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Mishaella H.



Activity 4: Critique Paper

“Women’s struggles go beyond stilettos”

By: Anna Cristina Tuazon

The article titled “Women’s struggles go beyond stilettos” by Anna Cristina Tuazon
published on 07 March 2024. Celebrating women should go beyond trying on their
stilettos. Listening to their experiences and making space for their voices to be heard
and their needs to be addressed can go much further. The author’s main point is a
celebrating the National Women’s Month was first proclaimed in 1988 by our first
female president, President Cory Aquino, as a way of emphasizing the role of Filipino
women toward our national independence as well, the findings in this article was the
PRO is organized a similar race last year and received the same backlash. The agency’s
trying to put themselves in literally in women shoes.

The main point in this article was celebrating a women’s month of a whole month of
march, argument presented was women are having an abusive and violent marriages, in
our country, some women don’t have enough money to file an annulment to their
abusive and a violent marriage. Finding out on this article was Filipino girls continue to
be subjected to exploitation, in the country who has the first ranking in cybersex crimes
against children and the fourth ranking when it comes to the higher number of
prostituted children. Filipino woman experiences a low labor force a participation at
45.96 percent in 2022. The development on this article is women earn 18.4 percent less
than men when it come to the digital jobs.

Back then the weakness is the given them the benefit of ignorance at this point they did
not consider last year’s criticism that misguided at best and misogynistic at worst. Many
people the weakness is the harassment and a violence that they cause a depression on
the mental health issue that all women experience the violence and a harassment. The
strength of women now they know their rights as a woman, and they don't just see
themselves as women. They can file a case for those who did not respect them, men
who do a cat calling to those women who wearing what they want to wear, and they are
comfortable to wear.

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