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Report on the Non-conduct of the Community-Based Drug Rehabilitation Program of the Local

Government Unit for the Year 2023


The Community-Based Drug Rehabilitation Program is a crucial initiative of the Local

Government Unit (LGU) aimed at addressing drug abuse within the community. However, for the
year 2023, the program was not conducted.

This report aims to provide insights into the reasons behind the non-conduct of the program,
particularly focusing on several key factors, including sustained anti-drug operations, information
education campaigns, strengthening of Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Councils (BADACs), and the
absence of identified drug users and pushers as per intelligence reports of the local Philippine
National Police (PNP).

Reasons for Non-conduct

1. Sustained Anti-Drug Operations: One of the primary reasons for the non-conduct of the
Community-Based Drug Rehabilitation Program in 2023 was the sustained anti-drug
operations conducted by the Municipal Anti-Drug Abuse Council (MADAC) in collaboration
with the local Philippine National Police (PNP). These operations were intensified to address
the prevalence of drug-related activities in the municipality of San Agustin. The focus was on
apprehending drug offenders, dismantling drug dens, and disrupting the drug supply chain,
which required significant resources and attention, leading to the postponement of the
rehabilitation program.

2. Sustained Information Education Campaign Against Anti-Illegal Drugs: Another factor

contributing to the non-conduct of the rehabilitation program was the sustained information
education campaign against illegal drugs. The LGU recognized the importance of raising
awareness about the dangers of drug abuse and the legal consequences of involvement in
illegal drug activities. Resources, including manpower and funding, were allocated to support
these campaigns, which became a priority over the rehabilitation program.

3. Strengthening of BADAC in the Locality: The LGU also focused on strengthening Barangay
Anti-Drug Abuse Councils (BADACs) in the locality. These councils play a vital role in the
prevention and control of drug abuse at the barangay level. Efforts were made to enhance
the capacity of BADACs to implement anti-drug programs and initiatives, which required time
and resources, leading to the postponement of the community-based rehabilitation
4. No Identified Drug Users and Pushers: According to intelligence reports of the PNP, there
were no identified drug users and pushers in the municipality of San Agustin for the year
2023. This may have been a result of the successful anti-drug operations and prevention
efforts conducted by the LGU and law enforcement agencies. The absence of identified drug
users and pushers may have led to the decision to postpone the rehabilitation program due
to a perceived lower immediate need.


The non-conduct of the Community-Based Drug Rehabilitation Program for the year 2023
was influenced by several factors, including sustained anti-drug operations, information education
campaigns, strengthening of BADACs, and the absence of identified drug users and pushers. While
these factors contributed to the postponement of the program, the LGU remains committed to
addressing drug abuse in the community and will continue to explore opportunities to implement
rehabilitation programs in the future.

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