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3, SEPTEMBER 2023 4671

V2I-Aided Platooning Systems

With Delay Awareness
Lifeng Wang , Member, IEEE, Yun Lai, Yu Duan, Shizhuo Mu, and Xiang Li , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This article studies the vehicle platooning system acceleration/deceleration rate, time headway, etc. Compared to
based on vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication, where all the ACC, CACC can provide earlier collision avoidance, traffic
the vehicles in the platoon upload their driving state information jam mitigation, aerodynamic drag force reduction, and extended
to the roadside unit (RSU), and the RSU makes the platoon control
decisions with the assistance of edge computing. By addressing the sensors [6], [7], [8], [9].
delay concern, a platoon control approach is proposed to achieve Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications embrace dif-
plant stability and string stability. The effects of the time headway, ferent types of communications related to the connected vehicles
communication, and edge computing delays on the stability are such as vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure
quantified. The velocity and size of the stable platoon are calcu- (V2I), which support driving state information sharing in the
lated, which show the impacts of the radio parameters such as
massive multiple-input–multiple-output antennas and frequency CACC systems [10]. The V2V-based CACC systems have been
band on the platoon configuration. The handover performance studied in the literature such as [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16],
between RSUs in the V2I-based platooning system is quantified [17], [18], [19], etc. In 4G systems, V2V sidelink communica-
by considering the effects of the RSU’s coverage and platoon size, tions through a base station under model 3 can further reduce the
which demonstrates that the velocity of a stable platoon should be channel access delay, which is helpful to achieve string stability
appropriately chosen, in order to meet the V2I’s quality-of-service
and handover constraints. in the CACC systems [10]. The work of [13] suggests that
connections between the leader vehicle and following vehicles
Index Terms—Edge computing, massive multiple-input– may be more critical in the platooning system, which is the
multiple-output (MIMO), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), vehicle
typical CACC scenario. It is shown in [20] that adding V2V
connections in the CACC systems may not necessarily improve
the robustness if the control gains are inappropriately selected. In
I. INTRODUCTION order to mitigate the detrimental effects of communication delay
on the system stability, the authors in [4], [21], and [22] analyze
HE commercially used adaptive cruise control (ACC) en-
T ables vehicles to maintain safe intervehicle distance, which
can avoid the collision and achieve autonomous driving through
the effects of the V2V transmission rate. Meanwhile, existing
research contributions such as [12], [17], and [23] study the
effects of interference on the V2V’s quality-of-service (QoS).
following the vehicle ahead [1]. To obtain the intervehicle
The V2I-based ITS systems also have attracted much atten-
distance and relative velocity, such an intelligent transportation
tion [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], thanks to the advanced radio
system (ITS) fully depends on the vehicle’s radar sensing capa-
technologies such as 4G/5G [29]. For instance, 5G-aided V2I
bility [2]. However, the drawback of the radar sensor is that its
links provide ultrareliable and low-latency communications,
efficacy could be degraded by the obstructions or bad weather.
which is one of 5G key performance indicators [9]. In addition,
More importantly, the ACC system is susceptible to the string
the edge and central cloud computing resources [29] can be
instability, which results in phantom traffic jams [3]. Cooperative
utilized in the V2I-based ITS and driver assistance systems,
adaptive cruise control (CACC) is a promising approach to deal
which is helpful to reduce the computational processes at the
with these issues [4], [5]. As an extension of ACC, CACC
vehicles [27], [28]. In [30], a combined longitudinal and lateral
allows vehicles to drive collaboratively through sharing their
controller is developed in the V2I-aided heterogeneous vehicle
driving state information such as position, spacing, velocity,
platoon system, where the curved road environment is con-
sidered. Recent studies such as [26], [31], and [32] focus on
Manuscript received 6 August 2022; revised 3 December 2022 and 17 efficient traffic flow management and cost-effective message
February 2023; accepted 13 June 2023. Date of publication 30 June 2023; dissemination via V2I, particularly in dense traffic scenario with
date of current version 30 August 2023. This work was supported in part by
the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant 62002065; in multiplatoons [33].
part by the National Key Research and Development Program under Grant In the CACC systems, vehicle platooning enables follow-
2021YFE0193300; and in part by the Science and Technology Commission of ing vehicles to autonomously reach the leader vehicle’s mov-
Shanghai Municipality (STCSM) under Grant 19PJ1401300. (Corresponding
author: Lifeng Wang.) ing speed and keep the desired intervehicle distance while
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Fu- guaranteeing the safety and stability. Such maneuver control
dan University, Shanghai 200433, China (e-mail:; functionality can improve the road throughput and disengage;; 17300290053@; the following vehicles from driving tasks. The aforementioned
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSYST.2023.3286855 works mainly focus on the V2V-based platooning systems. Due

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to its distributed feature, following vehicles undergo different

levels of communication delays and different numbers of V2V
links in the V2V-based platooning systems [4], [21], [34]. To
further relieve the burden of the heterogeneous control mech-
anisms and hardware resulted from different types of vehicles
in the platooning systems, this article proposes an V2I-based
platooning design. The advantages of the proposed V2I-based
platooning design are as follows.
1) The proposed design only requires V2I connections,
which are usually line-of-sight (the roadside units (RSUs) Fig. 1. Illustration of the V2I-based platooning system with edge computing.
could be sites on the lamp posts), and can easily en-
able identical communication delay among platoon ve-
hicles with the help of multiple-input–multiple-output
massive MIMO antennas and frequency band. A simple
(MIMO)/massive MIMO [35], [36], [37].
solution with the help of dual connectivity has been pro-
2) By putting the platoon controller at the RSU with edge
posed to achieve the seamless platooning control when
computing capability, the proposed design disengages fol-
handover occurs. The results are useful guidelines for fast
lowing vehicles from making maneuver control decisions
radio resource allocation and handover management.
and enables simultaneous maneuver among vehicles in a
The rest of this article is organized as follows. In Section II,
platoon through sending control commands to the vehi-
the considered system model is described and the platooning
cles’ actuators at the same time.
control design is proposed. The stability of the proposed control
3) In existing platoon systems, any changes involving tar-
design is analyzed in Section III. The platoon’s velocity and
geted intervehicle distance and vehicle’s velocity have to
handover are determined in Section IV. Section V provides the
be known by all the vehicles in a platoon, in order to change
simulation results. Finally, Section VI concludes this article.
their states for new formation.
In the proposed design, such changes only need to be known
at the RSU. Therefore, the proposed design is more efficient and II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS
scalable for the platoon management. The main contributions of As illustrated in Fig. 1, we consider an V2I-based platooning
this article are concluded as follows. system with massive MIMO,1 where each RSU equipped with
1) V2I-Based Platooning Control Design: In the considered N antennas has edge computing capability [29], and there are
system, all the vehicles’ driving state information are M + 1 single-antenna vehicles in a platoon with the leader vehi-
simultaneously uploaded to the RSU via MIMO, and the cle 0 and follower vehicle i (i = 1, . . . , M ) that collaboratively
RSU makes the platooning control decisions including the moves in a lane [39]. In such a system, all the vehicles in a
targeted velocity of the platoon based on the proposed platoon send their driving state information involving positions
control design. After computing the control inputs of and moving speeds to the RSU at the same time and frequency
all the following vehicles, the RSU sends them to the band via massive MIMO,2 which shall be processed by the RSU
following vehicles at the same time and frequency band. for determining platooning control decisions. After edge cloud
Therefore, it is easily guaranteed that all the vehicles in processing, the RSU sends the control commands (accelerations)
the platoon undergo the same communication delay, and to the follower vehicles’ actuators at the same time and frequency
thus, the complexity of the V2I-based platooning con- band. A point-mass model is considered to describe the longi-
trol management becomes much less than the V2V-based tudinal vehicle dynamics, which is given by3
2) Plant and String Stability for the Proposed Platooning ẋi (t) = vi (t), v̇i (t) = ui (t) (1)
Solution: In light of the communication and computing where xi (t), vi (t), and ui (t) are the position, velocity, and
delay concern, the feasible control gain regions for meet- control input (acceleration) of the vehicle i at time t, respectively.
ing the plant stability and string stability are presented,
respectively. We show that the control gains of the pro-
posed platooning solution can be easily determined by 1 Existing measurement results (field trials) such as [38] have shown that

using the D-subdivision method, in order to achieve plant massive MIMO in the line-of-sight mobile scenarios performs better than the
4G LTE, and the spatial separation between the moving vehicles can be well
stability. The effects of time headway on the stability are achieved. Therefore, same transmission delay for all the vehicles in a platoon
quantified. can be easily guaranteed in practice.
2 Note that vehicles’ positions could be evaluated at the RSU by applying
3) Relationships Between Platoon’s Velocity, Radio Param-
eters, and Handover: To achieve the required QoS of the positioning techniques [40], [41]; in this case, delay will be further cut because
of less driving state information uploaded to the RSU.
V2I and avoid frequent handover, the platoon’s velocity 3 The considered model (1) is referred to as the second-order linearized
needs to be appropriately chosen. With the assistance of longitudinal vehicle dynamics [20], [21], [42], and existing works such as [14],
massive MIMO, we provide a tractable approach to explic- [15], and [34] also consider the third-order linearized longitudinal vehicle
dynamics. It should be noted that the second-order and third-order linearized
itly quantify the relationships between platoon’s velocity, longitudinal vehicle dynamics are obtained by applying different input–output
handover, and radio parameters including the number of feedback linearization policies [43], [44].

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The spacing error is defined as By substituting (4) into (5) and letting λ = Kx + Kxo and η =
Kx h + Kv + Kvo , (5) is rewritten as
ei (t) = xi (t) − xi−1 (t) + hvo + l (2)
ẍi (t) − ẍi−1 (t) = − λ (xi (t − τ ) − xi−1 (t − τ ))
where h is the time headway, vo is the targeted platoon’s velocity
(The selection of vo value will be illustrated in Section IV), and l + Kx (xi−1 (t − τ ) − xi−2 (t − τ ))
is standstill distance, hvo + l is the desired intervehicle distance.
− η (vi (t − τ ) − vi−1 (t − τ ))
As the leader vehicle travels at the constant speed of vo , the
objective of a platoon is [14] and [21] + Kv (vi−1 (t − τ ) − vi−2 (t − τ ))

lim ei (t) = 0, lim vi (t) = vo . (3) − Kxo (hvo + l) . (6)

t→∞ t→∞

In the proposed platooning system, the use of massive MIMO Let Ei (s) = L{ei (t)} denote the Laplace transform of the spac-
can easily enable that all the vehicles in a platoon communicate ing error ei (t); taking the Laplace transform of (2) yields
with the RSU at the same time and frequency band, due to hvo + l
the fact that different data streams at the same time–frequency L {xi (t − τ ) − xi−1 (t − τ )} = e−τ s Ei (s) − e−τ s .
resource block are separated in the spatial domain [35], [36], (7)
[37]. Moreover, the RSU uses its edge computing capability
to compute each platoon vehicle’s control input. Therefore, all Based on (7), the Laplace transform of (6) is given by
the vehicles undergo the identical communication delay and
(Kv s + Kx ) e−τ s
the processing delay with the assistance of massive MIMO and Ei (s) = Ei−1 (s)
edge computing, and the platooning control law at the RSU is Θ(s)
designed as4 s + (η − Kv ) e−τ s + (e−τ s − 1) Ksxo
+ (hvo + l)
ui (t) = − Kx (xi (t − τ ) − xi−1 (t − τ ) + hvi (t − τ ) + l) Θ(s)
−Kv (vi (t−τ )−vi−1 (t−τ ))−Kvo (vi (t−τ )−vo )
− Kxo (xi (t − τ ) − xo (t − τ ) + ihvo + il) (4) where Θ(s) = s2 + ηse−τ s + λe−τ s is referred to as character-
istic function. It is explicitly seen from (8) that the propagating
where Kx , Kv , Kvo , and Kxo are positive control gains, and τ is error along the string only depends on the first term involving
the total amount of the delay resulted from the communication Ei−1 (s) [21]. Therefore, in the proposed platooning design, the
and edge cloud processing. To guarantee the platoon stability, spacing error transfer function is calculated as
the control gains need to be chosen appropriately.
(Kv s + Kx ) e−τ s
Remark 1: The proposed low-complexity control law utilizes Hi (s) = . (9)
the driving state information of the leader vehicle and the fol- Θ(s)
lower vehicle i for determining the vehicle i’s control input,
due to the fact that leader vehicle’s driving state information A. Plant Stability
is more critical for platooning [13] and vehicle i’s driving Plant stability is achieved when the platooning rule given by
state information is essential for avoiding collision. Although (3) is met. As such, the necessary and sufficient condition for
existing V2V-based platooning control designs [4], [11], [15], satisfying the plant stability is
[17] have attempted to make the most of these driving state
information, they may ignore the effects of time headway [4] Re (s0 ) < 0 ∀ Θ (s0 ) = 0 (10)
or communication delay [11], [15] for tractability, or require
some quite conservative conditions [17]. Another benefit of the which means that for an arbitrary characteristic root of Θ(s), it
proposed V2I-based platooning design is that the control gains has negative real part. The complexity of solving (10) depends on
for system stability can be easily calculated, which is illustrated the specific spacing error transfer function, which is determined
in the next section. by the platooning control law. The use of the Routh–Hurwitz
criterion with Padé approximation requires that the spacing error
transfer function for the frequency range of interest can be well
approximated [17], [22], [46], which may bring in more com-
In this section, the control gains in (4) are determined from plexity. Considering the proposed platooning law given by (4),
the perspective of plant stability and string stability. To facilitate we show that the control gains for achieving plant stability can
the stability analysis, a frequency-domain approach is adopted. be easily and precisely obtained by leveraging the D-subdivision
According to (1), we have method [47]. Based on (10), we have the following theorem.
Theorem 1: Plant stability can be guaranteed if and only if
ẍi (t) − ẍi−1 (t) = ui (t) − ui−1 (t). (5)
(λ, η) belongs to the feasible region

4 Some existing works such as [45] also consider the vehicles’ acceleration
G (τ ) = (λ, η) : λ ≤ w2 cos (τ w) ,
information for adaptive platooning strategies.

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In light of Sections III-A and III-B, plant stability and string

stability can be guaranteed by appropriately selecting control
gains that satisfy (11) and (12), i.e., we first calculate the feasible
(λ∗ , η ∗ ) based on Remark 2 and Theorem 2, and then, use
λ∗ = Kx + Kxo , η ∗ = Kx h + Kv + Kvo , and λ∗ ≤ Kv Kvo
for string stability in Theorem 2 to obtain the desired control
vectors {Kx∗ , Kv∗ , Kv∗o , Kx∗ o }.


The previous section has provided the stability regions of
the proposed platooning design given a targeted velocity of
the stable platoon. In practice, the targeted velocity of a stable
platoon has to be chosen appropriately, which has a big impact
on the intervehicle distance, platoon size/length, and QoS of
the V2X communications. Unfortunately, such concern has not
been paid enough attention yet. Existing works such as [12]
have shown that inappropriate intervehicle distance in a platoon
Fig. 2. Plant stability region G(τ ) for different levels of delay with different
corner points. could deteriorate the message dissemination in the V2V links.
Research efforts have focused on how to obtain the optimal
intervehicle distance under QoS constraint [33]. However, the
 study of the relationships between platoon’s velocity, time head-
η ≤ w sin (τ w) , w ∈ 0, . (11) way, handover, and radio parameters is still in its infancy. Some
2τ critical concerns in the early works such as massive information
exchange for centralized formation control [11] can be easily
Proof: See Appendix A. 
addressed now, since the radio technologies have developed
Remark 2: As shown in Fig. 2, the size of the feasible re-
faster than ever before. In this section, we seek a low-complexity
gion G(τ ) decreases as delay increases. Based on Theorem 1,
approach to answer the following questions.
we see that η < 2τ π
. Therefore, for a specific η ∗ ∈ (0, 2τ
), the
1) How to quantify the relationship between the RSU cover-
critical value w∗ for η ∗ = w∗ sin(τ w∗ ) can be efficiently cal-
age and platoon size/length?
culated by using 1-D search since w sin(τ w) is the increasing
2) How to allocate the radio resources given a platoon con-
function of w ∈ (0, 2τ π
). Then, we can obtain the corresponding
λ∗ = (w∗ )2 cos(τ w∗ ). In light of the point (λ∗ , η ∗ ) on the D-
3) How to manage the handover between RSUs given a
curve (see Appendix A), the plant stability requires λ ∈ (0, λ∗ )
platoon configuration?
for a specific η ∗ ∈ (0, 2τ
It is de facto challenging to find a generic solution for these
questions. As such, we consider the platooning systems with
B. String Stability
the massive MIMO-aided V2I communications. Massive MIMO
In the platooning systems, unstable vehicle strings give rise to is one of key 5G radio technologies and enables communi-
phantom traffic jams [3]. String stability ensures that the spacing cations with dozens of users at the same time and frequency
error is not amplified in the traffic flow upstream [3], [4], [15], band [35]. Moreover, it can achieve high-speed transmission
[22], namely the magnitude of the spacing error transfer function rate, combat the cochannel interference, and facilitate resource
Hi (s) needs to satisfy |Hi (jw)| ≤ 1 ∀w ≥ 0. As such, we have allocation [29], [36].
the following theorem. We adopt a linear massive MIMO processing method for V2I
Theorem 2: String stability can be guaranteed when (λ, η) communication, i.e., zero-forcing (ZF) detection is implemented
belongs to the feasible region at RSU. The achievable communication rate (b/s) of the vehicle
  i is given by [37]
S (τ ) = (λ, η) : λ ≤ Kv Kvo , η ≤ . (12)
2τ Pv (N − M − 1) βdi −α
Ri = B log2 1 + i (13)
Proof: See Appendix B. 
Remark 3: From (12), we see that the size of the feasible where B is the platoon system bandwidth, Pvi is the vehicle
region S(τ ) decreases as delay increases. The time headway i’s transmit power, β is the constant parameter commonly set as
satisfies h < ( 2τ − Kv − Kvo )/Kx . Compared to the platoon- ( 4πf
)2 with c = 3 × 108 m/s and the carrier frequency fc , di is
ing method of [34] with ACC where the time headway has to be the communication distance, α is the path loss exponent, and σ 2
larger than 2τ for string stability, our design can keep the time is the noise power. Note that due to the “channel hardening” fea-
headway at a minimum required level by selecting the proper ture of massive MIMO [29], [36], the small-scale fading effects
control gains based on (12), hence the road throughput can be are averaged out. Therefore, given a minimum communication
significantly improved. rate threshold Rth (namely QoS constraint), the radius of the

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RSU coverage is
Fig. 3. Platoon can be seamlessly served by RSUs as the platoon is in the
⎛ ⎞1/α dual-connectivity range during the handover.
Pvi (N − M − 1) β ⎠
dth = ⎝  R
 . (14)
σ2 2 B − 1
(e.g., N = 64 and B = 5 MHz in the Table I). To keep the
Let ro and ho denote the perpendicular distance and the absolute
desired levels of platoon’s velocity and QoS, more numbers of
antenna elevation difference between the platoon vehicle and the
antennas and bandwidths are demanded in the higher frequen-
RSU, respectively, based on (14), the maximum longitudinal
coverage range of the RSU is
The aforementioned has shown how to manage the platoon’s
velocity and radio resources in order to avoid frequent handover
th = d2th − ro2 − h2o . (15)
and meet the QoS requirement. In practice, it is important
For a specific targeted velocity of the stable platoon vo , the that the V2I-based platoon can be seamlessly controlled by
platoon size/length is calculated as RSUs via dual connectivity when handover occurs. In fact,
dual connectivity has been adopted in 4G and 5G systems [48],
Dplatoon = M hvo + M l. (16) [49] to enhance the mobility robustness in cellular networks.
The traveling time for a stable platoon in an RSU coverage area Dual connectivity allows a user to communicate with multiple
before undergoing handover is network nodes at the same time, the QoS constraint can be
guaranteed during the handover. Since an RSU can easily share
20th − Dplatoon the platoon vehicles’ states and control commands with its ad-
Tstay = (17)
vo jacent RSU via an optical fiber or X2 interface as seen in 4G/5G
where 0th is calculated by using (15) with Pvi = Pv0 , due to the systems [50], a platoon in the dual connectivity range is able to
fact that the leader vehicle is the first to leave an RSU’s coverage be seamlessly connected and controlled. As shown in Fig. 3, the
area. Let fhandover denote the maximum allowable handover intersite longitudinal distance should be kept at a certain level to
frequency between RSUs, in other words, the minimum traveling ensure that the platoon is in the dual-connectivity range during
duration for a platoon in an RSU coverage area is 1/fhandover . It the handover. Based on (14) and (15), we can easily calculate
is obvious that Tstay should be greater than 1/fhandover . Thus, by the maximum allowable intersite longitudinal distance for dual
considering (16) and (17), we can quantify the interplay between connectivity as
these key system parameters as an elegant form
20th − M l max 0
ISLD = 2th − Dplatoon
vo ≤ . (18) ⎛⎛ ⎞1/2
M h + 1/fhandover ⎞2/α
⎜ Pv (N − M − 1) β ⎟
Remark 4: It is indicated from (18) that given the radio = 2⎝⎝ 0  Rth  ⎠ − ro2 − h2o ⎠ − Dplatoon .
resources and handover frequency, platoon’s velocity decreases σ2 2 B − 1
when time headway increases, i.e., there is a tradeoff between
platoon’s velocity and time headway. Given a platoon configura-
tion, the minimum required number of massive MIMO antennas
or bandwidth under the QoS and handover constraints can be From (19), we see that by using dual connectivity, the V2I-
easily evaluated based on (18). Therefore, (18) is useful for the based platooning systems can be seamlessly served by RSUs
fast radio resource allocation and handover management in the when the intersite longitudinal distance is below maxISLD . It should
platoon systems. be noted that such V2I-based platooning handover approach is
As shown in the Table I, higher platoon’s velocity results flexible, for instance, by managing the radio resources such as
in more handovers for the same frequency band, and higher transmit power and the number of massive MIMO antennas in
frequency band reduces the level of the maximum allowable (19), intersite longitudinal distance can be easily tailored to meet
platoon’s velocity for a fixed number of antennas and bandwidth various circumstances.

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In this section, numerical results are provided to demonstrate
the efficiency of the proposed V2I-based platooning design
and validate our analysis. In addition, the effects of different
control gains, external disturbances, platoon sizes, and delays
on the performance are illustrated. The simulation results are
conducted by using the MATLAB software environment, and
the settings are similar to [14] and [15].

A. Efficiency of the Proposed Platooning Design

This subsection shows the efficiency of the proposed design.
Without loss of generality, the time headway h = 0.2 s, the
standstill distance is zero, the number of follower vehicles is
M = 4, and the spacing error is zero before leader vehicle
changes its velocity in the simulations. The leader vehicle suffers
an external disturbance during the time period 10 ≤ t ≤ 30 s,
which is modeled by assuming that its acceleration varies as
v̇0 (t) = −sin(t) (following the setting in [14] and [15]). The
other system parameters are summarized in the Table II.
Fig. 4 shows the proposed platooning design can efficiently
achieve plant stability and string stability for different levels of
delay. As mentioned in Theorem 2, the magnitude of the spacing
error transfer function is kept below 1 for an arbitrary frequency
w and the spacing error decreases in the traffic flow upstream
(namely the vehicle index increases) since the control gains are
chosen from the feasible region S(τ ) given by (12). The spacing
errors of the follower vehicles can be quickly diminished to zero
when the leader vehicle’s external disturbance is gone at t > 30
s, since the control gains belongs to the feasible region G(τ )
given by (11), and thus, plant stability is guaranteed.
Fig. 5 shows the case when the control gains are chosen from
Fig. 4. Platooning performance of the proposed design.
the outside of S(τ )(λ > Kv Kvo in the Table II). As analyzed
before, the magnitude of the spacing error transfer function is
larger than 1 for certain w values, in this case, the spacing errors
determining the feasible (λ∗ , η ∗ ) based on Remark 2 and The-
of the follower vehicles are amplified in the traffic flow upstream,
orem 2 in Section III, and then, using λ∗ = Kx + Kxo , η ∗ =
i.e., string instability occurs.
Kx h + Kv + Kvo , and λ∗ ≤ Kv Kvo in Theorem 2.
It is seen in Fig. 6(a) and (b) that both control gain vectors
B. Effects of Control Gains can achieve plant stability and string stability,5 since they belong
to the feasible regions mentioned in Section III. Although the
This subsection shows the effects of choosing dif-
platoon experiences the same external disturbance, the slightly
ferent control gains. The leader vehicle’s acceleration
different values of the control gains may cause significantly
varies as v̇0 (t) = −sin(t) at 10 ≤ t ≤ 30 (s), M = 4, τ =
different performance behaviors, i.e., the control gains used in
0.1 s, h = 0.2 s and the standstill distance is zero.
The control gain vectors in Fig. 6(a) and (b) are
5 The negative values of the space error mean that the intervehicle distance is
given by [Kv , Kvo , Kx , Kxo ] = [1.5, 1.5, 0.273, 0.281] and
larger than the desired intervehicle distance, and the positive values of the space
[Kv , Kvo , Kx , Kxo ] = [1.5, 1.5, 0.4, 0.4], respectively. Note error mean that the intervehicle distance is lower than the desired intervehicle
that the control gain vectors can be easily obtained by first distance.

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Fig. 5. String instability result when control gains do not belong to the feasible
region given by (12).

Fig. 7. Effects of different external disturbances.

Fig. 6(a) make the follower vehicles’ space errors vary more
drastically, and the platoon needs to spend more time on reaching
the stability, compared to the case of control gains used in
Fig. 6(b).

C. Effects of External Disturbance

This subsection shows the effects of different external distur-
bances imposed on the leader vehicle. Specifically, the external
disturbances of the platoon for the simulations in Fig. 7(a) and
(b) are given by

⎨1, 10 ≤ t ≤ 13s

v̇0 (t) = 0, 13 < t ≤ 17s (20)

⎩−1, 17 < t ≤ 20s


1, 10 ≤ t ≤ 15s
v̇0 (t) = (21)
Fig. 6. Effects of different control gains. −1, 15 < t ≤ 20s

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Fig. 8. Effects of different platoon sizes. (a) Fixed control gains obtained from Fig. 9. Effects of different platoon sizes. (a) Linear quadratic optimal control
Theorems 1 and 2. (b) Fixed control gains obtained from Theorems 1 and 2. gains [51]. (b) Linear quadratic optimal control gains [51].

respectively (following the setting in [14] and [15]). The

other basic simulation parameters are identical in the re- [Kv , Kvo , Kx , Kxo ] = [0.75, 0.75, 0.249, 0.228], the leader ve-
sults of Fig. 7(a) and (b), namely the control gain vec- hicle’s acceleration varies as v̇0 (t) = −sin(t) at 10 ≤ t ≤ 30
tor [Kv , Kvo , Kx , Kxo ] = [0.75, 0.75, 0.249, 0.228], M = 4, (s), τ = 0.3 s, h = 0.2 s, and the standstill distance is zero.
τ = 0.3 s, and h = 0.2 s. It is seen from Fig. 8(a) and (b) that when the control gains and
It is seen from Fig. 7(a) and (b) that although the platoon other system parameters are fixed, changing the platoon size has
stability for these two types of external disturbances are achieved negligible effect on the spacing errors of the follower vehicles,
at almost the same time, the external disturbance given by (21) which confirms the scalability of the proposed platooning de-
forces the follower vehicles to change their moving speeds more sign. In addition, platoons with different sizes have nearly same
rapidly and results in larger spacing errors, compared to the type disturbance time period before reaching the system stability. The
of external disturbance given by (20). Such dramatic changes of reason is that under the proposed platooning control design, plant
the vehicles’ driving states during the external disturbance may stability and string stability can be guaranteed, and thus, adding
need to be properly addressed in practice, due to the fact that more follower vehicles cannot enlarge spacing errors and has no
different vehicles may have velocity limitations under hardware effect on the predecessor vehicles’ driving states.
constraints. For performance comparisons, we adopt the linear quadratic
optimal control gains calculated by [51, Th. 4.6], which can
minimize the overall status errors occurred in the whole pla-
D. Effects of Platoon Size tooning control process. Fig. 9 shows that the follower vehicles
This subsection shows the effects of the platoon size. In (i = 2, . . . , M ) have lower errors by using linear quadratic
the simulations, there are two platoons consisting of three and optimal controller, but spend similar level of time reach-
eight follower vehicles, respectively, the control gain vector ing stability compared to the case of fixed control gains

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Fig. 10. Effects of different levels of delay. (a) Fixed control gains obtained Fig. 11. Effects of different platoon sizes. (a) Linear quadratic optimal control
from Theorems 1 and 2 with the communication delay τ = 0.1 s. (b) Fixed gains [51] with the communication delay τ = 0.1 s. (b) Linear quadratic optimal
control gains obtained from Theorems 1 and 2 with the communication delay control gains [51] with the communication delay τ = 0.3 s.
τ = 0.3 s.

time period. The time of reaching the system stability is a

[Kv , Kvo , Kx , Kxo ] = [0.75, 0.75, 0.249, 0.228] in Fig. 8 ob- bit longer in Fig. 10(b) since the delay is larger. Through the
tained from the feasible region defined by Theorems 1 and 2. comparison with the results in Fig. 8, it is again confirmed
However, to get the linear quadratic optimal control gains, the that platoons with different sizes have negligible effect on the
computational complexity becomes much higher, which brings stability and efficiency of the proposed design when the rest
in extra time consumption. of system parameters and external disturbance are identical.
As mentioned before, the linear quadratic optimal controller
E. Effects of Delay is employed in Fig. 11, which shows that lower errors can be
achieved than the case of fixed control gains in Fig. 10 as the
This subsection shows the effects of delay. In the simulations, computational complexities are ignored.
we consider two delay cases, i.e., τ = 0.1 s in Fig. 10(a) and
τ = 0.3 s in Fig. 10(b), the platoon consists of six follower
vehicles besides the leader vehicle, the control gain vector
[Kv , Kvo , Kx , Kxo ] = [0.75, 0.75, 0.249, 0.228], the leader ve- This article concentrated on the V2I-based platooning sys-
hicle’s acceleration varies as v̇0 (t) = −sin(t) at 10 ≤ t ≤ 30 tems, where the next-generation RSUs have the capabilities
(s), h = 0.2 s, and the standstill distance is zero. of 5G massive MIMO and edge computing. By considering
It is seen from Fig. 10(a) and (b) that when the control gains the effect of delay, an efficient platooning control approach
and other system parameters are fixed, different levels of delay was developed. We demonstrated that the proposed platooning
have a big impact on the spacing errors during the disturbance design can achieve both plant stability and string stability by

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selecting control gains in the derived feasible regions. More- Likewise, taking the first-order derivative of (A.1) and (A.2)
over, we provided a tractable method to explicitly quantify the with respect to λ at ξ = 0 (along the D-curves), after mathemat-
relationships between the platoon’s velocity, platoon size/length, ical manipulations, we have
radio resources, and handover. By using our derivations, the τ λ+η
platoon’s velocity, radio sources and handover can be easily dξ (τ λ cos(τ w)+τ ηw sin(τ w)−η cos(τ w))2
= . (A.7)
determined. Simulation results confirmed the efficiency of the dλ (2 w+τ λ sin(τ w)−τ ηw cos(τ w)−η sin(τ w))2
(τ λ cos(τ w)+τ ηw sin(τ w)−η cos(τ w))2
proposed platooning design, and the effects of different control
gains, external disturbances, platoon sizes, and delays on the per- From (A.7), we see that dξ dλ > 0 for arbitrary λ value, which
formance were comprehensively illustrated. Our results showed means that the plant stability is violated as λ increases. Thus,
that different control gains may have a big impact on the time of we can finally obtain the feasible region G(τ ) given by (11).
reaching the system stability. Different external disturbances and
delays gave rise to dramatic variations in the vehicles’ traveling APPENDIX B
speeds and spacing errors, but may have negligible effect on the PROOF OF THEOREM 2
disturbance time period before reaching the system stability. The
effect of platoon size on the platooning stability and efficiency String stability is achieved when |Hi (jw)| ≤ 1 ∀w ≥ 0.
was marginal, which confirmed the scalability of the proposed Based on (9), |Hi (jw)| is given by

Kv2 w2 + Kx2
|Hi (jw)| = (B.1)
Ξ(w) + Kv2 w2 + Kx2
The necessary and sufficient condition for the plant stability Ξ(w) = w4 − 2η sin (τ w) w3
is given via the D-subdivision approach [47]. Let s0 = ξ + jw,  
the characteristic equation Θ(s0 ) = 0 can be decomposed into + Kx2 h2 +2Kx (Kv +Kvo ) h+Kv2o +2Kv Kvo w2
real and imaginary parts, which are − 2λ cos (τ w) w2 + Kx2o + 2Kx Kxo . (B.2)
Re : ηξ cos (τ w) + ηw sin (τ w)+λ cos (τ w) = eτ ξ w2 − ξ 2 Note that both the numerator and denominator of (B.1) have the
(A.1) positive term Kv2 w2 + Kx2 , thus |Hi (jw)| < 1 is equivalently
transformed as Ξ(w) > 0 ∀w ≥ 0. Considering the fact that
Im : ηw cos (τ w) − ηξ sin (τ w)−λ sin (τ w) + 2eτ ξ ξw = 0.
sin(τ w) ≤ τ w and cos(τ w) ≤ 1, we have
−2η sin (τ w) w3 ≥ −2ητ w4 , 2λ cos (τ w) w2 ≤ 2λw2 .
By letting ξ = 0, the D-curves can be expressed as (B.3)
Re : ηw sin (τ w) + λ cos (τ w) = w2 (A.3) Based on (B.2) and (B.3), the following inequality is obtained:
Im : ηw cos (τ w) = λ sin (τ w) . (A.4) Ξ(w) ≥ (1 − 2ητ ) w4 + Kx2 h2 w2
The aforementioned equation can be equivalently written as + 2Kx (Kv + Kvo ) h + Kv2o w2
λ = w2 cos (τ w) , η = w sin (τ w) . (A.5) + 2 (Kv Kvo − λ) w2 + Kx2o + 2Kx (B.4)
Note that w > 0 and τ w ∈ (2kπ, π2 + 2kπ), k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , When η ≤ 2τ and λ ≤ Kv Kvo , the right-hand-side of the in-
since λ > 0 and η > 0. equality is positive, thus Ξ(w) > 0, and complete the proof.
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Lifeng Wang (Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. Shizhuo Mu is working toward the master’s degree in
degree in electrical engineering from the Queen Mary bioengineering with the University of Pennsylvania,
University of London, London, U.K., in 2015. Philadelphia, PA, USA.
He was a Research Associate with the Department She was an undergraduate with Fudan University,
of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University Shanghai, China. Her research interest includes the
College London, London, U.K. He is a Faculty Mem- edge computing.
ber with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Fudan University, Shanghai, China. His research in-
terests include intelligent transportation system and
5G/6G systems.
Dr. Wang was the recepient of the Exemplary Ed-
itor Certificates of the IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS in 2016, 2017, and
2018. He is currently an Associate Editor with the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON

Yun Lai is a postgraduate with the Department

of Electrical Engineering, Fudan University, Shang-
hai, China. His research interests include intelligent

Xiang Li (Senior Member, IEEE) was a Distin-

guished Professor with Fudan University, Shanghai,
China. His main research interests include network
Yu Duan is a postgraduate with the Department of science and systems control in both theory and appli-
Electrical Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai,
China. His research interests include the cooperative
Dr. Li was the recipient of the IEEE Guillemin–
adaptive cruise control.
Cauer Best Transactions Paper Award from the IEEE
Circuits and Systems Society in 2005, National Sci-
ence Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholar of
China in 2014, National Natural Science Award of
China (second class) in 2015, Ten Thousand Talent
Program of China in 2017, and TCCT CHEN Han–Fu Award of Chinese
Automation Association in 2019, among many awards and honors.

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