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Subject Code: CEE612 ENROLLMENT NO……………


Theory of Plates and Shells

Time: 01Hr Maximum marks: 30


SECTION-A (Attempt any two questions, Each of 05 Marks)

Q.1. What are the different boundary conditions for a rectangular plate? Write their

Q.2. Give a brief account of classifications of plates.

Q.3. What are the assumptions made in thin plates with small deflections?

SECTION-B (Attempt any One question, 10 Marks)

Q.1. Derive the governing differential equation of a plate subjected to lateral loads
from fundamentals.

Q.2. What do you mean by Stress resultants? Write their equations.

SECTION-C (Compulsory, 10 Marks)

Q.1. A rectangular plate a x b simply supported at the edges is subjected to

sinusoidal loading. Using the Navier solution, obtain the general expressions for
deflection and bending moment.

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