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1 What was the battle where king Richard 3 was killed ?

-The battel was Roses war between Henry 7th and Richard
the third
2 What was England like before the reign of Henry 7 ?
- It was on the verge of bankruptcy
3 Henry proved to be a successful king (T)
4 Why was Henry 7th a successful king ?
-Because he had several goals that accomplished by the end
of his reign
- Because he had strengthened the judicial system as well as
claimants to his throne
- Because the monarchy that he left to his son was a fairly
secure one and most definitely a wealth one
5 How did king Henry 7 come to the throne ?
-As a result for his victory on Richard the third
6 Did his claim he had a right to claim the throne ?
-Yes , but it was very weak
7 How many children of Henry 7th ?
-He had seven children : four of them survived in fancy and
three died :
- Arthur died shortly after his mirage of Cathrine of Spain
-Margaret who married at Scottland
8 How long did Tudor family reign England ?
-For three generations or 118 years

9 How many kings ruled England of Tudor family ?

-Three kings followed by two women :
Henry 7th
Henry 8th
Mary who ruled for a short time
Elizabeth was the first woman who ruled for a long time
10 Who was the founder of Tudor dynasty ?
-Henry 7th
11 Which king broke with Catholique church ?
-Henry 8th
12 Who was plagued by woes of succession and material
mismanagement ?
-Henry 8th
13 Who was Cathrine of Aragon ?
-She was Henry 8th wife and his brother’s widow
14 Was the Catholique church against the marriage of Henry
to his brother’s widow ?
-Yes , according to the church man who married his brother’s
wife shall be childless
15 Why did Henry 8th insist on Marry Chatheren of Aragon ?
-Because she was physically and intellectually alliance with
Spain country or to build England’s continental glory that
provide added inducement
16 What did king Henry 8 do to overcome the biblical
cautions hot to marry his brother’s widow ?
-To overcome the biblical cautions that a man who takes his
brother’s widow shall be childless
17 Why Henry marriage to Catherine is considered a sin ?
-According to the biblical his marriage is a sin
18 What was the king’s Henry a great matter ?
-His divorce to Chatherine
-His daughter from Chathrine Mary
18 What was the act which declared by the king Henry 8th
about ?
-The king was supreme head and the country was a sovereigh
state sree srom an soregn authority

* Elizabeth of york = the niece of Richard the third

* Henry Tudor = Henry 7th
Bosworth : is the name of the battel where king Richard was
defeated by Henry Henry 7th
*Henry 7th reigned England for a long time for peace
* Something connected to Henry 8th is religious belief
because he broke with Catholique church in Rome
*1485 = the end of rose war and the Tudor started
*1509 = the death of king Henry 7th
* Henry 8th (1419 – 1547 )
* Henry 8th try to make his reign centenlized
* Henry 8th :
-first marriage to Chathrine of Aragon ,his brother’s widow
-Second marriage was to Anne Boleyn after becoming the
supreme head of England church he divorce the Chatherine
* Archbishop announced that the marriage between the king
Henry 8th and Chathrine is void .
19 Why the Scottish king rejected the marriage between
Edward an Mary ?
-Because Edward was protestant and Mary was catholic
20 Who was the Duke of North umber land ?
-Edward’s uncle , his mother’s brother or Thomas Seymor
21 Henry’s daughter “Mary” was a protestant.
(F) She was a catholic .
22 Why did queen Mary excuted lady Jane ?
-Because she was afraid that she could fear her enemies try
and place her in the throne .
23 Who became in the the throne after the death of
Edward 6th ?
-Mary the daughter of Henry 8th .
24 Why about one third of Parish were removed during the
Elizabeth reign ?
-Because they refused her reigous statement .
25 When did the act of supremacy was restored ?
-In April 1559.
26 What did the Oath of super macy mean ?
-It means recognizing Elizabeth head of the church of England
27 Why were fines for those who don’t attend the church ?
-Because they refused to be protestant under the reign of
queen Elizabeth .
28 Who was Thomas Seymour ?
-Edward’s uncle or his mother’s brother .
29 Why was Mary and Elizabeth were to be excluded from
the throne ?
-They were not abedient others .
-All femals were excluded , expect Jane on the ground that no
women could reign .
30 Who was a first women ever to rule England ?
-Mary the first .
31 What kind of challenges queen Mary face at the beginning
of her reign ?
-She had to take charge of a government most of whose
senior members who opposed her succession .
-The treasury she had inherited was not only empty ,but
deep in dept .
32 For how many years queen Mary ruled ?
- She ruled for just five years .
33 When did Mary came to the throne ?
When did she became the queen of Scottland ?
-When she was a week old .
34 Who was Henry 7th to queen Mary ?
-Her uncle or her mother’s brother .
35 How was queen Mary related to the Tudor ?
-Her grandmother was Margret Tudor .
36 What happened in 1559 ?
-The king of France was killed and his son “Mary” became
queen of France .
37 When did queen Mary of Scottland come to the throne ?
-She came to the throne when she was seventeen years old .
38 When did queen Mary of Scottland come to the France
throne ?
-When her husband the king of France was killed and she was
seventeen years old .
39Who was the successor of queen Elizabeth ??
-James 6th of Scottland and James the first of England.
40 For how long did king James the first reign England ?
-From 1603 to 1625 .
41 In what did James the first belief ?
-He belief in the right of the king that the earth is divine .
42 Why did problems start to appear in England ?
- When James the first and his son Charles talked about their
rights .
43 When did Charles’s brother die?
-He died in 1612.
44 Chales the first was a successful ruler . (F)
45 Henry 7th was a successful ruler . (T)
46 Charles was believing in the divine right of king . (T)

By 3mary

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