CFC Justice Issues

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CFC Sources -

Nelson Mandalas speech on Poverty -

Mr Mandela begins by explaining his purpose of the

speech, which is to highlight the causes of poverty
and how it is a ecting people's lives in the world
today, especially young children. In addition to this
he looks at some of the methods that have been
implemented over time to help solve this problem.
One of these methods was the establishment of
UNICEF, one that he helped to shape. Furthermore,
he states how extreme poverty has been on the
increase for decades and that it has not been on
trend for some time. There is an introduction of
social movements that have emerged in recent
decades and how these movements are having a
lasting positive e ect on society and people's lives.
A campaign had been started as part of this social
movement entitled "Make Poverty History" which
highlights a number of causes for world poverty,
some being natural such as climate change and
others being man made. Mr Mandela states that
there is no excuse for poverty, but instead action
must be taken to x this problem. He also speaks
about how each person needs to appreciate their
own role in ghting against poverty. In this speech,
Mr Mandela stresses that the international
community need to work as one, and to become one big family, working together to ght poverty
because it is everyone's responsibility. Furthermore, he states that in order to make progress in
solving the issue of poverty there must be no division and that everyone should work hand-in-
hand towards a solution. Mr Mandela also says how the children of today are the key to solving
world problems and their growth is dependent on their living environment. Therefore, if any
changes are going to be made for future generations then it needs to start now. Link - http://
reference - (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2023, from

Describe where and how you located each source -

Nine dot points of usefulness and relevance -

1. Why did you choose this source?: Nelson Mandela highlights the causes of poverty, and how it
is a ecting the lives of poor people around the world.

2. What did you learn from this source?: Nelson Mandela explains how poverty a ects everyone.
It was revealed that the importance of understanding and appreciating others' perspectives is key
in nding a solution to the problem - which is a necessary rst step in eradication of poverty. The
speech explains that if we do not make changes now, then there will be no future generation to
bene t from them! As such, it is important that change must be implemented now!

3. What does it tell you about the issue?: He talks about the conditions of poverty, focusing on the
social and economic problems that it brings with it. He emphasises that we need to recognise that
there are many di erent types of poverty and that these di erent types can be broken into many
factors such as health and education, the two areas of poverty which a ect a person's

4. Whose perspective is it from?: It is from Nelson Mandela as he is interviewed after his lecture,
and in which he addresses the issues raised in the speech. He was being interviewed at a time
when the momentum of the anti-poverty campaign had started to decline due to lack of foresight,
and what had been achieved.

5. Would it be useful to raise awareness of this issue?: It is useful to raise awareness of this issue
because it forces people to acknowledge and appreciate the problems which are being faced by
others. This in turn can assist people in supporting the problem-solvers, coming up with ideas,
and ultimately making poverty a thing of the past.

6. What is the purpose of this source?: The purpose of this source is to highlight the causes of
poverty and how it is a ecting people's lives in the world today, especially young children. In
addition to this, he looks at some of the methods that have been implemented over time to help
solve this problem. One of these methods was the establishment of UNICEF, one that he helped
to shape. Furthermore, he states how extreme poverty has been on the increase for decades and
that it has not been on trend for some time. There is an introduction of social movements that
have emerged in recent decades and how these movements are having a lasting positive e ect on
society and people's lives.

7. How does the primary source contribute to our understanding of poverty?: The primary source
contributes to our understanding of poverty by explaining the causes and e ects of it. This
statement explains that extreme poverty has been on the increase for decades and that it has not
been on trend for some time. Furthermore, it explains that people have been a ected by extreme
poverty for a long time, with no end in sight. It also gives useful information such as how the
Under-Five Mortality Rate is on a worrying upward trend and the rise in child mortality.

8. What are the strengths of the source: The primary source is well researched, with clear and
concise language. It has a strong scope for addressing poverty and its e ects on people's lives. It
also gives a strong argument, with a clear de nition of poverty. The speech contains an
introduction to the UNICEF campaign, which is another strength of the source in relation to the
issue of poverty.

9. How could the source be improved?: Although it is an excellent overall piece of research, it
could have been more inclusive in terms of its terminology and approach to the issue being
discussed. For example, there are over 15 di erent words used to describe poverty throughout
the source and although some have clear de nitions (e.g., destitution), others are vague (e.

10. What insights does it provide into how poverty is experienced?: The source provides insight
into how poverty is experienced in the world now, by providing statistics on child mortality. It also
gives an introduction to the UNICEF campaign, which illustrates how some countries are coming
together to help solve this problem, despite their di erences.

Child poverty reduction and wellbeing legislation

2018 -

The Child Poverty Reduction Act 2018 requires the

government of the day to work towards a future
where there are no more children in poverty. Most of
us have probably seen these poor children in our city
and have thought about how tough it must be for
them to live with so little. The Children's Society
suggests that if we continue at the present rate, 7
million children will be living in poverty by 2022. Given
this a lot of people think that we should all do
everything we can to help those poor kids out so they
can reach their full potential.

Link -

Reference - Child poverty reduction and wellbeing legislation. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March
19, 2023, from

1. Why did you choose this source?: This is an excellent article from a credible and established
publication. This is an interesting, accessible and popular article which makes it easier for people
to engage with the issue of child poverty. It also supports the fact that child poverty is a growing
issue that all parties clearly need to address.

2. Why did you choose this source?: This is a good summary of the impact on health issues
relating to child poverty. It provides three clear arguments about why we should be taking action
now to reduce child poverty and support families into work which will enable them to better care
for their children in future.

3. What does it tell you about the issue?: This article shows that there could be serious health
implications for children living below the poverty line. Currently, the poorest children are more
likely to have poorer health, to be obese and overweight and are at greater risk of developing Type
2 diabetes. As well as health problems, many children also su er with their mental health. This is
because of increasing levels of stress and anxiety felt by parents struggling nancially. In
response to these issues the government is introducing a new Child Poverty Act, but with this
being under threat from the DUP it is not clear whether it will pass or not.

4. Whose perspective is it from?: The writer of this article provides a clear and concise of the
impact on children living in poverty. It shows how these children are at a greater risk of poorer
health outcomes, which could lead to serious long-term implications for the future. However this
will not be a problem if action is taken now, which will only add to the growing number of people
feeling positive about the issue

5. Would it be useful to raise awareness of this issue?: This article is a useful tool to raise
awareness in people who are not well informed about the issue of child poverty. It will show them
the importance of action being taken now to reduce the number of children living in poverty.
People will be more likely to be more sympathetic if they learn that there are serious implications
for health and wellbeing.

6. How does the primary source contribute to our understanding of poverty?: This article provides
evidence about the impact of poverty on the health and wellbeing of children in the UK. It is useful
because it clearly states that children living in poverty are at greater risk of health problems, which
could have implications for their quality of life throughout their lifetime. It also shows that there are
a growing number of health issues relating to child poverty, which makes it clear we need to take
action now to reduce child poverty. This indicates there is a strong need for government policy
and action now to reduce child poverty.

7. What are the strengths of the source: This article is useful because it provides evidence relating
to the e ects of child poverty on children health and wellbeing. It is also accessible because it can
be read by many di erent people, who will bene t from learning about the impact that child
poverty has on children. It also clearly supports the idea that if we do not help children at a young
age, many of them will never reach adulthood with their full potential.

8. What are the weaknesses of the source: Although this article provides some useful evidence
about the e ects of child poverty on children’s health, it does not provide enough evidence. This
is because there are no quantitative or qualitative statistics relating to the extent that poor children
su er from poor health. It also does not provide anything regarding possible solutions to the
problem, which would be useful as it would allow people to form their own opinions on how best
to resolve child poverty.

What insights does it provide into how poverty is experienced?:

The Genius Of The Crowd Poem by Charles Bukowski -

Overall the rst paragraph introduces the poem and

states,There is enough treachery, hatred violence
absurdity in the average human being to supply any
given army on any given day. The best at murder are
those who preach against it. Those who preach love are
also considered the best of people and in war the best
are those who preach peace. But their preaching is not
really their doing but because they see it as their duty to
do. The words of these preachers need God. Poverty is
a huge issue in America or elsewhere the only way to
escape from it is to dream and be responsive towards
this world and circumstances cannot be proud of it as
Bukowski said that poverty is not bestowed upon , its a
phenomenon of poverty which the poor do not control
but how we react towards it de nes the level of our
maturity. Poverty can either make us
more mature or less mature . I think it varies from person
to person. The poem talks about all kinds of people with
some kind of sin, like crime, adultery, war and so on.
Every man is a sinner, in one way or the other. The poem
suggests that there are bad and good sides of everyone,
with some exception. the best at murder are those who
preach against it, the best at hate are those who preach
love, the best at war nally are those who preach peace.
Bukowski says that the preachers need God, need
peace. The people who always talk about God or peace,
actually do not have it and to prove this he has given a
few examples of such people from his own life time.
Link -

Reference - Bukowski, C. (2003, January 13). The genius of the crowd - the genius of the crowd.
Retrieved March 19, 2023, from

Nine dot points of usefulness and relevance -

1. Why did you choose this source?: This poem uses the words of Bukowski to vividly depict his
own view towards the whole human race. Bukowski had a straight forward view about everything,
including the people whose job is to teach us how to love, how to be good by taking examples
from their own life. He said that sometimes we get more out of the words than what was actually
written down. The use of words in this piece of writing is exceptional and it makes us think about
ourselves as human beings and our lives. I was very interested in reading this poem because I
wanted more.

2. What does it tell you about the issue?: The piece talks about the people who are always talking
about love and peace, but actually do not have it. It tells us about the hypocrisy that we have in
us, there are things that we preach, but do not actually practice. The poem also tells us about
mans cruelty towards each other. Bukowski has beautifully portrayed the harshness in man's
nature by using metaphor and simile .

3. Whose perspective is it from?: The poem is written from the speaker's point of view. He is
stating what he has noticed about people in his life time and has learned about them. The speaker
does not get into details about who these people are and how he knows them. It is clear that the
poem was inspired by actual events from Bukowski's life, but it could have happened to anyone
else as well.
4. Would it be useful to raise awareness of this issue?: The poem is inspired by actual events from
the author's life time, but the message that can be sent out of it to the readers is that it does not
matter if you are rich or poor, you are a human and we are all capable of doing things that can
harm each other. Bukowski has beautifully portrayed the harshness in man's nature by using
metaphor and simile. The best at hate are those who preach love. Nobody can be totally good as
we all have some kind of weakness. People even in India talk about peace, but still violence and
crime is on rise.

5. What is the purpose of this source?: The poem has a very strong message for the readers. It is
clearly about the people who are making money by preaching about peace and love. There is
enough deceit and hatred in all of us to supply any army, says Bukowski. But actually there are
very few people who have that much of strength to go on with their lives and not care about it.
There are many people out there whose lives are going in a wrong direction because they try to
learn from such false preachers.

6. What are the strengths of the source?: Bukowski has beautifully portrayed the harshness in
man's nature by using metaphor and simile, which makes us think more deeply about ourselves
as human beings and our lives. The poem is clearly about the people who are making money by
preaching about peace and love.

7. What are the weaknesses of the source?: The main weakness of this source is that it tells us
only one side of the story. There could be many people who claim to be preachers and also have
a great life, but we just do not know about them as they are not in our sight. In India there are
many people who live in harmony with each other, love their families and help each other out
whenever they can, without any expectations in return. We have to make sure that we do not go
against all the positive things in our country.

8. How does the primary source contribute to our understanding of poverty?: The poem is about
the hypocrisy that we have in us, there are things that we preach, but do not actually practice.
There are some preachers who start with love and peace and end up preaching hatred and
violence. Bukowski has beautifully portrayed the harshness in man's nature by using metaphor
and simile. The best at hate are those who preach love. Nobody can be totally good as we all
have some kind of weakness in our lives.

9. What insights does it provide into how poverty is experienced?: The poem tells us about how
poverty will a ect our lives. We all live together, we all should try to help each other out and not
harm each other in any other way. If not we will just go on hurting each other endlessly. The poem
also tells us about man's cruelty towards each other. Bukowski has beautifully portrayed the
harshness in man's nature by using metaphor and simile .

Secondary sources -

Website on poverty -

In order to eradicate extreme poverty, every country must be empowered to identify its own path-
dependent strategy based on the principles of sustainable development. The 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development recognises the importance of multiple pathways to achieving
sustainable development for each country. Each country must strive to develop plans and actions
that are in line with its respective national particularities and contexts. This is done in recognition
that di erent countries have di erent needs and priorities, but also because no one path is
superior or universally applicable across all countries. Countries should draw on the expertise of a
wide range of stakeholders when creating national plans and strategies. This statement
recognises that there is no single path to a successful reduction of poverty and warns against the
risk of developing a simple one-size- ts-all solution, forcing countries to adopt a rigid pathway
that may prove ine ective for their particular needs. A key consideration must be the ability for
countries to 'own' and design their own speci c
solutions. While there are many forces acting upon
them, it is important that these solutions remain within
countries' borders, with national ownership and

Link -

Reference - Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms

everywhere - united nations sustainable development.
(n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2023, from https://

Nine dot points of usefulness and relevance -

1. Why did you choose this source?: This source is

the most accessible and comprehensive on poverty
reduction. It is the most comprehensive source to
date, including a range of di erent strategies. This is a
helpful secondary source on poverty reduction
because it includes all dimensions relating to reducing

2. What does it tell you about the issue?: I know from

a secondary source that poverty reduction is a key
goal, so this is a helpful reminder of the importance of the goal in one document. The statement
de nes poverty and gives information about its causes and consequences, which helps me
understand how it a ects people. Overall it gives me an understanding of poverty reduction
without focusing on its causes or e ects.

3. Whose perspective is it from?: This statement is from the United Nations, so it is from a
national perspective. This document is said to come from 'developing countries', including
developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

4. Would it be useful to raise awareness of this issue?: The purpose of this statement is to raise
awareness of poverty reduction and to increase the number of people actively participating in
reducing poverty. It has done this successfully as it gives speci c information about reducing
poverty on a national level. This document is aimed at abolishing extreme poverty and promoting
the welfare of all members of society, so wouldn't be useful for my research on social issues.

5. What is the purpose of this source?: This source is to help explain the principle of sustainable
development and how this relates to poverty reduction. It is said that this document is written by a
working group of the United Nations, so it can be relied upon as reliable information. The United
Nations has many objectives and aims that are displayed in this statement. I am interested in
knowing about their e orts to reduce poverty on a national level through institutions such as the
World Bank, so this statement could help me understand the interests they have at heart. This
document is written by an organisation whose role is to say what they think should be done. It
states one possible method for reducing poverty but doesn't address other issues.

6. How does the primary source contribute to our understanding of poverty?: This document
states that poverty is the lack of wealth, resources and/or opportunities available to all members
of society. It also de nes the seven dimensions of poverty that this group identi ed as part of their
policy priorities.

7. What are the strengths of the source: This document is comprehensive and informative, giving
a number of di erent strategies for implementing strategies for reducing poverty. It de nes the
principle of sustainable development. I am researching social issues that a ect people, so this is
helpful for my research.

8. What are the weaknesses of the source: This document acknowledges that helping poor
people to access essential goods and services can be di cult but doesn't provide an alternative
solution to help overcome this. It states that poverty reduction can only be achieved by individual
actions on behalf of everyone in society but it doesn't o er a clear example of how given actions
would help reduce poverty on a national level.

9. What are the weaknesses of the source: This statement provides information about the types of
programmes that have been created, but it doesn't o er an explanation of why they have been
e ective. The document states that reducing poverty is a top priority for the United Nations, so
this may be due to their role as an international organisation. Many organisations and
governments put development at the top of their priorities, so this is not a unique aspect of the
United Nation's objectives, but it could be useful for my research as an overview of their aims.

10. What insights does it provide into how poverty is experienced?: The statement describes
poverty as the lack of wealth, resources and/or opportunities available to all members of society.
This is useful information for my research on social issues that a ect people. It connects the
concept of meeting basic needs with those of engaging in productive work and participation in
society. Its says that poverty can be de ned as 'a poverty trap'. This would be useful if I was
researching this type of issue as I am researching social issues in order to understand how they
a ect people. Poverty reduction is a top priority for the United Nations, so it may indicate that
national governments also have a strong commitment to reducing poverty. It would be useful
information in this context.

The End of Povert

Economic Possibilities for Our Tim
By Jeffrey D. Sachs
A book excerp

The UN, along with its specialised agencies, have

been instrumental in helping to provide basic needs
of food, water, sanitation facilities and education for
the poor people of developing countries. However
these organisations were built up under the
assumption that there was su cient nancial
resources available to support this mission and
these agencies were meant for short term relief
measures only and not long term development
interventions. Over the past few decades, there has
been a fundamental shift in the economics of
development. Instead of the global economy and
markets operating primarily in the interest of the
rich countries, there has been both an increasing
role and a growing dominance of developing
countries in world trade, nancial markets and
migration. The IMF with all its faults is still one of
the key organs which facilitates this increasing
global equity. The current economic crisis, caused
by both international and national nancial
manipulation, can be seen as an opportunity to
change the system to further support developing
countries to catch up with their counterparts in
developed countries.


Link -

Reference - Sachs, J. (n.d.). The end of poverty by Je rey D. Sachs: Book excerpt: Spirituality &
practice. Retrieved March 19, 2023, from

Nine dot points of usefulness and relevance on this source about poverty -

1. Why did you choose this source?: I found this book very useful for the topic of poverty and the
development, because it talks about how to solve poverty. It has also discussed how we can work
on poverty. The source I selected has great importance for development of poverty, because it
talks about how to solve poverty and promote economic development through di erent countries.
It also explains the economic possibilities of each country and why they are poor now.

2. What does it tell you about the issue?: It gives information about poverty and the development.
It talks about how poor countries can develop and become rich. It tells me that most developing
countries are poor because they have less nancial resources than developed countries do. This
means, that a country which has less nancial resources than another, can not develop its own
economy and can only depend on other countries for help.

3. Whose perspective is it from?- This book is from the perspective of Je rey Sach, who is an
economist, because he has a great knowledge about poverty and the development. He is working
in this eld since long time. He tells us what we should do to solve the problem of poverty in
developing countries.

4. Would it be useful to raise awareness of this issue?: This source can be useful to raise
awareness of this issue because it gives information about the economic possibilities of each
country and why they are poor now. It also tells us how they are di erent from developed
countries, which makes people more aware of this issue.

5. What is the purpose of this source?: The purpose of this source is to raise awareness about the
economic possibilities of developing countries, which include poor countries and some poor
countries at the same time. It tells us that we should not look at them as inferior or very less
developed country but we should think about how to solve their problem.

6. How does the primary source contribute to our understanding of poverty?: The primary source
contributes to our understanding of poverty in developing countries because it tells us the
economic possibilities of each country and why they are poor now. It says that in the lower and
middle countries, there is poverty because they have little amount of nancial resources than
developed countries do, so they cannot solve their own problem.

7. What are the strengths of the source: The analysis shows us that this source supports the idea
that economic opportunities will solve poverty and economic development. The text is clear and
easy to understand, which makes it easier for people in general to read it. The text has a simple
language and structure, which helps the reader to understand what the author is talking about.

8. What are the weaknesses of the source- The weaknesses of the source is that it talks about the
economic possibilities of each country and why they are poor now. But it does not say anything
about the political possibilities of developing countries in this source. It also says that most
developing countries are poor because they have less nancial resources than developed
countries do. However, this is not exactly the case, because most developing countries (especially
the new ones) were rich at some points in history, but their wealth was stolen by European
colonisers and African dictators in many cases during the colonial period, or by Western
corporations or governments in other cases. What they need are political opportunities or a
chance to take control over their own resources again.

9. What insights does it provide into how poverty is experienced?: This source can help us to
understand the poverty in developing countries, because it tells us about the economic
possibilities of each country and why they are poor now. It explains that for an economically
developed country, poverty means to have less nancial resources than other countries have. If
we compare our situation with poor countries, we will see that one of the main reasons that they
are poor is because they do not own enough nancial resources, which is true. We know that
poverty can be de ned as a lack of material resources; being on the wrong side of this de nition
is having few nancial resources compared to someone else. But, while it is true that most
developing countries have less nancial resources than developed countries do, this describes
only part of their problems.

Essay on Povert

The root of poverty is the ignorance that is caused by lack of education. If people were to receive
proper education, they would be able to improve their standard of living and become self-
dependent. The main reason for poverty is poverty of knowledge. The poor are the people without
information about their rights, culture and the way of life. At present, many people are su ering
from ignorance due to lack of education. It is very important to have right education so that we
learn to know our rights and also learn about other cultures also so that we do not think what is
bad and good because they are common realities all around the world. In addition, we also learn
to live in a peaceful way. If the people do not work hard to ght against poverty, they will be
a ected by hunger and they will not be able to achieve their goals and dreams.

Link -

Reference - Vedantu. (2022, November 29). Poverty essay for students in English. Retrieved
March 19, 2023, from

Nine dot points of usefulness and relevance essay on


1. Why did you choose this source?: I chose this source

because it explains in detail about the causes of poverty in
the country. Its very useful in order to understand that how
the nation can come out of poverty by getting the right

2. What does it tell you about the issue?: It tells you the
causes of the poverty. It is very important to know the root
cause of the problems. This article suggests that we have
to ght against poverty by getting education though there
are a lot of other ways also. We can also ght against
poverty by having a proper pattern of thinking, working
hard and having concern for others. It is very useful
because it explains in detail about the causes of poverty in
the country and how to get over this problem. In addition,
it gives you some ideas as well so that we can learn from
them and make our country better place.

3. Whose perspective is it from?: It is from the author's

perspective. It gives us an idea about the author's
understanding of poverty.

4. Would it be useful to raise awareness of this issue?: It normal for people to know about the
causes of poverty but not everybody wants to get rid of poverty by raising awareness as this
article suggests. This is because we have a variety of ways also. Some people want to get rid of
poverty in their countries while some others want to raise awareness at least in their own society
so that they can raise their standard of living, live in peace and become self-dependent. This is
what the author suggests in this article.

5. What is the purpose of this source?: To help the readers in understanding the causes of poverty
and how to get rid of it. The article makes claims that we can ght against poverty by getting

education, being hardworking and behaving ethically. These are very important things that we
should follow and these three points can solve a lot of di erent problems that poverty causes. The
article is very convincing because it explains in detail about how to get over this problem by
adopting good methods, hardworking, dressing well and behaving ethically etc.

6. How does the primary source contribute to our understanding of poverty?: It contributes a lot
to our understanding of poverty. It explains the causes of poverty in details, the methods we can
adopt in order to get rid of this problem and also tells us some good methods that help us in
getting rid of poverty.

7. What are the strengths of the source: It is very convincing and informative. It gives us an idea
about the causes of poverty in the country, how to get rid of it and also tells us some methods
that can help us in solving this problem.

8. What are the weaknesses of the source: It is a short essay and it does not cover all the issues
related to this topic. There are a lot of other sources available on this topic and they explain in
detail that how the country can come out of poverty by getting proper education. They discuss a
lot of other causes also so that we can learn how to ght against poverty by working hard and
having correct approach towards life.

9. What insights does it provide into how poverty is experienced?: It helps us in understanding
how the country can come out of poverty by getting education. We should learn self-reliance,
being hardworking and adopting good methods with regard to work. This article guides readers
towards strategies that they can adopt to solve issues of poverty such as increasing the number
of educated people, increasing the investment on health sector, increasing the investment on
education sector etc.

Summary -

1. Explain poverty as an inequity or injustice issue and explain speci c concerns related to the
issue. Including examples, such as who is involved, signi cant events, e ect on relationships,
signs of impact on growth and development of individuals and/or families. Use examples and
evidence to support your explanation:

Poverty is a state of deprivation characterised by an individual or family being without the

necessities of life, including food, clothing, and shelter. It is de ned rst and foremost as an
inequity issue. It is characterised by corruption, injustice in the distribution of wealth and
resources, unemployment rates (lack of productive work), lack of social mobility among di erent
class divisions.

Related to poverty are issues such as hunger/malnutrition in children which can have a long term
e ect on their growth and development. Poverty a ects relationships: stressors cause higher
rates of marital con ict which can lead to divorce or separation; extended family members may
also face disputes when providing for dependents during periods where they cannot nd su cient
employment. Poverty is a complex issue that has multiple signi ers. The rst, are the
characteristics of low income families. These include: low income, single parents, divorcees/
widowers (single mothers), families headed by a person under 18 years of age (mostly females),
one or more persons without an education beyond the secondary level, one or more persons with
an occupation that represents the work force in only one industry (usually unspecialised and low
paying jobs) and the percentage living below the poverty line. The second set of signi ers are the
signs of poverty. These include: early childhood development problems, such as poor physical
health, poor language skills and poor social skills; poor academic achievement; high drop-out rate
from school; high incidence of transfer characteristics across generations; delayed cognitive or
social development and low self-esteem.

Poverty is a complex issue that cannot be addressed through reform alone. It requires a
comprehensive approach that incorporates the principal areas which form the base or core issues
of poverty: political, economic and socio-cultural. In this context, it also requires extensive
mobilisation as well as an e ective integration of programs/projects to address poverty in its

2. Explain the concept of advocating in general and then describe what advocacy would mean or
look like for an individual and/or family in regard to poverty Use examples and evidence to
support your explanation.

Advocacy is a multifaceted term that can be de ned in a number of ways. The Oxford Dictionary
de nes it as “the action or advocacy for a cause or for the rights of a particular person or group.”
This de nition could be argued to have three parts: (1) advocating for the cause, (2) the rights, and
(3) a speci c person or group. Advocacy can also apply to policy, knowledge, diversity, and

The causes of poverty could be social, environmental, economic, and political. Some causes of
poverty are caused by individuals and/or families failing to advocate for themselves as citizens.
Poverty is an issue that a ects individuals to have fewer opportunities. Advocacy can be in the
form of action or inaction. Human beings have many opportunities to advocate for the rights and
freedoms that they hold but at the same time many people choose not to speak out when they
feel they are being discriminated against. Advocacy can take shape in many forms, from writing
letters to politicians to standing up for others when they are discriminated against. One of the
greatest ways that individuals advocate for poverty is through their social interactions. Many
people are not aware that they have the power to educate through their actions and words.

A person who is knowledgeable about an issue or topic can assist in bringing awareness as well
as educating others on poverty. For example, a person who cares about an issue may write an
article or make a video on the cause or problem being addressed by way of another aspect such
as “Poverty in America”. Their message would be a powerful one if they are able to inspire
support and action among their audience. Another way to advocate is through educating oneself
on poverty issues as a whole. People who care and/or have knowledge of the causes of poverty
can educate themselves by using di erent resources such as the internet. Individuals can nd out
more about speci c issues such as food insecurity, food deserts, and some racial disparities in
health care in the United States. For many people, poverty has little to do with their lifestyle and
living conditions. Poverty is often seen as being an individual responsibility rather than
recognising that it is a societal problem that needs to be addressed. Advocates may advocate for
their rights and not focus on an individual; they may focus on a group or an organisation that has
been e ected by poverty. They may concentrate on the policy change that is necessary to
address those who are impoverished.

3. Summarise the usefulness and relevance of the primary and secondary sources that you
selected for Q1 & Q2 in advocating the issue. Use examples and evidence to support your

Within each of the sources listed in the questions are various levels of advocacy. The primary
source is a person who has a vested interest in taking action on an issue. They have been
a ected by poverty and may be able to provide a very unique insight into the issue of poverty. The
secondary source is someone who has written about the topic and used research to support their
claims. While the primary source may be more believable at times, the secondary source provides
an additional level of information by providing veri cation of their claims. Both of these sources
can be useful in exposing poverty as a complex issue that requires multiple layers of
understanding. The end result is better knowledge about the issues that can help create a more
e ective advocacy campaign on behalf of individuals and families who are poor. These sources
can be used by individuals who are interested in addressing poverty. Perhaps they are interested
in getting involved in a community advisory board or are looking for information about how the
government is addressing poverty. As writers, the secondary source can be used to educate
others on an issue. This may be done through a peer-reviewed journal, non-pro t organisation or
media. In this case, their expertise will help educate others about the poverty issues that need to
be addressed. The primary source can also be used as a resource for writing. In this case, the
writer can make their own interpretations of the information and use their own frame of reference
to assist with their writing.
No matter what side of the issue they are on, advocates can help combat poverty by nding a
voice that is convincing and helpful to others. Advocates do many di erent things such as writing
letters to politicians, attending public meetings and submitting legislation that addresses the
issues of poverty. People who feel that they have been wronged often times turn to advocacy as a
way of seeking justice or being heard. Many people become activists in some form or another
because they can feel powerless when confronted with injustice and unfairness.


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