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Nama : Ghaitsa Meuthia Reunggali

NIM : 2205618
Prodi : Pendidikan Matematika FPMIPA
Dosen : Dr. Dadan Dasari, M.Si.


11.1) Find the standard deviation of 𝑋1− 𝑋2 when…

2 2
a) 𝑛1 = 50, σ1 = 25, 𝑛2 = 65, σ2 = 25.
2 2
σ1 σ2
=> σ(𝑋1 − 𝑋2) = 𝑛1
+ 𝑛2
. Jadi, Standar Deviasinya adalah 0,9405399431 atau
sekitar 0,94
2 2
b) 𝑛1 = 200, σ1 = 100, 𝑛2 = 150, σ2 = 47.
2 2
σ1 σ2
=> σ(𝑋1 − 𝑋2) = 𝑛1
+ 𝑛2
. Jadi, Standar Deviasinya adalah 0,9018499506 atau
sekitar 0,9

11.2) Find the standard deviation of 𝑋1− 𝑋2 when..

a) 𝑛1 = 115, σ1 = 37, 𝑛2 = 88, σ2 = 52.

2 2
σ1 σ2
=> σ(𝑋1 − 𝑋2) = 𝑛1
+ 𝑛2
. Jadi, Standar Deviasinya adalah 6,529289437 atau
sekitar 6,53
b) 𝑛1 = 115, σ1 = 37, 𝑛2 = 88, σ2 = 52.
2 2
σ1 σ2
=> σ(𝑋1 − 𝑋2) = 𝑛1
+ 𝑛2
. Jadi, Standar Deviasinya adalah 12,23885169 atau
sekitar 12,24

2 2
11.3) If 𝑋1 = 199. 61, 𝑛1 = 75, σ1 = 25, 𝑋2 = 203. 27, 𝑛2 = 75 𝑎𝑛𝑑, σ2 = 25.
a) Construct a two-sided 90% confidence interval for µ1− µ2.
2 2
σ1 σ2
=>(𝑋1 − 𝑋2) ± 𝑍 α 𝑛1
+ 𝑛2
. Didapat hasilnya -3,66 ± 1,343136876. Sehingga

diperoleh intervalnya yaitu : (+) -2,316863124 atau -2,32 dan (-) -5,003136876 atau -5,00
b) Interpret the confidence interval.
=> Dengan tingkat kepercayaan 90% dapat disimpulkan bahwa interval kepercayaan dua
sisi untuk µ1− µ2 adalah (-5.00, -2.32)

11.4) If 𝑋1 = 17. 50, 𝑛1 = 100, σ1 = 2. 07, 𝑋2 = 10. 15, 𝑛2 = 100 𝑎𝑛𝑑, σ2 = 1. 25.
a) Construct a two-sided 90% confidence interval for µ1− µ2.
2 2
σ1 σ2
=>(𝑋1 − 𝑋2) ± 𝑍 α 𝑛1
+ 𝑛2
. Didapat hasilnya 7,35 ± 0,62. Sehingga diperoleh

intervalnya yaitu : (+) 7,97 atau 7,97 dan (-) 6,73 atau 6,73
b) Interpret the confidence interval.
=> Dengan tingkat kepercayaan 90% dapat disimpulkan bahwa interval kepercayaan dua
sisi untuk µ1− µ2 adalah (6.73, 7.97)
11.5) In Problem 11.3, what would happen to the confidence interval if everything is the same
except the confidence level was 95%?
𝑍 1−α
=>(𝑋1 − 𝑋2) ±
. Didapat hasilnya 7,35 ±

11.6) In Problem 11.3, what would happen to the confidence interval if everything is the same
except 𝑛1 = 𝑛2 = 100?

11.7) A retail company operates two stores in different locations. The manager notices that
products that sell well in one store do not always sell well in the other and thus believes this may
be due to different customer demographics. The manager would like to investigate the difference
in mean age of customers of these two stores. A random sample of 36 customers in the first store
gave a mean age of 40, while a random sample of 49 customers in the second store gave a mean
of 35. Based on previous data, σ1 = 9 years and σ2 = 10 years.
a) Find a 95% confidence interval estimate of the difference between the mean age of
customers at each store.
b) Interpret the confidence interval.
c) What assumption is made to get the confidence interval in Problem 11.6?
11.8) In Problem 11.7, how would you argue that the results are not necessarily practically

11.9) A one-sided 90% confidence interval for the difference in mean monthly cost of supplies
for a printing service shop from two stores gave an upper bound of $714.
a) Interpret the result of this confidence interval.
b) Would the equivalent hypothesis test be an upper tail test or a lower tail test?

11.10) A one-sided 99% confidence interval for the difference in mean number of visits to a
theme park in July and August gave a lower bound of 11 321.44.
a) Interpret the result of this confidence interval.
b) Would the equivalent hypothesis test be an upper tail test or a lower tail test?

11.11) If 𝐻𝑜: µ1− µ2 ≥ 0; 𝐻1: µ1− µ2 < 0, Which of the following is an equivalent statement?
(More than one choice is possible.)
a) 𝐻𝑜: µ1− µ2 < 0; 𝐻1: µ1− µ2 ≥ 0
=> Hipotesis nol Ho: μ1 - μ2 ≥ 0 berarti selisih rata-rata populasi μ1 dan μ2 lebih besar
atau sama dengan nol, sedangkan hipotesis alternatif H1: μ1 - μ2 < 0 artinya selisih
rata-rata populasi μ1 dan μ2 kurang dari nol. Pernyataan ekuivalen berarti menyampaikan
informasi yang sama dengan hipotesis asli tetapi dapat dinyatakan berbeda. Bukan
merupakan pernyataan ekuivalen karena hipotesis nol dan alternatif dibalik.
b) 𝐻𝑜: µ1− µ2 ≤ 0; 𝐻1: µ1− µ2 > 0
=>Pernyataan yang ekuivalen karena mengungkapkan ide yang sama dengan hipotesis
awal, hanya dalam hal perbedaan antara populasi dalam arah yang berlawanan.
c) 𝐻𝑜: µ1− µ2 = 0; 𝐻1: µ1− µ2 < 0
=>Bukanlah pernyataan ekuivalen karena hipotesis nol menyatakan bahwa selisihnya
tepat nol, yang tidak sama dengan lebih besar atau sama dengan nol
d) 𝐻𝑜: µ1− µ2 = 0; 𝐻1: µ1− µ2 < 0
=>Bukanlah pernyataan ekuivalen karena hipotesis nol menyatakan bahwa selisihnya
tepat nol, yang tidak sama dengan kurang dari atau sama dengan nol

11.12) If 𝐻𝑜: µ1− µ2 ≤ 0; 𝐻1: µ1− µ2 > 0, Which of the following is an equivalent statement?
(More than one choice is possible.)
a) 𝐻𝑜: µ1− µ2 < 0; 𝐻1: µ1− µ2 ≥ 0
=>Hipotesis nol Ho: μ1 - μ2 ≤ 0 berarti selisih rata-rata populasi μ1 dan μ2 lebih kecil
atau sama dengan nol, sedangkan hipotesis alternatif H1: μ1 - μ2 > 0 artinya selisih
rata-rata populasi μ1 dan μ2 lebih dari nol. Pernyataan ekuivalen berarti menyampaikan
informasi yang sama dengan hipotesis asli tetapi dapat dinyatakan berbeda.Pernyataan
yang ekuivalen karena mengungkapkan ide yang sama dengan hipotesis awal, hanya
dalam hal perbedaan antara populasi dalam arah yang berlawanan.
b) 𝐻𝑜: µ1− µ2 ≥ 0; 𝐻1: µ1− µ2 < 0
=>Pernyataan yang ekuivalen karena mengungkapkan ide yang sama dengan hipotesis
awal, hanya dalam hal perbedaan antara populasi dalam arah yang berlawanan.
c) 𝐻𝑜: µ1− µ2 ≥ 0; 𝐻1: µ1− µ2 < 0
=>Pernyataan yang ekuivalen karena mengungkapkan ide yang sama dengan hipotesis
awal, hanya dalam hal perbedaan antara populasi dalam arah yang berlawanan.
d) 𝐻𝑜: µ1− µ2 = 0; 𝐻1: µ1− µ2 < 0
=>Bukanlah pernyataan ekuivalen karena hipotesis nol menyatakan bahwa selisihnya
tepat nol, yang tidak sama dengan kurang dari atau sama dengan nol

11.13) For a new car model from Company M, engineers proposed a slight tweak in the engine
design that could lead to better fuel efficiency. To test this, 10 cars were randomly assigned the
originally designed motor, and their average miles per gallon was 27.90. Another 10 cars were
randomly assigned the motor with the tweaked design, and their average miles per gallon was
25.62. Miles per gallon are normally distributed for both motor designs and assume a variance of
0.97 miles per gallon for both engines. If µ1= mean miles per gallon of cars with the original
motor, and µ2 = mean miles per gallon of cars with the tweaked motor, at 5% significance,
a) Write the null and alternative hypothesis.
=>𝐻𝑜: µ1= µ2 ; 𝐻1: µ1≠ µ2
b) Calculate the value of the Z statistic.
c) Determine what the p-value is.
=>Nilai-p adalah probabilitas mengamati statistik uji yang ekstrim seperti statistik-Z
yang dihitung, dengan asumsi hipotesis nol benar.
d) Is 𝐻𝑜 rejected?
e) Write a statistical conclusion.

11.14) Numbers that linger in our mind can influence subjective numerical estimates we make
later on. In a 2010 study,3 students had to subjectively estimate the number of calories in a
cheeseburger.The goal was to determine if the subjective mean calorie estimate from a group
presented with a high-calorie meal is lower than the subjective mean calorie estimate from a
group presented with a low calorie meal. Sixty-five students were randomly chosen to do their
subjective estimate after thinking about a high calorie cheesecake (group 1), and 70 students
were randomly chosen to do their subjective estimate after thinking about an organic fruit salad
(group 2). The first group’s estimated mean was 780 calories, while the second group estimated a
mean of 1041 calories. For our purposes, we assume that σ1 = 112 and σ2 = 120. If µ1= group
1 subjective estimate of mean number of calories, and µ2= group 2 subjective estimate of mean
number of calories, at 1% significance,
a) Write the null and alternative hypothesis.
=>𝐻𝑜: µ1− µ2 ≤ 0; 𝐻1: µ1− µ2 > 0
b) Calculate the value of the Z statistic.
=>Z = -13.07127609
c) Determine what the p-value is.
=>Nilai-p adalah probabilitas mengamati statistik uji yang ekstrim seperti statistik-Z
yang dihitung, dengan asumsi hipotesis nol benar.
d) Is 𝐻𝑜 rejected?
=>Dengan menggunakan tabel atau kalkulator distribusi normal standar, kami
menemukan bahwa nilai p kurang dari 0,0001. Karena p-value = 0 < α = 0.01, maka Ho
e) Write a statistical conclusion.
=>Berdasarkan analisis, pada signifikansi 1 % terdapat cukup bukti untuk menyimpulkan
bahwa rerata estimasi subjektif jumlah kalori. kelompok 2 (salad buah organik) lebih tinggi
daripada rerata estimasi subjektif jumlah kalori kelompok 1 (tinggi kalori kue keju).
f) Why can we use the Z-test in this problem?
=>Dalam soal ini, kita dapat menggunakan uji-Z karena ukuran sampel relatif besar (n1 =
65 dan n2 = 70), dan kita memiliki informasi tentang standar deviasi populasi (σ1 dan σ2).
Selain itu, data diasumsikan terdistribusi secara normal.

11.15) Construct an equivalent one bound confidence interval for Problem 11.14 (Hint: See how
Z is modified in Table 10.2).

11.16) Construct an equivalent one bound confidence interval for Problem 11.13 (Hint: See how
Z is modified in Table 10.2).

11.17) In the 2016 General Social Survey, one question was “What is the ideal number of
children for a family to have?” Of the 738 men who answered,6 the mean response was 2.52
with a standard deviation of 0.84. In contrast, of the 867 women who answered, the mean
response was 2.63 with a standard deviation of 0.89. A 99% confidence interval for the
difference in mean ideal number of children is (−0.22, 0.0048).
a) The interval is estimating µ1− µ2. Which population was chosen as number 1?
b) What would happen if we were to get a 99% confidence interval for µ1− µ2?
c) How meaningful is the true difference in mean ideal number of children?
d) Do you think the distribution of answers to the questions are normally distributed?

11.18) A realtor wants to compare asking prices per square foot for land in neighborhood 1 and
neighborhood 2. He takes a random sample of 16 listings from neighborhood 1. From
neighborhood 2, a random sample of 20 is collected. Below, the Minitab output of the hypothesis
test is provided.

Two-Sample T-Test and CI

Sample N Mean StDev SE Mean

1 16 75.10 5.10 1.3

2 20 73.30 8.20 1.8

Difference = mu (1) – mu (2)

Estimate for difference: 1.80
95% CI for defference: (–2.75, 6.35)
T–Test of defference: = 0 (vs ≠): T–value = 0.81 P–Value = 0.426 DF = 32

a) What is the sample mean from neighborhood 1?

b) What is the sample standard deviation from neighborhood 2?
c) Show that the estimated standard error of the sample mean from neighborhood 1 is
d) Write the hypothesis to test if there is a difference in mean asking price per square
foot for land in neighborhood 1 and neighborhood 2.
e) Obtain the test statistic (from the Minitab output).
f) Based on the Minitab output, make a decision about the null hypothesis at 5%
g) Write a statistical conclusion.

11.19) Enrollment data of schools in Connecticut for the 2013–2014 school year are available7 in
the file “School_Enrollment_Connecticut”α = 0.10. Note that the last row is for all of
Connecticut and thus must be deleted for your analysis.
a) Do you think that there is a need to perform statistical inference to determine if there
is a difference between the mean number of male and mean number of female
students for the 2013–2014 school year?
b) Based on the data, test if there is a difference between the mean number of male and
female students for the 2014–2015 school year at 10% significance.
c) Construct a two-sided 90% confidence interval.
d) What are the assumptions being made to perform the hypothesis test above?
e) Any limitations in the usefulness of the inference performed here?
f) Perform a hypothesis test to determine if the mean number of females at Bridgeport
school district is different than the mean number of females at the Fairfield School

11.20) A new machine was purchased to can tuna. With the old machine, a random sample of 16
cans revealed an average weight of 6.83 oz and standard deviation of 0.64 oz. In an independent
random sample with the new machine, the average weight was 6.24 oz, with a standard deviation
of 0.75 oz.
a) Test whether the old machine has higher mean weight at α = 0.025, assuming the
unknown population variances are not equal. Interpret decision about null.
=>𝐻𝑜: µ1> µ2 ; 𝐻1: µ1< µ2 . α = 0. 025 dan df = 29.27572948 , t tabel = 2,045, t
hitung = 2.393627311. Karena µ1> µ2 ,𝐻𝑜 akan diterima jika t hitung < t tabel. Diketahui
bahwa 2,394 > 2,045 , artinya thitung > ttabel. Maka dapat disimpulkan 𝐻𝑜 di tolak.
b) Test whether the old machine has higher mean weight at α = 0.025, assuming the
unknown population variances are equal. Interpret decision about the null.
=>𝐻𝑜: µ1> µ2 ; 𝐻1: µ1< µ2 . α = 0. 025 dan df = 30 , t tabel = 2,042, Nilai
𝑆𝑝 = 0, 6971728624, t hitung = 2.393627311. Karena µ1> µ2 ,𝐻𝑜 akan diterima jika t
hitung < t tabel. Diketahui bahwa 2,39 > 2,042 , artinya thitung > ttabel. Maka dapat
disimpulkan 𝐻𝑜 di tolak.

11.21) A company’s data analyst performed a two sample t-test to compare the mean time to
pack some jewelry using two separate machines. Curious, a manager asks the analyst if he used
an equal variance t-test. His answer was no, that the degrees of freedom of the approximate t-test
that he used was 60 and therefore the results of either method should be similar.Comment on the
analyst’s logic.

11.22) You work for an insurance firm and you must choose between two companies to handle
your employer’s investment portfolio. Although both companies have claims about the mean
1-year return for a $10 000 investment, you prefer to take independent samples from company A
and company B. All you care about is whether there is a difference in the mean 1-year return
(measured in dollars) of each of the two companies. The Minitab summary of the analysis is
given below.

Two-Sample T-Test and CI

Sample N Mean StDev SE Mean

1 16 75.10 5.10 1.3

2 20 73.30 8.20 1.8

Difference = μ (1) – μ (2)

Estimate for difference: –187
95% CI for difference: (–403, 29)
T–Test of defference: = 0 (vs ≠): T–value = 1.78 P–Value = 0.087 DF = 26

a) Write the null and alternative hypothesis.

b) Based on the Minitab output, make a decision about the null hypothesis at 5%
=>Berdasarkan keluaran minitab, diperolah bahwa p-value > tingkat α = 0,087 > 0,05.
Sehingga, 𝐻𝑜 diterima. Artinya pengembalian rata-rata 1 tahun untuk investasi $10.000
oleh perusahaan A sama dengan pengembalian rata-rata 1 tahun untuk investasi $10.000
oleh perusahaan B
c) Write a statistical conclusion.
=>Pada signifikasi 5%, tidak terdapat bukti yang cukup kuat untuk menunjukkan adanya
perbedaan antara pengembalian rata-rata 1 tahun untuk investasi $10.000 oleh perusahaan
A dan pengembalian rata-rata 1 tahun untuk investasi $10.000 oleh perusahaan B

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