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The hospitality industry is a field that relies heavily on communication. Whether you are
working in a hotel, restaurant, or another service industry job, strong communication skills are
essential because every profession requires communication.


Communication is a critical component of the hospitality industry. Whether it is

communicating with guests to ensure their satisfaction or coordinating with staff to provide top-
notch service, effective communication is essential to the success of any hospitality business.
Excellent communication skills are especially important in the hospitality industry because they
can help to build rapport with guests, resolve conflicts, and create a positive overall guest
experience. Clear and concise communication helps to avoid misunderstandings and
miscommunications that can disrupt the flow of operations.

Good communication skills play an important role in all businesses, no matter their size
and no matter how many people they deal with. Consider who you communicate with in your
hospitality role currently – it may only be other staff members in the kitchen but it could also be
hundreds of paying customers – and think about how you communicate with these people, for
example, is it face-to-face or over the phone?

The nature of the hospitality industry means that you will likely be interacting with multiple
different people daily, whether customers, staff, or suppliers, so it is important that you have
effective communication skills. It is also important that you understand each of these different
people has different communication needs, so you should recognize how to tailor your approach
accordingly for everyone.

The main role of communication in the hospitality industry is to promote inclusion,

understanding and clarity for your customers.

To help with this, it is useful to understand that communication can be split into two
categories: verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication is about the words you choose to use
and the way you say them. Non-verbal communication refers to your use of body language. When
combined, verbal and non-verbal communication help to give people an overall picture of your
meaning, so be aware of how the two interact. For example, if someone is apologizing for being

late for work but they are shuffling their feet, fiddling with their fingers, and avoiding eye contact,
what impression does this give?

However, in all situations, be sure to consider the individual needs of the person you are
speaking to, as misunderstandings can arise if you are unaware of someone’s communication
difficulties. For example, a person on the autistic spectrum (a type of neurodiversity) may lack
regular eye contact, but this does not mean that they are untrustworthy or disinterested. Similarly,
someone with a cognitive impairment may require you to speak more slowly or loudly to enable
their understanding.

Additionally, customers with food hypersensitivities may require more clarity and
understanding from you, as in cases of severe allergies, they may be particularly anxious and the
way you communicate with them can help to put them at ease.


Strong hospitality communication skills are essential in any customer-facing role, but they
are especially important in the tourism industry. After all, the success of a business in this sector
often depends on its ability to provide excellent customer service. Hospitality workers need to be
able to effectively communicate with guests from all over the world, understand their needs, and
provide them with the information and assistance they require. As visitors are most likely
unfamiliar with the area they are visiting, it is also important for tourism professionals to be able
to provide clear and concise directions.

Effective communication is important in the hospitality industry because it:

• Improves relationships, both in-house amongst workers and between employees and
• Promotes inclusivity, as both staff members and customers are treated like individuals,
listened to, and communicated with according to their needs.
• Allows customers to have a safe experience, especially those with food
• Increases productivity, as everyone has clear expectations for their standard of work
and recognizes how to ask for help.
• Leads to increased sales, as customers are better informed about the service you
provide and food you offer.

Communication with Colleagues

Good communication between colleagues is important in a restaurant because, if

communication breaks down, relationships will struggle and efficiency will be reduced. It can also
lead to a toxic work environment where high employee turnover becomes a problem.

If you’re a front or back-of-house employee, then effective communication is

particularly important for ensuring the right information reaches the right people. For example, if
a customer explains to the server that they have coeliac disease, it is vital that this information is
passed on to the kitchen staff accurately. Communication is also important for ensuring tasks get
done efficiently between members of your team, maintaining positive relationships with your
colleagues and enabling you to support others if they need help.

If you’re a team leader or manager, then effective communication is important for

problem solving, leading the team with conviction and establishing trust. It enables you to increase
the productivity of your staff members as they are kept well-informed of their tasks and your
expectations. As a leader, good communication skills enable you to build solid relationships with
your team members so that they feel motivated, valued and in-line with your vision.

As highlighted previously, communication is key when it comes to keeping customers safe.

Particularly when serving customers with food hypersensitivities, it is vital that the whole team are
aware of the ingredients which are used in all the food products on offer, so that food
hypersensitive customers are not exposed to an ingredient which would cause an adverse

Communication with Customers

Effective communication is important for your restaurant customers because, without it,
they may not receive the level of service they expect, may leave you a bad review online or –
even worse – may experience a fatal allergic reaction because they’ve received incorrect or
misconstrued information.

Communicating accurate allergen information to your customers is paramount in

hospitality and perhaps the most important role that effective communication plays. By law, all
food businesses must be able to provide accurate allergen information to customers, and a large
part of this means being able to communicate the information clearly. This includes both written
and verbal communication.

It is important for staff to be aware of allergies, and also wider food hypersensitivities,
including food intolerances and coeliac disease. Allergies can range from mild to life-threatening.
Food intolerances tend to cause unpleasant symptoms but are not life-threatening. When it comes
to coeliac disease, as with allergenic ingredients, even trace amounts can cause an adverse
reaction, damaging the person’s small intestine.

All members of staff must be able to verbally communicate accurate information about
which of the 14 allergens are included in each food product you make, sell or serve. If a customer
requests allergy information, it’s essential that you understand how to find that information and
that you communicate the correct answer to them in a way they can understand.



If you are looking to advance your hospitality career, honing your communication skills is
a great place to start. The following are the few benefits of being an effective communicator in the
hospitality industry:

You will…

➢ Stand out as a candidate for your dream hospitality job.

➢ Be capable of building strong relationships with guests and earning their repeat business.
➢ Be better equipped to deal with difficult situations and guest complaints.
➢ Possess a better understanding of your staff’s needs and be able to manage them more
➢ Be able to create a positive work environment and build morale among your team.
➢ Be better at promoting your establishment and attracting more business.


With the rise of globalization and technology, businesses need employees who can
effectively communicate with customers and clients from all over the world. Of course, this
requires more than mastery of your first language because with the present time, digital
communication skills have become increasingly important as well alongside traditional
language skills.

Non-verbal communication is as important in the hospitality industry, from understanding

body language, and being able to communicate with people who do not speak the same language

as you. Having empathy and understanding is a big part of being a good communicator,
especially when you notice that a guest is struggling to communicate.

For instance, if you are working in a large hotel, a five-star perhaps, you are more likely to
encounter guests with diverse social and cultural backgrounds. While verbal communication in
the hospitality industry goes a long way, a good communicator will always have cultural sensitivity
and be able to facilitate non-verbal guests.

On the same note, these are skills that can be developed through education and training.
Demonstrating that you have strong communication skills can help you stand out from the crowd
and give you a competitive edge in the job market. The modern workplace is increasingly reliant
on technology, but that does not mean that face-to-face communication skills are no longer
important. In fact, they are more important than ever in this industry.


The ability to communicate clearly and concisely with staff, guests, and other industry
professionals is crucial to the success of any hospitality business. A hotel manager who can
effectively communicate their vision and expectations to their team is more likely to achieve results
than one who cannot.

❖ What is two-way communication in the hospitality industry?

It is not enough to simply tell your staff what you want them to do, you must also take the time
to listen to their feedback and concerns. Only by understanding the needs and wants of both your
team and your guests, can you hope to create an environment that is truly welcoming and
accommodating. When it comes to communication, remember that the adage still holds true: it is
not what you say, but how you say it.

The tone and delivery of your message are just as important as the words themselves. A well-
spoken hotel manager who can project confidence and leadership will be successful. The
hospitality industry is a fast-paced and ever-changing field, which means that interpersonal skills
are essential for any hotel manager to succeed. By taking the time to hone your leadership skills,
you will ensure that your hotel runs smoothly and efficiently while providing guests with the best
possible experience.



The skills needed for hospitality management vary, depending on the type of
establishment. However, some essential skills that all hospitality managers should possess

Excellent communication abilities. Hospitality managers should be able to effectively

communicate with guests, staff, and other stakeholders. This includes being able to give clear
instructions, provide updates and information, and resolve any conflicts that may arise.

Good people skills. In the hospitality industry, customer service is paramount. Hospitality
managers should be friendly and personable in order to create a positive experience for guests.
They should also be able to lead and motivate staff to provide excellent service.

Strong organizational skills. Hospitality managers need to be able to organize their team’s time
and their own efficiently. By prioritizing and delegating tasks efficiently, they can keep operations
running smoothly.

Multi-tasking abilities. As a hospitality manager, you will often have to juggle multiple tasks at
once. This includes everything from managing staff to dealing with guests’ requests. Being able
to multi-task is essential to be successful in this role.

Problem-solving skills. No matter how well you plan, there will always be unexpected
challenges that arise in the hospitality industry. Hospitality managers need to think on their feet
and come up with solutions to problems quickly and efficiently.



Keeping guests happy is one of the key objectives of hotel management. This comes into
every aspect of the customer journey: clear advertising and a straightforward booking system,
frictionless check-in and check-out experience, friendly reception with clear directions, and regular
support throughout the guests’ stay, should they need your help. Here are some tips for
developing the set of skills needed for hospitality and tourism management:

Practice active listening. Active listening is a skill that involves not only hearing what the other
person is saying, but also trying to understand their point of view. This can be helpful in resolving
conflicts and ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

Be clear and concise in your communication. When giving instructions or conveying

information, do it in a way that is easy to understand. This means avoiding jargon and using simple

Keep an open mind. It is important to be open to new ideas and suggestions from your team. By
being receptive to feedback, you can create a more effective and efficient hotel operation. Good
communication is a two-way process.

Be respectful. In any communication, it is important to maintain a respectful tone. This will help
to create a positive work environment and foster good relationships with your team.

Be patient. There will always be misunderstandings and miscommunications in any workplace.

The key is to not get frustrated and to patiently work through the issue with the other person until
it is resolved.


Communication in the hospitality industry isn’t always easy and sometimes you’ll find
yourself involved in a difficult conversation, whether it’s with a colleague or a customer.
Misunderstandings can also happen if communication is ineffective, leading to conflict or
customer dissatisfaction.

Often, the reason for poor communication is because of barriers that prevent you from
communicating effectively. For example:

➢ Noise – restaurants are often busy, loud environments and it can be difficult to make out
what people are saying, even if they are shouting.
➢ Different languages – language barriers can occur in many industries but particularly in
restaurants where most workers are from overseas. If your restaurant is in a touristy area
or big city, you may also serve non-English speaking customers on a regular basis.
➢ Accessibility – certain disabilities and neurodivergences can make communication,
whether verbal or written, more difficult or not as accessible – and even more so if you are
unaware that a customer or colleague needs additional help understanding.
➢ Demanding customers – sometimes, a customer will have a complaint or a question and
won’t let you get a word in. This makes communication difficult because the conversation
is one-sided and gives you little chance to help.

➢ Closed body language – body language and other forms of non-verbal communication
are just as important to remember when you are trying to communicate effectively. Closed
body language includes: little or no eye contact, limited facial expressions and creating
barriers with items or folded arms. These can make you seem disinterested and
➢ Not listening properly – there is a difference between simply hearing and actively
listening. The latter involves reacting to what has been said in a meaningful way. People
can easily get frustrated if they feel they are not being properly heard.


Improving your communication skills in hospitality is simple to do and will bring many
benefits to you and your customers. Often, you just need to make small changes to ensure your
communication is as effective as it can be.

Consider the following advice for improving communication skills in hospitality:

• Regularly ask for feedback from your peers and act on what they say. Try to identify your
weak spots and then improve them; for example, perhaps you’re good at communicating
orders from customers but not so good at listening to what the kitchen staff says in
• Listen to feedback from your customers, too, as they’ll have valuable information you
can learn from. Remember to listen actively to what they tell you and proactively take on
their suggestions about where you can improve.
• If you manage a team, schedule regular staff meetings to ensure everyone is kept in
the loop about what’s going on in the business. This will encourage discussion, give
workers the chance to ask questions and ensure all relevant information is communicated
to them.
• Ensure you understand how to handle difficult communication, like disagreements with
colleagues and unhappy customers. Sometimes it’s better to walk away and end the
conversation rather than retaliate. You could also call in a manager to help explain
something or pause and rephrase your point in a clearer way.
• If language barriers are a problem in your business, then do what you can to remove
them. For example, you could offer training in video format as well as written documents,

use simple words rather than restaurant jargon, print menus in different languages and
with pictures or consider hiring an interpreter.
• Remember the importance of inclusive language for those who need extra help
understanding due to a disability or neurodivergence. Amongst many other things, this
may mean speaking slower, allowing someone to see your face when speaking if they
need to lip-read, offering large-print menus or choosing words that are much clearer and
more specific.
• Adopt positive or ‘open’ body language. From a person’s body language, we can infer
how they feel. Therefore, it’s important to keep in mind the attitude you want to convey
with the body language you use. Open body language includes: direct and regular eye
contact, having uncrossed arms and legs, using a range of facial expressions, and
maintaining a relaxed posture.
• Be prepared to show empathy and understanding, especially when dealing with customers
with additional requirements such as food hypersensitivities.

Petty, L. 2023. What is the Importance of Effective Communication in the Hospitality
Industry?. Retrieved from:

Les Roches. Communication skills in the hospitality industry. Retrieved from:

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