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Subject MAPEH

Topic Western Classical Plays and Operas

Level Grade 9

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________

Grade and Section: _________________________

A. Exercise (10 points)

Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Place a T on the line if you think a
statement is TRUE. Place an F on the line if you think the statement is FALSE.

_____1. Roman theater began in Ancient Greece

_____2. The three well-known Roman tragedy playwrights were Sophocles,
Euripides and Aeschylus.
_____3. Tragedy is a compound of two Greek words, ―tragos or “Goat” and “Ode”
meaning "song”.
_____4. . Thespis was the first actor and introduced the use of masks and was
called the "Father of Tragedy
_____5. Comedy plays were derived from imitation
_____6. It featured half-man / half-wolf characters known as Satyrs.
_____7. The Opera gained more popularity during this Roman period.
_____8. Musical is a kind of Performing art that requires Elements for creative
_____9. The stages and sets created a realistic setting for a specific location
_____10. Example of Opera in this era is Carmen.
B. Written Activity (10 points)

Directions: Answer the following question in essay form. Your essay should be as well
organized and as carefully written as you make it. You will be graded based on the
given rubric.

1. What are the influences of the Western Classical play or opera on Philippine
theatrical performance in terms of form and content of story? Give some
The single The presence of ideas The order developed The choice, use, Grammar,
controlling developed through and sustained within and and arrangement of mechanics,
point made facts, examples, across paragraphs using words and spelling, usage,
with an anecdotes, details, transitional devices and sentence structures and sentence
awareness of opinions, statistics, including introduction that create tone formation.
the task about reasons, and or and conclusion. and voice.
a specific topic. explanations.

2 Sharp, distinct, Substantial, A sophisticated Precise, illustrative use Evident control

controlling point specific, and/or arrangement of of a variety of words of grammar,
made about a illustrative content content with and sentence structures mechanics,
single topic with demonstrating evident and/or to create consistent spelling, and
sufficient strong subtle transitions. writer’s voice and tone usage, and
awareness of the development and appropriate to the sentence
task. sophisticated audience. formation.
1. Apparent point Sufficiently The functional Generic use of a variety Sufficient control
5 made about a developed content arrangement of of words and sentence of grammar,
single topic with with adequate content that structures that may or mechanics,
sufficient elaboration or sustains a logical may not create a spelling, usage,
awareness of the explanation. order with some writer’s voice and tone and sentence
task. evidence of appropriate to the formation.
transitions. audience.
1 No apparent Limited content Confused or Limited word choice and Limited control of
point but with inadequate inconsistent control of sentence grammar,
evidence of a elaboration or arrangement of structures that inhibit mechanics,
specific topic. explanation. content with or voice and tone. spelling, usage,
without attempts and sentence
of transition. formation.
.5 Minimal evidence Superficial and/or Minimal control Minimal variety in word Minimal control
of a topic. minimal content. of the content choice and minimal of grammar,
arrangement. control of sentence mechanics,
structure. spelling, usage,
and sentence
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Grade and Section: _________________________

VI. ASSESSMENT (20 points)

Direction: Write the differences on each circle and in the centre circle write the
similarities of different art theatrical forms from different art periods.




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