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Marking Scheme
1. The study of chemical and biochemical processes occurring in nature. 1
2. Carbon monoxide is poisonous because it is capable of forming a complex with haemoglobin 1
(carboxyhaemoglobin), which is more stable than the oxygen-haemoglobin complex.
3. Correct Answer. 1
4. Correct complex. 1
5. pH= 4 to 5 (More Acidic) 1
6. Chlorobenzene > p - nitrochlorobenzene > 2, 4 – dinitrochlorobenzene 1
7. ΔS will be positive i.e., greater than zero 1
8. Br- ion , Kr, Sr2+ ion (any one) 1
9. As per the balanced equation, 1 mole of carbon burns in1 mole of dioxygen (air) to produce 1 mole 1
of carbon dioxide.
10. Fractional distillation 1
11. (iii) 1

12. (i) -5.744 kJ mol-1 1

13. (c) 1
14. (d) 1

15. (c) exchange of both cations and anions 1

16. (c) 1

17. (a) 1
18. (a) 1
19. (a) 1
20. (a) 1
21. En= -2.18x10-11/n2
∆E= E5-E1= 2.18x10-11(1/12-1/52) 1/2
=2.09x10-11 erg = 2.09x10-18 J (Given that, 1 erg= 10-7 J) 1/2
When electron returns to ground state(i.e. to n=1), energy emitted=2.09x10-11 erg
As E= hv = hc/λ or λ= hc/E 1/2
Put the Correct values with units
951x10-8 cm = 951 Å ½

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E= NAhc/λ ½
Correct value and calculations 1
= 494.5 kJmol-1
22. The elements present in group 1 have only 1 valence electron, which they tend to lose. Group 17
elements, on the other hand, need only one electron to attain the noble gas configuration. On
moving down group 1, the ionization enthalpies decrease. 2
23. Correct definition and explanation 1x2= 2
24. ∆Ho= ∆Uo+∆ngRT ∆n= 2-3= -1mol 1/2
By putting the values, we get ∆Ho= -12.978kJ 1/2
Acc. To Gibbs Helmholtz equation ∆Go= ∆Ho-T∆S
By putting the values, we get ∆Go= + 0.134kJ 1/2
Since ∆Go is positive, the reaction is non-spontaneous. ½
Δng= (np-nr)g=2-3/2=+r 1/2
ΔH=ΔU+ΔngRT=-742.7+ (1/2) (8.314x10-3)x 298 1
= -742.7+1.2=-741.5 Kj mol- 1/2
25. (i) compression of air 1/2
The process is rapid enough to be treated almost as adiabatic. Since work is done on the gas.
This causes increase in the energy and as a result of which temperature increases. 1/2
(ii) entropy decreases due to change from liquid matter to Solid . 1
26. H2O2 or hydrogen peroxide acts as a strong oxidizing agent both in acidic and basic media. 1
When added to a cloth, it breaks the chemical bonds of the chromophores (colour producing
agents). Hence, the visible light is not absorbed and the cloth gets whitened. 1
27. Correct structure in vapour and solid phase with bond angles 1x2=2

28. (a) 1 mole of carbon atoms = 6.023 × 1023 atoms of carbon = 12 g of carbon
Mass of one 12C atom = 1.993 × 10–23 g
Molar mass of Na2SO4 = [(2 × 23.0) + (32.066) + 4 (16.00)] = 142.066 g 1/2

(b) 1/2
Na=32.39%, S= 22.54%, O= 45.07% 1
(i) 4
(ii) Fe2O3 by any method but involves minimum two stepes 1x2=2
29. Each correct answer 1x3=3
30. a) correct definition 1

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(b) Correct reasons. 1X2=2
31. a) Higher is the critical temperature of a gas, easier is its liquefaction. This means that the
intermolecular forces of attraction between the molecules of a gas are directly proportional to its
critical temperature. 1
(b) 2



Therefore, volume of air expelled out = 2.5 V – V = 1.5 V 1

32. (a) The oxidation state of Ag in AgF2 is +2. But, +2 is an unstable oxidation state of Ag. Therefore,
whenever AgF2 is formed, silver readily accepts an electron to form Ag+. This helps to bring the
oxidation state of Ag down from +2 to a more stable state of +1. As a result, AgF2 acts as a very
strong oxidizing agent. 1
(b) (i) Oxidised substance- C6H6O2
Reduced substance- AgBr
Oxidising agent - AgBr
Reducing agent - C6H6O2 OR (any two correct answer) 1
(ii)Oxidised substance - HCHO
Reduced substance-
Oxidising agent-
Reducing agent – HCHO OR (any two correct answer) 1
For Visually impaired students only
In (SO2), (O.N.) of S is +4 and the range of the O.N. that S can have is from +6 to -2.
In hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), the O.N. of O is -1 and the range of the O.N. that O can have is from
0 to -2. O can sometimes also attain the oxidation numbers +1 and +2. Hence, H2O2can act as an
oxidising as well as a reducing agent.
In nitric acid (HNO3), the O.N. of N is +5 and the range of the O.N. that N can have is from +5 to -
3. Therefore, the O.N. of N can only decrease in this case. Hence, HNO3acts only as an oxidant.

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(a) Lithium is the smallest in size among the alkali metals. Hence, Li+ ion can polarize water
molecules more easily than other alkali metals. 1
(b) because of the greater ionic character of LiF as compared to LiCl. 1
(c) (i) It is used in the preparation of lime,cement and as a flux during the smelting of iron ores.
(ii) It is used in plastering and in construction of bridges. ½x2=1
(a) C6H6 + CH3COCl → C6H5COCH3 + HCl 1

(b) CH3-CH2-CH=C(C2H5)-CH2-CH3 1

(c) Due to the resonatice , π e's are delocalized and can move freely about the six carbon nuclei.
Even after the presence of three double bonds, these delocalized π-electrons stabilize benzene. 1


(a) i) because the amount of vapour remains the same, but the volume increases suddenly. As a
result, the same amount of vapour is distributed in a larger volume. 1
ii) The vapour pressure depends on temperature and not on volume. Hence, the final vapour
pressure will be equal to the original vapour pressure of the system. 1
(b) Corret formula for Kc 1
Put the correct values in the formula 1
12.239 M-1 correct answer with correct unit 1
(a) the molecular mass and density (at a particular temperature) of a pure substance is always
fixed and is accounted for in the equilibrium constant. 1
(b) Correct initial concentration
Correct equilibrium concentration 1
Correct formula of Kp ½
Correct values ½
the value of Kp for the given equilibrium is 4.0 1
36. (a)i) Correct explanation 1
ii) Each correct shape 1
(b) (i) When heated, borax undergoes various transitions. It first loses water molecules and swells.
Then, it turns into a transparent liquid, solidifying to form a glass-like material called borax bead.
Or Equation 1
(ii) When boric acid is added to water, it accepts electrons from –OH ion. Or equation 1
(iii ) Al reacts with dilute NaOH to form sodium tetrahydroxoaluminate(III). Hydrogen gas is
liberated in the process. Or Equation 1
(a)correct reasons 1x2=2
(b) correct Equations 1x3=3

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37. (a) correct resonatic structures with correct arrows 1x2=2 5
(b) 6CN- + Fe2+ → [Fe(CN)6]4-
3[Fe(CN)6]4- + 4Fe3+ → Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3.xH2O 3
Or correct statement
(a) an electron-seeking reagent is called an electrophile (E+). Carbocations and neutral
molecules having functional groups such as carbonyl group are examples of electrophiles.
a nucleus-seeking reagent is called a nulceophile (Nu:). For eg. OH-,carbanions
(b) i)It is based on the difference in the solubilites of the compound and the impurities in a given
solvent. 1
(ii) Distillation ;It is based on the fact that liquids having different boiling points vapourise at
different temperatures. 1
(iii) Chromatography : It is based on the difference in movement of individual components of a
mixture through the stationary phase under the influence of mobile phase. 1

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