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Subject I- Use of English (50 points):
A. (2px10=20 points) Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. Write your
answers on the Answer Sheet.
It was dark in the room but Mr. Hall 1)________ (think) he saw something very strange.
The visitor’s arm had no hand at the end. Then he 2)________ (push) out of the room and
the door was locked behind him. He 3)________ (stand) outside the door for a moment,
4)________ (try) to understand what he 5)________ (see).Then he suddenly 6)________
(feel) sick. If his wife 7)________ (not back) him, he 8)________ (collapse).She helped him
and he 9)_______ (lie) down. He heard the woman’s voice ‘10)______ (this man /stay) with
us for a whole week?’, but Hall couldn’t open his mouth to answer.

B. (2px10=20 points) Read the text and put a tick if the line is correct or write the extra word in
the given space.

Up until recently the British were not exactly keen on cycling. In fact, only a …….
quarter of the twenty the million bicycles in the country were thought to be ……..
in use. Over the past year, though, the number of cyclists in urban areas, ……..
particularly in London, has increased by some 83 per cent. This has turned the ……..
capital into a cleaner city compared to like many others in Europe. It is all thanks to ……
the National Cycle Network project over which, in the recent years has …….
managed to encourage many people to use their bicycles to travel at to work …….
or for fun. Part of the project involved the improvement of the existing ……..
pathways, whereas by the end of 2006 the Network had expanded against to ……..
11,300 miles. The project has been funded principally by the National Lottery. ……..

C. (1px10=10 points) Read the text below and use the words given in capitals to form words
that fit in the gaps. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
Most people simply ignore it but healthy eating is (1) ________ the key to general well-
being. Our bodies are made up of what we eat, so our (2) ________ and (3) ________ cannot
possibly escape the effects of bad diets. Sweets, chocolate and cake are fine in (4) ________
but trouble arises when people just can’t leave them alone, (5) ________ eating every
possibly sticky item that comes their way.

Subject II-Reading Comprehension
I Read the following text. It has five paragraphs (1-5). Choose the best heading for each
paragraph from A-F. There is one extra .(10 points)

A-The reason we dream

B-Changes in sleep routine
C-Sleep and learning
D-How much we sleep
E- Different types of sleep
F-Sleep and good health

Paragraph 1
Sleep is essential for human life. We can actually live longer without food than without
sleep. Most people spend about a third of their lives sleeping. That means during our life we
will spend about twenty-five years asleep. While the average person sleeps about seven
hours a night, some people can manage with as little as four hours. We do not all need the
same amount of sleep.
Paragraph 2
So what happens when we are asleep? There are five stages in a cycle of sleep. Each cycle
lasts about 90 minutes and we often repeat this cycle five times a night. In the first two
stages we fall into a light sleep. In stages three or four, we are in a deep sleep and our heart
rate and and breathing slows down. In stage five, our brain becomes active.
Paragraph 3
We all know that sleep is good for us, but what are the benefits? One benefit is that it helps
us to resist illness. Without enough sleep, our body cannot fight off cold and the flu as
easily. Your sleep pattern can also affect your diet. Researchers at the University of Chicago
discovered that poor sleep increased a hormone in the body that makes us hungry.
Paragraph 4
Sleep also plays a part in our performance at school and at work. A number of reports have
shown that children who get a good night sleep do better in school. Obviously, one reason
for this is that if you are very tired you cannot focus. However, there is another important
reason. Scientist believe that sleep is important for our memory.
Paragraph 5
Another essential part of sleep to understand is our body clock. This is our natural rhythm of
sleep. Generally , our body tells us to sleep when it is dark and wake when it is light.

However, studies now suggest that young people have a different sleep especially when they
are teenagers. Some scientists believe that teenagers are not lazy, but biologically
programmed to go to bed later and wake up later.
Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to the questions. Write your
answers on the Answer Sheet. (15 points)

Scienceworks is a museum with a difference. It’s an educational adventure playground that

aims to explain to visitors the workings of science and technology by allowing them to look,
touch and play with the exhibits. One of the main differences between Scienceworks and
other museums is its location. While most museums are generally located in the city centre,
amongst modern office blocks. Factories surround the museum like an industrial theme park.
There is even a disused sewerage processing plant within the Scienceworks complex. The
museum is home to both temporary and permanent exhibitions. The four permanent
exhibitions are called Inventions, Energy, Travel and Materials. The displays in each section
are accompanied by information about how the technology works, the story behind its
invention and the ways in which it has affected people’s daily lives both at home and at
work. The museum‘s curator, Richard Gillespie, believes the museum works because its
exhibits are well-chosen examples of technology that are familiar to visitors. “Having this
kind of connection with exhibits, helps simplify science instead of complicating it like many
other science museums do”, says Richard. Science also encourages its visitors to interact
with the exhibits. The Inventions exhibition is real ‘hands-on’ stuff. You can press buttons,
pull levers and watch in amazement as engines start and models come to life. The Energy
exhibition challenges you to provide the energy for a hand-powered washing machine and an
old-fashioned hand saw. If that doesn’t tire you out, move on to Sports - Works where you
can have your physical fitness levels tested while racing virtual Olympic sprinters. When
your body wants a rest, but your mind is hungry for more, head to the Scienceworks
Planetarium. A unique digital computer and projection system takes you on a journey
through space and time. From the comfort of a reclining chair, you will travel to the moon
and stars and beyond to other galaxies and the dawn of the universe. The planetarium also
hosts a special sleepover package for kids during schooldays where they get to go on a scary
ghost tour and observe the stars through telescopes. Whether you are five or ninety-five, a
visit to Scienceworks is definitely a must. It’s fun, it’s informative and everyone should go!

1.The museum location is unusual because

A. it is inside a factory.
B. it is surrounded by office blocks.
C. it is not in the city center.
D. it is next to the sewerage plant.

2. If you get tired, the writer recommends

A. going home and sitting in a comfortable chair.

B. taking a virtual tour at the galaxy.
C. eating something at the Planetarium café.
D. leaving our children overnight at the museum.

3.The curator believes the museum is popular because

A. the exhibitions change often.
B. the exhibits were invented by ordinary people.
C. visitors understand how the technologies work.
D. other science museums are boring.

Subject III-Writing (25 points)

Write a narrative essay ending like this:

“Not listening to the strange man’s ‘friendly’ advice proved to be the best thing Timothy
had ever done. He couldn’t be any prouder of himself because he had not fallen for his
Write your story in 150-180 words (15-18 lines) and give it an appropriate title.
Pay attention to the following:
 you don't need long descriptions;
 use dialogues only if they are relevant for your characters or events;
 you should use this plan: 1. Introduction (paragraph 1 - set the scene) 2. Main body
(paragraph(s) 2/3 - develop the story) 3. Conclusion (paragraph 4 - end the story)
Don’t count the words given in the ending.


S I- Use of English -50 points

A 10x2p=20
1.-thought;2- pushed; 3-stood; 4-trying; 5-had seen; 6-felt; 7-hadn’t backed; 8-would have
collapsed; 9-lied; 10-this man has been staying.
B 10x2p=20
1 correct; 2 the; 3 correct; 4 some; 5 like; 6 over; 7 at; 8 correct; 9 against; 10 correct
C 5x2p=10
1- undoubtedly; 2-fitting; 3-vitality; 4- moderation; 5-greedily;
Other possible answers are accepted if they are according to the context (for S I-A,B,C)

S II- Reading Comprehension-25 points

I-5x2=10 points;
A-2;B-5;C-4; D-1;F-3
1-C; 2-C; 3-C;(5x3=15points)

S III- Writing
25 points according to the marking scheme

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