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Unit 3 (AO3) Explain and undertake a range of fitness tests that cover the components of fitness, showing regard

for health and safety and testing protocol 12 Minute Cooper Run Introduction The 12 minute Cooper run is where we run for 12 minutes to each four flags until the 12 minutes is up. It measures your Cardio Vascular Endurance. Cardio Vascular Endurance is the ability of our heart and lungs to work over a prolonged period of time without become fatigued. (Class Notes). An example of Sportsmen who need Cardio Vascular Endurance are Paula Radcliff shes a marathon runner and she needs it for running for a long period of time. Shane Williams and James Hook- They need to last the intense duration of a rugby match and maintain their skill levels. An example of C.V.E needed in the public services is with the police when their chasing a criminal and they will have to go for a long period of time until they catch them or the criminal gives up. The 12 Minute Cooper Run comes from the idea of Dr Ken Cooper, it was developed in 1968, the Cooper 12 minute run test is a popular field test used for aerobic fitness. ( Methodology The Equipment we needed for this test was: Cones Stop Watch Field Kit Trundle wheel Flags We measured out the flags at 100m apart from each other we ran to each four flags until the 12 minutes were up. The objective of the test was to see how many flags you can pass in the 12 minute period.(this also measure our vo2 max) Our warm up: We ran 10m back and forth doing different stretches to warm up our muscles.

This is the 12 minute cooper run set up.

Results Alex: 8 Alice: 18 Me: 14

Discussion Alice got the best score as she goes to harriers so she gets proper training and she has a bit more experience. So therefore she is fitter than me. Alex got less than me and Alice as she give up after 8 as she had a blister on the back of her heel so she gave up, Mentally she thought she couldnt do it so she didnt push herself. I think this is disappointing as Alex could of pushed herself and got a much a higher result. I got level 14. I achieved this because I pushed myself a little bit more. On the other hand I could of improved if I pushed myself further than I already had, I did the opposite of Alex and pushed myself that little bit more. I feel I could do better as I do hockey outside of school as in hockey you dribble and run with the ball, its basically like football but with a ball and a stick which includes Cardio Vascular Endurance. Conclusion I could do so much better on this test as I had 14 and I could of pushed myself a little more so I could have a better mark like 17 or 18. Next time I am going to push myself to the limit and try and improve my results as Im looking at mine and Alices results and I feel I could get the same result as her if I pushed myself, just a little bit further.

Abdomianl curl test

Introduction The Abdominal Curl test is a test for Muscualr Endurance.The test consists of a person following a series of bleeps where you have to do sit ups continously on each bleep. Muscular Endurance is the ability of the muscle or groups to work for a prolonged period of time without the onset of fatigue(class notes) An example of a person who needs it would be a Marathon runner, they need it so that they can run far in a race.

An example of Muscular Endurance which is needed in the public services is an Soldier, carrying heavy equipement for a long period of time.

Methodology: Mat, Kit, and a cd player We set up the Cd Player and placed mats at different places on the floorm we then got in position with the partner to get in position to get ready for the beeps to measure our muscular endurance.Our warm up was

jogging and doing stretches round the hall

Results: Alex : 12 Alice: 38 Heidi: 18

Discussion:Alex had less than me, as she didnt push her self to the best that she could, Alice had more than me as she pushed her self a lot, and had loads of encouragement off everybody.i feel that I could of pushed my self more as I only had 18 but I missed the beeps a couple of times, so it made me loose my confidence just a bit.

Conclusion: I think I could have pushed myself a lot in this test as I didnt push t to get to the score that I want to, next time I am going to push my self as far as I can possibly go, my target grade will be 38 the same score alice had, I will work on my warm up and help build my strength and work towards my target grade.

The Sit and Reach test

Introduction: The test is where we sit down with out legs straight and our feet touching a measurement block, you then have a ruler which you have to stretch to see how far you can push it, this measures our flexibility , an example of a sports man who uses flexibility is Tom Daley, He needs this because when he dives he needs flexibility to do all different shapes. The sit and reach test was first described by Wells and Dillon(1952) ( Flexibility is the range of movement possible around a joint or series of joints(class notes)

Methodology: For this test we need : measurement block, a ruler, and our kit.

We put the measuring block against a hard surface, we had to set it up so the person could pu ttheir feet flat on the front of the block, They dont move their backs but they have to stretch their arms to see how far they can push the ruler. When they start the test they are then able to flex their backs, Our warm up was shaking our legs and jogging round the hall.

Results: Craig: 32 Jamie: 31 Heidi-36 Discussion: I think that I have stronger flexibility than the boys , as girls have naturally haver better flexibility than boys.Craig had 32 as he does weight lifting outside school, so hes better at Muscular Endurance and not as good in Flexibility.

I think Jamie had had lower than me and Craig as he doesnt do sports outside of school Conclusion: I feel that I did quite well in this test compared to the boys , as I feel that because boys are taller and have longer legs they cant reach as far and they probably wanted to. My target for next time is to do more of a warm up so i can warm up my muscles up abit and do some some stretches to help my body stetch.

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