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Science Watch

Motor Development
A New Synthesis
Esther Thelen
Indiana University Bloomington
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The study of the acquisition of motor skills, long moribund cessive. Gesell, for instance, described age norms for 58
in developmental psychology, has seen a renaissance in stages of pellet behavior, 53 stages of rattle behavior, and
the last decade. Inspired by contemporary work in move- so on for 40 different behavioral series (Gesell & Thomp-
ment science, perceptual psychology, neuroscience, and son, 1938).
dynamic systems theory, multidisciplinary approaches are But Gcsell (Gesell & Thompson, 1938) and McGraw
affording new insights into the processes by which infants (1943) were more than just observers and describers. They
and children learn to control their bodies. In particular, were also important theorists, interested in why infants
the new synthesis emphasizes the multicausal, fluid, con- universally pass through a series of motor milestones.
textual, and self-organizing nature of developmental Both of these early workers concluded that the regularities
change, the unity of perception, action, and cognition, and they saw as motor skills emerged reflected regularities in
the role of exploration and selection in the emergence of brain maturation, a genetically driven process common
new behavior. Studies are concerned less with how children to all infants. Gesell was especially clear in assigning pri-
perform and more with how the components cooperate to macy to autonomous changes in the nervous system and
produce stability or engender change. Such process ap- only a secondary and supporting role to infants' experi-
proaches make moot the traditional nature-nurture ence. Some researchers claimed that this maturational
debates. urge was so strong that even restricting infant movements
on cradleboards, a practice of the Hopi people of the
southwest, did not deflect this timetable (Dennis & Den-

nis, 1940).
f one asks parents about their babies, one will almost
surely hear about the child's motor milestones. "Mel- In some ways, these pioneers did their jobs too well.
anie just learned to roll over." "Jason is finally sitting Their descriptions of motor milestones and stages were
up alone.'1 "I have to babyproof the house because Caitlin incorporated into all the textbooks. Their age norms be-
just started to crawl." came the bases of widely used developmental tests, and
It is no wonder that proud parents report on these their maturational explanation was accepted as gospel
events. New motor skills are the most dramatic and ob- and is still believed widely today. (The Hopi study, for
servable changes in an infant's first year. These stagelike instance, is frequently quoted in textbooks, despite many
progressions transform babies from being unable even to subsequent examples of experiential effects on infant
lift their heads to being able to grab things oft"supermarket motor development.) It seemed as though researchers
shelves, chase the dog, and become active participants in knew everything they needed to know about motor de-
family social life. velopment: It provided the universal, biological grounding
It is also no wonder that motor skill development for the more psychologically interesting aspects of early
was Ihe first topic in the scientific study of infancy. Long development—cognition, language, and social behavior.
before developmental psychologists became interested in Indeed, by the 1960s, the motor field was moribund as
the mental lives of infants, there was a rich tradition of developmentalists moved toward Piaget, behavior modi-
careful descriptive and quasi-experimental study of how fication, and ethological theories of social attachment.
the bodies of infants grow and change. Pioneer develop-
mental scientists such as Mary Shirley, Arnold Gcsell, Frances Degen Horowitz served as action editor for this article.
and Myrtle McGraw spent the 1920s through 1940s con- This research was supported by a gram from the National Institutes
ducting observations of how infants gain control of their of Health and a Research Scientist Award from the National Institute
movements. To modern developmentalists, the incredible of Mental Health.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to F.s-
detail of their observations and the resulting behavioral ther Thelen. Department of Psychology, Indiana University; Bloomington,
category distinctions are both amazing and somewhat ex- IN 47405.

February 1995 • American Psychologist 79

Copyright 1995 hy the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0003-fl6(>X/9.V$2 00
Vol. 50. No. 2, 79-95
the basis of physical and mathematical dynamical sys-
tems, the ecological theories of perception and perceptual
development of J. J. Gibson (1979) and E. J. Gibson
(1982, 1988), increased understanding of neurophysio-
logical and biomechanical mechanisms in infants, and
new theories and data on the organization and plasticity
of the brain and its development. Taken together, they
lead to a very different picture of the developing infant
than that imagined by Gesell, Piaget, or indeed many
contemporary psychologists. In the final section of the
article, I outline this new view of development.

The Bernstein Revolution

To appreciate the paradigm shift engendered by Bernstein
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

(1967), it is first useful to look at the traditional views

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again. Gesell (Gesell & Thompson, 1938) and McGraw

Esther Thelen (1943) described patterns and sequences of movement
Photo by that emerged in lawful (if not simple) progression. They
Dexter Gormley. then hypothesized that the changes in behavior directly
reflect changes in the brain, especially the increasing cor-
tical control over lower level reflexes (e.g., McGraw, 1943).
The brain-to-behavior causal link is an eminently plau-
Now after 30 years, the cycle has again shifted, and sible explanation and one that is offered by some devel-
the field is experiencing a renewed and revitalized interest opmentalists today (e.g., Diamond, 1990).
in motor development. The purpose of this article is to What then did Bernstein write (his work was first
describe this born-again field and the converging influ- published in English in 1967) that made this explanation
ences that shape it. What is especially exciting is not just seriously deficient? Bernstein was the first to explicitly
that motor development researchers are learning more define movement in terms of coordination, the cooper-
and more about how babies come to control their limbs ative interaction of many body parts and processes to
and bodies but also that the field of motor development produce a unified outcome (see Turvey, 1990). The issue
may again provide theoretical leadership for understand- is usually stated as Bernstein's "degrees-of-freedom"
ing human development in general. There are two ways problem: How can an organism with thousands of mus-
in which this promise may be fulfilled. First, we seek to cles, billions of nerves, tens of billions of cells, and nearly
restore the primacy of perception and action in the evolv- infinite possible combinations of body segments and po-
ing mental and social life of the child. Second, I hope to sitions ever figure out how to get them all working toward
show in this article that the new multidisciplinary, pro- a single smooth and efficient movement without invoking
cess-oriented studies coming from this field make obsolete some clever "homunculus" who has the directions already
many old debates in developmental psychology, partic- stored?
ularly those that pit nature against nurture. Having defined the issue, Bernstein (1967) then
The renaissance of motor development was marked contributed foundational insights. First, he argued, re-
in August 1993 by the publication of a special section of searchers must reject the idea that a movement reflects a
Child Development, a leading developmental journal, en- one-to-one relationship between the neural codes, the
titled "Developmental Biodynamics: Brain, Body, Be- precise firing of the motorneurons, and the actual move-
havior Connections," edited by Jeffrey J. Lockman of ment pattern. Movements, he recognized, can come about
Tulane University and myself (Lockman & Thelen, 1993). from a variety of underlying muscle contraction patterns,
The title captures the multiple influences that have come and likewise, a particular set of muscle contractions does
together to spark this new interest: dramatic advances in not always produce identical movements. Why must this
the neurosciences, in biomechanics, and in the behavioral be? Imagine lifting your arm to shoulder height and then
study of perception and action. But most important have relaxing your muscles. Then imagine shaking your hand
been new theoretical and conceptual tools that have swept vigorously just at the wrist. The actual movements pro-
away old ways of thinking and brought the promise of a duced—your arm drops in the first example and your
developmental synthesis closer to realization. lower and upper arm vibrate in the second—are not all
In this article I describe these converging ideas and controlled by your nervous system. As your body parts
how they have been adapted by the contributors to this move, they generate inertial and centripetal forces and
special section as well as other researchers. These influ- are subject to gravity. Such forces contribute to all move-
ences include the pioneering work of the Russian move- ments, while they are happening, and constitute a con-
ment physiologist N. Bernstein (1967), the extension of tinually changing force field. Thus, the same muscle con-
Bernstein's program into theories of motor behavior on traction may have different consequences on your arm

80 February 1995 • American Psychologist

depending on the specific context in which the contrac- the body responds) but is profoundly distributed, "het-
tions occur. erarchical," self-organizing, and nonlinear. Every move-
Bernstein (1967) saw that this meant that actions ment is unique; every solution is fluid and flexible. How
must be planned at a very abstract level because it is can these relations be known to the infant ahead of time?
impossible for the central nervous system to program How can the timetable of motor solutions be encoded in
all of these local, contextually varying, force-related in- the brain or in the genes?
teractions specifically and ahead of time. Indeed, once
a decision to move has been made, the subsystems and Multicausal Development
components that actually produce the limb trajectory An important consequence, therefore, of these new ideas
are softly assembled (to use a term introduced later by of motor organization on motor development was to direct
Kugler & Turvey, 1987) from whatever is available and attention to the multicausality of action, including the
best fits the task. This type of organization allows the purely physical, energetic, and physiological components
system great flexibility to meet the demands of the task traditionally thought to be psychologically uninteresting
within a continually changing environment, while but now recognized to be essential in the final movement
maintaining a movement category suited to the goal in patterns produced.
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mind. A good example of multiple systems in motor de-

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Bernstein (1967) also helped motor development re- velopment is the so-called newborn stepping reflex. New-
searchers recognize that such an organization gives some- born infants, when held upright with their feet on a sup-
thing for nothing, that is, the ability to exploit the natural port surface, perform alternating, steplike movements.
properties of the motor system and the complementary Newborn stepping is intriguing, first, because it is sur-
support of the environment. For example, limbs have prising to see such well-coordinated patterns at an age
springlike properties because of the elastic qualities of when infants are so motorically immature and, second,
muscles and the anatomical configuration of the joints. because within a few months, these movements "disap-
When an ordinary physical spring is stretched and re- pear." Infants do not step again until late in the first year,
leased, it oscillates on a regular trajectory until it comes when they intentionally step prior to walking. Such re-
to rest at a particular equilibrium point. The trajectory gressive or U-shaped developmental phenomena are of
and resting point are not monitored and adjusted (there great interest to developmentalists because they raise
is no "brain" in a spring) but fall out of the physical questions about continuity and the nature of ontogenetic
properties of the spring itself—its stiffness and damping. precursors as well as about the function of behaviors that
In a similar way, springlike limbs greatly simplify motor disappear.
control. The mover only has to set the parameters of the The traditional explanation of the stepping response
limb spring to reach the final resting position and need was single-causal: Maturation of the voluntary cortical
not be concerned with the details of how the limb gets centers first inhibited subcortical or reflexive movements
there. The pathway self-organizes from the properties of and then facilitated them under a different and higher
the components. level of control (McGraw, 1943). This long-accepted ex-
Likewise, the environment puts critical constraints planation came into question when motor development
on the degrees of freedom. For human locomotion, for researchers took a broader, systems approach. In the early
example, the need to remain upright, move forward, and 1980s, my graduate student Donna Fisher and I studied
yet maintain an efficient periodic contact and push off the organization of other infant leg movements, the
from the ground limits the possible motor solutions to a rhythmical kicking seen when babies are on their backs
restricted class. Although the system permits jumping, or stomachs. Kicking is very common throughout infancy
hopping, crawling, or dancing the tango to cross the room, and, unlike stepping, does not disappear after a few
organic constraints and surface properties make it more months. What surprised us was that kicking and stepping
efficient for humans to walk, and this is the pattern that appeared to be the same movement patterns. When we
all nonimpaired people discover and prefer. (In the moon's compared the kinematics (time-space patterns) of the
reduced gravity, however, astronauts chose to jump!) joint movements and the underlying muscle activation
Walking as a solution does not have to be prepro- patterns of kicking and stepping in the same infants, we
grammed, as it arises inevitably from constraints, given found no substantial difference. They were the same
a system with many possible solutions. movements performed in two different postures. What
In light of Bernstein's (1967) insights, the simple strained credulity was that the cortex would inhibit
picture of the infant waiting for the brain to mature and movements in one posture but not in another.
then, like a marionette, executing the brain's commands What else could be going on? According to the new
is clearly untenable. For infants as well as for adults, view, movement arises from a confluence of processes
movements are always a product of not only the central and constraints in the organism and environment. A
nervous system but also of the biomechanical and ener- change in posture is a change in the relationship between
getic properties of the body, the environmental support, the mass of the body and the gravitational field. Just a
and the specific (and sometimes changing) demands of simple biomechanical calculation showed that it requires
the particular task. The relations between these compo- more strength to lift a leg to full flexion while upright
nents is not simply hierarchical (the brain commands, than while supine, where after a certain point gravity

February 1995 • American Psychologist 81

assists in the flexion. What Fisher and I (Thelen & Fisher,
1982, 1983) also noted is that in the first two or three Figure 1
months, when stepping disappears, infants have a very
rapid weight gain, most of which is subcutaneous fat
rather than muscle tissue. Thus, their limbs get heavier
but not necessarily stronger. We speculated that the "dis- 8
appearing" reflex, therefore, could arise not by brain de-
sign but by the confluence of increasingly heavy legs and
a biomechanically demanding posture (Thelen & Fisher, 7
1982). Indeed, when we experimentally manipulated mass
of the legs by submerging infants in torso-deep warm wa-
ter, or by adding weights, we could "restore" or "inhibit" 6
stepping, simulating the long-term developmental changes
by rather simple physical means.
I like the "case of the disappearing reflex" not be- x 5
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cause I think most developmental changes are the result LJJ

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of biomechanical factors but because it illustrates in rather

transparent form that what may seem like a straightfor- 4
ward causal connection may indeed not be. Causality o
emerges from many factors, some of which may be rather o
general and nonspecific. Neither gravity nor weight gain
has a prescription for stepping, yet together (and with the
organic status of the infant) they help researchers under-
stand developmental changes at a process level.
The more general implications for development are
that stepping or indeed any behavior does not reside in
some privileged form but emerges on-line within a specific
context. Likewise, developmental change is not planned
but arises within a context as the product of multiple,
developing elements. As in Figure 1, each component has
its own trajectory of change. Some elements may be fully
formed early in life but unseen because the supporting Note. Development depicted as a layered system where multiple, parallel de-
subsystems and processes are not ready. Other compo- veloping components have asynchronous trajectories. At any point in time, the
behavioral outcome is a product of the components within a context.
nents may be comparatively delayed, and indeed one ele-
ment may act as a "rate limiter," preventing the coop-
erative self-organization of the other component. Only
when all the components reach critical functioning and
the context is appropriate does the system assemble a
behavior. Although Figure 1 depicts the components as elicited, usually under special experimental conditions,
separate elements, in reality they are mutually interde- long in advance of the appearance of the fully formed
pendent, the activity of one subsystem changing the de- action. One of my favorites is Hall and Bryan's (1980)
velopmental trajectory of the others. Thus, in the stepping demonstration of precocial self-feeding in rat pups. Rat
example, whereas muscle strength is normally a rate lim- pups normally suckle for the first weeks of life and do
iter, continued practice of stepping may strengthen both not eat and drink independently until about three weeks
muscles and neural pathways and thus prolong the be- after birth. However, when Hall and Bryan put even new-
havior beyond the time it normally regresses (Zelazo, Ze- born pups in a very warm test chamber, the pups ingested
lazo, & Kolb, 1972). As developmentalists, therefore, we liquid or semisolid food from the floor. This component
must seek to understand how the contributing levels of self-feeding was organically available but "waiting in
change by themselves and how they interact. For example, the wings" for the other needed components of self-feeding
what is the role of biomechanics in early movement de- (locomotion, vision, temperature regulation, etc.) to ma-
velopment, and how do the neural and biomechanical ture.
levels interact? I discuss these issues further in later sec- Another clear instance of precocial components,
tions. again from the human motor skill domain, is infant
treadmill stepping. When infants as young as one month
Hidden Skills
were held supported under the armpits so that their legs
An especially intriguing (and compelling) aspect of a rested on a small, motorized treadmill, they performed
multicausal view of development is understanding pre- coordinated alternating stepping movements that share
cocial components of a behavior. These are parts of a many kinematic patterns with adult walking (Thelen &
functional activity that are normally hidden but can be Ulrich, 1991). TreadmiH stepping is truly a hidden skill

82 February 1995 • American Psychologist

because without the facilitating effect of the treadmill, systems: complex, often heterogenous, systems that gain
such patterns are not seen until the end of the first year, and lose energy. Common examples are clouds, fluid flow
when babies begin to walk on their own. Treadmill step- systems, galaxies, and of course biological systems ranging
ping is not a simple reflex but a complex, perceptual- from lowly slime molds to complex ecosystems. The hall-
motor pathway whereby the dynamic stretch of the legs mark of such systems is the formation of patterns, often
provides both energetic and informational components themselves complex in time and space, in an entirely self-
that allow the complex pattern to emerge. Although organizing fashion. That is, there is no recipe for a cloud,
treadmill stepping is not likely intentional, it is still ex- or the whirlpools in a mountain stream. This organization
quisitely sensitive to external conditions such as the speed arises only from the confluence of the components within
or direction of the belt. Indeed, infants can even maintain a particular environmental context. Could human move-
excellent alternation of their legs on a split-belt treadmill, ment patterns, asked Kugler et al. (1980), arise from the
when one leg is driven on a belt moving twice as fast as same principles of self-organization that apply to other
the other leg (Thelen, Ulrich, & Niles, 1987). . complex, dissipative systems? Could Bernstein's degrees-
The discovery of such precocial components of later- of-freedom problem be addressed through dynamics?
appearing skills raises another important point for de- The successful application of dynamics to questions
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

velopment in general. It is seductive to think that treadmill of human movement coordination has rested on studying
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stepping or newborn pup feeding is somehow the true simple rhythmic movements, especially flexions and ex-
"essence" of the later behavior, that the stripped-down, tensions of the arms, hands, and fingers. Many human
experimentally elicited components show that the ability movements like walking, running, hammering, swim-
is there all along and that further development merely ming, drumming, and juggling are cyclic; rhythmicity is
enhances performance factors. In contemporary devel- a fundamental property of the human motor system. Even
opmental psychology, there is a fascination with finding more important, however, is that the study of oscillatory
such underlying competencies, abilities, or rules, as if they movements has focused attention on new measures of
hold a more privileged causal role. Thus, there has been time-based changes in coordination. Traditionally, psy-
a trend to look for the earliest possible age at which infants chologists have looked at performance variables, such as
have knowledge about objects, or physical laws, or lan- reaction times and accuracy measures, and have not been
guage rules. Further development is then judged of lesser concerned with ongoing measures of coordination, such
interest because all that develops are the factors that limit as trajectories and phase relations, that show not only
full expression of the inborn or innate knowledge. the outcome of a movement but also its evolution. Finally,
The lesson from looking at motor skill, where the studying rhythmical movements has allowed investigators
components are clearly physical and peripheral as well to model coordination with well-known physical and
as central and mental, is that there is no "essence" of a mathematical principles.
behavior—an icon or structure that represents the "real" Two dynamic approaches have evolved from the
ability. It is impossible to isolate disembodied instructions original Kugler-Kelso-Turvey synthesis. The first is based
to act from the actual, real-time performance of the act on physical biology and ecological psychology and is ex-
itself. All behavior is always an emergent property of a emplified by a book published in 1987 by Kugler and
confluence of factors. Six-month-old infants do not step Turvey, Information, Natural Law, and the Self-Assembly
without a treadmill. Where does treadmill stepping reside, of Rhythmic Movement. In this theory, rhythmic move-
in the baby or the treadmill? Language does not develop ment is assembled from component oscillators, modeled
unless infants are raised in a language environment. as real physical pendulums and springs with particular
Where does language really exist? Just as each movement dampness and stiffness characteristics and energetic and
is the on-line product of complex, multiple processes, so coupling functions. Elegant experiments where people
it is that we can make no distinction between the center swung hand-held pendulums demonstrated that manip-
and the periphery, the inside and the outside, the "bio- ulations of such physical and energetic parameters such
logical" and the experiential, the genetic and the envi- as pendulum weight, length, and frequency resulted in
ronmental. Focusing on these dualisms diverts attention changes of movement that met the model's predictions.
from questions of developmental process. Equally important in this view is the idea that movement
is coordinated with information in the environment: in-
The Dynamics of Movement and its deed that people perceive this information and that prin-
Development ciples of coupling exist just as much between perceived
Although Bernstein has been dead for nearly 30 years, information and body parts as within body parts them-
his legacy continues today in two very influential ap- selves.
proaches to understanding movement that were spawned The second line of Bernstein-inspired research is
at the University of Connecticut in the early 1980s. In a from Scott Kelso and his colleagues (Kelso, Holt, Rubin,
landmark study, Kugler, Kelso, and Turvey (1980) & Kugler, 1981; Kelso, Scholz, & Schoner, 1986) and has
grounded the problem of movement coordination in more also focused on abstract coordination dynamics and, es-
general laws of physics and in particular a physical biology pecially, the phenomenon of phase transitions. The clear-
based on nonequilibrium thermodynamics. The natural est examples of biological phase transitions are seen in
world is composed of so-called nonequilibrium dissipative quadruped gait changes: As cats, horses, dogs, and the

February 1995 • American Psychologist 83

like increase their speed of locomotion, they also change heralded by the loss of stability. Some changing compo-
suddenly from walking to trotting to galloping. The tran- nents in the system must disrupt the current stable pattern
sition is self-organizing in a fundamental sense, as it is a so that the system is free to explore and select new co-
spontaneous shift to a more efficient footfall pattern that ordinative modes. The components of the system dis-
is emergent from the anatomical and energetic constraints rupting the current stability and thus engendering change
of the animal. Kelso simulated such gait transitions in can only be known through careful empirical study. This
human experiments by having people flex and extend is difficult because these agents may be nonobvious and
their index fingers either in or out of phase. When subjects changing. For instance, growth or biomechanical factors
began the movements out of phase (one finger flexing may be important in early infancy, whereas experience,
while the other extends) and gradually increased the practice, or environmental conditions may become dom-
movement frequency, they spontaneously shifted into an inant later on. Once new configurations are possible and
in-phase pattern, much like a horse shifts from a trot to discovered, they must also be progressively tuned to be-
a gallop (Kelso et al., 1981). With two physicists, Her- come efficient, accurate, and smooth. Thus, for any par-
mann Haken and Gregor Schoner, Kelso modeled this ticular task, a dynamic view predicts an initial high vari-
shift between the two stable phase states of the fingers as ability in configurations representing an exploration stage,
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

hybrid nonlinear coupled oscillators (Haken, Kelso, & a narrowing of possible states to a few patterns, and a
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Bunz, 1985; Kelso et al., 1986; Schoner & Kelso, 1988). progressive stability as patterns become practiced and re-
The stable states are called attractors in dynamic termi- liable.
nology because the system settles into that pattern from Such a view of development is illustrated by the
a wide variety of initial positions and tends to return to landscape in Figure 2, which is an adaptation of the em-
that pattern if perturbed. bryologist C. H. Waddington's famous epigenetic land-
Additional experiments confirmed the theoretical
predictions: The two stable states were both possible, but
under particular frequency instructions, only one was
stable. Moreover, the sudden shift occurred with the pre-
dicted loss of stability of the currently stable state, re- Figure 2
flected in more variability and an increased responsiveness Development Depicted as a Landscape
to perturbation. Movement frequency, in this case, is the
control parameter, a rather nonspecific scaling of the sys-
tem that nonetheless leads the system through different
qualitative modes, or attractor states.
Dynamics and Development
Although most people do not often rhythmically wiggle
their fingers or swing two pendulums from their wrists,
these experiments and models on relatively simple move-
ments have uncovered principles of important generality
not only for understanding the organization of movements
in infants and children but also for understanding how
behavior in general may change over time. In broad
strokes, a developing system is a dynamic system in that
patterns of behavior act as collectives—attractor states—
of the component parts within particular environmental
and task contexts. No privileged programs specify these
patterns beforehand, but rather each mental state and
motor action self-organizes from these components.
Nonetheless, some patterns are preferred under certain
circumstances: They act as attractors in that the system
"wants" to perform them. Other patterns are possible
but performed with more difficulty and are more easily
disrupted. The stability of a behavioral system is a func- Stability
tion of its history, its current status, the social and physical (Depth)
context, and the intentional state of the actor (Thelen,
1989, 1992).
Developmental change, then, can be seen in dynamic
terms as a series of states of stability, instability, and phase Note. Time goes from back to front. Each line represents the probability of a
particular behavioral configuration as a potential well of varying depth and steep-
shifts in the attractor landscape, reflecting the probability ness. Collective variable means that the configuration is a lower dimensional product
that a pattern will emerge under particular constraints. of many interacting systems.
From dynamic principles, one can predict that change is

84 February 1995 • American Psychologist

scape (Muchisky, Gershkoff-Stowe, Cole, & Thelen, in But what happens to these whole-leg springs during
press; Waddington, 1954). In this picture, time runs from development? Clearly, after a few months, infants can do
the top to the bottom of the page. Each horizontal line more with their legs than just kick them in the air. Legs
is a slice of time representing the probability that the increasingly become specialized for crawling, climbing,
system will reside in a particular behavioral configuration walking, jumping, squatting, and so on. One problem for
as deep or shallow potential wells. (The line represents the baby is dissolving these simple, whole-leg synergies
some behavioral variable that is the product of the possible for more specific and appropriate combinations of limb
configurations of the component elements.) A ball cap- control. Associated with this, of course, is assembling new
tured in a steep, deep potential well is stable because it and task-specific patterns within and between the joints
takes a great deal of energy to dislodge it; when a line and delivering just the right amount of muscle energy to
contains one deep well, the behavioral options are stable provide sufficient but not excessive force to accomplish
and limited. A shallow, flat well, in contrast, means that the task. The new approaches have begun to suggest some
the system can take on many, not very stable options. clues on how this might be done.
Development proceeds toward many more possibilities; First, during the first year, infants become increas-
behavior becomes more highly differentiated. But along ingly able to move leg joints independently. In particular,
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

the way some configurations are also lost. Indeed, theory Jensen, Ulrich, Schneider, Zernicke, and I (in press)
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predicts that times of instability are essential to give the showed increasing disassociation of movement phases and
system flexibility to select adaptive activities. As I argue progressive uncoupling of joint rotations between the
later as well, the notion of exploration and selection may newborn period and seven months, when infants begin
be a key developmental process at both behavioral and to crawl and step. We looked specifically at how forces
neural levels. were generated and controlled. Newborns moved their
legs primarily through power generated at the hip; later,
The Dynamics of Infant Leg Movements infants could control forces at both hip and knee. This
It is not surprising that, to date, the most successful ap- decoupling frees up degrees of freedom and provides in-
plications of dynamic principles to human development fants with the flexibility needed to explore and discover
have been to rhythmic behaviors, especially walking, and new relations among limb patterns.
the cyclic leg movements of infant kicking, stepping, and Biomechanics of early skills. In the previous
bouncing that are precursors to walking. Dynamics have paragraph, I discussed infants' control of forces at the
been enlightening for understanding both the coordina- joints as progressively more differentiated. This example
tion and control of leg actions in real time and how move- resulted from ongoing studies—collaborations between
ments change. developmental psychologists and biomechanists—looking
For example, although leg movements in early in- at motor skill development at the level of the control of
fancy are not directed toward particular task goals, they forces. As reviewed by Zernicke and Schneider (1993),
show relatively well-coordinated organization in time and new techniques in biomechanical analysis allow re-
space. The hip, knee, and ankle joints flex and extend in searchers to reconstruct from behavioral and anthropo-
synchrony or nearly so, and the movement paths and morphic data the forces (torques) moving limb segments.
durations are not random, but constrained. Likewise, These techniques are especially instructive because they
movements between the limbs are also coordinated, often partition the forces causing movement into those that are
in an alternating fashion, with one leg flexing while the actively controlled by the central nervous system through
other extends. Remarkably, our studies showed that the muscle contraction and those that cause segments to move
patterns of muscle activation reflecting the neural control passively, such as gravity and inertial forces from the other
of these movements were less patterned than were the moving body parts. Newborn infants, for instance, are
movements themselves. In particular, when legs flexed, captives of gravity and cannot even lift their heads. Yet,
both flexor and extensor muscle groups were active, but even in very young babies, reflex mechanisms are in place
when legs extended, we saw little or no activity in either to stabilize the joints against possibly damaging inertial
muscle group (Thelen & Fisher, 1983). forces generated by fast movements in the multilinked
Such data pose problems for a view of movement segments (Schneider, Zernicke, Ulrich, Jensen, & Thelen,
as reflecting one-to-one correspondence between the 1990). An important developmental question is how in-
neural impulses and the limb trajectory but makes more fants learn not only to protect against passive forces but
sense from a dynamic view. Indeed, Kelso, Fogel, and I also to effectively use them to reduce the demands for
(Thelen, Kelso, & Fogel, 1987) suggested that these early active muscle contraction.
kicking movements were examples of rather pure spring- Exploration and Selection in Learning
like oscillatory movements in human limbs. That is, the
pulses of energy provided by the co-active muscle bursts,
New Tasks
providing a forcing function for the whole-limb spring, The new views of motor development emphasize strongly
and the resulting space-time trajectory "falls out" of these the roles of exploration and selection in finding solutions
dynamic properties. In this view, then, patterns of inter- to new task demands. This means that infants must as-
limb coordination reflect various coupling mechanisms semble adaptive patterns from modifying their current
between the single-leg oscillators. movement dynamics. The first step is to discover config-

February 1995 • American Psychologist 85

Figure 3
Infant in Jolly Jumper
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This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Note. Photo taken by Dexter Gormley.

urations that get the baby into the "ball park" of the task Experimentally, this process of change is best seen
demands—a tentative crawl or a shaky few steps. Then, when we give infants novel tasks and actually observe
infants must "tune" those configurations to make them them adjusting their current dynamics to solve problems.
appropriately smooth and efficient. Again, this tuning is Task novelty is important because the goal is to dem-
discovered through repeated cycles of action and percep- onstrate a process where the outcome could not have been
tion of the consequences of that action in relation to the anticipated by phylogeny or neural codes.
goal. A wonderful example of such a developmental study
Thus, the new views differ sharply from the tradi- is Eugene Goldfield, Bruce Kay, and William Warren's
tional maturational accounts by proposing that even the (1993) model of infants learning to use a "Jolly Jumper"
so-called "phylogenetic" skills—the universal milestones infant bouncer (Figure 3). Goldfield et al. wrote,
such as crawling, reaching, and walking—are learned
through a process of modulating current dynamics to fit Consider the situation faced by a 6-month old when first placed
a new task through exploration and selection of a wider in a "Jolly-Jumper" infant bouncer. The infant is hanging in a
space of possible configurations. The assumption here is harness from a linear spring, with the soles of the feet just
that infants are motivated by a task—a desire to get a touching the floor. What is the "task?" What limb movements
toy into the mouth or to cross the room to join the fam- will make something interesting happen? There are no instruc-
ily—and that the task, not prespecified genetic instruc- tions or models—the behavior of the system must be discovered,
tions, is what constitutes the driving force for change. (p. 1128)

86 February 1995 • American Psychologist

Using dynamic principles, these authors modeled activation of the mobile (Figure 4). As predicted, infants
the bouncing infant as a forced mass spring, represented whose legs were tethered during the reinforcement phase
by a rather simple spring equation. Here the bouncer of the experiment learned to shift their predominant pat-
spring, with the infant mass attached, has particular, tern to in-phase kicking. As in the Jolly Jumper experi-
measurable damping and stiffness characteristics. The ment, infants began with a few tentative simultaneous
infant acts as the forcing function, where the baby can kicks and, seeing the consequences, gradually replaced
regulate how much force to apply and when to apply it. other configurations with the new form. In dynamic
The model predicts that together the baby and bouncer terms, the tethering disrupted the stability of the old at-
could exhibit a specific resonant frequency where the in- tractors, allowing infants to explore the landscape and
fant gets maximal bounce for minimal energy pumps. discover a more efficient leg-coupling attractor.
This resonant frequency should, in turn, act as an at-
tractor where the baby-bouncer system prefers to be. The Studying Processes of Change
task for the infant, then, is first to assemble the right Studies such as the mobile kicking and the Jolly Jumper
movements to drive the spring and then to tune the spring are important because they move motor development re-
to find the stable attractor, the most "bounce for the searchers away from looking at only performance differ-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

ounce." ences as a function of age to understanding the processes

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Indeed, Goldfield et al. (1993) found that infants by which infants learn new skills. When researchers only
began with only a few tentative bounces, and these test groups of infants at different ages, they demarcate
bounces had variable amplitudes and periods. As the the ranges of abilities, but they cannot explain how the
weeks passed, infants increased the number of bounces children moved from one performance level to another.
and decreased their period and amplitude variability, set- Indeed, there are likely different pathways to the same
tling in on a consistent frequency, which was a close fit outcome. A dynamic approach, in contrast, emphasizes
to the predicted resonant frequency of the infant-bouncer these time-dependent changes. The question is always,
spring system. Thus, infants, through vision and pro- What is changing or what is the infant doing that generates
prioception, sensed what force and timing parameters to a shift into new forms? Once a transition is identified
adjust in their kicking to optimize their match to the through descriptive studies, the experimenter can manip-
characteristics of the spring, and over time, they learned ulate various factors that may move the system into new
and remembered these parameters. configurations, that is, to simulate the developmental
Recently, I demonstrated infants' abilities to match change. These can be done by imposing novel tasks and
their movement coordination patterns to a novel task at creating learning experiments on a short time scale, such
an even earlier age, three months (Thelen, 1994). The as the mobile experiment, or with specific enrichment or
experimental situation was similar to one used for many training on a longer time scale (e.g., Siegler & Jenkins,
years by Carolyn Rovee-Collier (1991) and her colleagues 1989). Again, it is essential that researchers know when
at Rutgers University to study infant memory. Three- the old forms are sufficiently unstable so that such training
month-old infants lay supine under an attractive crib manipulations will be effective. Systems that are rigid
mobile. The experimenters attached one of the baby's have no flexibility for exploration and no ability to dis-
legs to the mobile by means of a ribbon tied around the cover new attractors.
ankle, such that the infant's spontaneous kicking move-
ments made the mobile jiggle. Within a few minutes of Coup/ing Perception and Action for Learning
such conjugate reinforcement (conjugate because the New Skills
mobile provides reinforcing movement and noise in direct A central theme in the new synthesis is the inseparable
relation to how frequently and vigorously infants kick), coupling of perception and action in the generation and
infants learned the contingency and kicked faster and improvement of new skills. This theme is not new: Piaget
harder. They also remembered the motor response over (1952) believed that all representational thought had its
several weeks and even longer if they were "reminded" origins in infants' repeated cycles of perceiving and acting
of the context in which the training took place (Rovee- on the world. More recently, the action-perception cou-
Collier, 1991). pling research has been directly inspired by the theories
My question was whether, in addition to learning to of E. J. Gibson and J. J. Gibson on perception and per-
kick more, infants could also learn a novel pattern of ceptual development (E. J. Gibson, 1982, 1988; J. J. Gib-
interlimb coordination. Normally, three-month-old in- son, 1979). In particular, these studies have demonstrated
fants prefer either alternating kicks or kicking predomi- that, from the beginning, infants are continually coor-
nantly one favored leg. They rarely use a simultaneous dinating their movements with concurrent perceptual in-
double kick (the movement discovered later to operate formation to learn how to maintain balance, reach for
the Jolly Jumper). To try to induce them to shift to the objects in space, and locomote across various surfaces
simultaneous, in-phase pattern, I tethered their legs to- and terrains (see Lockman, 1990, for a review).
gether with a 5.5-centimeter piece of soft sewing elastic The classic line of research in this domain stems
attached to foam ankle cuffs. The elastic allowed them directly from J. J. Gibson's (1979) concept of affordances.
to move their legs freely independently but made it much According to Gibson, an affordance is the reciprocal re-
more efficient to use both legs together to get vigorous lation or "fit" between the actor and the environment

February 1995 • American Psychologist 87

Figure 4
Three-Montb-Old Infant in Mobile Experiment With Legs Tethered by on Elastic Cuff
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Note. Leg movement and muscle activation patterns recorded using electromyography. Photo taken by Dexter Gormley.

that is necessary to perform functional activities. For ex- Eppler, and Gibson (1993). They provided crawlers and
ample, adults immediately know when a chair is appro- toddlers with a novel task, that of locomoting over a slop-
priate for sitting or a surface for walking or when an object ing surface of various degrees of steepness. (Normally,
is within reach. People and other animals directly and children of this age never or rarely encounter slopes.)
accurately perceive these relations by sensing information Would these young children know when they could suc-
from the environment—the light or sound reflecting from cessfully go up or down the slope without falling? Would
the surfaces in the world—and from their own bodies they be able to adjust their patterns of locomotion to the
through receptors in the muscle, skin, joints, and so on. steepness of the slopes?
The developmental question, of course, is how these re- Going up the slope posed no problems for either the
lations are acquired. How do infants come to know crawlers or the new walkers. Both groups tried even the
whether they can successfully execute particular actions steepest slopes without hesitation, even though they
on the world? For example, the famous E. J. Gibson and sometimes fell! But, as the authors noted, the conse-
Walk (1960) visual cliff experiment demonstrated that quences for falling uphill are negligible because the babies
crawling infants understood the visual information spec- could easily catch themselves on their arms and continue.
ifying a vertical drop off and refused to cross it, even Downhill was another matter; falling downhill has serious
though the cliff was covered with a rigid, clear plexiglass consequences. Accordingly, as the slope steepness in-
surface. In this vein, E. J. Gibson and her colleagues sub- creased, the toddlers became increasingly wary, hesitating
sequently found that crawlers and walkers recognized ac- and touching the slopes, often refusing to go, sometimes
tion-specific properties of surfaces as well. When faced scooting backward, but rarely falling, suggesting they un-
with a rigid plywood surface or a squishy waterbed, craw- derstood something about how their locomotor abilities
lers crossed both without hesitation. Toddlers, however, fit the task. In contrast, crawlers (who averaged 8.5 months
hesitated and explored the waterbed and then decided to compared with the 14-month-old toddlers) did not seem
crawl rather than walk on the shaky surface (E. J. Gibson to perceive this fit. They plunged downhill rather indis-
et al., 1987). criminately and frequently had to be rescued by the ex-
Further evidence of infants' growing abilities to de- perimenters. Although the crawlers evidenced some war-
tect such affordances for action was reported by Adolph, iness by hesitating and exploring the steep slopes, many

February 1995 • American Psychologist

crawled down anyway, unsuccessfully. (This behavior is as indeed in very young infants, the highly innervated
especially intriguing because infants plunge down slopes and mobile mouth can perform considerably more com-
yet refuse the visual cliff at the same age.) Although the plex exploratory movements than the hands.
specific factors that convert a slope-naive crawler to a
slope-smart walker are yet unknown, it is likely that the
The Unify of Perception: Action as Perception
process involves infants' own continuing exploration of The distinction between perceiving and doing—the af-
their action capabilities in relation to the slopes and ference and the efference—is a time-honored tradition in
learning and remembering about the consequences of psychology. But when researchers try to understand the
their activities. intricate network of causality in early development, we
The primary thrust of research from a Gibsonian must question whether this distinction is more illusory
approach has been to understand how perception guides than real. People perceive in order to move and move in
action. A less well-studied, but equally important, side of order to perceive. What, then, is movement but a form
the equation is how action shapes perception. Motor ac- of perception, a way of knowing the world as well as acting
tivities are particularly critical because they provide the on it?
means for exploring the world and learning about its In fact, recent evidence makes it seem likely that
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

properties. It is only by moving eyes and head, hands and infants, from the start, understand the world from time-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

arms, and traveling from one place to another that people integrated multimodal perception. Every waking moment
can fully experience the environment and learn to adapt includes sensations not only from vision, hearing, taste,
to it. During development, then, each motor milestone smell, and feeling but also from receptors in muscles,
opens new opportunities for perceptual discovery. Bush- joints, and skin that detect position, force, and movement
nell and Boudreau (1993) have provided an especially changes in a continually active organism. What is im-
enlightening example of how important developmental portant is that the nervous system is built to integrate
accomplishments are paced by motor skills. these streams of information: The senses are richly in-
The skills in question involve haptics, or the ability terconnected between and among many anatomically
to sense properties of objects by how they feel. Adults are distinct areas. Conventional wisdom held that sensory
adept at perceiving the shape of objects—their size, tex- modalities were processed separately until they reached
ture, weight, hardness, and temperature—by feel alone. high-level cortical areas of integration, where the separate
But such perception requires that the hands perform cer- tracts were combined. A view now is that multimodal
tain particular manipulations in order to discriminate information is bound together frequently and in multiple
these properties. For instance, although temperature can sites along the processing stream and that there is no single
be detected by contact with the palm or fingers, texture localized area in the brain where perceptual binding oc-
is determined through a side-to-side rubbing movement, curs (Damasio, 1989). In their book The Merging of the
volume by enclosing the object in the hand, weight by Senses, Stein and Meredith (1993) build a compelling
hefting, hardness by exerting finger pressure, and shape case for sensory convergence as a fundamental and en-
by following the contours of the object with the fingers during characteristic of animal nervous systems, occur-
(Lederman & Klatzky, 1987). ring at many levels. For instance, in the cat superior col-
Newborn infants, however, cannot move their hands liculus, a midbrain structure widely studied for its role
and arms in such discriminating fashion. They can only in visual processing, a very large proportion of neurons
clutch by flexing their fingers. At about four months, their are responsive not only to visual input but also to auditory
manual activities become more varied but are still com- and somatosensory input, and there are strong corre-
paratively limited and rhythmical: banging, scratching, spondences between the topographic maps of these mo-
rubbing, squeezing, and poking. Only at around one year dalities, a kind of common "multisensory space." These
do infants engage in a full range of two-handed, adapted authors further suggested that motor responses are sim-
movements, such as holding the object in one hand while ilarly integrated to produce a "multisensory-multimotor
manipulating it with the other. What Bushnell and Bou- map," a mapping that may be echoed in other sites as
dreau (1993) found was that infants could perceive object well.
properties only as their manual activities permitted ap- The implications for understanding development are
propriate haptic exploration. Although earliest age limits profound and go beyond the truism that perception guides
have not been determined for many of these properties, action. First, and contrary to the Piagetian belief that
infants appear to detect object size in the first few months infants "construct" matches between their perception and
and temperature likely at about the same time. These their movement with development, such intermodal
perceptions require only minimal hand skill, clutching. functioning may be basic and primitive. There are many
Discrimination of texture and hardness appears around reports in the literature demonstrating that infants can
six months, several months after the onset of the needed transfer between perceptual modalities at very young ages,
exploratory actions of rubbing and poking. Weight and for instance, matching the oral feel and the sight of an
shape are later still, as these require more differentiated unusual, nubby pacifier (Meltzoff & Borton, 1979) or
finger, hand, and arm movements. Interestingly, when the looking preferentially at rings moving in rigid or flexible
mouth rather than the hands is the haptic tool, infants fashion after exploring similar rings haptically (Streri &
of much younger ages can perceive texture and hardness, Pecheux, 1986).

February 1995 • American Psychologist 89

Second, if infants come into the world wired to in- causality. One promising candidate is the theory articu-
tegrate information from all their senses, including their lated by the immunologist, developmental biologist, and
movement senses, then there is new meaning to infants' neuroscientist Gerald Edelman as his theory of neuronal
everyday experience, even the seemingly purposeless group selection (TNGS; Edelman, 1987; Sporns & Edel-
movements of the very young baby. When events happen man, 1993). TNGS offers a specific neural mechanism
in the world, or when people act on their environment, for the acquisition of perceptual-motor skills that is con-
the information impinging on the senses from light, sistent with both dynamic/Gibsonian behavioral per-
sound, smells, taste, and pressure are all coherent in time spectives and with current findings on brain function and
and space. For instance, when a mother nurses an infant, plasticity.
the baby is experiencing not only her perfectly synchro- TNGS is not a simple theory, and I present only the
nized voice and facial movements as she talks but also briefest outline here. TNGS begins by considering the
smells, tactile and vestibular cues, and eventually tastes nature of the newborn brain. The cornerstone of the the-
that are all mutually correlated with those sights and ory is neural diversity. Traditionally, neuroanatomists
sounds as well as with self-perceptions of particular pos- have studied the nervous system in terms of the nuclei,
tures and movements. Indeed, for all waking hours, infants tracts, layers, fissures, and circuits that are common
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

are watching, listening, feeling and generating movements, among the members of a species. But a level down from
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

and experiencing the consequences of their activities. the gross anatomy, there is enormous individual vari-
Consider again the mobile experiment I described earlier. ability, from the sizes and shapes of cells and their pro-
Each leg kick provided infants with a rich, multimodal, cesses, to the number, type, and degree of connections,
and coherent set of perceptions such that the infants could to the grouping of the cells into layers, columns, patches
recognize the relationship between their own felt move- and fibers, and so on. Neural diversity arises from dy-
ment and the sights and sounds of the jiggling mobile. namic neuroembryonic processes and means that there
But most important, it may be exactly this continual can be no genetically determined point-to-point wiring
bombardment of real-life, multisensory but coherent in- in the brain. Rather, the diversity provides the raw ma-
formation that fuels the engines of developmental change terial—the rough palette—for experience-dependent se-
as infants learn to act in social and physical worlds. The lection, that is, the strengthening of certain connections—
key elements are the dynamic processes of exploration groups of neurons—through use. The second essential
and selection: the ability to generate behavior that pro- feature is the dense, interwoven, and overlapping pattern
vides a variety of perceptual-motor experiences and then of connectivity within and between all areas of the brain.
the differential retention of those correlated actions that Edelman (1987) used the term reentrant, which means
enable the infant to function in the world. that every area has reciprocal and recursive signals from
many other areas. Reentry is the critical process that al-
Exploration and Selection in the lows integration from the multiple sensory and motor
Service of Developmental Change: The areas of the brain and that gives rise to the coordination
Theory of Neuronal Group Selection of responses across modalities. The basis for such cor-
Exploration and selection are the fundamental processes related sensations is the temporal synchrony of the signals
that unite the Bernstein-inspired accounts of movement coming from real-world things and events. Furthermore,
dynamics and the Gibsonian perceptual agenda into a the highly overlapping architecture of the system means
new developmental synthesis. A third important ingre- that patterns of firing from two modalities extract and
dient is a theory of brain development that is consistent combine features that are held in common, a kind of
with the process approaches in behavioral development. mapping of maps.
It is important to know what parts of the brain change Together, neural diversity and reentry thus allow the
with new behavioral milestones and the cellular and nervous system to learn to recognize and categorize sen-
chemical nature of those changes, but it is not enough. sory signals as a dynamic, self-organizing process. I make
As I mentioned earlier, developmentalists usually assume this explanation less abstract by referring again to the
that the causal link is mainly one way: The brain matures three-month-old infant's experience jiggling the overhead
and allows new behaviors to appear. But what causes the mobile. The baby initially kicks her leg spontaneously,
brain to change? A burgeoning field in contemporary that is, without a particular functional goal. Likewise, the
neuroscience deals with brain plasticity, that is, how the infant may watch and listen to the movement and sounds
brain itself is molded through experience—individual of the mobile. In the experiment the correlated features
perception and action. Everywhere neuroscientists look of leg movement and the sights and sounds of the mobile
in the brain, they are finding astounding plasticity, not (always perfectly coupled in real life) are reciprocally
only in young animals but in adults as well (see reviews strengthened so that a higher level association emerges.
by Kaas, 1991; Merzenich, Allard, & Jenkins, 1990). This As infants generate different interlimb kick patterns, the
work makes it likely that experience is the fodder for brain groups of neurons that receive proprioceptive, visual, and
change, which in turn opens up new opportunities for auditory input arising from simultaneous vigorous kicks
experience. and intense mobile movement and sounds are selectively
A brain theory consistent with the new synthesis, activated. Over time, infants discover a class of movement
therefore, must account for these multiple directions of patterns, a category of moving two legs together, that pro-

90 February 1995 • American Psychologist

duces a maximal pleasing effect on the mobile. The pro- When motor development is seen the old way, as
cess is self-organizing because, given the neural substrate, instructed from the genes through the brain, it is difficult
what is needed to get the process going are only sufficient to understand how the instructions adapt to changes in
spontaneous and exploratory movements and some gen- the peripheral structures. Alternatively, development as
eral internal reinforcement value for the infant for the selection is an especially attractive hypothesis because
sights and sounds of a moving mobile. There is no genetic it accounts for individual variability and change in ac-
plan for simultaneous kicks or indeed for kicking mobiles, tivity level, body build and proportion, neural growth,
but the pattern can be, and is, discovered through explo- and task environments. Infants, in a sense, do the best
ration and selection. (From the dynamic view, of course, they can with what they have. Nonetheless, because hu-
the system must be unstable enough for the patterns to mans also share anatomy and common biomechanical
shift with a change in task.) Although mobile kicking is and task constraints, solutions to common motor prob-
not a human universal, the new synthesis holds that de- lems also converge: We all discover walking rather than
velopment of even the so-called phylogenetic motor skills, hopping (although our gait styles are individual and
such as walking and reaching, occurs by a similar non- unique).
instructed process as seen in the mobile experiment. The Sporns and Edelman (1993) have depicted this se-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

initial state needs only the most general and high-level lectionist process as the schematic diagram shown in Fig-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

goal biases; simple values such as "look at complex, mov- ure 5. The diagram shows a developing movement rep-
ing sights," "things in the mouth and in the hand are ertoire carved from initial movement patterns. Each pat-
good," and so on. The specific motor actions needed to tern is shown as a dot on the diagram in a movement
accomplish those goals "fall out," so to speak, of the cor- space, M, specified by two variables, $1 and <J>2, where
related perceptual features of the infants' own explora- the variables might be joint angles or positions of the
tions, through such neuronal group strengthening. Each hand in space. The density of the dots, then, represents
new solution, each new skill, opens up new spaces for the frequency that movements with a particular config-
perceptual-motor exploration and discovery so that skill uration are performed. At Time 1, say birth, infants have
levels cascade from the infants' current abilities in the a specified set of patterns. With growth and changing task
face of the task. Infant crawling, for instance, can be demands at Times 2 and 3, the shape and density of the
viewed not so much as an inevitable human stage as an movement repertoire changes, new patterns emerge, and
ad hoc solution to the problem of getting desired distant some old patterns lose stability, as I also showed in Figure
objects discovered by individual infants, given a particular 2. Hatched regions are patterns that fit particular tasks
level of strength and postural control. and that have thus become associated with positive value

Figure 5
Schematic Diagram of Selection in Movement Repertoires

Primary Movement Preexistent Movement Developing Movement
Repertoire Pattern Repertoire
Note. M is the movement space specified by a certain combination of movement variables, 01 and 02. Each dot is a movement, and the density of dots signifies the
frequency of movements in the space. The three frames show changes over time. The frame at the left shows the primary movement repertoire. The repertoire evolves
with time to include previously unoccupied regions of M and to exclude others. Hatched regions indicate movement regions that correspond to a given task, as they
emerge from the primary repertoire. From "Solving Bernstein's Problem: A Proposal for the Development of Coordinated Movement by Selection" by O. Sporns and
G. M. Edelman, 1993, Child Development, 64, p. 970. Copyright 1993 by the Society for Research in Child Development. Reprinted by permission.

February 1995 • American Psychologist 91

target fixated by the eye. This is the "value" bias I men-
Figure 6 tioned above that works to strengthen neural groups when
Computer Simulations of Darwin III "Learning to Reach' the arm is near the target, wherever the target is in space
or whatever the joint and muscle configurations Darwin
uses in that particular gesture. The networks in the brain
do not initially have representations of either movements,
muscle, or joint synergies; coordination arises only as
gestures that get the hand closer to the target are strength-
ened. Thus, the automaton learns through exploring
movement and its sensory consequences the subset of
patterns that work.
At first, Darwin Ill's trajectories of arm to target
show varied and tortuous pathways. With continued
practice, however, the bundle of trajectories becomes
much less varied and more direct (Figure 6). In dynamic
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

terms, the trajectories act like a stable attractor. Likewise,

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

the automaton "discovers" particular stable patterns of

coordinated joint motions. (This is shown in Figure 7,
which plots the rotation of one joint as a function of the
rotation of a paired joint, giving a trajectory in "joint
space.") Recall that there are multiple degrees of freedom
in a jointed arm; there are many ways to move the joints
64 together to produce a particular hand path. However, as
X-Position (Pixels) Bernstein (1967) predicted, the possibilities become pro-
Note. Examples of paths taken by the tip of the arm as it reaches for objects in
gressively reduced as the system settles on efficient so-
the locations indicated by the square. Left and right panels show data sampled
before and after training. The top and bottom panels give examples of motions
starting at different initial conditions. From "Selectionist Models of Perceptual and
Motor Systems and Implications for Functionist Theories of Brain Function" by
G. N. Reeke, Jr., and O. Sporns, 1990, Physico D, 42, p. 359. Copyright 1990
by the Society for Research in Child Development. Reprinted by permission. Figure 7
Joint Coordination Before and After Training on the
Movements Depicted in Figure 6

and are especially strong and stable. These areas may also
evolve and change. For instance, a dense area representing
the interlimb coordination pattern of crawling may be-
come less dense with age, as crawling is replaced by other
forms of locomotion.
Edelman and his colleagues have simulated nonin- 160
structed selectionist development using computer models 100
Joint 1 Joint 1
in an aptly named "Darwin" series of automata (see
Reeke, Finkel, Sporns, & Edelman, 1990; Reeke &
Sporns, 1990; Reeke, Sporns, & Edelman, 1990). Again,
readers are referred to detailed descriptions in the original
articles; I provide here just enough background to intro-
duce the correspondences between the simulations and
data from real babies. Darwin III is an "artificial creature" i
that has a complex nervous system (but much simpler
than a real brain), a multijointed arm, and an eye. A
module in Darwin Ill's "brain" corresponding roughly
160 -
to the cerebral cortex generates a primary repertoire of
movements that are relatively unstructured. A second Joint 1 Joint 1
module, simulating the cerebellum, correlates the motor
Note. The figures plot the angular rotations of one joint as a function of the
signals with current sensory inputs from the arm and the second joint. Before training, the joints do not move in relation to one another.
eye as well as signals from the movements produced by After training, joint motions are coordinated. From "Selectionist Models of Perceptual
and Motor Systems and Implications for Functionalist Theories of Brain Function"
the motor cortex. As the arm moves around, the "neu- by G. N. Reeke, Jr., and O. Sporns, I 990, Physica D, 42, p. 360. Copyright 1990
rons" in the artificial networks respond more positively by the Society for Research in Child Development. Reprinted by permission.
when the moving hand approaches the vicinity of the

92 February 1995 • American Psychologist

Figure 8
Selection in Nathan's Learning to Reach

Y potWon (cm) Y position (cm)

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Shoukter Anglt (d*g) Shotridar Angto (dig)

Note. Top panels: Arm trajectories, seen from an overhead view, aligned to the point of toy contact, for oil of Nathan's reaches in Weeks 16, 17, and 18 (left panel;
he started to reach at 12 weeksl and in Weeks 46-48 Iright panel). Bottom panels: Joint coordination of shoulder and elbow for the reaches depicted in the top panels,
where joint angle data were available, also, aligned to toy contact.

lutions. The trajectories and the joint coordination pat- of course. However, the simulation does give support to
terns are never explicitly represented anywhere in the the idea that nervous systems—even very simple ones—
system; they emerge in nondeterministic fashion from a can discover stable motor patterns through experience
variety of starting arm and target positions. and that they do not have to have the detailed instructions
Human infants appear to have a similar selective for action built in.
process at work when they learn to reach for targets. Fig- Conclusion: Beyond Action and
ure 8 is a summary of the hand path trajectories and joint
coordination patterns of a single infant, Nathan, early
and late in his reaching development. Nathan was one of It is this idea that repeated cycles of perception and action
four infants my colleagues and I followed longitudinally can give rise to emergent new forms of behavior without
from 3 to 52 weeks, using sophisticated motion analysis preexisting mental or genetic structures that is the link
equipment to capture their hand and joint movement between the simple activities of the young infant and the
trajectories (Thelen et al., 1993). In the first weeks after growing life of the mind. What is new here is not that
he started reaching, Nathan contacted the toy presented cognition grows from roots in perception and action. This
in front of him with jerky, zig-zag hand pathways (Figure was the fundamental assumption of Piaget and of many
8), as did Darwin III. By the end of his first year, Nathan's others. What is different is the rejection of the dualism
hand went directly and smoothly toward the toy. He also between structure (in physical or mental guise) and func-
discovered a consistent way to coordinate the lifting and tion and the acceptance of growing humans as true dy-
extending of his arm (Figure 8). Whereas early in the namic systems. A current trend in developmental psy-
year, Nathan used many different patterns of elbow and chology is to look for instantiation of abilities in real and
shoulder coordination, his "joint-space" envelope nar- preexisting genetic instructions, stages, devices, programs,
rowed considerably by his first birthday. Although many storage units, or knowledge modules to account for the
patterns were possible, only some of them became stable fact that sometimes behavior appears to be stagelike, pro-
through repeated practice cycles of reaching. The similar grammed, stored, and modular. The assumption is that
the genes, stages, programs, and modules contain the in-
behavioral profiles of Nathan and Darwin HI do not by
structions that direct and prescribe the performance.
themselves prove that the underlying processes are similar,

February 1995 • American Psychologist 93

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