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4 B. Mohanta et al.

Fig. 1 Four phases of

industrial revolution

behave and gives them the tools to improve their business strategies. It enables
the devices to monitor their overall business processes flow, improve the customer
experience, enhance employee productivity, integrate and adapt business models,
integrate and adapt business models save time and money, make better business
decisions and generate more revenue.
The four phases of an IoT system eases and advances the process flow of entire
system. In the first phase, generated data are sensed through sensors and actuators;
then collected and transferred the sensed data to nearest base station for further
analysis and processing. In the second phase, data collected through sensors are
aggregated and processed; the data conversion such as analog to digital and vice
versa is also carried out. The third phase comprises the edge IT processing systems
that may be located in remote offices or other edge locations for pre-processing of
the data before it is transferred to the data center or cloud platform. In last phase the
data generated are stored, maintained and in-depth processing for future analysis is
The automated computerized mechanization with highly active sensory devices is
the basic building blocks of Industrial IoT (IIoT). IIoT with big data concept jointly
known as cyber physical system which led to fourth industrial revolution. It also
accelerated the interaction and coordination processes of cyber-physical systems.
Here self-governing machines are well equipped with wireless sensors, which can
be monitored remotely through any devices like computers, laptops even from mobile
phones. The smart machines are operated through smart technology concepts with
least human intervention. The increase of smart industries concept will increase
the product customization and flexibility in working process which will impact the
consumer-supplier dependencies on these smart self-governing processes. In the near
future Industry 4.0 is going to set a new standard in manufacturing industries.

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