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History Questions:
(An Old/A Young) (M/F) patient named____________________ S/O
___________________ of age__________ was admitted to hospital on
__________ via Emergency/OPD. He/She is resident of
__________________________ and ______________ by profession.
The patient was presented with the following presenting complaints.
a) ___________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________
c) ___________________________________________
Diabetic Alcoholic Smoker Hyper- Drug Arthritis TB Hospital/ Travel
Addict Accident

• Lump/Ulcer (Detailed)? • Nipple Discoloration?

• Lump/Ulcer in Axilla/Neck • Nipple Duplication? (Accessory in
(Detail)? Axilla and Inner Thigh)
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
• Pain (ODIPARA-CR) and Relation • Respiratory Symp (Chest Pain,
With Menses? Cough, Hemoptysis)?
• Skin Changes of Breast • Abdominal Symp (Pain, Appetite,
(Ulcer/Necrosis/Fungation)? Jaundice, Distention)?
• Change in Size & Symmetry of • Urinary Symp (Urination/
Breast? Defecation Control?
• Ask About Other Breast? • CNS Symp
• Breastfeeding History? (Convulsions/Vomit/Vision/Mood/
Headache/Limb Weakness)
• Trauma History? ------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------ • Fever?
• Nipple Discharge
(Blood/Green/Serous/Serosanguino • Appetite?
us/Purulent/Milky) (From Fistula or • Weight loss?
Nipple)? • Bone Pain?
• Nipple Retraction?
• Nipple Deviation?
• Nipple Destruction?
• Nipple Displacement?
Examination Points: Hips, Check Ant Axillary
Fold Tension]
(Tethering) (In Normal
and Tensed Pec)(Dimple
Inspection: • Swelling Revealed?
Forms When Lump
Moves, Lump Moves in
• [Arrange Screen, ------------------------------------ Arc)
Chaperone; Neck to
Waist Exposure; Normal • [Bend Forward] • Fixity to Pec Maj
Breast First; Positions Muscle (Tense Pec,
could be “Sitting, 45°, • Failure of Nipples to Fall Move Lump Along and
Recumbent, Forward Away? Perpendicular to
Bending”] ------------------------------------ Fibers)(Restricted While
Moving Along)
------------------------------------ • [Sitting; Arms by Side]
• Fixity to Lats (Check
• [Sitting; Arms by Side] • Also: See Axilla and Mobility, Resist 90°
• Breast Size, Shape, Arms (Brawny Edema, Flexed Elbow Abducting
Position, Symmetry, and Ulnar, Radial, and at Shoulder and Check
Displacement? Median Nerve Areas), Mobility Again)
Supraclavicular Fossa • Fixity to Serr Ant
• Breast Skin Changes and LNs Muscle (Check Mobility,
(Puckering, Peau Push Against
d'orange, Nodules, Palpation: Wall/Shoulder and Check
Eczema, Darkening, • [With Flat of Fingers, All Mobility Again)
Discoloration, Mondor’s 4 Quadrants, Start With • Fixity to Ribs/IC
disease, Fungation, Normal Breast Follower
Necrosis, Ulcer) by Other, Simultaneous Muscles (Mass Immobile
• Other Skin Changes Palpation, Palpate and Fixed, Doesn’t Fall
(Fistula, Striae, Scar, Behind Nipples as Well] on Leaning and Doesn’t
Visible Veins/Pulsations, • Ask ‫دردوتںیہنوہیت؟‬ Rise on Raising Arms)
Pallor)? • Nipple Palpation (Deep
• Nipple Size and Shape • Temperature/Pain/Tender
to it)? Retraction on
Palpation? Also
(Prominent/Flat), Surface Tenderness, Hardness,
(Crack/Fissure/Eczema), • May Ask Patient to Find Mobility
Transverse Slit, Swelling For You
Horizontal and Vertical • Areola Squeeze (To
Distance? • Breast Texture Evert Nipple and Draw
(Soft/Firm/Fibrous/Nodu Discharge)?
• Nipple Retraction, lar)
Discharge, Deviation, • Axilla and Compere
Destruction, • Lump Complete. Axilla?
Displacement, Quadrant? 2-
Discoloration, Dimensional Mobility? • Axillary Tail?
Duplication In Both, Relax and Tens • Arms (Ulnar, Radial, and
Pec Muscles States
• Areola (Montgomery Median Nerve, Bluish
tubercles) Size, Color • Ulcer? Complete (Cancer Distal Edema)
(Pink/Dark), Surface, en-cuirasse) • Lymph Nodes (Ant/Inter
Ulcer, Eczema, and • Fixity to Breast (Breast Pec/Central/ Lateral/
Texture? in One Hand and Lump Posterior/Apical/Supracla
------------------------------------ in Other, No Independent vicular/ ?
• [Raise Arms Above Head, Percussion:
May Also Lift Brest to • Fixity to Skin (Pinch)
See Underneath] (In Normal and Tensed • Mediastinal Nodes? Wide
Pec)(Skin Can’t Be Mediastinum? Liver?
• Intertrigo? Pinched, Lump Can’t
Move) Also:
• Fixity to Pec Fascia • Resp, Abdomen, CNS,
• [Press Hands Against Spine, Bone, Pelvis?

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