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Thomas Senior Secondary School, Ludhiana

English Assignment
Class VII
Q1. Read the hints carefully and develop these into a story. Also suggest a suitable title.
Once_____ Hungry fox..... searching food..... finally ...edge of forest..... Saw a tree.... big
hole... inside ....a pack of food..... went into whole.....ate food, bread. Meat ....grew fat.....
felt thirsty....couldn't come out.....hole was small.... fox too big .....sad and upset,... think
before doing.
Q2. Design a poster in not more than fifty words promoting "Girl child education".
Q3. Write a letter to the Principal of your school complaining against the rash driving of your
school van's driver. You are Madhvi/ Madhur.
Q4. Write a speech on the topic ‘‘the game I like the most’’ for the morning assembly.
Q5. Your friend invited you on his birthday. But due to some reason you couldn't attend it.
Write an e-mail to your friend giving her the reason of your absence.
Q6. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb given in the brackets.
i) She is a nice girl. She has a) _____ (complete) her homework. She has already
b)_______(cook) food. In fact she has never c)_______(postpone) any work for some months
Q7. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the
incorrect word and the correct word in the space provided against each line.
Incorrect Correct
Many year ago a school ________ _______
teacher wish to explain to his ________ _______
pupils the shape off the earth _________ _______
He show them his snuff box ________ _______
which was round.
Q8. Rearrange the words to make a meaningful sentence
(a) and blue / green / are / they / budgies
(b) live/tree/shady / in a / they / garden / in my
(c) tree is/whole / the / a wire / inside / enclosure
(d) from the / so, / safe / they are / cat
Q9. Do as directed:
(a) Wash your_____ (foot) properly. (Change the noun in plural form)
b) Ravi lost the ring that Ravi's father gave him. (Replace the underlined with suitable
(c)___________are you looking for? (Fill in interrogative pronoun.)
(d) The dress_______you gave me last week is beautiful. (Fill with relative pronoun)
(e) Sam is _______(lucky) than Mohan. (Fill correct form of adjectives given in brackets)
(f) My brother goes to the gym every morning. (Identify the subject and the predicate)
(g) Emperor, monk (Change the gender)
(h) This box is very small (Underline adjective and write its type.)
(i) Short, difficult (write comparative and superlative degree)
Q10. Fill in B's response to complete the dialogue
A: Hi, do you have any plans of going somewhere for the weekend?
B: _____________________
A: Where are you thinking of going?
B: ______________________
A: Oh, I've been there before.
B: ____________________
A: You should definitely and try the local cuisine too.
B: __________________________
Q11. Answer the following questions:
a) Why did the author enter the shop so infrequently?
b) Would you like to be a rebel? Why/why not?
c) What information was Nishad able to get from Ramesh?
d) How do trees help the children to enjoy their childhood?
e) Why does king want no more talk about the hilsa fish?
f) Why did Mr. Wonka collect items from the oldest things?
g) What was the real name of Seven?
Q12. Answer in detail
a) Do you think mister Gessler was a failure as a boat maker or as a competitive business
b) Who was Mr. Willie Wonka? How did he become a cause of the disappearance of some
Q13. On the basis of the reading of the novel Kidnapped answer the following questions:
a) What Mr. Henderland told David about Alan Breck?
b) What was the signal to be used between Allen and David?
Who was Neil Roy and how he was related to Allen?

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