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Tau a LL Bee 11 Choose the correct place for as in each sentence, Aor B. Write. 1 Madiridis as beautiful A Rome 8. A Ice cream A isn't as popular 8 chocolate. Our house Ais B large as our neighbour's My bestfriend isn't tall as |B am. Pm late but I'm not 8 late as my parents. Siberia is as cold A the B North Pole. | think water sports areas exciting 4 athletics B. 2. Complete the sentences with the short adjectives in brackets in their comparative form. 1 Ithink History is easier. than English. (easy) 2 Romeis than Oslo in the summer. hot) 3 My mumis than my dad at work. (busy) 4 My sisters 1m 75, She's. than me, (tall) 5 Ahippo is _ thana giraffe. (fat) 5 Vegetables are than cakes. (healthy) 7 Planes are _ than trains. (Fast) 3 Complete the sentences with the long adjectives in brackets in their comparative form. 1 Badminton i boring. | think football is more exiting. (exciting) 2 My mums bike was Itcost alot of money, (expensive) 3 Paris is avery attractive city think tis than Dublin! (beautiful) 4 Surfing the internet is then reading books. Reading books is boring. interesting) 5 Fiying a planeis ver dificult. ts than driving aca. (complicated) 6 Footballisa sport than chess. Alot more people play football. (popular) than mine, A Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences. 1 Chicken legs are © 2 Vegetables are healthier 3 My grandparents are 4 This actor isn’t 5 Bus tickets are 6 My meal was UNIT 11 GRAMMAR: STANDARD 5 Underline the correct options. 2 | am tall taller than my younger brother. 2 Lam not as intelligent as / more intelligent as all my friends. 3 The desert is more hot /hatter than the North Pole. 4 Fresh food is healthier / more healthy than fast food. 5 Pasta is os popular / more popular than rice in Italy. 6 Trains are more comfortable as / than buses. 6 Girelsthe mistakes in the sentences. © 1 My burgers very big /GiggaI)tis enormous. 2. Iwas luckier as /than my friends. | passed all my exams. 3 Trains are foster/ fast than cars. 4 Juan’s car wasn't as expensive than /os Pablo's. 55 Bring some cold / colder food when you come, like a salad. 6 My pancakes were easiest /eosier to make than yours 7 Maria's clothes are more modern / moderner than her fiends J Complete Dora's food blog with the adjectives in brackets in their comparative form. Welcome to my food blog! Ihave a. healthier (healthy) diet than alot of my friends. | think fruit and vegetables are delicious and as 7 (tasty) any other food. Meatis® (easy) to buy where | live than fish. In summer, itis “ (hot) than winter so we rink alt of soft drinks but | think mineral water isas* (interesting) other drinks. I don't like eating fast. think my meals take eiacceeeea __ (long) than other people’. During the week, | often cook pasta because itis easier and? (quick) to make than other food. 11 Complete the sentences with the short adjectives in brackets in their superlative form, 1 E-readers are usually the 2. My brothers the Everybody els is shorter! (al) 3 My mum and | get up at 8 am but my dad gets up 1» 3t 7 am. early) runner in the world? (fast) city in Spain is Madrid. The others smollest...books. (small) person in my family 6 Sundays the Hust relax. (quiet) day of the week for me. Complete the sentences with the long adjectives in brackets in their superlative form. 2 Whois the _.mast famous... singer in the world? (famous) 2 The person in my family is my baby sister She is lovely and pretty! (beautiful) 3 Forme, maths is the subject in school. I never pass my maths exams. (difficult) 4 The smartphone in the world is mine, It cost lots and lots of money! (expensive) 5 Some of the buildings in the world arein the Middle East. They are very new. (modern) 6 think the. _ Music in the world is. probably pop music. Everybody listens tot. (popular) 3 CeWthe correct option, A, Bor. 1 Ipefertotravelby plan becausetisthe Atast — @fastes € faster 2 Diamonds are the expensive presents. Avey 8 most more 2 The. clyin the worlds London; ts amazing A goodest —B bestest € best 4 think our pet the cat n our town Afatest —B fattest € fatter 5 The. thing in my bedroom isthe games console A nicerest nicer € vicest aaa UC aed UNIT 12 GRAMMAR: STANDARD 5 Gieldthe correct options. The easier /Easied>nay to travels by bike. 1 2 My aptop is the more / most expensive in our house, 3 The older oldest person in my family is my grandma, 4 My gooder / best fiend i called Jake. 5 Whois the most famous /famousest actor in Hollywood? 6 Bicycles are the most cheaper /cheapest way to travel 6 GeaDthe correct options to complete Sam's email Shece Hille! We went to Paris last week. It's the "G@O32/ best wonderful city in the world. | had the worst /best holiday. The food is nice /nicer than the food in ‘my city. We saw the Eiffel Tower which is the most *fmous / highest building in the world and also the most /best beautiful. The problem was the weather. Itwas the * worse / worst week because it rained every day! | have gota lot of photos. | used ‘my smartphone because itis the smallest and 4/the easiest to use. Wirite soon, a sam Bo PRONUNCIATION stress in superiatives 7 ston and repeat, choose the correct stress ® "" pattern from the box. Write. © 00 eo 000 2000 0000 00000 2 the worst 2. 2 the most expensive 3 the best 4 the most famous aaa LL aoe 1. Giethe correct options. You@hauBY should study before an exam, You should / shouldn't take too much medicine. 1 2 3 You should / shouldn't sleep well at night. 4 You should / shouldn't move if you break your leg 5 You should / shouldn't do what your doctor says, 6 You should / shouldn't drink water if you are hot 2 GeBthe correct option, Aor 8. 1 We dont fel wel. What... we do? @shouta B shouldn't 2 Te gota headache You should some asin, A totake B take 3 Rosa thinks her armis broken, Be careful she... moveit! A shouldet need 4 Tye tan exam tomorrow You should.....alittle and then rest A study B tostudy 5 They're driving very fast. They _ be more careful A should B shouldn't 6 Zaida's friends have got an important tennis match. They should... every day. Atopractise —_B practise 3 Mateh the problems with the advice. I've got toothache. ‘ My best friend is angry with me. My parents have got a cold ‘Susan's sister broke her leg this morning. Pablo's granddad wants to play football My friends are having a party today. They should go shopping and buy some new clothes. You should go to the dentist. You should talk to her. He shouldn't do too much exercise 1 2 3 4 5 6 [A They should rest a lot 8 c > E F She should go to hospital UNIT 13 GRAMMAR: STANDARD 4 Complete the sentences with should or should’. 1 When you aretited, you... should... go ta hed early. 2 Cardivers be careful of people on bikes. 3 When you've got a headache, you lie down in bed. 4 You ‘eat alot of cakesif you want to bef. 5 When you've got an exam, you... all night. You need to rest! 6 Everybody get some exercise, 5 Goethe mistakes inthe sentences and question. @1 ‘ou don't ook wet You shoud (GouaAD go to bed. 2 They no should shoud play computer games ll day 3 He shoud to should study more. He's got exams 4 Weshould/ shoud goto the doctor when we ae ick 5 My dad don't should /should take medicine every day. 6 Should to / Should we arive early forthe party? study G Match the problems with Maria's advice. 1 Maria, Ive got a problem. Last week | was at the beach. It was very sunny and now''m ted and sore. E 2 Maria, can you help me? I've got five exams next week and I've got no time to study because | care for my brother and sister. 3 Maria, I've got an important football match on Saturday but I'm very tired. 4 Maria, don't feel well 5 Maria, help me please. My teachers don't like me. [A You should try and do all your homework and you should try and smile at your teachers in class. B Itis very important to take care of yourself. You should goto the doctor immediately. € You shouldn't spend too much time with your brother and sister because you should study also. You should rest frst and then you should do some ‘exercise every day. You shouldn't eat unhealthy food. E You should put some special cream on your arms and legs and rest alot LB Prowuncissi0n | sierecononans 7. Listen and repeat. The silent consonants are

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