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Contour Line Quiz

Contour Map Quiz

Match the contour line drawing in the PHOTO column with the corresponding contour line image in the
TOPO column. See the bottom of the page for answers to contour map quiz.

Hint #1: The Arrow in the TOPO images point downhill.

Hint #2: Don't get frustrated with the answers. A couple are very similar.



Answers will be shown here.

The contour map below uses a 1:4,800 scale. Notice the shaded relief to improve the map. Using what
you've learned about contour lines and topographic maps, figure out which photo goes with the map.


Answer will be shown here.

Next: Using Map and Compass

What do you get when you cross a cowboy and a mapmaker?

A cow-tographer!

A 3 - gradual, consistent slope

B 5 (or 8) - draw or valley with stream
C 13 (or 4) - cliff face
D 12 - hill with ridge
E 9 - spurs on a mountainside
F 10 - a depression
G 4 (or 13)
H 7 - Steeper slope high, gradual low
I 1 - consistent slope
J 2 - gradual slope high, steeper low
K 11 - a saddle between two hills
L 8 (or 5)
M 6 - simple round hill
The contour lines are very close together, indicating an extremely steep slope that rises from 4500
feet to 5100 feet - that is about 2 football fields standing on end.
A perfect bulls-eye shape is created, indicating a circular mountain.
The open center circle inside the 5100 contour line indicates that the top of the mountain is a flat

This topgraphic map is of Devil's Tower which is the photo in the lower left.

Oct 16, 2015 - Amy Leslie

On behalf of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), I am expressing interest in using the contour quiz graphics in
our new edition of the Boy Scouts Handbook.

We are working with subject experts and BSA volunteers to include the most relevant, interesting information
and visuals available to increase a Scout's engagement with this important skill. It is within this context the
BSA would like to include your quiz graphics in our new edition of the handbook.

Thank you in advance for granting this permission. I am available to answer any questions you may have. If
you are not authorized to grant any or all of these rights, I would appreciate your referral to the correct
person in your organization.


Amy Leslie
Boy Scouts of America
1325 West Walnut Hill Lane
Irving, Texas 75038

Sep 21, 2017 - Meghan Sauer

Thank you for posting this. I don't have enough computers for my students to access your site, but I'd like to
use your work on topo/contour maps unit and properly credit you.

Oct 30, 2017 - Trevor Williams

How are you supposed to draw a line?

Oct 30, 2017 - Compass Dude

@Trevor - The instructions say to "match" images from each column - there are other ways to match without
drawing a line. But, if you really want to, go ahead and use a magic marker on your
computer/tablet/phone/... screen to draw a line. Or, print the page and draw lines.

Oct 31, 2018 - Breauna

I liked this. It really helped me to understand some things were talking about in science.

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