected pre"ises7% <g K 5":s7
A.:.: (,erpressure during the lifeti"e of the installation 5see 3nneC 7 shall not eCceed the
"aCi"u" allowable pressure in the roo" 5with account of glass7.
f the re?uire"ents U.:.# and U.:.: of this 3nneC do not see" realizable% the use of aerosol fire
eCtinguishing units is forbidden.
Nu"ber of groups of generators A is deter"ined on the condition that their total nu"ber in the
unit was not less than those deter"ined in certain in A.#.1-A.#.: of this 3nneC.
.; =etermination of refined unit parameters
A.4.1 6nit para"eters are subDect to refining after deter"ination of nu"ber of groups of
generators  and nu"ber of generators in a group by the for"ulas
9 in

N 
 n9 1 i 1
i ³ NB 5A.$7

, H
Af m
i 1
efAi ³ , Af B 5A.87


 LRi %
 AAJ  5A.7
9 1

where ]qAAJ * operation ti"e of a unit 5the inter,al of ti"e fro" the "o"ent of alar" signal for
start-up of generators in this group until the end of operation of the last generator7% sB
]6 * operation ti"e of a group of generators 5the internal of ti"e fro" the "o"ent of alar"
signal for start-up of generators in this group until the end of operation of the last generator7% s.
A.4.# n order to a,oid eCcess pressure in the roo" abo,e the "aCi"u" per"issible it is
necessary to calculate the pressure using the unit with the refined para"eters for eCcess pressure in

the roo" in accordance with 3nneC U of this 9ode of ractice. f the resulting pressure eCceeds the
"aCi"u" per"issible% it is necessary to increase the ti"e of unit operation% which can be achie,ed
by increasing the nu"ber of groups of generators of A with the corresponding decrease in the
nu"ber of generators in the group n and 5or7 the use of generators with a longer operating ti"e. The
neCt step is to calculate re,ised para"eters of the unit% starting with A.1 of 3nneC U to this 9ode of
.1 =etermination of generator stoc7
Gesides esti"ated a"ount of generators a unit should ha,e 1&& stoc< 5for each +(3 type7.
f there are se,eral on-site units of aerosol fire eCtinguishing generator stoc< is pro,ided in an
a"ount sufficient to restore functionality of the unit acti,ated in any of the protected areas of the
+enerators "ust be stored in a warehouse of an obDect or organization perfor"ing ser,ice
"aintenance of the unit.

A))!6 
M!4# #$ (-(/-%#) #$ !6(!ss '&!ss/&! - s/''y #$ $%&! !6%)/%s4%) -!&#s# %)# - '&!"%s!s
U.1 /Ccess pressure 6m% <a% at supply of fire eCtinguishing aerosol into a pre"ises X& is
deter"ined by the for"ula

&%&#;-0, Af  # S AIAJ 

'm  1  eCp!  &%&114  *  % 5U.17
S AIAJ  " 
where 0 - specific heat production upon operation of generators 5the a"ount of heat produced
during operation of generators in the protected area% related to the unit "ass of the 3(9 indicated
in the technical docu"entation for the generator7% A K <gB
S * total area of building en,elope of the protected pre"ises 5su" of areas of walls% floor and
ceiling of the protected pre"ises7% "#.
U.# /Ccess pressure in unsealed roo"s is deter"ined by the for"ula
6m7An% 5U.#7
where A * di"ensionless para"eter described by the eCpression

8 # : S AAJ  0I
%  1%1:  1&  !1  4%4  1&  % 5U.:7
" * 
7! n * coefficient constituting
by &.&1£A£1.# 7X#& <a% nX1.$B
by A•1.# 7X:# <a% nX&.#.
f the para"eter is A€&.&1% pressure calculation is not perfor"ed. t is assu"ed that the unit
co"plies with the re?uire"ent of 6m'[R\H.
,%+<! AAJ! I! *!  are deter"ined in accordance with 3nneC .

A))!6 L
S!!(%) y'!s #$ $%&! !!(#&s !'!)%) #) 4! '/&'#s! #$ '&#!(! '&!"%s!s -) $%&! #-
Table L.1
Type of fire
List of typical pre"ises of production% technological processes
1 roduction buildings

1.1 >ith production and storage of 2"o<e% heat%

>ood resins% synthetic fibers% plastics% teCtiles% teCtile haberdashery% clothing% fla"e
footwear% leather% tobacco% fur% and pulp and paper products% ce lluloid% rubber%
rubber products% co"bustible -ray ,ideo tapes% cotton
,arnishes% paints% sol,ents% fla""able li?uids% co"bustible% lubricants% che"icals%
2"o<e% fla"e
distilleries products
3l<ali "etals% "etal powders Fla"e
flour% feed and other products and "aterials releasing dust @eat% fla"e
1.# with production of 2"o<e% heat%
paper% cardboard% wallpaper% ani"al and poultry products fla"e
1.:. with storage 2"o<e% heat%
nco"bustible "aterials infla""able pac<% solid fla""able "aterials fla"e
Roo"s with co"puters% radios% G 2"o<e
# 2pecial constructions
#.1 re"ises for cable installations% for transfor"ers% distributing de,ices% switch 2"o<e% heat
#.# re"ises for e?uip"ent and piping for the transfer of fla""able li?uids and
oils% testing internal co"bustion engines and fuel e?uip"ent% filling cylinders with Fla"e% heat
co"bustible gases
2"o<e% heat%
#.: re"ises of auto"obile "aintenance co"panies
: 3d"inistrati,e% household and public buildings and constructions
:.1 3udience halls% rehearsal% lecture% reading and "eeting roo"s% behind the 2"o<e
scenes% lobby% halls% corridors% dressing roo"s% stac<s% files% space behind
suspended ceilings
:.# 3rtistic% wardrobe% restoration wor<shops% fil" and light proDecting roo"s% 2"o<e% heat%
instru"ent roo"s% dar<roo" fla"e
:.: 3d"inistrati,e and household pre"ises% co"puter centers% instru"ent panels%
2"o<e% heat
:.4 @ospital roo"s% facilities of trade% public catering% ser,ice% roo"s%
2"o<e% heat
acco""odation hotels and hostels
2"o<e% heat%
:. useu" and eChibition pre"ises
4 buildings and facilities with large ,olu"es
3triu"s% production halls% warehouses% logistic centers% shopping facilities% 2"o<e
passenger ter"inals% stadiu"s and sports halls% circuses% etc.
 Roo"s with co"puters% radios% G% ser,er roo"s% !ata and 9all 9enters% !ata

A))!6 M
A&!-s $#& %)s--%#) #$ "-)/- $%&! --&"*%)%%-%) !%(!s
!'!)%) #) 4! '/&'#s! #$ 8/%%)s -) '&!"%s!s
Table .1
List of specific areas 3reas for installation
1 ndustrial buildings% structures and facilities
5shops% warehouses% etc.7
1.1 2ingle-storey 3long escape routes% in corridors% at eCits fro"
wor<shops% warehouses
1.# ulti-storey The sa"e and on landings of each floor
# 9able constructions 5tunnels% floors% etc.7 3t the entrance to the tunnel% on the floor% at
e"ergency eCits fro" the tunnel% at tunnel
: 3d"inistrati,e% household and public buildings n corridors% lobbies% hallways% on landings% at
eCits fro" the building

A))!6 N
D!$%)%) - s! %"! $#& $-/ $%)%) -) &#/8!s4##%)
^.1 The set ti"e for fault finding and troubleshooting should not eCceed $& of the "aCi"u"
per"itted ti"e of the process suspension for routine "aintenance.
(.# The set ti"e for fault finding and troubleshooting in the absence of li"itations should not
eCceed $& of downti"e agreed with the custo"er and deter"ined on the basis of allowable
"aterial loss due to production suspension.
(.: The set ti"e for fault finding and troubleshooting in the case when syste" functions can be
transferred to the staff shall not eCceed $& of the ti"e deter"ined on the basis of costs agreed
with the custo"er to pay the staff at the ti"e of its perfor"ance of control functions.

A))!6 O
D%s-)(! $&#" 4! #' '#%) #$ 4! (!%%) # 1&S4! "!-s/&%) !!"!) #$ --&"*%)%%-%)
Table (.1
!istance fro" the flooring to the "easuring de,ice of alar"-initiating
de,ice% ""
re"ises height% " The canting angle of flooring% ang. +rad
Less than 1 Fro" 1 to :& ore than :&
in "aC "in aC "in aC
Less than ; :& #&& #&& :&& :&& &&
Fro" ; to 8 $& #& #& 4&& 4&& ;&&
Fro" 8 to 1& 1&& :&& :&& && && $&&
Fro" 1& to 1# 1& :& :& ;&& ;&& 8&&

A))!6 J
M!4#s # %"'&#! 4! &!%-8%%y #$ $%&! --&" s%)-
j.1 The use of e?uip"ent that produces analysis of physical characteristics of fire factors and
5or7 the dyna"ics of their changes and gi,es infor"ation about its technical condition 5e.g.
R.# The use of e?uip"ent and its operation "odes% eCcluding the i"pact on the alar"-initiating
de,ices or loop lines of short-ter" factors not associated with fire.


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