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Geoderma 343 (2019) 31–39

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A global comparison of soil erosion associated with land use and climate T

Muqi Xionga, Ranhao Suna, , Liding Chena,b
State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China


Handling Editor: Alex McBratney Soil erosion measurements are important for land management and ecological restoration. However, the current
Keywords: results of these measurements are varied and located in specific areas around the world. Thus far, the impacts of
Soil loss land use and climate on soil erosion are unclear. In this study, a comprehensive database representing 1531 field
Runoff runoff plots in 27 countries was compiled, comprising soil loss data for 2036 runoff plots, representing 11,439
Land use plot years, and runoff data for 1350 runoff plots, representing 6465 plot years. We analyzed the annual soil loss
Climate zone rate (SL) and annual runoff (R) associated with different land use types and four climate zones (CZs). The results
Soil conservation technique showed that (1) bare lands had the highest mean SL values (10.6–109.2 t·ha−1·yr−1), followed by croplands
(3.9–41.8 t·ha−1·yr−1), orchards (23.5 t·ha−1·yr−1), grasslands (0.3–3.6 t·ha−1·yr−1), shrublands
(0.3–1.57 t·ha−1·yr−1) and forestlands (0.2–0.6 t·ha−1·yr−1). The correlation between SL and R was positive
(p < 0.01) in anthropogenically disturbed lands (bare lands, croplands and orchards), whereas the correlation
was not significant in natural lands (forestland, grassland and shrubland). (2) In general, the anthropogenically
disturbed lands in the tropical CZ had the highest R and SL values, followed by the temperate, cold and arid CZs.
Runoff plots in the cold CZ had comparatively high SL values, likely due to the active freeze-thaw cycle. With
respect to natural lands, the mean SL values were similar (0.2–0.7 t·ha−1·yr−1) between different CZs apart from
grasslands. The overgrazing of grasslands in temperate zones led to high SL (3.6 t·ha−1·yr−1). (3) Soil con-
servation techniques were highly efficient in reducing R (by 22% for croplands and by 58% for orchards) and SL
(by 59% for croplands and by 81% for orchards), especially in the temperate zone. This study provides a sys-
tematic comparison of soil erosion measurements according to different land use types and CZs. The results can
be used for improvement of the model coefficient and optimization of management strategies in specific regions.

1. Introduction expansion of agriculture (Wang et al., 2017; Wimberly et al., 2017). The
effects of this transformation are being exacerbated by the accelerated
Soil is an essential resource for life, providing a large variety of soil erosion resulting from global population growth and climatic
goods and services to meet human needs (Amundson et al., 2015; changes (Eitelberg et al., 2015; Naipal et al., 2015). Therefore, the
Anache et al., 2017; García-Ruiz et al., 2015). Soil erosion is widely protection of soil resources has become of fundamental importance
recognized as a major threat to nutrient and carbon cycling, land pro- (Borrelli et al., 2017).
ductivity, and sustainable agriculture; in turn, soil erosion is a threat to Currently, soil erosion assessments have received considerable at-
worldwide socioeconomic conditions (Anache et al., 2017; Auerswald tention, and various erosion assessment models have been developed
et al., 2009; Borrelli et al., 2017; Garcia-Ruiz et al., 2017; García-Ruiz (Karydas et al., 2014). However, most models are only applicable to
et al., 2015; Li and Fang, 2016; Naipal et al., 2015; Prosdocimi et al., scales greater than field or small catchment scales (Vente and Poesen,
2016a; Teng et al., 2016). Since the start of agriculture several thou- 2005) because of model disadvantages such as complexity and a high
sand years ago, humans have generated environmental land use con- demand for input data (Borrelli et al., 2017; Vente and Poesen, 2005).
flicts that have accelerated soil erosion (Valle Junior et al., 2014a; Valle The universal soil loss equation (USLE) (Wischmeier and Smith, 1978)
Junior et al., 2014b). In this process, vast areas of natural vegetation and its revised version (RUSLE) (Renard, 1997) are simple, physically
have been transformed to areas for human use, primarily by the plausible empirical methods for predicting soil erosion that have been

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Sun).
Received 15 October 2018; Received in revised form 31 January 2019; Accepted 4 February 2019
0016-7061/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Xiong, et al. Geoderma 343 (2019) 31–39

widely used for water erosion assessments at regional (Bosco et al., insight into some key factors determining the rates and variabilities of
2015; Karamage et al., 2017; Martin-Fernandez and Martinez-Nunez, soil erosion at national and continental scales has been gained. How-
2011; Panagos et al., 2015d; Park et al., 2011) and global scales ever, a comprehensive and quantitative study at the global scale is still
(Borrelli et al., 2017; Doetterl et al., 2012; Ito, 2007; Naipal et al., 2015; lacking. While previous studies have placed strong emphasis on the
Pham et al., 2001; Scherer and Pfister, 2015; Van Oost et al., 2007; assessment of SL, the dislodgement of soil particles at the soil surface by
Yang et al., 2003). Assessment and mapping of annual soil loss rates falling raindrops is a primary agent of erosion, particularly on soils with
(SL, t·ha−1·yr−1) at a large scale can provide an overview of the spatial sparse vegetative cover (Brooks et al., 2012). Furthermore, runoff is an
patterns of soil erosion and be used to locate erosion hotspots (Borrelli important causal factor of SL (Brooks; et al., 2012; Renard, 1997).
et al., 2017; Maetens et al., 2012b). However, model calculations have Hence, the relations between annual runoff (R, mm·yr−1) and SL are
been limited in their uses at large scales (Cerdan et al., 2010; García- important to assess. To gain insight into global soil erosion and develop
Ruiz et al., 2015). Globally, there has been growing interest in the ef- optimal strategies to mitigate the impacts of erosion processes, more
fects of soil erosion on global biogeochemical cycles, such as the carbon detailed field experimental data that accurately quantify SL are needed
cycle (Doetterl et al., 2012; Van Oost et al., 2007), phosphorus cycle (Cerdan et al., 2010; Guo et al., 2015; Maetens et al., 2012b).
(Scherer and Pfister, 2015) and other nutrient cycles (Naipal et al., In this study, we compiled a large database of erosion rates mea-
2015). For example, some studies estimating soil erosion and its sured on runoff plots under natural rainfall conditions across the world
variability on a global scale have been conducted (Daryanto et al., and comprehensively assessed SL and R. The specific objectives of this
2018; Doetterl et al., 2012; Scherer and Pfister, 2015; Van Oost et al., paper are as follows: 1) to develop a documented database on sheet and
2007). Most of these studies estimated soil erosion on a global scale rill erosion rates under natural rainfall around the world, 2) to assess
with USLE-based models, but there exists large uncertainty in global the variability in SL and R of sheet and rill erosion across various land
soil erosion rates (Borrelli et al., 2017; Doetterl et al., 2012; Naipal uses and CZs, and 3) to provide an overview based on runoff plot data
et al., 2015). Thus, to obtain accurate estimates of soil erosion and its regarding the effectiveness of soil conservation techniques (SCTs) in
variability on a global scale, it is essential to improve the global ap- reducing R and SL. The SL data obtained in this study can serve as a
plicability of the USLE-based model. reference and as verification data for global scale soil erosion modeling,
Over the last century, many experimental studies have been con- and the results can inform efforts to improve the global applicability of
ducted to determine soil erosion rates around the world using different the USLE-based model.
experimental methods (e.g., runoff plots, experimental catchments,
rainfall simulations, and tracer methods) (García-Ruiz et al., 2015). 2. Materials and methods
Among these, bounded runoff plots under natural rainfall conditions are
considered to be the most widely used (Fig. 1) and standardized 2.1. Data collection and compilation
methods, most of which were designed to analyze the effects of erosion-
controlling factors on runoff and soil erosion processes at local scales To compile records of R and SL under natural rainfall from scientific
(Maetens et al., 2012b). Recently, extensive SL assessments by adopting journal articles, books, M.Sc. theses and Ph.D. dissertations, we re-
data from runoff plots have been conducted in several countries in viewed the ISI Web of Science, China National Knowledge
different continents, including Brazil (Anache et al., 2017), China (Guo Infrastructure, and Google Scholar databases to identify articles
et al., 2015), Germany (Auerswald et al., 2009), Australia (Lu et al., matching the following keywords: SL and sediment yield. The runoff
2003) and Europe (Cerdan et al., 2010; Maetens et al., 2012b). Fur- plot data had to meet the following requirements to be considered: (1)
thermore, the United States has collected soil erosion data over a long R and SL measurements under natural rainfall from runoff plots
period of time using standardized methodology in relation to the de- equipped with tanks with a minimum length of 5 m, which considered
velopment of the (revised) USLE (Renard, 1997; Wischmeier and Smith, to be representative, were retained; and (2) annual data were con-
1978). These runoff plot data present a wealth of information about sidered, with runoff plot data collected over at least one full year. Bare
actual erosion rates and provide basic magnitudes of soil erosion for land was included in the database because this type of land has often
different countries or continents. From these compilations, a better been used in soil erosion studies as a reference, representing maximum

Fig. 1. Worldwide distribution of the study areas.

M. Xiong, et al. Geoderma 343 (2019) 31–39

SL. The runoff plots under SCTs were also included in the database
because SCTs have been widely used. This dataset was merged with an
additional source: the USLE dataset provided by the United States
Department of Agriculture and the National Soil Erosion Research
Laboratory (USDA-NSERL, 2017). This dataset included data from 296
runoff plots. For each runoff plot (PL), the corresponding number of
plot year (PY) was determined, where 1 PY corresponds to a measuring
period of 1 year on a single runoff plot.
The final database comprised SL data from 2036 runoff plots (cor-
responding to 11439 PY) and R data from 1350 runoff plots (corre-
sponding to 6465 PY) from 183 studies conducted in 27 countries
(Fig. 1). These studies were mainly located in the USA, China, Brazil,
Italy, Germany, Spain and Australia. The distribution of PL and PY over
the different countries in the study area and the references to the data
sources are provided in Supplementary Table 1 and Fig. 2. Some of the
runoff plots in America, Australia, Brazil and Europe have been mon-
Fig. 3. Distribution of the number of plot years of different land use types over
itored continuously for > 20 years. The earliest record in this database
the slope length and gradient. Natural lands include forestland, shrubland and
is from 1931 (U.S. Department of Agriculture; USDA-NSERL, 2017).
The number of PY has increased significantly since 1980, reaching a
peak of 400 PY in the 1990s. The trend of data acquisition has been
decreasing since 1995, which is possibly attributed to the fact that some world and to compare these rates, several groups were generated for
ongoing research has not yet been reported (Fig. 2). analysis in this study according to land use types and CZs. Six land use
The data used in this study included data on slope gradient, slope types and four CZs (tropical, arid, temperate and cold) were classified.
length and land use, with variation present in each of these variables R and SL tend to be highly variable over time (Nearing et al., 1999),
(Fig. 3). Land use was classified into six types: bare land, cropland, and the data acquired during a longer measurement period were more
forestland, shrubland, grassland (including pasture) and orchard. The reliable. According to the central limit theorem, the standard error of
slope length of the runoff plots in this study ranged from 5 to 240 m the estimated average is inversely related to the square root of the
with a peak in PY occurring in the length range of 15–25 m. Most of the number of observations (Tijms, 2014). Hence, the square root of PY was
runoff plots followed the construction standard of bounded runoff plots used as a weighting factor for means and standard deviations calculated
created by Wischmeier and Smith (1978), with 22.1 m or similar values in this study (Anache et al., 2017; Cerdan et al., 2010; Guo et al., 2015)
being used for slope length. The slope gradient varied from 0 to 40°, (Eq. 1).
with a peak in PY at a slope gradient of 5 to 10°. The distribution of the m m

slope gradient provided a reference for the natural field conditions. A= ∑ Ai ni / ∑ ni

Croplands in natural field conditions are usually on gentle slopes i=1 i=1 (1)
(0–10°), while natural vegetation is generally situated on steeper slopes where A is the R or SL; Ai is the average R or SL for runoff plot i, and ni
(5–20°). is the PY for runoff plot i.
To obtain an overview of the effects of SCTs, all runoff plots with
2.2. Data analysis SCTs for which a paired runoff plot under local conventional techniques
existed (i.e., a runoff plot on the same measuring site with the same
We organized a database (Supplementary Table 1) containing the characteristics but with application of local conventional techniques
following information: land use types and SCTs; geographic co- instead of SCTs) were selected from the full runoff plot database and
ordinates; consistent units for slope gradient (percent rise), slope length grouped together in a separate subset (paired runoff plot database, PP).
and width (m), annual precipitation (P, mm·yr−1), R (mm·yr−1) and SL To quantify the effectiveness of SCTs, runoff ratios (RR; Eq. 2) and soil
(t·ha−1·yr−1); and monitoring period for each runoff plot treatment. loss ratios (SLR; Eq. 3) were calculated for all PPs in the database
There is a high degree of variability in the measured R and SL values (Maetens et al., 2012b).
from site to site due to different soil types, rainfall conditions, topo- RCT
RR =
graphy, land use types, SCTs and other factors. To analyze the magni- RCN (2)
tude and variability of R and SL in sheet and rill erosion around the
SLCN (3)

RCT is R measured on the runoff plot using conservation techniques,

RCN is R measured on the runoff plot using conventional practices, SLCT
is SL measured on the runoff plot using conservation techniques, and
SLCN is SL measured on the runoff plot using conventional practices.
Negative values of RR or SLR (RR < 1; SLR < 1) indicate a decline in
R or SL as a result of SCTs, whereas RR or SLR values close to one
(RR ≈ 1; RR ≈ 1) indicate little or no effect of the SCTs.

3. Results

3.1. Climate-induced differences in R and SL

To investigate the possible impacts of CZs on soil erosion under

different land use types around the world, runoff plot data were
Fig. 2. Distribution of the number of plot years over time (PL: number of plots). grouped according to CZ. The runoff plot data were initially categorized

M. Xiong, et al. Geoderma 343 (2019) 31–39

Fig. 4. Distribution of the studies for different land uses.

Table 1
Weighted mean and standard deviation (SD) for annual precipitation (P), annual runoff (R) and annual soil loss rate (SL) per land use type for all data, grouped per
climatic zone. Weighting is according to the square root of PY, PL: number of plots, PY: number of plot years, T: tropical CZ, Tm: temperate CZ, C: cold CZ, A: arid CZ.
Land use CZ P (mm·yr−1) Slope (%) Length (m) R (mm·yr−1) SL (t·ha−1·yr−1)

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD PL PY Mean SD PL PY Mean SD

Bare land T 1308 737 8.9 8 23.1 6 29 122 203 124.7 72 180 109.2 138.5
Tm 1120 448 19.7 18.4 23.1 19.8 71 305 219.4 193.8 126 571 108.2 189.5
C 669 185 13.1 9.3 15.5 9.7 15 60 131.7 67.1 52 317 54.1 69.4
A 351 153 20.9 16.2 16.7 8.9 25 80 40.3 72.9 29 96 10.6 28.3
All 861 549 16.1 15.6 19.5 15.5 108 567 93.8 205.5 235 1164 66.5 120.2
Cropland T 1044 506 8.2 7.5 34 18.4 115 399 124.7 89 177 559 41.8 90.4
Tm 1178 381 12.8 10.9 28.1 14.9 326 2363 116.9 137.1 433 4108 17.8 35.9
C 590 291 13.1 10.5 25.5 16.3 309 1722 77.8 81 422 2351 21.8 44.7
A 402 164 13.7 10 20.2 11.1 26 107 24.3 40.9 42 167 3.9 12.5
All 888 465 12.5 10.6 27.5 15.8 644 4589 58.4 110.4 869 7183 18.6 39.2
Orchard Tm 797 414 25.6 12.1 39.4 37.7 73 217 119.1 109.9 112 957 23.5 38.6
All 639 441 25.1 12.3 29.1 38.4 57 221 27.4 140.9 103 986 29.4 41.9
Grassland T 965 465 12.7 13.8 20.3 5.3 15 69 65 68.3 23 79 0.7 1.9
Tm 705 483 21.7 12.9 17.6 11 58 330 72.8 85 148 837 3.6 8.5
A 253 104 35 12.2 19 9.6 15 61 7.4 14.9 33 115 0.3 2.3
All 665 546 21.8 13.8 17.6 10.4 76 479 24.8 77.6 125 1079 2.7 7.6
Shrubland Tm 1079 516 25.6 20.3 19.2 2.9 42 65 37 37.7 42 65 0.3 0.7
A 317 108 25.9 11.6 16.9 14.7 68 163 19.7 52.2 74 180 0.7 1.7
All 573 481 23.2 14.7 16.3 11.6 62 272 24.9 46.6 75 311 0.6 1.4
Forest land T 1158 205 22.4 20.3 20.3 6.2 36 110 58.2 67 39 116 0.2 0.3
Tm 811 524 25.1 14.4 17.6 18.5 104 257 76.1 98.9 156 576 0.6 1.1
All 878 502 24.5 15.6 16.9 16.6 83 328 38.3 96.7 108 668 0.5 0.9

into 17 CZs according to the updated world Kopper-Geiger climate and 62.2% of PY), cold (24.6% of PL and 24.1% of PY) and tropical CZs
classification (Peel et al., 2007). However, as some CZs contained only a (16.4% of PL and 8.7% of PY). Only a few of the analyzed cases re-
few runoff plots, we grouped the 17 CZs into four CZs: tropical, arid, presented the arid CZ (9% of PL and 5 of PY), which implies that the
temperate and cold (Fig. 4). Large proportions of the analyzed runoff results for the other three CZs are more generalizable than those for the
plots were associated with the temperate (corresponding to 50% of PL arid CZ. There were few forest plots in the arid CZ; few forest, shrub and

M. Xiong, et al. Geoderma 343 (2019) 31–39

Fig. 5. Boxplots showing the range of (a) SL and (b) R per land use type and climate zone. SL: annual soil loss rate, R: annual runoff, T: tropical CZ, Tm: temperate CZ,
C: cold CZ, A: arid CZ.

orchard plots in the cold CZ, and few orchard plots in the tropical CZ significant for natural lands (p > 0.05, Fig. 6b). In general, the re-
(Fig. 4). Therefore, these land use types were not considered further in gressions of weighted mean P and R data revealed stronger correlations
this analysis. The weighted mean values and standard deviations of P, R than did those of weighted mean P and SL data. The strongest corre-
and SL are listed according to land use and CZs in Table 1. Furthermore, lations were generally observed between the weighted mean R and SL
we show the R and SL for each land use type per CZ (Fig. 5). for anthropogenically disturbed lands (p < 0.01); the R-SL relationship
Anthropogenically disturbed lands (bare lands, croplands and was not significant for natural lands (Fig. 6c). The R and SL values of
orchards) had higher SL and R values for each CZ (Fig. 5, Table 1). For anthropogenically disturbed lands were much higher than those of
bare land and cropland, the mean R and SL were significantly lower in natural lands (Fig. 6c).
the arid CZ than in the other three CZs, and the cold CZ had relative
high R and SL values (Fig. 5, Table 1). The mean SL and R of bare lands
3.3. Effectiveness of SCTs in reducing R and SL
were similar between the tropical (SL: 109.2 t·ha−1·yr−1; R:
203.0 mm·yr−1) and temperate CZs (SL: 108.2 t·ha−1·yr−1; R:
SCTs have been widely applied worldwide in cropland and orch-
219.4 mm·yr−1), which were much higher than the mean SL and R in
ards. The SCTs in cropland were mainly contouring, no-tillage, terra-
the cold CZ (SL: 54.1 t·ha−1·yr−1; R: 131.7 mm·yr−1). With respect to
cing, mulching, contour bunds, buffer strips and hedgerow planting.
cropland, the mean R was slightly greater in the tropical CZ
SCTs in orchards included buffer strips, terracing, and grass cover.
(124.7 mm·yr−1) than in the temperate CZ (116.9 mm·yr−1) and much
Fig. 7 shows the frequency distributions of R and SL for the runoff plots
greater than that in cold CZ (77.8 mm·yr−1). However, the mean SL in
where SCTs were applied and those where conventional practices were
the tropical CZ was the greatest (41.8 t·ha−1·yr−1), and the second
applied. Fig. 7a does not show any clear effect of SCTs on the ex-
greatest SL was in the cold CZ (21.8 t·ha−1·yr−1), both of which were
ceedance probability distribution of R. On the other hand, Fig. 7b shows
greater than the SL in the temperate CZ (17.8 t·ha−1·yr−1).
that the presence of a crop on the land significantly reduces the ex-
With respect to lands with natural vegetation (forestland, shrubland
ceedance probability of any given SL compared to that for bare plots,
and grassland), R and SL were significantly lower than that of the an-
while the application of SCTs further reduces the exceedance prob-
thropogenically disturbed lands in each CZ (Fig. 5, Table 1). Apart from
grasslands in the temperate CZ (SL: 3.6 t·ha−1·yr−1), there was no sig-
The observed exceedance probabilities correspond to the trend ob-
nificant difference in the SL values for runoff plots among different CZs
served in worldwide studies (Montgomery, 2007). Nevertheless, the
within a given land use type (SL < 1 t·ha−1·yr−1). The observed runoff
exceedance probability reduction of any given SL by SCTs application in
plots for grasslands included pasture plots, and the much higher mean
this study was generally smaller than the reductions observed by
SL in these plots was likely due to overgrazing (Guo et al., 2015;
Montgomery (2007). Montgomery (2007) reported that the exceedance
Maetens et al., 2012b). Furthermore, the similar SL values of natural
probability of a soil loss tolerance level (T-value) of 5 t·ha−1·yr−1 de-
lands indicate the important effect of vegetation in controlling SL.
creases by 75% when SCTs are applied compared to SL on cropland
without the use of SCTs (Table 2). However, in this study, a reduction of
3.2. Relationships among P, R and SL only 23% was observed. The larger effect of SCTs application on SL in
the global study (Montgomery, 2007) is because SL values on cropland
The weighted means and distributions of the P, SL and R data for the reported by Montgomery (2007) were generally much larger than those
different land use types in the different CZs are shown in Fig. 6 (for observed in this study (Table 2). This difference may be attributed to
details, see Table 1). The data were all fitted with a power function the fact that the data used in the study by Montgomery (2007) were
y = αxβ. The figure indicates that there is a general trend towards collected from other studies that used different methods, such as 137Cs
higher mean P with higher mean R for all land use types and that an- and field-scale investigations. In addition, the reported SL values from
thropogenically disturbed lands had higher R values than natural lands land where SCTs were applied were smaller in the global study by
but the similar P values (Fig. 6a). In addition, there was an increase in Montgomery (2007) than in this study (Table 2). This difference may be
SL with increasing P in runoff plots in anthropogenically disturbed attributed to the smaller number of runoff plots where SCTs were ap-
lands; in contrast, the regression of SL and P relationship was not plied in the study by Montgomery (2007) than in the present study,

M. Xiong, et al. Geoderma 343 (2019) 31–39

Fig. 6. Relationship between (a) P and R, (b) P and SL, and (c) SL and R using weighted mean value per land use type and climate zone. P: annual precipitation, SL:
annual soil loss rate, R: annual runoff.

such that there was a lower probability of observing extreme SL in that Guo et al., 2015; Montgomery, 2007). The R and SL of croplands were
study. well considered (Table 1); however, bare lands, orchards and degraded
Here, we further analyzed the effects of SCTs on croplands and grasslands also had high R and SL (Fig. 5, Table 1), suggesting the need
orchards (Table 3). SCTs on orchards resulted in the highest efficiency to perform more long-term measurement experiments on bare lands,
of soil loss and runoff reduction (SLR = 0.19, RR = 0.42), followed by orchards and degraded grasslands.
SCTs on cropland (SLR = 0.41, RR = 0.78). This indicates that SCTs on R and SL were significantly lower in the arid CZ than in the other
orchard and cropland significantly reduced both SL and R. In general, three CZs for anthropogenically disturbed lands (Fig. 5, Table 1). The
SCTs had a larger effect on SL than R for each category (Table 3). With significant differences were likely due to the lower P in arid CZs and the
respect to different climate zones, SCTs had significant effects on SL high rainfall erosivity in tropical and temperate CZs (Panagos et al.,
reduction in croplands across the CZs; the greatest reduction in SL was 2017), which contributes to high R and SL. P was much lower in the
noted for SCTs encompassing the temperate CZ (e.g., 67% for SL re- cold CZ than that in the tropical and temperate CZs, and the cold CZ
duction; Table 3). The investigated orchards were in the temperate CZ, had the lowest mean rainfall erosivity among the CZs (Panagos et al.,
wherein SCTs had significant effects on SL and R declines (e.g., 81% for 2017). In addition, relative to the other zones, the cold CZ had com-
SL reduction and 58% for R reduction). These results again indicate that paratively high R and SL. This result may be because soil water often
the application of SCTs was one primary cause of the lower SL for freezes in cold CZ (Peng et al., 2017); after the soil surface thaws, it is
croplands in temperate CZs. often saturated and becomes highly erodible (Gatto et al., 2001). These
conditions can generate runoff and erosion with little rainfall (Seyfried
and Flerchinger, 1994). The freeze-thaw process has significant influ-
4. Discussion
ences on soil erodibility (Wu et al., 2018) and runoff erosivity (Gatto
et al., 2001); it increases the potential for soil erosion and results in
4.1. Effects of land use and climate zone
high R and SL in cold regions (Maetens et al., 2012b; Weiß and Menzel,
This meta-analysis of worldwide runoff plot data allowed the rapid
Notably, differences among CZs involve more than only direct cli-
assessment of R and SL rates of different land use types in each climate
matic effects (Maetens et al., 2012b), as climate can affect soil prop-
zone. In general, anthropogenically disturbed lands tended to be asso-
erties that are associated with R and SL, such as soil permeability
ciated with higher rates of R and SL than did natural lands (Fig. 5,
(Shabani et al., 2014) and initial soil water content (Bissonnais and
Table 1). This finding generally agrees with those of previously pub-
Singer, 1992; Vermang et al., 2009). Apart from differences in rainfall
lished studies from other countries and continents (Anache et al., 2017;
erodibility (Panagos et al., 2017) and soil characteristics among CZs
Auerswald et al., 2009; Cerdan et al., 2010; García-Ruiz et al., 2015;

Fig. 7. Exceedance probability distributions of

(a) R and (b) SL for bare plots, agriculture plots
(croplands and orchards) without SCTs, plots on
land with natural vegetation (forestland,
shrubland, and grassland), and agriculture plots
with SCT application. For SL (T-values, i.e.,
5–12 t·ha−1·yr−1) as defined by Montgomery
(2007) is indicated in yellow. R: annual runoff,
SL: annual soil loss rate, PL: number of plots.
(For interpretation of the references to colour in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)

M. Xiong, et al. Geoderma 343 (2019) 31–39

Table 2
Exceedance probabilities of annual soil loss rate (SL) in conventional agriculture and conservation agriculture for the worldwide study by Montgomery (2007) and
worldwide plot study (this study), corresponding to two soil loss tolerance values (T). NA: not available. (See also Fig. 7a and b).
T = 5 (t·ha−1·yr−1) T = 12 (t·ha−1·yr−1)

World (Montgomery, 2007) World (this study) World (Montgomery, 2007) World (this study)

Conventional agriculture 85% 62% 62% 42%

Conservation agriculture 10% 39% NA 24%
Difference 75% 23% NA 18%

(Maetens et al., 2012b), variations in tillage patterns, such as variations were greater than the mean cropland SL in the temperate CZ (Fig. 5,
in tillage depth, SCT application and crop type in croplands and orch- Table 1). This result may have been related to the application of SCTs,
ards among CZs may account for the observed variability. many cropland plots in the temperate CZ were under SCTs, which were
more effective for SL reduction than in the tropical and cold CZs.
4.2. Effects of precipitation and vegetation Previous studies have reported that some types of the SCTs, such as
clean-tillage, become much less effective over time in reducing R but
For all land use types, there was a consistent trend towards higher R not SL (Maetens et al., 2012a; Tu et al., 2018). In addition, SCTs have
with increasing P; this trend was more pronounced for anthro- been reported to not only reduce R and SL but change the relationship
pogenically disturbed lands than for natural lands (Fig. 6). For an- between them (Tu et al., 2018). These observations may partially ex-
thropogenically disturbed lands, there was a trend of increasing SL with plain the diverse behaviors of R and SL in response to the application of
increasing P. Higher P is generally associated with higher R and SL SCTs. However, many environmental factors, such as slope gradient and
because it can increase soil moisture, soil sealing and crusting. These length (Zhang et al., 2018a), soil characteristics (Carpenter-Boggs et al.,
changes decrease infiltration capacity (Li and Fang, 2016), thereby 2016; Maetens et al., 2012a), vegetation cover (Cao et al., 2015;
facilitating runoff generation and resulting in increased erosivity Gessesse et al., 2015; Prosdocimi et al., 2016b) and rainfall type (Chen
(Maetens et al., 2012b). Higher rainfall erosivity in tropical and tem- et al., 2018; Panagos et al., 2017), can affect SCT efficiency. In addition,
perate CZs with high P (Panagos et al., 2017) results in stronger ero- the number of years of SCTs application (Maetens et al., 2012a; Zhang
sivity of a single event, which greatly contributes to water erosion. et al., 2018b) and the structure of SCTs (Chen et al., 2017) can affect
The behaviors of R and SL in response to precipitation in the dif- SCT efficiency. Due to a lack of detailed information one some of the
ferent land use types were diverse (Fig. 6). This was likely due to the above-mentioned factors in this study, many of the differences between
fact that vegetation conditions of natural lands are much better than R and SL in response to application of SCTs remain unexplained.
those of anthropogenically disturbed lands. While low R values in
natural lands can influence the relationship between R and SL, vege- 4.4. Limitations and future research directions
tation can positively affect soil properties and erodibility (Chen et al.,
2018; Gyssels et al., 2016; Palacio et al., 2014; Zhu et al., 2010) and USLE-based models are the models most commonly applied for
thereby reduce the impacts of R on SL. These phenomena indicate that erosion assessment, especially for assessment at large scales (Borrelli
the effects of vegetation on SL reduction are much stronger than those et al., 2017; Panagos et al., 2015d). This study provided a broad as-
on R reduction, as vegetation can not only increase the roughness of the sessment of sheet and rill erosion based on actual erosion rates on a
soil surface, which reduces the velocity of surface runoff (Li and Fang, global scale, and the results can be used to test whether the soil erosion
2016), but also decrease raindrop kinetic energy (Gimeno-García et al., rates estimated from models are within a realistic range. Among the six
2007; Li and Fang, 2016; Morgan, 2005), thereby resulting in R re- RUSLE/USLE input factors (Renard, 1997; Wischmeier and Smith,
duction (Keesstra et al., 2016; Ni et al., 2015). Additionally, a well- 1978), rainfall and runoff erosivity (R-factor) consider rainfall amount
developed network of plant root systems in natural lands can greatly and intensity (Panagos et al., 2015a), and soil erodibility (K-factor) is
enhance soil strength and improve soil structure through the addition of related to the crucial soil factors triggering erosion (Panagos et al.,
organic matter (Chen et al., 2018; Li et al., 2017). Accordingly, the 2012; Wang et al., 2013); typically, soil erodibility is calculated based
natural lands in this study exhibited much lower soil susceptibility to on the contents of sand, silt, clay and organic carbon (Panagos et al.,
erosion than did the disturbed lands. 2012; Shabani et al., 2014). The cover management factor (C-factor)
accounts for the effects of land cover, crop canopy and crop manage-
4.3. Effects of SCTs on R and SL ment on soil erosion (Panagos et al., 2015b), and the support practice
factor (P-factor) accounts for the effects of control practices on the re-
SCTs had significant positive effects on SL and R reduction and were duction of soil erosion, which is rarely considered in soil erosion
generally more effective at reducing SL than at reducing R (Table 3, modeling for large areas (Borrelli et al., 2017; Naipal et al., 2015;
Fig. 7). The mean SL values of croplands in the tropical and cold CZs Panagos et al., 2015c). The R, K and C factors are all related to climate,

Table 3
Frequency distribution and mean annual RR (Eq. (2)) and annual SLR (Eq. (3)) for SCTs included in the paired plot database. SCTs are ranked according to different
CZs. PL and PY of plots are those with SCTs. PL: number of plots, PY: number of plot years.
Land use Climate zone Countries SLR RR

PL(PY) Mean SD PL(PY) Mean SD

Cropland Tropical Brazil, Venezuela, India, Philippines, Tanzania 96(297) 0.49 0.57 75(240) 0.66 0.35
Temperate Brazil, China, France, Netherlands, USA, Viet Nam 145(770) 0.33 0.37 127(730) 0.8 0.85
Cold Austria, China, Germany, Norway, Spain, USA 137(432) 0.42 0.32 120(338) 0.59 0.36
Arid Spain 12(53) 0.48 0.35 4(21) 1.11 0.93
Orchard Temperate China, Italy 51(127) 0.19 0.24 34(68) 0.42 0.29

M. Xiong, et al. Geoderma 343 (2019) 31–39

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et al., 2017). Furthermore, SCTs had significant positive effects on European scale: towards harmonization and reproducibility. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst.
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