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Disaster Risk Reduction Measures and Disaster Preparedness of

Selected Elementary Schools in Babak District

An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to
The Faculty of
Teacher Education Department
UM Penaplata College

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Elementary Education
Major in Generalist

Jaizy Xyrelle E. Faelangca

Grace P. Labador
Rey ann P. Loregas

May 2024


This thesis entitled “Disaster Risk Reduction Measures and Disaster

Preparedness of Selected Elementary Schools in Babak District,”
prepared and submitted by Jaizy Xyrelle E. Faelangca, Grace P. Labador,
Rey Ann P. Loregas in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree,
Bachelor of Elementary Education, Generalist has been examined and hereby
endorsed for approval and acceptance.


APPROVED by the Panel of Examiners on Oral Examination with a
grade of _________.


Chairman Member

ACCEPTED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of

Elementary Education-Generalist.


Program Head Dean of College


Research Coordinator OIC-Director


We, the researchers, would like to express our earnest gratitude to the

individuals mentioned below for their unwavering support and guidance in

making this research possible and successful. First, we want to extend our

heartfelt gratitude to our loving parents, who are always by our side

throughout our journey and who have supported us financially and


To Prof. Janrey Mark Davin, our research adviser, for his advice,

unwavering faith, and support of our study. From the very beginning, his

guidance, effort, and encouragement never fail to motivate us. He instilled

immense enthusiasm and conviction that this research would succeed;

To Prof. Jovenil Bacatan, our statistician, who provided instruction and

support in developing tables and analyzing data for the statistical section of

this study;

To Cogon, Toril, and San Antonio Elementary School for allowing us to

conduct surveys among their respective principals and teachers by personal

distribution, and to our dearest respondents who willingly participate and for

giving their precious time to answer the survey questionnaire, resulting in the

completion of this study.



We gratefully dedicated our thesis to Almighty God, the ultimate source

of wisdom and guidance, acknowledging your unending grace and providence

during this journey.

To our beloved parents, their unwavering love, support, sacrifices, and

encouragement have been the foundation of our accomplishments.

To our mentors, our appreciation for their invaluable guidance,

patience, and wisdom has shaped our academic and personal development.

And to those whose lives and achievements have inspired us to

pursue excellence, persevere in the face of challenges, strive hard, and aim to

honor their legacy through our contribution to knowledge and society.

Thank you all!









Abstract 1

Introduction 2

Method 11

Results and Discussion 19

Conclusion 25

Recommendations 26

References 28


A. Letter for Permission 31

B. Certificate of Appearance 37

C. Letter of Advisory 38

D. Validation Sheet 40

E. Letter to Validators 43

F. Certificate of Statistician 46

G. Research Questionnaire 47

H. Turnitin




1 Level of Disaster Risk Reduction Measures 21

2 Level of Disaster Preparedness 22

3 Significant Relationship between Disaster Risk Reduction 24

Measures and Disaster Preparedness


Safeguarding the lives of students in disasters is one of the crucial

roles of teachers. Thus, the study determines the level of disaster risk

reduction measures and disaster preparedness of selected elementary

schools in Babak District. A descriptive-correlational design was used in this

study. The forty-five respondents were determined using total population

sampling. Researchers adapted the disaster risk reduction measures by

Bentillo (2022) and the disaster preparedness by Ozmen (2006). Results

revealed that the selected teachers’ disaster risk reduction measures and

preparedness levels are always manifested. Moreover, there is a significant

relationship between the two variables. The more the school implements

DRRM, the more prepared it is in times of disaster. Thus, integrating DRMM

into schools enhances the preparedness of the principals and teachers for

unpredicted disasters.

Keywords: Disaster Risk Reduction Measures, Disaster Preparedness,

Teachers and Students


In the event of a disaster, the school bears the responsibility of

guaranteeing the protection of its pupils, particularly those in primary schools

who belong to the age group that is considered vulnerable. And schools

should also be able to help pupils become more knowledgeable and prepared

for disasters, as they are educational institutions (Pambudi and Ashari, 2019).

Moreover, according to Widowati et al., (2021), educational institutions have

an obligation to protect children from multiple-hazard disasters. The creation

of reliable and valid measuring instruments for school safety is a critical

component in reducing the impact of disasters on children's futures at school.

Furthermore, in the study by Nipa et al., 2020 states that students are one of

the most vulnerable groups of people affected by a disaster, suffering both

physically and psychologically. Concerns are growing as educational

institutions lack adequate emergency plans to prepare students for disasters.

The word "disaster preparedness" refers to the process of developing

interventions to effectively get ready for a catastrophic occurrence, such as

establishing policies and plans, providing training and education, and

exchanging information to get people and communities prepared in case of a

disaster (Bello et al., 2022). To further mitigate the effects of a disaster,

preparedness activities include collecting supplies and conducting drills.

These activities have been converted into guidelines, checklists, and actions

for people to follow in order to prepare their homes, communities, and

schools for a disaster (Bronfman et al., 2019).


In Japanese schools, researchers discovered characteristics that

influence disaster preparation, such as study participants' roles (teachers

versus parents) and whether they have previously experienced a disaster. As

in earlier investigations, many of the faculty members investigated in this

study had never been evacuated. The schools have on-site power generation,

telecommunications, and drinking water, but many realized they were

unprepared (Kawasaki et al., 2022). In addition, the study by Utama et al.,

(2019), entitled Public Preparedness for Facing an Earthquake Disaster in

Lempuing Area, revealed that the majority of respondents (66%) are not

prepared for disaster. Researchers believe that disaster preparedness should

be strengthened in order to improve community preparedness in the event of


Another point to consider is that in the study of Nuryana et al., (2023),

the level of disaster preparedness in the six sample regions in Indonesia (East

Lampung, Pandeglang, Pangandaran, Kulon Progo, Malang, and Bone

Bolango) is often insignificant or nonexistent. In disaster risk reduction, their

attitudes and behaviors have not followed public awareness about disasters.

Furthermore, the relatively regular occurrence of disasters in the six sample

regencies of Indonesia, with human losses and property damage, indicates

that community preparation remains low (Nuryana et al. 2023). Moreover, the

local community is also not used to disaster occurrences that occur on a

regular basis. Administrators should pay attention to this information in order

to design community-based disaster risk reduction strategies. The community

is the primary actor in this strategy for decreasing disaster risk (Nuryana et al.,


Furthermore, localities are affected differently by the same type of

disaster, depending on their social vulnerability. One indicator of social

vulnerability is preparedness to deal with disasters. A lack of essential

education and information relevant to disaster response indicates a low level

of societal preparedness (Kermanshachi, Berstrand, & Rouhanizadeh, 2019).

While disaster awareness has recently increased, universities and schools still

lack disaster preparedness, response, and mitigation strategies (Safapour &

Kermanshachi, 2019). Fears are growing because, due to insufficient

emergency preparedness in schools, pupils are not adequately prepared for

calamities. Pupils experience behavioral, emotional, and bodily suffering

(Kruger et al., 2018).

On the other hand, in the United States, only approximately 10% of

earthquake- and flood-prone families have implemented cost-effective

disaster risk reduction measures. The concentration on short-term horizons is

one of the primary reasons for this inaction: the upfront costs of disaster risk

reduction investment loom large in comparison to the projected expected

returns from the measures (Kerjan et al., 2012). Furthermore, every year,

different earthquake incidents expose Iran's residential building stock, which

must include the development of disaster risk reduction measures (Bastami et

al., 2022).

Undoubtedly, disasters are occurring increasingly frequently, making it

more difficult for the Asia-Pacific region's highly vulnerable countries to be

ready to take action to minimize risks (Yadav and Barve 2019; Merone and

Tait 2018). According to UNU-EHS and ADW-2014, which are quoted by


Andriesse (2018), the Philippines is the country with the second-highest

likelihood of encountering a natural disaster. Building reliable and valid

measurement tools for school safety is essential to reducing how disasters

impact students' futures at schools. Moreover, the Philippine Disaster Risk

Reduction and Management Act of 2010, passed in response to the

government's recognition of the need to be more resilient to disasters and

prepared, resulted in the establishment of the Disaster Risk Reduction

Management Agency known as the NDRRMC or National Disaster Risk

Reduction Management Council.

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030

supports the idea of comprehensive school safety, which entails

understanding disaster safety for schools, in particular safe school locations

and buildings, effective school disaster management, and education to lower

disaster risk, disaster loss, and disruption of educational services at the time

of a disaster. On March 18, 2015, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk

Reduction 2015–2030 was approved at the Third UN WORLD Conference in

Sendai, Japan. University students are particularly vulnerable to disasters,

according to research on readiness, but this vital demographic is frequently

disregarded in preparedness efforts. Due to the length of time students spend

in school, they are subject to a variety of risks related to the classroom setting

(International Research Institute of Disaster Science, 2015).

In the study of Abenoja et al., (2023), it was stated that as the amount

of disaster risk reduction measures implementation in schools improves, so

does disaster preparedness. This implies that schools with higher levels of

disaster risk reduction measures utilization are more likely to be disaster-

ready. The correlation coefficient of 0.865 suggests that there is a moderately

significant positive linear relationship between the variables, indicating that

the hypothesis is accepted. This means that as disaster risk reduction

measures implementation improves, so does disaster preparedness.

Moreover, a previous study by Nuryana et al., (2023) entitled Strengthening

Society Preparedness as a Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia

shows that there is a significant relationship between implementing disaster

risk reduction (DRR) and providing infrastructure for community


One significant theory upon which the study is anchored is the Person-

Relative-to-Event Theory by (Mulilis, J.P., & Duval, T.S. (1998); the

generalizability of Person-Relative-to-Event (PrE) theory, which was first

applied to disaster-related scenarios, is studied in a non-disaster simulation.

The PrE theory of coping with threat highlights the relationship between the

amount of evaluated threat compared to personal resources and personal

responsibility. This hypothesis has already been used to explore the impact of

negative threat appeals on preparedness behavior for both earthquakes and

tornadoes. The PrE hypothesis anticipates variances in coping behavior

based on the intensity of threat under varied situations of personal


Moreover, the Protective Action Decision Model (PADM) by Lindell and

Perry (2012) is a critical model perspective that supports the research study. It

is a model designed to demonstrate how individuals and organizations make


judgments about taking activities to protect themselves from the negative

effects of disasters and environmental risks. According to this model, the

process of deciding which protective actions to take begins with an initial input

of information, which can be obtained from environmental cues, social cues,

and various information sources, and is influenced by factors such as access

to and preference for information channels, the availability of warning

messages, and certain characteristics of the entity receiving the information.

The independent variable is disaster risk reduction measures from

Bentillo et al., (2022) which is indicated by mitigation measure, safety of

school records, safety of pupils and school personnel, information

dissemination and advocacy campaign, policy mechanisms, and

organizational structure. Meanwhile, the dependent variable is disaster

preparedness by Ozmen F. (2006), with planning, conveniences and

equipment, implementation, and integration and culture building.

Disaster risk reduction measures, as indicated, are defined as follows:

mitigation measures are steps taken to eliminate or reduce the likelihood of

future disaster events; safety of school records it is critical to protect students'

and staff's privacy and confidentiality, as well as the integrity of educational

data; safety of pupils and school personnel is a top responsibility in any

educational institution; information dissemination is the process of presenting

stakeholders with information and advocacy campaign is comparable to a

political campaign in that the individuals running it must plan it out; they must

have precise strategies, or plans and tools, in mind before taking any action;

policy mechanisms: policy is a set of ideas or a plan of action. Mechanism: a


method, technique, or system for accomplishing a goal. A mechanism is

concerned with 'how' a specific activity (perhaps a policy) is carried out,

whereas a policy is concerned with 'what' has to be done; and organizational

structure describes how tasks, coordination, and supervision are directed

toward the attainment of organizational goals.

Disaster Preparedness, as indicated, are defined as follows: planning

making preparations for something; conveniences and equipment are the

items required for a specific purpose; implementation is the act of carrying out

a decision or plan; integration is integrating action or process and culture

building is ideas and games to promote an organization's values, beliefs, and


According to Laude (2019), the Mindanao earthquake destroyed 40

schools, and Region XI schools made up the majority of those who reported

damage. The elementary schools in Island Garden City of Samal, particularly

Cogon, San Antonio, and Toril, were minimally damaged in the said

earthquake. In addition, the post-earthquake visual assessment report

conducted by Engr. Matthew III, F. Arig, and Engr. John Kenneth

Enumerables has revealed a significant problem in the field. The findings

indicate that the existing buildings are currently unsuitable for occupancy,

primarily due to the structural integrity issues affecting the floor slabs. Hence,

the said report recommends an extensive course of action, including the

demolition and replacement of floor slabs throughout the entire second floor,

as well as the replacement of damaged beams within a specific classroom,

and addressing the issue of damaged walls. Therefore, in this study,


researchers want to determine the disaster risk reduction measures and

disaster preparedness implemented in the aforementioned schools to ensure

the safety of the students, teachers, and staff.

The primary goal of this study is to determine the relationship between

disaster risk reduction measures and disaster preparedness of selected

elementary schools in Island Garden City of Samal. The research attempts to

respond to the following questions:

1) What is the level of disaster risk reduction measures of selected

elementary schools in Babak District in terms of:

1.1 mitigation measure,

1.2 safety of school records,

1.3 safety of pupils and school personnel,

1.4 information dissemination and advocacy campaign,

1.5 policy mechanisms,

1.6 Organizational structure?

2) What is the level of disaster preparedness of selected elementary

schools in Babak District in terms of:

1.1 planning,

1.2 conveniences and equipment,

1.3 implementation,

1.4 Integration and culture building?


3) Is there a significant relationship between disaster risk reduction

measures and disaster preparedness of selected elementary

schools in Babak District?

The significance of this study is crucial in addressing the urgent need for

disaster risk reduction measures and disaster preparedness strategies in

elementary schools. The safety and wellbeing of elementary school pupils

must be prioritized due to the frequency and severity of natural disasters. This

study intends to evaluate primary schools' existing level of readiness, pinpoint

their weak points, and suggest practical risk-reduction measures. This study

can teach educational policymakers, school administrators, and other key

stakeholders the importance of putting comprehensive disaster risk reduction

measures into practice by highlighting the gaps and difficulties currently

present in disaster preparedness within primary schools.

The results of this study may also help in the creation of evidence-based

guidelines and suggestions for enhancing primary schools' disaster resilience,

eventually preserving the lives and futures of young pupils. Additionally, by

offering important insights into the special context of elementary education,

this work advances the more general topic of disaster risk reduction. Our

youngest and most vulnerable people can be better safeguarded in the case

of disasters with the help of further study and policy development built on the

knowledge acquired here.



The research methods that will be employed by the researcher to carry

out the study are presented in this section, including the research design,

research respondents, research instrument, data collection, statistical tools,

and ethical considerations.

Research Respondents. According to Kawasaki et al. (2022), disaster

preparedness in schools is crucial for the safety and well-being of students

and staff. In increasing preparedness, it is critical to increase teachers'

awareness of disaster prevention. The respondents for this study are the

teachers and school heads of Elementary Schools in Babak District. The

selected respondents are 45 teachers and principals from various elementary

schools in the Island Garden City of Samal, the Cogon Elementary School,

the San Antonio Elementary School, and the Toril Elementary School. Most

academics believe that the least acceptable sample size for a correlational

study is 30. Data from a sample of less than 30 people may provide an

inaccurate measurement of the degree of connections (Wallen & Fraenkel,

2009: 335, as cited in Putra, 2017 & Kaya, 2021). Moreover, researchers

employ total population sampling to investigate the entire population because

the population with the set of characteristics researchers are interested in can

frequently be very small. According to Canonizado, I. C. (2020), total

population sampling is a form of purposive sampling strategy that involves

analyzing the entire population with a certain set of features. Hence, the study

will be focused only for teachers and school heads of Cogon, San Antonio,

and Toril Elementary School. Therefore, teachers, school heads from other

school, and students are not included in the study. Moreover, the respondents

are free to withdraw anytime they will request to stop participating if the

criteria are debased.

Materials and Instruments. The questionnaire is utilized as a

research technique to collect data, with a focus on giving responses to the

problem's statement. The survey questionnaire that served as the basis for

this study has been modified and adapted. A Likert scale will be used by the

researchers. According to Amidei et al. (2019), Likert scales are frequently

used to express agreement and disagreement and are meant to accurately

represent the subject under study. On a 5-point Likert scale, there are 52

questions in all. The disaster risk reduction measures questionnaire is

adapted and modified from the study of Bentillo et al. (2022); and has six (6)

indicators: mitigation measures with six (6) statements, safety of school

records with six (6) statements, safety of pupils and school personnel with five

(5) statements, advocacy campaign with six (6) statements, policy

mechanisms with four (4) statements, and organizational structure with six (6)

statements. On the other hand, the disaster preparedness is adapted and

modified from the study of Ozmen F. (2006) it consists of four (4) indicators:

planning with four (4) statements, conveniences, and equipment with six (6)

statements, implementation with four (4) statements, and integration and

culture building with five (5) statements. questionnaire is adapted and

modified from the study of. The researchers will use this legend to assess the

information they acquired through collecting data.


The table below is the scale to determine the level of disaster risk

reduction measures and disaster preparedness of selected elementary

schools in Babak District.

Analysis and Interpretation of Level of Disaster Risk Reduction


Scale Range of Verbal Interpretation

Means Description

5 4.20-5.0 Strongly This indicates that the disaster risk

reduction measures among respondents is
Agree always manifested.

4 3.50-4.19 Agree This indicates that the disaster risk

reduction measures among respondents is
oftentimes manifested.

3 2.60-3.49 Uncertain This indicates that the disaster risk

reduction measures among respondents is
sometimes manifested.

2 1.80-2.59 Disagree This indicates that the disaster risk

reduction measures among respondents is
seldom manifested.

1 1.0-1.79 Strongly This indicates that the disaster risk

reduction measures among respondents is
Disagree not manifested.

Analysis and Interpretation of Level of Disaster Preparedness

Scale Range of Verbal Interpretation

Means Description

5 4.20-5.0 Strongly This indicates that the disaster

preparedness among respondents is always
Agree manifested.

4 3.50-4.19 Agree This indicates that the disaster

preparedness among respondents is
oftentimes manifested.

3 2.60-3.49 Uncertain This indicates that the disaster

preparedness among respondents is
sometimes manifested.

2 1.80-2.59 Disagree This indicates that the disaster

preparedness among respondents is
seldom manifested.

1 1.0-1.79 Strongly This indicates that the disaster

preparedness is not manifested.

Design and Procedure. The approach used for this investigation will

be quantitative. To support and meet the goals of the study, the researcher

tries to come up with solutions to the problem that has been identified. A

descriptive correlational study design will be used by the researchers.

According to Bhat 2023, descriptive correlational research is a form of

research strategy in which the researcher attempts to explain the correlation


between one or more variables without making any causal or effect claims. It

entails gathering and evaluating data on at least two variables to see whether

there is a relationship between them. Researchers do descriptive correlational

research to collect data to explain the variables of interest and determine how

they connect. The key goal is to account for all variables and how they

connect to one another without altering them or implying that one thing affects

another. Most academics believe that the least acceptable sample size for a

correlational study is 30. Data from a sample of less than 30 people may

provide an inaccurate measurement of the degree of connections (Wallen &

Fraenkel, 2009: 335, as cited in Putra, 2017 & Kaya, 2021).

For permission to carry out the study, the researchers will submit a

letter to the dean of UM Peñaplata College. Afterward, the researcher will

submit a letter to School Division office of Island Garden City of Samal.

Thereafter, the school principals of Cogon, San Antonio, and Toril will receive

a letter from the researchers requesting permission to carry out this study.

Following approval, researchers will conduct the survey right away. In order

for the respondents to complete the questionnaires with an open mind, the

researchers will explain a few terms to them. The researchers will ask the

respondents to be completely honest. A face-to-face survey will use by the

researchers. Once the respondents have finished the study, the researchers

will collect and tally the pertinent statistical data. The researchers came to a

conclusion and made recommendations for this study based on the facts.

The researchers used mean to quantify the level of disaster risk

reduction measures and disaster preparedness of selected elementary

schools in the Babak District. Moreover, Pearson product-moment


correlational will be utilized to ascertain the significant relationship between

disaster risk reduction measures and disaster preparedness of selected

elementary schools in Babak District.

Ethical Considerations. This investigation examined ethical questions

and considerations before the data was collected. The panel members worked

as an ethics review commission and investigated the researchers.

Voluntary Participation. The participants could choose not to take part

in the study, which was done to preserve their privacy. Information was

provided when respondents had questions about the survey or their decision

to participate.

Privacy and Confidentiality. The study's records are kept private as

much as was allowed by law. Any identifying information gathered for this

study was kept confidential unless it was required to safeguard the rights or

welfare of the respondents. The researchers reserve the right to withhold the

details of their participation from parties unconnected to the study. No private

information is used when the study's findings are published or presented at a

conference. This study will abide by the regulations of the Data Privacy Act of

2012, which was established to safeguard respondents from improper

processing of their personal information and reassure them that their

responses cannot be traced back. In addition, the names of the respondents

did not appear anywhere, and the researchers were the only ones who knew

the precise responses that the respondents had given. All the data gathered

for this study was kept private and confidential to preserve the respondents'


Recruitment. According to this ethical policy, the recruiting parties,

particularly the researchers, handled any potential discomforts that the

respondents may have felt while taking the survey by confirming their eligibility

as recruiting parties and going over the degree of risks and steps to mitigate

these risks (including physical, psychological, social, and economic risks).

Risks. In this study, there were no high-risk situations, such as

community socioeconomic, psychological, or physical health issues, that

might arise. Participants' rights in the study were preserved and respected.

Benefits. The researchers are also able to provide future researchers,

in particular the readers, with generalizable knowledge about the statistical

consequences of the disaster risk reduction measures and disaster

preparednessof selected primary schools in Babak District. Anyone may gain

from the study's conclusions because they provide new insight into the study's

numerical status.

Safety. In order to ensure the respondents' security, pseudonyms will

also be used to hide their identities throughout the study. The survey results

were also kept private and only used to support the research findings.

Plagiarism. To avoid plagiarism and ensure that their work did not

appear to have been submitted as someone else's, the researchers employed

turn-it-in software. When merging ideas from many writers and experts, the

researchers carefully adhered to a precise and appropriate reference style.

Using the Turnitin and Grammarly tools, this work was verified for grammar

and plagiarism. Because this study is based on several past examinations,

the researchers will take care to ensure that no fiction is made using her

works as inspiration. As a result, each item should be discussed in detail and

cited. Every single trustworthy journal or other scientific book was consulted

for this study.

Fabrication. The data is recorded as accurately as is reasonably

possible. Therefore, it is illegal to purposefully support false conclusions or

create inaccurate data and findings. Nothing has already been published, and

the information in the book disagrees.

Falsification. When there was no proof that the work had been

intentionally altered to meet a model or theoretical premise, falsification was

also taken into consideration. No exaggerated or illogical claim is supported

by any evidence.

Conflict of Interest. Because the researchers are UM Penaplata

College students studying teacher education, there is a conflict of interest. In

order to avoid interrogating administrators and teachers, the researchers

purposely ignored the COI. The well-being of the respondents or the validity of

the study are two examples of core interests that are generally not expected

to be impacted by a secondary goal, such as financial or academic

advantages or recognitions.

Deceit. In the papers for this study, no unethical tactics were used to

endanger the well-being of the respondents. The expert group examined and

verified every piece of material that will be written. Additionally, it was shown

that lying would be less harmful to the respondents than beneficial,

discouraging lying.

Permission from Organization/Location. The researchers obtained

permission from the schools. The researchers admitted to receiving official

consent from the institution or site where the study would be conducted or the

data would be gathered. The researchers also ensure that the respondents

are fully informed of the benefits the school may receive from the study

through informed consent by employing a straightforward and basic survey

questionnaire. As a result, the survey was carried out with the permission and

knowledge of the respondents.

Authorship. The study was conducted with attention to authorship

qualifications. The concept, design, data collecting, statistical analysis, and

data interpretation were all significantly improved by the researchers with the

help and direction of the research adviser. Both the researchers and the

advisor contributed to the writing of the article, which they then thoroughly

intellectually revised. Both made contributions to the investigation that

resulted in the study's publication.


This section presents the results and discussion of the findings. Based

on its meaning, the data were assessed using statistical tools. An explanation

and analysis of the tables are included in the presentation, offering insight into

the importance of the data. An analysis and an implication are provided for

every discussion.

Level of Disaster Risk Reduction Measures


The primary purpose of this study is to determine the level of Disaster

Risk Reduction Measures of selected elementary schools in Babak District.

After all, the three principals and forty-two teachers had completed answering

the survey questionnaire through face-to-face interaction.

Table 1 represents the level of Disaster Risk Reduction Measures in

selected elementary schools in Babak District. Variable one consists of six

indicators: mitigation measure, safety and school records, safety of pupils and

school personnel, information dissemination and advocacy campaign, policy

mechanisms, and organizational structure. It has an overall mean of 4.53 with

a standard deviation of 0.39, which indicates that disaster risk reduction

measures among respondents were always manifested.

Among all the indicators, mitigation measure has the highest mean

score, which is 4.70. Safety of pupils and school personnel got the second

highest mean score of 4.65. The third indicator that got the highest mean is

information dissemination and advocacy campaign, with a mean rating of

4.52, while policy mechanisms and organizational structure received a mean

rating of 4.51. Safety and school records, with a mean of 4.31, got the lowest

mean rating. It means that the six indicators mentioned above have a verbal

description of strongly agree, which indicates that disaster risk reduction

measures among respondents are always manifested. The result is supported

by the study of Dela Cruz and Ormilla (2022), which stated that for the benefit

of the students and other stakeholders who visit the school, the public primary

schools in Alfonso Lista established safe learning environments and facilities,

established, and oversaw a school-based DRRM, and included the DRRM


Table 1. Level of Disaster Risk Reduction Measures

Indicators SD M Descriptive Level
Mitigation Measure .35 4.70 Always
Safety and School Records .64 4.31 Always
Safety of Pupils and School .38 4.65 Always
Personnel manifested
Information Dissemination and .45 4.52 Always
Advocacy Campaign manifested
Policy Mechanisms .47 4.51 Always
Organizational Structure .54 4.51 Always
Overall Mean .39 4.53 This indicates
that the disaster
risk reduction
measures among
respondents is
Note: N = 45, M = Mean, SD = Standard Deviation

Program in the curriculum. Furthermore, according to a study, eleven

elementary schools in Santiago District have successfully established secure

learning facilities while partially meeting the requirements for an enabling

environment and school disaster risk reduction management (Acierto., 2023).

Level of Disaster Preparedness

Table 2 represents the level of Disaster Preparedness in selected

elementary schools in Babak District. The second variable has four indicators:

Table 2. Level of Disaster Preparedness

Indicators SD M Descriptive Level

Planning .48 4.52 Always manifested
Conveniences and Equipment .81 4.21 Always manifested
Implementation .60 4.45 Always manifested
Integration and Culture Building .50 4.32 Always manifested
Overall Mean .49 4.37 This indicates that the
preparedness among
respondents is
always manifested.
Note: N = 45, M = Mean, SD = Standard Deviation
Planning, Conveniences and Equipment, Implementation, and Integration and

Culture Building. The tabulation’s finding indicates that its overall mean is 4.37

and it has a standard deviation of 0.49, which indicates that disaster

preparedness among respondents is always manifested.

The result showed that, out of all the indicators, planning had the

highest mean of 4.52. Implementation comes next, with a high mean of 4.45.

The two lowest means, 4.32, are integration and culture building. Equipment

and conveniences, with 4.21, come next. Overall, there is a verbal description

of strongly agree for all four indicators of the second variable, which indicates

that disaster preparedness among respondents is always manifested.

Moreover, Widowati et al., (2021) stated that the disaster preparedness

and safety school (SSSB) was created to enable schools to self-evaluate in

order to strengthen their resistance to multiple hazards, including those

resulting from acts of violence against children and natural disasters, as well

as those resulting from inadequate safety systems. Hence, the result shows

that the disaster preparedness of selected elementary schools in Babak

District is always manifested. The result of the study is supported by

Herdiansyah et al., (2020), where one hundred eighty students from SDN

Tanjung Anom participated in community service through the "Disaster

Preparedness Education" program. The curriculum is designed to give

students access to resources about disasters, disaster mitigation, field

experiences, and simulations. It also aims to foster cooperation between

stakeholders by introducing the students to the possibility and reality of

natural disasters and their occurrence. Students will also learn about pre-

disaster action, emergency response, and post-disaster procedures.

Significant Relationship between Disaster Risk Reduction Measures and

Disaster Preparedness

The correlation analysis presented in the Table 3 examined the

relationship between disaster risk reduction measures and disaster

preparedness. In this study, a confidence level of p<.05 was used, these

findings indicate a significant relationship between two variables. The overall

p-value for all of these variables was .001. Therefore, the researchers found a

significant relationship between disaster risk reduction measures and disaster

preparedness among principals and teachers.

Moreover, Widowati et al., (2021) stated that the disaster preparedness

and safety school (SSSB) was created to enable schools to self-evaluate in

order to strengthen their resistance to multiple hazards, including those

resulting from acts of violence against children and natural disasters, as well

as those resulting from inadequate safety systems. Hence, the result shows

that the disaster preparedness of selected elementary schools in Babak


Table 3. Significant Relationship between Disaster Risk Reduction Measures

and Disaster Preparedness

Disaster Preparedness
Disaster Risk
Integratio Overall
Reduction Convenien
Implementati n and
Measures Planning ces and
on Culture
Mitigation .646* .242 .320* .314* .440*
Measure (<.001) (.109) (.032) (.036 (.002)

Safety and .459* .274 .060 .429* .357*

School Records (.002) (.068) (.697) (.003) (.016)

Safety of Pupils .728* .217 .237 .440* .457*

and School (<.001) (.153) (.117) (.002) (.002)

Dissemination .519* .269 .141 .517* .417*
and Advocacy (<.001) (.074) (.355) (<.001) (.004)

Policy .642* .339* .298* .678* .566*

Mechanisms (<.001) (.023) (.047) (<.001) (<.001)

Organizational .650* .319* .183 .605* .506*

Structure (<.001) (.033) (.229) (<.001) (<.001)

Overall .721* .340* .232 .613* .549*

(<.001) (.023) (.125) (<.001) (<.001)
*p<.05 – Significant

District is always manifested. The result of the study is supported by

Herdiansyah et al., (2020), where one hundred eighty students from SDN

Tanjung Anom participated in community service through the "Disaster

Preparedness Education" program. The curriculum is designed to give

students access to resources about disasters, disaster mitigation, field

experiences, and simulations. It also aims to foster cooperation between

stakeholders by introducing the students to the possibility and reality of


natural disasters and their occurrence. Students will also learn about pre-

disaster action, emergency response, and post-disaster procedures.


This study is to determine the level of disaster risk reduction measures

and disaster preparedness of selected elementary schools in Babak District.

Based on the results, it can be concluded that the selected elementary

schools in Babak District successfully implemented disaster risk reduction

measures and disaster preparedness. For disaster risk reduction measures,

the respondents are fully prepared in terms of mitigation measures, safety and

school records, safety of pupils and school personnel, information

dissemination and advocacy campaign, policy mechanism and organizational

structure. Also, for disaster preparedness, the respondents are fully equipped

in terms of planning, conveniences and equipment, implementation and

integration and culture building.

In addition, the findings of this study demonstrate a strong relationship

between disaster risk reduction measures and disaster preparedness. The

more the school implements DRRM, the more prepared it is in times of

disaster. Thus, integrating DRMM into schools enhances the preparedness of

the principals and teachers for unpredicted disasters. Furthermore, it can be

concluded that it is essential for the principals and teachers to be

knowledgeable and skilled enough to face a disaster, as they are the ones

who will guide and protect the students if a disaster happens.


This study confirmed the Person-to-Event Theory by Mulilis, J.P., and

Duval, T.S. (1998), wherein a person who has experienced a disaster will

have a better understanding and feel high responsibility for preparing for the

occurrence of an earthquake. Furthermore, the Protective Action Decision

Model (PADM) supports the study in which the schools carried out plans and

measurements such as temporary learning spaces (TLS), earthquake drills,

seminars, and renovations of the buildings.


Based on the aforementioned results and data interpretation, the

following recommendations are made for selected elementary schools in the

Babak District:

Since the disaster risk reduction measures are always manifested, the

selected elementary schools in Babak district must continue implementing the

DRRM in their schools. Also, the school administrator and other stakeholders

should pay attention and carry out more measurements on securing the

records of the school, such as providing secure record storage and installing

backup copies of important documents.

Additionally, disaster preparedness is also always manifested in

selected schools. Integrating technologies can improve early detection and

warning capacities, allowing for proper planning and evacuation. Lastly,

teachers must participate in disaster preparedness programs to equip them

with the essential knowledge and skills for rescue plans and rescue teams

within the schools.


Future researchers should consider the students, as they are the ones

who are vulnerable in times of disaster and consider more than just above-

mentioned variables. As a result, consider conducting additional research on

disasters among respondents who are not just the principals and teachers of

elementary schools.


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Appendix A


Appendix B

Certificate of Appearance

Appendix C


Appendix D


Appendix E

Letter to Validators

Appendix F
Certificate of Statistician

Appendix G
Research Questionnaire

Disaster Risk Reduction Measures and Disaster Preparedness of

Selected Elementary Schools in Babak District

Survey Questionnaire

Direction: Please answer these questions accurately by putting a check ✅ in

the box corresponding to your answer or filling in the space provided. All
information you provide will be kept confidential.

You are required to rate your level of agreement with the following statements.

Descriptive equivalent scale:

5 STRONGLY AGREE-This indicates that the statement is always manifested.

4 AGREE- This indicates that the statement is oftentimes manifested.

3 UNCERTAIN- This indicates that the statement is sometimes manifested.

2 DISAGREE- This indicates that the statement is seldom manifested.

1STRONGLY DISAGREE-This indicates that the statement is never


Disaster Risk Reduction Measures Indicator


Every floor of the building should have an

evacuation/exit plan in place.
Emergency exits ought to be marked.
There should be designated safe areas where
students and school staff can go in case of

Students and faculty should receive instruction

on what to do in advance of, during, and after

Drills should involve both students and faculty.

Install early warning systems and signs.


Built an overhead cabinet with good fastenings

for sensitive documents.
Provide secure record storage.
Gave crucial educational records access to a

fire- and flood-proof vault.

Essential papers' backup files were kept in a
secure location.

Taking Steps to Protect School Records

Installed backup copies of important




Taught students and staff at schools what to

do in advance of, during, and after disasters

Posted emergency exit strategy

Identified exits for emergencies

Identified safe areas where students and
school staff might go in an emergency

Installed warning signs and early warning




Conduct/attend training, seminars, or

orientations on creating a disaster risk
reduction plan.

The celebration of National Disaster

Awareness Month should include school
Conduct training sessions, seminars, or
orientations on how to form groups to reduce
the chance of tragedy.
The institution must run a campaign to alert
students about potential dangers.

The Disaster Risk Reduction Manual should

be used in conducting/attending training,
seminars, and orientation sessions.
It is important to conduct/attend drills-related
training, seminars, and orientation.

In order to establish a safe school

environment, school heads must take the
initiative in preparing activities.
In order to promote a secure learning
environment, school administrators must make
sure that everyone is involved—including
students, teachers, and staff.
Local DepEd officials are tasked with
establishing effective channels of
communication with their particular LGU.
The local authority must make any decisions
on class suspension or cancellation. Only
when immediate action is required to avert loss
of life or bodily harm may a school principal
suspend or cancel lessons.


A committee or group should be established

for schools to reduce disaster risk.

Should name a focal point for disaster risk

reduction and management.
Establish a Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Office.

The formation of a rescue team, medical team,

fire suppression team, relief and evacuation
team, and other response teams should be
It is important to coordinate volunteers.

The DRR Group's members should have their

capabilities evaluated.

Disaster Preparedness Indicator

A. PLANNING 5 4 3 2 1
The school makes sure that the curriculum
includes a few classes that educate how to be
safe from disasters.
The staff of the school and administrators from

other associated institutions all collaborated on

creating the school plan.
Each instructor received a rescue strategy to
use in the event of an emergency.
Plans for the three phases of a potential
disaster—before, during, and after—were
created at the school.
In the event of a disaster, the movable items
are fixed to prevent falling.
There is a system in place at the school that
will automatically turn off the water, power, and
gas in the event of a disaster.
The materials that ignite and burn are stored in
covered cabinets and containers.
Within the framework of the emergency rescue
plan, there are rescue teams in schools.
At the school, there are early warning or alarm
The lack of preparedness for disasters has
been identified and filled.
The curriculum for schools includes regular
drills that cover what should be done in the
event of a disaster.
The school makes sure that the teachers take
part in the programs for readiness for
On concerns related to safety, evacuation, and
rescue, the principal, teachers, and students
receive ongoing training.
The school buildings have undergone the
necessary reinforcement.
A proactive, alert school culture exists to avoid
Everyone at school is working together to raise
their level of knowledge and skills
It is impossible to get families to take part in
disaster prevention efforts.
To be prepared for disasters, help and
assistance from some specialists, such as
doctors, engineers, electricians, etc., is
Workshops, seminars, and conferences are a
few of the initiatives being used to increase
awareness of school-related disasters.

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