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TEST I: Answer each question by choosing the letter of the best answer.

Write the answers in your

answer sheet.

1. It is something that an individual considers as the truth. It is shaped by the individual’s

background experieces and is based on one’s cultural or personal faith, morality, or values.

A. Conviction
B. Opinion
C. Belief
D. Idea

2. Is a main idea that is supported by specific statements or details.

A. General statement
B. Supporting statement
C. True statement
D. Evidence

3. __________ is creating a picture with a variety of tools like pencils, crayons, pen or markers.

A. Film
B. Sculpture
C. Drawing
D. Painting

4. ___________ are three-dimensional pieces of art that are created by shaping various kinds of

A. Photograph
B. Painting
C. Film
D. Sculpture

5. It is the story that evolves from the people of a civilization and their lives.

A. Folk epic
B. Legend
C. Fable

6. They are one of the ethnic tribe in the Philippines which can be found in Mindanao, known for
their artwork, sophisticated weaving, wood and metal crafts.

A. Tausug
B. Manobo
C. Maranao
D. Bisaya

7. ___________ are the details or small ideas that reinforce the main idea or general statement.

A. Supporting statements
B. Specific statements
C. General statements
D. Main statement

8. Is a firm belief on something that an individual is convinced of.

A. Opinion
B. Idea
C. Conviction
D. Belief

9. It is one of the factor that influence the author to express the majority theme of the story in
which it conveys a sense of atmosphere.

A. Cultural influence
B. Society influence
C. History influence
D. Environmental influence

10. The term_________ encompass a wide range of forms including photographs, cinema,
cartoons, prints, design and three dimensional art such as sculpture and architecture.

A. Reading materials
B. Visual materials
C. Instructional materials
D. Listening materials

TEST II: Read and understand each passage. Select the letter of the best answer.

1. Which pair of sentences from the text best supports the idea that the mother wanted her
children to get a college degree?

1. She was good at knitting.

2. My mother brought us up single-handedly.
3. Her job tided us over until the eldest got a diploma of teaching.
4. Then she put up a sari-sari store to send the other children to college.

A. 1&2 B. 2&3 C. 3&4 D. 2&4

2. Which evidence from the text best shows that the mother has a special skill?

A. She was good at knitting

B. She did not finish high school
C. My mother brought us up single-handedly.
D. Then she put up a sari-sari store to send the other children to college.

3. Which evidence from the text best shows that the task of knitting was just too much for the

A. My heart went out to her.

B. Mother could hardly refuse.
C. The task was just too much.
D. Her fingers had lost their flexibility

4. Based from the text, the rain emphasized the need for cooperation. Which text supports this

A. All of you have a special role.

B. A strip of colors will appear the sky.
C. You need each other to give the mixed colors of beauty.
D. The rain interrupted the contentious exchange of arguments.

5. Based on the text, what does the rainbow represent?

A. Colors and beauty

B. Colors and mixtures
C. Cooperation and hope
D. Differences and similarities
6. What evidence supports Flora’s claim that the package was damaged?

a. The toy was broken.

b. She has a picture of the damaged package.
c. She wanted a replacement or a refund.

7. What evidence supports the claim that the toy was also damaged?

a. The toy cannot be played.

b. The toy has scratches.
c. The toy doesn’t have battery in the box.

8. What evidence supports the claim that Flora needs replacement of the toy?

a. Flora doesn’t need the replacement anymore.

b. Flora will play with the toy together with her son.
c. Flora will give the toy as a gift for her son’s birthday.

In a faraway mountain, there was a happy couple Ethel and Ariel living together with a
very simple life. They used to live in a NIPA hut, eat foods from their farm, and catch
fishes from the river. The husband was a farmer working all day at the farm.
An excerpt from the story “The good harvest” by Ritchie Javier

9. Based on the text, what evidence supports the claim that Ariel is a farmer?

A. He had a tools
B. He wore a hat
C. He had a abundant harvest
D. He worked all day at the farm

10. Based on the text, what type of person is Ariel?

A. Hardworking
B. helpful to others
C. an obedient
D. courageous

TEST III. Arrange the sentences in the proper sequence by numbering them in the blanks
as they happened in the story.

______Prince Bantugan was a good, brave, and handsome prince.

______Princess Datumbang fell in love with him.
______The king, his brother was jealous of him.
______Prince Madali and the king brought back Bantugan’s soul from the land of the dead.
______The parrot told Princess Datimbang that the dead man was Bantugan.
______All the people were happy when Prince Bantugan came to life again.
______Prince Bantugan travelled to the Kingdom-Between-Two-Seas and, due to weariness, died at
the palace gates.
______The king decided to take Prince Bantugan’s body to Bumbaran.
______The king ordered that no one should speak to Prince Bantugan.
______Prince Bantugan married the beautiful Princess Datimbang.
TEST IV. Fill out the venn diagram to show the similarities and differences of the following.





TEST V. Analysis

1. What is the importance of visual media materials in expressing your beliefs or convictions on
various issues?

2. Create a paragraph expressing your beliefs and convictions about the editorial cartoon below.

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