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Learn Azure DevOps with a PRODUCTION grade project

VProfile is a web application written in Java by our Developers, it is a social networking website
like Facebook. This entire application is designed as it’s their in real time to train you on automating
all these components.

In the first place, you will learn different components and services in this application like Nginx,
Tomcat, Apache, Rabbit MQ, Elastic search, Mem cache, MySQL, Mongo dB etc.

Learn first to deploy them manually one by one on Virtual Machines and Azure | AWS |
On-prem. Then learn all the DevOps tools like Ansible, Jenkins, Git, Docker, and
Kubernetes toautomate everything.

Also you will learn to automate the entire Build process by combining all these developers’ tools
with Jenkins. We call it Continuous Integration.

Learn how to secure your services by creating a secure infrastructure in AWS

cloud. Learn High Availablity and Redundancy along with the project

As we say Do it like a PRO.

By keeping the latest trend of the DevOps market in the mind it’s designed to make you a self-
learner in DevOps world. We are using a real time web application project to train you on
various DevOps tool.

Course is divided into Eight parts, Seven parts are mandatory and will be done in the same
flow. Seventh part will be an self-phased learning. Eight part (Realtime Project ) will be taken
after the completion of the course. It will be scheduled (mostly weekends) and notified to you
but it’s optional to attend and does not hamper your self-learning process.

Azure Administration Course Content--AZ-104

1) Cloud Computing Concepts

 Cloud History
 Cloud Types
 Cloud Services
 Benefits of Cloud Computing

2) Azure Overview
 Azure History
 Azure Services and Market Place.
 Azure Regions, Geos and Availability Zones

3) Azure Subscriptions and Resources

 Subscriptions, Resources, Cost Analysis. Policies
4) Azure Virtual Machines
 Create and Configure Virtual Machines
 Virtual Machine Settings.
 Creation of Custom Images and deploying Virtual Machines with Custom
 Adding Additional Disks and Network Interface Cards

5) Azure Network Services

 Azure Virtual Networks and Subnets
 Vnet Peering
 Network Security Groups and Route Tables. UDRs
 Azure DNS

6) Azure Virtual Machines

 Virtual Machine Availability Sets
 Fault and Update Domains,Zones
 Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS) Auto scaling

7) Azure Network Services

 Azure Loadbalancer
 Traffic Manager, CDN
 Site to Site VPN , Point to Site
 Express Routes (only theory)

8) Azure Storage
 Storage Accounts and Storage Types.
 Blobs, Files, Tables and Queues
 Storage Explorer,AZ copy,Azure File Sync
 Managed vs UnManaged Storage

9) Azure PowerShell and Azure CLI

 Creating Azure VMs by using the Azure portal
 Azure PowerShell, and Azure CLI
 Validating Azure VM deployment

10) Azure Resource Manager Templets. (JSON)

 ARM Templets and Deploying Resources Using ARM templets
11) Azure Backup and Recovery
 Backup and Restoration of VMs, File Shares.
 Site Recovery (DR)
 Migrations using azure migration tools. (vmware, physical servers, Cloud to

12) Implementing Azure Active Directory

 Creation of Custom Domains
 Azure AD connector.
 Creating and Azure Active Directory and Sync with on Prem
 Azure Active Directory Services. MFA, Single Sign on

13) Concepts included for AZ-104

 Azure WebApps, Service Plans
 AKS (Azure Kubernetes Services)
 ACS (Azure Container Services)

14) Troubleshooting and Support.

 Monitoring Environment, Troubleshooting.


Part – 2 : Redhat Ansible Automation

1 . Introducing Ansible
 Automating Linux Administration with Ansible
 Installing Ansible

 Guided Exercise : Installing Ansible

2 . Deploying Ansible
 Building an Ansible Inventory
 Guided Exercise : Building an Ansible Inventory

 Managing Ansible Configuration Files

 Guided Exercise : Managing Ansible Configuration Files
 Running Ad Hoc Commands
 Guided Exercise : Running Ad Hoc Commands
 LAB : Deploying Ansible

3 . Implementing Playbooks
 Writing and Running Playbooks
 Guided Exercise : Writing and Running Playbooks
 Implementing Multiple Plays
 Guided Exercise : Implementing Multiple Plays
 LAB : Implementing Playbooks

4 . Managing Variables and Facts

 Managing Variables
 Guided Exercise : Managing Variables
 Managing Secrets
 Guided Exercise : Managing Secrets

 Managing Facts
 Guided Exercise : Managing Facts
 LAB : Managing Variables and Facts

5 . Implementing Task Control

 Writing Loops and Conditional Tasks
 Guided Exercise : Writing Loops and Conditional Tasks
 Implementing Handlers
 Guided Exercise : Implementing Handlers
 Handling Task Failure
 Guided Exercise : Handling Task Failure

 LAB : Implementing Task Control

6 . Deploying Files to Managed Hosts

 Modifying and Copying Files to Hosts
 Guided Exercise : Modifying and Copying Files to Hosts
 Deploying Custom Files with Jinja2 Templates
 Guided Exercise : Deploying Custom Files with Jinja2 Templates
 LAB : Deploying Files to Managed Hosts

7 . Managing Large Projects

 Selecting Hosts with Host Patterns
 Guided Exercise : Selecting Hosts with Host Patterns
 Managing Dynamic Inventories
 Guided Exercise : Managing Dynamic Inventories
 Configuring Parallelism

 Guided Exercise : Configuring Parallelism

 Including and Importing Files
 Guided Exercise : Including and Importing Files
 LAB : Managing Large Projects

8 . Simplifying Playbooks with Roles

 Describing Role Structure
 Reusing Content with System Roles
 Guided Exercise : Reusing Content with System Roles
 Creating Roles
 Guided Exercise : Creating Roles

 Deploying Roles with Ansible Galaxy

 Guided Exercise : Deploying Roles with Ansible Galaxy
 LAB : Simplifying Playbooks with Roles

9 . Troubleshooting Ansible
 Troubleshooting Playbooks
 Guided Exercise : Troubleshooting Playbooks
 Troubleshooting Ansible Managed Hosts
 Guided Exercise : Troubleshooting Ansible Managed Hosts
 LAB : Troubleshooting Ansible

10 . Automating Linux Administration Tasks

 Managing Software and Subscriptions

 Guided Exercise : Managing Software and Subscriptions

 Managing Users and Authentication
 Guided Exercise : Managing Users and Authentication
 Managing the Boot Process and Scheduled Processes
 Guided Exercise : Managing the Boot Process and Scheduled Processes
 Managing Storage

 Guided Exercise : Managing Storage

 Managing Network Configuration
 Guided Exercise : Managing Network Configuration
 LAB : Automating Linux Administration Tasks

11 . Comprehensive Review : Automation with Ansible

 Comprehensive Review
 LAB : Deploying Ansible
 Creating Playbooks
 LAB : Creating Roles and Using Dynamic Inventory
Part – 3 : Advanced GIT

Chapter 1 Introduction
 Course Overview
 Course Audience and Course Study Tips
 Why Command Line?
 Why Source Control?
 Why Git?
 Key Git Terminology
Chapter 2: Git Installation
 Installation Overview
 Prerequisites of Installing GIT
 Installing Git for Linux
Chapter 3: Git Quick Start
 Quick Start, Part 1: Starting with GitHub and
 Project Setup
 Quick Start, Part 2: Configuration, Clone, and
 Git Basic Workflow
 Quick Start Resources

Chapter 4: Text Editor Installation

 Text Editor Installation Overview
 TextMate 2 Installation
 Configure Textmate 2 with Git
 Text Editor Resources
Chapter 5: Basic Git Commands
 Basic Commands Overview
 Starting with a Fresh Project (git init)
 Adding Git to an Existing Project (git init)
 Starting on GitHub by Joining an Existing Project (git clone)
 Basic Git Workflow (add, commit, pull & push)
 Tracked Files
 Editing Files
 Recursive Add
 Backing Out Changes
 Renaming and Moving Files
 Deleting Files
 History
 Git Alias
 Ignoring Unwanted Files and Folders
 Cleanup and Back to Origin (GitHub)
 Git Basics Resources

Chapter 6: Visual Merge/Diff Tool Installation

 Visual Merge / Diff Tool Installation Overview
 P4Merge Install on Linux
 P4Merge Configure on Linux
 P4Merge for Linux Git Configuration
 Visual Merge / Diff Tool Resources
Chapter 7: Comparisons
 Git Repository Setup (for comparing examples)
 Comparing Working Directory and the Staging Area
 Comparing Working Directory and Git Repository (Last Commit)
 Comparing between the Staging Area and the Git Repository (Last Commit) Limiting
Comparisons to one File (or path)
 Comparing Between Commits
 Comparing Between Local and Remote Master
 Branches Comparison Section Cleanup and Push
 back to GitHub
Chapter 8: Branching and Merging
 Branching Basics
 Happy Path / Fast Forward Merges
 Happy Path / Disable Fast Forward Merges
 Automatic Merges
 Conflicting Merges and Resolution
 Section Cleanup and Push back to GitHub
Chapter 9: Rebasing
 Simple Rebase Example
 Setup for rebasing conflict
 Abort a Rebase
 Rebase Conflict and Resolution Pull with
 Rebase (GitHub)
 Section Cleanup and push to GitHub
Chapter 9: Tagging
 Simple Tag Example / Lightweight Tags Annotated Tags
 Comparing Tags
 Tagging a Specific Commit
 Updating Tags
 Using Tags with GitHub
 Tagging Section Resources

Part – 4 : Docker Certified Administrator

Chapter 1: Course Introduction and Docker Introduction

 Course Roadmap (overview)
 Why Docker? Why Now?

Chapter 2: The Best Way to Setup Docker for Your OS

 Docker Editions: Which Do I Use?
 Installing Docker: The Fast Way
 Code or Text Editor for Docker and Compose files
 Terminal Shell and Tab Completion for Docker CLI
 Docker Version Format Change

Chapter 3: Creating and Using Containers

 Check Our Docker Install and Config
 Starting a Nginx Web Server
 What Happens When We Run a Container
 Container VS. VM: It's Just a Process
 Assignment: Manage Multiple Containers
 What's Going On In Containers: CLI Process
 Monitoring Getting a Shell Inside Containers: No Need for SSH
 Docker Networks: Concepts for Private and Public Comms in Containers FIXME:
Change In Official Nginx Image Removes Ping
 Docker Networks: CLI Management of Virtual Networks Docker Networks: DNS and
How Containers Find Each Other
Chapter 4: Container Images, Where To Find Them and How To Build Them
 What's In An Image (and What Isn't)
 The Mighty Hub: Using Docker Hub Registry Images
 Images and Their Layers: Discover the Image Cache
 Image Tagging and Pushing to Docker Hub
 Building Images: The Dockerfile Basics
 Building Images: Running Docker Builds
 Building Images: Extending Official Images
 Assignment: Build Your Own Dockerfile and Run Containers From It Assignment
Answers: Build Your Own Dockerfile and Run Containers From It Using Prune to Keep
Your Docker System Clean

Chapter 5: Container Lifetime & Persistent Data: Volumes, Volumes, Volumes

 Container Lifetime & Persistent Data
 Persistent Data: Data Volumes
 Persistent Data: Bind Mounting
 Quiz : Quiz on Persistent Data Volumes

Chapter 6: Making It Easier with Docker Compose: The Multi-Container Tool

 Docker Compose and The docker-compose.yml File
 Trying Out Basic Compose Commands
 Assignment: Build a Compose File For a Multi-Container Service
 Assignment Answers: Build a Compose File For a Multi-Container Service Adding
Image Building to Compose Files
 Assignment: Compose For Run-Time Image Building and Multi-Container Development

Chapter 7: Swarm Intro and Creating a 3-Node Swarm Cluster

 Swarm Mode: Built-In Orchestration
 Create Your First Service and Scale It Locally
 UI Change For Service Create/Update
 Docker Machine Bug With Swarm
 Creating a 3-Node Swarm Cluster
 Quiz on Swarm Mode Basics

Part – 5 : Certified Kubernetes Administrator

Chapter 1: Kubernetes Course Overview

 Introduction

Chapter 2: Pre-requisites
 Monolithic Architecture and its drawbacks
 Microservices and its advantages Containers
 Physical Servers vs. Virtual Machines vs.Containers
 Docker
Chapter 3: Introduction to Kubernetes
 Container Orchestration Engine (COE)
 TOP 3 Container Orchestration Engines
 What is Kubernetes
 Kubernetes Architecture made easy

Chapter 4: Setting up Kubernetes Environment

 Kubernetes Installation Methods
 Play-With-Kubernetes (PWK)
 Demo: Play-With-Kubernetes (PWK)
 Minikube
 Demo: Minikube
 Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
 Demo: Google Kubernetes Engine
 Installing Kubernetes using Kubeadm
 Demo: Installing Kubernetes using Kubeadm
 Using Kubectl

Chapter 5: Pods Basics

 Pods
 Demo: Pod

Chapter 6: Configuration
 ConfigMaps
 Demo: ConfigMaps
 Secrets
 Demo: Secrets

Chapter 7: Controllers
 Replication Controller
 Demo: Replication Controller
 ReplicaSet
 Demo: ReplicaSet
 Deployments
 Demo: Deployments
 DaemonSet
 Demo: DaemonSet
 Jobs
 Demo: Jobs

Chapter 8: Services
 Services
 NodePort Service
 Demo: NodePort Service
 LoadBalancer Service
 Demo: LoadBalancer Service
 ClusterIP Service
 Demo: ClusterIP Service

Chapter 9: Storage
 Storage Volumes
 emptyDir
 Demo: emptyDir
 HostPath
 Demo: HostPath
 GCE Persistent Disk
 Demo: GCE Persistent Disk
 Persistent Volumes & Persistent Volume Claims ( PV & PVC )
 Static Volume Provisioning
 Dynamic Volume Provisioning
 Demo: Dynamic Volume Provisioning

Part – 6 : JENKINS

1: Introduction to Continuous Integration and Jenkins-CI/CD

 What is Continuous Integration
 Jenkins Continuous Integration
 What is Continuous Deployment
 Jenkins Vs Jenkins Enterprise

2: Jenkins Installation
 Downloading and Installing Jenkins using TomCat
 Creating Jenkins as a Service.
 Starting and Stopping Jenkins

3: Configure Jenkins and User Management.

 Secure Jenkins
 Create a new user
 Generate ssh key for Jenkins user
 Plug-in management

4: Jenkins jobs setup

 Setting up a Jenkins job (Freestyle, Pipeline, maven, MSBuild, Pybuild)
 Jenkins parametrized jobs setup (choice params,boolean params etc)
 Email notification jobs
 Parallel jobs configuration
 nodes (slaves) configuration

5: Jenkins Integration
 Git integration with Jenkins
 Maven Integration with jenkins
 ansible , artifactory integration
 Docker and scanning tool integration
 AWS and code review tool

6: Jenkins User administration

 Role based administration
 Project based administration
 Metric based administration
 Slaves configuration
 Users and groups creation

Part – 7 : TERRAFORM ( Self Phased-Learning )

Modules :
Unit:1 Introduction to Terraform
 Introduction to terraform
 Infrastructure Automation
 Install Terraform
 Providers
 Resources
 Basic Syntax

Unit-2 Getting started with Terraform

 Terraform Plan, show, Apply, Destroy
 Exploring Terraform Registry
 Interpolation
 Tainting and Updating Resources
 Terraform Console and Output
 Terraform Variables
 Breaking Out Our Variables and Outputs

Unit-3 Terraform Modules

 Introduction to Modules
 Module repositories
 First Basic Module
 The Module code
 Main Terraform Code
 Using git repositories to save modules
 Guide Exercise-1 Modules for Docker
 Guide Exercise-2 The Docker Image Module
 Guide Exercise-3 Modules The Container Module
 Guide Exercise-4 Modules - The Root Module

Unit-4 Terraform: Writing in a more

 organized way
 Maps and Lookups
 Terraform Workspaces
 Breaking Out Our Variable Definitions
 Null Resources and Local-Exec
 Terraform Console

Unit-5 Terraform with AWS Cloud

 Setting up the system for AWS
 AWS Storage: The S3 Bucket and Random ID
 AWS Storage: The Root Module
 AWS Compute: AMI Data, Key Pair, & File Function
 AWS Compute: The EC2 Instance
 AWS Compute: User Data and Template Files
 AWS Compute: The Root Module

Unit-6 Terraform with AWS cloud

 advance practice
 AWS Networking: VPC, IGW, and Route Tables
 AWS Networking: Subnets, Security & Count Attribute
 AWS Networking: The Root Module
Unit-7 Terraform basic labs: Templates, Conditionals and Functions
 Remote state
 Data Sources
 Templates
 Conditionals
 Built-in Functions
 Working with state files
 Outputs, count and Join Function

Unit-8 Terraform Integration with S3, Git, Jenkins

 Adding S3 backend
 Integration with Git
 Packer introduction
 Terraform with Packer
 Terraform with Jenkins
 Terraform Formatting and Remote State
 Terraform RandomID and S3 Buckets

Unit-9 Terraform Troubleshooting and Testing

 Terraform Plan revisited
 Debugging the script
 Terraform Testing
 Error Handling

Unit-10 Terraform with Azure , Google Cloud and plugins Examples

 Terraform with Azure cloud
 Terraform with Google Cloud
 Terraform Templates
 Terraform plugins
 Integrating Go Plugins
Unit-11 Terraform advance features and examples
 Best practices in writing terraform scripts
 Terraform Workflow
 Terraform projects
 Other Hashicorp tools
 New features of Terraform
Projects that we cover in this course.
 Project setup on Local Machines (VM’s)
 Project setup on AWS cloud
 CI/CD pipeline Project
 Ansible Projects
 Containerzation Project
 Kubernetes Project

 DevOps job profiling, Interview questions.

 How to keep up with DevOps latest tool

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ ‘S) :

Q1. What is DevOps?

Ans: DevOps isn't a product but rather a culture and process. There are certain
technologies and skills someone working in a DevOps environment should have.

Q2. How DevOps helps organization?

Ans: The recently released 2017 State of DevOps Report uncovers some impressive
statistics. Highperforming organizations that effectively utilize DevOps principles

 46x more frequent software deployments than their competitors.

 96x faster recovery from failures.
 440x faster lead time for changes.
 Higher levels of customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.
Q3. How many IT companies are using DevOps Model?
Ans: DevOps adoption has jumped from 66% in 2016 to 74% in 2016. With such a rate in
2 years it willgo more than 90 %.
Q4. Why should I learn DevOps?
Ans: With such a high adoption rate of DevOps across IT industry, it has opened lot of
Job Windows that are not yet fulfilled. Companies are desperately looking for DevOps
Engineers who can help themsetting up DevOps Environment.
Q5. Do DevOps Engineers/Consultant/Architect get paid well?
Ans: DevOps are one of the highly paid job as per Business Insider, Glassdoor & Pay Scale
Q6. How will this course help me learn DevOps?
Ans: Our focus is on training you on Real Time use cases and not just one by one
introduction to tools. For this very reason we have created Vprofile application. You will
learn all the latest and greatest DevOps tool in the market and most importantly integrate
them together to setup Orchestration of continuous Delivery. Yes we said orchestration
and not simple automation scripts.

Q7. What is Vprofile Application?

Ans: Vprofile is a java based Web Application written by our expert
Developers. It’s a social networking website like Facebook.

In Real time you will have multiple services/servers working together to create a web service
Facebook or Twitter or Amazon or Flipkart. To deliver features to the website, developers
will code new features and Operations team will deploy them into production servers. By
using DevOps principals and Tools we can deliver features more rapidly to production
We have taken the same approach and will train you in the similar manner.
Q8. Do I need to have any background or prerequisite to join this course?
Ans: We are training you from the very scratch, we believe in building strong base. So we
start the courseby Linux systems and basic networking. Then we train you on virtualization
and Cloud computing. Once you have the infrastructure knowledge we will setup our
application on it manually. So you dont need anybackground but you have to practice well.
Q9. Is it possible to cover all the topics in given time frame?
Ans: Yes it is very much possible and we are talking from all our past experiences. The
course is well structured and very well documented. Apart from the time you spend in the
class you have to put your own efforts in going through the exercises. SO that will add
some more time in learning.
Q10. Will I be able to practice everything by myself?
Ans. Well we know no matter how much you concentrate in the class you still will have
chances of making mistakes while practicing by yourself. For that very reason we have
written a Book Decoding DevOps which you will get when you join the course. It’s a step
by step guide of everything you need forpracticing. Along with that you will get few more
Documents, Codes, Files and commands for practicing on regular basis

Q11. I am still not convinced, give the most valued reason to join this course.

Ans: Put an eye on the bullet points below and you will get your answers.

 Decoding DevOps book (Complete guide for DevOps Implementation)

 Vprofile real time project
Q12. My questions are not answered here?
Ans: Contact Pragathi Technologies through phone or email.

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