Physics Notes

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Newton’s first law of motion states that:

● An object at rest will remain this way unless it is acted upon

by a force.
● An object that is moving will continue to move at the same
speed and in the same direction unless an unbalanced force
acts upon it.

A force is also required to change the speed or direction of something that is already
moving. This tendency to resist any change in motion is called an object’s inertia.
The larger the mass of an object, the greater its inertia, and the harder it is to change its
motion. This explains why it is easier to stop an empty runaway shopping trolley than one
that is full. It also explains why it takes much more fuel for a heavy truck to start moving than
for a small car.

According to Newton’s second law:

● A larger force is needed to accelerate a heavy load than a lighter load
● A larger force is required to make something accelerate at a faster rate.
● Force= mass x acceleration

Newton’s third law of motion states that:

For every action force, there is an equal and opposite reaction force.

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