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Part: A: ·
•• Money advice
Listen to Track 1. Circle the best answer.
Don wants to:
a learn how to invest money.
b talk about how to pay his debts.
c find out how to make more money.
d manage his money better.

I have a commitment to providing independent

financial advice for people who are looking to
invest money. buy a house, talk about how to pay
off difficult debts, prepare for retirement or just
simply for those who want to understand money
better and make it work for them. I've been a
personal financial advisor for ten years and I listen
carefully to you and your financial needs and goals.
Make an appointment today - you
won't regret it.
SUZANNE MOORE Independent Financial Advice

2 Listen to Track 2 and complete the advisor's notes.

Suzanne Maare - Independent Financial Advice

Spends now Ways to save

Spends (a) $ 100 per week on food. Shop at (b) markets .

Goes to (c) local storefour times a week. Go (d) once a week.
Spends (e) $500 on rent. Maybe find somewhere cheaper.
Buys (f) a
. couple
. of CDs per a week. Only buy one.
Goes to the movies once a week. Go (g) once every two weeks .
Eats in the (h) . school cafeteria Make a sandwich at home.

3 Listen to Tracks 1 and 2 again. Complete these sentences with the words you hear.
"I") a I'm not a big spendthrift . , but [ just can't seem to make ends meet.
b I'm an English Lit major , so I have a lot of work.
c Hmm. That's a . dilemma • , • ;:I
.......... , Isn t It.

d You're going to have to make a

budget .
e whatever you spend your money on - your expenditure .
f And then on the other side, you write down what you could change and
cut down
...... on to sa ve money.

g How much money do you spend on groceries per week'

hIt.. varies .. from one week to the next, but I'd guess about $100.
They often have good prices and specials .
... and try to share the expenses with your roomates

4 What do these words and expressions you found to complete the sentences
in Activity 3 mean? Write your answers below.
a one who spends money or wealth too quickly and wastefully
b student specializing in such a field
c a situation
. requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives
d an estimate of. expected income and expenses
something expended,
such as time or money
to reduce the amount of something or of doing something

items of food sold in a grocery or supermarket
change from one condition, form, or state to another
a product that is designed or organized for a particular occasion
a person occupying the same flat or house as another

5 How would you qualify Suzanne Moore's advice? Choose two out of these five words.
•• Telling a joke
1 Look at the picture and choose the best interpretation for it.
a The man is a doctor and he's rrying to help rhe woman.
b The woman is rrying to ignore someone who is talking
too much.
c The man is trying to persuade the woman to marry him.
d The woman is so bored that she has fallen asleep.
e Something else.

'11' Listen to Track 3 and check your answer.

2 Listen to Track 4 and circle the correct answer.

'11' a The man pays the woman £5 £10 £20

b The woman pays the man £2 £5 £20

3 Listen to Track 4 again and check whether these statements are true or
false according to what you hear.
True False
a The man wants to sleep.
b The woman is not interested in the game.
c The man tells her the rules of the game.
d The man makes the game more tempting for her so that she will play.
e The woman rhinks that if she plays the game, the man will leave her alone.
f She does not know the answer to the question he asks.
g The question she asks is more difficult than the man expected.
h The man tries to find the answer in more than one place.
i The woman knows the answer to the question she asks.

Complete the sentences below with words and expressions from Tracks 3 and 4.
a He just won't .. shut up
b The guy keeps asking her questions and then, to make it worth , he turns
to her and ...
e and closes her eyes to go to sleep, hoping that he'll got the message .
d Even though she .... was careless . , he tells her the rules.
e The woman analyses the situation and comes to the conclusion that the only way to get
some sleep is to .
f The man is
all kn... when he asks the first question.
g He thought this was going to be .. a piece of cake . for him.
h 'I don't know the answer!' he whispers, weeping with despair.
The man is completely flabbergasted .
put me out from my misery
'Please " he pleads.

5 Write the letter of the words or expressions from Activity 4 which can
be replaced by the words or expressions below.
1 understand C
2 very enthusiastic
3 realises
4 make me feel better

5 very surprised
6 stop talking
7 is not at all interested
8 erymg H
9 very easy G
10 add to the problem B

6 What do you think makes the joke funny?

a It is a misunderstanding about language.
b The woman makes a fool out of the man.
e It is the unusual and clever way she fools the man.
d It is the way the joke teller tells the story.

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