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TIie pNdlllt r,f the ructtoft 12......

CaJfsBr A its (A) Aal. It
(A) CHI = CH2(8) CH,,CH20H
( B) Subltltutioft ~••-
(C) CH,,CHpCH2CH, ( C) Both CA) and (&J
._.ahlorido ( D ) none of these
pt (N} (D) None of these
Which one of the following is the
- - chlorido pt (Il) Which of the followillf la M
oMoride reacts with main product of the reaction
electrophilic reagent?
,as and for'"s white CHCl.!J + 02 ~I •••••••••+ HCI ? (A) BF,(B)NH3
at. The niotecular forrnull!I (A) CO (B) C/ r_: ._..,~/j (C) HO (D) None of thue
IIIMt-. precipit1:1te is 2 2 2 • fl
(C) COCI (D) None of these ~ • . Catenation property is maXlfflUffl
IIJC'1 • 2NH,(B)H9 (NH5 ) 2 C/2 S 2 n,e~hanism proc eeds via (A) phosphorus
) Hf (NIil) C/2 N
formation of ~ _ ~ • .:
' (B) carbon (C) sulphur
)Hf (NH2 ) Cl ( A) Carbocation

(D) zinc .
Ylh ch co'"plex has rnax.imurn The organic compound must contain
( B) Transition state
p.-on,agnetic moment value amongst an element
( C) Free radical
the foltowino- · · (A) oxygen (B) carbon
(A) [CdHJJLP..
) [Fe(HP\JCt 2
. (D) Carbanion
, . The molecular formula of benzene
( c) hydrogen (D) nitrogen
1 The hybridization of carbon in
(C) [Fe( CN) 6 t·
(A) C6H5 (B) C6H6 diamond is
(D) [Ni(CO)J (A) sp3 ( B) sp2
(C) C H (D) none of these
6 12 (C)sp (D)dsp2
Valency of carbon is- Number of 1t bonds in ethyne is-
(A) 1 (8)2
1 (A) 2. (B) 3.lD) 4.(A) (A) One ( B) Two
(C)3 (D)4
5. CB) 6. (B) 7.(C) 8.(D) Single bond length between carbon- (C) Three (D) Four
9 {C) 10. (B) ll. \C) 12 (D) () .". Hybridisation of carbon in ethane
carbon is
13 (C) 14. (C) 15.(B) 16.(B) (A) 1.34A is-
17 (B) 18. (D) 19. (C) 20 . (B) (B) 1.20A (C) 1.54A (A) sp 3 (B) sp 2
21 CA) 22. (B) 23.(B) 24 .\C) ( D ) None of these ( C) sp ( D ) sp 3d2
25. CD) 26. (C) 27.(A) 28 .(D) Which alkyl halide follows only SN2 General formula of atkene is-
29. (A) 30. (C) 31. (D) 32 . (C) hydrolysis mechanism?
33. (D) 34. (A) 35.(A) 36.(B) (A) CH 3 - CH 2 -X
37. {A) 38. (A) 39. (C) 40. (C) (A) Cfizn (B) Cfi2n+ 2

41.CA) 4 2. (A) 43. (A) 44 (D) (B) Cdf?CH-X (C) Cfizn- 2 (D) None of these
46. (C) 4-_(B) 48.(D) ~ . The compound having general formula
45. (C) (C) (CH3 ) 3 C-X
49 (B) 50. (A) 51. (D) 52. (A) CJi2n .. 2 is-
(D ) C6H5 -CH 2 X

53 {D) 54.(B) (A) Atkene (B) Alkyne
'.l. Rate of hydration in aq,ueous acid ( C) Alkane (D) None of these
-~ ~ ... ~·••)""
wilt be in the order-
~ ; 1_..,,,.~- The antiseptic action of CHI3 is due
-- ~--- [:>-cH=CH 2
(A) Iodoform
( B ) liberation of free iodine
HALOARENES [>-cH=CH-CH3 (C) partially due to iodine and
partially due to CHI3 itself
Reac-1on 20 2 X
+ Na etrer .,
= CH2 "
(D) None of these
Alkythalide is converted into alcohol
0-0 + 2NaX is kno~n as (ill)
(A) addition reaction
(A) Fittig reaction
(B) Wurt2 reaction (B)ill<II<I ( B) substitution reaction
C) Wurtz fitt,g reaction (C)I<ill<II ( C) elimination reaction
CD) Kolbe's reaction (D) II < I < ill (D) Dehydrohalogenation reaction
The reaction between alkyl halide In a given reaction CH,-CH2-CH = Reaction between alk1JI halide and
llnd sodu»n metal is callr2d . CH2+ HI--+ X, the product is sodium metal is called:
A) Wurtz reaction (A) 1-lodobutane ( A ) Wurtz reaction
B) Kolbe's reaction ( B ) 2-Iodobut ane ( B) Kolbe 's reaction
C Oemmensen's reaction (C) 2-Butene
) None of these ( C) Clemmenson 1s reaction
(D ) 1,2-di iodobutane ( D ) None of these
. • O.
).M•tein reaction
( 8) Swarts reaction
RI+ N•'K
Sr. This reaction Is
3 1. Which of the follo1A1ln9 under9oes
nucleophllic substitution exclusively
by SN' mechanism?
(A) ethyl chloride
( B) isopropyl chloride
40 When CH8CHBrCHP•
. 1A1ith alcoholic KOH.
product is :
(A) CH5 -CH=CH-CHa
(B) CH2 =CH-CH2-CHa
(C) CH,-CH<OH)-CHz-CHa
(C) Sandnteyer's reaction ( C) chlorobenzene
(D) Friedel-Crafts reaction CD) CH5-CH2 -CH2-CH5
( D ) benzyl chloride 41. c-CI bond in ehlorobenzene
5. O" + N• + RK D,y1tNr OR♦ NaX ~ 2. A primary alklJlhalide would pref er
to undergo-
comparison to C-CI bond in "'
chloride is :
(AlklJI ben211ne) (A) SN' reaction (A) Lon 9 er and weaker
This reaction is an ex.ample of 2
( B) SN reaction ( B) Shorter and weaker
(A) Fittlg reaction (C) 0t-Elimination ( c) Shorter and stronger
( B) Wurtz-Fittig reaction CD) Racemisation (D) Longer and stronger
( C) Wurtz reaction ~-"J. Which of the following would undergo 4 2. Which one of these is formed 0 11
( D ) SandmelJer' s reaction SN1 reaction most readitlJ? heating sodium phenox.ide with e~hyl
26. CH3 8r + A9F-. CH3 F + A9Br. This (A) (CH.d)?, C - F iodide ?
( B ) ( CH3 ) 3 C - Cl (A) Phenetole
reaction is known as
(C) (CH 3 \ C - Br
( B) EthlJI phenlJI alcohol
(A) Finkelstein reaction
( D ) ( CH3 ) 3 C - I ( C) Phenone
( B) Swarts reaction
(D) None of these
( C) SandmelJer' s reaction 34. Reaction of C6 H5 CH 2Br with aq,.
4 -~ . The compound used as refrigera

... 7.
(D) Wurtz reaction

O Nj< Cu.)<, ►
I ,,-:;
Ar yl hoide
+ N


= Cl, Br
sodium hl.Jdroxide follows-
( A) SN1 mech .
(B) SN2 mech
( C) SN1 or SN2 depending on temp.
( A ) CHCI 3
(C) CF4
( B ) CC/ 4

(D) CF2 Cf 2
44 . Substitution of chlorine takes plac
This reaction is known as ( D) sa\Jtzelf rule readily at higher temperature in :
(A) Finkelstein reaction .:: '.;_ Select the product formed in the (A) CH 3 -CH=CH 2
( B) Swarts reaction reaction ROH+ PC/5 --+ RC/+ ... ... . (B) CH 2 =CH 2
( C) Sandme1Jer's reaction (A) POC/ 3 + HCI ( C) CH::CH (D) None of these
(D) Fittig's reaction ( B ) H3 PO 3 + No other byproduct 5. Which of the following is not industr11
28. The correct IUPAC name for (C) HpO 3 + HCI solvent?
diethlJlbromo methane is- ( D) POCI 3 + No other hyproduct (A) CHCI?, (8) CHJ3
(A) 1-Bromo-1 , 1-diethlJlmethane 06. R-X + Na!--+ R - I+ NaX. The (C) CC/4 CD) C 2H5 -O- C 2H'!
(B) .3-Bromopentane solvent used in this reaction is 46 Which of the following wilt not giv
(C) 1-Bromo -1-ethylpropane (A) Acetone ( B) dry acetone iodoform test?
(D) 1-Bromopentane ( C) water (D) ethlJlacetate (A) Ethanal CB) Ethanol
2 J. In which of the following molecules ( C) pentan-2 -one
"" ~ Name the poisonous gas produced
carbon atom marked with asterisk (D) pentan-3-one
during the oxidation of chloroform.
( *) is as1Jmmetric 7 (A) carbon monoxide The number of stereoisomers c
the compound 2 -Chloro - 4
<1 > r4~c, ( 2)
( B) carbonyl chloride
( C) phosgene
methylhex.-2-ene is/are?
(A)1 (8)2
Br (D) Both (B) and (C) (C) 4 (D) 16
Br 2
..... _. Which would undergo SN reaction 4 ° Which of the following is an ex~.,.p!
1 faster? of vie -dihalide?
( .3) H0/1'-CH, ( (A )CH3 CH 2CH2 CH 2 F (A) Dichlorometha1'1e
C?H~ (B) CH3 CH 2CH 2 CH 2 CI
CB) 1,2-dichlorodr..:ine
(A) 1. 2, 3, 4(8) 1, 2, 3 (C) CH 3 CH2 CH 2 CH 2Br
( C) Ethylidene chloride
(C) 2, .3, 4 (D) 1. 3, 4 (D ) CH?,CH2CH lCH /
.• . Which type ( s ) of the reaction is/ ( D ) Allyl chloride
,. . Which of the fo!lowin9 molecules is
-' J.
are given blJ hcJloalkane 7 The position of bromine in t
chiral in nature?
(A) Nucleophilic. subs liiution compound in CH ?,CH = CHC CB
(A) 2-Bromobutane
(B) Elimin~tion reactions (CH 3 ) 2 can be classified as-
(B) 1-Bromobutane
cc) 2 -Bromopropane (C) Reaction wilh tnt>lal ( A ) AtllJI ( B) Ary!
CD) 2-Bromopropan-2-ol (D) All of these ( C) Vinljl ( D) Secondary
-----,--·•-·--, ---- -·- - ---
G ' • i I li\. ~ cl ' ' ' ' ·, . ~

• •••• ef the f ollowln9 species 5 7 · Which among the following is an

IMlnNne ""9 in halo9enation ex.ample of halogen exchange
4 . Which one of the f~
is soluble ni Waef
[ z J
reaction? (A) CHCl 5 (B) C.H,.- 0-C/15
(A) C~ (B) Ct+
(A) RX + Na/ ~ RI + NaX (C) CC/4 ",CJ) ) C
(C) AICI9 (D) [AICI ]-
,1. Ethylidene chloride ts a/a~
' = C + HX -
( 8) / C / 'r _ c / ~ Glycerol is a ~Le
o ' .2.:~.1j
(A) vlc-dihalide(B) gem-d;h~i;d~--.. .
' 1 ii' ( A ) Primary alcohol
(C) R-OH + HX ZnCI, ► RX+ H,O ( B ) /'•'lonohydric alcohol
( C) altylic halide ( C ) Secondal"J alcohol
(D) vinylic halide
£H, <j!'~ CH,

2. The product formed blJ the reaction

(D ) © + X, ::.~k rg}X+ ~ ---...{_D) Trihydric alcohol
6. Which of the following alcohols gives
of toulene with chlorine in presence 58. The reagent used t o bring out the 2-butene on deh1Jdration bl} cone.
of iron and in absence of light is- H SO ? r :.:·: _
following readion? 2 4
(A) ©J (B)&C/
CH 3 CH 2 CH2 CH3 -
(iH- CH 3
(A) 2-Methytpropen- 2 - ol
( B) 2-Methyl-1-propanol

CHa -------«:) Butan-2-ol

(C) ¢ ( A ) Cl 2 /Uv light
( B) NaCl + H 2 S0 4
(D) Butan-1 - ol
, . The reaction given be!cw
Ct ( C) Cl gas in dark
2 OH
(D) mix.t ure of B and C (D) Cl 2 gas in the presence of Iron
<~. A Grig~ard reagent is prepared by in dark. @+cHCl,+oNaOH~►
the action of magnesium in dry ether
(A) C2H50 H CB) C 2 H6 (c:31'
+ 3NaCI + 2H,0 is-
( C) C 2H5C/ 1. (A) 2 . (A) 3. (A) 4. (C)
(D ) C2H5 CN
5. (B) 6. (B) 7. (D ) 8. (C) (A) Kolbe 's rec.dion
54. The order of reactivihJ of following
alcohols with haloacids- 9 . (A) 10 . (D) 11. (B) 12 . (C) --+s) Reimer Tiemann reaction
13 . (A) 14. ( B) 15. (B) 16. (A) ( C) Friedel Craft's react:on
( 1) CH'!!,CH 2CHpH
17 . (B) 18. (A) 19. (A) 20 . (C)
( 2) CH 3CH 2CH- OH (D) Sandrr:.ljer's reaction
21. (B) 22. (B) 23.(A) 24. (A)
CH 3 25. (B) 26.(B) 27 . (C) 28. ( B)
8. Which of the folloLving alcohol i s
manufactured frorr. water gas 7
yH3 29. (B) 30 . (A) 31. (D) 32. (B)
(A) C2H 50H 'i-0) Cf-1,P,'i L:..:: - J
(a) CHa-CH - C- OH aa. CD) 34. (A) :35 . (A) 36. ( B)
2 (C) CH 3 CH 2COCH
37. (D) 38 . (D) 39. (D) 40. (A)
tHa (D) (CH3 ) 2 CHOJ-I
41. (C) 42.(A) 43. (D) 44 . (A)
( A) 1 >2 > o(B) o >2 >1 46. (D) 47. (C} 48. (B) William son's synthesis involve.s the
45 . (B)
( C)2 >1 > o(D) 1 >o >2 50. (B) 51. ( B) 52. <D) ... ... ... aHcck of an a'kox,ch? ion on
49. (A)
:. -::; . Which of the following alcohols wilt primary all,ythalidc. Fill the. blanL;s
53. (C) 54. (D) 55. (D) 56 . ( B)
yield the corresponding alkyl chloride
57 . (A) 58. (A) (B) wit h best suitcible. word .
on reaction with cone HCI at room 2
~SN 1 l":3)SN
temperature? UNIT-XI : ALOHOLS, (C)E' (D)f 2
(A) CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 0H
PHENOLS & ETMERS 10. R - Oh' + Crl/\/, - L,_.,,v:1 19 q:-oup in
( B ) CH3CHllHOH this is
CH3 By which of the following readions (A)CH 3 (8)f-!
(C) CH3 -CH2 -yH-CHPH Phenol is converted into salicyl --......~
\t ) N {;)) C.',
CH3 aldehyde?
Alcohol is fo, med Lvnen on>! of thP.
H3 (A) Eta rd reaction
(D) CH3 -CH2- - oH
1 ( B) Kotbe 's reaction
"-._ hydrogen of t.'.kane i:, t eplJcec.l blj-

1 . --...(C) Reimer-Tiemann reaction \A) H,Jdrcxyl group . ,
(D) Canr.izzaro' s reaction ( B) Allfohyd1,1 ,}rnt ,p
56. Toulene on reaction with halogen in
2. The general formula of monoh9dri~ (C) Cc.rboxul:c, arouI)
presence of FeCI 3 gives ortho and
alcohol is ., . (D) Chlo, o group
para halo compounds the reaction is
(A) Electrophilic elemination reaction ---(-A.) CJlzn + (B} pH
CJl2n+20H 12. The functional 9rol,p of atcohoi i'>-
(B) Electrophilic substitut i on (C) C 2 JI pH
(D) None of these
reaction Which is ethox.y ethane 7 _
(A) -COOH . ( B) - Cl-'O
( C) Free radical addition reaction (A) C2H5 0CH 3 ( B) CH 3 0CH
(D) Nucleophilic substitution reaction ----L£) C2 H5 0C 2H5 (D) !'lone. of tf,£s~ (C) -f-=l1 ~ -·C,I

1!1!3._ _ CJ..ICMIQ C:'e>«


.:, . Ethers are prepared by Th• heatln9 of phenyl

'Ille...,... of the contpOWld l,; 1s- ~ ) WIiiiamson synthesis

( B) Reimer-Tiemann reaction
ith HI produces
~ ) Iodobenzen•
~ ) Phenol (C)Benzene
(A) Benzene mJdroxide '.: -~., ·; (C) Kolbe's reaction
( D) Esterification reaction CD) Ethyl chloride
'-(.8) Phenol (C) Phenyl ... ., What Is formed when
(D) Banzyl Alcohol 6Qj:.: ..£L No11
l4. Which of the following is a formula
of ffl&thox.y methane? ; _: , · .-'. · .i J
2; . 6 0#/
H' V
2·Hydro:ic.vb1n1olc acid
"''- · alcohol undergoes
(Salicylic odd I ~ ) Aldehyde ( B ) Ketone
~ ) CH,,OCH, (8) CH,COCH, e reaction is known as (C)Alkene (D) Acid
) Kolbe 's reaction
cc> C2H50CH, <D> c~5cocH3 ( B) Reimer Tiemann reaction
Which of the following are used
. The active functional group of alcohol convert RCHO into RCHpH?
( C) Friedel Craft's reaction
is (A) H /Pd (B) LiAIH4
(D) Sandmeyer's reaction
- ; A ) -OH (B) -COOH The reaction (C) N~BH4 ~ ) A_II ?f t_hese_
on zinc dust •d1stillatton 91
(C) -CHO (D) >CO CHa 3.., Ph en 01 . 'd
I -N1JCI ~A ) benzene ( B) ben201c ac,
G. Identify phenol from the following: H3 c-c-ONa
.,,. ~ • • .. t .,
( c) benzoq,uinone
i, t, I / : ' , CH3 (D) none of these

(A)OOH (B) 0 fHa

H3 C-C - OCH2CH3 is called
Which of the following reagents c
· be used to oxidise primary alcoho
to aldehydes?
r"'Y°H , . ~OH (A) Cr03 in anhydrous medium.
(C) ~ H CD"l 0 (A) Etard reaction
I.,__ (B) qattermann-Koch ~eacti on ( B) Pyridinium chlorochromate.
~ -: . EthlJl alcohol (Ethanol) is 1't:·) Williamson synthesis ( C) Heat in the presence of Cu
~ ) MonohlJdric alcohol (D) Will iamson continuous 573K.
( B) Dih1Jdric alcohol etherification reaction "(i) ) All of these
( C) Trihydric alcohol 7 ~ . Ethljl acetate reacts with CH,?1gBr 3;;_ Which can read ily under 9
(D) secondary alcohol to form dehydration?
•.,,. . . IUPAC name of m-cresol is- " " (A) Secondar'I Alcohol (A)CH 3 OH CB) C6 H5 OH

~ ) a-methylphenol 1'8) Tertiary Alcohol ~ ) (CH 3 ) 3 COH(D) CH 3 COOH

( B) 2-chlorophenol ( C) Primar'I Alcohol and Acid How many isomeric ethers ar
(C) a-methoxyphenol (D) Carbox'!lic Acid represe nted by the molecula
(D) 2-ben2ene-1-3-diol How many alcohols with formula " "f~rmula C4H100?
C H O are chiral in nature? ()\)a (B) 2
IUPAC name is CH3CH-OCH3 is- ............ . 10
l "f-t.l) 1 (B) 2 (C)4 (D) 5
C-1-13 (C) 3 (D) 4 z: :: . Which of the following reacts wii
(A) a-methoxy-1-m ethylethane ethylalcohol to give ethyl bromide
2:. What is the correct order of
(B) 2-methoxy-2-meihylethane reactivity of alcohols in the following (A)KBr (B)NH 4Br
) 2-methoxypropane (C) Br 2
(D) isoproplJlmethylethane -------W) KBr and cone. H2SO 4
R-OH+ HCI ZnCI, R-C/ + H2 O
2). IUPAC name of the compound For the formation of iodoform whic
(A) 1° > 2° > 3°
CH,-qH-CH2CH2 -fH-CH3 of the following is heated with iodin
(B) 1° < 2° > a• and NaOH?
t, OH ~ ) 3° > 2° > 1° (A) CH 3 0H ~ ) C H 0H
CA) 2-chloro-5- hydroxlJhexane (D) 3 ° > 1° > 2° 2 5
(C) CH3 C/ (D) C H CN
(8) 2-hydroxy-5-chlorohexane The reagent used for converting 2 5

-f' ) 5-chlorohexan-2-ol 4 -i . Which of the following methods ar

CH3 CH2 OH to CH3CHO is-
CD) 2 -chlorohexan -5-ol used for the distinguish of prima~
(A) catalytic hydrogenation
~ General formula of Alkanol. secondry and tertian,1 alcohols?
"""( B) treatment with liAIH CA) Oxidation method
CA) CJ/2,,0 (B) CJ/2 ,, . 1 0 fC) treatment with PCC 4 (8) Lucas's Test
--£C ) CJ/1 •• 2 0 CD) CJ/2 ,, 0 2 ( D) treatment with KMnO 4
\ ( C) Victor MalJer' s method
;_. Which of the following alcohol contain , :_; _ Reaction between acetone and '-fn) All
C • -OH bond? methyl magnesium chloride followed
by hydrolysis will give :
On boiling with concentrated HI'
~ ) Allylalcohol phenyl ethlJl ether will give :
(A) Isobut'Jl alcohol
C8) Vinyl alcohol ( B) Isopropyl alcohol ~ ) Phenol and ethyl bromide
CC) Phenol ( B ) Bromobenzene and ethantl
(C) Sec. but'JI alcohol
CD) none of these ( C ) Phenol and ethane
-..LD) Tert. butlJI alcohol
(D) Bromobenzene and ettNnNt
n tM:eeeeTnv
Guess Paper Class-XII 2023
Which of the follotAJing can not
be In the given reac tion
prep clr ed by usin g Will iam son
SIJnthesis? Br in CS ,. " X ,.
(A) Met ho X\Jben2ene 273K- -• KE TO NE S & CA RB OXYLI C ACID
(B ) Ben21Jl -p-nitrophen1JI ethe r
'-l C) MethlJI t ert- but yl ethe r In reaction HOCH
- (CHOH) 4 - CHO
(1)) Di-t erti ar'J but'J l ethe r
What is "X' ' and "y" in the abo HI.A · product is
Vict or Mey er's test is not given ve \
by: reac tion ? (A) Fruc tose
~ ) (CH 3 ) 3 COHCB ) C/1 :,PH B) n -hex ane
(Cl (CH !I ) 2 CHO H OH OH
( C) Gluconic acid
(D) CH!I CH 2CH 2 0H (D) None of these
Whi ch of the follo wing will not form
(A) x =~ , Y=@fBr The product of the reac tion
a 1Jellow prec ipita te on hea ting with
alka line solu tion of iodine? CH3 CN --H ,o•
-"---➔ is
3 3 0 2
(B) CH 3 CH 2 CH(OH)CH ( B) X=( gJB r, y (C) CH CONH (D) CH CHO
3 3 2 0
~ ) CH 3 0H Which of the following undergoes aldo
(D ) CH 3 CH 0H condensation reac tion ?

f, ,Y=$
Alcohol is use d as beverage in- OH (A) HCHO (B) CH 3 -0- CH 3
( A) Met han ol (B) Etha nol Br-. Br
(C) But an- 1-o l
The nam e of ace tone in IUPA
(D) Pro pan -1-o l r Br C
syst em is

!'f!B', =f
Which is max imu m soluble in wat
er? .......______(A) Met han al (B) Etha nal
(A) n-B utyl alco hol
"(-C ) Propanone (D) Ethanone
( B) lsob utlJ l alco hol (D) >< y ThP- hyb ridis atio n of carb on
'{..C) tert -Bu hJl alco hol in
(D) sec -Bu tyl alco hol
Which one of them is an inco rrec
Which of the following compounds
carbonljl group (- t=
O) is
t arom atic alcohol? (A) sp ~ ) sp 2
mat ch? (C) sp 3 (D) sp 3 d
(A) Die thl)l ethe r-sim ple ethe r J!f_ 5!!_20H 5-!!20H J!f_ Formaldehyde on heating with NaO
(B) C/f5 0C H -mix .ed ethe r H
6 5
(C) C/f5 0CH -uns1Jmmetrical ethe
3 r
l9] lQJ ~ H ~ H 3
solution gives
~D ) C/f 0C H -uns1Jmmetrical (1) (2) (3) (4)
(A) Formic acid( B) Acetone
5 2 5 ether
(A) 1,2 , 3 ,4 (B) 1,4 ~ ) Methyl alcohol

@+ dilu te HN0 3 ---+ ?

Sele ct the prod uct ( s) form ed
~) 2 , 3 (D) 4
The maj or product of the reac tion
(D )Eth yl form ate
Dry dist illati on of calcium form ate
in '----.j iVe S
the given reac tion . CH3 CH = CH2 + H2 0 is ;:===~ {11) HCHO (B) HCOOH
(A) CH CH CH 0H (Propan -1-o l)
(A) ~H-NO,
(B) @NOZ

2 2
~ ) CH CH<OH)CH (Propan-2- ol)
(C) HOCH CH=CH (Prop-2- en - 1-ol)
2 2

carb oxyl group is-

The hyb ridis atio n of carb on
(D) none of these ( A) sp ---<;:e) sp2
(C) @. NO (C) sp3 (D ) dsp2
'i:P) both (l) and (B)
The reaction is called
I Which is Luc as reag ent? 1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (D) RCOCI + H2 Pd /Boso ,
~(A ) Cone. HCI + PbC/ 5. (D) 6. (C) 7. (B) (A) Cannizzaro reac tion
2 8. (B)
l'8) Cone. HCI + ZnC/2 9. (B) 10.( C) 11. (A)
( C) Cone. HCI + PbCI 4 12. (D) ~ ) Rosenmund's reac tion
(D ) Cone. HCI + AIC/3 13. (B) 14. (A) 15. (A) 16. (D) ( C) Haloform reac tion
The prod uct of the reac tion is 17. (A) 18. (A) 19. (C) 20. (C) (D) Clemensen's reac tion
21. (C) 22. (A) 2 3. (A) 24 . (A)
OCone HNO,► 25. (C) 26. (B) 27. (A) 28 . (C)
Which of the follo wing und ergo
Canni22aro' s reac t,on ?
29 . (C) 30 . <D) 31. (B)
(A) C (B)
Jt, NO, 33. <D) 34. (A)
37. (A) 38 . (D)
35 . (D)
39. (B)
32 . (A)
36. (C)
40. (D)
(C) (CH 3) lHC HO
~)H CH O
3 2

OH 41. (A) 42. (D)

(C) !-f "°)
"-,. ,. O,N ~N O,
45. (B) 46 . (C)
43. (A)
47 . (D)
44 . (C)
48. (D)
The Can ni22 aro' s reaction is not

given by \.
~o. 49. (B) 50 CD)

51. (C) 52 . (C) (A) For mal deh yde (~ Acetaldehl/
NO, 53. (B) de

( C) Ben zald ehy de(D ) Furf ural
..... 0 ~
,:10. /C- -H,0
22. Which of the following acids Is found ,u KOJl/cftrtl: ... "1loJ llt
fltMPDUnd gives iodoform 'c=NNrrz- ,-t
•o gives positive test in Vinegar?~ _
(A) HCOOH C~ CHlOOH (CH + N This reaction is
folans reagent. The compound (C) C~ COOH (D) None of these / z z d t
Is- [2018A] ( A) Ctemmensen re uc l~n
23. Select the ragent (s) used in the
18 )Wolff-Kishner reduction
Rosenmund reduction.
) CH,-CHO (B) CH,- 2- CH, '--....(A) H2 CB) Pd-BaS04
( C) HVZ reaction
(D) none
1£) Both (A) and CB)
(C) CH,-CH20H(D) ~?CH - OH R-CH2 -C00H
(D) none of these 31.

a. R- ~ - x H.J' R- i- H + Hx
24. Which of the following can not be
R~c = 0
used for the reduct ion R/
(ilX',IR•d p1,ospho<us
(u) H20

This reaction is known as-{2018A] R-CH-COOH

(A) Stephen's reaction I
(B) Canni22aro's reaction to R>CH2 X:::: Cl, Br
~ ) Rosenmund's reaction CL -HalocarbolOJlic acid
(A) Clemmensen reaction
(D) l-linsberg's reaction This reaction is called
14. Which of the following compound is (A) Clemmensen reduction
~ ) Wurtz reaction
most reactive towards nucleophilic ( B) Wolff-Kishner reduction
( C) Wolf-Kishner reaction
addition? [2018A ] ~ ) Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky(HV
( D ) HI I Red P
0 25. The reagents in clemmenson reaction
(A) CH,- C - CH3 Reduction is- (D) none of these
0 H9S0.1 ➔ ? Produ
~ ) Zn amalgam + HCI .-:, ~ Ethyne + H2 0 R,So4
CB) CH3- C - H (B) Na- amalgam + HCI formed in the given reaction is
0 ( C) Zn amalgam + HNO 3
II (A) benzaldehyde
(C) C/15 - C - CH 3 (D) Na amalgam + HN0 0
~ ) acetaldehyC:e
2.o . Cannizzaro's reaction does not take
0 (C) eth,:moic acid
II place-
(D) C/15- C - c.Hs (D) ethanoylchloride
:5 . IUPAC name of CH3COOH is- 33 In t he reaction, /? - X •~~;~'
(A) CY.;;H (Bl @-CHO
(A) /\1ethz.moic acid [2~19A] A B t ne product is
__L.B) Ethanoic acid (C) HCHO \D) CH CHO 3
(A) alkyl chloride

( C) Propanoic acid 27. RCN + SnC/2 + HCt- ( B) aldehyde

(D) Methanol H3o• ~ ) carbox.ylic acid
16. Which organic acid gives silver mirror RCH :: NH _.;..;:,.::___. RC/-10
(D) ketone
test? [2C2 0A'j This reaction is called
What is the product of tre reacti
(A) CHlOOH ~) HCOOH ~ ) Stephen reaction
(C) CH 3 - CH 2 -COOH ( B) Etard reaction CH0 Mr.9Br --rni,~
c; i c~, X ,i
(D) CH 3 - CH(OH) -COOH ( C) Gatterman-Koch reaction
"-(A) Acetaldehyde
• ~. The general formula for Alkana! is (D) Cannizzaro reaction
(A)CJl(zn+l,O [2'.J2 0A]
18) Acetic acid
0 ( C) Formic acid
~CJl2.0 2 J. Ani'ld ~/Cl,/CuCI► I _,,;
(D) Formaldehyd e
cd CJl,zn -2) ( D) c.H2.02 Bennne Ben2alde~de

18 Functional group of ketone is This reaction is called a.: The compound formed by t.
~ ) >C = 0 (B) -CHO [202 0A] (A) Stephen reaction oxidation of ethyl ben:zene w1
-COOH (D) -OH ( B) Etard reaction KMn0 4 is-
:. ~· Which of the following undergoes Aldot ~ ) Gatterman -Koch reaction ( A) benzyt olcchol
condensation(.._ [2020A] (D) Friedel-Crafts acylation reaction ( B) benzophenone
CA) CH,COOH~) CH 3 CHO (C) acetophenone
CC) C6 H5 CHO CD) CH,-COOCH3 --, + CrO,CI, ~ I
c...; . O .& ~ ) benzoic ac id
2C.. The general molecular formula of Toluene Chromium complex.
monobasic aliphatic carbox.ylic acid , ':4"hich is the str.:,nces.t acic?
H OCHO '\-A) HCOOH (B), C,4 ,COOrl
is ~I
~> c.H _,0 2 2
cs> cj1
o 2
Ben2ntder.\Jdt (C) (CH ?, )lCHCOOH -
CC) Cjl2,,.. 20 CD) Cj12:+ 10H This reaction is called (D) (CHO) ?,CHCOOH
The general formula of aldehyde (A) Stephen reaction - 7 . Formic acid when heated with }",S
ketone is--........... <"B) Etard reaction gives •
(A) C.Hln>2 0 ('B) C,H2 ,0 ( C) Gatterman-Koch reaction (A) (COOH) 2 (B) CH~CCOH
CC) C.H~ .. - 2 0 CD) C_H2 • + 4 0 (D) Friedel -Crafts readion CC) C.j{~OH jj>) CO-
• ~ of the following products ~ ANSVv L ,-
be formed on addition of water to
(I) CHaCOOH but-1-yne in acidic medium in t
1 IIJ CH/JH presence of Hgz• ions as catalyst. 5. (8)
tA h folowing on treatment 9. (8) 1'1.(1) 1f
.a ~ sodium hydrox.ide will (A) CH,CH2CH2CHO
13. (C) 14 (8) 15 (8)
;ve corresponding alcohol and acid? '-.fB.) CH -CfflC-CH
?i 17. (B) 18. (A) 19. (8) at.Mt
) CJlsCHO 5 5 21 . ( B) 22 . (B) 23. (C) 24 (I)
(I) CH,CH2CH2CHO 25. (A) 26 . (D) 27. (A) 28.(C)
0 29. (B) 30 . CB) 31. (C) 32. (8 )
II (C} CHscH}OH + col
(C) CH-,-C-CH.,
aa. cc> a4. (B) 35.(D) 36. CA)
(D) CH3COOH + Hl03
a7. CD) 38. (A) 39. (A) 40. (A)
(D) C6H,CH 2CHO (1) CH,M9Br 41 . (C) 42.(D) 43. (8) 44. CB)
4i3. CH,CH0 - - - ~..
. Which undergoes aldol condensation (2)H,O 45 . (C) 46. (A ) 47 . (B) 48.CB)
in the presence of dilute NaOH? [A] H,S0,6. [B] 49. CC) 50. CD) 51. (B)
) Salicyaldehyde
Hljdroboration ~ (C]
( B) Benzophenone UNIT-XIII : ORGANIC
The products [A] and [C] are-
(D} Acetaldehyde and forrnalde-hyde (A) identical NITROGEN (AMINES)
mix.ture ~ ) positional isomerism
• The aq_ueous solution. formoline , is ( C) function isomerism The main product of the following
of (D) optical isomerism
reacti on is U CC~ L2:,;;- • i

O -----
(A) Formic acid N02
Name the reag ent used for Sn+ HCI
( B) Fluoroscine
conversion of following reactant to
C) Formaldehyde
product (A) C6H5 0H ~ ) C6H NH
(D) Furfuraldehyde 5 2
. Which of the following is used for (C) C6H5 CH 3 (D) C6 H6
the distinguish between formatdehyde CH0 -CH = CH- CH2-i-CH0 - : /11ethylamine can be prepared by
and acetaldehyde. -----.{_A) Wurtz reaction ~, '.'., ~:, : ::- ,--· - ·
(A) Schif's reagent ?i (B) Hofmann bromamide reaction
CH.CH = CH -CHZ-C-OH ( C) Friedel-Crafts reaction
(B) Totlen's reagent (A) Tollen's reagent (D ) None of these
(C) Fehting's sotution ( B) Benzoyl peroxide
Iodine and base Which one i5 capable of forming
~ ) / and NaOH soln. zwitterion? .
Which of the following compounds
(D) Sn and NaOH sotution (A) CH3 N0 2 \{_B) CH COO.H
on oxidat ion gives benzoic acid? 3
CH C CH (C) CH 3 CH 2NH/"i5._) H NCH COOH
(A) Phenot ~ ) Toluene - ' 3 - :=
---;-1;;;;0)/7:'Hg';,;SO',- X 2 2
Primary amine is detected by
{It) Chtorobenzene r ,
(D) Benzene
4. Which of the fotlowing compounds
---+ CH 0-fiCH 0
(A) HCI '\a) CHCI +. ~;H 3
1vitl gave butanone on oxidation with Identify the product 'X' and type of
• Which of the most bas:;? · : - :: -.
alkaline kMnO 4 solution? isomerisation in the reaction-
(A) C6H5 N/-1 2 (B) (C H )iJJ--I .
"-~~ ) Bu.tane -1-ol ( A) Prop-1-en-2-ol, metamerism 6 5
(C) CH.3NH2 ~D) (C/-1 )pH
~) Butan - 2 -ol (B) Prop-1 -en- 1-ol, tautomerisrn 3
, CH 3CN on reduction gives · _ ,.
(C) both (D) none ( C) Prop- 2-en-2- ol, ge ometrical (A) CH 4 (B) CH COOH
The reagent which does not react
with both acetone and benzaldehyde
N)) Prop-1-en-2-ol, tautomerism
~ C) C2HIJH 2 (D)
COOH c/t
· The product of t~e reaction
When @-cHO is treated with . -
C6 H5 N = N Cl ~.n· L; :. 4

' -(B) Phe nylh~ dro zine ~

cone kOH (aq) solution. The produce

X ) Fehling' s solution
formed is-
(A) Aniline "t>8)
CD) Gridnard's reagent ( C) Methyl alcohol
Which of the foltowing gives brown- (A) kO~HO (D) none of these
red prec ipitate with Fehli ng's NO,
CA) Acetaldehyde (CH.CnO)
tf3) ©1-oK
( C) K0:..(g;-cooK + H0--@-oK
+ @-cH,OH



(Bl Aceto re (CH. j COCH3 ) (A) LiAIH4
(C' ac(!ti" acid (Ch 3 COOH) 0 (B) Sn/HCI
<D)Benzaoehyde (C~lHO ) <D) @-J;-o-K· + @--OK -f-C ) Na 2 S/(NH4 ) S
(D) all of these
·••ma■ CHE Ml~TPY

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