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Cosmogénèse kamite tome 1 pdf

Cosmogénèse kamite.

Author: NOUSS © RES KALALA OMOTUND Name: Cosmogén à Kamite Collection: Volume 1 No. ISBN: 979-10-95097-00-6 Pages: 192 Price: 18 euros Format: 22 x 14.5 cm Notes on the book: Those, They believe that the myths of our African ancestors are not compatible with the term "modernity".
More than 3000 years before the Bible, our ancestors wrote the first monotheistic texts in the history of mankind, which undoubtedly served as guidelines for the last authors of the Semitic texts. This has already been recognized by many specialists. sododujutugaro The sacred texts of our ancestors finally show their spiritual vision, which is really
mysterious (so they call the myth), but completely new because it is essentially a conscious scientific stage. By reading her revelation texts about the origin of life, we find that he came from a single god and that during the formation of the universe in front of the order was a powerful chaos.

As a result, the book that the author calls today and whose wonderful evidence is always the imperial African initiators will remain forever.B'Auteur: Nioous \ xa9r \ xc3 \ xaa kalala omotunde Title: cosmog \ xc3 \ xa9n \ xc3 \ xa8se Kamite Condition: Volume 1 N \ xc2 \ xb0 ISBN: 979-10-95097-00 00 192 Price: 18 Euros Format : 22 x 14.5 cm Notes to
work: Some of us believe that the myths of our African ANC \ XC3 \ Xaatris with the concept \ XC2 \ XAB Modernit \ XC3 \ Xa9 \ XBB, he would not be compatible, it would not be compatible . Read this work. During the next 3000 years before the Bible, our ANC \ XC3 \ XaatRes R \ Xa9Dig \ XC3 \ Xa9 XC3 \ XC3 \ Xa9Soda \ xc3 \ xa9soda \ xc3 \
xa9SODA \ xc3 \ xc3 \ xa9soda · Xa9m ititika. This is a lot of sp \ xc3 \ xa9celization I have d \ xc3 \ xa9j \ xc3 \ xa0 AVOU \ xc3 \ xa9. The sacred texts of our old \ xc3 \ xaatres, which we gave in their spiritual vision, must have been expressed by myst \ xc3 \ xa8re (or myths). cinapijuzo But we fully said \ xc3 \ xa9 because the DNA floor in voluntary
scientific XC3 March \ xa9. So read your texts r \ xc3 \ xa9v \ xc3 \ xa9anie about the origin of life \ xe2 \ x80 \ x99, a d \ xc3 \ xa9cre that this \ xc3 \ xa9mane d \ x80 \ x99 one and that; In the case of Cons \ XC3 \ XA9que, it seemed an essential understanding of how the order \ xe2 \ x80 \ x99 \ xc3 \ xa9 achieved the triumph \ xc3 \ xa0 z d \ xc3 \
xa9sord \ XC3 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ xa9or work \ xc3 \ xa9 aimed to achieve this terrible result and give a chance to live.

Read this work. During the next 3000 years before the Bible, our ANC \ XC3 \ XaatRes R \ Xa9Dig \ XC3 \ Xa9 XC3 \ XC3 \ Xa9Soda \ xc3 \ xa9soda \ xc3 \ xa9SODA \ xc3 \ xc3 \ xa9soda · Xa9m ititika. This is a lot of sp \ xc3 \ xa9celization I have d \ xc3 \ xa9j \ xc3 \ xa0 AVOU \ xc3 \ xa9. The sacred texts of our old \ xc3 \ xaatres, which we gave in their
spiritual vision, must have been expressed by myst \ xc3 \ xa8re (or myths). But we fully said \ xc3 \ xa9 because the DNA floor in voluntary scientific XC3 March \ xa9. So read your texts r \ xc3 \ xa9v \ xc3 \ xa9anie about the origin of life \ xe2 \ x80 \ x99, a d \ xc3 \ xa9cre that this \ xc3 \ xa9mane d \ x80 \ x99 one and that; In the case of Cons \ XC3 \
XA9que, it seemed an essential understanding of how the order \ xe2 \ x80 \ x99 \ xc3 \ xa9 achieved the triumph \ xc3 \ xa0 z d \ xc3 \ xa9sord \ XC3 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ xa9or work \ xc3 \ xa9 aimed to achieve this terrible result and give a chance to live. Since c \ xc5 \ x93Ur de l \ x80 \ x99homme \ xc3 \ xa9tant si \ xa8ge d \ xe2 \ x99 constant conflict
between \ xe2 \ x80 \ xc3 \ xa2t) and d \ xc3 and d \ xc3 and d \ xa2t) and d \ xc3 and d \ xc3 and d \ xc3 and d \ d \ xc3 and d \ xc3 and d \ xc3 and d -d -and \ Xc3 and d \ xa9sord (ISEFET), study the activated enormous wisdom ability \ xc3 \ xa0l\xe2\x80\x99mmOmotunde. So Professor Omot and Family Lessons. Book: Anyone who believed that African
spirituality is incompatible with the concept of "modernity" will have to change their opinion. More than 3,000 years before the Bible, our old people wrote the first human sacred texts in the history of humanity. This is a spiritual vision of the mysteries, which, however, is rather unlikely due to its deep scientific orientation. For example, at the
beginning of life in our holy book (there it is called ") that it is God, but above all the universe received mighty chaos." Accordingly, they seemed to understand how useful the order was. The community, the cafes, had to say how the criteria managed to create this huge rose and thus enable life. Man is therefore a constant conflict between order
(cruelty) and one (isefet). It was found that the field of great wisdom that could enable people to overcome the same definition.; Cafés are that they are cosmotopic, remarkable, spiritual, to which I invite you today and remain wonderful breasts of the initiative. Author: African Carrier in History, founder of the Paris Africamama Institute, founder of
the Lâter von Aoyoire Anyjart, Gvadenepepepe, without the forgetfulness that he already encouraged Omolendae at the Akeh Institute, Martinique, Niosissic preparation. He fights against the black African sauce of the intellectual history of mankind. ||| |. ||| 979-1095097006De df umiger] Cosmogenes en ligne [ã kachpperese cogenes] de livre france
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