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Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for Aircraft Condition

Monitoring System
Mohamed Cherif DANI Cassiano FREIXO François-Xavier JOLLOIS
Airbus Airbus Paris Descartes University
LIPADE Descartes University Toulouse, 31707 Paris, 75005
0033-561 933-333 0033-561 933-333 0033-017-653-4827
Mohamed NADIF
Paris Descartes University
Paris, 75005

Abstract—Anomaly detection is an important field for the an- gistic data, maintenance reports, sensors, etc.) implies a high
ticipation of aircraft maintenance operations, working as an complexity of understanding and improving the maintenance
enabler of diagnostic and prognostic functions. A method has process, the vast majority of airlines are limited to look back
been implemented to detect abnormal data in Aircraft Condi- for the cause of the failure that already happened. ACMS uses
tion Monitoring System (ACMS) records. Rather than using predefined conditions (triggers, also known as exceedance
already known and usual detection triggers which are partial
detectors and insensitive to new flight and system conditions, detection) to detect incident (anomalies). A priori knowledge
this method automatically extracts abnormal data points with- of the system is required and a list of parameters with the
out requiring any a priori information about the system and its characteristics of each parameter needs to be specified in ad-
conditions. To accomplish this objective, we propose to combine vance by the expert (system designer, maintenance engineer,
a segmentation based and density clustering approaches for etc), or by airlines to program effective triggers, but in some
detecting and filtering anomalies. This method was applied on cases the triggers are not reliable, for example, the Rotary
A340 ACMS data recordings. The detection logics associated Variable Differential Transducer sensor measures the position
with the new anomalies can be used as new detection conditions of the nose wheels during steering operation. This sensor
to be potentially implemented onboard, further extending legacy could change behavior unexpectedly after a maintenance
detection capabilities.
action, water accumulation, sensor problems, etc., resulting
unverified triggers or continuous false alarm.

TABLE OF C ONTENTS Unsupervised techniques detect anomalous patterns through

identifying some new or unknown behaviors that are ab-
1 I NTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 normal or inconsistent relative to most of the data. Many
2 ACMS AND PREDEFINED CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . 2 studies and research interested in anomaly detection ap-
peared. Several techniques have been specifically developed
3 U NSUPERVISED ANOMALY DETECTION . . . . . . . . . 3 for certain application domains. Furthermore, a large number
4 A NOMALY DETECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 of surveys, reviews were performed on anomaly detection.
5 CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Recently, Gupta 2013 [1], Chandola 2009 [2] structured and
R EFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 overviewed different algorithms by research areas, applica-
B IOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 tion domains and data nature.
Anomalies vary between domains and objectives, Lishuai [3]
detects abnormal flights from DFDR (Digital Flight Data
Recorder) data, and from QAR (Quick Access Recorder)
1. I NTRODUCTION data, where they are transformed into high dimensional vec-
Industrial systems progress quickly and become more and tors, reduced and clustered. This approach is limited to the
more critical and complex. Maintaining performance, oper- takeoff and approach phase only. Based on clustering analysis
ational flexibility and reliability of these systems during the and Bayesian model, Sequence Miner [4] detects anomalies
service life under a predefined service level indicator is an in discrete symbol sequences (cockpits sensor) using Longest
important phase for good productivity. Aircraft operators, Common Subsequence [5] (LCS), the algorithm is unable
manufactures and maintenance services have shown a grow- to detect anomalies in continuous data, unlike MKAD [6]
ing interest in optimizing the usage of airplanes and their which is designed to heterogeneous data (e.g. continuous and
support apparatus to improve the operational reliability while discrete parameters), Multiple Kernel Anomaly Detection
reducing maintenance cost during the aircraft life. With the (MKAD) reforms SVM one-class [7] approach to be able to
fast growth of aviation safety in this last decade, anomaly handle heterogeneous data.
detection remains a challenging subject. The ACMS (Aircraft Some other algorithms such as Gecko [8] transforms the
Condition Monitoring System) acquires stores and process time series into segments (states), finds their characteristics
aircraft data for operation and maintenance. Some of these and the logic transition between the states to build a finite
parameters are checked by triggers (predefined conditions) state automaton. Gecko splits the time series into clusters
actively to detect anomalies, The great volume of the data using a method based on knee of the curve (L method) [9].
generated from modern aircraft (e.g. flight data, support lo- The algorithm requires a phase of supervised learning and
involvement of an expert. For voluminous unlabeled data, the
learning process is complicated.
978-1-4799-5380-6/15/$31.00 c 2015 IEEE.

The Kmeans algorithm is commonly used on several times are generated and data are recorded. The ACMS Reports are
for detection anomalies, depending on the domain area (fraud the basis for the aircraft monitoring function, which collect
detection, intrusion, aerospace, etc.). Several case studies and parameters upon detection of predefined system conditions.
reviews have been proposed. For instance, Gerhard [10] built These can be either very typical conditions (e.g. for per-
normal and abnormal clusters and then computes the mini- formance monitoring used for trend reports) or abnormal
mum distance between new arrival points and cluster centers. conditions (event reports for trouble shooting), to support
Gupta [11] used also Kmeans PCA-based similarity measures system performance trending, assessment and/or to get in-
for multivariate time series anomaly detection, minimum advance indications of incipient system failures.
information about data are required to be able to distinguish
between abnormal and normal data. In such approaches all
data points should belong to a cluster.
The Symbolic Aggregate approXimation (SAX) [12], based
on symbolic representation of a time series, is used by many
algorithms for anomaly detection and unusual time series
subsequence. In order to find the most distant subsequence,
the algorithm maps all segments produced by PAA algorithm
[13], replaces segments by symbols (alphabet) and then mea-
sures the distance between symbols, in order to find the most
distant subsequences.

The purpose of this study is to detect anomalies on ACMS

data records. We aim to detect anomalous subsequences
by watching and comparing parameters of same type. The
approach is summarized in the figure 1 and is based on two
steps: segmentation and clustering.
Figure 2. Concept of ACMS recording.

The predefined condition is programmed by the system de-

signers and customers from a priori knowledge of the system.
Because of system complexity, the predefined known condi-
tions (static knowledge) do not cover all system conditions
with potential use for health monitoring (potentially linked to
new faults or degradation indicators).
As consequence, during the flight, ground monitoring today
is limited. Only reports are explored (figure 3), data between
reports are stored for ground use only, because sending the
whole data is technically difficult due to the cost, the volume,
and the velocity.

Figure 1. Anomaly detection methodology.

- Segmentation: (also referred to summarization approach)

aims to find an accurate approximation of time series, by
reducing dimensionality, eliminating noise while retaining its
essential features. Segmentation helps us to get a simplified
time series presentation, and to reduce time execution for
clustering process, etc.
- Clustering: ACMS data are not labeled or referenced, we
don’t have any a priori knowledge of the system, and hence
we propose to use density-based clustering to detect anoma- Figure 3. Snapshot of data (before and after the event) to
lies using segmented data, rather than use original data where be sent to the ground.
we have more than 42.103 measured data per parameter.
The figure 3, illustrates how reports are generated when an
2. ACMS AND PREDEFINED CONDITIONS anomaly is detected using predefined conditions. The report
is a set of data recorded before and after the event [trigger
ACMS monitors and records parameters in the aircraft in instant+tx, trigger instant+tx], where tx is a fixed period
order to perform trend monitoring, system troubleshooting before and after the event. This report is sent in real time
and servicing monitoring (support Flight Operation Quality during the flight to the ground for trouble shooting and health
Assurance (FOQA), transmit avionics parameters to open- monitoring, without the rest of data, which can implies a
world applications, etc.). The figure 2 illustrates how reports partial analysis.
3. U NSUPERVISED ANOMALY DETECTION Data composition is important in our problematic. Each sys-
In order to find new potential triggers, the objective is to tem contains a set of parameters Pm represented by sensors
propose an algorithm, with fewer possible inputs, capable data. Considering this composition we looked for an efficient
data representation which should helps us to mine parameters
to detect anomalies. With A340 ACMS data records only, efficiently.
clustering appears convenient, and density-based clustering
is retained. The following table (table 1) illustrates the data composition
and how we gather the parameters from different flight to-
We chose DBSCAN [14] (Density-Based Spatial Cluster- gether.
ing of Applications with Noise) that can identify clusters
with also outliers (potential anomalies) without requiring the
knowledge of the number of clusters. P1 Pm

Time series
The analysis in time series data inspects the irregularities f1 t111 . . . t11w ...... tm m
11 . . . t1w
across the time. The nature of data and anomalies define the .. ..
approach to apply. Two main types of anomaly detection for . .
time series exist in data mining community. The single time fx t1x1 . . . t1xw ...... tm m
series also known as univariate time series and multivariate x1 . . . txw
time series. .. ..
. .
A Single time series T = t1 , . . . , tm (univariate time series) .. ..
is a set of observations recorded sequentially over equal time . .
increments, for example a financial time series or sensors
data. In the aircraft single time series corresponds to data fn t1n1 . . . t1nw ...... tm
n1 . . . tm
coming from single sensor. Multivariate time series is a set
of single time series generated simultaneously with the same
time range. Table 1. Data representation.

ACMS Data representation

During a flight thousands of different sensors (analogue,
discrete, etc.) are measured, collected, converted to specific Density-based clustering
format (depend on the aircraft manufacture) and transmitted DBSCAN does not require a specific number of clusters. A
to QAR and others devices. ACMS receives about 75000 cluster is formed if the minimum points (minpts) are within a
parameters per second, some of these parameters are saved neighborhood distance eps. The cluster grows until no point
continuously in the QAR. The QAR is an airborne flight data is reachable. With the same density criterion other clusters
recorder designed to provide quick and easy access to raw will be created. An outlier is identified when a point or a
flight data (PCMCIA, USB) and can records 1024 words per sequence does not fit to any cluster.
In this study, the ACMS recordings concern the bleed system
with more than 200 parameters. In several flights, we gather
parameters of the same type together, which form a set of
multivariate time series as in figure 4.

Figure 5. DBSCAN clustering process illustration.

DBCAN is sensitive and the selection of the inputs (density

criterion) can produce a major impact on the results (clus-
tering format and outliers detection). For example, a small
minimum points (minpts) creates clusters from noise, and
big eps gathers outliers to the normal clusters. The same
segments repeated more than five times are considered as
normal i.e. that minpts is fixed to five (mintps = 5). In our
case the minpts represents the minimum number of similar
Figure 4. Bleed system, parameter n125120 in 7 segments to form a normal cluster. We will vary the radius
different flights. (eps) and compare the results, in order to get an efficient
detection and a precise idea about abnormal segments. The wavelet compression problem for which a minimal solution
figure 5 illustrates DBSCAN process with minpts = 5, the exist, then looks for a valid APCA representation, by sorting
algorithm is detailed in the section. the coefficients and truncating the smaller. Finally the algo-
rithm replaces the approximate segment mean values with the
DBSCAN algorithm exact ones for a valid APCA representation.

Algorithm 1: DBSCAN pseudo-code. Algorithm 2: APCA segmentation algorithm.

Input: Input:
D: the dataset T : Time series
Eps: the neighborhood distance M : Number of segments
minpts: the minimum number of points
Output: Segmented time series
Discovered outliers and clusters
- Select the values of eps and minpts for a data set P to be if length(C) is not a power of two then
clustered. pad it with zeros to make it so.
- Start with an arbitrary point p and retrieve all points end
density-reachable. - Perform the Haar Discrete Wavelet Transform on C.
- Sort coefficients in order of decreasing normalized
if p is a core point that contains at most minpts points then magnitude, truncate after M.
- A cluster is formed.; - Reconstruct approximation (APCA representation)of C
- Otherwise, label p as an outlier. from retained coefficients.
if C was padded with zeros, truncate it to the original length.
- A new unvisited point is retrieved and processed leading to then
the discovery of further clusters of core points. Replace approximate segment mean values
- Repeat step the previous step until all the points has been with exact mean values.
visited. end
- Label any points not belonging to any cluster as outliers while the number of segments is greater than M do
(Outliers). Merge the pair of segments that can be merged
End with least rise in error
Reachability and density connectedness between points is an
important aspect for cluster construction. DBSCAN labels
the data as core points where at least minpts are in the circle The flexibly of APCA, allows to place a segment in low activ-
of an eps radius. The neighbors of the core points around the ity and more segments for areas of high variance, also allows
circle are labeled as border points, and the rest is labeled as to get segments of different variables. APCA requires the
outliers. mean value of the points and the length of the segment for the
representation. For example, in the figure 6, the original time
Basically, y is density-reachable from x if there is a sequence series (parameter from bleed systems) of 45 ∗ 103 data points
of points directly density-reachable form x, a point y is is transformer into 145 segments, these segments resume the
directly density reachable from x if y is within eps-neighbors global state of the time series with an optimal error.
of x and x has at least minpts neighbors. If two point x, y
are density reachable through another point z, than x, y are
density connected.
The ACMS data size is voluminous regarding the monitored
parameters. Some systems generate more than 42x103 points
for one parameter in a flight. This amount of data is difficult
to explore on the ground or onboard using standard hardware.
Consequently, it is easy to segment, index these data respect-
ing a minimum error and then explore these segments instead
of real data point. The segmentation allows us to reduce
data with an optimal and simple representation, optimize time
executing for the clustering process.
We segment the ACMS recordings in order to reduce the
complexity of the signals, and to get a faster clustering and
detection execution.
Figure 6. Segmentation using APCA algorithm.
APCA [15] (Adaptive piecewise constant approximation) Block segmentation
approximates each time series by a set of constant values that
form segments with different lengths. This algorithm uses For a huge amount of data, most of segmentation algorithms
Haar wavelet for segmentation. It takes the problem to a (top-down and bottom-up) have different performance prob-
lems. For example, the considerable time of execution for will not, for example, cluster the pressure parameters with
some of segmentation algorithms. Moreover, we need some other parameters, but only with pressure parameters of the
times to determine the number of segments. To overcome other flights. The purpose behind this choice is to find which
this problem, rather than using the entire time series for subsequence in a known parameter is anomalous regarding
segmentation, we can use APCA in a small time window the other flights.The figure 8 illustrates the definition of
(block), with a fixed number of segments. abnormal subsequences:
The APCA approximates each block by a set of segments
with a constant value and a minimum error reconstruction.

Algorithm 3: Block Segmentation pseudo-code.

T: Data
bl: block length (power of 2)
Segmented time series
- Fix the number of clusters (depend of bl).
- Charge data and split it into x (data length/bl) blocks of bl
length Figure 8. Abnormal points illustration in univariate time
- Use APCA for each block series.
- Concatenate segments
End DBSCAN will detect abnormal points do not fit any of
clusters, we varied eps between 20% and 70%. The num-
ber of abnormal points decrease when we increase eps, as
The block segmentation is simple and does not require neces- summarized in table 2 :
sarily the number of segments. This approach can be adapted Table 2. Abnormal points using different eps.
for an online or parallel segmentation versions. The figure
7 illustrates the concept of segmentation into time windows
(block), the number of segments is the same for each block, Abnormal
also the length of the time window. Multivariate ACMS data eps(minpts = 5)
0.2 85
Bleed system 0.5 69
0.7 45

A good detection depends on the flights number. We tested

our approach for only 10 flights test, which explain the several
abnormal sequences. We plotted the results of DBSCAN
with eps=0.5 in figure 9, each color represents a cluster, the
outliers are uncolored.

Figure 7. Example of using APCA into time windows.

Anomaly detection consists in detecting abnormal data that
do not belong with normal behavior. We noticed that most
of measured parameters in ACMS have the same behavior.
In fact, data that recur for several flights will be clustered as Figure 9. dimension representation of DBSCAN with
normal. eps=0.5 (outliers = non colored data, clusters = colors).
The approach that we propose is performed in two stages. We
summarize data by the segmentation approach proposed in
section 3, where each segment contains a value that represents We used PCA (Principal component analysis) for visualizing
the original data. we transfer then the problem of collective clusters. Technically the majority of data belong to the
detection (subsequences) to point anomaly detection. DB- normal groups, since the sensor is supposed to have a normal
SCAN is applied to the parameters of the same type only. We behavior. We have an efficient results when the number of
flights is high. Otherwise, we are confronted to huge number Detection Using K-Means Clustering,
of false alarms when we don’t have enough flight data. In [11] M. Gupta, H. C., A. B. Sharma, Jiang, G. (2013). Con-
the figure the uncolored segments do not belong to any of the text aware time series anomaly detection for complex
normal cluster. systems.
[12] Eamonn Keogh, Jessica Lin, Ada Fu, HOT SAX: Find-
ing the Most Unusual Time Series Subsequence: Algo-
rithms and Applications, ICDM ’05 Proceedings of the
5. CONCLUSION Fifth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining.
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and normal patterns are frequently repetitive from a flight tional Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling
to other. Given the enormous amount of generated data (ASM 2008) .
containing noise and incomplete data, we used segmentation
approach to simplify the data. APCA with a slight adjustment [14] M. Ester, H.-P. Kriegel, J. Sander, and X. Xu, A density-
was the perfect candidate. Clustering time execution is better based algorithm for discovering clusters in large spatial
using segmentation data than real data. databases with noise, in Proceedings of the 2nd Inter-
national Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data
With our approach, the potential anomalies are more visible, mining, 1996, pp. 226231.
and the times series are easier to manipulate and visualize. [15] Keogh, E., Chakrabarti, K., Pazzani, M. Mehrotra, S.
The visualization tool helps experts to decide whether each (2001). Locally adaptive dimensionality reduction for
anomaly should be programmed or not, with the possibility indexing large time series databases. In proceedings of
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tion safety case study. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM Technology and Product Development
SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discov- (Loads Design, Operational Loads Mon-
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François-Xavier Jollois FX Jollois is an
assistant professor in Computer Science,
at University Paris Descartes, since
September 2004. His research concerns
unsupervised learning, especially clus-
tering, with mixture models approach on
binary, categorical and numerical data.
He uses EM algorithm and its derivative
(CEM, SEM, ...)

Mohamed NADIF Mohamed Nadif is

Professor at the University of Paris-
Descartes, France, where he is a mem-
ber of LIPADE (Paris Descartes com-
puter science laboratory) in the Math-
ematics and Computer Science depart-
ment. His research interests include ma-
chine learning, data mining, modelbased
cluster analysis, coclustering, factoriza-
tion and data analysis.

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