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How We Each Learn Best

Sayfa 46-47
Before you Listen
You are about to listen to this unit's lecture on multiple intelligences. What do you think the term
multiple intelligences means?

Listen for Main Ideas

A. Close your book. Listen to the lecture and take notes.
B. Use your notes. Decide if the statements are T (true) or F (false), according to the lecture.
Correct the false statements.
— 1. Psychologists know IQ tests are the best way to accurately measure intelligence.
— 2. Dr. Gardner and others think of "an intelligence" as a strength a person has.
— 3. People are all different. We all have different intelligences
— 4. A good teacher emphasizes verbal and mathematical intelligences because they are the most
— 5. Teachers who accept the theory of multiple intelligences use a variety of teaching techniques.
— 6. A written test is the best way for students to show that they understand a lesson.

Listen for Details

A. Close your book. Listen to the lecture again. Add details to your notes and correct any
B. Use your notes. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each idea, based on the
1. Having “intelligence” means _________________.
a. having a good education b. being smart c. having a strong ability in an area
2. A score of ____________ on an intelligence test is average.
a. 130 b. 100 c. 113
3. One factor that can affect someone's IQ test score is ______________.
a. musical ability b. cultural background c. height
4. Someone who uses logic to solve problems has strong _______________ intelligence.
a. artistic b. verbal c. mathmatical
5. When Ken watches movies, he pays more attention to the soundtrack than to what the actors say.
He seems to have stronger ____________ intelligence than ____________ intelligence.
a. musical / verbal b. verbal / musical c. kinesthetic / verbal
6. Someone with strong spatial intelligence would be good at _____________.
a. learning a new language b. reading a map c. doing something hands-on
7. Daniel is a good group leader. He works well with his classmates. He has strong ___________
a. kinesthetic b. interpersonal c. intrapersonal
8. Intrapersonal intelligence is directed toward ___________________
a. the group b. the classroom c. oneself
9. When Mrs. Sanchez has her students go outside and walk around, she is having them use
_____________ intelligence.
a. artistic b. kinesthetic c. spatial
10. To assess her students, Mrs. Sanchez lets them choose any option they want as long as
it is ______________
a. written clearly b. drawn well c. about what she taught

Contemporary Topics 2 Academic Listening and Note-taking Skills by Ellen Kisslinger

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