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cross the enterprise. The (ouch ar onion see uppeesn). ‘peraions ger procesing seem vay to stare data oily organi table that are interrelated” DBMS xo compute: comping plato (hardware, mae, pplications and databases. Aetrok:A dit pth int facie commento ag vavioes networked devi aT ToCsazEPAN ToT Paseo Storage array: A evo that tors data erste for ubsguen we. The storage aa, er ‘eet the ad or write requ om thot, performs the nes operators a tre the dha ca pysal dks ‘nine operation ofa cnter crcl othe mri nd asco of bins is necessary to he 8 reliable infrastructure tht ensures ata accessibe at all mes ‘While the requirements ar applicable leaner of the data cent tractor, ou fc ivailbitis AIL datacenter cements shoukd be designed to emure accent. The {nay of wer to aces dna can hve a spain epatve pact ons bins. formation mst be etalshed Io aditon tothe ssanty Imcueres for chentacceve, specie mechanics mit enable eres t acest nly thet 5. Seuabtie Daa comer operons shuld be able to allocate addtional procesing {apables or storage on demand, without Interrpting business operations Buses 4 Performance: Al he core slements ofthe ats cent shoul be able to prove optimal Performance aad service all processing requests at highspeed. The iaasuctureshould be theo sano prfrancs requirement 5 Deu integri Dat itegrty ees o mechanisms suchas mor coection codes pity is Sebichcnrre tht data writen to dik exactly x It wae received. Any varaon i ats “hing it rice imple corpton, which nya the operat of he ogi, Wee ween tualization ie ‘Clowd Computing ‘The National Institute of Standards defines loWd computing as “enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (6.4 networks, servers, storage, applications, and services)” To be a 16d, NIST has determined it must have the following five essential characteristics: * On-demand self-service: A consumer can unilaterally provision computing capabilites, sue as server time and network storage * Broad nenvork access: Capabilities are available over the network thr clients and devices, + Resource pooling: The provider"s computing resources are pooled to serve numerous consumers using a multi-tenant model © Rapid elasticity: Users can add ot reduce capacity through software + Measured service: Automatic control and optimization of resources detailing who is using what and how much, igh multiple ‘thou those ive estemalchaactersts, is tecoically not «ed ‘The élatidd model is classified on the basis of service and deployment of claw’. ‘Cod comprised of three service models: ‘© Software as a Service (SaaS): The consumer can use the provider"s applications ‘unning on a eloud infrastructure. ‘© Platform as a Service (PaaS): The consumer can deploy on the lat infrastructure, applications created using programming languages, libraries, services of tools supported by the provider © Infrastructure as a Service (laaS): The consumer can provision processing, storage, networks, and other computer resources to deploy and run arbitrary software There are four deployment models ofthe elowd: > Private Clow: The éloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a single ‘organization comprising multiple consumers. KIT/CSE/ 16CS822/¥1/5) AREA NETWORKS (ACSI) Page? > Community Ctotd: The C6Ud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a specific community of consumers from organizations that have shared concems (6, mission, seeurity requirements, policy, and compliance considerations). > Public Clow: ‘The Cowd infrastructure is provisioned for pen use by the general Public. It may be owned, managed, and operated by a business, academic, or government ‘organization, > Hybrid Claud: The SloWd infrastructure is a composition of two or more distinct eaud infrastructures (private, community, or public). Virtualization vs @lowd Computi virtualization is not loud computing. It is, however, a fundamental technology that makes ¢loud computing work. While cloud computing and virtualization rely on similar models and principles, they are intrinsically different. Simply put, virtualization can make one resource act like many, while clowd computing lets different users access a single pool of resources. With virtualization, a single physical server can become multiple virtual machines, which are essentially isolated pieces of hardware with plenty of processing, memory, storage, and network capacit For smaller companies, oud computing is easier and more cost-effective to ii Resources are accessed via the Internet rather than added to the network. mplement. Many small businesses are turning to the loud for applications such as customer relationship management (CRM), hosted voice over IP (VoIP) or off-site storage. The cost of using the Goud is much lower than implementing virtualization. @lotd computing also offers easier installation of applications and hardware, access to software . In virtualization each virtual machine can run independently while sharing the resources of a single host machine because they"ve been loaded into hypervisors. Hypervisors, also known as the abstraction layer, are used to separate physical resources from their virtual environments. Once resources are pooled together, they can be divided across many virtual environments as needed. KIT/CSE/ 18CS822/M1/B} STORAGE AREA NETWORKS (188822) Page 10 For some businesses, virtuali different ways: mn is the smarter choice and can save money in several * Adding many guests to one house maximizes resources, which means the business needs fewer servers. This cuts down on operational costs. + Fewer servers mean fewer people to look after and manage servers. This helps to consolidate management, thereby reducing costs. © Virtualization also adds another layer of protection for business continuity, since virtual machines will limit the damage to itself. Co een Lyd and videos, and scores of other applications. Equipped with a growing number of content senerating devices, more information is being ereated by individuals than by businesses. Evolution of Storage Architecture: The ev and cate of deployment tha they offer rade it posible for busines unis departments to have their own servers and sora Historically, organizations had centralized computers (mainframe) and information storage devices (tape reels and disk packs) in their data center, Server-centrie storage architecture: In catlcr implementations of open systems, the storage was typically intemal to the server. This approach i teferred oss server-centre storage architecture Inthis servercentric storage architecture, each server has a limited numberof storage devices, and any administrative tak, such as maintenance of the server or increasing storage apocity, might result in unavailability of information ‘The rapid increase inthe number of departmental Servers in an enterprise resulted in unprotected, unmanaged, fragmented islands of information and inereated capital ane operating expenses. To overcome these challenges, storage evolved from server-centric to informal architecture, Information-centric architecture: In information-cetrc architecture, storage deviees ae manuged centrally and independent of These contrally-managed storage devices are shared with multiple servers. When a new server is deployed in the environment, storage i assigned from the same shared storage devices to that The eapaeity of shared storage can be increased dyn devices without impacting information aailbility Tn this architecture, information managements ensler and cost-effective. Storage technology and architecture continis to evolve, which enables organizations to cally by adding more storage ITyese7 1ecs822/80/5) STORAGE AREA NETWORKS (CSD Page Eon) ChatGPT 3.5 CO eC ena s Cas Con RR SCN Cena re tL DNS cae eee aco) REO Cee ee eS RET ACE Uc eae eee ee ee eR PERC te CM ec ee ne Ree Re RC ued Reeser Ts Acie en eee eee Cee a Ser eae AT ane Cee Ree re ene Rac Tee UG Reece AC) PN Recuus Oe RSC Ce rece ET Se ORI SR RCS aun Be Nene CaaS MSO Cant) manage and configure the storage resources within the ORE cet MCU ARC Percent ae a rts BN eC ear tRS Con en SMe ee Re ICT Cee ORR Te RR Red Cet Cue eC ecu Semen caus eee OR RU Rs Renu Ce availability and protect against hardware failures De Sa tae aL ey Cee eu ee ca ame Mecca ROR CE Reco COMIN MCCUE Ter Tara in onsets Rie Re nee ae eu ea RCE S et Sn Rn cece) COU Cukor = — Bxample of an online order transaction syster, ‘Key characterises for Data Center Elements; Uninteruped operation of data centers eritical to the survival and success of a business lei necesnry to have rollale lafrastractre that ensures date le accessible at all dimes. ‘While te rectirements, ae applicable to all elements of the dat centre ifrastuctre, oar foes bate ton rage ater ‘Availity: All data center clemsents should be designed to cxsure accessibility. The ibility of user to ccese dats can have a Sgficantnegnlive impact om 3 Busines 2 Secu: Polies, procedures and proper integration ofthe datacenter core cleats that will prevent auauthorized acces 1 aformation must be established. ln aon to ch security Feaures for elit neces, specific reechanars taint enable servers to access only thee nllocsted resourses on storage arrays. 3 Sealabitiy: Dam comer operaticns stould be able w alleate additional procesing ‘capabilites oF storage on demand, without interrupting business operations. Business tromth often reques depoving more servers, new applications, and atonal databases. The Momagesolatioe should beable fo grow With the busines, 4 Performance: All the coe clemetts of the data centr shouldbe able te provide optimal Performance and service all precessing requests at high speed. The inrastructae shold he hl to support perfomance requirement, $ Data tegrty: Daa irtegty refers to mechaaiss such as err comrcton cade or patty bts ‘which ensure that data fe written to disk exactly av it wae received, Any varation in dota ‘luring ts reueval implies coruptin, which may affect te operations of the orzaneatio, yest) SIDI Ay TC romncr AMA METWORKG CAE Page ‘Copaciyy: Data center operations require adequate retources to store and process large ‘mounts of data eficienl, Wen capacity requirement increas, the data center must be ale lee ately thot erupting saab th Yr es th ina isruption, Capacity may be musaged by reallocation of existing resources, rather than by adling ew 7 Menaeniliy: A dota center should perform all operations and activities in the most cificient manner. Manageability can be achieved though automation and the reduction of Juuman (mania) intervention in commen tasks. Data Integrity Scalability Tyee mee Tomar Ata SVC Tat Vitel ot Corti ccurtions on deed ectverh eect «herd poo! of eafgiabic ommpeting rtvrcet Ondemandwfserce: conser cm uniter oven cmpating coals, Broad etvork acces. Copal are sible over the sewod tough mise Rapa eto esata er edie apatite elo model olesie onthe ai servce ad dpe fc 4+ Infoaerctare 8 0 Senie (aa: The conse: ean evs pacing TAS) ETAT Somaru > ie Clout: The sous usm prose for epen ey the general Pable'myhe ne map apd eer ya snes meen perme > yield Cl: The oad infiertie compostion of tw or ware ic lad Vieuaanen 99 Cad Competing sain is vt soul sormpaing 1 in however, «fandamental technology that sakes cond computeg work. Wale cud company sd vimentin ‘ele pcos ty we thal fen Sippy pu vetaizaion cam make one resource act ke many, whe cod glee dicot were corona of rereer ‘Wit vrtaeton nigh pnscl server con been ete vit Ste CECE OR cer PL REL Fig 1.6: Kes characteris of da center elements work nd making them appear 2s logical sources > Vinwalization hs existed inthe industry sever year andi i fviation are viral memory used on compete sytems and mon examples arivoning ofr disks > Virualizstion enables pookng of phys resourses and providing an agua view of he phgscal source capabilities. Fa example. storage vintalization enables multe pooled ge devices to appara single age Morne erty > Simitaly, by using compuie vinaliaton, the CPU capuity ofthe pote physical servers 1 CPUS in mee canbe viewed athe agaesutio o ie power o en), > Virwalization lo enables centazed managemen’ of pooled rsoirex > Vinwal resources cat be routed end provisioned from the pooled physical recurs, Fa cumple viral dik ofa given capacity can be ecto rom a torage pl or a vital server wit pee CPU power and memory canbe configured from a comput poo, > These vin sources share pooled physical resources, wich improves the atizaion of physical IF resources > Boot op busises rxuiemeats, capacity can be aed or removed foes the viral resourees without any dseupcn io apis aus. > Wih improved ilization of FT ass, orgutiraions sve the costs asec maragement ot now physieal sources, Morey fw physical ro which I ‘LS Cloud Computi o ase Tes 4 «service ovr the > Clout computing enubles individ or busines eno > uprovides highly scalable and eibe computing that exales provisioning of resouresson man rts Module ‘Storage Area Ne > Users can sale up of scale down the demand of camping resources, including storage opacity, with minimal management effort or ervie rover ntti. > Cloud carpating empowers iclfservice rpesing trovgh w fully automated rest Fertig p > Clout comoutine enables consumotion-ssed meteane: terefre. consumers a8 oa for & a a G = POF Tootbit Share Save pen with Print Ste CERO R cer PL REL > Based on business raqurements, capacity can e aed 9 oF removed from the Vira resources without any ieupien to aplication aru. > Wis improved uit of TT sss, orgtnizations sve the coats asocied mummgement ‘of now physical esouces. Morave, fewer physical resources es space and energy hich leads to Mater economic an geen contig. 445 Cloud Computing > Clos computing ents individ cr business tose TPrescures a service oer the rework > pred highly scalable und Meibe computing ut exshlespoviiening of resoeceton ngs Area Networks Mod > Users can sale up of scale down the demand of computing sources, inating storage mal management efor or service provider imeraton. > Clout computing empovers selfservice questing thmugh a fully suiomated request Felines process. > Cloud comp ing enables ington tad mete: therefore mers pay aly for th resources they ese, such es CPU hours wed amount of dts ransered, and gigabytes of > Cloué instructors is ull bul upon virualized dit centers, which providerescur pocing wd spied proviionag fies L6 Key Data center Elements, 2 Anulicaton A eppicaton i a Gepote opus bat prove efor ceaptingepetions > ‘The application sends regents (0 the umlelying operating synem wo pesform reabvite (GW) operations onthe tragedies, 2 Aplictions deployed im» cemerenvimarient ae cmon ciegorze os business srlictions, if dractre amomert_applicaiondat,pretecton applications, and scour oppications > Some examples of thee spplictions are email enterprive resource planning (ERP on suport system (DSS), resource management, backup, autenticatie and antivirus pplication, aso cn 122. DEMS > Adatatus ica severed way io soe dat in giealy organized les hat ae inetlate, > ABMS controls he eesti, sintenance ad eof» datahaie 4123 Moston Commute > The commuter which splcaios run ae referred tos hots Hosts can range fom simple laptop to comple ctr of seve & a a & = POF Toolbit Share Save Open with Print Serre € (1.54 MB) Lec_M1_-1.1 pif @2a Bs» Storage Technology and Architecture Evolution E Data Con dha cots 0 prove entralza dit processing capaiies toplicotion: An aplienion ea serpterroram thst provides the lagi fo camping perations oer rocensing syne uadase: More commonly, a dusts munagemet syst (DBMS) proves x structured ma racy organon tale hat are ioterrlated, A DBMS pins the ‘pptentans and database. sonrware) trams G 1.0) Newark: A data pa tat faite ren metered devices Ssorage arrays & ws at prt or ensue wu, The sme army, fet thts en physical dst. <> & a Ls B = POF Toolkit Share Save Open with Print EL) € (1.54 MB) Lec_M1_-1.1 pif @2 Bs» td video, and sores of eter appiations. Equip witha growing numberof conte. fmeraing dcvices, more information iting eet by ives tha by basineses “The evolition fap ystems andthe fTerdaity and ease of deployment ta they er made it pone Toba niedqurert toh hit own servers at or Nari crgniations had eric computes (maar) an nfrmation sage descend ek pac) inthe decor neal implantation of open rn te semge ws typically inet the serie. This preach feed tas servercenrc Norge architecture Inthe srvorcnrs storage rites, each ever has imited umber of storage devices and any abnintave tas nach an onmcanace othe server creasing sore "ety, mg rt mura bho fermion The midis i te mre f dearest ssvesin a ener ein wept, unmanaged ragrented ance af normstion and inert rail ae operatigerpese srchectere se challenges Marageeobed from servercetee fermation-centi architecture: 11 nfrmstn-cxtnowehitccure, sore devices are managed centrally and independent of Tse centaly:-anage storage isdeployd nthe eon The espaciy of shared be increased namical by adiog more storage tevin sata npg iloraion wade Ins whitecur, formation maagemea is ear and ese-tetive ‘Stage lestnagy ond echt conte evolve, whch enble cepanianins to csr shared with aulpleservers Whet anew server is esnigned fon th same shased rage visto ayer cmp | NN Nl awe ts their dia t achive the ighes reurn on & a i B = POF Toolkit Shore Save Open with Print a er Fetorerel MeeVee ee Te a a a} Fe es OOOO GeeksforGeeks ieee a Reree ee ea moe en CaN) ia Nee ogee Mee CoCo en Ue ST ICV REESE eur nca People also ask MRS ea So coc er) network? There are three essential components of SAN: Pees cies Meunier Me Consent elon Ren orton node ports, storage arrays, cabling, interconnecting Cove eS suaeoatcicy 30 Nov 2022 What Is SAN (Storage Area Network)? Meaning, Features, Eire RU tLe Ces eet EET) Nera oS What are the components of FC SAN? What is the structure of SAN? Which components make up the back end of a ON MW Seat West steal tea ete tera PA 11 Wie] km Dlolersy Eo [2] Updated on 05/31/2019 Selected product version VMware Smart Assurance 10.112 v A SAN consists of the following components: * SAN switches — SAN switches connect both servers and storage devices. Their functions include: Providing connection points for SAN fabric in the SAN. Providing capabilities to match the number of host SAN connections to the number of connections provided by the storage array. © Providing path redundancy, in the event of a path failure, from host server to switch or from storage array to switch. * SAN fabric — It is the hardware that connects hosts and servers to the storage systems in a SAN using the Fibre Channel protocol * Multiple fabrics may be interconnected in a single SAN, and even a simple SAN may be composed of two fabrics for redundancy. * Connections — Host servers and storage systems are connected to the SAN fabric through ports in the fabric, © Host Bus Adapter (HBA) — allows a host to connect to a fabric port. Controllers — allows the storage devices to connect to fabric ports. * PhysicalDisk — A physical array. PA 11 Wie] km Dlolersy Eo + Connections — Host servers and storage systems are connected to the SAN fabric through ports in the fabric. Host Bus Adapter (HBA) — allows a host to connect to a fabric port. Controllers — allows the storage devices to connect to fabric ports. + PhysicalDisk — A physical disk is a disk in a storage array. * SparePhysicalDisk — A spare physical disk in a storage array. + RAIDGroup — Logical groups of multiple physical disks. Depending on your deployment, one or more EMC M&R SolutionPacks are required if you want Server Manager to discovery and monitor storage physical components and to perform detailed SAN correlation “EMC M&R deployment components” on page 28 provides a list of SolutionPacks. The SolutionPacks associate the physical components with the logical components. If you do not use the SolutionPacks in your deployment, Server Manager discovers and monitors the objects that the vCenter API discovers: The Host bus adapter (HBA), ScsiPath, ScsiLun, and VMware Datastore. A typical Storage Area Network along with its components are shown in Storage Area Network and its components. Storage Area Network and its components ° esx Ex Sener conse OR

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