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Characteristics of Research
Qualities of a Good Researcher
Types of Research
I. Impirical
This is based on direct experience or
observation by the research. The
collection of data relies on practical
experience without benefit of the scientific
knowledge or theory.
It is based on valid procedures and principles.

II. Logical Scientific investigation is done in an orderly

manner so that the researcher has confidence
on the results.

Logic is a fundamental aspect of human

reasoning, which enables us to make sense of
the world around us. It is the science of
reasoning, and it plays a critical role in our daily
III. Cyclical
It is a cyclical process. It starts with a
problem and ends with a problem. For
instance, a researcher who completes
his study states his findings and draws
up his conclusions and
recommendations. In his
recommendations, many problems
may crop up as other subjects for
study hence, the cycle is repeated.
IV. Analystical
Analytical research is the process of gathering,
analyzing, and interpreting information to make
inferences and reach conclusions.


Conducting customer segmentation analysis to

target marketing campaigns effectively.
Analyzing sales data to optimize pricing strategies
and product placements.
V. Replicability
Replicability is obtaining consistent results across
studies aimed at answering the same scientific
question, each of which has obtained its own data.
Two studies may be considered to have replicated
if they obtain consistent results given the level of
uncertainty inherent in the system under study.
VI. Critical
Critical research serves to address societal
structures and institutions that oppress and
exclude so that transformative actions can be
generated that reduce inequitable power
Qualities of a good researcher
R - research oriented
E - efficient
S - scientific
E - effective
A - active
R - resourceful
C - creative
H - honest
E - economical
R - religious
Characteristics of
the researcher

01. Intellectual 04. Intellectual

02. Prudence 03. Healthy
curiosity Honesty
The researcher is
An intelligent
A researcher prudent if he The investigator is researcher is
undertakes conducts his always doubtful as honest in
reflective thinking research study at the collecting or
to the veracity of
and inquiry of the right time and at the gathering the
the results.
things, situations right place wisely, data or facts in
and problems efficiently, and order to arrive at
around him. economically. honest results.
Types of Research

1. Pure Research 2. Applied Research 3. Action Research

This is a decision-oriented
This is also called “basic research” This type of research involves research involving the application
or “fundamental research”. seeking new applications of of the steps of the scientific
It aims to discover basic truths of scientific knowledge to the solution method in response to an
principles. It is intended to add to of a problem, such as the immediate need to improve
the body of scientific knowledge as development of a new system or existing practices.
well as to discover new facts and procedure or new device.
learn more accurately the
For instance, to solve problem of
characteristics of known without
rice shortage, research on using
any particular thought as to
varities of rice has been conducted
immediate practical utility.
for the purpose of producing more
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